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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"Aw. You know me so, very well, sweetheart..." Dynamo chuckled as he took his half of the book stack, before Sunlight took her stack of books. Upon hearing her remark, the blue unicorn could only hold up his hooves in defeat. "...Okay, okay. No need to twist my arm. That was all I was going to ask in helping out. Although, that does bring up a good question. How are you going to contact Princess Twilight? I'm guessing by mail delivery, or is there another way that would contact her much more quickly...?" He would ask as the couple left the room, before making their way towards the workshop. He could only nod at Mustang's question as Sunlight gave her opinion on the rest of the books. "...I would take Sunlight's advice. If you don't plan on selling them, then donating them to charity would be the next best thing." He gave his farewells, before following Sunlight as the couple left the building.

Dew Drop:
"Hmm...yeah, you're right. It's also about finding a building, as well as location. I can't tell you how long it took to find the right building to set up my flower shop. At first, I thought it was bit strange to have it set up next to a coffee shop. However, I soon realized that it was a blessing in disguise. Since ponies and creatures go to get a beverage, then they are brought over towards my shop to buy gifts. It's sort of a win/win situation..." Dew nodded as she gave her two cents on Jade's reasoning. As she heard Jade's remark, Dew giggled and shook her head. "...Oh, very funny. Granted, we could always sit near that tree from the park and fall asleep in each other's arms. That doesn't sound like too bad of a romantic evening, but if you insist. Please, come on inside and make yourself at home." She grabbed the keys from under the doormat, before unlocking the front door. 

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@Dynamo Pad
When they were outside, Sunlight spoke "To answer your question, I'll simply send the letter to her through spike, she taught me the spell to do that in case there's ever something that needed a quick answer, like is in this case...." she explained "...I don't know why it has to be done through him, since I could just try to learn to teleport the letter right to the princess, but I'll do as the princess asks."  

"Isn't it bit risky to keep keys in the most obvious hiding spot?..."
Jade commented when he noticed where Dew took her keys from, he was going to comment on her response to his remark, but his protectiveness overpowered his humor. "...If a wrong pony found them, it could be quite a bad thing." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
As they made their way outside, Dynamo would nod as Sunlight explained the mailing process. "I think I remember hearing about that kind of spell being taught in school, but I always had trouble using that spell. Either it was sent to the wrong pony, or it didn't work at all..." He explained, thinking briefly as to why the letter would be sent to Spike. "...I suppose since Spike is Twilight's number one assistant, then it would only make sense for him to get the letter. Something like an advisor would do if the Princess is in a meeting of sorts."

Dew Drop:
Upon opening the door, Dew turned back to Jade, while taking his words into consideration. "Perhaps, but it would only be obvious if I were taking the obvious exit of the house. Since most of the time I usually exit the flower shop..." She could hear the protectiveness in his voice and smiled softly in appreciation. "...I have thought about that possibility, but I always make sure to take a key with me. I can see what you're trying to say as there are some ponies around town that aren't exactly the most friendliest of folks. Especially when there are rude driver's who can't let others walk across the roads. I might have to place the key in a better hiding spot, but maybe later." She gestured with his hoof to allow Jade to walk into the home.

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@Dynamo Pad
"I get that point, but considering I use it only when something can't wait, my personal opinion is that it wouldn't be necessary to bother Spike, what if I need to send it at night, poor dragon will have to wake up just to deliver a letter." 

"I'd suggest somewhere only pegasus can get..."
Jade said as he made his way inside "...that already stops a good portion of thieves, it also should be somewhere where nopony can see you hiding it in case somepony is watching..." he sighed "...I know I'm being bit paranoid but the pony who tormented my sister was believed to snoop around in other ponies' apartment when they weren't home. We didn't have evidence, but it is very likely he did." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"That's true when you put it that way, or there are other possibilities. What if he was spending time with his friends or out of town and then he gets a letter. It would feel impractical to just leave whatever is going on and then head back to the Princess. Perhaps we should talk to the Princess when we get back from our trip? That way, we could at least discuss the details of finding a different way to send information as soon as possible."

Dew Drop:
"I'm all for the idea, or somewhere that not even a unicorn could get too. Considering that they have teleportation magic, while having multiple spells to appear in different locations..." Dew noted as Jade made his way into the house. Once inside, Dew stepped into the home as she closed the door behind her. Her ears perked upon hearing Jade sigh. She frowned as she listened to his explanation. She slowly made her way over towards him and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "...I don't think you're being paranoid, Jade. You're just taking precaution to make sure that nothing happens. That, or whatever happened in the past doesn't happen again. I truly understand and I think that's very sweet of you. It shows that you're concerned and that you care a lot about me. It sounds like that pony was a thief who wanted to steal valuables and riches. It's a wonder how he hasn't been caught or taken away for trying to steal from the homes of others."

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@Dynamo Pad
"I will talk to her, you aren't needed, because as much as I like your company, it's my job, not yours." Sunlight hoped she didn't sound too harsh, but the truth was that she didn't believe Twilight would appreciate her bringing others with her since they weren't friends, only an employee and a boss. 

"If unicorn that can teleport wants in, they don't need a key..." Jade pointed out, "...and regarding the snooper, he didn't actually steal anything, that's exactly why there's no evidence, he was just snooping around..." hatred could be heard from his voice when he spoke about the pony, and more he talked, more obvious it became that Jade really hated that pony. "...until of course the day he first came after Sunlight."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Upon hearing Sunlight's remark, Dynamo faked out a pout and sighed. "Okay and I understand. I know when I'm not needed..." He smiled playfully as he knew that Sunlight wasn't trying to be rude or mean. He knew that Twilight was the boss for Sunlight's and Jade's job. Dynamo was able to help the siblings, but he knew it wasn't his job either. "...At least I know you enjoy having me around. Like I said before, I understand. Are you planning to talk to her when we get back, or is there another way to talk to her face to face. Besides standing right in front of her, of course."

Dew Drop:
"I had a feeling that was the case. I think there's a rule for teleportation magic to be prohibited. Unless they knew the pony and there was an emergency. Otherwise, it would just be plain breaking and entering..." Dew explained, taking note of the anger emanating from Jade's voice. She knew from Sunlight's friends that Jade had a problem with the snooper. She just didn't know until now how much animosity her coltfriend had towards them. "...I'm just going to guess that you saw him snooping around one day. Either that, or you heard from some of the neighbors had the same issue?" She made sure to tread carefully as she didn't want to upset or anger Jade. Especially if this conversation had involved the snooper he had previously mentioned.

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@Dynamo Pad
"I'll talk to her the next time I see her, there's really no hurry since it won't change anything now and I avoid using that way of messaging anyway..." Sunlight explained  "...but enough on that, it's my problem to deal with and i'll deal with it in due time." 
"I think you are really overestimating how many unicorns can actually teleport, it's a powerful spell that takes lot of practice, it's not like levitation that every unicorn knows..." Jade pointed out "...and no, he was never caught...before the aforementioned event...that would be evidence. It was known because he knew things he would only know by visiting somepony's apartment, and he was never invited inside by anypony." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"I guess that works and you'll have time to look through the books that we took with us. Since you can remember the information, then you'll be able to gather your thoughts to give the Princess a detailed report of sorts..." Dynamo explained with a nod. "...Fair enough and it's like you told me. It's not my business as I wasn't summoned by the Princess to help. So, it's out of my hooves. In the meantime, what should we do now? Did you want to head back to the house? I wasn't sure if the books were heavy as I thought we could make that last stop I was mentioning before."

Dew Drop:
"Perhaps, but I guess I've never really seen a unicorn teleport that often. I have heard that it takes a considerable amount of magic to use that spell. Plus, they need a lot of concentration in order to teleport to the right location. Otherwise, they might teleport to the wrong location or the spell will fail..." Dew explained. "...So, he always had a sort of alibi that allowed him to not get into any sort of trouble. It just seems rather annoying as that pony you mentioned seemed to always get out of trouble. Whether there was evidence or not. I'm not surprised that he was never invited by anypony. Breaking and entering isn't the type of guest I would have over for a friendly get together or dinner party." She joked, but still knew the severity of the conversation. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"When does your mother make the food?..." Sunlight asked as a response "...because like I said earlier, I'm open for anything, but I don't want that the food your mother makes gets cold before we arrive, that would be just plain rude from our part."

"Though I know you are joking, the truth is that it was his own fault that nopony wanted to interact with him, I was told by some of the neighbors that had been there the longest that he had been acting unpleasant since the day he moved in, and to be honest, I felt something was wrong when we first met him, I don't know if it was something in my programming or just a 'gut feeling', but I knew the moment I saw him that we won't get along." 


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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"Hmm..." Dynamo pondered as he looked up towards the sun in the sky. He made sure to cover his hoof over his face to not hurt his eyes. "...My mom doesn't usually make dinner until a little later. So, we pretty much still have some time before dinner. I was kind of hoping to make a stop somewhere. I know the location would be a little out of the ordinary, but I wanted you to meet someone else. We can make a quick stop there, before heading back home. The locations aren't that far off from one another. So, what do you think, Sunny?" He asks, taking a few steps forward in the direction of where he would take them.

Dew Drop:
"Glad to hear that you know I was joking. Given with how you've been feeling, I didn't want to say anything that would be considered rude..." Dew explained, before blinking in disbelief. "...Wait, really? Nopony wanted to interact or get to know him? It's rather sad, if you ask me. I want to say I feel sorry for him, but I can't. Not after what you had explained to me before about what he has done. I guess with how long he's lived at his home, he never really had anyone constant to stay in contact with. Considering that most ponies moved out by either his actions or of their own accord. I guess something happened to him in his history, but that's only a guess. I would lean more towards your guess of a 'gut feeling.' I'm not entirely sure if your programming could give you that kind of feeling, but at least you had a feeling that something was wrong."

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@Dynamo Pad
"Like I said, it's up to you, you know your mother, so I trust you when you say we are not in a hurry." Sunlight simply said with a smile, following Dynamo if he started to walk, she didn't want that Dynamo asked her opinion on everything, since it felt like he was asking permission, and she didn't want to make him feel like he needed her permission on everything, so she decided that this walk would be fully in Dynamo's control, and she would only give suggestions if needed." 

"That's exactly why I'm not sure if it's programming or something else, I don't know what my programming can do..."
Jade pointed out "...if programming can create a personality to a artificial body that is so life like the it itself doesn't understand itself, what is to say that it can't recognize future threats in advance..." he sighed "...but if that is the case, it only makes me more of an failure as a guardian since I have failed to notice several threats." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"Okay and you aren't wrong. Sometimes, I feel as if I take after my mom. Since we tend to act like the same pony from time to time. If that somehow makes any sort of sense." Dynamo replied with a chuckle and smile. Seeing how he didn't get any denial from where they had to go. He decided to take that as a yes and began leading the way. With how far they were from the location. Dynamo had figured it would take them a few minutes, until they reached their destination. For the moment, it was a comfortable silence between the two, but he felt a little nervous about where they were going.

Dew Drop:
"Have you ever had Sunlight look into what the programming could do. I know you said you both can't read the certain data, but maybe with the book you found, then maybe you can decipher some things in due time..." Dew explained, humming at the mention of future threats. "...If you take notice of future threats in advance, then that's what we call a vision. I've never had a dream or vision that has ever told me anything, but it might be worth looking into..." She frowned, before shaking her head and placing a hoof upon his shoulder. "...Don't say that, Jade. I understand how you feel, but look at it this way. Even if you are artificial, you're still a pony. Which means that nobody is perfect. I've made my share of mistakes that I could have avoided or taken notice of. It only shows that we have room to grow and besides. You said it yourself that pony was odd when other ponies had moved into the neighborhood or moved out. Nobody could have expected him to go that far. Even if you could have avoided it all, then who's to say he could have tried other ways in whatever he was planning?"

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@Dynamo Pad
"Ponies tend to act like their parents in many things, sometimes it's obvious, and sometimes it's not." Sunlight simply said before staying quiet, she didn't mind the comfortable silence, and was mostly wondering where they were going, and trying to figure it out by looking what was around them.

"Well, like I said before, we have looked into our programming, but we are yet to understand it, it's true that this book may help with that, but I wouldn't bet on it...." Jade responded "...And I wouldn't say it's necessarily a vision, it's more likely a complex calculation based on trends and logical assumptions, if i have something like that that is." He shook his head "I know where you're coming from and know you are trying to get me feel better about it, but no matter how you twist it, it is a failure from my part, and having seen the result of my failures, and not being able to forget them, it will haunt me until the end of my time."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"I guess it depends on the pony and their parents. I take after my mom, but I have a goofy personality like my dad. I never really tend to notice, but it's always good to think about, in a way." Dynamo responded in wonder to Sunlight's response. As they walked, they were slowly making their way out of town, before the destination was coming into view. It was the local Fillydelphia cemetery. He hoped that Sunlight wouldn't mind them visiting this place as he was hoping for her to meet someone here. He frowned slightly as he always felt nervous when coming to this location. He stayed relatively quiet as he would lead her into the cemetery. All the while, making their way towards a specific tombstone.

Dew Drop:
"I suppose you're right, but I guess the book is better than nothing. At least you have something to go off of for the time being..." Dew responded "...While I may not know much about these complex calculations. It could be a possibility of you having them as it's simply that. A slight possibility..." She frowned as she wanted to argue about his train of thought. However, she stopped as she knew that this was Jade's way of thinking. No matter how much she would say, she had to understand that this was Jade's logical view on things. "...I'm glad you know that I'm trying to help you feel better, but I guess it wouldn't be that easy. I understand that sometimes you, or anypony for that matter can't forget what happed in the past. I can only hope that me being here for you will help lessen the hauntings that you speak of."

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight started to realize where they were heading when they neared the edge of the town, and seeing the cemetery she knew it for sure, but she didn't show it in anyways as she felt it would be disrespectful since she knew the emotional importance of cemeteries to those who had relatives in them, even if she herself couldn't relate for obvious reason. For rest of the way she mostly thought about what to say when she eventually would be expected to say something. 

"For me it's never rather than sometimes, but I appreciate your understanding...
" Jade said with a kind smile "...and don't worry, you have already helped me, and I'm sure that with enough time you presence will help me to bury those memories so deep that they will only come up when brought up." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
As they ventured deeper into the cemetery, Dynamo soon stopped as they had reached the intended spot. Standing in front of a tombstone that had a bit of writing upon it. 'Quick Fix. A loving husband, a loving father, and a great friend.' Dynamo stared at the site with a sorrowful expression, before having a sad smile. "I was thinking that since we were in my hometown, I thought it would have been best if you could meet my dad. At first, I was thinking that maybe you could show your artificial form. Since not many visit the cemetery at this time of day, but I didn't want to take any kind of risk..." He whispered at the mention of her artificial form. He didn't know if anyone was around. So, he didn't want to take any chance, whatsoever. He soon turned around as he went to address his late father. "...Hey, dad. I'm sorry it's been a while since I last visited. It's nice to see you again. It's been a little hectic since living in Ponyville, but I wouldn't change any of it. I recently met some new friends and found somepony special. Her name is Sunlight Lavender and she really means a lot to me. I recently ran into some of my old bullies and some things had happened. However, Sunlight was there to help me every step of the way. I love her with all of my heart and I was hoping that she would get a chance to meet you, dad." He would say, pulling a few flowers out of his saddlebag, before placing them near the tombstone. He had recently bought them while the group had visited Dew Drop's flower shop.

Dew Drop:
Dew smiled and nodded in return as she saw Jade's smile. "You're my special somepony, Jade. So, it's no problem when it comes to understanding. It's wonderful to know that I've been able to help you. I can only hope that in time, you'll be able to bury some of those memories in the past. Just know that no matter what happens, I'll be right there beside you..." She hugged him once more as she shyly gave him a nuzzle. "...So, are you feeling a little hungry? I can try and make us something really quick, before we go to bed. If so, then are there any recommendations that you'd like to have?"

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight stayed quiet, this was probably the first time in her life when she really didn't know what to say or do, none of the knowledge she had gathered during that time didn't give her to ability to relate to Dynamo at this moment, thus she had no idea how to react to any of this.  Eventually she decided she would just put her undisguised hoof on Dynamo's shoulder without saying anything, she removed a bit of her disguise, mostly from the front, but left enough that nopony wandering nearby would be able to notice.

Jade just smiled and returned the nuzzle,  bit shyly he too since it wasn't really something he was used to do "I'm not hungry right now but since I'll be awake bit longer because I want to study the book we found, i could use something, no recommendations though." he responded with a smile

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo had waited to see if Sunlight had anything to say. He was quiet as he didn't know what to say or add. He soon began to wonder if it was because she had never experienced something like this in her life before. He wasn't sure if she had gone through the feeling of loss. He went to open his mouth to say something, but stopped as he felt her hoof upon his shoulder. He glanced to the side to see that some of her disguise had vanished. "I know I shouldn't say it, but I still wanted to say sorry if this is awkward. So much time has happened since I lost him, but it always feels so recent. I just hope that he's okay and that he's watching over my mom, myself and his friends too. I miss him dearly, but I know he'll always be with me in spirit." He felt a soft, yet sudden gust as he felt his mane being blown back gently. He looked around as he wondered if it was just the wind or if his father was there. He rubbed his eyes with his front hoof as he felt a few tears were beginning to fall. He waited patiently for Sunlight in the off chance that she wanted to say anything, before asking her if she wanted to head back home.

Dew Drop:
Dew smiled as Jade had returned the nuzzle. She almost giggled as he was shy in returning the affection, but she couldn't blame him. She was still nervous about showing affection, but she was glad that she wasn't alone. She understood that it would take time for them to be used to the idea of being in a relationship together. "Okay and maybe I'll make something light. Possibly a sandwich or something that can be heated up. I can't stop you from staying up late from reading that book, but I want to make sure you get some rest. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you, Jade." She smiled shyly, showing concern as she cared for her colt friend's wellbeing.

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@Dynamo Pad
"Don't apologize, I may not be able to relate, but I do understand." Sunlight simply stated, and that's all she said, holding her hoof on Dynamo's shoulder until he was ready to leave. When asked if she wanted to leave, Sunlight would only say something along the lines of 'only if you do.', and when they would eventually leave, she returned her disguise back on. 

Jade almost reminded Dew that he didn't need to actually sleep, but he stopped himself, if he wanted to live like a normal pony, he would need to stop reminding himself that he wasn't. He smiled "Thank you." it would take time for him to get used to being worried about. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo didn't say anything at first when he heard Sunlight speak. Eventually, he was able to find his voice. "Thank you for understanding. It really does mean a lot for you to say that." He responded, while staying in his spot for a few moments longer. After a few minutes had gone by, he bowed his head to pay his respects. He soon looked up and turned towards his mare friend. "I'm ready to head back home, if that's okay. We wouldn't want to keep my mom waiting and/or worrying." He smiled softly with a light chuckle. All the while making sure that Sunlight was ready to go, before taking their leave of the cemetery.

Dew Drop:
"You're welcome. Now go and read that book. You won't get anything done by standing around..." She giggled as she knew he had a task at hoof to accomplish. "...I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. Once dinner is done, I'll probably be there with you as I'll be looking through the book you made me. I still have a great book to go and read through." She smiled, slowly pulling Jade into a hug, before making her way into the kitchen to make them some dinner.

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight just nodded and would follow Dynamo, she had sunken in her thoughts for a moment, the new realization floating on the top, it was a weird feeling, knowing what the meaning of this place was for most ponies, but being unable to give it that same meaning.

Jade chuckled at the 'order' Dew gave him, and naturally he returned the hug, he then made his way to the closest table and sat down to look through the book, based on the speed he moved from page to page, he had no trouble figuring out the various languages and codes that the book was written in.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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  • 2 weeks later...

@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
After exiting the front gate of the cemetery, Dynamo used a light spell to help illuminate where they were going. His eyes trailed up to look at the sky above. The different shades of purple and orange that managed to create a twilight sky. There was some light available, but he knew it was only a matter of time before dusk fell upon the town. His eyes trailed back over to Sunlight, who seemed to have been lost in thought. He had to admit that it must have been a surprise to where he wanted to take his marefriend. He knew he wanted Sunlight to meet his father. Even though she couldn't speak to him physically. "Hey, Sunny? Is everything okay? Is something on your mind?" He felt worried if he had made some sort of mistake bringing her to that location.

Dew Drop:
Dew smiled as Jade returned the hug, before parting ways with him as she headed towards the kitchen. True to what she had told him, she began making some sandwiches that the two of them could have. It was a bit late to heat anything up, while she knew the green pegasus would be busy reading through that mysterious book. After making their plates, Dew began making her way towards whatever room Jade was in. She remembered him mentioning that he would find the nearest table. So, she naturally thought of the living room that provided the most light for reading. She could see the stallion was deep in thought as he was looking through the book. Making sure not to disturb him, she quietly moved over towards him and placed the plate next to him. She moved over towards a spot next to him and sat down. Since he was busy with his research, she would take the time to enjoy dinner. At the same time, she would read through more of the book that Jade had went through making for her.

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@Dynamo Pad

"I'm fine..." Sunlight assured "...I just feel weird, I have never realized that there's some things that I just have no way of knowing, it's a new feeling for me..." "I understand it on a paper, parental attachment, grief, holding on one's memory...but I can't create the emotional connection to graves as others can, it' feels weird, this is the first time in my life that I truly feel like I don't know something" 

If Dew didn't say anything, Jade would continue reading the journal without a break, eating a bit now and then between pages, and if he wasn't interrupted, he would be done in a hour or so, since around half of the book was blank. He wasn't done though, as after he had read the journal, he started writing notes of his own, using the found book's empty pages since he hadn't taken any extra paper with him. 

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“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo nodded slowly as he heard Sunlight's reply. Even though she was reassuring him, the gamer pony felt she was lost or unsure. He was quiet as he allowed for her next choice of words to sink in. "I guess it's a whole new experience in a way. I guess while it's like how you said. On paper it makes sense, but the actual feeling is sort of foreign to you. I suppose since you and your brother have been together and have stayed secure, then you haven't really met or had that kind of connection. A connection that would be disheartening to lose if something happened to that individual..." He ran a hoof through his mane as he scratched the back of his neck. "...I guess I don't really know the answer that well either. I know that it can be inevitable, but I never thought I'd ever lose my dad. Even to this day, the pain in my heart is still there. I still miss him, but I know he's in my memories and watching over me. Maybe not knowing something can be good or bad depending on how you see it. I wouldn't go and say you should go an experience that kind of feeling, but in a way, it must be a good thing not to know it. Since while it might not be easy when that feeling does or might happen, but it also shows that you still have all that's important to you in your life."

Dew Drop:
Dew had continued to stay silent as she read through her book. All the while, eating every now and then, as well as looking over towards the green pegasus. She smiled as he had been eating too. She didn't want to disturb him, while she was also interested in what she was reading through. She had begun to see that some of the notes she had recalled from other books, while some things she hadn't known before. She wasn't sure if it was Jade had known a bit of plants, or if he had read through some ancient books beforehand. Either way, she was thankful to gain this type of knowledge. She continued to glance back and forth between her book and Jade, before seeing the green pegasus beginning to jot down some notes. It looked like it was in the same book he had found, while some of the pages seem to be blank. "What are you writing down? Were you able to find any helpful information Jade?"

  • Brohoof 1
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