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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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Woody quickly flew over examining the walker thing. He saw several cannons on it he threw another blast of fire at it, the blast hitting one of the mortar cannons directly. He figured if it had reloaded the heat would cause the shells to explode inside the cannon. He then aimed a freezing fog at one of the things legs he flew through the fog and it froze right on the leg as he predicted.


Flurry panicked when Elorn entered since she only heard the door open and close. "Someone's inside!"  She ducked down low  covering the artifact with Maple's soul

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The 305 feet war machine was striding towards the Bunker at a slow phase, every step shook the ground with heavily.

But for some reason when Woody engaged it, it seemed almost not to be aware of its presence, or perhaps it was aware, but the machine acted like he was not there, still carrying out its objective like it was programmed.

While the fireball did have a small effect, the ice simply broke because of the sheer force by every step that the machine was taken, leaving only a tiny layer of it on its leg.

The machine, however, did seem to be aware from one of its cannons overheating due to Woody's fireball attack, though it did not matter much as the machine simply stopped firing from that one cannon all together, and was initiating a cooldown on that specific one as it used its other weapons to fire.


"Don't worry it is me!" Elorn called out as he eventually stepped in.

"I believe we should go. From the sounds of it, something massive is attacking." Caerson said as he walked to the teleporter.

"Alright everyone, stand around it the teleporter."


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Woody was determined to not let anything hit the bunker he scattered small blasts of flame trying to make the missiles explode in mid-air. He couldn't think of much else to do since he was so young he didn't have the capability his father did. So he had to  improvise


Flurry stood up "Sorry Elorn. I understand the severity of this situation now, She walked over and stood close to the teleporter

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson suddenly said something very particular.

"Are you sure that it is wise leaving Woody out there? We are essentially abandoning him on this planet." Caerson said with a frown, not being aware of Woody's powers.

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Maple was the first to respond "He'll be fine. I know he can escape." She said optimistically, "It may be a while before he shows up again but he'll show back up there's no way he could die he's a-" Dragonequus The magic Jack had used ran out interrupting her sentence, now she could only talk to herself Great.

"He's a strong spellcaster." Flurry finished "Let's just get going. The longer we are here the longer Woody has to protect us."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Woody was still doing his best to keep the missiles away from the bunker one of them blew up in midair really close to Woody burning him a bit. He noticed the other's energies disappear "Right. That's my cue to leave then." He summoned a rift and passed into it closing it as he went through, Before leaving though he summoned a large wall of fire right at the entrance to the bunker.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Eventually, they arrived in Canterlot with the teleporter.

Though the problem was that they had arrived in the middle of the streets in Canterlot, which caused the citizen to jump back from surprise and fear.

Tough some of them where glaring at him, the nobles especially who snorted at him with disgust

Elorn was looking at them with a casual face, but Caerson however, was glaring at them with a deep hint of suspicion.

"I would recommend that you all keep your distance, I do not take this behavior lightly." Caerson warned the ponies as he was keeping a grip on his not yet drawn weapon as a sign as self-defense. He obviously felt threatened by the sudden reaction of the ponies, not being used to the general population.

Ironically, Elorn did nothing to stop this, he was waiting to see how things were playing out.

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"It's ok everypony these 2 are escorted by Princess Flurryheart." After quelling, the ponies who panicked Flurry looked at Caerson "Why were you being threatening? You're here to help us remember." She said holding up the artifact.

A figure dashed quickly towards the group "Flurry! Maple!" Luna said landing near them "I'm glad you're safe, but where's Woody?"

Flurry waved a hoof "He'll join us soon enough don't worry."

Luna nodded an ok and looked at caerson "And you are?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"One can never be too careful, and I am not exactly used to these kinds of... large populations." he said towards Flurryheart.

He then looked at Luna.

"My name is Caerson Carbin, and on behalf of your allies I have agreed to aid you in the revival of someone." He said.

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"Oh! You're the one who's building Maple's new body?" Luna said  "Wonderful! I am Princess Luna, Guardian of the Moon, My soldiers have already prepared a room for you in the castle and are ready to deliver anything you may need to build just ask the guards and they'll get it. Has Flurry made you aware of our... situation?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson nodded.

"I have been informed well, and knowing by experience I know what is at stake here. It is an honour to meet you." He said.

"Your citizen does seem to emit quite the reaction  from my presence it seems, which could become dangerous, as they without a doubt assume I am one of the enemies that you all have been fighting, the similarities are quite there in appearance." Caerson noted.

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Luna understood his fear "Which is why you will have a guard escort at all times. Though most ponies are peaceful the only ones I'd worry about are the ones in armor but those will be informed you are an ally. Let us get you to the castle!" She said walking off from the group, Flurryheart followed her.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson and Elorn followed them at a steady pace.

"You sure you feeling alright? You have been looking pretty grim this entire time, and you seem rather distant than normal. Just what is on your mind?" Elorn asked to him

"Take a look at your surroundings, what do you see? A utopia, so many things are still intact, and a society that still works at its core. Compare that to our purpose, we may be fighting for a cause, but once this entire war is over, we are going to die out eventually, whether it is murder or not having enough numbers to repopulate, we are all just waiting to become an extinct species, give it a few more years and it is over. Perhaps you seem less worried about this subject, but I have seen its greatness and folly's over the decades."

"Our presence here might be an opportunity for you to help, but for me, it is not that simple, my retirement was meant to stay away from sight that our race has become, being nothing more than a band of militaristic refugees, but seeing everything here, it is only reminding me of what he could have become, this entire tragedy being shoved into my face as life is mocking us for our despair, THAT is what is bothering me." Caerson whispered grimly.

"I don't know how you will spend your lifetime, but I am growing tired of being confronted by our mistakes, our dead comrades might have died, but they have been spared from the sight that we have to endure, perhaps that luxury will come sooner or later, but until that time comes, we can only fulfill our temporary purpose and be done with it, when you have nothing to lose, you either start to do the impossible things, or you stop caring altogether, for me it is the latter with a big emphasis. I would appreciate if you keep quiet about this because this is something very personal to me, I rather have everyone see me as an emotionless automaton then knowing my opinion." Caerson said those last words in an even quieter whisper as they walked towards the castle.

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Flurry had been listening as closely as she could to the two's conversation, She didn't comment on what they said but hear most of it. She moved closer to Luna so she'd stop listening because what they were talking about was really sad.

Once Luna had led the others to the castle Luna walked into a large open room with a lot of building material. The room was sturdy and made of gray stones like the rest of the castle "This, Caerson, Will be the place you can work in you'll be sleep and living, in a sperate room right across the hall. As I said before I am grateful for you assistance in our time of need. If you require anything in exchange for your service please tell me, Perhaps we could send food or supplies to your war effort?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Thank you, I shall be working on Maple's body soon, it is going to take a while, but with enough time, I can make her stronger than ever before." Caerson said with a thankful nod.

His expression did change a bit at Luna's last mention.

"I am afraid it that food and supplies won't be helping them much, perhaps those bigger resistance groups could use it, but the matter of the fact is that most of the survivors are being cornered in a very dangerous environment, being trapped in the ruins from the planets that our enemies have been occupying for decades. So am afraid it won't do much good, but i thank you for the gesture." He said.

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"Very well." Luna said bowing to him "I hope that all goes well in the process of building it. And if you need anything tell me or my soldiers right away."

Flurry noticed something weird "Hey Luna. Where's Celestia?"

"She's in the other room let me show you. Be right back you two." She said walking out of the room leaving Elorn and Caerson in there. "She's gone and I don't know where to." She whispered. "We just need to hope she returns soon. Apparently, Jack, Ember, and Fluttershy were taken too it's not looking good."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Elorn looked Caerson.

"It might be best if I go, rather be useful somewhere out there rather than just standing around, you know me." Elorn said with a smile.

"Goodluck out there, and one thing, if you happen to meet up with Karthspire, give him my regards." Caerson said, in which Elorn nodded.

As Elorn walked away, Caerson sat down and was lost in a train of thoughts.

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"Wait... What?" Flurry said quietly "How did that happen?"

"We don't know. They all were battling in the gorge and then they're just gone." Luna replied "I tried to track Ember's stone but it never showed back up when I tried to hit it with a pulse. We fear the worst. Let us hope for the best. And let's keep this away from Woodland there's no telling what could happen if he found out he lost his mother. I have to go for now. Keep Maple safe." She walked off after finishing her statment.

Flurry was in complete disbelief. "Well... Sorry, you heard that Maple."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caersons was working on schematics and plans for the body but was still wondering how he was going to do build it.

'Building something from scratch is never easy, but I should be able to get it done, though it will depend on the design of course. I don't even know anything about Maple's preferences in the first place, this is going to be difficult.' he thought.

'But by the genetical traits that Sygrim has granted us, I shall not falter.' he thought with determination as he started working on it for hours to come, not even taking a single break.

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While Caerson was building, Twilight had slipped into the room quietly, Well it would have been quiet had she not brought with her about 50 different books about building robots which she set down with a large thud. "Hello! I heard you were building a new, Robotic, Body for my friend's daughter, So... How can I help it looks like you haven't really started." She looked at her pile of books and levitated one to her and read it quickly. "Have you drawn up blueprints?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson turned at looked at Twilight. 'Such dedication...' he thought with awe

"I did manage to sketch some ideas, but the design needs to be strong yet efficient at the same time, which is no easy task. " he said.

"There is something you could help with, though you will need to understand the schematics and technology behind some of my designs. There should be some things in this book that should explain the basics, perhaps something that your race has not yet discovered, which is a good opportunity for you to learn about these things at the same time." he said as he handed her a book from one of his belongings.

"Now that I think about it, do you happen to have a book regarding the biology of your species? I will need to compare some of the genetics and body structures between our species in order to conclude what would be best." He asked

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"Well if you're talking about something to base it off of so Maple still retains the bat pony structure I already..." Twilight used magic to project a 3d hologram of what Maple looks like. "Have that covered but if you need something for more of our biology then I could go get something. I didn't expect to need it since we can just base it off this." She said pointing at the hologram. "I'll just go get that book really quickly."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson nodded.

He walked around the hologram and inspected it from almost every detail.

"This body evolution screams out *speed and mobility is of essence but her senses justify the means*, that is interesting." He noted to himself out loud.

"2 bodies are going to be best, one for mobility to keep it small while the second one will be big and focus on immersive and heavy scaled warfare.." he muttered.


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Twilight came back about a minute after she left, and heard Caerson's thoughts "Funny story about her species actually she looks like just a normal bat pony but she's actually closer to what your people might call Vampire bats, note the fangs," She said pointing at them "but I wouldn't worry about that anymore." Twilight had read all the books she brought but might need to reread them so she brought them just in case. "Let's get started."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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