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private The Good King


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Indigo explained what Shiri had told him regarding the super soldiers, and brought up her suggestion to kidnap one of them to test for themselves. Sule agreed that it may be too risky to do so, but wondered about Shiri's trustworthiness. After all, this was a massive boon to their chances, and Shiri wouldn't tell them something like this if she intended to screw them over later. Sule ordered Indigo to have Shiri watched throughout the night by multiple guards, just in case, and Indigo reluctantly agreed.


Indigo met with Shiri again after leaving Sule's tent, and quickly noticed that she had her hood down, and was stricken by her deep blue coat and silvery blue mane and eyes. After gawking for a few seconds, he smiled and approached her, before dropping into a mock bow. "So, off to the pub then, madame?" he asked playfully.


Shiri stared at him for a second before laughing, not expecting Indigo to have already regained his composure. She smiled, and responded "Very well then, milord, shall you lead the way?"


Indigo smiled, and led her to the soldier's mess hall tent. Or rather, it was only called the 'mess hall' because the military frowns on the term 'booze hall'. Shiri stayed behind at the table while Indigo went forward to the Pegasus officer manning the bar. "Get me two mugs of that non- alcoholic cider."


The officer didn't regard him, and only said "Sorry, we're out of cider. Both alcoholic and not."


Indigo craned his head. "What, already?"


"Mmm-hmm. But we still got some mead left, and plenty of ale."


"No, that stuff's crap. Look, the officers brought in a secret stash just for themselves. I'll have two-"


The bartender interrupted him. "We're out of that, too."


"What? You're kidding, I was here just a couple of hours ago, and you still had-"


"Yeah, well, we're all out." The bartender responded snippily.


Indigo was getting tired of the bartender's attitude. "That can't be possible. Are you saying that you all already-"


The bartender looked at Indigo, irritated. "Sir, you shouldn't be drinking anything, anyway. We all know how you are with alcohol. Besides, I don't have to serve your kind, anyway."


Indigo was getting angry at the bartender's insubordination, even if he wasn't a Maluma. "I am the commander-of-forces of the Malumai military, and I order you give me two mugs of cider."


"I can't serve you what doesn't exist!" the bartender replied


Indigo grabbed the bartender by the collar. "Listen to me, you. I demand that you-" At this moment, a maluma pony was suddenly thrown onto the bar, swiping a number of mugs off to shatter on the ground. Indigo looked at him briefly, before looking behind him to where he came from.


Shiri was standing there, facing his direction. "And don't you dare call me 'toots' again!"


Indigo marched back to the table, where several soldiers were advancing on Shiri angrily. "What the hell is going on here?" Indigo demanded.


"'Ey, it's this broad's fault! Nightwing there was just tellin' her what he thought they should do, and she just flipped out on 'em!" one of the soldiers answered, angrily.


Indigo lowered his eyelids. "What are we, twelve? You're soldiers, dammit. Show some godsdamn respect."


"Oh, shaddup, ya pink-maned faggot. And get yer dumb bitch under control before I teach her a lesson."


Shiri marched up to the soldier, but Indigo stopped her. "Shiri, I'll take this." Indigo stayed quiet for a few moments and stared at the soldier, before suddenly headbutting him hard in the face. The soldier grabbed his nose with his front hooves as he staggered back, before immediately losing his balance and falling backwards.


"Hey!" a unicorn soldier yelled, before taking a swing at Indigo. Indigo stepped back to avoid it, before charging back forward to shoulder him, causing the unicorn to stumble backwards. At this point, the first soldier, now bleeding from the nose, rushed forward to charge Indigo, who quickly overpowered him and knocked him back.


There was a sound from off to the side, and Indigo turned his head just in time for a chair thrown telekinetically to hit Indigo square in the side. "Gah!" Indigo exclaimed as he was knocked to the ground


The unicorn, seeing Indigo knocked flat, rush forward towards him, only to suddenly have his legs swiped out from under him. Getting a face full of Shiri's fur, the soldier abruptly found himself thrown by the mare some distance, before colliding with a pegasus soldier, who spilt his drink into the face of the maluma sitting in front of him. The pegasus, furious, smashed his mug against the temple of the unicorn, only to get tackled by the equally furious maluma.


At this point, the beer hall devolved into chaos.






Indigo and Shiri pulled themselves out of the of the mess-hall tent and into the open air, and quickly cantered away from the sounds of the bar fight behind them. After a bit, they stopped and looked at each other, before they both suddenly erupted into laughter.


Indigo was the first one to calm down enough to start talking "Wow, I didn't you could throw ponies that far."


Shiri shrugged. "Hey, it's a gift. Besides, didn't it hurt when you headbutted that guy? I mean I knew you were thick-headed, but geez."


Indigo nudged her shoulder playfully. "Hey, who're you calling thick-headed?"


Shiri stumbled a bit. "Hey, you wanna get yourself thrown, too, ya big lug?"


Indigo smirked. "I dunno. Can ya toss me up into that tree back there? I bet I could some eggs out of that bird's nest."


They both laughed for a bit, before they sat together and looked out over the horizon. Shiri spoke up. "I take that back. Maybe drinking 'till you can't feel feelings anymore IS good fun."


"Hey, we didn't drink anything. Sorry 'bout that, by the way."


"Eh, doesn't matter. I say we still had fun anyway." There was a few moments of quiet. "The sunset's beautiful, don't ya think?" Shiri commented


Indigo looked at her. "I wouldn't know. I can't see anything in this light, 'cept for you."


Shiri looked into Indigo's golden cat-like eyes. "Oh, you malumai. Though I suppose I can't complain about you looking at me."


Indigo chuckled, and they both looked at each other for a long moment.


After a pause, Indigo slowly found his lips pressed against Shiri's, and for a long minute, his worries and the stress of command dissolved. For the duration of their kiss, there was no battle, no war, it was only him and her.


Indigo broke the kiss, before suddenly blushing brightly and chuckling nervously. Shiri broke the tension. "Ah, well, it's almost nighttime. You and I should really get some sleep. Aren't you going to attack at sunrise?"


Indigo felt more at ease, but his blush still lingered. "Yeah, you're probably right", he said, as he stood up.

Edited by Jadefizoid
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Night Flash was exiting the mess hall, half knocked-out. He had been enjoying a cup of the last alcoholic Cider with Whirlwind and Pansy when the bar fight had started. Now, he had one black eye and his back was aching after some drunk soldier had thrown a chair at him so Whirlwind and Pansy had to put their hooves around him and carry him out.


''I come in the mess hall for one small cup of cider and shit goes down!'' said an annoyed Night Flash.


''I'd blame it on the mare, she was the one who punched first.'' said Whirlwind.


''But that Unicorn soldier called her 'toots'!'' said Pansy in reply.


''Shutup, the both of you. I think I can carry my own ass around no need for this.'' said Night Flash as he broke free of Pansy and Whirlwind. ''It's getting dark now so I recommend you two get some sleep.'' said Night Flash as the Malumai and Pegasi soldiers saluted him and went off in the direction of the sleeping tents.


Night Flash decided he would also go get some sleep. He started heading to his own tent but on the way, he bumped into Indigo, who was presumably also on his way to get some rest.


''Oh hey Indigo, surprised to see me, eh?.....Why is the prisoner out of the cage?'' said Night Flash as he quickly unsheathed his sword.

Edited by The Awesome Invader
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Indigo quickly stepped between Night Flash and Shiri. "Hey, it's alright. She's..." Indigo looked back at Shiri, then closed his eyes for a moment, making his decision. "She's on our side now."

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***12 Hours to Zero Hour***


The Equestrian and Malumai special forces leaders had been summoned to Sule’s tent.


“Gentlecolts, you are gathered here today to go on one of the most dangerous missions ponies may ever go on.” said Sule


The two battle hardened soldiers did not change their expressions. They had been on many dangerous missions before, and they worried. To them, it just another mission that their officer was embellishing.


“Your mission is to capture one of Nova’s super soldiers”


The Maluma looked up interest, as did the Pegasus.


Sule continued, “You need to sneak into Chiroptera, find where they are, and bring one back with you. You will be on your own, as we won’t be able to send backup.”


There was a moment of silence between them.


Then the Equestrian Marshal spoke up. “So you’re saying that we need to fly all the way to the city, detain a genetically modified killing machine, and somehow bring it back here undetected?”


“In under ten hours”


The Pegasus was about to say something, but was interrupted by the Malumai Colonel.


“Dont worry, sire, it will be done.”


“Good to hear. Make sure your team has Earth Ponies and Unicorns on it as well. This is a joint operation, but Colonel Glaive is in charge. I trust this won’t be a problem?”


The officers looked at each other for a second. “No sir...” They both said.


“Good, now go get your teams ready. Remember this is a top secret operation. You leave in an hour.”


The two officers left to do their things.



***10 hours to Zero Hour***


The Special forces team left a while ago. Sule hoped Shiri’s intel could be trusted. If not, then they would have a mindless monster running around in the camp.


Sule has dozing off at his desk. He had not slept in several days, and it was catching up to him. He knew that this sleep time would not last long. Somepony would wake him up, it always happened.




As if on queue.


Sule began to wake up. In his surprise, it was one of the Earth Pony Generals.


“Sir, I’m sorry to wake you”


“It’s alright, somepony else would have done it sooner or later.” The General paused for a second, then laughed. “No, I’m serious” said Sule without changing his expression.


“Uhhh...right, sir.” He cleared his throat. “I just wanted to inform you that the the bunkers for the the Invasion Army are completed and fortified. We can start transporting troops. Some of the Malumai Tunnelers have also suggested we dig into the Chiroptera’s sewers and make topside from there. Are you alright with this?”


“Sure, go ahead. Just be prepared for the smell.”


“Thank you sir. By the way, some of the Tunnelers have expressed concern that the tunnels will collapse from the explosives.”


“Have the Unicorns helping with the Tunnels work together to pool their magic and make a the tunnels stronger” Sule knew this was possible. Clover told him that Diamond Dogs sometimes hired Unicorns to fortify their tunnels.


“Yes sir.” The general started to leave, but then came back, “By the way, a couple of hours ago there was a barfight in the mess hall. Just wanted to inform you.”


“I heard. It is sad to say that I’m not surprised. It isn’t uncommon for Malumai to get in barfights. As long as no pony died, I can deal with it.”


“Yes sure.” The General nodded and left.


In all honesty, Sule was a bit worried about the the barfight. He knew that tensions were still high, but he was insanely stressed out thanks to the impending invasion. He had more important things to worry about.



***8 hours to Zero Hour***


Sule was planning on checking how Indigo was doing, but on his way there it occured to him that Indigo and Shiri might want some ‘private time’... Sule shook the image out of his head.


Sule wasn’t entirely sure if he approved Indigo’s behaviour with Shiri. Trusting her was one thing, but Indigo seemed to be falling head over hooves with her, as far as Sule could tell. He supposed it couldn’t be all bad, It reminded him of the happiness he felt with Clover. Indigo seemed happy with Shiri, and if anypony deserved a special somepony, it was him.


Sule shook his head. This was war. He couldn’t have his Ancient running around with a mare before one of the largest invasions in pony history. And of course, there was the possibility that Shiri was playing them, and would betray them. Hopefully Indigo wouldn’t have a lapse in judgment... a lapse that could ruin the fate of their species.


Sule decided on leaving them alone for now. Sule heard that Night Flash got caught in the barfight. He wanted to see if the Equestrian Commander was still in commision.


When Sule got to the medic tent, all the cots were filled with beaten up ponies from the barfight. The nurses and medics were working as hard as they could, getting everypony patched up before the battle. They didn’t have time to scold the soldiers about their stupidity in getting in the fight.


Night Flash was in the back of the Medic tent with Whirlwind and Pansy. When Sule approched, Whirlwind stood at attention and saluted.


“It is getting kinda late,” Sule said, “and the invasion is tomorrow. You guys should get some rest.”


“Yes sir,” said Whirlwind. “we were on our way to do that. We are just here to check up on Commander Night Flash and his eye.”


Night flash had ice held up to his eye. When he removed, Sule could see the Commander’s black eye.


“Wow, that is a shiner...”


“Yeah,” responded Night Flash, “Indigo suggested I get it checked out. You don’t want something like this bugging you during a battle.”


Before Sule answered, one of the Unicorn nurses pushed him and Pansy aside.


“Sorry!” The Unicorn pointed her horn at Night Flash. Magic enveloped it and there was a burst of light.


“Gah!” Night Flash yelled in pain. He took his hooves of his eye. It was fine now. The Commander blinked his eye several times to see if it was ok.


“There, all better!” Said the nurse, and she ran off to help the other patients


They decided to vacate the medic tent, as it was beginning to get crowded.


On their way out, Sule asked Night Flash. “Commander, you are still leading the Diversion Army, correct? Will the Equestrian Reinforcements be there in time?”


He shook his head, “They won’t be here until after the battle has stated. They they will most likely be here to help us secure the city, if we take it.”


Sule looked at Whirlwind and Pansy, “I take it two are on the Invasion team?”


“Umm...yes...if you want us there...” said Pansy in a quiet voice.


“Yes Sir” said Whirlwind, “I know the city like the back of my hoof, so we will be ok there.”


“Good to know.” Said Sule, “You guys should get some sleep, even you Whirlwind”


As Sule walked off, Pansy asked, “What about you sir?... Will you get any sleep?... if you want it, that is...”


Sule laughed, “I’m the Archon. I’m not allowed to sleep!”



***7 hours to Zero Hour***


Sule remembered about the explosive powder that he was having some of the troops make.


Sule had to fly to their location outside the camp. There, ponies covered in soot mixed up the powder. The Maluma in charge saluted Sule when he entered.


“Good evening, Sire. Lovely night, isn’t it?”


“I suppose...”


“Anyway, we have only around 10 or so barrels left, and after that we will be done. It turns out there were a lot of peppers in the forest, more than we needed. I took the liberty of having some of the ponies make more pepper spray for the battle.”


“Wow, good job. That’s taking initiative.”


“Thank you, sire.”


“I just wanted to check up on your progress. You should hurry up with those last couple of barrels. You need to get them to the tunnels ASAP and start to distributing the pepper spray. Keep up the good work.”


Sule took off for the camp again.



***4 hours to Zero Hour***


The last several hours had made Sule run around the camp like a headless chicken. He was constantly checking on things, approving this, orders on that, giving advice, and a whole lot of other stuff that he was too busy to remember.


Sule finally was back in his tent, looking over some war memos and a drinking a much needed coffee. For some reason, the coffee was nicely relaxing him.


During this, Colonel Glaive walked into Sule’s tent. Sule was surprised that they were back already.


“Colonel! You’re back early. Was the mission a success?”


“Yes, sire. We were able to capture the Super Soldier and carry it back.”


“Wow, I’m impressed.”


“It is now a remote location some 2 miles from the camp, tied to a tree.”


Colonel Moonbeam and Sule flew to the desolate location. When they got there, Sule saw the rest of the special forces team, along with some more Unicorns from the camp. Six soldiers had their spears still pointing at rather large tied up grey pony. Upon their landing, Sule could see it had a sharp teeth and a crooked Unicorn horn. It’s wings were Malumai-like, but were bigger.


Colonel Glaive explained, “In there storage facility under the castle, they were all lined up as though they were in some sort of stasis. They seemed to come in different sizes. This little bugger,” Glaive pointed at the large monster pony, “was one of the smaller ones, most likely built for speed.”


“L-Little?” Sule stuttered, shocked at how this giant pony could be considered ‘little’.


“Yes sir,” spoke one of the soldiers, “Some of them were at least 3 times this guy’s size”


Glaive continued, “He put up quite a fight. We knocked it out by... submerging it in the sewer water. Then we carried it back here.”


“That would explain the smell...”


Just then the pony’s eyes flashed open. They burned with an evil green glow.


The Colonel was startled “Oh boy! He’s awake!”


“Unicorns!” Sule yelled, “Get ready to break it’s mind control!”


The Unicorns all pointed their horns at the monster. In one fell movement, it roared and broke out of his rope bindings, then looked at Sule.


“Target Acquired” it hissed.




The unicorns all shot a green beam at the Super Soldier. When they were done. The green glow faded from its eyes.


Then it started to act weird. Out of nowhere, it started to run and jump around like a crazy horse. All the ponies ran out of it’s way. Then, just a quickly is it began, it fell to the ground and started to shake all over. It finally stopped, and remained still, it’s tongue lolled out.


“Is it dead?” Asked Glaive.


“No,” said Sule “it’s mind has stopped functioning. It is essentially brain dead. Looks like Shiri was right, this was their weakness.”


“What do we do with it?”


Sule sighed, “I hate to say this, but we should put it out of it’s misery. This poor Maluma has suffered more than one pony can bear at the hoofs of Nova. It will be for the better.”


Sule sighed again, and flew off. He didn’t want to be there for it. He had never given a command like that before, and it hurt him deeply. Sadly, he knew it was for the better.



***2 hours to Zero Hour***


Sule was waiting on Indigo with the rest of the Infiltration team. The Invasion army and explosives were in thier position, and the Diverision army was on their way to the the forest. Sule just hoped that Midnight did his end...


Sule was still disturbed by the events just hours ago, but he did his best to get over it.


Right now, he was preparing to dethrone Tyrannus

Edited by AnonyZiod
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Night Flash was walking through the forest, zig-zagging around the trees. Behind him, was his own squad and the rest of the diversion army.


''Sir, you've been putting up a fake smile since you got back from Equestria. Why is that?'' said Whirlwind, who was walking alongside Night Flash. He was part of the invasion team but he was still waiting for Pansy.


Night Flash sighed, ''You know the commander before me? The one who led the war against the Malumai?''


''Yes, what about him?'' said Whirlwind.


''He got murdered by one of Tyrannus's ponies and he was rather....close to me.''


''Oh...sorry to hear that.'' said Whirlwind sympathetically.


''Don't matter, revenge's coming soon.'' said Night Flash with an evil smile that made him look as mad as Tyrannus.


''Wait...is that why you were polishing your sword with poison?'' said Whirlwind.


''Hey! He deserves it and you know that very well.'' Night Flash replied angrily.


''Yeah I know....hey, where's Pansy? The rest of your squad is here but she isn't!'' said a surprised Whirlwind.


''50 bit's says she was too scared and hid in her sleeping tent. Fun fact, she's been in the military as long as me and I'm the only reason she's still in this goddamn army.'' said Night Flash with a chuckle.


''Why is she even in the army then? In fact, I'm pretty sure I saw her covering in fear when we were waiting for Indigo in the sewers.'' said Whirlwind.


''She's the best medic in the entire Equestrian army. I remember when I was in a battle against some Griffon soldiers. I took an arrow to the knee and she managed to patch me up so good, I actually kept on fighting.''


''Arrow to the knee? Haven't I heard that somewhere before?'' said Whirlwind, who was thinking hard trying to recall it.


''Never mind that, we've reached the spot from where we charge. It's still an hour till zero time so I guess we can rest until that. But don't let anyone take off their armour or set up tents, we wont be resting that long.'' ordered Night Flash.


Whirlwind nodded and took of his helmet then proceeded to sit down on a rock.


At that moment, Pansy appeared, being dragged by one of Night Flash's squad mates. She had been trying to hide so she wouldn't have to fight.


''Hah! You owe me 50 bits Commander!'' said Whirlwind with a laugh.


Night Flash facehoofed


''Alright Pansy, put on your helmet. We're going to join up with the Invasion team.'' said Whirlwind has he wiped some sweat from his brow and put his helmet on.


Pansy nodded, ''Oo..okay....'' she was relieved she wasn't going to be a part of the diversion team, which would get most of the hammering from the Malumai rebels.


''Alrighty then, you two have fun in the sewers...and don't forget to take a shower afterwards, it stinks like hell down there.'' By the time Night Flash finished his sentence, Pansy and Whirlwind were already on their way.

Edited by The Awesome Invader



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"Commander-of-forces Indigo reporting in." came a voice from down the tunnel, and immediately after Indigo walked up, dressed to the nines in his lavender battle armor, shield strapped to his shoulder, and spear running along the spine of his armor. A brown-cloaked Shiri followed behind. Upon reaching Sule, Indigo quickly bowed, then spoke up. "I read the memos about the ...super soldier. So I'm about as ready as I'll ever be." Indigo looked at Sule and noticed his tired expression. "I also heard that you've been running around all night like a headless chicken. Sire, the attack starts in two hours. You should get some sleep; I'll take care of last-minute preperations.
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**One hour to Zero Hour**


Night Flash was calmly sitting besides a tree, smoking his pipe as he quietly observed his troops talking and laughing with each other.

His mind suddenly turned back to Tyrannus, the pony behind Hurricane's death. Night Flash's expression went from calm and relaxed to

absolutely mad and fuming with hatred.


''Hey Commander, hope you don't mind us sitting with ya''' said an unidentified voice.


Night Flash looked up and saw his squad members (minus Pansy), looking at him.


''Sure, why not?'' said Night Flash as he looked back down at his pipe


The soldiers made themselves comfortable and sat themselves down in a ring around Night Flash.


''Hey boss, I heard what happened to the military adviser. I think he was the pony-in-charge before you?'' said Corporal Stone, who was one of the ponies on the recon mission that had been carried out days ago.


''Boys, I'd rather not talk about it. It just makes me angrier and want to kill that bastard Tyrannus.'' said Night Flash as he put his pipe down.


His squad-mates said nothing, they knew very well what Night Flash was like when he wasn't in a good mood.


One of the members, in an attempt to change the topic, broke the silence, ''Hey, about that Whirlwind fellow....has anyone noticed him being with Pansy?''



Night Flash smiled, it was true, those two had been seen together recently.





Whirlwind and his temporary second in command had finally met up with the invasion force. They quickly took charge and started making the final preparations. Of course, Whirlwind did all the talking. Pansy stayed quiet.


''Well, the army's ready for attack. I recommend you get a quick nap, still about an hour till go time.'' said Whirlwind as he walked up to Pansy who was sitting alone, watching all the soldiers getting ready. He sat down right beside her.


Pansy just smiled and politely replied ''No, it's okay. I had enough sleep last night. I just hope no pony get's hurt in this.''


Whirlwind shook his head, ''We're soldiers getting ready for battle, it's a given some of us might not make it through....speaking of soldiers, how'd you become one?''


''I'll tell you....uh...if you want me to.'' said Pansy sheepishly.


''No worries, we've got plenty of time till hell breaks loose on those walls.'' said Whirlwind as he looked at Chiropreta, which would be seen in the distance.


''Ah, okay. You see, both my parents were legionares in the Pegasi empire. Before Equestria was made. So they wanted me to be a soldier too.'' said Pansy as she recalled her childhood of living with her parents.


''No offence but you're not cut out for this.'' Whirlwind replied.


''Well yes..but that didn't stop my parents from sending me to boot camp.'' said Pansy as she shuddered from bad memories at that place.


''I see..'' said Whirlwind.


After that, neither pony said anything and their was an awkward silence. Only a couple of moments later, the two found themselves staring at each other.


Whirlwind tried to break the awkward silence, ''Uh....you have beautiful eyes?''


Pansy looked at him and giggled, ''Thanks....I think.''


Whirlwind looked at her nervously, ''Hey, Pansy? There's something I've been wanting to tell you...''


Pansy looked at him, they were looking into each other's eyes at the moment.


Whirlwind struggled to blurt it out, ''I..uh...I just wanted to tell you....what nice weather we're having!''


Pansy looked like she was disappointed at something, ''Are you sure that's all you wanted to say?''


Whirlwind facehoofed, ''Forget this'' thought Whirlwind as he looked back at Pansy, their heads were probably just a few centimeters apart at the moment.


Whirlwind looked straight into Pansy's eyes. Their heads started to move in closer but at the last moment, Pansy broke away. Before Whirlwind got a chance to say anything, two soldiers appeared.


''Sir, you're required to give the troops their final briefing.'' said the Unicorn soldier.


''Okay.'' said Whirlwind as he got up. He looked back at Pansy, ''Well, see you later.''


''Um..okay.'' said Pansy in her high-pitched voice.


**back at the diversion army's camp**


''How much are you going to smoke, Commander?'' said a worried Corporal Stone.


''Until I run out...'' said Night Flash


''But you've brought a whole carton of Tobacco! Not to mention you have three bottles of rum as well!'' replied Stone


''The more the merrier!'' said Night Flash as he threw away his pipe and proceeded to open the bottle of rum.


Stone couldn't help but laugh, that was the typical Commander Night Flash, getting himself drunk right before a battle.


Night Flash smiled as he took a sip of the bottle.

Edited by The Awesome Invader



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Indigo inspected the troops, but soon found himself without much to do. The truth was, they were about as ready as they were going to be. All they could do now is wait.


With one hour left, Indigo had checked on the explosive crews and determined there was no problems with them or the explosives, and Indigo eventually found himself pacing in the bunker. When an underling reported a half-hour was left to zero-hour, Indigo walked up to Sule and tapped him awake. "Sir, half-an-hour until it's go time."

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Night Flash was taking off his light armour, which he had been using for the long walk to the forest, with his heavy armour. His sword was dangling by his side and he had a spear and shield in hand. After he put on his helmet, the only part of his body that could be seen was his eyes.


''Why such heavy equipment?'' inquired Corporal Stone as he watched Night Flash put on the bulky armour.


''This Diversion army is tasked with distracting the Malumai rebels. That means we'll be the ones who'll get most of the arrows and swords being used against us.'' Night Flash explained to the Corporal.


After getting in his battle armour, Night Flash grabbed a telescope and started observing Chiropreta from his vantage point among the trees.



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***30 Minutes to Zero Hour***


Indigo woke up Sule from a dreamless sleep. Sule was still tired, but felt way better and ready. A Malumai private handed him some coffee.


"Here you go sire. I hear you are going need it"


"Thank you" Sule drank the whole thing in a couple of gulps. It was cold, so it didn't hurt him. He was going to need to caffeine.


Him, Indigo, Shiri, and a bunch of other special forces soldiers started for the sewer entrance.


One of the soldiers spoke up. "Sire, why are you going with us? This may be a little dangerous."


Sule was quiet for a moment. "A pony that is... very close to me is in the castle. I intend on being there for her when we find her."


The soldier nodded and said "We're here."


A door blocked one of the openings to the sewer to keep the smell from chocking the Invasion Army. The Soldier turned the handle, and they all rushed into the smell.



***7 minutes to Zero Hour***


The sun was getting high in the sky. The team was already out of the Sewers and were in the castle courtyard. They were hiding behind a bush, waiting for a guard to pass by. One did, and one of the soldiers threw a rock at his head. When he fell, they dragged him behind the bush and took off his armor, tied him up, and threw him into the sewers.


"Don't worry, he will be fine. The water in this area is only around a couple of inches deep." The soldier gave the armor to Sule. "Sire, put this on so you and Indigo can get down to the dungeons to get the hostages. We will be right behind you."


Sule realized his armor was for a Lieutenant, while Indigo still had his Captain uniform from the Recon mission,


"Well," said Sule, "looks like you're in charge now. Lead the way."



***30 seconds to Zero Hour***


"OK, fillies and colts," Whirlwind ordered the Unicorns, "Fire!"


The Unicorns all shot Fireballs down the tunnels.



***Zero Hour***


The Fireballs found their destinations, the explosive barrels placed under the bases of Chiroptera's walls. They exploded with a massive boom, hear from miles around. The walls over these locations crumbled to the ground, and the Diversion army charged.


So began the Siege that would decide the fate of the Malumai.


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The moment Night Flash heard the rumbling sound of the explosion, he raised his spear high in the air and signaled to his troops that it was time to charge. The diversion force quickly emerged out of the forest. While the Unicorns and Earth Ponies came in galloping on the ground, the Pegasi troops took to the air with their bows and arrows. Night Flash though, preferred to lead the attack from the ground. The Malumai/Equestrian army was quickly intercepted by Tyrannus's brain-washed army, which had been alerted by the massive explosion that had rocked the city. Some of Tyrannus's army broke off to meet the invasion force, which was being led by Whirlwind and Pansy although most of it charged straight for Night Flash's division. Their swords met as arrows bombarded the ground while the two sides clashed. Night Flash threw his spear straight into one of Tyrannus's soldiers and then switched to his sword.


''This is it! Hold the line, retreat is not an option!'' shouted Night Flash to his ponies as his voice could barely be heard above the clanking of armour and the clashing of swords.



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The courtyard shook as the explosions collapsed the walls in the distance, and a minute thereafter a swarm of enemy malumai took to the skies like disturbed hornets nest. A small group of them spotted the intruders in the courtyard and landed, before charging to attack.


"Here we go!" Indigo shouted, as he readied his shield and grabbed his spear.

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Sule ducked as on of the enemy swung his sword. Sule jumped to the side and tackled the Maluma. He was quickly thrown off and the enemy lunged to stab Sule in the chest. Indigo Jumped in front of Sule and used his sword to block the impending attack. Indigo then proceeded to stab the enemy, twisting his sword to finish him.


Sule, Indigo, and Shiri retreated to the dungeon entrance as the rest of the team fought the other three enemies.


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Indigo charged the guard at the dungeon entrance, smashing him flat against the wall, as Shiri opened the door to let Indigo and Sule through. Once the three were inside the dungeon, Indigo spoke up, "With any luck, they're still he-" Indigo was interrupted by a roar and the sound of a heavy gallop. In a moment, a giant black chitinous pony-creature became visible. "Oh great, I was wondering when a super-soldier would show up." Indigo muttered as he readied his spear.

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(OOC Sorry for doing some of your guys' lines. I couldn't do this post any other way in my head... Midnight, sorry for taking over your character, but it had to be done...)


Shiri slammed the iron door, preventing creature from following them. They could hear it slamming it's body against the door.


"There's no war that door will keep him back..." said Shiri


"We need to find Storm and Clover before it breaks through!" said Sule


The three of them ran down into the heart of the dungeon. It felt like a maze, but Indigo tried to remember where the hostages were. All of a sudden, when running down the hall, indigo stopped in his tracks, letting Shiri bump into him. He was staring an empty cell. The door stood ajar.


"What's wrong?"


"Last time I was here, I could have sworn this was the cell they were in..." Said Indigo in a sure voice.


"It is." said Shiri, "There's the blood from the guard I attacked when I broke out."


"Do you think they escaped?" Asked Sule


"I doubt it, this place had a bunch of guards." Indigo said shaking this head.


"I escaped" Shiri pointed out.


"True, but Storm Comet and Clover the Clever aren't the fighting types."


"Where could they be then?" said Sule in a worried tone.


"Either they somehow broke out, they were executed... or Tyrannus took them to his chambers to-"


"Don't finish that sentence..." Sule was worried sick. This plan revolved on them finding Clover and Storm. If Clover was hurt... or dead... Sule wouldn't be able to live with himself...


Suddenly, there was the loud sound of ripping metal. A loud roar and galloping followed suit in the dungeon. One could here the Super Soldier sniffing for the team.


The three of them ran down the hall, hopefully away from the monster. They soon found themselves in a dead end. When they turned around to see if they could find a different route, the Super Soldier was standing behind them.


Standing at around 20 feet tall, the Super Soldier was covered with a glistening black coating, not unlike a beetle. It's muscles, looked to too big to fit in it's own body. It's pupil-less eyes glowed with a green color, staring at Sule. With it's large bat-like wings and crooked horn, it looked like more of a dragon than a pony. He opened his mouth to speak and they could see it's razor sharp, covered with blood.


"This is Alicorn one-two-one," It hissed, as if it was talking to somepony else. He was still staring at Sule "Target 1 acquired. Will take alive. Will terminate companions."


Indigo raised his spear. "Over my dead body"






***5 Hours before Zero Hour***


Midnight was walking down the hall to get Storm and Clover ready. He knew the Invasion would start soon, and he didn't want them to caught in the cross fire.


Suddenly, he was intercepted be Chrys, or rather her clone.


"Midnight, dear," She got closer to him, "Why did you leave?"


"I just, uhh, have a lot on my mind right now..."


She sighed, "Midnight, I know this is difficult for you. I know that I am not your wife, nor will I ever be. But Nova created me as a new chance for you. I am as close as you will ever get to her... and..." She began to tear up and looked away. "Ever since I was created, I nova told me about you. How you were a decorated general, how we fell in love, how I carried you first foal..." Midnight winced, he didn't want to think about how his family was destroyed before it started. "... how I was killed by the Pegasi, and you bravely tried to save me still."


"No..." Midnight said, "NO! Nov..."


Chrys leaned forward and kissed Midnight on the lips before he finished. Midnight pulled back in disgust and confusion.


"Why... Why won't you accept me?" She said, breaking into tears, "I have loved you in my entire short existence! I was programmed by Nova to love you! I couldn't take it at first, but he promised that you would love me too..." She fell to the ground sobbing, "Give me a chance, please!"


Midnight saw his wife crying, and he gave in. He walked beside her and wiped some of the tears off her face.


"Alright, I have some time"


Midnight helped her up, and they went back to their room.



***2 hours before Zero Hour***


Clover and Storm waited patiently in their cell. They were waiting for the invasion and Midnight to start their escape. He should have been here by now. Clover didn't talk much, even though Storm kept trying to start conversations. Clover was far too worried to talk, she just thought to herself.


Midnight seemed distracted last time they saw him, and she was worried that he would not help them escape when the time came. He looked to be torn over sides. Would he do his part or would he defect? Clover was scared for her life. Tyrannus was down in the dungeon earlier "inspecting" them. Sule had told her the stories of what happened to mares with Tyrannus. Hopefully Sule would keep his promise...


Sule... Why did she leave him? At the time they knew each other, their relationship was taboo. Malumai simply were too low for Unicorns to interact with. But Sule was different, he just wasn't the same as most ponies. He was so smart and determined. He thought the world of her and she did with him.


When he met her, his plan was to go and end the war. However, after they spent a day together, Clover didn't want him to go just yet. She knew she had her royal duties with the princess, but Sule was a worthy reason for Clover to stop focusing on her studies so much.


She wanted to keep reminiscing about their good times, Storm pulled her back into reality.


"Uhh, Clover..."


Clover could hear hoof steps coming down the hall. At first he thought it was Midnight, but instead she saw and old Unicorn stallion come by. He was red in color, and his face had no expression. He waved away the guards.


Clover could have sworn she had seen him before. "Nova?"


He spoke with his harsh wisper-like tone. "Clover the Clever, how is my friend Star Swirled doing?"




"Well, then I see I was superior after all."


"What are you doing here? Why are you helping Tyrannus?"


He opened the door, and all of a sudden Storm and Clover began to walk toward him. They tried to fight the urge, but they were no longer in control of their own bodies.


"I know Sule's loyalist Army is coming. Tyrannus is a fool to believe he can out think a genius like Sule." Storm and Clover stopped in front of him and were forced to bow.


"What... What are you doing..." Clover tried to say. It was hard to speak.


"I have you two, and that is all I need to surmout Sule." He stated calmly. He started walking, and the two mares were futile in their attempts to not follow him. "Let us take a trip to see my friend Tyrannus..."

Edited by AnonyZiod


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In a moment, Indigo landed flat on his back in front of Sule and Shiri, as the latter facehoofed. "Losing our touch, are we Indigo?" Shiri muttered.


Indigo quickly got to his hooves. "Oh be quiet." At this moment, Indigo dropped as the super-soldier charged at them and he charged forward under it's legs, before whirling around and lunging his spear into the creature's backside. The spear penetrated only half an inch. Indigo swore to himself before ducking to avoid getting bucked by the massive creature.

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a dragon and a pony and gave it some armour. Half of the diversion army was dead, the rest was half injured

and trying desperately to put up a fight. They had no place to retreat and it wasn't an option for Night Flash anyways.



Night Flash was currently locked in combat with a rather large super-soldier as he tried to hold him off, ''This is getting bad...Damnit, where is that backup force?''

he thought to himself.


The super-soldier was a formidable opponent, but he wasn't light and nimble as Night Flash, who was prancing around him lunging at the beastly pony here and there.

The giant pony couldn't hold out much longer against the onslaught and dropped dead. Night Flash simply moved on to the next enemy but he knew he coudn't keep this up for long.


Soon, he found himself literally surrounded by rebel Malumai who were pointing their weapons at him. In an attempt to get more space, Night Flash took to the air.

Hostile and Friendly arrows alike whizzed past Night Flash as he led enemies chasing him to a dance through the sky. He then quickly turned around charged back at them, slashing them

as he crossed them. The Malumai lost Night Flash as he joined up with the remaining Equestrian forces which had formed a phalanx with sheilds all around.


''Sir, half of our ponies are dead, everyones been hit by an arrow or two and a lot of us are in a critical condition.'' said Corporal Stone as he stood beside Night Flash in the tight Phalanx.


''I know but we don't have anywhere to run to. Let's just hope the backup army get's here.'' said Night Flash, who himself had a couple of wounds even though they weren't too serious.


**thirty minutes later**


By now, the diversion force was completely surrounded. Night Flash saw no point in fighting any furthur and was captured along with the remaining few Equestrians.


''So you're the famed Commander Night Flash...'' said the rebel Malumai commander who was leading the attack against Night Flash's force.


Night Flash smiled, ''The one and only!...and maybe if you cut these bonds here I'd be more than glad to kick your ass.''


''I don't think so. You and Hurricane fight just like each other. If I can kill him, why not you?'' said the Malumai.


Night Flash turned from 'smiling' to 'crazily angry'. There was hatred in his eyes, ''You.....''


The assassin just laughed eviliy, ''Yes me, Tyrannus needed a suitable pony to lead his troops after that drunkard Indigo left with Sule. What are you going to do about that?''


Night Flash was about to say something that would be unsuitable for young ponies but then he saw something. He started smiling again.


The enemy commander was confused, ''What's so funny?''


Night Flash chuckled, ''Oh..nothin'....just the fact that there's a huge Equestrian force that's charging straight this way.''


The murderer of Hurricane quickly turned around to see a massive cloud of Pegasi coming from the air and an equally large stampede of Unicorns and Earth ponies coming in from the ground.


The enemy commander's jaw dropped, ''Oh shit....''



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The Soldier picked up Shiri and tossed her to the side, where she landed on Indigo. It stopped in front of Sule, who was paralyzed in fear. Using magic, the monster picked him up. Sule was unable to move or speak, and the soldier turned around to finish off Indigo and Shiri. Only, they weren't there...


Out of nowhere, the magic aura around Sule disappeared and he fell. When he looked up at the soldier, he could see that Indigo stabbed his spear from under the Soldier's head, and it went clear through its brain and top of his head.


"Ha! Take that!" Yelled Indigo


The Soldier was dazed for a moment, unable to grasp the situation. It only lasted a second, as it went back to normal. The Soldier looked angered, and suddenly both Sule and Indigo were thrown against the wall and held there by magic.


"This is Alicorn one-two-one, Target 1 and Companion restrained. Orders?" It stood for a second, then looked back at Sule and Indigo, "Relaying Message..." A green fog appeared in front of them and the image of Tyrannus appeared.


"Oh, Sule, my good friend! How's Miss Clover doing? Oh, wait, she's with me, so it can't be well!" Tyrannus cracked up. Sule struggled as hard as he could. He could have choked Tyrannus if he was there. "I plan on killing her and the Ambassador very soon. Nova is in in the throne room right now, holding a knife very close to to Clover's neck. I -"


Suddenly, the fog disappeared and the bonds holding them were broken. When they looked at the Soldier, it was shaking on the ground, then it was still. Shiri was standing next to it, and she bowed.


"What in Tartarus did you do?" asked Sule.


"Oh, I simply," She smiled as if holing back laugh, "ripped off its horn, and shoved it down it's windpipe."


"Well, that's one one way to do it..."

Edited by AnonyPoni


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Midnight sighed he was slowly pacing behind tyrannus and nova, "huh...i was cut off.." tyrannus growled then he calmed down, "oh well," he smiled at nova, "lets just get this over with."

midnight had to do something, get clover and storm out of there, but what could he do? he guessed it was just time to act on his mental plan,

he slowly made his way towards nova, midnights hooves turning to a ghostly flame, as he looked up at the rope that supported the chandolier above them, a small fire appeared and started to cut through the rope, and as it made the final twang of being cut through, nova looked up and teleported out of the way, leaving a dazed clover.

midnight spread his wings grabbing clover then immiedietly dissappearing down the hallway, and back to the dungeon where storm still was.

"s-stop right there...." the guard stammered,

midnight smirked and wacked him upside the head,knocking him out "never was good with instructions." he unlocked the door feeling a thoom against the castle walls, "storm, lets go,"


with clover on his back, and storm following behind, midnight made his way further into the dungeon, he remembered a part of the wall here was weak, and a small enough body like storms or clovers could slip through easilly.

midnight pushed the stones out, with the help of storm, so the hole was big enough for the pegasus and unicorn, "go go...." midnight nodded, "get to the friendly lines, youll be safe there."

he was about to say something else when he felt a searing hot pain in his back, like a thousand white hot knives were dug into his body all at once, and he fell to the floor.


He looked back, the sword hadnt gone very deep, but his back was still bleeding prety bad, as he looked at his attacker his eyes narrowed even further, "chrys...." she didnt respond as she lifted the sword trying to finish him, midnights eyes widened and he rolled out of the way as the sword hit the ground with a loud clank.

midnight gripped the hilt of his own sword, but it was pulled out of his teeth and thrown behind him, "you see midnight." chrysis eyes were glowing, "your not the only malumai whos secretly a unicorn." she smirked and made a slash at midnights throat, midnight dodged it but just barely.


she grinned, "im perfect, more then you, at least i know where my loyalties lie." she picked midnight up and tossed him against the wall, midnight hit the wall and fell with a loud "OOF" one of the oil lamps falling to the floor.

"nng...." midnight slowly got to his hooves, "im a goddess." she elbowed him, causing him to double over in pain, me looked around him, his sword was too far, he would probibly be dead by the time he got an inch from it, but then he looked at the floor underneath the clone of chrys then smiled.


slowly standing he smirked, "theres one thing everypony has." he coughed "..e-even gods."

she frowned, "and what would that be...."

midnight smiled, as the ground underneath chrys burst into flames, he stood there as the flames licked up her body, then turned away grimacing, even if this wasnt his lover in spirit, he still couldnt stand seeing her body burning, moving to retreive his sword, picking it up and returning, he sighed and looked at her, "goodbye chrys." then drove the sword through her chest, right through the heart, killing her instantly.


midnight sat there for a moment, offering a small prayer to whatever gods or godesses were listening, then decided he had wasted enough time down here, clover and storm were safe, it was time to find sule and the others.

Edited by Midnight Moon
  • Brohoof 3


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Storm started to run out of the building with Clover at her side. She heard Midnight begin to talk to someone, but she resisted the urge to look.


"Do you know where we're going?" Clover asked Storm. Storm winced, hoping she wouldn't say that. "Uh, yeah! Of course I do! It's...this way!" And with a not so confident grin, Storm picked a corner and ran. Clover rolled her eyes, but it was in a good natured way, as they now had hope to escape.


They made their way through the castle, and Storm began to feel more like herself. She bounced along, every so often giggling, before they saw a huge door that led them to their allies.


Storm and Clover pushed open the door, and saw a huge group of pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies. Among them were ponies she knew.


"Hi everypony!" she said brightly, bouncing over. Storm was completely back to normal.

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(OOC:^Midnight,Damn, that is one long post...mine is a short one.)


The enemy Malumai commander was panicking. Even though he had plenty of Super-Soldiers, he couldn't beat an Equestrian army of the magnitude that was currently raining down on them.


''Well, it looks like I'm in a bit of a pickle...'' thought the commander.


But that wasn't all. Night Flash had a surprise for him.


''Hey, you know my bonds?'' said Night Flash as he referred to the ropes wrapped around his hooves.


''Yes, what about them?'' said an annoyed commander, he had only a minute to get his troops into formation to repel the incoming Equestrian army.


''I undid them...'' said Night Flash as he showed that his hooves were free.


At that moment, Night Flash leapt onto the commander and stole his sword from him before he could even react.

He then proceeded to impale him with it and quickly grabbed a shield from the dead military pony as well.

He got behind it just before a barrage of arrows rained down Night Flash from the archers that tried to stop Night Flash.

The arrows struck against his wooden shield but fortunately, none passed through to him.



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A vibration reverberated through the castle, and some dust dropped from the ceiling. Indigo turned to Sule, "Sire, the prisoners' obviously been moved. We need to get to the top of the castle, now; with any luck we'll meet them on the way, if not then we still need to stop the bastards controlling the army so they won't risk getting hurt." Indigo placed his hoof on Sule's shoulder. "Come on, there's nothing more we can do for her here."


Sule looked at him and nodded, and Indigo nodded back, before beckoning everypony to follow his lead. After a minute, they returned to the dungeon entrance and stormed into the courtyard. There, they were met by a squad of brainwashed malumai soldiers. Indigo bashed aside the first soldier who rushed at him and ran his spear through the soldier behind that one, but before he could fight any others he was interrupted by the loud thumps of three more Super Soldiers dropping into the courtyard from above.


Indigo readied his shield. "Oh...fuck."

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(OOC A pathetic post, this is....)


Sule looked up and one of the castle windows were open.


"Quick, in there!" He yelled.


Sule took off and Indigo picked up Shiri ("Hey, watch it!") and they squeezed into the window. Sule quickly shut it as one of the Super Soldiers tried to follow them. The window was too small for him anyway.


"Come on, We need to find Clover and Storm!" Sule was about to gallop down the hall when Shiri held him back.


"Wait! We need to find Midnight first and break the mind control on the city! That is our priority!"




"Sorry sir, but she is right. This mission depends on that."


Sule was silent for a moment, trying to understand.


"Fine, but we need to hurry!"

Edited by AnonyZiod


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Midnight snuck up the stairwell, he didnt know where the others were, but he had to make it to the main floor, when he rounded the corner and bumped into sule, indigo and shiri.

midnight blinked, and looked at indigo and sule, then shiri, he started to back away, one look at her and he turned around only to bump into the supersoldiers.

"of all the bucking times...." he mumbled, "LEAVE ME ALONE!"


all three supersoldiers burst into flames while midnight stared them down increasing the intensity and heat of the flames, before there was nothing left but burnt corpses.

he snorted before turning around again and staring at the three ponies in front of him.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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