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SoL 1x1 with Kitsune and Dynamo Pad


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@Dynamo Pad

Kitsune was silently cheering and by the time that everything came to an end she gently jumped for joy. She was making her way over to Dynamo and Cheep Shot. She saw the score on the screen. However, she did stop as she noticed that Cheep Shot twisted his body and swung his head in her direction. Glaring at her like she was evil itself. 

She was waiting, waiting to see what happened. She was waiting for the worst to happen. She didn't know what was going to happen. She made her way out of the arcade. She figured that would be the best place to be. She walked around the corner and pressed her back up against the wall. She didn't even want to be there anymore. She wished she had never even gone into the arcade. She knew that was his old stomping grounds. She just wished that he wasn't living here anymore. 

She took a deep breath. "It's okay, it's okay. It doesn't matter. Just breathe." She really hated the fact that Cheep Shot still had such a hold on her after all of these years. She wished she could just forget all of it. But that would be too easy. She has to move past this. She has to get it over with. She did the first thing, and that was to forgive him. Now she has to just work on herself and move past the pain, let it go, it is over. "It is over."

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Cheap Shot trembled at the results of their game. He didn't expect someone to utterly defeat him at this game. He was always considered the best and no pony opposed him, until now. He saw Kitsune begin to walk over to Dynamo to congratulate him. He glared daggers at her like she was pure evil. He smirks silently as he begins to see her turn around and exit the arcade. Dynamo started to notice this and wondered who he was staring at. His heart soon broke at the sight of Kitsune leaving the arcade. He called out to her, but she was out of earshot. He turned around to look at Cheap with a similar glare. "Even in defeat you continue to be rude to her. You should learn that times change. Either give her a chance to live and be happy, or just leave her alone."

This caused the maroon earth pony to stomp his foot and pure rage. He sneered and bore his teeth at Dynamo. "Oh, don't act so high and mighty to me! You cheated and you know it! You used your magic to help you win. How do you call yourself a gamer if you use such a tactic." Hearing this caused Dynamo to sigh and shake his head in disappointment. "You call it cheating, but I call it increasing my focus. My magic is a part of me. It helps to define who I am. I was able to split the job in half and was able to play to my full potential. I enhanced my senses was able to play on a higher level." He slowly turned around and began to leave the arcade. He suddenly stopped before turning around and giving him one last glare. The stare peered into his very soul as he spoke. "You're name is Cheap Shot, right? Maybe you should call yourself Sore Loser because that's what you are. You can't accept others or your losses. All you want to be is the best and have things your way. Sounds to me like you cry and complain if you don't get your way. If that's how you are going to be, then you don't deserve to be called a gamer. Much less a pony in the world of Equestria. Just leave Kitsune alone and never both us again. If not, then I can assure you that you will regret it." 

Hearing this caused something to snap from within Cheap Shot's being. He replayed the words over and over in his mind. 'Sore Loser!? Cry and Complain!? How dare you make such accusations!' Every thought caused his eyes to twitch in frustration. He started to follow Dynamo as he began to raise his fist. "Oh, I'll show you who you're dealing with. You no good, obnoxious, stinking, little..." He threw a fist at the blue unicorn, but was caught by Button Prompt. The lavender arcade owner apprehended Cheap and made sure that he couldn't escape. "Okay that's enough! Pinball instructed me to lead this store for all gamer's. We treat everypony here with the utmost of respect. At first, I thought you were just messing around and talking tough. Now I can see that you want to drag the meaning of a gamer through the mud. That fox has done nothing wrong and is a great gamer. It's time we put an end to your shenanigans once and for all. We're going to see the mayor and give you capital punishment." With that, Button started to escort the maroon pony out of the arcade. 

Before being escorted out, Cheap looked at the scoreboard one last time. He looked for the name of his opponent and came across his name. "Kyubiki Tenchu." He says silently to himself. That's when his eyes widen as a look of realization dawned upon him. "Wait a minute. You're that Kyubiki Tenchu? One of the upcoming gamer's in Equestria?" Dynamo raised an eyebrow at that. He turns his head towards Cheap while narrowing his eyes slightly. "So what if I am? I'm surprised that you know of me. Where did you hear that from?" Cheap chuckled to himself and smirked slightly. "Would you like to know." Cheap was immediately pushed forward out of the store to avoid any more drama.

Everypony in the arcade clapped as the big nightmare was finally coming to an end. Before leaving, Button turned back to the crowd. "The arcade will be closed, but come back in around thirty minutes. I need to make sure this hooligan truly learns his lesson." All the ponies began to disperse from the store, but Dynamo was long gone since then. He looked near the are of the arcade and finally located Kitsune. He saw her leaning against the wall and sighs in relief. He walks over until he leaned his back against the wall as well. He looked up into the sky to see Celestia's sun beginning to set. After some time, he turned his head to look her in the eyes. "Hey? Are you going to be okay? He didn't hurt you earlier, did he?" He asks with concern in his voice. 

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@Dynamo Pad

All the ponies began to disperse from the store, but Dynamo was long gone since then. He looked near the are of the arcade and finally located Kitsune. He saw her leaning against the wall and sighs in relief. He walks over until he leaned his back against the wall as well. He looked up into the sky to see Celestia's sun beginning to set. After some time, he turned his head to look her in the eyes. "Hey? Are you going to be okay? He didn't hurt you earlier, did he?" He asks with concern in his voice. 

Kitsune was still a bit shaken, she was upset with herself for letting the past effect her in that way. She was worried that she made a scene that could have potentially been avoided if she had just played the game and not done anything else. Then again... who was she kidding, just her appearance is something if not shocking in a town full of ponies. She sticks out like a sore thumb. She wanted to move past this and just forget about everything about that day.

She looked at Dynamo with a tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, for everything about today. I guess I should have just pointed out the town hall and let you go on your own. I'm sorry that you had to deal with that, I'm sorry that any of it happened." She put her hands to her face. Letting out a wavering sigh she was ready to just go home. The sun was starting to set and all she wanted to do was go home and have a cup of tea and go to bed. 

"I think it's time for us to say our goodbyes. I guess I will see you around town." Kitsune stepped away from the wall, she dusted off her shirt and ran her hand through her hair. She started to walk out of the alley towards the main street. 

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She looked at Dynamo with a tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, for everything about today. I guess I should have just pointed out the town hall and let you go on your own. I'm sorry that you had to deal with that, I'm sorry that any of it happened." She put her hands to her face. Letting out a wavering sigh she was ready to just go home. The sun was starting to set and all she wanted to do was go home and have a cup of tea and go to bed. 

Dynamo felt his stomach drop at the sight. He didn't really understand why she was crying. He shook his head and gave her a soft smile. "You don't have to apologize for anything. Today was a lot of fun and you helped me out a lot. I also don't mind helping you out. You looked like you needed assistance and I wanted to help. Button apprehended Cheap and took him to the mayor's office. He said something about discussing his punishment for all that he did. Hopefully it'll all work out in the end." He says before looking down slightly and running a hand through his mane. "I should be the one to apologize. I didn't know much about your past, but at the same time, I should have realized and shouldn't have interfered." He could feel tears starting to form, but shook his head to drive the tears away.

"I think it's time for us to say our goodbyes. I guess I will see you around town." Kitsune stepped away from the wall, she dusted off her shirt and ran her hand through her hair. She started to walk out of the alley towards the main street.

"O-Okay. I hope to see you again sometime." Dynamo could feel his heart clench at the sight of her leaving. He didn't know why, but he felt he lost a friend without even realizing it. He felt a tear cascade down his muzzle as contemplated on what to do next. 'S-Should I just leave it at that? Should I let her go home and accept what had happened? I-I don't want to lose her. She's my friend and I want to let her know this.' He pushed himself off of the wall and ran out of the alley. He caught sight of her and smiles as he didn't get far. "Hey! Please wait a minute!" He calls out to her before running around her to intercept her. He stood in front of her and began to catch his breath. He was trembling nervously, but shook his head as he knew what he wanted to say. "Please don't go. I don't want it to end just like that. After everything that happened today, I don't want to lose my friend. I had a lot of fun. True, the whole drama at the arcade was unnecessary, but I wanted to help you out. Cheap had no right to treat you like that. You're a citizen of Ponyville. No matter what any pony says. Please don't apologize for anything. I don't regret meeting you for a minute. You're an awesome individual and I hope to see you more often. I mean we're friends...a-aren't we?" He wasn't sure if they were friends, but he hoped that they were. He never really had a friend before, so it was all new to him.



Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

 "Please don't go. I don't want it to end just like that. After everything that happened today, I don't want to lose my friend. I had a lot of fun. True, the whole drama at the arcade was unnecessary, but I wanted to help you out. Cheap had no right to treat you like that. You're a citizen of Ponyville. No matter what any pony says. Please don't apologize for anything. I don't regret meeting you for a minute. You're an awesome individual and I hope to see you more often. I mean we're friends...a-aren't we?" He wasn't sure if they were friends, but he hoped that they were. He never really had a friend before, so it was all new to him.

Kitsune froze in the middle of the street. She felt her stomach drop as she heard the words come from Dynamo. She turned around and saw his head hanging low. She walked toward him and placed a hand on his hand. Pulling it close to her, she placed her other hand on top of his. "You silly pony. I didn't mean goodbye forever. I just meant for tonight. I am not feeling very social after everything, and just need some alone time. I have to process everything that happened and move past everything once and for all....' She half frowned, furrowed her brow and her eyes drifted a bit before refocusing back on Dynamo. 'At least be able to start the process of moving past it anyway. I do want to spend more time with you, please don't think this is going to be the last time you see me. In fact here." She pulled out a purple sharpie from her back pocket and wrote her cell number on his hand that she was holding. "Here, text me tonight okay." 

She blew on the wet ink to make sure that it didn't smudge. "Okay, I'm going to head home now, I will wait for your text." She smiled at him and turned in the direction of her home and began walking.

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Kitsune froze in the middle of the street. She felt her stomach drop as she heard the words come from Dynamo. She turned around and saw his head hanging low. She walked toward him and placed a hand on his hand. Pulling it close to her, she placed her other hand on top of his. "You silly pony. I didn't mean goodbye forever. I just meant for tonight. I am not feeling very social after everything, and just need some alone time. I have to process everything that happened and move past everything once and for all....' She half frowned, furrowed her brow and her eyes drifted a bit before refocusing back on Dynamo. 'At least be able to start the process of moving past it anyway. I do want to spend more time with you, please don't think this is going to be the last time you see me. In fact here." She pulled out a purple sharpie from her back pocket and wrote her cell number on his hand that she was holding. "Here, text me tonight okay." 

Dynamo winced slightly as he felt something touch his hands. He looks up to see Kitsune putting her hands upon his. He blushes slightly while his ears drooped in embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I sometimes take things the wrong way. I understand and I hope everything will be okay for you. I have things in my past that I'm trying to move past, so I know where you're coming from." He closes his eyes briefly as he remembered his younger years. He shook his head to disclose those thoughts before opening his eyes once more. "If you ever need someone to talk to, then I'll be here for you. That's what friends are for after all." He raised an eyebrow in questioning of her actions. He chuckles slightly from the sharpie tickling his hand. He soon looks at his hand to see a number. He looks back at her and realizes she gave him her number. He smiles and nods while pulling her into a hug. He pulls back from the hug with a blush, but smiles. "Okay. I'll message you tonight. Also, I'm sorry about that, but I feel that we both needed a hug at the moment."

She blew on the wet ink to make sure that it didn't smudge. "Okay, I'm going to head home now, I will wait for your text." She smiled at him and turned in the direction of her home and began walking.

"You take care, okay? I'll see you soon and I'll text you. Bye, Kitsune." He smiles back at her and waves while she walks off. After waiting a couple of minutes, he turns in the direction of his house and heads for home. 


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@Dynamo Pad

She waves back and makes her way home. As she opens the door she breathes a sigh of relief. Home at last... now, to make some tea. She put the kettle on to boil and prepared her tea bag and mug. As she waited for the water she made her way quickly to her room and changed her clothes into her hoodie that Sasha gave her. It still smelled of him, she took a deep breath to take in the smell. It brought happy memories flooding into her memory. she put the hood up and put her slippers on, she made her way back into the kitchen. 

As the kettle began to boil she pulled it off the stove top. After pouring the water into her mug and dunked her tea back in and out a few times before discarding it in the waste bin. She takes her tea and moves into her reading room. She pulls a favorite book from the shelf and smiles as she cracks open the cover page. She could feel the love in the pages, she listened to the crinkle of the page as she turned it. She sat in her over sized chair snuggled under a light blanket with her head nestled in a pillow. Slowly sipping tea and turning pages she would periodically check her phone from texts from Sasha or Dynamo. 

A few hours pass and it is nearly 10PM before she decides to head to bed. She puts the book back, folds the blanket and rinses her mug. She makes her way to her bedroom and puts a hand in the pocket to place it on her bed side table, she takes off her slippers and crawls into her king sized bed and then her phone goes off....


Her ears perk up and her heart starts racing. She reaches over to pick it up to read the incoming text message....

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Before making his way home, Dynamo stopped at the convenient store to pick up some food and drinks. Once he makes it to his house, he opens the door and steps inside. He remembered that his boxes would arrive today. He made sure to ship them the day before so they would make it the next day. As he enters the living room, he sighs in relief to know everything arrived safely. He puts his food away and begins to straighten up the house. About an hour later, he was in his room placing the last of his belongings away. He sighs in relief and was thankful that he was done. 'Today was a pretty crazy day. Although, I don't regret any of it. I got to know the gist of Ponyville and I made a new friend.' He gets up off his bed and stretches before heading into the kitchen. Once he entered the kitchen, he goes over to the fridge to make himself a quick dinner.

As he finished his dinner, he made sure to throw his trash out and heads back into his room. He decided to turn on his console and play a few games for a little while. A few hours pass and he looks to the clock to see that it was 10 PM. He stifles a yawn and decided to call it a night. He made sure to turn off his console and got changed into his pajamas. He lays back down on his bed and sighs happily while feeling tired. He almost was about to close his eyes when he realized he had to message Kitsune. Reaching over his night stand, he grabs his cell phone and inputs Kitsune's phone number. After saving it into her contacts he sets up a message for her. "Hey Kitsune. I'm sorry for the late response. I got my boxes today and was unpacking. I also lost track of times playing video games haha. Anyway, what's up? Also, how are you feeling?" He hits the send button and awaits a message from her.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Hey Kitsune. I'm sorry for the late response. I got my boxes today and was unpacking. I also lost track of times playing video games haha. Anyway, what's up? Also, how are you feeling?" He hits the send button and awaits a message from her.

Kitsune smiles, she begins to type. "I'm glad that your things arrived safely. I know what you mean about losing track of time, I was reading for a long while tonight. I'm doing better, just need some time to clear my head and rest my soul. What are your plans for tomorrow?" She hit the send button. 

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Kitsune smiles, she begins to type. "I'm glad that your things arrived safely. I know what you mean about losing track of time, I was reading for a long while tonight. I'm doing better, just need some time to clear my head and rest my soul. What are your plans for tomorrow?" She hit the send button.

Dynamo smiles while trying to rub his eyes to stay awake. "Oh really? What book were you reading? I don't have that many books. That is, unless you count the collection of manga I have." He chuckles before he continues texting. "I'm glad to know you're feeling better. Just remember I'm here in case you want to talk about it. I'm honestly not that busy. I just have to be at the arcade early tomorrow. Button wanted to give me a quick run down tutorial of the place. Then he wants me to work for a couple of hours, so I should be done around 1:00 PM. Why? What's up?" He nods before hitting the send button. 


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@Dynamo Pad

Then he wants me to work for a couple of hours, so I should be done around 1:00 PM. Why? What's up?" He nods before hitting the send button. 

Kitsune was smiling as she read the incoming text. She quickly opened up the keyboard on her phone and started typing away. "Just wondering, I was going to see if you would like to come over for some tea and cookies. I plan on staying in tomorrow, I have some things to do around the house and yard before Sasha arrives in a couple days." She hit send. 

After sending the message she forgot to add something so she started typing away again. 

"My address is 159 S Holly Street. You can come over after your shift is over and we can talk about how your day went. Sound good?" Message sent. 

She placed her phone down on her stomach waiting for another response. 

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Kitsune was smiling as she read the incoming text. She quickly opened up the keyboard on her phone and started typing away. "Just wondering, I was going to see if you would like to come over for some tea and cookies. I plan on staying in tomorrow, I have some things to do around the house and yard before Sasha arrives in a couple days." She hit send. 

Dynamo grinned as he saw that he received a response. After reading the message he contemplated on what he could do. He nods before typing out his response. "That sounds pretty nice. Maybe I could help out for your visit with Sasha. Do you want me to bring anything with me, besides myself?" He laughs again before finishing his text. "Maybe after we're all done cleaning up, we can play games or watch some anime. What do you think?" 

"My address is 159 S Holly Street. You can come over after your shift is over and we can talk about how your day went. Sound good?" Message sent. 

She placed her phone down on her stomach waiting for another response. 

Before he sent his response, he received another text. He smiles before adding onto his message. "That sounds perfect. Hopefully I won't get lost, but I'll do my best." Message sent.

He placed the phone next to him as he waited for a response. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Before he sent his response, he received another text. He smiles before adding onto his message. "That sounds perfect. Hopefully I won't get lost, but I'll do my best." Message sent

Kitsune chuckled as she read his response. "If you would like to bring your favorite cookies that would be great. Idk if you like what I have, they are just short bread cookies. I would be okay with watching some Anime." Message sent.

"OH, and you shouldn't get lost, it's super easy, just head south towards the sweets shop and keep going in that direction, you will continue on the path and go over a bridge, once you hit the fork in the road you take a left and as long as you stay on that path it will lead right to my house." Message sent.

She placed the phone down back on her side table and closed her eyes, she was ready for some sleep. 

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Kitsune chuckled as she read his response. "If you would like to bring your favorite cookies that would be great. Idk if you like what I have, they are just short bread cookies. I would be okay with watching some Anime." Message sent.

"OH, and you shouldn't get lost, it's super easy, just head south towards the sweets shop and keep going in that direction, you will continue on the path and go over a bridge, once you hit the fork in the road you take a left and as long as you stay on that path it will lead right to my house." Message sent.

Dynamo heard his phone ring and checked to see he received two messages. He smiles while chuckles and smiles in relief as he read the messages. "I'll see what I can do, but I'm up for trying something different. I'll check through my anime library and bring something over. Thanks for the directions. I shouldn't get lost when finding your house now." He yawns while rubbing his tired eyes. "It's starting to get late, so I'm going to head off for bed. I'll text you when I'm on my way over. See you tomorrow and goodnight, Kitsune." After sending the text, he places his phone back on his night stand before laying back down on his bed. He stares up at the ceiling while being lost in his thoughts.

'Today was certainly a productive and busy day. I made it to Ponyville, I was able to get mister Pinball's home, my stuff was delivered safely and I even made a new friend. Even though she isn't a pony, she's really awesome. I hope I get to learn more about her as time goes on. Although, what Cheap Shot said is starting to bother me. How did he even know about my name. I wonder if he knew about my channel, but could it be more than that?' He yawns again before sighing. He felt his eyes were beginning to grow heavy. 'Oh, well. I shouldn't worry about it right now. For the time being, I should get some rest. I got a big day ahead of me.' With that, he closes his eyes and let's sleep take hold of him.

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@Dynamo Pad

The next morning, Kitsune's alarm went off at 5:40 am, she slung her arm over and grabbed her phone to shut off the alarm. As she slowly started to open her eyes she noticed two missed text messages. 

The first from Dynamo, 'll see what I can do, but I'm up for trying something different. I'll check through my anime library and bring something over. Thanks for the directions. I shouldn't get lost when finding your house now. It's starting to get late, so I'm going to head off for bed. I'll text you when I'm on my way over. See you tomorrow and goodnight, Kitsune." 

She smiled as she read it. She felt bad that she had fallen asleep before she could text back. She started her way out of her room as she opened up her second text message. 

"Morning Sunshine! =]" It was from Sasha, Kitsune's smile only increased. Her heart went a flutter as she read it. She immediately text back wishing him a good morning as well. She then made her way to the kitchen where she flipped on her coffee machine she pulled out her mug and placed it underneath the drip. She popped two slices of bread in the toaster and pulled out the butter and strawberry jam. She grabs some creamer, eggs, cheese and mushrooms. She puts the pan on to warm up, she cracks the eggs into a bowl, then starts to slice the mushrooms. She throws them in the pan and starts to fry them up. She returns to her eggs whisking them nicely, adding a bit of water to the mix. Tosses a bit of salt and pepper in for taste and then she stirs the mushrooms around and then places them on the edge of a plate. She wipes out the pan places a little bit of butter in and then the eggs go in. She pulls her mug off of the cup holder on the coffee maker and pours a bit of creamer in. 

She gently moves the eggs around so everything starts to get cooked. She cuts a few pieces of cheese nice and thin and then flips the egg mixture over, placing the cheese down to melt, she puts the mushrooms back in the pan and completes her omelet. She moves it from the pan back to the plate, grabbing her toast that was freshly covered in butter and jam. 

After enjoying her breakfast she quickly cleans up the kitchen and grabs her phone, and headphones. She notices another text from Sasha and quickly replies. She turns on Ponedora, and makes her way out to the yard. She grabs the feed for the chickens and makes her way to their pen. She opens up the hen house and tosses some feed on the ground. She waits for them to head out for their breakfast before making her way in to collect the eggs. After she finishes there she makes her way over to her bees that are far out in her yard. She puts on the safety equipment to go and check on their honey production. She knows that there are a few that should be ready by now. She pulls them out and moves them to the honey collection bin, and replaces the honey combs with fresh slates. 

She pulls the cart full of honey combs to the edge of her property where there is a shed. She takes off the bee gear and pulls each slate out and places them inside a large spinner. She fills the slats of the spinner with each of the combs. She turns the thing on and leaves the shed. She makes her way out to the river. She had places a few traps for some fish and she wanted to see if there were any that had produced. 

With just a little luck she had caught three fish in total. She tossed them all into one of the nets and placed the other two nets back into the stream. She heads back to the house to put the fish in the sink. She then runs back to the shed to shut off the spinner. She removes the combs and what is left is rich honey. She has to strain it next and moves the pot to another section of the shed. She puts the attachments on that need to be on, the filter, hose, and press. She then flips another switch and then runs back to the house. 

She looks at her phone, it's now 8 am. She feels a bit behind, but she makes the most of it. She starts with the first fish, Chopping the head first and discarding it, next come the scales, she cleans out the inside and then starts to fillet the fish, pulling out the bones and placing them in bags. She does this with each fish and then places a couple portions in her fridge, the rest go into the freezer. She then thinks about it again, and she moves one more fillet to the fridge from the freezer. She decided that she may make some sushi for her and Dynamo. She wasn't sure if he had ever had any, but her mother used to make it all the time and it was so delicious! She hadn't made it in a while and decided why not today. 

After that she made her way back to the shed and the press had automatically shut off. She looked at the filtered honey and licked her lips. She then took the mixture to the mason jars and began pouring it into each jar. Making sure not to let any honey drip down the jars. She quickly placed the top lid, a small square of colored fabric that she got from the fancy white pony in town and then she twisted the other part of the lid tight. She slapped a label on it, it read 'Kitty's Home Grown Honey' She stacked them into a couple boxes that she then place in her little wagon. She knew that Mr. Rich was waiting for her supply for this week. She went in and quickly took a shower and got dressed. Grabbing her phone once more and popping in her headphones she went on listening to her favorite music. 

She made her way to the store and got there just in time. She made the money exchange with Mr. Rich and then picked up some seaweed, and a few more vegetables. She also picked up some wasabi for the sushi. She had everything else, so she then took her wagon and her small bag of groceries back home. She took a big sigh, she was done for the day. And it was only 10 am. She decided that she would shoot Dynamo a quick text. 

"Hey, hope your day started off great! By the way, I am going to be making some sushi, so don't eat too much for lunch today! =]" Message sent.

She felt so much better than the night before, her routine really helps her to get out of her head and just focus on what she needs to get done. She brewed another cup of coffee and decided to retire to her over sized chair again and start reading where she left off. She continued to text Sasha as the texts came in, and she was waiting to hear back from Dynamo, hoping to hear good things about his day so far. 

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The next morning, Dynamo alarm on his phone went off at around 6:30 AM. He sat up quickly in bed, as the alarm gave him a quick jump start for the day. He leans over to grab his phone and turns off the alarm. He rubs his tired eyes and yawns. He was never a morning person, but to him, it was like a curse. He always got up early, but he could never really go back to bed most of the time. He stretches before getting out of bed and head for the kitchen. Once there, he opens the cabinets on what he could make for breakfast. He pulled out some boxes and some milk from the fridge while getting some bowls. He starts to make a pancake batter and mixes all the ingredients. He gets out an electric stove and places the batter onto the stove. After a couple of minutes, he flips the batter to find the pancakes a crisp golden brown. He waits a little more for the other side to be done, before grabbing himself a plate. He uses a spatula to flip the pancakes onto the plate and turns off the stove.

He places the plate on the table before getting out a bottle of syrup from a drawer. Once he adds syrup to the pancakes, he puts the syrup back and gets out a fork and a knife. He sits down and digs into his breakfast. After enjoying the food he made, he throws out his plate before placing the utensils and bowl into the sink. He puts the boxes away and begins washing the dishes. He lets the dishes soak before heading back to his room. He checks to see if he received any new text messages from Kitsune, but finds that there was no response. He looks to the time on his phone to see that it was around 8 AM. He chose to get ready for the day and gets changed. His clothing attire consisted of a beige shirt, blue pants and his black shoes. He heads back into the kitchen to finish up on washing the dishes. After making sure they were clean and put away, Dynamo heads back to his room one more time to make sure he had everything. He gets out his book bag and prepares for his hangout with Kitsune. 

He gathered his PlayStation 4, a couple of controllers and his Lucky Star and Fairy Tail first season box sets. After making sure he had everything, Dynamo exits his room and makes his way out of the house. He locks the door before walking down the path to the arcade. He was greeted with a good morning here and there and he responded in kind. He made it to the arcade to find that Button Prompt was preparing to open the arcade. He knocks on the door and was let inside the arcade shop. After greeting each other, Button gave Dynamo the rundown to how things worked. He made sure to pay attention, so he wouldn't make a mistake. Button saw the concerned look in Dynamo's eyes and chuckled. Letting him know that if he made a mistake, then he could be shown until it became second nature. Dynamo sighed in relief and relaxed a little more. Soon the shop was open and some ponies were walking into the store. They either played games or were collecting tickets for prizes. Dynamo walked around the store and made sure every game was up and running. That, or he helped ponies who were having trouble getting stuck on a game.

It was around 10 AM when he felt his phone go off. He checks to see that he received a text from Kitsune. He smiles as he reads the message. He nods before quickly replying to her message. "It's been going pretty well so far. I was confused on some things in the arcade, but Button made sure I would be okay. I hope you're day is going pretty well. I never had sushi before, but it sounds great. I'll make sure to be as hungry as possible when I get there. I'm almost done work, so I'll see you soon =]." After sending his messages, he puts his phone away and continues his work. A couple of hours later, the clock on the store had read 1 PM. He sighs in relief in knowing that he was all done. He heads over to Button to let him know that he would be leaving. After getting the okay, Dynamo waves to him and exits the arcade. He slung the book bag over his shoulders as he pulled out his phone. "Hey! I'm all done work and I'm heading over now. I'll message you when I'm outside the house. See you in a little bit." He smiles as he sends Kitsune a response. He looks to the directions she gave him yesterday and proceeds to make his way to her house. 


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@Dynamo Pad

"It's been going pretty well so far. I was confused on some things in the arcade, but Button made sure I would be okay. I hope you're day is going pretty well. I never had sushi before, but it sounds great. I'll make sure to be as hungry as possible when I get there. I'm almost done work, so I'll see you soon =]."

She smiles as she reads the message, she puts her phone back in her lap and continues to read.

Kitsune looked at her phone to see what time it was. Half past 11, she decided it was time to get things ready for her guest. She picked up her area and folded her blanket nicely and placed over the back of her chair. She put her book back on the shelf and made her way back to the kitchen to clean out her mug. She washed her hands and pulled out her pot to start the rice. She prepared it just as she was taught to, she pulled out her bamboo roller mat and pulled out the nori. she grabbed the cucumber, avocado, the fish from this morning, some crab that she had and she pulled some shrimp out of her freezer. She quickly placed the frozen shrimp in some cool water to help it thaw a bit. She prepared the batter for frying and she started to cut up the fish. She put some chili paste in it, just to make it warm, not too hot. 

She prepared the crab by cooking it through and letting it cool. As the water started to boil she turned the burner down to a simmer and allowed the rice to cook for about 9 more minutes. 

As it was cooking she started with the shrimp placing the freshly dipped battered shrimp into a fryer. She let them sizzle until cooked through, pulling them out and placing them on a paper towel to drain the grease. She pulled the rice off the burner and ran a spatula around the edges and through the middle to make sure all of the water was cooked through. Pleased with it she began to assemble the rolls. She first placed some plastic wrap onto the bamboo rolling mat, then placed down the rice. She put on the nori and proceeded with placing some of the spicy fish mixture with some crisp cucumbers along the middle of the roll. She gently but quickly used the rolling mat to complete the roll. She pressed it together tightly and then unrolled it, the plastic wrap tightly around the long sushi roll. She placed it aside for cutting later. 

She did the same with the rest, alternating between nori down first and rice down first depending on what was inside. She even made a few vegetarian rolls in case Dynamo didn't like the ones with fish in them. She finished up all the rolls and placed them in the fridge while she cleaned up the kitchen. 

She heard her phone go off, it was Sasha again. 

"So how is your lunch date coming along?? eh eh? Should I be prepared to knock some heads in when I get there?!"

She quickly replied. "Oh stop it, he is just a new pony in town, thought I would be kind to him and treat him to lunch okay. Geez, he seems pretty cool anyway." She sent the message as she rolled her eyes. 

Sasha quickly responded. "Uh huh... sure... 'Just a new pony in town'. We will see."

She shot back, "I'm ignoring you right now lol." 

She tossed her phone onto her couch and was trying to ignore it. Then all of a sudden it goes off again. "Oh for crying out loud Sasha, we just met!!" She says out loud as she made her way to the couch to retrieve her phone. 

She opens the text without even seeing who it is from.

 "Hey! I'm all done work and I'm heading over now. I'll message you when I'm outside the house. See you in a little bit."

She blushed a bit and started to type, "Okay, see you soon! :]"

She grabbed down the cookies and tea pot, she put the kettle on to boil and she placed a couple tea bags in the tea pot. Waiting for everything to be done and the jingle of her phone to go off letting her know that Dynamo was about to be at her front door. 

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As Dynamo was making his way to Kitsune's house, his phone began to ring. He took out his phone and saw that he received a response. ""Okay, see you soon! :]" Dynamo smiles as he places his phone back in his pocket. While walking through town, he remembers the steps on getting towards her house. He passed the sweet shop and saw a bridge coming up in his field of vision. He looks to his side to see the water flowing from the dam. He turns around while he walks and takes in the view. He takes a deep breath and exhales with a smile. 'This place just looks so peaceful. I'm glad I decided to move to this little town. I hope to make some great memories here in Ponyville.' He quickens his step a little, but continues to walk at an even pace.

Soon he comes across the fork in the road. Dynamo looks at the text and remembers to go left. He could see the forest coming up in the distance. His heart began to quicken and he couldn't tell why. Was it because of the forest itself, or was it because he was going to a girl's house. He shook his head to erase such silly thoughts. He took a deep breath and tries to calm down. 'Just take it easy Dynamo. You're going to a friend's house and hanging out. Just have a nice time and learn more about your friend. Nothing to be nervous or afraid about.' He soon felt calm as he reached the base of the forest. He thought he passed a cottage of sorts along the way, but he didn't pay it much mind. As he reached the base of the forest, he noticed a house right along the area. He concluded that this was Kitsune's house. He smiles as he pulls his phone out of his pocket to text her. "Hey I made it to your house in one piece. I'm knocking on your door to let you know that it's me." He hit send and began to walk up to her house. Looking at said house, he thought the outside of the house looked beautiful. He notices the hen house and concludes that those must be her chickens. He smiles as he steps up to the front door and gently, but firmly knocks on her front door. He quickly made one last check to see if he had everything he needed for their little hangout. He nods in confirmation as he waits patiently at the door. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Kitsune heard her phone go off and she walked right past it on her way to the front door. She opened it to find the blue unicorn standing there with his pack on. She stepped aside and invited him in. She quickly excused herself from his presents to make her way back to the kitchen as the kettle began to whistle. 

"Just make yourself at home, you can unpack your things, the tea will be ready in a minute and we can start chowing down on the sushi!" She said from the kitchen. 

She quickly made work of the tea and then opened up the fridge, she grabbed the rolls and started to gently cut them into slices. She placed them decoratively on a large platter. She placed the platter on her little kitchen table and then she went back for the tea. Placing chopsticks by each small plate, and a fork next to Dynamo's plate also, just in case. 

"Okay, everything is ready if you would like to join me in the kitchen." She waved to him from the table. She heard her phone go off again, she raised an eyebrow. 

"Play nice, don't do anything I wouldn't do. :]" She just shook her head and shot a quick reply back to Sasha.

"You're an idiot, you know that right? XP" Message sent.

She looked up and placed her phone in her back pocket of her Capri's. 

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Dynamo saw the door open and smiles at seeing Kitsune. He smiles at her and greets his friend with a wave of his arm. "Hey there! It's been a long time since I last saw you. It's nice to see you again." He says jokingly while laughing kindly. She moved aside as he stepped inside her home. He looks around in awe at how nice her house looked. He turns around to see her leaving the living room.

"Just make yourself at home, you can unpack your things, the tea will be ready in a minute and we can start chowing down on the sushi!" She said from the kitchen. 

"Okay that sounds like a plan. I'm actually a little hungry." He chuckles while taking his book bag off of his shoulders. He lays the bag on the couch and takes out the anime DVD's and places them on the coffee table. He continues to look around the living room while admiring the things in the room.

"Okay, everything is ready if you would like to join me in the kitchen." She waved to him from the table. She heard her phone go off again, she raised an eyebrow. 

His ears perked as he heard her calling to him. He makes his way out of the living room and into the kitchen. He looks at the food that was served for them and he felt like he was drooling at the prepared lunch. He blushed in embarrassment as he felt his stomach growl. He takes a seat while noticing Kitsune shaking her head. "Is everything okay? I didn't do anything wrong, right? Also, the food looks really good. You made this all yourself?" He says with an curious eyebrow raised. He looks down to notice chopsticks placed next to his bowl. He also notices the fork and smiles at her kind and generous thoughtfulness.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Is everything okay? I didn't do anything wrong, right?  He says with an curious eyebrow raised.

She finished her text and quickly put her phone in her back pocket. She smiled, "Yeah, no worries, everything is okay. It's just Sasha, he is teasing me. He is such a butt sometimes." She chuckled and then placed her napkin in her lap and picked up her chopsticks. 

Also, the food looks really good. You made this all yourself?"

She began placing a few pieces of each roll on her small plate. She grabbed some of the wasabi and soy sauce. "Yeah, I've been making food like this since I was little. My mom is a wizard in the kitchen and I helped out a lot. Learning to make sushi was the most fun, and delicious! Please dig in! Don't be shy, I could hear your stomach growling earlier." She shoves a slice in her mouth and smiles at him with her little cheeks filled. 

She sipped her tea and ate the sushi until she was satisfied. She got up from the table and grabbed the tray of cookies and brought it to the table. She refreshed her cup of tea and placed a couple cookies on a napkin in front of her. She picked up her dishes and placed them in the sink in the kitchen. She took a deep breath and sighed. She dunked her cookie in her tea and nibbled on it. Closing her eyes and savoring the taste. She only allowed herself to have two cookies, because she knew if she had anymore she would eat them all. That was her guilty pleasure. She sat back in her chair and just melted as the taste of the cookie filled her mouth. 

She finished her cookies, and drank up her tea. She placed the mug in the sink and sat down waiting for Dynamo to finish. Trying to keep the conversation going. 

"So what kind of anime did you bring over?" She asked.

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She finished her text and quickly put her phone in her back pocket. She smiled, "Yeah, no worries, everything is okay. It's just Sasha, he is teasing me. He is such a butt sometimes." She chuckled and then placed her napkin in her lap and picked up her chopsticks.

Dynamo chuckles while taking the napkin and stuffing it in his shirt, so he wouldn't spill anything on his shirt. "He sounds like a bit of a joker. Does he always mess with you and other from time to time. What was he joking about?"

She began placing a few pieces of each roll on her small plate. She grabbed some of the wasabi and soy sauce. "Yeah, I've been making food like this since I was little. My mom is a wizard in the kitchen and I helped out a lot. Learning to make sushi was the most fun, and delicious! Please dig in! Don't be shy, I could hear your stomach growling earlier." She shoves a slice in her mouth and smiles at him with her little cheeks filled. 

Dynamo smiles while trying to hold back another chuckle. He couldn't deny how cute she looked and nods in agreement. "I guess cooking was your mom's special talent. I guess there must have been a lot of exotic food dishes." He says before taking his chopsticks to grab the sushi. A couple times he couldn't grab his food. At one point he thought he was ready to take a bite, but the sushi fell from the chopsticks as his utensil smacked him in the head. He had a deadpanned expression on his face and sighs in slight frustration. He looked to see Kitsune smirk softly and giggling at his dilemma. He didn't want to use a fork, so he decided to try the chopsticks one more time.

He picked up his sushi while having a firm grip on his eating utensil. After making sure nothing would fall, he placed the sushi in his mouth and chewed. His eyes lit up as he began to chew vigorously before swallowing his lunch. He wanted to stuff his face with more food, but tried to be more polite. He didn't want to choke on his food or become sick. He sipped his tea while he ate and was satisfied with his lunch. After finishing, he stood up and went to place his bowl in the sink. Once he sat back down at the table, he saw her bring out the tray of cookies. He took one before taking a bite and hums happily. "These cookies are amazing. I'd say they're just as great as the cupcake I had yesterday. Thank you again for all the food. I really do appreciate it." Suddenly a thought just occurred to him. "I almost forgot. The pink pony I got a cupcake from gasped and then vanished. Is that a normal everyday occurrence around here in Ponyville?" He asks while finishing his cookie. 

"So what kind of anime did you bring over?" She asked.

"I brought over two DVD's in case one didn't appeal to you. One is called Lucky Star. It's a comedy and slice of life kind of anime. It's more or less the story of four friends going through shenanigans and everyday high school life. The other is a shoenen, or an action anime called Fairy Tail. It's about these group of wizards that have their own guild going on quests and facing off against enemies. I picked up the box set recently, so I haven't gotten far in it. I've seen up to about the fourth episode and it has some funny and awesome moments." He explains, but tries his best to not sound weird.





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@Dynamo Pad

Dynamo chuckles while taking the napkin and stuffing it in his shirt, so he wouldn't spill anything on his shirt. "He sounds like a bit of a joker. Does he always mess with you and other from time to time. What was he joking about?"

She finished chewing her bite to answer. "Oh, not much. Just teasing me about meeting new ponies. I told him how we met and how it kind of brought back memories of when Sasha and I met." She picked up another piece of sushi.

"These cookies are amazing. I'd say they're just as great as the cupcake I had yesterday. Thank you again for all the food. I really do appreciate it." Suddenly a thought just occurred to him. "I almost forgot. The pink pony I got a cupcake from gasped and then vanished. Is that a normal everyday occurrence around here in Ponyville?"

"You're welcome, and don't think anything of it. I know how hard things can be when moving to a strange new place." She smiled at him. "Oh... yeah, that pony is a bit out there, but she means really well. She likes to know EVERY pony ... and fox in town. So she makes it a point that when someone new comes to town that every pony knows it and then she trows a little party for them. So don't be surprised if when you get home it is full of ponies and party stuff." She giggled. "It even happened to me." 

After a bit of conversation she asked "So what kind of anime did you bring over?"

"I brought over two DVD's in case one didn't appeal to you. One is called Lucky Star. It's a comedy and slice of life kind of anime. It's more or less the story of four friends going through shenanigans and everyday high school life. The other is a shoenen, or an action anime called Fairy Tail. It's about these group of wizards that have their own guild going on quests and facing off against enemies. I picked up the box set recently, so I haven't gotten far in it. I've seen up to about the fourth episode and it has some funny and awesome moments." He explains, but tries his best to not sound weird.

She thought for a few moments. "I would love to watch Fairy Tail! That one sounds awesome!!" She didn't want to admit that she had already watched everything that she could about it and loved every second of it. She stands up and invites him to make their way to the TV room. She grabbed a spot on her couch and waited for everything to start. 

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She finished chewing her bite to answer. "Oh, not much. Just teasing me about meeting new ponies. I told him how we met and how it kind of brought back memories of when Sasha and I met." She picked up another piece of sushi.

Dynamo chuckles at the reasoning behind the teasing. "I hope I get to meet him one day. He sounds like a pretty cool pony to hang out with. I'm guessing the way you and I met is somewhat similar to you and Sasha? That, or it's all remembering good times. Either way, that sounds pretty nice. I'm not sure if I asked, but what does he do for a living?"

"You're welcome, and don't think anything of it. I know how hard things can be when moving to a strange new place." She smiled at him. "Oh... yeah, that pony is a bit out there, but she means really well. She likes to know EVERY pony ... and fox in town. So she makes it a point that when someone new comes to town that every pony knows it and then she trows a little party for them. So don't be surprised if when you get home it is full of ponies and party stuff." She giggled. "It even happened to me." 

Dynamo smiles softly while his ears drooped slightly. "I can't thank you enough for all your kindness. I hope there'll be a time where I can return the gesture. Nopony has ever been this nice or kind to me. Why other ponies and/or creatures can't give you and others a chance? I'll never know, but I try my best to give the benefit of the doubt. You're truly awesome and a true friend." He looks at her and could feel his heat beating quickly. Whether it was admiring her for her kindness or another reason, he honestly didn't have the answer. He shook his head slightly and decided not to worry about it. He raises and eyebrow and gives a somewhat worrying stare. "I guess I should let Button know to call out tomorrow. I guess I won't be sleeping much tonight if there's a big party. That and of course if there's sugar and soda." He laughs while shaking his head. "Sounds like this will be awesome. Maybe you and I can go back together and party it up." He grins in relief while feeling calm. He raises and eyebrow once more in curiosity. "Really? Was she a ninja or something? It just makes me feel like she can watch ones movements and find all their hobbies and such. That, or she knows a pony as simple as that." He explains with a snap of his fingers. "What was your party like? Was it as awesome as you imagined?" He asks while trying to be prepared for his upcoming welcoming party.

She thought for a few moments. "I would love to watch Fairy Tail! That one sounds awesome!!" She didn't want to admit that she had already watched everything that she could about it and loved every second of it. She stands up and invites him to make their way to the TV room. She grabbed a spot on her couch and waited for everything to start. 

He smiles as he saw a bright smile upon her face. He nods while following her into the living room. He sits in the chair while reaching over for the DVD on the coffee table. Once he brings the box st over to him, he takes the first disc out of it's compartment. He looks around and tilts his head slightly in confusion. "Uh...do you know where the DVD player is? I just don't want to touch and break something." He rubs his hand on his neck, while chuckling and blushing in embarrassment.



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@Dynamo Pad

I'm not sure if I asked, but what does he do for a living?"

"Oh, well he is a silversmith in Manehattan. He crafts beautiful pieces for the local theater and also sells some pieces in his shop. He makes smaller pieces as well, for the actors to wear, and for selling such as rings, necklaces, bracelets and such." She smiles as she recalls the memories of her browsing his shop looking at all of the beautiful pieces and hoping that one day she would be able to afford one, if she could find just the right one that is. 

He raises and eyebrow and gives a somewhat worrying stare. "I guess I should let Button know to call out tomorrow. I guess I won't be sleeping much tonight if there's a big party. That and of course if there's sugar and soda." He laughs while shaking his head. "Sounds like this will be awesome. Maybe you and I can go back together and party it up."

She blushed as she thought about going to the party with him. It is different than just showing up to a party, but going back to his house with him...together... she hopes that her red fur will not let on that she is blushing before she answers. "Uhm... sure, I think it would be fun to go to the party. And don't worry, it won't last too long, you will have lots of time for sleep." She smiles.

He grins in relief while feeling calm. He raises and eyebrow once more in curiosity. "Really? Was she a ninja or something? It just makes me feel like she can watch ones movements and find all their hobbies and such. That, or she knows a pony as simple as that." He explains with a snap of his fingers. "What was your party like? 

"Not really a ninja, but she does follow you around a bit just to get to see what you are doing before bombarding you in your home." She laughed. "My party was simple, just a cake and some snacks and drinks. My parents were there and most of the town showed up. It was a great way to meet all of the ponies, and they were aware that I was a fox before coming over so they were accepting at least of that fact, some ponies... like Cheap Shot... didn't show up. But that is in the past." She explains. 

 He looks around and tilts his head slightly in confusion. "Uh...do you know where the DVD player is? I just don't want to touch and break something." He rubs his hand on his neck, while chuckling and blushing in embarrassment.

Kitsune giggles and moves to the TV, she taps a button on a small black box and it pops open. "There ya go." She makes her way back to the couch and waits for him to sit down.

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