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Asking for help in developing a story about US Military Invading Equestria


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This topic has been quite a debate among a small portion of the brony community, but so far no one's thought of bringing it to the big screen, so currently I'm developing a story about the US Military invading Equestria, and once that's done, it will then be animated (Currently I'm still training in animation both 2D and 3D so things are being done slowly but surely. I'd like to ask story writers, military enthusiasts, and other people who are kind enough to help me fill in the gaps of my currently "messy" and incomplete script.

So here are my ideas for the story so far..

• The decision to invade Equestria was caused by a false flag by a person who is "out of this world".

• The invasion will be in the perspective of a US Marines Special Forces Operator named "Dylan McKnight".

• Dylan will then become a turncoat (change sides) against his own country and aid the Equestrians in defeating the invading forces.

• Ponyville will be quickly captured and later on, the population of Canterlot will be quickly evacuated to the Crystal Empire, where they will begin their counteroffensive.

• Nations across Equestria (The Griffons, Dragons, etc.) will ally together for the counteroffensive.

• Dylan will help the Equestrians conduct guerilla warfare against the Humans.

• Complete Equestrian Magic vs 21st Century Human Conventional Weapons.


So anyone interested in helping, comment below. Any questions? Feel free to ask  ^_^.

Image created with Photoshop (Sources from Pinterest and the My Little Pony Wiki)





Edited by Aurum-Blad3
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That sounds somewhat similar to the book "A Barnstormer in Oz". In it, the army corp of engineers inadvertently open a portal into the Land of Oz. Hank, Dorothy's son, flies through in his bi-plane. He helps defend the Land of Oz from the human invaders.   


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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  • 5 weeks later...

What rules are you going by? Are you doing a realistic approach?

This is an interesting debate and as for who would win... it really depends. Are we going by EQG rules where ponies are humans in our world and humans are ponies in Equestrian or are we doing we keep our form no matter what world we are in?

If we go by EQG rules, then there is no winner due to it taking a bit to be able to walk. So really, it would just result in soldiers being captured when entering the portal until someone gets tired and calls it quits. The other one though... it comes down to two factors. Is Discord involved? If he is, then Equestria wins unless the humans can take him by surprise with a missile or bomb him somehow, which isn't easy. If Discord is NOT involved, then it's a win for the humans.

Human technology is very advanced and durable. Pony magic could stop a bullet if it wasn't so fast. The bullet would hit the unicorn before they had time to react. You basically get hit before you even hear the gun. Magic may cause some trouble, but technology can cancel this out.

Equestria could NEVER invade the US due to lack of technology besides swords and spears. This would probably be a similar scenario the anime GATE, but even that is unrealistic due to non-hostile countries such as the United States. Equestria is also fairly peaceful, so such a war would likely end with diplomacy. Once peace talks begin, people will find out that there is a major misunderstanding and some sort of treaty would be signed pretty quickly. Neither country really likes war. This right here is the most realistic scenario.

Once things are cleared up, there would be peace. According to what I've seen in the show, Celestia isn't really one to hold a grudge against anyone as long they quit causing trouble, so all will probably be forgiven judging by what I've seen in the show. The only time she isn't very forgiving is when the antagonist doesn't stop. Once the United States or Equestria tries to look for diplomacy, the war will basically end.

Tensions wouldn't take long at all to cool down after that. The world would soon treat Equestria just like any other peaceful country and any future conflict between the US and Equestria would be impossible.


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A curious debate indeed.

I'm trying to figure out how such an invasion would be possible though. invading via the portal would be far from practical. It would bottleneck the troops. Not to mention about a handful of ways such an attack could be defended against. Sunset upon seeing an army gathering at the statue could inform Twilight using her journal and the portal could be shut down. Even if the portal was not shut down in time and a surprise attack was possible it would be very unlikely that enough troops would make it through to actually set up a foothold to secure the mirror on the other side. Especially since the portal would not be big enough to transports any heavy machinery like a tank or other thing. There are other complications would make for a short invasion. Communications would be limited if even possible. Lack of experience or even defenses of the pony world and their magic would only end in failure. If your up against an opponent that can control the weather and you don't then you lose every time. Then there is the terrain and if it takes even a few moments for a pony to get used to walking on two legs than it will take at least a few seconds for a human to get used to having no hands. This would make things like guns and many other weapons useless. Can't pull the trigger if you now have a hoof instead of a finger. 

However, based on the artwork I'm assuming that somehow a method was figured as to opening a new portal. One that large enough to transport large machinery and where humans are able to keep their form instead of being transformed into ponies. The only way I see this happening is if an event similar to Midnight Sparkle occurred. Opening a larger portal would allow for a better chase to secure a location for a foothold. However, I still don't see things going too well for any invading forces. Ponies may have limited armories such as swords and arrows but they also have the ability to enchant said weapons. An ice arrow attack could cause chaos when fired at a camp. Furthermore, the air would once again belong to the ponies or more specifically the pegasus. What assault planes can actually fly well in strong winds, freezing temperatures, or just bad weather in general? Then there is the whole control of night and day thing. You can't really shoot something you can't see. And you can't use night vision during the day. In rapid succession, you're just dealing at the very least a messed up sleep schedule. Not other tactical advantages that would occur for the ponies. Then there are the unicorns. Magic against technology, yeah that won't end well at all for technology. We may think that technology would have the upper hand but magic has fast reaction time than technology ever will. What I mean by that is that it takes months or even years to figure out a piece of technology. It only takes days or weeks to master a spell. Plus magic is typically seen with such disbelieve and skepticism by a society that relies on technology that you wouldn't even believe what they are being attacked with. Just, in short, the invading force might be able to take Ponyville and that would be only be based on a surprise attack. However making it as far Canterlot seems very unlikely. And that's not including the different allies that could be called in. Such as Discord, the dragons, griffins (if any of them are willing to help that is), and the changelings. The changelings themselves would make it a one-sided battle. A few missions with them and the war is over. 

However, the story isn't really about who would win now, is it? It's about figuring who caused the invasion. This person from another world that raised the false flag, and stopping them. 

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  • 5 years later...

I would not do the US, I would do North Korea, because it would be way more likely to invade if the US were to invade a place with peaceful ponies that did nothing wrong hiding that is gonna be a very difficult and once it does get out, the US reputation will be automatically ruined North Korea doesn't give 5 fucks though. And they would be more likely to invade.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i would do north Korea they are more likely to do something like that than the us. 1 even if the us wanted to it would be really hard to keep secret and the public would definitely  be against this. north korea would be more likely to invade for Equestrias magic and it would give them a lot of power. ponies are more peaceful and most likely wouldn't know what to do in this situation. Mabey temporally slow down the invasion.  again i would do north Korea as the invaders. i would allso have the us help Equestria in this.

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