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SoL 1x1 with Kitsune and Dynamo Pad


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"Oh, well he is a silversmith in Manehattan. He crafts beautiful pieces for the local theater and also sells some pieces in his shop. He makes smaller pieces as well, for the actors to wear, and for selling such as rings, necklaces, bracelets and such." She smiles as she recalls the memories of her browsing his shop looking at all of the beautiful pieces and hoping that one day she would be able to afford one, if she could find just the right one that is. 

Dynamo's eyes widen slightly and whistles in fascination. "That sounds pretty amazing. I haven't been to Manehatten before, but it sounds like a place to stop at. He must get a lot of credibility from the actors who wear his jewelry." He closes his eyes and rubs a hand under his chin. "I wonder if he would be able to make a big prop. I do like to dress up and cosplay, so it is a thought to look into." He recalled running into a silversmith at a convention back in Fillydelphia, but shook his head at the thought of meeting Sasha without realizing it. It seemed to far fetched for the blue unicorn.

She blushed as she thought about going to the party with him. It is different than just showing up to a party, but going back to his house with him...together... she hopes that her red fur will not let on that she is blushing before she answers. "Uhm... sure, I think it would be fun to go to the party. And don't worry, it won't last too long, you will have lots of time for sleep." She smiles.

He smiles at her response, but felt that her face had brightened up slightly. "Are you okay, Kitsune? Your face is glowing somewhat. Are you blushing, or are you feeling a little flustered or warm?" He asks in concern. "That sounds like a plan. I guess I left at a good time if the pink pony was going to set up. I don't know why, but it sounds like her parties could go on for days on end, or something along those lines." He chuckles with a grin.

"Not really a ninja, but she does follow you around a bit just to get to see what you are doing before bombarding you in your home." She laughed. "My party was simple, just a cake and some snacks and drinks. My parents were there and most of the town showed up. It was a great way to meet all of the ponies, and they were aware that I was a fox before coming over so they were accepting at least of that fact, some ponies... like Cheap Shot... didn't show up. But that is in the past." She explains. 

He nods as realization had dawned on him. "Now that makes a lot of sense. I don't know why, but I felt like I was being watched yesterday. I could imagine a big video game party marathon." He laughs and smiles at the thought. "I'm glad everypony was accepting of you. I'm glad Cheap didn't show up. He would have tried to ruin the party anyway. It would have been rude and disrespectful to you and the pink pony." He says while shaking his head.

Kitsune giggles and moves to the TV, she taps a button on a small black box and it pops open. "There ya go." She makes her way back to the couch and waits for him to sit down.

"Thank you very much." He nods appreciatively as he places the disc into the slot. After the disc went into the small black box, he walks over and sits down on the open space of the couch. He notices the remote and hands it to her. "There you go. I don't want to click a button that I don't know on the remote. Just watch. I click a button and we'll get a change in dub, or skip scenes on accident." He chuckles as he sits back to make himself feel comfortable. 



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@Dynamo Pad

He smiles at her response, but felt that her face had brightened up slightly. "Are you okay, Kitsune? Your face is glowing somewhat. Are you blushing, or are you feeling a little flustered or warm?" He asks in concern. "That sounds like a plan. I guess I left at a good time if the pink pony was going to set up. I don't know why, but it sounds like her parties could go on for days on end, or something along those lines." He chuckles with a grin.

She blushed even harder trying to look away and make it less obvious that she was embarrassed at this point. "uuuhha, yeah... everything is fine." She takes a few slow deep breaths to help slow her heartbeat and she continues to get comfortable in the couch.

"Thank you very much." He nods appreciatively as he places the disc into the slot. After the disc went into the small black box, he walks over and sits down on the open space of the couch. He notices the remote and hands it to her. "There you go. I don't want to click a button that I don't know on the remote. Just watch. I click a button and we'll get a change in dub, or skip scenes on accident." He chuckles as he sits back to make himself feel comfortable. 

She takes the remote and starts clicking away, she starts the first episode and tries really hard not to mention anything about the show. Wanting to pretend that she gets excited at the parts that are exciting. She knew that she probably couldn't pull off pretending for too long, but at least for now she wanted to be kind. And... after all, she could watch it over and over again! "This is going to be great!" 

She feels the couch compress as she see's Dynamo sit back. Her heart starts to race again. She couldn't explain why. As the episode began to play she catches herself slowly edging closer to Dynamo. Something deep inside her just wanted to be close. She was nervous though, it only being a couple days, and she wasn't even sure if he had a girlfriend or not. She didn't want to step outside her bounds and possibly ruin a perfectly good friendship like she almost did with Sasha. 


Sasha and Kitsune start the long walk back to Kitsune's apartment building. Sasha didn't live too far away and he found it to be the nice pony thing to do. After all they had been friends for a good while now. Giggling and bantering back and forth the two finally ended up at Kitsune's place. 

"Hey, why not come up and have a cup of tea before you head home. It's the least I can do for you ALWAYS walking me home." Kitsune smiles at him.

"Sure, that would be great, not like I have to be up early tomorrow. I have the next week off from work! We should get together when you have some time and we can go on a hike or something." He says as they make their way up the stairs to her 2nd floor studio.

She unlocks the door and she flips on the lights. "Make yourself at home." She smiles at him and her heart starts to race. She makes her way to the kitchen to put on the kettle. Grabbing a couple mugs and a bag of cookies from the pantry. 

"Ya know, it's been what? 6 months since you caught me crying outside your shop?" She shouts from the kitchen.

"Yeah, that's about right, I was your knight in shining armor taking care of you! And look at me now, still doing it!" Sasha chuckled. 

She brought the tea and plate of cookies out to the little living room area that she had. "Here is to an awesome friendship, one that will last for many moons!" She raises her glass. 

"More than you may think!" Sasha raises his. 

They chat into the night and Sasha finally realizes it is probably a good time to head back home. "I should probably head out." He says as he stands up from the couch.

Her heart races as she stands too. "Oookay, here let me walk you down to the lobby." She smiles at him. 

They make their way down and she walks him outside, as they embrace they pull apart slightly and they lock eyes. Her heart leaped from her chest and into her throat as she kissed him without even realizing that she had. They were locked in that kiss for what seemed like minutes to her, but in reality only mere seconds. 

"Uhh...oh, wow....uhm...." Sasha stammers as he slowly starts to back up. 

Tears start to swell in her eyes, she knew she had screwed up, she couldn't help the way that she was feeling. She wanted him to feel the same way, she thought he felt the same way. 

"Kitsune, I mean... I love ya like a sister, I thought that was kind of clear.... I have a girlfriend.... I'm sorry." He says.

"I'm so sorry, please, I didn't even know what came over me. I just.. please... I'm so sorry." Tears began to flow from her eyes down her cheeks. 

"No, please, I should have been more clear. I should have told you up front, I don't know why I didn't. I just figured we were cool." He started to wrap his arm around her shoulder. 

She stepped away. "No, it's okay. I understand. Please, can we just pretend this never happened and just move on? I don't want to lose you as a friend. My best friend." 

He nodded and they hugged once more before leaving for home.


Kitsune caught herself and slowly started to make a little bit of distance between her and Dynamo. She didn't want him to notice her doing it, but she really didn't want things to turn out that way again. 

She looked to him and smiled. "Thanks for coming over today, it is really nice to have company." 

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She blushed even harder trying to look away and make it less obvious that she was embarrassed at this point. "uuuhha, yeah... everything is fine." She takes a few slow deep breaths to help slow her heartbeat and she continues to get comfortable in the couch.

Dynamo tilted his head once more at the way she was acting, but decides to ignore it. "Okay. If you say so. If there's anything wrong or if there's something you want to tell me. Then don't hesitate to talk to me. You're an awesome friend and I trust you." He didn't know why he said that, but he couldn't deny that he trusted her so well.

She takes the remote and starts clicking away, she starts the first episode and tries really hard not to mention anything about the show. Wanting to pretend that she gets excited at the parts that are exciting. She knew that she probably couldn't pull off pretending for too long, but at least for now she wanted to be kind. And... after all, she could watch it over and over again! "This is going to be great!" 

Dynamo grins with a nod. "I hope to get a kick out of it. I only watched a few episodes and suddenly stopped." He says while the intro was playing. "I do like some of the characters. Natsu is pretty impulsive, but he's cool and has a heart for those he cares for. I think the writers were trying to have Lucy be the main character, but it feels more like it shifted towards Natsu. That's my guess, but I could be wrong." He smiles softly while humming a bit of the intro.

As the episode played, he thought he saw her shift out of the corner of his eyes. He felt himself blushing slightly as she edged closer to him. He felt his heartbeat quicken slightly, but he didn't object towards her actions. He lays and arm on the top of the couch, as if to say he was inviting her to lean against him. He began to feel nervous, but he couldn't explain why. It had been a few days since his move and their meeting. He felt there was a connection towards them, but he didn't even know if she had a girlfriend. He was afraid of ruining a good friendship they had right now. True, he wasn't sure what would happen next. However, that didn't mean he wanted to see how things progressed as time went on.

He felt the couch shift as she slowly made some distance between them. Dynamo frowns slightly as he felt his heart ache. He felt a little sad, but didn't have a reason towards it. He sighs audibly and closes his eyes for just a brief moment. He opens his eyes and tries to pay attention to the episode was playing.

She looked to him and smiled. "Thanks for coming over today, it is really nice to have company." 

His ears perked as he smiles right back at her. "You're welcome and I'm glad we could hang out. It's nice being able to spend time with others from time to time. Thank you for inviting me, Kitsune." He decides to lean over and gives her a hug. He felt himself blush, but felt as if the hug was right for some reason. He smiles softly as the hug felt warm and comforting. His eyes widen as he suddenly pulls back from the hug. He rubs his arm and chuckles sheepishly in embarrassment and worry. "I-I'm really sorry about that. I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't mean to invade your personal space. I hope you can forgive me." He glances away while twiddling his thumbs in nervousness. 



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@Dynamo Pad

His ears perked as he smiles right back at her. "You're welcome and I'm glad we could hang out. It's nice being able to spend time with others from time to time. Thank you for inviting me, Kitsune." He decides to lean over and gives her a hug. He felt himself blush, but felt as if the hug was right for some reason. He smiles softly as the hug felt warm and comforting. His eyes widen as he suddenly pulls back from the hug. He rubs his arm and chuckles sheepishly in embarrassment and worry. "I-I'm really sorry about that. I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't mean to invade your personal space. I hope you can forgive me." He glances away while twiddling his thumbs in nervousness. 

Kitsune was stunned, she half hugged him back but wasn't sure how to react to the feeling. As she felt his embrace she felt herself almost melt into his chest. She wanted it to last. She wanted that feeling of security, that feeling of want, of desire. She longed for it, but has always denied herself because she was afraid. She wanted to be close with some pony, she didn't want to have her heart broken again though. She also didn't want to lose a friend. 

"It's okay, no, please, it was fine. It was actually really sweet, thank you for the hug and concern." She gave him a warm smile. 

As the episodes played one after another she looked at the clock and it 6:30 PM. "Oh wow! We should actually get going over to your place, everything should be set up by now. Don't want to miss your own welcome to the neighborhood party!" She chuckled as she reached for the remote to pop out the dvd and shut everything down. 

She felt a bit nervous about going to the party with Dynamo, she didn't want him to feel like she was clingy or anything. She just couldn't figure out why she was so nervous around him. She wanted to just be relaxed, but she always felt tense around him. She figured, maybe some of it was just not knowing where any of this was really going. I mean, of course they could be friends but she wanted things to be clear this time around. She hadn't had a male friend since Sasha and it was a lot easier with all of her female friends! She wanted things to be crystal clear that way there was no confusion with anything. 

"So... any pony back home waiting for ya? Or getting ready to move out here with you? Girlfriend or fiance or anything? Since you got that big house and all, gotta let Pinkie know ahead of time ya know. Just as a courtesy." She tried really hard not to sound obvious that she was prying. 

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"It's okay, no, please, it was fine. It was actually really sweet, thank you for the hug and concern." She gave him a warm smile.

He looked at her and returned the warm smile. He thought he felt her trying to return the hug, but was more concerned on not making things awkward at the moment. "That's good to hear. You're welcome and I felt you deserved a hug. Hugs make a lot of things better, or so I've heard."

As the episodes played one after another she looked at the clock and it 6:30 PM. "Oh wow! We should actually get going over to your place, everything should be set up by now. Don't want to miss your own welcome to the neighborhood party!" She chuckled as she reached for the remote to pop out the dvd and shut everything down. 

He raises and eyebrow and looks to the time. He gets off of the couch and chuckles along with her. "I didn't think that much time had passed. I guess I got too lost into watching the anime. I actually like this anime after giving it another chance." He smiles as he is handed the disc and places it back into the case. He packs up and puts the saddle bag on his back. He nods after making sure he wasn't forgetting everything. "I don't want to keep anypony waiting for too long. Just watch them try to send a search party after me if I don't show up." He shakes his head with a laugh at his poor joke. 

"So... any pony back home waiting for ya? Or getting ready to move out here with you? Girlfriend or fiance or anything? Since you got that big house and all, gotta let Pinkie know ahead of time ya know. Just as a courtesy." She tried really hard not to sound obvious that she was prying. 

As they left the house and began walking back into town, Dynamo looks at Kitsune in curiosity. He wasn't sure why she was asking, but he felt a little nervous. He felt as if his heart starting to race a mile a minute. Kitsune was his friend, but she almost seemed like a mystery to him. The time they met, he felt there was some sort of connection between them. Whether that was a great friendship or more, he really couldn't tell. He guessed that he didn't want to ruin anything between them. Although, he wondered where things could go. "So, that's the pink pony's name. I guess that makes sense, being that she's pink and all." He chuckles before getting back on track. "To be honest, I don't have anypony waiting for me. Well, unless you count my parents and sister, but still no. As far as I can tell, there's really no one moving down here with me. I've been single for as long as I could remember." He says as a slight blush dusted his cheeks. "What about you. Anyone waiting for you, as well? Like, a boyfriend, fiance, or anything like that? Just wondering is all." He says while trying to be discreet about his questioning.







Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

"I don't want to keep anypony waiting for too long. Just watch them try to send a search party after me if I don't show up." He shakes his head with a laugh at his poor joke. 

Kitsune laughed a bit, "I'm pretty sure eventually they would send someone after you! But I think you are quite safe with me, since I kinda knew what was happening anyway. Pinkie probably knows that I will make sure you make it." She smiles at him.

She grabbed her sweatshirt before heading out, just in case it is chilly before having to head back home.

"So, that's the pink pony's name. I guess that makes sense, being that she's pink and all." He chuckles before getting back on track. "To be honest, I don't have anypony waiting for me. Well, unless you count my parents and sister, but still no. As far as I can tell, there's really no one moving down here with me. I've been single for as long as I could remember." He says as a slight blush dusted his cheeks. "What about you. Anyone waiting for you, as well? Like, a boyfriend, fiance, or anything like that? Just wondering is all." He says while trying to be discreet about his questioning.

She figured this question was coming... serves her right for asking it in the first place. But she did want to make sure things were out in the air.

"Not anymore. There was one pony back in Manehattan for a brief period of time. But it didn't work out, it was only a few dates." She scratched the back of her head as she walked with him. "Sorry, I just want to be honest with each other, don't want to have any hidden secrets out there that might be an issue later on, ya know?" She smiled at him. "Even friendships can end, or be awkward if you aren't open and honest, and I feel like we will be great friends, and who knows what the future has in store!" She quickened the pace a little bit and dashed ahead to pick a daisy and gently place it in her hair behind her ear. "Do I look okay? Good enough to go to a not so surprise party?" She did a little pose and laughed at her attempt to try and be fully.

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Kitsune laughed a bit, "I'm pretty sure eventually they would send someone after you! But I think you are quite safe with me, since I kinda knew what was happening anyway. Pinkie probably knows that I will make sure you make it." She smiles at him.

Dynamo held his sides as he couldn't contain his laughter. "I'm glad to know someone has my back in all of this. Sounds to me Pinkie would stop at nothing to bring me to the party. She probably would have ponies in high places to track me down. I would probably think I did something wrong and head for the hills." He smiles back at her while wiping a tear from his eyes.

"Not anymore. There was one pony back in Manehattan for a brief period of time. But it didn't work out, it was only a few dates." She scratched the back of her head as she walked with him. "Sorry, I just want to be honest with each other, don't want to have any hidden secrets out there that might be an issue later on, ya know?" She smiled at him. "Even friendships can end, or be awkward if you aren't open and honest, and I feel like we will be great friends, and who knows what the future has in store!" She quickened the pace a little bit and dashed ahead to pick a daisy and gently place it in her hair behind her ear. "Do I look okay? Good enough to go to a not so surprise party?" She did a little pose and laughed at her attempt to try and be fully.

Dynamo frowns as he could somewhat understand where she was coming from. "I'm really sorry to hear that. I understand the whole point on being honest with each other. I've been in a similar situation before. I went out with some pony back in FIllydelphia. At first it was nice, but then it just started to go downhill. The mare just used me for my money and kindness and showed her real colors." His face darkened somewhat as he hid his eyes behind his mane. "I eventually found out that she was working with some bully I had ties with years ago. She broke up with me and I fell into some trust issues. I've moved on, but I'm always afraid to take that step, you know?" He looks up and gives her an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about that. We were talking about not keeping any secrets and I didn't want to seem untrustworthy to you." He shook his head and gave her a warm and true smile. "I think we will be truly great friends with each other. I don't know what the future has in store for the both of us, but it's a journey I wouldn't mind going on."

He watches as she goes to place the daisy behind her ear. He couldn't help, but blush as she posed and laughed. "If you want my honest opinion, I think you look really cute. The daisy really compliments you too. You look perfect for a not so surprise party." He scratches the back of his head with his hand while kicking some dirt on the ground. 

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@Dynamo Pad

She was really glad that he was on the same page that she was on in regards to being open. That let her relax a bit more. She still seemed to have some butterflies, but that could be just nerves. She didn't want to play too much into it before she really knew what was going on.

"I'm really glad that you tripped in front of me yesterday." She giggled.

He watches as she goes to place the daisy behind her ear. He couldn't help, but blush as she posed and laughed. "If you want my honest opinion, I think you look really cute. The daisy really compliments you too. You look perfect for a not so surprise party." He scratches the back of his head with his hand while kicking some dirt on the ground.

She looked at him and her heart skipped a beat as she watched him kick at the ground. She walked back over to him and grabbed his arm, they began walking again so they wouldn't be late for the party.

"Tell me more about you Dynamo, what are some of your favorite things to do?" She asked.

They were getting closer to the party and she could see some of the ponies trying to get settled.

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"I'm really glad that you tripped in front of me yesterday." She giggled.

Dynamo felt as if he had butterflies in his stomach as he heard her laugh. To him, it felt like it was music to his ears. He looks to her and chuckles with a grin. "While I did hurt myself. I guess I can't really complain. I was able to meet someone who's pretty awesome in my book. I guess I should trip in front of you more often." He raises an eyebrow at his choice of words. "On second thought, I'll pass on that. I don't want to end up hurting myself now." He shook his head and laughs.

She looked at him and her heart skipped a beat as she watched him kick at the ground. She walked back over to him and grabbed his arm, they began walking again so they wouldn't be late for the party.

"Tell me more about you Dynamo, what are some of your favorite things to do?" She asked.

He was caught off guard as she grabbed his arm and continued on walking. He almost tripped, but somehow managed to get his footing. As they began to make their way to his house, he notices that she wasn't letting go of his arm. He didn't complain, but continues to walk without bringing that up. "I would have to say playing video games, reading from time to time, listen to some music, swimming and spending time with friends. I also like traveling. I guess it's about meeting new places and seeing the sights. That, and the journey to video game tournaments." He chuckles slightly at the last part before turning to look at her. "What about you, Kitsune? What are some of your favorite things to do? Also, what's your favorite color?"



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@Dynamo Pad

He was caught off guard as she grabbed his arm and continued on walking. He almost tripped, but somehow managed to get his footing. As they began to make their way to his house, he notices that she wasn't letting go of his arm. He didn't complain, but continues to walk without bringing that up. "I would have to say playing video games, reading from time to time, listen to some music, swimming and spending time with friends. I also like traveling. I guess it's about meeting new places and seeing the sights. That, and the journey to video game tournaments." He chuckles slightly at the last part before turning to look at her. "What about you, Kitsune? What are some of your favorite things to do? Also, what's your favorite color?"

She was thinking about the question for a moment before she spoke. "Well, playing music, reading, learning new things. I love fishing, hunting, and singing." She felt a sense of pride as she said she loved to sing. It wasn't something that she really liked to talk about, she liked to hide that part of her, she liked to always use pictures when she sang for her Ponytube channel.

"Hmmm, my favorite color, I would have to say a salmon-ish color."

They were finally at the front door. She let go of his arm and slightly raised her voice so the ponies inside would know that they were there. "Oh, Dynamo, this is a really great place! Would you mind if I came in for a glass of water before I head back home?" She smiled really big as she spoke.

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She was thinking about the question for a moment before she spoke. "Well, playing music, reading, learning new things. I love fishing, hunting, and singing." She felt a sense of pride as she said she loved to sing. It wasn't something that she really liked to talk about, she liked to hide that part of her, she liked to always use pictures when she sang for her Ponytube channel.

"Hmmm, my favorite color, I would have to say a salmon-ish color."

He smiles as she lists off the things she liked. "I remember you telling me that you enjoyed singing. I thought your voice was beautiful when we played at the arcade. It shows you practice and have a very good talent." He blushes slightly while trying not to brag. "What instruments do you play? Also, what kind of books do you like to read? I mostly read fiction and manga most of the time. I guess you and I have something in common, Kitsune." He smiles before continuing. "My cutie mark is not only my passion and love for video games. It's also about trying to adapt to the changes around me. So, in a way it's somewhat similar to learning new things. That's an interesting color and my favorite color would have to be purple."

They were finally at the front door. She let go of his arm and slightly raised her voice so the ponies inside would know that they were there. "Oh, Dynamo, this is a really great place! Would you mind if I came in for a glass of water before I head back home?" She smiled really big as she spoke.

Dynamo raises and eyebrow at her raising her voice, but chose to ignore the odd behavior. He decides to smile and nod. "Thank you Kitsune. That's really kind of you to say. Also, that sounds okay to me. Maybe I can walk you back to your house. If you don't mind, that is." He pulls out his key from his pocket and unlocks the door. He opens the door and steps aside to let her walk in the house first. 

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@Dynamo Pad

He smiles as she lists off the things she liked. "I remember you telling me that you enjoyed singing. I thought your voice was beautiful when we played at the arcade. It shows you practice and have a very good talent." He blushes slightly while trying not to brag. "What instruments do you play? Also, what kind of books do you like to read? I mostly read fiction and manga most of the time. I guess you and I have something in common, Kitsune." He smiles before continuing. "My cutie mark is not only my passion and love for video games. It's also about trying to adapt to the changes around me. So, in a way it's somewhat similar to learning new things. That's an interesting color and my favorite color would have to be purple."

Kitsune gently bumps into him as he talks about her singing in the arcade, making them both shift in the bath a bit. It was playful though, nothing to be mean about. She was just embarrassed that he was talking about it again.

"I play the piano, violin, flute, and guitar. I feel like that is about enough." She giggles. "I love to read history books, mystery, non fiction, fiction, fantasy, and cook books. I have just started getting into manga, I am really excited about it. And yeah, I do think we have a lot in common." She smiles at him. "Purple is a good color! Growing up around all of the ponies and seeing them all get their cutie marks it kinda seems silly, but I sort of wish I had one. But anyway..." She trails off.

Dynamo raises and eyebrow at her raising her voice, but chose to ignore the odd behavior. He decides to smile and nod. "Thank you Kitsune. That's really kind of you to say. Also, that sounds okay to me. Maybe I can walk you back to your house. If you don't mind, that is." He pulls out his key from his pocket and unlocks the door. He opens the door and steps aside to let her walk in the house first.

She tries to hide her giggle, "That would be just fine with me, I sure hope that your day at work and out on the town with me was a really fun day!" She gave him a wink and watches him open the door, she takes a step in and waits for him to enter also. "Gee, it sure is dark in here."

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Kitsune gently bumps into him as he talks about her singing in the arcade, making them both shift in the bath a bit. It was playful though, nothing to be mean about. She was just embarrassed that he was talking about it again.

"I play the piano, violin, flute, and guitar. I feel like that is about enough." She giggles. "I love to read history books, mystery, non fiction, fiction, fantasy, and cook books. I have just started getting into manga, I am really excited about it. And yeah, I do think we have a lot in common." She smiles at him. "Purple is a good color! Growing up around all of the ponies and seeing them all get their cutie marks it kinda seems silly, but I sort of wish I had one. But anyway..." She trails off.

Dynamo felt her bump into him as they walked. He smirks playfully and bumps into her. He whistles and smiles at her list of talents. "That's a lot of instruments. I'm guessing it's difficult to pick which instrument you like the most? I've always thought about playing a guitar, but never really took upon the opportunity. That's a vast amount of reading genre. While I'm not a fan of history, I can respect that. Maybe I can lend you some manga from time to time. I don't have that big of a collection, but it's better than nothing. My first collection I'm trying to finish is the Naruto manga. I'm missing some volumes here and there, but it's coming along nicely." Just then, a thought appeared before Dynamo's mind. "What's your favorite book to read. If I couldn't pick a manga book, I would say Harry Trotter. I read them when I was a young colt and they were pretty magical." 

He shook his head and smiles at her. "I don't think it's silly. I think it's pretty neat seeing a pony gain their cutie mark. It's like almost reaching a milestone in one's life. It also shows the achievements they'll make towards the future. I've never seen a non pony creature have a cutie mark, but I think it would be interesting. Although, I think you're pretty lucky. You don't have to worry about focusing on one talent. With your singing, instruments and cooking, you have a lot of set paths to follow. It's sort of like multi tasking, in a way." He shook his head as he was starting to confuse himself.

She tries to hide her giggle, "That would be just fine with me, I sure hope that your day at work and out on the town with me was a really fun day!" She gave him a wink and watches him open the door, she takes a step in and waits for him to enter also. "Gee, it sure is dark in here."

He blushes from her wink, but tries to hide the blush on his cheeks. "Awesome and it sounds like a plan to me. Today was pretty good, in my opinion. I got to learn my job, being out on the town was nice and I got to spend time with an awesome friend. You can't ask for a better day than that." As he stepped inside, he took careful steps, so he wouldn't trip in the dark. "I hate not being able to see in the dark. Sometimes I fell like I'll be scared and I don't know what's there. Let's see if I can get some light in the house." He says as he reaches his hands out to find the light switch.


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Just then, a thought appeared before Dynamo's mind. "What's your favorite book to read. If I couldn't pick a manga book, I would say Harry Trotter. I read them when I was a young colt and they were pretty magical." 

"I would have to say my favorite book is 'Sherlock Holmes and The Hound of Baskervilles' it used to give me nightmares, but now I can read it over and over again. I always turn to it after any kind of stress, I can get out of my own head and into the head of Sherlock." She smiles just thinking about it. "That would be great, I would love to read some of your manga. I have a few volumes of Fairy Tail that I have been through quite a few times." She just realized what she had said... and she frowned as she swallowed hard. 

After their whole talk about being honest with each other and she didn't say a word about already knowing everything there is to know about Fairy Tail and she just had to go and blow it.... now what was he going to think... just great.... nicely done Kitsune.

"I hate not being able to see in the dark. Sometimes I fell like I'll be scared and I don't know what's there. Let's see if I can get some light in the house." He says as he reaches his hands out to find the light switch.

As the lights flip on every pony hiding jumped out and shouted "SURPRISE!!!" The party broke out and there was music, punch, cakes and snacks. The ponies danced and they chatted and each pony introduced themselves to Dynamo. Wanting to know just a few things about him. Letting him know who they were and what they did. The bakers, grocers, flower shop keepers, and many others slowly made their way around and after about an hour the ponies started making their way out of the house. 

After about two hours most of the ponies were gone and surprisingly the place was cleaning up nicely. The ponies made sure to pick up after themselves and as the final ponies made their way out the trash bags were magically picked up and taken out to the curb for the trash ponies to pick up in the morning. 

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"I would have to say my favorite book is 'Sherlock Holmes and The Hound of Baskervilles' it used to give me nightmares, but now I can read it over and over again. I always turn to it after any kind of stress, I can get out of my own head and into the head of Sherlock." She smiles just thinking about it. "That would be great, I would love to read some of your manga. I have a few volumes of Fairy Tail that I have been through quite a few times." She just realized what she had said... and she frowned as she swallowed hard. 

He smiles while nodding and chuckling in agreement. "I've heard of Sherlock Holmes, but I never read any of those books. I like how you feel as though you are that character in the story. I get like that whenever I'm playing a character in a video game. Some books that gave me nightmares were the Goosebumps books. One look at the covers and you know that you're in for a crazy ride." He nods in agreement, but raises and eyebrow in surprise. He soon came to the conclusion that she must have watched the anime if she read the manga. He frowns, but soon gives her a warm and soft smile. He thought that she was trying to be nice and didn't want to disappoint him.

As the lights flip on every pony hiding jumped out and shouted "SURPRISE!!!" The party broke out and there was music, punch, cakes and snacks. The ponies danced and they chatted and each pony introduced themselves to Dynamo. Wanting to know just a few things about him. Letting him know who they were and what they did. The bakers, grocers, flower shop keepers, and many others slowly made their way around and after about an hour the ponies started making their way out of the house. 

After about two hours most of the ponies were gone and surprisingly the place was cleaning up nicely. The ponies made sure to pick up after themselves and as the final ponies made their way out the trash bags were magically picked up and taken out to the curb for the trash ponies to pick up in the morning.

Dynamo jumps in surprise as he felt his heart leap out of his chest. He soon calms down and sees everyone dancing and enjoying the party. He smiles and thanks Pinkie for the kind gesture. He soon goes around and getting acquainted with each pony. He smiles as he saw that Button Prompt, a familiar face had made it to the party. He told the other ponies some things about him to get to know him a bit better. After an hour or two, the ponies helped cleaned up and exited the house. He waves to them, closes the front door and goes to the kitchen. He gets himeslf and Kitsune a glass of water and places them on his coffee table. He stretches before falling back on the couch. "That was a crazy party. I haven't had a fun party like that in a long time. Pinkie sure knows how to plan and throw a party alright." He chuckles as he looks to Kitsune with a curious glance. He remembered their earlier conversation and wanted to know more about it. "Remember when you said you own a few volumes of the Fairy Tail manga?" He places a calming hand up in the air after seeing the worried look upon her face. "There's no need to worry, Kitsune. I'm not mad, but I'm just curious. I didn't know you watched anime, or read manga. That's really cool, but I was just wondering why you didn't tell me sooner. Is everything okay?" He asks with a worried expression on his muzzle. He hoped he wasn't being rude or was prying in any way. 


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@Dynamo Pad

 "That was a crazy party. I haven't had a fun party like that in a long time. Pinkie sure knows how to plan and throw a party alright." He chuckles as he looks to Kitsune with a curious glance. He remembered their earlier conversation and wanted to know more about it. "Remember when you said you own a few volumes of the Fairy Tail manga?" He places a calming hand up in the air after seeing the worried look upon her face. "There's no need to worry, Kitsune. I'm not mad, but I'm just curious. I didn't know you watched anime, or read manga. That's really cool, but I was just wondering why you didn't tell me sooner. Is everything okay?" He asks with a worried expression on his muzzle. He hoped he wasn't being rude or was prying in any way. 

She built up the courage and spoke, "I didn't really know how to bring it up much... I don't know, you were really excited about it and wanting to share it with me that I didn't want to tell you that I have been enjoying it for quite some time. I've seen and read a lot actually... and not just Fairy Tail. I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to be board." She takes a sip of her water. "I am glad that you enjoyed the party though. It was fun watching you get excited like that." 

She looked at her watch and it was nearly 10pm, she yawns and realizes that it was probably time to go home. "It's getting late, I didn't mean to keep you up so late. I know tomorrow is probably a busy day for you. I don't want to keep you." She stands up and puts her sweatshirt on, she takes another drink before heading to the door. "Don't worry, you don't really have to walk me home. I know that we were just saying that for the ponies that were in here. Text me though okay!" 

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She built up the courage and spoke, "I didn't really know how to bring it up much... I don't know, you were really excited about it and wanting to share it with me that I didn't want to tell you that I have been enjoying it for quite some time. I've seen and read a lot actually... and not just Fairy Tail. I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to be board." She takes a sip of her water. "I am glad that you enjoyed the party though. It was fun watching you get excited like that." 

Dynamo raises and eyebrow in confusion before laughing lightly. "Hey, now. Please don't apologize Kitsune. It was great getting to watch Fairy Tail with you. I'm the same way when it comes to Naruto. I've seen some episodes a few times over the years. Even when I watch it with a fan. I still get psyched when a certain battle comes on. It must have been the same when we were watching Fairy Tail. So, please don't apologize. Trust me. You haven't bored me at all since I met you. You make every day fun since I've been here. I cannot thank you enough for that." He says as he moves to a sitting position on his couch. He grins and nods in agreement. "It was a lot of fun. I at least got the gist of every pony's names and what they do for a living. Although, knowing me I'll forget some names. I'm truly not the best when it comes to remembering names, but I'll manage." He chuckles and shakes his head with embarrassment.

She looked at her watch and it was nearly 10pm, she yawns and realizes that it was probably time to go home. "It's getting late, I didn't mean to keep you up so late. I know tomorrow is probably a busy day for you. I don't want to keep you." She stands up and puts her sweatshirt on, she takes another drink before heading to the door. "Don't worry, you don't really have to walk me home. I know that we were just saying that for the ponies that were in here. Text me though okay!" 

He took a drink of his water as he looked at the time on the clock. He places the glass on a coaster while he stood up from the couch. "Would you like me to walk you home, Kitsune? I know I don't have to and we were saying that, but I don't mind. I want to make sure that you made it home safely." He stands up and walks over to the front door. "If you want, you can stay at my place for the night." He blushes before waving a hand in front of him. "I mean, I have a guest room and all. I just thought that it was late and it takes some time getting back to your house. I didn't want to make an inconvenience for you." He looks down while scratching the side of his muzzle. He felt his heart beating like crazy as he suddenly became nervous. He wasn't sure why, but he wanted to make sure that she would be okay, no matter what.

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@Dynamo Pad

He took a drink of his water as he looked at the time on the clock. He places the glass on a coaster while he stood up from the couch. "Would you like me to walk you home, Kitsune? I know I don't have to and we were saying that, but I don't mind. I want to make sure that you made it home safely." He stands up and walks over to the front door. "If you want, you can stay at my place for the night." He blushes before waving a hand in front of him. "I mean, I have a guest room and all. I just thought that it was late and it takes some time getting back to your house. I didn't want to make an inconvenience for you." He looks down while scratching the side of his muzzle. He felt his heart beating like crazy as he suddenly became nervous. He wasn't sure why, but he wanted to make sure that she would be okay, no matter what.

She could see that he was a bit flustered at what he had just offered. But she didn't want to have him feel any more awkward than he already did. 
"Thank you for the offer, but it's okay really. I can make my way home, and don't worry, the path has lamp posts the whole way. And... my eye sight is pretty good at night." She winks at him as here eyes sparkle in the light. She takes a step forward and wraps her arms around his neck and gives him a hug. "Thank you for spending time with me today, it was really great!" She lets go and turns the nob on the door and slowly makes her way outside. She turns around and waves, "Goodnight Dynamo, sweet dreams." She turns back around and makes her way home for the evening. 

She pulls out her phone and starts to text Sasha. "Today went really well, I'm really glad you convinced me to give him a chance. He is a really nice pony, and I look forward to spending more time with him!" Message sent.

She got home and quickly changed her clothes and crawled into bed. She had a smile on her face as she fell asleep.

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She could see that he was a bit flustered at what he had just offered. But she didn't want to have him feel any more awkward than he already did. 
"Thank you for the offer, but it's okay really. I can make my way home, and don't worry, the path has lamp posts the whole way. And... my eye sight is pretty good at night." She winks at him as here eyes sparkle in the light. She takes a step forward and wraps her arms around his neck and gives him a hug. "Thank you for spending time with me today, it was really great!" She lets go and turns the nob on the door and slowly makes her way outside. She turns around and waves, "Goodnight Dynamo, sweet dreams." She turns back around and makes her way home for the evening. 

He looks up from the ground and nods with a soft smile. "Okay and you're welcome. You're my friend and I want to look out for you. I guess it's pretty convenient to see in the dark. Beats having to light up my horn for a light." He chuckles slightly, but blushes as she felt Kitsune wrapping her arms around his neck. He stood there for a brief moment, before slowly wrapping his arms around her waist and returning the hug. The hug was warm and comforting as he relished from the embrace. "Your welcome and I should be thanking you. Today was absolutely perfect. I look forward to hanging out with you again." He lets go and stands by as she slowly made her way out of the house. "Goodnight Kitsune. I'll see you soon." He waves and watches her leave before closing the front door. He places a hand over his heart and smiles fondly at the events that unfolded today. He finishes his water before taking his glasses and places them in the sink.

He makes his way upstairs to his room and places his saddlebag at the foot of his bed. He changed into his pajama's and crawled into bed. He sighs happily as he fell asleep with a smile on his muzzle. 


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@Dynamo Pad

[Time skip approximately 3 months later]

It was early morning and Kitsune was off doing her normal routine of feeding the chickens and gathering the eggs. Checking the honey and jaring it. Among everything else. But now on top of everything else she was back at work writing music, and sometimes lyrics for the plays that were being prepared for. 

She was even surprised she had time to herself for her own music. But things weren't going to be crazy forever. Even though more work was coming in, it wasn't needed as urgently as it could be. The directors knew to give her advance notice and she knew she could only work on a few of them at a time. 

She was even considering taking up some work for the university for their music classes and drama department. It would be a lot more stable work and a bit more income overall. 

The day seemed to go by much quicker than anticipated. It was already 3 o'clock and she had a dinner planned with Dynamo at the local restaurant. She continued working until about 4PM and then went to go get ready. 

She quickly showers and brushes her teeth, she does her hair quickly and grabs a pair of jeans and her red plaid button up shirt. She throws on her favorite silver necklace and heads out the door. 

She pulls out her phone and the time is 4:45 as she opens up a fresh text message to Dynamo. 

"I'm on my way, should be there exactly by 5! (:" message sent. 

She is really excited, it had been a couple days since the two had seen each other. Over the past few months they had really grown close. And even though they were now much more comfortable around each other she still would get the butterflies when she would get a text from him. And her heart would race from time to time, especially when he would hug her or hold her close. 

She wasn't sure where anything was headed, but she was very much enjoying the ride!

Kitsune arrived at the restaurant and she checked in, the waiter escorted her to the same table that they first ate at when Dynamo got into town. She smiled as the memories came flooding back. 

"Thank you sir." She sits and waits patiently for Dynamo to arrive. 

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[Time Skip approximately 3 months later]

It was early morning as Dynamo woke up and began his morning routine. After making sure he was ready, he heads over to his job at the arcade. He greets Button Prompt and begins helping around the shop. Over the months, Dynamo received more training and guidance under Button. He had a good idea on how the store was run. Whenever there was a problem with a machine, he made sure it was back up to running before the day's end. During that time frame, Dynamo traveled to places like Manehatten and Baltimare for gaming tournaments. Some he had won, while others he had come close. He felt successful in some, while disappointed in others. It was the life of a gamer and he knew he needed to keep improving. He had begun to come up with story boards for game ideas, but some were either seen as unoriginal or difficult to follow.

Time seemed to fly by for the blue unicorn as it was nearing 3 PM. He had a dinner date with Kitsune and he didn't want to be late. He notified Button about the dinner date and was allowed to leave early that day. He wanted to make sure that all the machines were still running efficiently before leaving at 3:45 PM. He made it home at around 4 o'clock and began to get ready. He got a quick shower and got dressed into a pair of blue jeans, a while short sleeved buttoned up shirt and a black tie. He wanted to be a bit dressed up, but not too dressed up for the occasion. Checking the time it was around 4:30 PM. After making sure he had his belongings, he exited his home, locked the door and took a walk around town.

She pulls out her phone and the time is 4:45 as she opens up a fresh text message to Dynamo. 

"I'm on my way, should be there exactly by 5! (:" message sent. 

It was around 4:45 PM when he received a text from Kitsune. He smiles as he opens up the text. He smiles as he begins to message her back.

"Hey! Thank you for the heads up. I'm making a slight detour, but I should be there around 5! (:" message sent.

He smiles as he places his phone back into his pocket. Over the three months, he and Kitsune have become very close together. It had been a few days since they last spent time with each other. Even though they were becoming comfortable around one another, he still felt nervous when hugged her or held her close. His heart would flutter every time he received a text from her. It was almost 5 o'clock as he began to make his way to the restaurant where they first met. He smiles and chuckles as he remembered when he first met her. He stops at the flower shop and picked up a small bouquet of flowers for Kitsune.

After a couple minutes of walking, he finally made it to the restaurant with just enough time. The waiter lead him to their table and saw Kistune waiting patiently for him. After thanking the waiter, he took a deep breath to clam down before taking his seat. "Hey there. I hope I'm not late. Had a bit of detour to go to before arriving." He says while keeping flowers in his lap.

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@Dynamo Pad

After a couple minutes of walking, he finally made it to the restaurant with just enough time. The waiter lead him to their table and saw Kistune waiting patiently for him. After thanking the waiter, he took a deep breath to clam down before taking his seat. "Hey there. I hope I'm not late. Had a bit of detour to go to before arriving." He says while keeping flowers in his lap.

She smiled at Dynamo noticing the flowers that he was holding. She took a sip of her water as she pulled the napkin in her lap. 

"How was your day today?" She asked. 

They had made it a tradition to meet up at least once every two weeks at the restaurant and just catch up with each other. They enjoyed having some time to relax and just talk. However they had been spending a lot more time together over the last few months. Dynamo had been helping her out at her home with some of her chores. She would go over to his place and they would play video games and watch anime. They would take hikes through the Everfree forest and go on picnics in the apple orchard or the apple farm. They were getting closer as friends and the butterflies seemed to fade after a time. Kitsune was glad for that, she didn't like feeling so nervous around Dynamo.  

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She smiled at Dynamo noticing the flowers that he was holding. She took a sip of her water as she pulled the napkin in her lap. 

"How was your day today?" She asked. 

Dynamo smiles as he moves the flowers to place the napkin in his lap. "Today has been pretty good so far. Button's been telling me I've improved a good amount since working at the arcade. He might consider me to be the one leading the shop in about a month or two." He brought out the flowers and handed them to her. "I was on my way here and though I would get you a few flowers. I hope that was alright. Oh, hold on just a second." He uses his magic to levitate a daisy until is was placed behind her ear. He grins at nice his work turned out. "There we are. Now it looks perfect. How has your day been so far?" He asked before taking a drink of his glass of water.

After going to the same restaurant every so often, the two agreed to meet her once every two weeks. They made it tradition to catch up on days they weren't able to hang out. Over the past three months, the two spent a lot of time with one another. At times, he would go to her home and would help her with chores, go on hikes, or have a picnic near the apple farm. Other times, she would come over to his house and the two would watch anime and play video games. He felt very close to her and they have been great friends ever since. He didn't feel as nervous now compared to when he first met her. He still couldn't help on worrying of making a fool of himself.


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@Dynamo Pad

As Dynamo placed the flower in her hair she smiled. "Thank you, they are beautiful." She took the bouquet and placed them on the third chair that was at the table. 

"My day was okay, got a lot of my work done, I have a lot to get through still, but I'm making a good sized dent in everything." She said as the waiter came over to take their order. 

"I will have the strawberry, feta salad with the stuffed mushrooms." She handed the waiter her menu and waited for Dynamo to make his order before continuing. 

"I should be done with the rest that i have left in a matter a couple more weeks. Then I will have a slight break before starting my work with the university. I'm really excited about that!" 

She was happy to hear that Dynamo would be running the arcade soon, that is a huge step for him and she knows how hard he works at being a good manager right now. 

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As Dynamo placed the flower in her hair she smiled. "Thank you, they are beautiful." She took the bouquet and placed them on the third chair that was at the table. 

Dynamo chuckles and smiles warmly at her. "You're very welcome Kitsune. The flowers reminded me of you when we went to my welcoming party. I thought they would be nice for you." He looks through his menu quickly before turning back to the waiter. "I'll have the daisy sandwich special and a fruit salad." He hands the menu to the waiter as he left for their orders.

"I should be done with the rest that i have left in a matter a couple more weeks. Then I will have a slight break before starting my work with the university. I'm really excited about that!" 

"That's good to hear. You look like you need a vacation after all the work you've been getting. I know your work hasn't given us time to hang out that much, but I find that completely understandable. If that song you had me listen to was any proof on how how hard you've been working, then I know you'll surprise your clients." He smiles as he thought back on the memory. "I still have that song stuck in my head. I'm surprised they let you make an anime song. Though, the lyrics and meaning are excellent. I'm glad that you've decided to take a part time job in the university. Teaching other ponies with instruments and singing must be a huge step up in the world." He says while grinning at her.

He was pleased to hear how things have been for her. He remembered how months ago she would be reluctant to sing. This was a big step and change for her and he felt proud for her. He knew she would be a really great teacher for the students.

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