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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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"I don't know if Maple would want to do it either, even if she knows how it feels to be infected, it doesn't mean she would feel ok with it either, I can know this, I had volunteered to put down someone in the past who was going to turn, and it can haunt you for the rest of your life.  It may seem bad in context to volunteer, but really... it feels alot worse. And Maple still has a long life ahead, and has a family at that, asking her to do it would just add another nightmare to her memories of what she had to endure, I can't forgive myself if I ask her to do that just, even if she wouldn't mind, that doesn't take away the fact that it will be bad for her to live with." Jack mentioned, not wanting to condemn anyone for his own problems.

"I will do it myself, that way no one has to suffer from it." Jack said as he tried to climb on Evelyn's back.

"Well, i am ready." Jack said as he eventually had managed to climb on.

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Evelyn took off, Followed very closely by Luna "Well... We can discuss all of this with the others. Talking amongst ourselves isn't doing much good... And you doing it isn't the best either..."

"Let's put that off for now... You seem to be turning very slowly..." Luna stated to the two "I mean Maple turned in a matter of hours you, however, it seems that it's really taking its time. It's just an observation of course so... Well I could be wrong..." She still had a upset tone. Perhaps Luna was trying to rationalize but it's possible that her emotions where doing all the thinking for her

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You are right, i guess i am not the one to do it either." Jack replied to Evelyn

"I am surprised by it as well, but i know without a doubt soon things will arise, very bad things.." Jack mentioned to Luna, remembering all to well how he had seen someone get affected by it as time went.


After a while, they arrived where the others where, however, when they landed, Jack din't say much to anyone else, only giving them a sad stare, as he did not know what to say as of now, until he eventually did say something. "We should get moving, time is of the essence." Jack reminded everyone, as he avoided their gazes, not wanting anyone to show his eyes changing further as time went on, slowly but surely they were changing.

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When Luna and Evelyn landed near the others they quickly moved double timing it to catch up with the others. Maple managed to close up the broken wing since it was just sitting open after it exploded. She was standing behind Celestia letting her lead the way which was unusual for her, Normally she was the head of a charge, the one in front but now she was standing behind somepony else and that pony was Celestia of all ponies. Not much conversation went on between anyone but Maple looked like she had something to say yet didn't say it.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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It was 3 hours later, between that time the group had already managed to catch up to the army, who had been waiting for the group and had met up with them.

It was getting dark so they decided to set up a camp, or rather, it was wasn't much of a camp but rather they had all settled on a big flat rock that was in the middle of the desert.

There were no tents or even any form of roof, the soldiers had preferred to stay mobile and thus only carry things like tools, weapons, ammo and supplies. They were used to sleeping out in the open after all.

The thing that was, however, was made, was a big campfire, where some sat around it, while others were talking to others or doing stuff on their own.

Jack had decided to sit somewhere alone on the edge of the rock, not being comfortable with being alone many others.

While Karthspire was telling stories around the campfire, but it seemed like he was slightly drunk, his level of enthusiasm was very high, and he seemed to make alot of body gestures during his storytelling.

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The other sat down by Karthspire and watched him as he, somewhat drunkenly, told stories. Usually, he got a laugh out of the group with his body movements, Maple, however, was sitting by herself examining her damaged wing and she sighed. "Great... I don't think this is even repairable." Maple felt suppressed rage come up and she pounded her metal hoof against the rock, the impact shattering a decently sized part of the rock. After which she shut her body down to 'Sleep'


Festus was with the others and notice Jack was alone. He excused himself from the group and walked over to him "Hey... Are you alright? You seem... less social..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I am ok I guess, though I do admit that I don't feel really comfortable around others, or well... You and Ember, and some others are an exception to that when I am around you or her I have this feeling where I can be really myself and don't have to be afraid of getting judged, blamed or anything in that category, I know no one has been doing it today, but once somebody does it to me, I won't forget it, it doesn't mean I end up hating them, but it does make me want to distance from the said person, I have never been the social type." Jack said to him.

Suddenly a smile grew on his face as he looked at Festus.

"You know, since I won't be around for much more than a few weeks, I have made a decision and decided to give every one of you gifts, most of them are belongings that used to be made or gifted for me, but soon I won't be needing them anymore."

Jack held the artefact in his hand and focused some of his magic on it, then he started rotating some of the mechanisms in a specific order, and it then suddenly brought 2 items in existance which appeared next to Jack.

"The first thing i wanted to give you is an bandolier, its good for storing things, especially for weapons, while you do have something in where you can sheathe your sword, when you end up picking up things like firearms, ammo, or separate knives, you can store them in this, since this bandolier has been specifically made to hold those things, even weapons like shotguns or rifles. It used to be meant for me, but I never felt like I needed it, so I want to you to have it. And this also leads to my gift, something that you might like alot."

It was a revolver, but it was the design that made it stand out, it was decorated and painted in tribute to Dragons, it had a similar colour to Festus scales, and the pattern of the colour was made in such a way that it really looked like dragon scales,  the handle of the revolver was shaped like a dragon's hind leg, but the one thing that made it look even better was the barrel, wich was shaped like a dragon mouth, and inside the barrel itself sharp points that where shaped like dragon teeth, while there also green dragon eyes decorated at the place where it made the back of the revolver look like a dragon head.

Not only that, but on the upper side of the barrel itself, there was a small frame, which had 2 holes, this was shaped in such a way that it represented dragon nostrils, and whenever the revolver would fire, part of the smoke would emerge from those nostrils, giving a similar effect to how smoke would come out of a dragon's nostrils. The frame itself was the Iron sight.

"I think this one fits you really well, i do think this is one of my most valuable items. It was crafted by my friend William, he had made this one for me a long time ago, he was aware i liked Vernomians and by that extend Dragons, so he took an old revolver and rebuild it in such a way that it represents the shape of a dragon." Jack said with a smile.

"Though I can't imagine how much work he had put into this, but despite being good with building things like weapons and other usefull items, he was a true artist at heart, and din't hesitate to show it off in his creations, and if anybody is destinated to wield this, i think it should be you Festus." Jack said as he placed the Revolver in Festus his open paw.

"You cannot imagine how much of a good friend you are to me, let this be a sign of how good of a friend you are to me."

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Festus eyes brighten, for equestrian dragons receiving a gift from someone was really rare since all dragons where greedy and kept hordes he saw this as the ultimate sign of respect causing him to tear up "I... don't know what to say... Thank you... I... I promise I'll keep these... And I'll make sure they see a lot of use." He slung the bandolier on and placed items in them that would be best suited in those places. He then, after examining and loading the weapon put it in one of his holsters. "Thank you again... You have no idea how highly gift are praised by dragons... It's crazy."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You are welcome Festus." Jack said back to him with a smile.

He then was silent for a moment.

"I heard there was is a town nearby here, and we will be staying here until tomorrow late, so I was thinking, how about we go and explore that town, and collect things that we might find, because just like almost any other town, they are abandoned as far as I know. Just the 2 of us, what do you say?" Jack asked him.

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Festus grinned to him "Sounds fun. I can test this new gun you gave me. I wanna see how it handles and how I should handle it. I love the design on it... Look at that detailing and Craftsmanship on it... It's more beautiful than a 1000-year-old horde... Not to mention it's the same colors I am... Hehe... Funny how things work out eh?" Festus was smiling bigger than both Ember and Jack had ever seen before. He had pulled th gun out while talking about it and he put it away again... "Should we go alone? I mean you could get hurt again..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It is indeed beautiful, and it's pretty interesting for the fact that this pistol was handmade, any type of magic or machinery was not available for us at that time." Jack mentioned.

He then thought about what Festus asked him about going alone.

"Well, to be fair, i could also get while being with others just as much, last time it sure got that point across when that sandstorm separated me. And i do have one thing in favour, I can no longer get infected since i already am, no matter how much they would bite or scratch me, it would only damage me, but not inflict the thing that i was afraid of for so long.  If you prefer, we could ask Ember to come with us? Perhaps other people as well, i do miss the moments when it was just the 3 of us, you know?" Jack asked Festus.

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Festus thought about it for a while "Let's go alone, Let's be honest the adults wouldn't really want us to do this in the first place. C'mon! Let's go. I've wanted you and me to do something not life-threatening... or at least... I hope it isn't. I would fly us there... but the wings aren't strong enough... let's go ahead and start heading that way... what do you say?" He offered a claw to Jack.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack's smile grew even further.

"You really know how to speak my language, you know that?" Jack said to Festus as he accepted his claw.

He then realised something.

"I must however not think anything suspicious, Evelyn can read my thoughts." Jack whispered to him.

He looked into the distance and he was aware of where they had to go.

"I am ready, are you ready as well?" Jack asked him, which indicated that whenever Festus would respond, they could leave right away.

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"Yea I am... Just give me a second to pick up my other weapons and my shield." Festus walked over to his other gear it was all neatly piled over on a different part of the rock. He put the shield, that was also the sword's sheath on his hip. He looked at his sword for a bit and chuckled "Hope I still WANT to use this, of course, I will... It's MY sword." He walked back over to Jack and put his arm around him "Hey also... Don't worry about me. You know I can handle anything we face... And if I can't" Festus chuckled a bit "I know you can."

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Yeah you are correct there, we have faced big odds before anyways." Jack told Festus with a smile. "Let's go." Festus said as they departed, trying to be quiet.

After about 10 minutes after wandering through the ice cold desert, they finally were getting close to their objective.

"There it is, it seems pretty big, but it i can't see anything from how it looks like." Jack said as he was thinking for a moment.

"Do you think you could fly us over there? This is not a pretty big distance and we a pretty high up on this hill, but if not, we can walk there instead, tough i am  not sure if it will be just as safe, it is always good to avoid unnecessary risk." Jack asked him.


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Festus chuckled "I uh... Already said that I couldn't carry you. Wings... sorry." He said drawing his sword "However we're ready for anything that comes our way! Danger or no danger lets go visit this town... Say... what is so special about it anyway? Is there some artifact there? Or maybe it was a big town made entirely out of solid gold?" He was laughing obviously entertained by his thoughts "Nah, Guessing there's nothing special about this place right?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Would be pretty amazing if it were made out of gold." Jack laughed as well.

"But i am not sure what we will exactly find here, i do know this place is known as Morshall and has a pretty disturbing eerie and background from what i have heard, but i presume those are just rumours, i doubt we will find anything to do dangerous, a large pack of infected at the very most, wich we can escape from." Jack explained.

As they where getting inside the town, it was a disturbing sight to say the least, littered and burned corpses, very old buildings, broken streetlights, wrecks of vehicles, it was all there, but it was the fashion in wich it was all there, the corpses where not just lying on the ground, they where on numerous places, some on ropes, others being killed by spikes, some even had met the tragedy of getting burned, it gave off this feeling like a massacre had been going on.

"Well... I can safely assume that this town really had suffered alot." Jack noted as he inspected some things.

He pushed a bit against of the spikes, in wich a dead body was on, but suddenly it started screaming, roaring like madman.

Jack stumbled a bit back, but then realised what it was, the person had been infected before he died.

"That is an very dark way to die..." Jack muttered, imagine how he would meet his end should something go wrong.

"I think we should look trough the buildings, see if you can find anything alright? I will check in this one."


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Festus cut the head off the infected that was stuck on the spike. "Hey... uhh... Let's N... not split up ok? I... I don't like this place." Festus hurried into the building Jack was in, Standing unremarkably close to him and shaking, Jack knew it wasn't cold so he knew he was very scared of his surroundings yet he was still trying to act tough. "Don't w... Worry Jack I'll keep you s... safe." He still had his sword drawn and he unclipped his sheath and changed it into his shield, holding it very close to his body.

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I can see that you are afraid Festus, and i don't blame you for that, really. Infact i used to be just like that when i first started entering such towns, these places are actually a common sight from where i come from, so i am used to it." Jack said as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"If it helps, you will eventually get used to it, sure it might take a good while, but the places where all of you have been so far outside Equestria where really mild compared to where i came from.   And also,  i still know-" Jack however was interrupted when he suddenly heard loud thumps from nearby roofs, things jumping from building to building. He could even see some figures jumping over the roof, but he couldn't quite make out what or who they where.

"Hold on, i heard something." Jack said as he held up his hand.

He started listening for a bit longer.

"Yeah, there is someone or something nearby, or rather, multiple individuals, be on guard Festus." Jack said as he drew his knife and was looking trough one of the windows like a hawk.


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"I heard it too... What are you betting? Infested? Becuase that's what I think it is." Festus stated, talking quickly and still rather nervous. "What if this whole town was affected by the virus... Or maybe we walking into a trap... if it's that one I can use my fire breath to signal Ember if you think we need her... Should I uhh... Do it now?" He said practically unaware that he was inside of a rather flammable building

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I think infected, this town would be affected by the virus decades ago, but that doesn't mean this couldn't a trap, this entire location does make for an good hideout, considering our enemies would never think of looking in an already infested place..." Jack mentioned.

He drew his knife and started to slowly walk outside, his eyes narrowing.

"You had best use that fire signal now, but do it outside.  Just listen to those growls, an infected doesn't make those, no, i think we are dealing with evolved ones, those who has mutated beyond their usual case and had become something else, hybrids perhaps? Who knows, all i know is that it is dangerous here, for all we know they actually have the cunning of ambushing us, wich will result in a trap.  Not to mention, it i is night, a perfect time for any predator that can see in the dark." He said.

Suddenly he heard a very loud shriek, causing Jack to stumble backwards, but regained his balance after.

"Festus, you had better do it now... I will try to hold them off, if anything, i can no longer run the risk of getting infected, this makes for an good advantage.." Jack mentioned as he to was shaking a bit, but not as much, he was trying to locate the creatures, but at the same time was waiting for Festus to make the signal.

Jack knew from experience that the slightest encounters like this can turn out worse then seen beforehand.


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Festus ran outside behind jack and lept into the air and breather a bright flame as high as he could, it lit up the night well enough and Festus landed near jack he put his sword on the back of the bandolier he drew the revolver. "Guess we get to test it now huh?" He joked, still afraid of whatever was coming at the two.


Ember saw the large blast of flame and quickly grabbed her gear, "That signal never means anything good... Hold on kid I'm coming

While Ember was gathering some of her gear Maple powered back on, her soul couldn't rest inside the machine... At least she didn't need it. She saw ember hurrying to get somewhere and she ran after her.

Luna and Celestia saw them both leave and they saw the flame too Luna looked at Celestia "Give them a few minutes... If they don't return after a short time we'll go."

Celestia tilted her head "Why wait so long to assist them?"

"We don't want to be in the way but I'm not joking when I saw only a few minutes. The countdown starts now sister." Luna stated as she opened her wings. "5 minutes..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You got that one right!" Jack said back with a smile. "Make the shots count and make these cretins pay!" Jack said to Festus with a sudden rush of determination, which was very different from his once shaking and scared feeling, something was bubbling inside Jack, a feeling he could not explain.

Suddenly more thumps on rooftops could be heard, and out of nowhere, one of the infected suddenly leapt straight at Festus from behind, he tried to tackle him to the ground, but Jack quickly ran towards the creature and stabbed at its troath, and then pushed the now dying infected away from Festus.

"That was a close one, these sure are fast." Jack commented as he looked around warily.

It was then that suddenly 12 of them charged at the Jack and Festus at the very same time, some appearing from different angles.

Jack, however, decided to take a risk and charged straight into one of the infected and started slashing at it wildly, but at the same, one of the other infected slashed as Jack's back, wich in turn, Jack headbutted the infected behind him with the back of his head, only for him to then attack the infected like a madman, more infected decided to attack him, 3 at the same time.

But for weird reasons, Jack was not retreating, on the contrary, he was fighting all 4 of them now without so much as a regard for the damage that they where doing to him, the insane amount of adreline he was getting was dimming down his his painfull feeling to an great amount.


5 infected tried to charge Festus, 2 coming from  a rooftop while the others charged at him  from 3 different directions.

The situation sure did go tense very fast.


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Festus saw all of them and handled them in and order he shot 1 that lept from the roof, he smashed his shield into the other one throwing it into the air before firing shots at the infected on the ground he had to empty the gun but he killed all 3 of them. He dropped the revolver and drew his sword as the one he threw fell and in the end, it got impaled on his blade. Festus saw a glint and looked over at it he saw ember and smiled "She saw it!"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack was in the thick of battle, but after lots of fighting, he killed the 4 infected.

"That is good news Festus, i-" Jack suddenly interrupted as he snapped his attention at one of the roofs, his eyes narrowing to slits as he was looking at something, or so he assumed.

"Something is not right, there is someone up there." Jack said with a worried voice.

It was then that sound of a gunshot rang out for miles, and a few well-placed shots came near them.

One of them almost hit Festus in the head, it still missed but it was very close, one of the other bullets hit Jack somewhere in his upper body.

"DAMNIT!" Jack cursed out loud as a sharp pain came in his chest.

'The bullet is still in there... I will get it out later.' he thought.

Jack looked again quickly at where he had seen the figure before, but it was gone and was no longer there.

"Great... Just great... First infected and now some random individual opens fire on us like that, probably a lone survivor." Jack said as tried to stop the bleeding a bit, but to no avail.

But what was even worse, that gunshot had attracted more infected, and where going to arrive soon.

"Here we go again, bullet wound or not, it won't be my end." Jack muttered as he slowly walked to one of the buildings and leaned against it, his sight focused on where the gunner had came from.


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