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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight didn't say anything, or do anything in that matter, she stayed like she were and let Dynamo move her as he deemed fit, and this lasted as long as she cried, though even after she stopped she didn't say or do anything, and instead her body just relaxed and dropped its weight on Dynamo, and her breathing calmed down besides few after cry sobs here and there....she had fallen asleep. 

"Sure..." Jade simply replied as he offered his hoof again with a smile that was just a bit happier than his previous smiles "...But we'll have see how much actual scenery I will really see." he surprised even himself with that choice of words, it was actually the first time he had said something without thinking it at all, though he knew exactly why it was what he said....his mind worked in weird ways, especially now. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
The blue unicorn had hoped that Sunlight would be able to talk to him, but it was to no avail. She had stayed quiet as he continued to comfort the distraught orange unicorn. He didn't blame her after what she had gone through today, as well as what she had told him. It still made himself feel sick. Along with feeling angry towards the stallion that he had run into once again. He knew that violence would get them nowhere, but he wanted to find a way to bring this stallion to justice and pay for what he has done. He was brought out of his train of thought as he felt Sunlight had dropped her weight onto him as he leaned back onto the bed and pillow. He gently placed a hoof upon her shoulder and tried to lightly shake her awake, but she was out like a light. With the occasional after cry sobs, it looked as if she had fallen asleep. He used his levitation spell to grab the blanket and drape said blanket over them. He then grabbed the ring that Lunar had given them and placed said ring upon his unicorn horn. 

After laying his head back down upon the pillow, he wrapped his arms around Sunlight and pulled her closer towards him. "I don't know if you can hear me, Sunlight, but I just want you to know that I'm right here. No matter what happens, I will always be with you and I promise to always protect you and keep you safe. I love you with all of my heart and soul, Sunlight." He softly whispered into her ear as he placed a kiss upon the top of her head. He took a deep breath and sighed as he tried to rest and relax after all they had gone through today.

Dew Drop:
Dew smiled softly with a blush upon her cheeks as she took the offered hoof with her own forehoof. As she listened to him speak, she giggled at his own choice of words. "W-With the occasional trees and flowers. Any kind of scenery c-can be absolutely beautiful. It's all in the e-eyes of the beholder. If I d-didn't no better, then it sounded like you were trying to s-sound like a poet. You d-definitely have a way with words." She teased slightly, but she did mean what she had said all the same.

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@Dynamo Pad
Because of how early it had been when she fell asleep, Sunlight woke up at early night, it took her a moment to remember where she was and what had happened, but after she had collected her thoughts, she carefully separated herself from Dynamo, not knowing if he was asleep or not. After getting up she kissed Dynamo on his forehead and made her way to get herself a glass of water to drink. If at any point Dynamo was awake and asked her where she was going, she would simply tell she was getting some water.

Jade chuckled "I guess my inner poet I didn't know existed found a perfect muse." this time he had thought about the reply for a fraction of a second, though he still wasn't sure from which corner of his mind this Jade had came from. 


(For some reason I never got a notification for this)

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
After some time had passed, Dynamo had begun to slowly open his eyes. He had been falling back asleep multiple times, but he then wake up soon after. He never stayed asleep for long as he wanted to make sure that Sunlight was okay. After everything that had transpired, he wanted to make sure that she was safe. After blinking a couple of times to get the sleep out of his eyes, he looked around and noticed that Sunlight wasn't next to him. His heart began to quicken as he trembled slightly in worry. He had hoped that she didn't run away again, but he first had to be absolutely sure. "Sunlight? A-Are you still here? If so, then are you okay?"

Dew Drop:
The ebony Pegasus blushed and giggled slightly as she listened to Jade speak. "I-It sounds like you're learning more things about you t-that you may not have realized. Also, a-are you calling me a muse? I-I've heard they are a sort of goddess. I-It's really sweet of you to say, but I-I'm not a muse, Jade." She looked away slightly and shyly, but she gave his front hoof a reassuring squeeze with her front hoof.

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@Dynamo Pad
"I was just thirsty." Sunlight replied softly as she took the glass of water to her levitation, her magic's light illuminating her in the night's darkness "I didn't want to wake you up because i have no way of knowing how long you have slept." she sipped some of her water "How are your legs feeling?"

Jade chuckled "Muse can also mean a source of inspiration, which you clearly are since you make me speak all poet like..." he smiled humorously, before tilting his head with a clearly faked serious-thoughtful expression "...Although, I'd argue you could be a goddess too." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:

As he heard Sunlight’s response, Dynamo had sighed in relief. He had trouble hearing her as her reply was quiet, but he was just thankful that she was still here. “Okay and that’s good. I just woke up and saw that you weren’t there. I guess I was just worried and hoped that you were safe.” He says, remembering what they had talked about earlier in the day. “You didn’t have to worry about waking me up, Sunny. To be ho eat, I kept falling asleep and waking up at random times. My front hooves are doing a little better, in my opinion. I guess resting was able to help me in the healing process. Enough about me, however. How about you? Are you okay?” 

Dew Drop: 

The ebony pegasus giggles once more as she listened to Jade’s remark. “I guess I’ve become a good i-inspiration to you. S-Seeing that I’ve seen h-how passionate you are in what you say.” She looked back towards the green pegasus and blushed at his comment. All the while, trying to hide her face within her mane. “Y-You’re such a charmer, y-you know that? If we are giving e-each other names, then the name prince fits y-you very well, if you a-ask me.”

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@Dynamo Pad
"Yes." Sunlight simply responded "I actually feel lot better than earlier, I guess talking about things really do make you feel better." she sat on the bed and sipped some more water "Thank you for listening, I know you'll try to argue I don't need to thank you, but it doesn't matter if I have to or not, I'm truly thankful."

Jade chuckled "I'd say royal librarian would fit better, not that there's anything wrong with your suggestion. And no, I didn't know that, I'm just being honest as usual. " he then reached his hoof to gently move Dew's mane away from her face, looking at her with a kind smile "If you hide your face I can't look at it." he realized that if this would have been a romantic novel or a movie, he would have kissed Dew right about now, but he didn't do that because he still wasn't sure if Dew would be okay with it, especially considering that the poor mare was already so embarrassed, she would probably pop if he did something like that. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo smiled softly as Sunlight mentioned that she was fine. "That's a relief. I can imagine it must've been difficult to talk about something like that, but I'm glad you told me. Trust me. I speak from experience." He says, remembering about his dad and the other day at the arcade. He chuckled slightly, before shaking his head at her repeated thanks. "I guess you took after my force of habit from me about saying something too many times. Unless it's the same thing about saying sorry too many times. At any rate, you're welcome and it's no problem. You're my marefriend, after all. If you ever need to tell me something that's on your mind, then I'm right here for you to listen. It's my job as a stallionfriend to be there for you." He says as she sat on the bed and drank from her glass of water.

Dew Drop:
"Y-You're right. A master, yet royal l-librarian fits you much better. Seeing h-how you made that encyclopedia of plants for me. It's r-really sweet of you to say that." She almost stopped mid flight as Jade had moved her mane away from her face. The distance of their faces touching had her nearly blushing up a storm. Even the words he spoke made her heart swoon for the green Pegasus. She probably would have flown to the moon if Jade had kissed her, but she didn't want to rush anything if he wasn't comfortable. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Sunlight smiled, before sipping more water, her face was visible in the light of her magic "I know, but the reason I feel like I needed to thank you is because this goes beyond you being here for me, this wasn't just something being on my mind, it was a trap in my mind just waiting for a trigger...." she finished her drink "....I can finally think about things related to it without losing control over my memories. I will probably never get over it, but at least I don't freeze from thought of it."

Jade gave a extra warm smile to Dew before turning away and starting to descend, they had arrived above the park. Jade was a bit disappointed he had to turn away from Dew, because though he still wasn't sure why, he found her blushing to be one of the cutest things he knew. When they landed, thus having to let go of each other's hooves, Jade right away moved close to Dew and put his wing around her. "Here we are." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
As she continued sipping more water, Dynamo could see that her face was visible from the light of her magic. After finishing her glass of water, the blue unicorn stayed quiet, while listening to Sunlight's explanation. "What I'm trying to figure out is what was the trigger that helped set you free from the trap. It's nice to know that you'll finally be able to talk about something instead of freezing up. I was really worried when I saw that you were unresponsive when the others and I found you. I know you told me that you didn't shut down, but I couldn't help in thinking the worst case scenario. After I lost my dad, I guess I've really wanted to hold those close to me in high regard. I just don't want to lose anyone who's precious to me again." He looked towards the ground as he felt what he said sounded strange. He soon looked up to Sunlight's gaze, moving over as he took her hoof into his.

Dew Drop:
Dew had frowned slightly as Jade had turned away, while making their descent. She did, however, smile softly as Jade's smile warmed her heart. She couldn't explain the reason, but all she knew was that his smile could light up the entire town of Manehatten. After they had landed on the ground, she felt Jade letting go of her front hoof. She wanted to feel disappointed, but it all changed as she felt Jade wrapped his wing around her. The view of the dusk filled sky and few stars had looked pretty in her eyes. "This is so b-beautiful. I n-never really go out to the park d-during the night hours. I must say that t-this is a nice change of pace. I-Is there any place that you'd like to sit and enjoy some s-stargazing? We could probably sit by some trees i-if there aren't any benches."

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@Dynamo Pad
"Talking about it was what got rid of the trap so to speak, I just had to force myself to talk about it, that's why I fell asleep after it, it was physically as hard as it was mentally..." and it was physically painful, but she wasn't going to tell that to Dynamo, she couldn't risk him starting to blame himself about it "...and I understand you were worried, but remember what I told you, it will be obvious if I or Jade ever shut down." she wanted to end that conversation right away, because she really didn't want to talk about death.

"There are benches, but I'd prefer sitting by a tree still, it feels more personal in my opinion..." Jade responded when he was already leading them towards a tree "...I just hope the stars aren't hidden by the city's lights." light pollution, the killer of stargazing, though luckily there seemed to be at least some stars visible. He lead Dew to a tree that was relatively far from the paths and sat down, pulling Dew with him since he was holding her with his wing.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo listened to Sunlight's explanation and nodded understandingly as he seemed to understand. His eyes glistened with worry, but looking towards Sunlight's gaze told him not to bring anything like that up. She seemed troubled or concerned about the mention of shutting down. So, he chose to try and avoid the subject. "I think I'm able to get the gist of it. I'm just glad that you were able to talk to me about this. I didn't blame you if you wanted to skip any and all conversations about what happened in the past. I know hearing about it still bothers me, but the past is in the past. There's not much that can be done to change that. I'm just glad you and I are in the here and now and that we're in this together. I guess talking about that was exhausting. Which is the reason you must've fallen asleep. Also, I know...I guess it's my way of saying that I really do care about you. In a way, I just hope that you and I always be together for a really long time."

Dew Drop:
At the mention of sitting near a tree, Dew held back a laugh. She didn't mind where they sat, but it seemed as it was if Jade had read her mind. "I think sitting by a tree is pretty f-fitting. It's sort of being more in t-tune with nature by sitting near a t-tree. I know it s-sounds strange and all, b-but I guess it's my way of b-being closer to plants to s-study and c-care for in botany..." She looked up to the sky as Jade had lead her to a tree nearby. All the while, feeling comfort and safety as he held a wing around her. "...It's a shame that the l-lights from the city take away the l-lights and stars from the sky. If the townsponies t-turned off the lights, t-then they'd get to see a beautiful show of stars. I-I'm just grateful to see some stars tonight. I s-sort of wonder if there are some f-flowers that can be n-nurtured by either the shade or by the light from the m-moon."

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight just smiled and levitated her empty glass on to the table, turning off her magic after it "So, do you want to do something or do you need to sleep more? I'm okay with either, I won't continue sleeping regardless, but if you need to sleep, I will keep it quiet." 

Jade was of course glad that Dew liked his decision, but he also was bit disappointed to himself for not realizing Dew's connection to nature, this disappointment didn't show though, and instead he was smiling like always. "There is, the most obvious ones being flowers that only grow in the Everfree forest, though they aren't that beautiful looking, constant darkness has its toll..." "...There also is few flowers that need moonlight to prosper, but there isn't that much known about them because they are very rare, and even that information comes from books written by ponies who are no longer with us. But it is written that they are very beautiful."  

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
At the mention of something to do, Dynamo looked out at the window. He noticed that the time of day was starting to become Twilight, while the sky was slowly becoming night. The blue unicorn had guessed that it wasn't exactly too late out. "Hmm...I suppose we could see if there's anything to do outside. That is, unless you still aren't feeling too well..." He remembered that she wasn't in the best of shape from the earlier encounter with the stallion, but he knew some time had passed. "I was able to get some sleep here and there, so I should be okay to stay awake. Besides, we're on vacation. It's been rocky in the beginning, but it's better to enjoy our vacation. Is there anything you wanted to do or have planned, sweetheart?"

Dew Drop:
"I-I guess darkness has it's disadvantages in m-most cases. I haven't been to the E-Everfree Forest before, b-but I can only imagine how m-majestic and beautiful the f-forest can be. A place filled with s-such wildlife and a plethora of flora..." The mention of such flowers existing caused Dew Drop's eyes to shine with hope and enthusiasm. "...I-I was only giving an educated guess, or a t-theory at best. I never would have expect flowers to grow and prosper by m-moonlight to even exist. I-It's truly a shame that such ponies, who wrote those b-books are no long w-with us. It would have b-been fascinating to discuss their findings and r-research. Perhaps I can try and pick up where t-they left off and find some flower like that. F-Flowers that are known to be that beautiful m-must still be out there s-somewhere." 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad
"You can't really do that much at night since most places are closed..." Sunlight pointed out calmly "...sure there's nightclubs and and such, but I don't really feel like dealing with drunk stallions." she got up and walked to a table and picked up the hotel's info-book with her magic and started going through it. After some moments she spoke again "There's a karaoke bar in the second floor, I'm not really a singer nor do I care for drinks, but we could go there if you want." 

Jade smiled "You'll find everything I know about them in the book I gave you, and i'm more than happy to help you if you need my help with the research." he then looked at Dew, the shine in her eyes was a pleasant view for Jade, but then again, everything she did was a pleasure for the eyes. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo had blinked a few times at the mention of most places being closed for the evening. He looked at the time to see that it was later than he initially thought. "Huh. I thought it was still early evening and not late. I guess I was sleeping later than I had realized..." He smiled sheepishly with a slight chuckle. "...It would be fun to go out and dance, but I see what you mean. Plus, I'm not much of a fan when it involves cider." He placed a hoof to his chin as he tried to think of anything to do at the current time. He soon after turned to Sunlight at the mention of a karaoke bar. "You know what? Why not? I'm not the best at singing myself, but karaoke sounds like fun. We could always order water or soda if we are thirsty. Maybe we can stay for an hour or two, before heading back here. What do you think, Sunny?"

Dew Drop:
The ebony smiled and nodded as she listened to Jade's remark and helpful gesture. "T-That's very impressive. I didn't get a chance to look more closely at the b-book, but it sounds like you did your research. W-When you did you h-homework, then you really did your h-homework. Reading up on those flowers w-will help, but I always t-think it's better to get an actual e-experience to see flowers up close. I-I would like that if you and I could v-visit the Everfree Forest sometime. P-Perhaps I'll try and find a way to visit Ponyville sometime in the future." As she turned to face Jade to give her a grateful look and to tell him thanks. She noticed that he was gazing at her eyes. "W-What's up?" She smiled softly, yet shyly.

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@Dynamo Pad
"Sounds good, I just need to clean up my appearance a bit." she then made her way to the bathroom and put the lights on, she had fallen asleep with her dress on, so it needed some adjustment like did her mane and tail too, this kind of moments were when she felt glad that she didn't use makeup, since it would be a lot of extra work to clean all of the after crying and sleeping.

"Nothing, enthusiasm in your eyes just caught my eye..." 
he smiled "...that's really all I can say, you've made me run out of adjectives to describe how you look. In a good way of course." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

"Okay, then. If you ask me, then I still think you look beautiful, Sunny. Just take your time as it seems like the karaoke lounge is open for a while." He smiled as she made her way towards the bathroom. He soon stretched as he made his way off of the bed. He checked his front hooves to make sure they didn't hurt. His front hooves were still somewhat sore and numb, but he was still able to walk. The blue unicorn soon decided to wait patiently, until Sunlight had returned. However, a thought had soon occurred to him. "Hey, Sunlight? Is there a dress code for the karaoke lounge? I wasn't sure if we would need to have a suit and dress." He says, remembering how the other hotel they went to had their own dress code.

Dew Drop:
"O-Oh, I see. To be h-honest, I feel as if I could g-get lost in your eyes. T-That's a little surprising to hear t-that from you. Considering that y-you probably read every book and y-you might be a pony dictionary..." She giggled as she joked around with Jade. She scooted over, until she was sitting next to him. "...I h-hope I don't stop running out of a-adjectives to describe about you. Y-You're just so, kind, c-caring, charming, protective and a-all around endearing." She smiled as she tentatively rested her head upon his shoulder. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"No, there isn't, but I still will be keeping my dress on, you don't need to wear your suit if you don't want to though, I know suits aren't the most comfortable piece of clothing out there." Sunlight replied as she continued cleaning herself up, it wouldn't take long after that until she was ready.

Jade rested his head against Dew's head when she rested her on his shoulder and smiled, not saying anything since he didn't really have anything to say to what Dew had said, and he didn't want to ruin the moment by changing topic. After a moment though, he remembered something, he dag around in his memories a bit, searching for something he read quite long time ago when they weren't yet read everything there is....he spoke quietly, directly to Dew's ear.  "I never knew true happiness, I thought dreams wouldn’t come true, I couldn’t really believe in love, Until the day I met you...." "...If you fall I will catch you, If you cry I will hold you, If I breathe I will love you..." "...You are the sun of my mornings, And the moon of my nights, You are always on my mind, From day to night."  to think that the random poem book he had read years ago actually came to use in form of saying what he wanted to say, he knew it came kinda out of nowhere, but he didn't care. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"Okay and thanks for letting me know. Hmm..." He walked over towards the mirror, looking at his reflection with the suit still on. What Sunlight had said wasn't untrue. Seeing how he wasn't much of a suit pony, unless he had to go to a formal event of sorts. However, he remembered that they were still on a sort of date. After everything they had gone through today and with how much work Sunlight had put into the day. He knew his choice had been made right then and there. He smiled as he decided to still wear the suit. He looked over to his suitcase, before levitating a brush over towards him. He tried to fix/style his mane as he still wanted to look presentable for his mare friend.

Dew Drop:
Dew had giggled as Jade rested his had upon her head, while she continued to enjoy the view. As he soon spoke, she took every word he had said into her ear. Her eyes widened slowly as he continued to speak. She pulled away from the embrace, before placing one front hoof over her mouth, while the other front hoof was placed over her heart. Along with feeling teary eyed in the process as he spoke from his heart. At least, what she considered a heart as his heart was artificial. "J-Jade...t-that's the most beautiful thing a-anypony has ever said to me. I know w-we met just the other day, b-but I can tell you that I feel just the same about you. The feelings g-go both ways. If you fall, then I-I'll fly as fast as I can to save y-you. If you need to cry or t-talk, then I'm right here to listen. I-If I am your s-sun and moon, t-then I guess that makes me your s-sky and earth. The pretty flowers that b-bloom with kindness and c-care..." She blushed and was hesitant to ask her next question as something Jade had said caught her off guard. "D-Do you really mean that, J-Jade? I-I know I said we m-met about a day or t-two ago, but did you really mean it? When you s-said the l-l-love you part?"

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight finished and came out of the bathroom "You ready?" she made her way towards the door and stopped to wait for Dynamo "I see you decided to keep the suit..." she smiled "...it does fit you." it was a shame the original plans had been ruined, but Sunlight didn't think about it too much, as she knew it would only ruin her mood.  

"Have I ever said something I didn't mean?..." Jade simply replied, before putting his hoof on Dew's cheek and looking into her eyes "...I can't keep quiet about it any more..." "...I can't stop thinking about you, I can't get my eyes away from you, your happiness makes me happy, your shyness is cute and heartwarming, your enthusiasm is uplifting..." "...I may not understand my own emotions, but I would be foolish to claim that that isn't love."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
As he finished fixing his mane, Dynamo's ears perked as he heard the bathroom door being opened. Once Sunlight had stepped out of the room, he looked over and nodded at the mention of being ready. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be..." He chuckled, smiling softly at the mention of him still wearing the suit. "...Eeyup. I thought about it after listening to what you said. Since we're still on a date, I thought it would be great to still wear the suit. One is because I thought I should still dress up nice for my marefriend. Also, two is because even though I'm not used to wearing suits, the outfit is starting to grow on me. I see somepony is as beautiful as always." He smirked playfully. While the original plans hadn't gone so well. He knew that it was better to move on and still enjoy the evening together.

Dew Drop:
Dew had simply shook her head at Jade's question. "N-No. Over the p-past day or so, y-you have never said anything that y-you didn't mean..." Her breath had been hitched in her throat as she felt Jade place his hoof upon her cheek. As he spoke, she took her front hoof off of her mouth, before placing that same hoof upon his hoof. All the while leaning her cheek into his front hoof. "...I-I think I'm beginning to feel t-that very same way. Whenever I'm with you, I-I feel so happy. When you place your wing around me, or h-hold my hoof, I feel so safe and protected. T-True, there were moments that I d-didn't feel like I understood you. It all changed, h-however, when you told me about yourself..." She winked at the green Pegasus as she was trying to be subtle about his secret. "...I admire your hard work and k-knowledge. It's as if my whole world has b-been expanded upon when you tell me s-something I may not have known before. I'm the s-same way. I've never been in l-love before, b-but I can tell that I'm really happy to b-be by your side, Jade." Looking deeply into Jade's eyes, she blushed shyly as it was then that Dew Drop knew what she had to do. Gathering as much courage as she could, she slowly leaned forward, closed her eyes and placed a kiss upon his lips. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight just smiled, she had learned to expect compliments back from Dynamo any time she said anything that could give him chance to do so, so it did't surprise her anymore. She opened the door and made her way outside, and after closing the door she moved next to Dynamo and lead the way.

Jade blushed when Dew leaned for a kiss, mostly due being taken slightly off guard, but he quickly collected himself and did his best to return the kiss, though this one of the things he didn't know much about, since there wasn't really any books about it, not that they would have helped anyway, because his thoughts left him, leaving only one thing on hid mind, Dew. He didn't stop until Dew would pull away, after all, it was she who started, and really, why would he want to stop it?

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“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo returned the smile as she opened the door, while the two made their way outside of their hotel room. After the door was closed behind them, Dynamo walked alongside Sunlight as she lead the way towards the karaoke room. "I know you told me that you don't sing. Would you change your mind if I joined and sang along with you? I can see us doing a duet together. It does depend on the song, however." He chuckled, before an idea came to mind of a song he wanted to sing for the orange mare.

Dew Drop:
Dew had smiled softly as Jade had returned the affection. The kiss wasn't perfect, but to Dew Drop, she felt as if she was lighter then air. As she pulled back from the kiss, her eyes slowly fluttered open as the soft smile had never left her face. "T-That was r-really nice. I-I'm sorry if the kiss was too soon." She was concerned if the kiss was a sign of them moving too quickly, but she was glad to know that he felt the same way. She still wanted to take their relationship one step at a time. She slowly leaned forward and leaned against him, before nuzzling him.

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@Dynamo Pad
"It depends really, if the place is filled with professional singers, I won't be stepping a hoof even close to the karaoke machine, but if it's full of slightly drunk stallions trying to impress as drunk mare's, I can consider it." Sunlight chuckled as a response, she never said she wouldn't sing, she just said that she wasn't a singer, there was a difference. 

Jade first response was just random sounds that most likely were starts of countless failed sentences, he was clearly loss for words, in a good way of course, but eventually he snapped out of his short meltdown, though he still wasn't exactly back to his poet mode "Yes, nice, and no, not too soon" he was positively surprised when Dew leaned against him, especially so when she nuzzled him, which of course he returned to best of his ability "Sorry if I'm acting bit weird, my mind isn't used to this much....positive emotion and sensation." his mind was literally overflowing with happiness, love, and other such feelings.

  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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