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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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"Ember sacrificed herself in order to save us and kill that Assassin, I knew the moment we were trying to engage that monster that something terrible was going to happen..."

"But at least she truly died a heroes death, she managed to take down one of the most evil people in the entire galaxy. You wouldn't believe how many lives had been destroyed because of that Assassin."

"Still...  I wish it could have ended differently..." Jack said with regret.

"We should keep moving." he said, not looking at anyone else just for moment.


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"Hello? Jack? Is it on?" Ember said through Woody's telepathy which only Jack could hear "Jack you're in danger you mother had a backup plan! Get out of there as quickly as you can try to wake Fluttershy if you can so she can fly you out of there."

Woody wasn't connected to the telepathy and was honestly really confused. "What happened?"

Ember looked at him "Long story."


Festus started to leave the tunnel again "No point in staying here... We best keep moving."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack flinched.

"O.. o no....."  he said.

he looked around wiidly, but he still kept following the group.

"This is bad this bad this bad this bad..." Jack started muttering to himself in a self-turned panic.


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"Woody I'll tell you later, for now, I gotta go back there. Can you teleport me closer?"

"Ya that easy." Woody sang a mystical song and ember teleported a good distance away from Canterlot. After which the Dragon quickly flew back to the gorge.


Fluttershy looked at Jack "I... Is something wrong."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack was still looking around uncomfortably.

"I fear something is going to happen, with what I just heard from Ember... We are essentially waiting for something to happen, I am telling you guys, something is going to happen." Jack said

Suddenly some sort of small projectiles denotated straight in the middle of the group.

The explosion, however, was made up of red smoke, and that very smoke was starting to surround the group.

"NO-" Before Jack could finish his scream he started to collapse to the ground, with the same thing happening to the other 2 group members.

The 3 of them fell limply to the ground, while the smoke was not killing them, it was putting them in almost like coma state.


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Ember was walking around the tunnels now she had gone quickly. "Jack! Fluttershy! Where are you!" I can't believe I let this happen what a dumb move.

"Princess Ember." Celestia said from behind her "I thought those 2 were with you?"

"They were but something happened and we got separated... It's a long story." Ember said

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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After a few moments, the Assassin teleported close to the group.

She started to gather dark energies in her hand, which eventually caused a massive portal to show up from thin air, that was radiating with same dark energies.

Out of the portal came a massive group of enemy soldiers and some infected who were clad in red symbols, the last one who to walk out of the portal was someone wearing a black cloak and was wearing some sort of mask, where crimson eyes glowed from.

The cloaked figure looked at the assassin with in a tilted head, which she, in turn, gave a nod.

The cloaked figure started to cast a spell that was creating some sort of energy in the air, but it turned out to be a non-physical gateway that was used as communication.

"I have completed my end of the bargain, as you requested, here lies your target, but as a matter of generosity, I have gifted you with 2 aliens as well." The assassin said with a smirk.

"You have done well, even within the span of these 5 months, but I wonder... What of these *creatures*?" A distorted voice echoed across Ghastly Gorge, which originated from those energies,

"They should not put up much resistance as of now, sheer incompetence has slowed down your forces considerably tough, Azrath was too deep in his head." The assassin said with an eye roll at those last words.

"Then he no longer serves his purpose, as do the rest of these failures. I have no need for weakness." The voice growled.

"I do hope that my reward still comes through, my services do not come at free, even with your ongoing status." The assassin said back.

"You breathe because I allow it, that will NOT be forgotten. But as your reward shall be forthcoming."



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Ember head a loud voice echo across the chasm, She flew to it quickly, with her rifle, and Celestia followed her quickly behind. The two princesses ran into the same cavern seeing all the soldiers and their leader. They hadn't seen them yet. Ember, recklessly, stepped towards them and aimed her rifle, Celestia put her hoof on the rifle and shook her head signaling that Ember needed to wait a second.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Then then it would a shame if I should die with this classified information that I have acquired.. something you have would seem to liking." The assassin said with a smirk.

"Really now? Do tell." The voice said.

"This boy apparently had found out information that refers to the location of the last surviving member of the circle. All of this information imprinted into his tiny brain, which had turned to be exact copies from your old nemesis, Moriah Karviah. The old fool and his band of zealots are still hiding." The assassin said.

The voice started to laugh at a very loud volume, the tunnels started to shake from the sheer vibration.

"My assumptions where right it turns out. Good, and now.... Keep my *trophies* intact." The voice said with satisfaction.

The cloaked figure bowed and started to drag the unconscious bodies straight towards the portal with its powers.


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Ember knew at this point she couldn't wait any longer she flew up into there and, fired a few shots aimed right at the enemy leaders head.

Celestia knew that was going to happen and fire a few blast of magic to help Ember's attack as well.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The hooded figure caster large red barrier was formed around them the portal which caused the attacks of Ember and Celestia to bounce against it.

But at this point, the 3 had already been transported through the portal.


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Ember lost her resolve "I give up." She said dropping her rifle "I can't do much anymore. Can't protect Equestria, Can't protect 3 important individuals..." She looked to the ground and sighed "So why bother trying to protect myself." It was all hitting her at once and she felt really defeated by it.

Celestia moved over to her "Hey... now's not the time Ember. Portals not closed yet let's get them!" She said drawing her weapon.

Ember sighed again. "What's the point, It's probably a trap..."

Celestia growled at her "Whatever I'll go." She said flying towards the portal she was gonna try to get through it and save the others.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Celestia attacked the cloaked enemy, when she did, however, her weapon just deflected off the foe's armor. Celestia's eyes widened "Oh... Well, this seems to have been a mistake..." She fired a blast of intense heat at the enemy burning the cloak off of him "Let's see what you look like!"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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When the cloak got burned, it revealed an very disturbing sight, it was a cat creature, but its body was very thin, wich you could almost see its bones, but its eyes had no pupils, and its body was surrounded by chains and weird contraptions that where giving off some sort of electricity.

"It seems you are holding a grudge againts my sorcerer, wich is to bad, because i guess it is me you are after?" the voice laughed

"I can grant you an audiance, but in extension i will be taking something from you as well!" the voice said as the room started to get very dark.

Thousands of echoes started whispering among Celestia and Ember in their head and ears.



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"No way!" Celestia and Ember both said. The reaction afterwards was different however

Celestia followed up with "As if I'd trust someone like you! You'll probably ask for my sister's soul or something ridiculous like that!" She said charging another blast.

Ember simply said afterwards. "What's left for you to take? Whatever you want inevitably you seem to get..." She shrugged "then again that means I have nothing to lose."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Left for me to take? I don't care for such things, everything is disposable to me, all I care for is the end result, all living beings are a spoil of war." He replied to Ember with a laugh.

"So overconfident with that purity of yours, thinking that you can stand your ground, your mother thought the same thing, but she eventually realised her mistake and resigned to her fate, so... why can't you? What have you left to prove?" He said to Celestia


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Celestia heard what he said "My... Mother? You knew her? Wait that means that you were here before! So how did you get driven back the first time then? Where you only scouting this place the first time?" She figured that she could stall out for a bit and hope that Ember got her spirit to fight back.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The voice started to laugh.

"Far from it, when my armies were cleansing the overpopulated filth, a particular someone had gotten very upset, and decided to confront me in all heroic manner, or rather, it would have looked heroic if she had stood a chance."

"But in the end, her efforts were for naught, and so she and her mutual allies were forced to meet their fate head on, but not before spilling the name *Tia and Lulu* in her last moments. It is ironic really, all this time you thought she was gone did you not? But she had been alive for all those centuries while you were wasting your breath at your little kingdom, it was only for years 4 ago that she could no longer tolerate my personal agenda, but after all that time, she had been wondering... Where are my daughters? Why are they idly sitting by like that?"

"I understood her pain all to well when she was confronted with daughterly abandonment."


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"I don't believe a word of this!" She held out her halberd pointing the spear head at the sorcerers head "If she was alive I wouldn't be the ruler of the kingdom. She wouldn't have been in hiding that long! Nor could you even touch her since she had not been idle for so long as I had been. So cut with the lies, You'll need your breath for later." She threw her halberd at the Sorcerer she teleported behind the Sorcerer launching another flaming blast at his back

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The sorcerer got flung straight into a wall as it got almost incinerated to death by Celestia's surprise attack.

"Yes, that's it, resist! Let's see how long your struggle is going to last!" The voice said with amusement.

The room started to get even darker, the energies were starting to intensify as it went on.

The assassin somehow was no longer there, who had presumably walked through the massive portal during the conversation.


Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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"Celestia!" Ember said realizing something "You and your sister can track the leader's stone we can find it if Festus has it! Not all is lost yet!" She shouted as she drew her knife "Perhaps It'd be best if we ran away now."

"No way they wish to lie about my mother so they'll pay for it" Celestia held the halberd's axe blade up to the sorcerer's throat "If you know anything about my mother, You're going to tell me otherwise..." There was no reason for her to finish her sentence they knew what she meant.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You wish to know her fate?" The voice said with a sinister chuckle

"She has not been idle for the entire time, but rather in a different place, spending centuries in the face of her so called purity, thinking she could change the future into a better place, but it had costed her dearly, her own naive nature caused her to choose that path. Because you know why? She had been a member of the circle for over 400 years and had kept a secret to save all of your hides, but her guilt was consuming her, all those who she had vowed to protect were being destroyed. Only 4 years ago when the planet Aurus was a massive conflict, had she decided to intervene, but due to her incompetence, she had not noticed the true nature of the conflict and was eventually destroyed along with 347.000 lives, when I manipulated the orbit around the planet, guiding the sun straight into its surface, a simple method I found out after her interrogation. And so... she died a horrible death, being incinerated to the tiniest molecule, but not before I kept some of her remains as a trophy, a reminder to how pitiful and weak your species truly are.."

"You know I am speaking the truth because should you look into the diaries you found in that temple, you will eventually find the name auxilliria, sounds familiar doesn't it?" The voice said with a hint of amusement behind it.


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"You still Lie!" Celestia said angered not wanting to believe his words, She drove the axe head into the sorcerer's neck, letting go of the halberd afterwards, "I'm sick of this war already. We need to take the fight to them." Celestia said to Ember and she pointed at the portal "That's our chance to."

Ember wasn't sure if that was a good Idea. "Yeah ok! Let's get them." She flew over to her rifle and picked it up reloading it. Once the two were ready they both flew through the portal


  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You should have listened to your dragon friend while you still could, but now you both are mine. A good addition to the collection I just acquired!" The voice said as it closed the portal behind them.

When the 2 had entered the portal they were in an entirely different place, but there was so much going on that all they could see was dark red energy swirling before their eyes...

Suddenly a force dove straight at their bodies, it was a similar effect that was used on Festus and the other before to immobilize them, the same effect was used against Celestia and Ember, but while they became immobilized, they were reunited with the other 3 captured ones, who were all bound in shackles of dark energy and brought to another planet.


Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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