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open MLP Magic Academy RP (closed)


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@JCKane @reader8363

Dynamo watched as Shadow was about to tell him where she was from, but she stopped as the assembly was about to begin. He looked to his right and noticed that Solar Spout was still on stage. He was somewhat surprised to see that there was only a few students on the right side of the stage, as well. He wanted to ask what the reason was for, but chose to ignore it for the time being. He figured his questions would be answered in time. He looked next to him to see Shadow Flare not looking at him. He frowns slightly and looks downward towards the floor. He felt like he had said something terrible and possibly ruined a friendship. He hoped that he would be able to apologize to her later on after the assembly.

The blue unicorn looked up, as the curtain began to pull back and Sunshine Daisy took center stage. He listened intently as the Head Mare began to make her speech of what the school was all about. As she turned to face the new students, Dynamo felt his heart sink into his stomach of what she asked of the freshman students. 'I didn't know there would be a demonstration of our magic. I was only taught the basics from my mom, but I don't know much else.' He felt as if knots were being twisted in his stomach, as a sense of dread and worry washed over him. He shook his head to stay calm and cease any doubts. "I guess I'll have to do my best. I hope my best will be enough." He said to no one but himself.

Cosmic smirked as the curtain raised for the assembly began. He watched Sunshine take the stage and began her speech. The neon green unicorn faded in and out of the speech. Not caring about what was going on and wanted to get his classes over with. He raised an eyebrow in surprise at the mention of a magical demonstration, before scowling. 'I was never told that there would be a magical demonstration in the documents! Do they think they can make us jump through hoops like some dogs at a circus!?' He thought before the smirk returned in full force. 'I guess this'll work out, after all. I'll be able to gauge which ponies are a threat and which ones are easy targets. I can't wait to see what these new students can offer. Oh, the amount of fun I'll have in breaking some spirits. Even my old punching bag will be happy to see me.' He thought as a unicorn mare took center stage to start her magic demonstration. "Oh, I've got a good demonstration to show. This'll put me on the map to fame and glory. Just you wait, teach. By the end, you'll be begging to put me in the higher up classes." 


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@Dynamo Pad @reader8363

The first mare demonstrated her tallen with magic in an interesting fashion.  She wasn't half bad. Sunshine Daisy watched on but her neutral near scowl remained on her face.  She didn't look super impressed but it seemed that was her usual demeaner.   Once the Mare finished they went on to the next one.  In fact a few other Unicorns went on and demonstrated their talent.  The new Students did consist of more unicorns than other ponies. Of course it was clear in what order Sunshine Daisy was going in.  She was going in order of which they were seated.  It wasn't long until the unicorn sitting next to Cosmic Clown finisher his turn and went back to his seat.

"Cosmic Clown," Sunshine announced, "It's your turn."


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@JCKane @reader8363

Cosmic watched on as one by one, the unicorns went to the stage and showed what they could do. He rolled his eyes at some in boredom, while some were somewhat interesting. When it was his turn to be called, he grinned in eagerness to strut his stuff. "Finally! About time you called on some talent." He got out of his seat and made way towards center stage. "Greetings, one and all! My name is Cosmic Clown!" He proclaimed with a mock bow. He rose from his bow and looked back briefly to look at the ponies yet to go. 'I hope you're watching me, Kyubiki Tenchu. Nopony, not even you, will hold a candle against me.' He holds back a few chuckles before getting back to the topic at hand. "My talent is all about constellations. I love to gaze up at the stars and can tell when certain events will foretell. Basically, when the stars in in alignment, is when it's my time to shine!" He grins, before igniting magic with his horn. "I can even make constellations with just my magic. Observe!" He says, before shooting some magical beams up towards the ceiling. The beams exploded to form certain constellations. "You have such stars and formations like the Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Orion's Belt, Leo, Gemini and so on." He listed off while making such star patterns. "I'm pretty strong when it comes to magic. I can even project strong energy blasts." He grinned deviously while making a magical beam which destroyed his constellations.

"Although I did want to have a different cutie mark, I'll take what I can get. My only goal here is to improve my spells and learn even stronger spells. I want to show a certain somepony that they don't deserve the mark they've been given." He scowled while thinking of the pony in question was right behind him. "They, along with anypony else will regret crossing the paths of Cosmic Clown." He bowed once more to signify that he was finished in his demonstration.

Dynamo froze in his seat as he felt his heart stop and drop into his stomach. He was quiet for a good few minutes, but he slowly started to find the words to speak again. "Oh, no. No, not him...not here...not now." He shook his head as he saw the neon green unicorn step up to the stage. He closed his eyes while burying his face into his hooves. Hoping beyond hope that this was just his mind playing tricks on him. He looked up to see that it was not a trick, but a bad reality. He took a shaky breath, before sighing deeply "I didn't think he would be here at this school. I thought he disappeared and stopped his tormenting after I gained my mark. I was hoping to not run into him ever again." He quietly said to himself. As he watched, he was surprised, but could help, but be amazed at the demonstration. "It looks like he improved. I can't say that I'm surprised. He always wanted to one-up everypony." He shivered at Cosmic's mentioning of him before the neon green unicorn finished his performance.



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@Dynamo Pad

Shadow Flare had been watching with a pit of nerves in her stomach.  They weren't from stage fright but from fear of her own power.  Did they really expect them to do this? Was it required?  She wasn't sure but the fear was increasing on the inside.  But she had to hide it, push it deep down.  Instead she watched as the other ponies went on.  So far only Unicorns.  She looked around to see if she was the only non-Unicorn of the new students, and seen that there were a few non-Unicorns, though not as many.

When Cosmic clown made his demonstration. Shadow Flare noticed that the pony sitting next to her was acting a little strange.  Almost fearful of the unicorn at center stage.  Was he scared of him?  She heard him mumble something but didn't fully catch it all.  Should she say something?  That would be the friendly thing to do right?


Sunshine Daisy gives a slight nod to Cosmic Clown as he finished his demonstration.  So far the only act of interest she's given thus far.   Once Cosmic had a seat, Sunshine announced the next Ponies.   A few more performances and even one from an Earth Pony with a Potions major.  Soon enough she called out the next Pony.

"Pollu Alligare, you're next," Sunshine Daisy announced.  @reader8363 


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@JCKane @Dynamo Pad
Pollu grew a bit nervous with each new student, trying to figure out what to do. Then she jumped when she was called out. She stood up and heard Lil say, "It's alright, just let me take the reins for this I got a bit of an idea."

Pollu sighed and said, "Fine, just don't cause trouble." As they switched, dark horns showed up on her forehead and black tears streamed down her face. She reached into her bag,  grabbed a few small ingredients, and started mixing them into a powder form, then she blew off the top to make a moon show, then corked it quickly, before placing it in the bag. and the traces of Lil went away, leaving Pollu heading back to her seat.


Merx watched the ponies with interest, if he could find one with the talent that might help him out, he can pay off his guitar sooner than he expected. Then Pollu did her thing and he stopped strumming all together at the sight.

(I hope I did alright, never really played Lil before)

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@Dynamo Pad @reader8363 @Midnight madness
Sunshine watched with interest as the magical horns appeared on the earth pony.  There was a slight change in her demeanor as she watched the potion she made.  When she had a seat, she returned to her previous demeanor as she called the next pony up.

A few more ponies went by until finally it was 

"Midnight Madness," Sunshine announced, "It is your turn."


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@JCKane @reader8363 @Midnight madness

Cosmic got up from his bow and took his seat. He looked to see the Head Mare give a slight nod to him. He grinned, as he felt that he made a good first impression. 'Excellent. Everything is going the way I would expect it too. The stars were right in it's alignment. I'd make a grand spectacle and it's one small step to greatness. I'd like to see somepony actually top that.' He chuckles inwardly while watching the next pony take take center stage. He watched the earth pony mare grew a pair of horns on her forehead, while dark lines formed on her face. He raised an eyebrow, but shrugs at her little demonstration. "That wasn't bad, I guess. Still, what was that about with those horns. Is she some sort of monster? Oh, I know who I'm going to pick on when class is in session. Just what I need to have. A failure and a monster. Oh, this is going to be fun. Though, I guess I should be careful. Who knows if that little monster could curse me, if I agitate them too much." He scooted a bit in his seat, while feeling disgusted at the demonstration.

Dynamo was thankful that Cosmic's turn was over. He took a deep, calming breath before watching the next performance with interest. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things, but he was correct. He noticed that two horns formed on the earth pony's forehead with lines going down her eyes. He was impressed that she was able to make a moon in a bottle, but wondered how she could do that. As the pony took her seat, he thought he saw the pony's horns disappear. He smiled at the performance and thought she did a good job. "It seems like this school will be pretty interesting. Hopefully she'll be able to explain how she was able to attain those horns. I thought only unicorns could have a horn on their forehead." He placed a hoof upon his chin while looking on with a thoughtful expression. 

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Midnight then gets up bows before the audience. He then demonstrates a spell he learned. His horn begins to glow and he shot a beam into the audience causing a pair of wings to appear on the back of one of the teachers. The teacher loooks angrily at midnight. He says what am I supposed to do with these. Midnight says duh you fly with them. The teacher then began to flap his new wings and started flying around the auditorium. Midnight then shot another beam of light at the teacher and he began to fall. Midnight then shot another beam of light at the floor and a pillow appeared which the teacher landed on.The teacher landed flat at on his butt and yelled never do that again I'm a unicorn not a Pegasus. Midnight then laughs along with the audience and he bows once again as the audience cheers and claps their hooves. Midnight then takes a seat back with the rest of the students.

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@Dynamo Pad @Midnight madness @reader8363

Sunshine Daisy didn't look to pleased with the tomfoolery of Midnight.  The spell was pretty advanced, considering not just anyone could create a magical pair of wings on a pony.  Yet, she also required order and discipline.  None the less she called the next few students clearing the front row and now starting on the back.  Shadow Flare was worried at that as she was at the very edge of the row but it would depend on which way she started from... she breathed a sigh of relief when Sunshine called the pony on the opposite side of her.  Which means she would be last.  After that pony had a seat.

"Merx Requiem, it is your turn," Sunshine announced.


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@Dynamo Pad @Midnight madness @JCKane
Merx got up and head to the front. He dampened his power, then he started playing an old folktale song from his town. Even though he wasn't singing, the melody flowed across the room and sparked with the magic of his heritance. Once he was done, all that was left was the sense of peace in the air. He bowed as he took off the dampener and went back to his seat. He knew that he could have lulled almost everypony to sleep, but he didn't want to. His mother worked hard to give sirens a good name, and he didn't want to ruin that for her.

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@JCKane @reader8363 @Midnight madness

Dynamo watched as Midnight took his turn. He was surprised that the unicorn could make a pair of wings for a non flying pony. He watched in amusement, yet concern for the flying pony in the audience. He couldn't help, but quietly chuckle at the spectacle being presented. As the pony lost his wings and landed on a pillow, Dynamo clapped his hooves, along with the rest of the crowd. "Midnight has got some potential, but he seems to have a really laid back attitude." He says, as he saw Midnight taking another bow. "I have a feeling he'll be able to go pretty far in his magic studies." The blue unicorn began to feel nervous once more, as more and more students were being called up to the center stage. He wanted to go next, but knew he had a little while left to go. He had a slight fear of being on stage in front of others, but he knew there was no helping it. 'Nervous or not, I just got to do the best that I can.' He was brought out of his thoughts as the next pony took the stage. As Merx began to play his song, Dynamo suddenly stopped trembling. He felt a calming presence wash over him as some of his fear began to dissipate. He smiled and was thankful for the unicorn's intentional, or unintentional help.

His ears perked as he was called up next to take center stage. He gulped, but remained calm while getting up out of his seat. As he walked up to the center stage, he felt all eyes were fixated on him. "Hello there, everypony. My name is Dynamo Pad. My talent is all about video games. I only know of a few spells in my arsenal. I know the basic light spell and levitation spell." He says while activating each spell at a time for examples. He uses the levitation spell to pull a video game handheld out of his saddlebag. "I'm also ambidextrous when it comes to playing video games. I can either play with my hooves or with my magic." He says, closing his eyes and playing the game in his magical grasp. "I also know a bit of a magical laser beam, but I've just started to learn is for self defense." He concentrated and shot a laser from his horn, but it was short lived as the spell fizzled out. 

Cosmic watched as the other ponies went. He got a kick out of Midnight's performance and was somewhat impressed by Merx. "It seems like we'll have some good talent. Thankfully, they aren't as impressive as I am." He says to himself as Dynamo stepped up to the stage. 'Oh, here's the pony of the hour. Just wait until we get this train wreck of a performance.' He thought as Dynamo began his demonstration. He yawned loudly to show that he was bored of the performance already. "It's the same old things from when we were younger. Surely, he could have gotten better at anything." He rolled his eyes as he watched Dynamo attempt a laser beam spell. Seeing the spell failed had caused Cosmic to erupt into laughter. He didn't care who heard him. He just knew that this was the same old punching bag he knew from way back when.

He felt his jaw drop and his ears droop while looking down at the floor in defeat. He heard Cosmic's laughter, which didn't help in how the blue unicorn was feeling. That laughter was rallied by some of the laughter in the audience. He could hear jeers and comments from other students, which caused him to close his eyes to shut them out. He grit his teeth and after a few moments of their feedback, he opened his eyes as he looked out to the crowd. "My goal in life is to become a professional gamer. I also want to make some games here and there, so that other ponies can have fun playing video games. My goal at this school is to learn more spells that can I can use to defend myself from enemies, as well as protect my friends. I don't know if it's possible, but I also want to learn video game type magic. It may not be possible, but I won't know unless I try." He bowed, before turning and around and took his seat. He slumped a bit in his chair as he placed his face in hooves. He didn't know why he would say all of that, but he wanted to work hard and prove all the naysayers wrong.

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@Dynamo Pad @reader8363 @Midnight madness

Shadow Flare sat in her seat, getting more worried as the demonstrations went on.   How was she supposed to show what she can do... if it would wind up hurting somepony?  Soon, Merx went to the stage and did his calming melody.  The worries left her for the moment as she managed to calm down a bit.  She had to figure out how he did that.  But, the calm didn't last as long as she would of liked as more ponies went on.  Soon enough, Dynamo had his turn.  She frowned as all the pony's laughed and jeered at him.  In fact it mad her a little mad...   Whoa... calm yourself Shadow Flare... you can not afford to get angry... not even a little bit.

Soon enough, Shadow Flare watched as Dynamo had a seat and looked over to the head mare practically begging her to not call her name.


Speaking of the Head Mare.  She looked unamused with the laughter and jears of the other students.  Yet, she didn't seem displeased with the failed spell, but there was a slight disappointed look to posture as if she was expecting something that didn't happen.     Soon, Dynamo had a seat as Sunshine turned her attention to the final new students.

"Shadow Flare, It's your turn."


There was almost a hush on the crowds as the name was called out.  Even some murmers.  There were some who had heard of her incident.  Various ponies were whispering about it.  How this mare had caused up a scene in a small village far from here.  The scene was so bad that Princess Twilight and her friends had come to put a stop to it.   Of course, Shadow Flare couldn't really hear this but she had a feeling none-the-less.

Finally, she took a deep breath and headed to the cent of the stage.  Her wings staying tucked to her side.  The other ponies in the room watched, curious as to what she would do, or if the rumors of what this 'Shadow Flare' did were true or not.

"My name is Shadow Flare..." She said as the demons were torturing her on the inside.  She couldn't let it out.... she just couldn't, "... I... don't have any special talent..."

The murmers from the crowd of students only increased from this.  Shadow Flare only standing there with her head lowered.  She didn't feel good about lying to everypony, but she didn't want to risk injuring anypony.  She glanced over to Sunshine Daisy who looked a bit disappointed.  However, she stood up and walked over to Shadow Flare.

"Have a seat then," Sunshine said and Shadow Flare headed back keeping her head down as she felt the shame.


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@JCKane @reader8363 @Midnight madness

Dynamo took a deep breath before sitting up and fixing his posture. He sighed while thinking he still had a lot to learn about his magic, as well as his talent. 'My talent is my love and passion for video games, but what else is there? Is there something that I'm missing?' He thought while looking out towards the crowd of students and faculty. 'I hope this school has the answers that I'm looking for. Because I honestly don't have a clue.' He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Shadow Flare's name was brought up. His ears perked as he could hear the hush of the crowd, There were even a few murmurs from the crowd, but the blue unicorn was left confused. Was there something different about Shadow that he didn't know? He thought that her magical demonstration could give him the answers to what was going on. His questions were left unanswered, as he heard that she didn't have any talent. He frowned as he felt his heart break for her, but he couldn't understand why. As she made her way back to her seat, Dynamo looked over to her while giving a reassuring smile for support. "I'm sorry that you weren't able to do your demonstration, but at least it wasn't like mine. I feel like I don't have that much talent, myself." He joked to himself to help her feel better. He rested a comforting hoof upon her shoulder, while offering her a kind, yet caring smile. "I may not know you very well, but everything will be okay. Hopefully, we can get along and become friends. I'm also sorry if I said anything rude to you earlier. We'll work hard and show everypony here that they are wrong about us and anypony else."

Cosmic calmed himself down from his laughing fit, while wiping a stray tear from his eye. He hadn't had that great of a laugh in a long time. He watched in wait, as the final new student took to the stage. His eyes widened in surprise at the name that was given. "Oh, sweet Celestia. You mean to tell me it's that Shadow Flare." He had heard recent stories, but he didn't think she would show up here. "Just what we need. More freaks, monsters and failures to go to this school. It's a weirdo smorgasbord, no matter where you go to look." He shook his head as he heard that she didn't have any talent. "Goes to show that a talentless failure won't last long at this Academy." He looked behind him to see Dynamo comforting the Pegasus next to him. Cosmic could only scoff and look away. "Seems like those two will get along nicely. A failure for a failure." He says as he waited for what would happen next.  

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@reader8363 @Midnight madness @Alex Van Gamer @Dynamo Pad

"And that concludes the demonstrations," Sunshine Daisy said to the other ponies before turning around to the new students, "Now, If any of you have any questions or need assistance, you can look to the ponies over there to your right."  Sunshine gestured to the row of students along the right side of the stage, "They will be there to help you with anything. Rather you need help with mentoring, tutoring, or even help getting around the Academy, they are there to assist you."

Sunshine then turned around to look at the rest of the students, "With that, the assembly is adjourned," She said, "Remember, your first classes will begin at 2pm following lunch.  Work hard, and be an Elite."

The students clapped as the stage curtain lowered down.  She looked to the new students, "Please look to your student helpers to find your dormitories.  You should all still have your class schedules as they were mailed to you. If you do not have one, speak to your you Student helpers.  That is all."

With that Sunshine left the stage area.


Shadow Flare was feeling miserable after her failure of a demonstration.  The pony next to her tried to help but all she could think of was to wish that she could just trade him... She'd rather have that than her own.   Soon she sat through Sunshine finishing her speech and left.  She glanced over at the Student helpers, wondering which one she should talk to about her dorm.

Edited by JCKane


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@JCKane @reader8363 @Midnight madness @Alex Van Gamer

Dynamo frowned as he noticed that Shadow Flare didn't respond to him, but he couldn't blame her. He was feeling a little down himself after the performance he went through. He clapped his hooves along with the other students and kept quiet on questions. He didn't really have any questions to give, or rather, he didn't want any answers from the Head Mare. Unless he wanted a harsh response, or no response at all. He looks to where Sunshine had pointed towards the Student Helpers. He looked to see that Solar was one of them and hoped that she could help him. He got out of his seat, picked up his saddlebag and walked over to Solar Spout. "Um, excuse me? Solar Spout, was it? Can you help me out a little bit? I'm new, so I don't know much about the Academy and where classes are. I don't know where my dorm and schedule are, as well since I wasn't given a class schedule. I hope you don't mind in helping me out." He says while giving the unicorn an apologetic look. 

Cosmic did a mock clap, as the assembly finally came to an end. "Ugh...finally! I thought the assembly would last forever!" He exclaimed out loud, before jumping out of his seat. He looked to his right to see the ponies that would help them out as Student Helpers. He decided to wait for Dynamo to finish before taking his turn for help. 'I'll wait to surprise everyone during lunch break. It'll give me a bit of time to size the competition up and say hi to my old, favorite punching bag.' He cackled at the idea while waiting patiently, but his patience was starting to run thin.

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@JCKane @Dynamo Pad @Midnight madness @Alex Van Gamer

Pollu got up and was glad that the assembly was over, she said as she sat down on the edge of the stage and pulled the bottle that Lil made, "Thank you for taking the reins back there. I was sure, that I was going to make a fool out of myself. What did you make anyway?"

Lil said, "Just an illusion to make the area look like night. It would confuse ponies that don't know about. Plus, I'd be careful around that Merx, something's not right about him" Pollu couldn't help but smile at that thought of someone walking in and finding it to be nighttime. She placed it back in her bag and hopped off to find the library.


Merx hopped off and tried to wave the magic out of the air, but to no avail. He muttered about his luck to himself and headed off while humming the tune that he last played with his parents. 

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1 hour ago, Dynamo Pad said:

@JCKane @reader8363 @Midnight madness @Alex Van Gamer

Dynamo frowned as he noticed that Shadow Flare didn't respond to him, but he couldn't blame her. He was feeling a little down himself after the performance he went through. He clapped his hooves along with the other students and kept quiet on questions. He didn't really have any questions to give, or rather, he didn't want any answers from the Head Mare. Unless he wanted a harsh response, or no response at all. He looks to where Sunshine had pointed towards the Student Helpers. He looked to see that Solar was one of them and hoped that she could help him. He got out of his seat, picked up his saddlebag and walked over to Solar Spout. "Um, excuse me? Solar Spout, was it? Can you help me out a little bit? I'm new, so I don't know much about the Academy and where classes are. I don't know where my dorm and schedule are, as well since I wasn't given a class schedule. I hope you don't mind in helping me out." He says while giving the unicorn an apologetic look. 

Cosmic did a mock clap, as the assembly finally came to an end. "Ugh...finally! I thought the assembly would last forever!" He exclaimed out loud, before jumping out of his seat. He looked to his right to see the ponies that would help them out as Student Helpers. He decided to wait for Dynamo to finish before taking his turn for help. 'I'll wait to surprise everyone during lunch break. It'll give me a bit of time to size the competition up and say hi to my old, favorite punching bag.' He cackled at the idea while waiting patiently, but his patience was starting to run thin.

Solar Spout looked at Dynamo with a smile, "Oh ofcourse," She said but then tilted her head slighty, "You weren't given your schedule?  I've never seen a student's get lost in the mail before.  But first time for everything," Solar Spout said.

Shadow Flare looks at the students heading to different Student Helpers or just chatting amoungst themselves.  Shadow Flare already knew where her room was as she had spent the night there, and her class schedule was already memorized.   Dynamo seemed to be preoccupied with one of the helpers so she left him alone.  Instead, se happened to see the Pony with the instrument leaving the room. She still wanted to ask him about what he did during his performance so she trotted after him.   When she caught up she approached him, "Umm... excuse me," She said finding the word odd to say, but she should be polite, "I was wondering if I could ask you something."


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Midnight was a bit of a show off at the ceremony he thought to himself. He thought what if that teacher he put wings on was going to be one of his instructors. Midnight was one of those unicorns who was spontaneous he lived in the moment, He didn't care about what would happen later on. He also thought to himself how the hell is he going to fit in after a display like that. All the students seemed to laugh about it so maybe they liked him. The only reason he knew all those spells was because he had studied and gone to magic academy's in the past. He also thought how the hell he was going to find his room so he approached a young unicorn who was standing outside her dorm. He asked where is rooms 200-250. She chuckled and said the show off unicorn wants to know where his rooms is. She then stopped laughing enough to tell him where it was. She said its the second floor 1st hallway. Midnight rolled his eyes and walked on. Great now everyone thinks i'm a show off, kind of like that silver haired unicorn from ponyville who didn't defeat the ursa minor. He finally reached his dorm only to find out it was one bed and a lamp. He then said wow I have a lot of work to do to this bland old room. He threw his saddle bag on the floor and crashed on the bed.

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Merx heard hooves behind him and said as he looked a bit down at the mare, "Hello, Shadow, was it? Anyways, what can I do for you?" His hear flicked to the faintest of creaking from his guitar. He lit up his horn and retightened the piece, then he encased it in a bubble around it.


Pollu headed to her room, with the help of Lil and plopped down on her bed, then she noticed that there was another bed, she uncorked a different bottle and a ghost of an alternate version of her herself was on the bed. She said as she placed the bottle in the middle, "Okay, Lil, tell me why you told me to be careful."

Lil twisted her neck and said, "I'm not sure, but I just feel uncomfortable about him, like something's dead about him. Until we learn more about him, be on guard and don't listen to his music."

Pollu rolled her eyes at Lil's caution, she is mostly the cautious type and Lil is the metaphorical free-bird.

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2 minutes ago, reader8363 said:

Merx heard hooves behind him and said as he looked a bit down at the mare, "Hello, Shadow, was it? Anyways, what can I do for you?" His hear flicked to the faintest of creaking from his guitar. He lit up his horn and retightened the piece, then he encased it in a bubble around it.


Pollu headed to her room, with the help of Lil and plopped down on her bed, then she noticed that there was another bed, she uncorked a different bottle and a ghost of an alternate version of her herself was on the bed. She said as she placed the bottle in the middle, "Okay, Lil, tell me why you told me to be careful."

Lil twisted her neck and said, "I'm not sure, but I just feel uncomfortable about him, like something's dead about him. Until we learn more about him, be on guard and don't listen to his music."

Pollu rolled her eyes at Lil's caution, she is mostly the cautious type and Lil is the metaphorical free-bird.

Shadow Flare Looks at him as he began to put away his guitar.  But remembered why she was here, "So... that spell you did," Shadow Flare said, "During the demonstration... How did you do it?"


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Merx said as he looked down, "Oh, that. Just from being half siren, and half cursed." He didn't want to really go into detail and he couldn't put her to sleep to make seem like a dream. He pushed those thoughts down and put one in his mind, if she wanted to he can.

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1 minute ago, reader8363 said:

Merx said as he looked down, "Oh, that. Just from being half siren, and half cursed." He didn't want to really go into detail and he couldn't put her to sleep to make seem like a dream. He pushed those thoughts down and put one in his mind, if she wanted to he can.

Shadow Flare wasn't sure what he meant by that,  She'd not really heard of a siren before.  But one thing was clear...

"So... you couldn't teach it too me then," Shadow Flare said slightly disappointed in it.


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@JCKane @reader8363 @Midnight madness @Alex Van Gamer

Dynamo smiled in relief as Solar Spout accepted in helping him out. "That's good to hear and thank you, Solar." He chuckles while rubbing a hoof through his mane. "Unfortunately, it's true. Sometimes the mail comes late from where I live. There's even been a few times we get mail from someone that doesn't even live in my home, as strange as that sounds. I guess the schedule could have gotten lost in the mail, but I wouldn't be sure." Dynamo said while shrugging his shoulders. "So, where do we start and where would I go to get a new schedule? Also, I was hoping we could chat and get to know each other, if we still have time. You did promise to tell me about that story once the assembly was over." He says as he remembers their earlier conversation. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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Midnight started setting his stuff in his room. He brought posters and sheets and all types of stuff to spruce up the room. The room was rather drab in color kind of milky white color faded with time. He put his wonderbollts right over the nasty water stain on his wall. He then pulled out his little TV he brought from home it was a little outdated color TV. He then stripped the bed of the nasty dusty sheets which looked like they hand't been changed in forever. He put his new sheets on and threw the old nasty ones in the corner. He then sat on his bed and looked out the window he could see some Pegasus zooming and flying around. Whatever he also saw other ponies sitting out on the lawn enjoying the nice sunny day not obstructed by clouds. The weather Pegasus are doing their job for once instead of sleeping on clouds all day. He looked over at the clock on his nightstand it read seven thirty five it was getting late and sun was about to set. He heard his stomach growl as he looked out the window. Great now I have to go to cafeteria to get something to eat he said. So he made his way to the the door. It was getting later so he hoped he didn't encounter anybody in the halls because of the last comment he received  from one of the students.

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