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private The Good King


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(I'm back, but only for this small post)


Night Flash was feeling pretty good, he hadn't been able to kill Tyrannus himself but he had managed to kill the pony that was responsible for Hurricane's death, that was close enough. He had taken down quite a few foes on the battlefield and was currently sitting on a rock while a medic was attending to a wound on his hoof.


Pansy and Whirlwind then walked up to him, after the battle they decided to go find Night Flash.


''Well, good to see you're still alive....Now give me my bits.'' said Whirlwind as he toke off his helmet.


Night Flash shrugged, ''Was there ever any doubt about that?'' said Night Flash as he handed over a bag full of bits.


''Considering the fact you had three bottles of rum right before charging into an army of super-soldiers....yes.'' replied Whirlwind.


''I see. Any news about Sule and the others?''


''No, they're still in the city.''


''Well then, let's go there.''



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As Sule went up to Clover, Storm skipped away. Everything was so weird. If somepony had told her a month ago that this is where she'd be now, she wouldn't believe a thing.


She preferred it here anyway. She didn't really live with anyone at her home, and she didn't have many friends either. She tried to make friends - she had a lot of acquaintances, but no true friends. Storm wouldn't say she was good friends with any of the ponies here, but they were far better than the ones she used to know.


The only pony she really missed from back home was Mr. Forren. She knew he had a first name, and he said she could use it, but she was so used to calling him that it never stuck. He was an elderly pegasus, who originally took her in when she ran away as a filly - so he was like a grandfather to her.


He was fairly well known with the war 'community', as he was a veteran. He knew she was getting lonely, and so he arranged for Storm to be a pegasi ambassador. She hoped he was alright. At least she'd have a story to tell when she got home.


But now all Storm had to do was wait to see what would happen next.


((OOC: Couldn't think of anything really important to post, so I just did a bit more backstory posting ^_^))

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By nightfall, the census was done and the Malumai civilians where allowed back into Chiroptera. The Invasion Army was still on duty, as they were now patrolling the streets and skies of the city for everypony's safety.


In the Great Hall, the generals and high ranking officers from both militaries, mostly Equestrian, had sat down for a formal dinner. Most had their fancy armor on, while some had their dress uniforms. In the middle of the large table sat Sule, with Clover in a fancy gown to his right. The chair as his left was empty.


"Uh... Does anypony here know where Indigo is?" asked Sule.


"I haven't seen him... He's your second in command, right?" Clover said. She hadn't got the time to really meet Indigo, though Sule spoke very highly of him.


"My Ancient, yes."


"Ha! Indigo isn't that old!" Shiri said, stuffing her face with salad. She was sitting next to Indigo's empty chair as per his request. Sule didn't mind that, his problem was that she possibly had the worst table manners he had ever seen. That was saying a lot for a Maluma. "I mean seriously, why choose such a strange name for that position?" Shiri tried to say with her mouth full, "It doesn't even make sense."


Sule shrugged, "You got me. The position wasn't even called that when Tyrannus ruled... Of course, there was no "advisor-like" position at that time, he just did what he pleased"


"Well luckily, he's dead now" Shiri started to cough for a second. She quickly grabbed her wine glass and chugged the whole thing down. Once she was breathing fine again, she stuffed some more cake in her mouth. "Wow, you Malumai sure are good cooks!"


Clover decided to step in "Um... Shiri, this is a formal dinner. Show a little bit of grace." Even though Clover was known for being a very down to earth Unicorn, she still thought Shiri's behavior was going to far.


"Oh, cool it, this is the best food I have ever had! I haven't eaten in a long while. Neither have you, to be honest, unless Tyrannus had you... Oh! More Cattails? Don't Mind if I do!" Shiri took a ten of them off the server's plate as he walked by and dug in. Clover rolled her eyes, but smiled a bit as if she was holding back a laugh.


"I take it you that Indigo didn't feed you at the camp?" Sule asked. He wasn't all that hungry, but he was still tired. One of the servers caught on to this and promptly brought a cup of coffee for him. "Thank you"


"Well, he did give me a cup of good apple cider, but when we went the Booze tent they refused to serve us."


Sule facehoofed, "I knew that bar fight had his name written all over it..."


"No, I started it. A Maluma called me 'toots'. I obviously won't take that lying down... no pun intended."


"I hate it when stallions do that." Clover said.


"I know, right?" The two mares started to get into their own conversation after that. Sule zoned out a bit. He was wondering about what Nova said.


Don't try and stop me...


What was that supposed to mean? Stop him from doing what? Why did he calmly kill Tyrannus if he was about to lose the war? Where was he now? All these questions buzzed around his head, possibly for no reason... But why was he worrying? The city was safe, Tyrannus was dead, and he was back with Clover.


But with such a happy ending, why did something not seem right?


"Sire" Sule turned around to see Colonel Glaive. "We have finished an entire search of the city. No sign of Nova was found."


"I see... Thank you for reporting. Please, sit down and have some dinner" Sule said polietly.


"With all due respect, sire, I am quite busy now organizing the Invasion Army's patrols." Sule gave him a glare, "... I suppose one carrot wouldn't hurt..."


The Colonel began to walk off, but came back. "By the way, sire, as far as was can tell, Most of the Super Soldiers were not accounted for. We only came across several hundred, but I believe we saw much more than that in the storage were we found the one we tested one."


"Well, the log had a bit more than 300 in it. How much more?" Sule drank some of his coffee.


Glaive paused for a moment. "... Several... Thousand, sire"


Sule nearly spit out his coffee, instead he nearly choked on it and started to cough.


"Sule, are you alright?" Clover asked. She didn't hear what Glaive said.


When he could could finally breath, he asked Glaive, "Are you sure?"


"I am quite positive, sire."


All the gears in Sule's mind were turning, He had finally figured out what Nova was really planning, A Full on Attack of Equestria with the Alicorn Soldiers. Sule shook his head, they needed to stop them.


Sule stood up from his seat. Everypony in the room went quiet, waiting for the Archon to speak.


"Somepony, get me my Ancient."

Edited by AnonyZiod


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Night Flash had finally reached the castle with Whirlwind and Pansy after the battle. He looked around to see dozens of Malumai and Equestrian forces patrolling the city.


''Must be looking for those Super-Soldiers that went missing.''


After Inquiring about Sule's whereabouts from the palace servants, Night Flash found out that he was having a banquet in the main hall. He dismissed Whirlwind and Pansy and headed towards the main hall's gigantic steel doors.


One of the guards opened the giant doors to the main hall and Night Flash saw a long and expensive looking table with a white cloth on it laden with mouth-watering dishes. The Banquet was just about to start. He saw plenty of Malumai and Equestrian generals sitting around the table alongside Sule, who was currently downing a glass of wine. Night Flash went up and seated himself right beside Storm Comet, who was the only pony he personally knew in the room besides the Archon, who was busy chatting with his own generals about their victory.


''Oh hey Miss Storm, long time no see, eh?'' , said Night Flash as he put on a cloth around his neck.


Storm politely greeted the Commander, who looked like he had just been beaten up by some thug ponies. He was standing out among all the well-dressed ponies due to his appearance.


After a while, one of Sule's underlings entered the room and briefed him on the Super-Soldiers that had completely disappeared after the take-over. Glaive then said something that made the Archon stand up and make everypony go from laughing and talking to dead-silence.


"Somepony, get me my Ancient."


''Is something wrong?'', Inquired Night Flash.

Edited by The Awesome Invader
  • Brohoof 1



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Indigo alighted in an alley way. After quickly checking his surroundings to make sure he was alone, Indigo removed his helmet and shook his lavender mane out, before brushing it out of his eyes and stepped forward. The city was eerily quiet, normally Indigo would've been unnerved at the lack of activity or basic city noise, but for now the peace and quiet helped sooth his nerves. Indigo approached a stone marker jutting out of a hole in the cement, and regarded it somberly. There was only four words embossed into the marker.




Requiesciat In Pace


"Well, here we are again. Tyrannus is dead, the city is saved, and we are all heroes to our race." Indigo said to no one in particular, before sitting down next to the stone. "Just like last time." Indigo sighed. "Did anything change between then and now, Violet? I mean, really change? This last year was insane. The tyrant who kept us all in poverty was killed, and I was appointed to second for our new leader, and we vowed everything would change." Indigo stared forward. "But nothing really did change, did it? Sule has little control of the military, the high leaders all hate him, and right when he tried to push some foolish alliance with the other races, we get kicked out of the castle and Tyrannus is put back into power. And we all fought hard, killed Tyrannus, saved the cities, and we are all heroes again. But what was the point? Is this all we're capable of? Is all Sule and I going to do is sit on our asses, wishing we could do something, until the next warlord comes and boots us off the throne, just for us to start this whole song and dance again?" Indigo hung his head. "Vi, I don't know. The malumai can't change, all of our problems are too deep in our blood. I'm supposed to be Sule's second in command, but frankly I'm clueless on what we're supposed to do to make everything better. Hm, second-in-command..." Indigo chuckled, letting himself get off track. "Never thought that I'd make it this far. Me, a poor little street orphan, now the right hand to our king. I guess didn't do half-bad, huh?"


Indigo thought back to himself, living off the street, and slipped into memories...




A maluma mare was trotting through the alleyways, looking around. "Indigo? Indigo, where are you?" She continued trotting forward, starting to get worried. She knew Indigo would be hanging out in this area, but it wasn't like him to just dissappear like this. She looked up as she saw a disturbed bird fly by, before she heard some movement up in the building behind her.


"YAAAAAAH!" a voice from behind her yelled.


The mare rolled her eyes and stepped to the side, and an instant there was a rush of movement as a pony flew past her, hit the ground, and tumbled wildly to a stop. The mare walked up to the pony on the ground . "You know, it's not much of a sneak attack if you yell it out loud." she said.


The young colt lifted his head at stared at the interloper, before furrowing his brow. He was wearing a bucket on his head fashioned to look like some sort of helmet, and a drape tied around his neck. "Commander Indigo does not take advice from aliens!" he announced, before lunging at the mare.


"Commander?" the mare said, before side-stepping the little warrior's ill-timed jump. "Oh, so I'm an alien now?" She asked dryly.


The child jumped up and started flying at eye level. "Yes. And I will vanquish the evil alien, and save the land!" he said, before he charged at her a third time.


The mare facehoofed, before she stook out her hoof and planted it on the colt's forehead, keeping him at arm's length and preventing him from getting any closer. The colt flailed his arms at her. "Oh no, Commander Indigo, the evil alien is beating you!" she said, in a sing-song voice.


"Dammit, Violet, why do you always do this!?" Indigo whined, flailing in vain to escape her hoof.


"Because I'm your big sister, and that automatically makes me better than you." the mare said, smugly.


"Fuck!" Indigo said, angrily.


"Ey! Watch your language!" Violet told him, sternly.


Indigo stopped flailing. "S-sorry..."


Violet lowered her hoof. "Good. Anyway, good to see yer' having fun." she said, as she took off Indigo's bucket helmet and smiled, before tousling his brightly colored mane.


...before suddenly stopping as she realized Indigo's face was covered in bruises. "Indy, what happened?"


Indigo's eyes went wide, and he stammered unsuredly "I...fell." he said, obviously lying.


Violet furrowed her brow. The bruises were obviously because he was attacked. "Indy, I know what fighting injuries look like. Don't lie to me."


Indigo jumped up and hovered at eye level. "I'm not lying! I fell down! That's all!" Indigo spat, defensively.


Violet got angry with Indigo's attitude, before swallowing hard. He's just a kid, if she yells at him, he'll just get pissed at shut her out or run away or something. Violet took a breath, and started speaking softly. "Look, how 'bout this? I won't get mad, I promise. I just want to know what happened." Indigo stared her down. "Please? What's happened's happened. I'd just like to know, that's all."


Indigo stared her down for a moment longer, before lowering his head and mumbling. Violet leaned forward, indicating she didn't hear, so Indigo spoke up "...called it pink..."


Violet turned her head. "Pink?"


"Some guys...they made fun of me...they called my mane pink." Indigo got defensive again. "It's not pink! It's lavender!"


Violet tilted her head. "I don't even know what 'lavender' means."


Indigo look at her. "Lavender. It means ...nevermind."


Violet untilted her head. "And then these bullies hit you?"


Indigo lowered his head. "Yeah..." Indigo suddenly shook his head. "No. I...I hit them."


"You WHAT?"


Indidgo stared at her, hurt. Violet regretted her outburst and remember her promise. She motioned Indigo to keep going.


"They started it! They called me names, called my mane pink. I'm not gonna put up with that. So, I fought back." Indigo lowered his head. "They ...didn't like it. They shoved me, punched me, bucked me..." Indigo teared up. "I couldn't fight back...I had to run..." Indigo sniffled, obviously trying to hold back tears. "I'm a coward..."


Violet was less sympathetic to his tears. "Ugh, men and their goddamn honor."




Violet looked at him. "They insulted your manliness, and you lost control and attacked them."


Indigo got angry. "I DIDN'T lose control, I had to fight them. I have to fight for my..."


Violet looked at him. "Your what? Your honor?" Indigo's silence confirmed that Violet was on the mark. "Indigo, how should I put this? Indy, honor's a tricky thing. Ponies have a real hard time understanding this. But honor...honor's something you don't HAVE to fight to get."


Indigo scoffed, but Violet ignored him.


"You don't fight to get honor. You have to be... life is hard. Everything is hard. You get honor by knowing it's hard, but powering through it anyway." Violet tried to explain, but on noticing that Indigo was ignoring her, she spoke up. "Indy, I've known plenty of men. I know how hard it is when someone makes fun of you like that. But let me ask you something, what would've happened if you couldn't get away from those bullies? Do you think they would've killed you?


Indigo stayed quiet for a moment, before tearing up again and nodding.


"You don't want to die, do you?" Violet asked.


Indigo shook his head. "I don't."


"You think you're a coward by running away, but I think you were being smart. I'm not saying you should always run away, I'm not; there are times you should escape from a problem, and there are times you absolutely must hold your ground, no matter what. But that was not one of those times. You're not dead, and here you are, still alive, talking to your sister again. Those bullies, they're probably part of the Torn Tails, and I can promise you, gang bangers don't live long. Right now, I bet they're probably making fun of somepony, only to realize that pony's a royal guard. Their head's'll be on a pike by tomorrow moonrise."


Indigo giggled at that mental image. "Yeah..."


"Besides, you decided to tell me about getting into a fight and risk your sister's wrath instead of running away from me like a pansy. That takes real balls, Indy."


"Thanks, Vi."


"...even if yours haven't descended yet."


"Hey!" Indigo barked, indignant.


Violet chuckled and sat next to Indigo, and Indigo sat down too. For a moment they were quiet, enjoying the peace the alleyway gave them from the hustle-and-bustle of the city. Indigo eventually spoke up. "So, I'm not in trouble?"


Violet thought for a moment. "Depends. How far are you in that dictionary I gave you for your birthday?"


The young colt thought. "...half-way through G, I think."


Violet smiled. "You better not be lying again. I want you to read me the last page you were on before bed."


Indigo groaned. "But it's so boring!"


"I know, but if there's someone in this family who should learn how to read, I want it to be you. Before they died, Mom and Dad told me how much easier life is if you're literate. You have a gift, Indy, none of us ever learned how to read, and I want you to have a better life than we did."




"Indigo, you're meant for great things. Just look at your cutie mark. Do you even know what it means?"


Indigo looked back at his flank. It was a spear crossing in front of a military shield. His cutie mark had first appeared hust a few weeks earlier when he and his friends were attack by thugs, and it was something he was immensely proud of. "Yeah, it means I'm-"


Violet interrupted, "I mean, other than that you're good at swinging a stick around."




Violet looked at him. "It means your strong. Everything life throws at you, you can take. The shield means you will always protect those you are sworn to protect, like a shield protects it's master. You protected your friends from being killed and probably raped by those thugs, and you protected, foolishly might I add, your 'honor' from those bullies who insulted your mane. It's in your soul, to always stand up for what needs your help


The spear is different. It means your smart, clever, and to the 'point.'." Violet continued, ignoring her pun. "Like a spear, you know when to attack and how. All a shield can do is block, but a spear can stab, or misdirect, or if you swing it like a stick, you can knock somepony on his ass without killing him. Just like life, there are many different ways to solve a problem, directly or indirectly, lethally or nonlethally. You can ambush, fight directly, fight with others, or flee so you can fight another day when the oppenent is at a disadvantage. I can't think of any examples, but you fled from the bullies when they were going to kill you, I think, and you fessed up to me about that fight.. In the end, the bullies will almost certainly get executed the next time they run afowl of the guard, and your not in very much trouble because I'm glad you told me what happened."


Indigo sat quietly, thinking.


Violet continued. "I don't know if that made any sense to you, but your strong and wise. When you grow up, I know you'll be a great stallion. If you play your cards right, you may be able to change something, or make the world better. I know your cutie mark says that you have it in you." Violet smiled. "But you'll have to find yourself in that position first. Being a great 'commander' doesn't happen in a week, so I'd prefer if you don't get killed by gangbangers first."


Indigo smiled sheepishly.


"Besides, the great Commander Indigo has greater problems on his plate first. Like, I dunno, the evil alien who's about to try to eat him."


Indigo looked at Violet. "What?", before she suddenly tackled the young colt.


"Om nom nom"


"Ack, no!" Indigo giggled, and pulled himself out from under his sister. "You'll have to catch me first!" Indigo smirked, before taking off into the sky.


"I'm gonna getcha!" Violet shouted, while laughing, before spreading her wings out and taking off after him.

Edited by Jadefire
  • Brohoof 2
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Midnight smiled, "remember our little house? far away from everything?"

chrys nodded, "yes, i do, too bad it got burned down...."

midnight sighed, "yes, but i still remember it, and how the night before....." he layed his head in his hooves,

chrys nodded and curled against him, "when i finally told you i....we, were going to have a child."

midnight nodded then sighed, "everything ive done......forgiven, but i still feel a heavy weight on my shoulders and i dont know what it is, i feel like my time is running short."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Night Flash and Storm Comet were still sitting at the table after Sule had hurriedly left with Colonel Glaive for some reason he did not disclose. The hall was full of talking and laughter again once the Archon had hastily left.


Night Flash shrugged, ''What's up with him?''


Storm thought for a moment, then spoke up, ''Beats me.''


Night Flash took another sip of his drink then put it down again, ''Anyways, I need to ask you about our bat-winged friends here, are they welcome in Equestria yet?''


''Well...at least we're not in a war with each other.'' said Storm as she hungrily, yet politely consumed some lemon tarts. Being trapped in a cage for a few days had given her a huge appetite.


'Yeah, looking back now, that war was kind of pointless.'' , said Night Flash, as he remembered the events of that night.


''The Equestrian ruling council is okay with them coming to Equestria now and if the Archon excepts, we'll be official allies with them.''


Night Flash took another sip of his drink, ''I see...''


''And now that we're done with this boring talk, let's party!''


Night Flash raised his eyebrow, ''Hold on a second..''


Night Flash didn't get a chance to say anything more as the room was suddenly filled with streamers and balloons and the musicians, who were playing a soft song before, were now playing a full jazzed out tune under Storm's instructions. Night Flash tried to sneak his way out of the Main Hall, where confetti was being blasted everywhere by cannon power.


''Wait a minute, where did you get that cannon?''



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After a short moment of silence, Sule got out of his chair to leave the Great Hall. One of his aides understood his order and left to find Indigo. As Sule left, the ponies in the Great Hall resumed their conversations. Clover quickly got out of her chair and tried to catch up with Sule.


"Sule, what's going on?" She asked, trying to keep up with Sule quick, hurried pace.


"I need to talk with General Moon. He is in some sort of coma, but I need to see if we can wake him up."


"For what? Why are you so worried all of a sudden?" She said, getting somewhat impatient.


"I... Don’t want to talk about it. You would get worried too much.” Sule tried to walk faster, but Clover used her magic to stop him in his tracks. She pulled him back and made him stand right in front of her.


“I’m not an idiot Sule, I know something’s up. Now tell me, please.” Clover gave him a very serious look. Sule couldn’t say no to her, not to mention he had a weakness for how nice she looked in her dress.


“... Fine. We didn’t capture Nova. He escaped right after he killed Tyrannus. I had a team search for him throughout the city, but no dice. Glaive also found out that most of the Alicorn Soldiers were unaccounted for... Thousands of them...” Clover gasped and let go of her magical grip on Sule in surprise, but Sule stayed with her and kept explaining. “I think I figured out Nova’s plan. He only came to Chiroptera and took over so he could create thousands of Alicorn Soldiers without anypony stopping him. Once he was done, he didn’t need Tyrannus or the city anymore. He escaped with his new army.”


Clover was silent for a moment. “...What do you think his next move is?”


Sule started to walk off, “Nova’s plan was to take over Equestria, right? However, he doesn’t have enough Alicorn Soldiers to lead a successful siege against the entire Equestrian Military...” Sule paused for a moment, this part was where Nova’s plan became somewhat complicated and Sule was guessing, “He must have envisioned the alliance and siege on the city. He must have known that most of the Equestrian Military would come. Now Equestria itself is unprotected and he will have no trouble swooping in, taking over. It will be easier for his Soldiers to hold their ground when there is an inevitable counter attack.” Sule stopped again and sighed. “He knew all this would happen, and thought everything out... He saw the future, he knows what will happen. That’s why he’s not afraid, he saw his own victory.” Sule drooped his head in despair. “What the hay are we going to do about it?”


Clover walked up close to Sule and gave him a kiss on the cheek to try and cheer him up. “When I was studying with Star Swirled the Bearded, he told me about his time travel spell. He found that often one tried to change a future problem by doing things to avoid it, only to cause it with their actions.”


“How is that supposed to make me feel bet-”


“He also found that ponies easily misunderstood what their futures were. They would try to prevent it or make it happen, only to find a that fate played a cruel joke on them. What they saw would come true, but not in the way they thought it would.”


“That still doesn’t-”


“I’m saying that you shouldn’t think Nova knows everything that will happen. He is a pony, too. He can make mistakes and misjudgments about his future.”




One of the Castle Guards suddenly appeared behind Sule, starting him.


“Sire, General Moon appears to be waking up, but the doctor isn’t sure, the whole situation is weird up there. He wanted me to alert you.”


“Thank you.” Sule nodded. The Guard saluted and left, quickly taking a second glance at Clover and her stunning dress. Sule turned back to her and gave her a kiss, “I’m so sorry. I’ll be back, I promise.” With that, Sule rushed off.


Clover sighed and left for the Great Hall again, only to find that it was no longer a formal dinner, but a giant party. She wasn’t in the mood for that, and decided to wait for Sule in their room. Once she got there, Clover took off her hot dress and laid down in the bed, trying to take a short nap.


Suddenly, something occurred to her. She knew the spell for seeing the future. Maybe she could... Clover quickly shook the thought out of her mind. Too dangerous, She thought, I just told Sule the dangers of this. But now, the idea was stuck in her mind. Clover tried to fight the curiosity, but it was getting the best of her. It was in her nature to be curious, and now she had to know.


Clover got out of the bed, and focused on doing the spell. She had extremely powerful magic, but even a spell like this took a lot of effort. A magical aura surrounded her and the room disappeared in white flash.





Clover had done a spell that would let her see the future without taking part in it. She wanted to see what would happen when Sule tries to stop Nova’s attack on Equestria. She opened her eyes and quickly saw the a massive battle going on around her. Groups of Malumai and Pegasi were taking Alicorn Soldiers. The Alicorns were easily fighting them off, and swatting ponies left and right. Clover was shocked at the gruesomeness of the battle, blood spattered all over the ground, dead ponies on both sides everywhere, a body part or two... It was a lot to take in.


She didn’t have much time, and need to find Sule. Looking to her left, she saw Indigo and Shiri back to back surrounded by Alicorn Soldiers. The Soldiers lunged, and Indigo tried his best to fend them off with his sword. Shiri appeared to be badly wounded, but was still trying to fight back, using an Alicorn horn she ripped off as a weapon.


Just then, Midnight swooped in front of Clover, yelling at some troops to try to restrain a Soldier. He tried to use his magic on it, but he was quickly attacked by several smaller Alicorns. Clover rushed out of there. Where is Sule?


Suddenly, a purple body was thrown in front her, blocking her path. Clover panicked for a moment when she realized it was Sule, but his eyes opened. He tried to get back up, but was thrown back with a magical blast. Clover saw the blast came from Nova, who had a crazed, blood red look to his eyes now.


“WEAK!” Nova yelled, continuing to throw Sule back with magical blasts, “WEAK!” Sule struggled to get back on his hoofs. Nova stood over him, “How is it possible? You can’t be the one!” Sule started to convulse, “You could never do it! You can’t kill me!” Clover recognized the spell. It was a death wish spell. Only a few Unicorns were powerful enough to do it. Nova began to laugh. Sule struggled, but he had the look of death already in his face. Sule tried to move his hoof to Nova’s knife pouch. Using every last bit of strength he had, Sule grabbed the knife and stabbed it into Nova’s heart. Nova yelled in agony he stumbled for a moment, and fell to the ground, bleeding out of his wound and mouth. Sule smiled for a moment, and exhaled. His body shook uncontrollably again, then he he stopped moving


“NO!” Clover rushed over to Sule. He was no longer breathing, and his eyes were closed “NO! You can’t be dead! You can’t be...” Clover fell into tears over Sule. It couldn’t end this way...


The world around her began to fade away in a bright flash of white. She found herself crying on the floor of the bedroom. Suddenly, the door knocked. It took her a second to reazile what was going on.


“GO AWAY!” She yelled. “Go away....” Clover fell back into tears. She couldn’t believe what she just saw.


“...er, it’s Sule... are you sure I can’t come in?” Sule opened the door anyway, “Clover! What happened? Are you alright?”


Clover jumped up and hugged Sule, crying uncontrollably. “I’m...” Clover tried to pull herself together “... just glad you’re alright...”

Edited by AnonyPoni
  • Brohoof 2


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Midnight had awoken a little while before, and sat up, shaking off the invisible bonds of unconsiousness, then took a look around the room, he was in the infirmary, but nopony was around, he shook his head, then got to his hooves.

as he tried to move he ended up stumbleing and quickly leaned against one of the walls to hold him up, "uggh," he put a hoof to his forehead, remembering chrys's last words to him.

"remember, even when your stumbleing through the darkness. there is always hope."

midnight looked back, one of his wings must have been injured when he fell, there was no time to let it heal as he grabbed the bandages and tore them off, "gotta find sule and indigo, i-ive got to end this."

as he slowly started limping down the hallway, he shook his head and entered the dining hall, all the ponies gathered looked up in surprise, midnight noticed shiri, "wheres sule?" he asked

she blinked, his tone unusually soft and pained "i-i dont know......you sure you should be moving around right now?"

  • Brohoof 3


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Why are you crying?" Sule had never seen Clover like this. She was a very strong willed pony, and this was very unusual.


"I... nothing. I thought you were going to see General Moon. Why are you back?"


"Just wanted to say goodbye, since as soon as he wakes up, we will need to leave as soon as possible."


Clover hugged Sule tighter "No... I... saw something. You future..." The tears rolled off her face and wear dampening Sule coat.


"I thought you said"


"What I saw was very... conclusive..."


Sule was silent. Clover did not have to say it, but he knew what she was talking about. She saw his death.


"Are you sure it wasn't a misunderstanding? I mean-"


"You were fighting Nova... and..." Clover stopped and pulled away from Sule. She couldn't tell him everything. It would ruin the timeline. "I... can't tell you anything else..."

  • Brohoof 3


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Indigo returned to the present as he a saw an armored soldier fly above the alleyway. Curious as to what the soldier was doing, Indigo turned his head to Violet's tombstone and said, "We'll finish reminiscing later.", before putting his helmet back on, spreading his wings, and taking to the air.


Indigo perched on the ledge of the roof of the building above him and looked to the flying soldier, who, upon noticing Indigo, swooped down and flew towards him. Indigo regarded him stoicly as the soldier approached him. "Sir. The Archon wishes to see you at once."


"Is it urgent?" Indigo asked him.


"I think so, yes."


"Is it regarding General Moon?"


"No, it's regarding Tyrannus's army. Specifically, where they all went."


"What do you mean, 'where they all went'?" Indigo asked.


The guard shied back. "I don't know. The Archon should fill you in better than I can."


Indigo turned his head to look at the castle in the distance, before turning to face the guard. "Very well, I'll be there shortly. You're free to go."


The guard saluted, and flew off. Indigo, however, remained pertched. He was tempted to ignore Sule's summons and stay where he was, but not were orders orders, but if this was about the super soldiers, then this might be serious, especially with Midnight out of commission. Without him and his ability to throw the Soldiers' kill-switch, then everypony is at serious risk.


Indigo took to sky and hovered above the city, before pausing for a moment. General Midnight Moon. Now that's a name he never expected to count among his allies.


Indigo closed his eyes before taking off towards the castle, before opening them again. Indigo could still remember that day, the day Midnight was his CO during Tyrannus's reign. It was a mission that Indigo did not want to forget, when he realized why Midnight Moon was known as a butcher.


As Indigo flew over the city, he allowed himself to think, and the memories of the first mission he served with Midnight several years ago returned to his mind.




"Goddess, it reeks in here."


"Gee, I wonder why? Totally couldn't be because this is a GODSDAMNED SEWER!"


"Oh, really? I could've sworn we were in your ass!"


"Both of you, knock it off." General Midnight Moon ordered.


The four soldiers were marching through Chiroptera's sewer system with Midnight Moon in front leading them. They had been walking for over an hour, having to put up with the filth and the smell the whole way, and Midnight wasn't in the mood to put up with his soldiers' whining. One of the whining soldiers spoke up, "Why the hell are we in here, anyway? We're armed fucking guards, we can just march up to the place and-"


"And they'll run away as soon their lookout sees us coming." Midnight finished, and the guard shut up. "The sewer is our good friend Indigo's idea." Midnight said, gesturing his head back towards them. The two soldiers turned two their third compatriot, Indigo, and gave him an evil glare. Indigo regarded them tiredly, and Midnight spoke up. "Quit bitching. We know the Old Nag Tavern is a Resistance hideout, and we know that there's a meeting there going on as we speak. If we just march in the front door like idiots, they'll scatter and make a run for it in different directions. But if we get inside without them knowing, well, you get the picture."


"Hmmph." Midnight's logic was sound, but the guards still weren't happy.


Midnight continued. "I don't wanna be down here any more than you do, but Indigo happens to know there's a way into the tavern from down here. We can't miss this chance. One of 'em'll know where the resistance's camp is, and we can end them for good."


The guard wasn't amused. "Indigo? He's just a kid! How does he know what he's talking about."


"I'm 18."


"Oh, oh good, he's 18. I'm sorry I doubted you, your highness."


"I served in the military longer than you did."


"Oh? That's a big fat load of-"


"Stow it, we're here." Midnight growled.


The four soldiers entered a moderate chamber at the end of a tunnel and looked up. There were several pipes hanging from the ceiling, all open and draining their contents into the drainage ditch in the floor. Next to the pipe was a hatch on the ceiling. The four soldiers quickly flew up and opened the hatch.


The soldiers entered a small wooden room, where the pipes rose from the floor and into the ceiling to the baths on the upper floor. The soldiers snuck through the only door and entered a small hallway when they were sure the coast was clear. "Sir, over here." Indigo whispered, as he heard voices on the other side of a different door.


Midnight pressed his head on the door and smiled. "That's them. Now, after we're done here, we'll head to the main social area and bar the front door. Kill anypony who tries to resist. Understood?" Indigo and the other two nodded, and Midnight smiled. "Now, follow my lead."


With that being said, Midnight turned and leaned on his forelegs, and with a yell, bucked the door with all his strength. The door slammed open, and Midnight immediately spread his wings and hovered into the room. The startled ponies inside gaped at him in silence as Midnight smiled. "Morning, gents. Mind if I join your little party?"


Indigo drew his spear off the spine of his armor as the yelling began.




Indigo cut down the last combatant with his spear, and returned it to it's sheath on his back. He had followed the pony into a bedroom on the upper floor of the tavern, where he ambushed Indigo with a knife. Indigo quickly dispatched him, but now had a fresh new cut on his cheek to show for it. Indigo wiped the blood off his face with a cloth before leaving the room. Before closing the door, Indigo looked back at the pony he killed and frowned. Indigo shook the image out of his head went downstairs.


...only for his stomach to drop when he walked into the main drinking area. The tavern was a moderately size room with a dozen tables, most of which were overturned in the fighting, and the room was littered with a dozen dead bodies. In the corner, his two fellow soldiers were holding a group of about ten ponies at spear point, and along the opposite wall there were five ponies with their hooves bound. The ringleaders, Indigo figured. Indigo looked back at the ponies the two soldiers were holding, and realized that they must be regular taverngoers who got caught up in the raid. Indigo then had a horrifying thought: how many of the dead bodies on the ground here were just regular civilians? Indigo killed ponies in this raid; how many innocent ponies did he kill, all in the name of justice?


Indigo swallowed a hard lump in his throat, when he heard Midnight’s voice calling him over. Midnight was standing by the row of bound resistance members, and Indigo walked over to him. “Sir?” Indigo asked, before looking at the hostages closer, when he realized one of them had his throat cut.


“You caught the straggler?” Midnight asked, and Indigo nodded. “Good.”


“You bastards will never find our camp.” one of the resistance ringleaders spat.


“Ah, so you happen to know where it is?” Midnight asked, friendily, before suddenly getting sinister. “You know what’s going to happen to you if you don’t start talking. Right. Now!”


The rebel spat. “I’ll never talk. Just kill me.”


Midnight looked at Indigo. “Indigo, do you mind?”


Indigo sighed, turned around, and delivered a sharp kick to the rebel’s jaw, and he shouted in pain.


Midnight spoke up again. “Death is a mercy compared to what Tyrannus will do to you if we take you back. We CAN make you sing for us at the castle, or you can save yourself the pain and talk now. Your choice.”


“Tyrannus can burn in tartarus, the fat fuck. He’ll never-” The rebel was cut off by another buck from Indigo, and he swore in pain.


“I completely agree. But your oh-so-glorious leader is no shining light, either. You are all bomb-throwing anarchists, every last one of you. You’re precious South Wind doesn’t give a flying fuck about love or tolerance.” South Wind, Indigo thought. The Resistance’s illusive leader. Midnight continued. “He is no different than any other would-be dicator we’ve face before.” Midnight lowered his face. “Do you honestly believe his rhetoric? Everything he said I’ve heard a million times before. All he wants is to plant his own ass on the throne, so he can live like a king like Tyrannus before him. One more time: Where. Is. The. Camp?”


The rebel spat blood into Midnight’s face. Indigo reared his leg, and the rebel shouted and flinched. When the rebel opened his eyes again, Indigo kicked him anyway.


When Midnight wiped the blood from his eyes, he turned to Indigo. “No more chances, time to take these guys to the castle.”


“Daddy!” came a pair of young voices behind them. Indigo and Midnight turned around to see a colt and a filly, most likely siblings, among the captured civilians the other two soldiers were guarding.


“What are you doing!? I told you to run!” The rebel shouted. Indigo and Midnight turned back to the stallion, who now had a look of utter horror on his face.


“Those are your kids?” Midnight asked, surpised. The rebel looked up at Midnight in fear, before turning his face away. Midnight nodded at the guards, and they let the two children through. Indigo and Midnight stepped backwards and let the children pass, and they both ran up to and hugged their father. “You brought your children? To a tavern?”


“Not for alcohol. They were just having dinner. They’re not part of this.” The rebel muttered.


Midnight. “They’re not a part of this, huh? Then it’s too bad you had to bring them into this.”


“What?” Indigo and the rebel asked in unison.


“You’re committing high treason against the king, and you brought your own children into this. Now they have to suffer for YOUR doings?”


“What are you saying?”


“Tyrannus’s dungeons are brutal. Not everypony survives to even face the gallows. How do you think your children will do?”


“You’re going to execute me and orphan these children? All in the name of your lord?”


Midnight looked at him sadly. “I wasn’t talking about you. Indigo, grab the children. We’re taking them with us.”


“What? No! NO! No, please God no! Please! Don’t hurt them!” the rebel leader screamed in horror.


“It’s too late. You had your chance.”


Indigo stood there in horror, and Midnight looked at him. Indigo forced his gaze downward at the colt and the filly cowering in fear by their father. There had to be some other way. But with Midnight staring him down, Indigo had no choice. Eventually, his body moved under it’s own accord. Indigo lowered his head and bit the colt by the scruff of his neck, and lifted him up.


“Stop! Please! I’ll do anything! I’ll talk! I’ll talk! I’ll tell you where the camp is! Just please don’t hurt them.


Indigo dropped the child immediately, and the child ran for cover.


“Start talking, now.”


Our camp...it’s in the...s-southwest canyon.


“That doesn’t tell me a lot. Where, specifically?”


“A-a mile in, south side of the river. Very close to a r-ring of dead trees.”


Midnight nodded at Indigo, before turning back to the rebel. “Thank you. Just want to warn you, though. We know who you are. We know what you look like. If this camp isn’t there, we will come after you and your family.” Midnight narrowed his eyes. “That said, is there anything you’d like to add to your testimony?”


With great pain and shame, the rebel choked out one more sentence “...nnnnnot the southwest canyon. The west canyon.”


“Really?” Midnight asked, annoyed.


“Yes. ...the rest of what I told you is true.” He hung his head. “I swear. Gods forgive me.”


“One more question. South Wind. Is he there?”


“I don’t know. I saw him when I was last there, but that was three days ago.” the rebel answered, defeated. Indigo looked at the rebel. He hung his head low, cradling his son and daughter. He looked broken.


Midnight looked at Indigo. “We’re done here.” He turned to the guards. “Release the civilians, and this father and his kids.” Midnight ordered, and the rebel in question looked up in shock. Midnight continued, “I’ll send some men to pick up the rest of the rebels here, later.” Midnight turned to Indigo again. “Indigo, come with me. We’re leaving for the camp immediately.”


Indigo nodded, and looked back at the resistance members in the hall, before swallowing hard and leaving out the front door.




Indigo and Midnight was flying over the forest, flanked by a raiding team of two dozen soldiers, heading out west to find this rebel camp. Indigo was too lost in thought, but blinked back to attention when another soldier flew up. “Sir, permission to speak freely?” he said loudly, so he could be heard.


“Granted. What is it?”


“Are you sure we should’ve left that resistance guy go? What if he goes back to the rebels?”


“You saying we should’ve killed him in front of his kids? We’re trying to crush the resistance, not inspire ‘em.”


Indigo had a nagging fear in his mind. “You think he told the truth? About where the camp is?”


Midnight looked back forward. “Gods, I hope so. If I have to hurt those kids, I’ll never forgive myself.”


Indigo looked at Midnight. He had no idea if Midnight was sincere or not, but Indigo was disgusted all the same. He threatened a stallion in one place where it really hurt, and Indigo wasn’t sure what disturbed him more: watching a stallion get broken like that, or the fact that it worked.




After an hour of flying they arrived in the canyon, and spread low to avoid being seen. Eventually, they found it: the circle of dead trees the rebel talked about. After some searching, they spotted a clearing close by, and sure enough, it was dotted with a score of tents, and plenty of Malumai walking and grazing. Midnight and the raid team alighted in the tree branches, with Indigo landing next to Midnight. For a minute, they all remained quiet, surveying the camp and what they were up against.


Soon, however, the silence was broken by a yell, and some of the malumai on the ground charged into the trees. “Looks like they saw us. Well, time to get this over with.” Midnight said.


Oh gods. Indigo shifted his shield forward and grabbed his spear off his back, and charged into the fray with Midnight and raid team.




It was a slaughter. The rebels, caught off guard, did not stand a chance against a strike team of armed soldiers, and before long, the camp was burning.


Indigo cut down the last resistance member, and the camp turned deathly quiet, with the crackling of the fires cutting through the silence. Indigo looked around the camp. The ground was littered with bodies, but what horrified him was when he noticed something new: half the bodies weren’t armed. Indigo looked up to the sky. Of course, there would be unarmed ponies here, this is a resistance camp, the camp of the ponies who all wanted to fight Tyrannus. And Indigo knew one thing all too well: life was hard The population lived in squalor.. The courts, what little there was, were corrupt, drugs and crime were rampant, and there was never enough food to go around. Laws passed were strict and often didn’t make sense, and the wars with the other pony races meant that a lot of foals would grow without their parents. Indigo knew this far too well, he himself was one of them, a war orphan.


Of course the Resistance would take in refugees. Under Tyrannus, ponies were suffering. Of course, there would be ponies, families who want to live a better life. And what better group to find that life with, than the Resistance, the band of ponies devoted to the overthrow of their government?


There were innocent ponies here, all looking for a better life. And Indigo and the strike team just butchered them all like animals. Indigo felt like he was going to throw up.


Indigo heard a noise of movement, and followed the sound. He pushed through the underbrush into another clearing, where Midnight and several soldiers were gathered. Indigo walked up and saw what the fuss was about.


“Well I’ll be damned. Look who we got here.” Midnight said to somepony laying on the ground. Indigo looked at the prone figure, and gaped.


It was unmistakable. South Wind laid on the ground, completely at their mercy.


“You must be proud of yourself, Moon.” South said, evenly.


“I am, actually, thanks for noticing. Can’t say the same to you, though.” Midnight returned. “Your group of friends at The Old Nag are in our custody, we destroyed your camp, and found you. Today, your little rebellion dies, and you won’t live to leave this camp. I have to say, though, you put up a good fight. Not many ponies can be this much of a thorn in our king’s flank and live this long.”


South remained even. “Is that your idea of a compliment?”


Midnight smiled. “Yep. But, it’s over now. You’re no longer a thorn.”


“What do you expect me to say? Cry or beg? Be defiant to the end? Declare long life to liberty? Kill me or arrest me, Moon, you’ll only stop one pony. As long as there is a despot who abuses his power and his people, ponies will always want to stop him. Somepony will rise and stop Tyrannus one day, Moon.”


“Probably. But not tonight. Goodbye, South Wind.” Midnight said, as he raised the blade strapped to his wing.


And just like that, the Resistance died. Indigo watched South’s body hit the ground lifeless, his throat cut by Midnight’s blade, before Indigo found himself staring into space. The Resistance was gone, and no pony could now find solace in their custody. Indigo felt guilt. He should’ve been with the Resistance, not fighting them. All he achieved today was to further Tyrannus’s will.


He didn’t join the military to serve his lord, or to crush rebellion. He became a soldier so he could do some good in the world. The crime at home ran rampant, and ponies were celebrating. It was the soldiers’ duty to fight for their homeland, to serve as guards to crush crime, to protect the people. To fight for what’s right.


“Heh heh. Not only do I love it when a night ends with a good raid, we found and killed South Wind himself! This was a good night!” Midnight declared. “Too bad I’m sure I’ll only come up with a witty quote like an hour from now. Eh, whatever. Come on, Indigo, let’s get back to the city.”


Indigo was taken aback at Midnight’s attitude. They butchered a camp full of ponies, enemies and otherwise, and Midnight enjoyed it. Indigo watched as Midnight took off. No, Indigo did not join the military for this, for the bloodlust, and it certainly wasn’t to serve his king. Like what the rebel father at the tavern said, Tyrannus could burn in tartarus. Indigo hated his lord. And he now hated Midnight, who was only served Tyrannus so he could fight.


The Resistance may be dead, but Indigo would continue serving the military. Maybe some day, somepony will replace Tyrannus as king, and Indigo would be able to do some real good. Is it truly dishonorable to be a vassal, but be completely disloyal to your lord? Probably, but Indigo didn’t care. He joined the military to help ponies, so he won’t go down as just another dirty Maluma orphan.


It was Violet’s dying wish, after all.

  • Brohoof 5
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(OOC:Sorry about the mega-ton delay. No coloured speeches this time)

The Equestrian commander had finally managed to get the happy-go-lucky Storm Comet to calm down. They were back in the main hall which was all but empty except for the two, a mess left over byStorm’s party, and two of Storm Comet’s bodyguards stood at the main door.


‘’Anyways, where were we?’’, said Storm Comet.

“You were talking to me about the Malumai being in Equestria before you turned this place upside down with another one of your crazy parties!” , said Night Flash.


Storm giggled, “Oh yeah…”


“You said the Malumai are welcome in Equestria. You told me the council said yes but what does the public think about it? Their opinion is very important.” , said Night Flash.


“I wasn’t there myself, but a messenger from the council came this morning some hours after the battle, he said the public wasn’t very happy it. The three current races of ponies in Equestria have only just managed to get along with each other.” , explained Storm Comet.


“How bad is it?” , Night Flash asked.


Storm Comet tried to remember what else the messenger told her, “Well for starters…almost every Pegasi in Equestria is protesting against Malumai ponies being allowed in Equestria and it’s really effecting our economy with all the protests and riots.”


“I can understand that seeing the Pegasus had a war not too long with the Malumai but if all the Equestrians here can get along with Malumai, so can the rest of Equestria. ” , said Night Flash.


“Well, then we better get back to Equestria as soon as possible. I think your generals can hold the fort here.’’ , suggested Storm Comet.

Night Flash shook his head, “Something is up. Remember how he left in the middle of the Banquet with that colonel? Tyrannus may be dead, but Nova isn’t.”


At that moment, a servant, who had noticed the two ponies in the room, approached them with a tray in his hand which had two cups of beer on it. He offered one to each, Storm Comet was quick to say no. Night Flash was just about to take it but then he noticed the look Storm was giving him.


“Uh..on second thought, I don’t need any.”

The waiter nodded and left.

That gave Storm Comet a triumphant smile on her face. She was eager to change the subject by then, she was getting bored of talking politics.


“Hey Flash, remember the good old days?”


Night Flash gave her a weird look, “You mean back in school? Worst days of my life.”


Storm Comet let out a chuckle, “Yeah, you would never do your homework and always had a ridiculous excuse everytime.”


Night Flash grinned, “Well you made it tolerable… “


Storm Comet’s ears perked up at the last sentence, “What did you say?”


Night Flash did a mental facehoof, “Uh…nothing.”


There was an awkward silence for a few moments but Storm Comet was quick to break it with a question, “Err..anyways, what made you join the army Flash? I remember that your parents really wanted you to be a doctor or lawyer or something like that.”


Night Flash sighed, “My parents wanted me to follow their dream, not mine. I never wanted to be a doctor or something like that.”

“Because you had to study for that?”


“Yes…wait, no! I’m just not into that sort of stuff. You know me, I always wanted me to be in the army.” , explained Night Flash.


“That would explain the mass number of toy soldiers in your boarding room back when we were in school.” , said Storm Comet with a laugh as she remembered Night Flash playing with them all day.


Night Flash’s eye twitched, “I thought I said we would never talk about that ever again.”


Storm Comet made a sly looking smile, “You mad, commander? How about another par-“

Night Flash knew what she was going to say and cut her off, “NO! PLEASE NO!”


Storm’s smile almost turned upside down, “Aww…not even just one song?”


“I recommend you get some rest now. I believe you have a few more meetings to do with the Archon?” , suggested Night Flash.


“Alright then, bye.” , the ambassador stood up and walked out the gigantic main door, while being followed by her bulky bodyguards.


That left Night Flash alone in the hall. He got off his seat as well , “Now where did Sule go?”

Edited by The Awesome Invader
  • Brohoof 2



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midnight shook his head as he looked around the hall, "damnit midnight you have the WORST timing." he sighed and turned moving down the hallway away from the banquet hall, he needed some fresh air, no telling how long he had been out, hours, days, weeks?

When sule and indigo were ready to talk they can find him, but for now, midnight just wanted to get out, he tore the bandages off of his injured left wing, and spread each one carefully.


"where do you think your going?"

midnight jumped and blinked, "oh, shiri, i...uumm just getting some fresh air."

she frowned,"with those injuries?"

midnight rolled his eyes, "dont you have something to go do? like bedding indigo?"

shiri shook her head and growled "why cant you just get along with me?"


midnight looked back, indiffrence with a hint of sadness in his voice "beacuse, when i get too close to somepony, they die, even friends, its kinda bad luck, some say its a curse, chrys was the only one ive ever cared for on such a deep level, and i did all i could to protect her from danger, and it worked, until that night, i doubt i can find someone like that again."

he turned around "you should know, you saw all my memories and thoughts, now if youll excuse me."


Midnight spread his wings and took to the air, propelling himself as high as his injured wing would let him, he winced at each wing flap, but he kept himself aloft and started to fly around the city, not really caring where he went, just letting his mind wander.

Edited by Midnight Moon
  • Brohoof 2


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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His mind back in the present, Indigo flew over the city. Midnight had been a monster in the past, but...Indigo had to concede the point: without Midnight, they never could've retaken the city, and Tyrannus would still be the dictator. Whatever Midnight was before, he was an ally now, an advancer of peace.


...and right in Indigo's way. In his spacing out, Indigo's mind focused in time for him to dive out of the way of a flying maluma. "Sorry, wasn't paying attention." Indigo said, before he registered who the maluma was. "Midnight, you're awake already?"

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Midnight blinked, "oh, uh.....hi indigo.." he shook the thoughts out of his head, "yeah, woke up a few minutes ago, decided to go flying, cant stand it in the castle, to samey for me, and...." he paused looking down at the city a sad expression upon his face "too many bad memories ya know?" one of his wings was flapping faster then the other to compinsate for the injured wing.

"what are you doing flying about up here, i thought youd be at the banquet?"

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC This has got to be one of my worst posts....)


Sule wiped a tear from Clover’s face... “I understand, but you shouldn’t worry. I have no intention of getting killed.”




“I trust you. You said that the future is easily mistaken, right?”


“Well, yes, but...”


“Clover, whether or not I die is irrelevant. I need to go to help stop Nova from conquering Equestria, your new home... our new home”


A sort of silence fell as they let those words sink in. After some time, Clover had calmed down. got up and laid on the bed. “You know the council probably won’t accept the proposal...” Sule got off the floor. He was going to sit on the bed, too, but hesitated. “Something wrong?” Clover asked.


“Well... actually, yes! Out of all the ponies that I would hope to support me, I thought you would be one of them...” Sule was somewhat tired of all the naysayers, and hurt that even Clover was also one of them.


“Sule...” Colver looked like she was going to sit up, but instead rolled her body in a way that she didn’t have to look Sule in the eyes. “do you really expect a mass exodus of bat ponies all traveling to Equestria? Accepting the whole Love and Tolerance thing? I know you have a habit of seeing the best in ponies, but that doesn’t matter if no pony else can.”


“Malumai may have problems now, we can get over them... Societies evolve.” Sule said


“Perhaps, but the Malumai have a very... conservative society. You can see they are not going to be real fond of leaving Chiroptera, even if the city is kinda a dump. I’m sorry Sule, but this dream you have... I just don’t know if it can happen.” Clover sighed, “Look, I was there when we discovered the land. Even though we unveiled the Magic of Friendship and settled the differences with the leaders, it was still a nightmare to convince the tribes to leave their ruined lands and come live their enemies.”


“But you still did it”


"Yes, but that was out of necessity and survival. The Earth Ponies were the first ones to start coming. Then the Pegasi started to trickle in, needing food and still weary from the war with the Malumai. The Unicorns were the last to come, obviously for food. This process is takes a lot of time, and only happening because they had no other choice. Believe me, they aren’t that happy about it...”


“But one day... they will be,” Sule sat on the side of the bed. “One day, they’ll be celebrating the founding of Equestria. Your story with the leaders will be celebrated. You really changed the way the way ponies view each other. It may not be apparent much now, but I can see that one day all the tribes are living together in True harmony. Race will no longer be an issue for them. Everypony will call themselves ponies...” Without warning, Sule laid his back over Clover’s body, completely surprising her. It was very close for them. “Why can’t Malumai do it, too? Why can’t we be... happy.”


“Well, be-” Just as Clover tried to answer, Sule quickly kissed her.


“I will be honest, I didn’t want to hear the answer.”


The position they were in made them very close, looking to each other’s eyes... “Sule... You don’t have to go just yet. You can stay here for a while.... with me....”


“You sound like the day I first met you”


“Yes, but this time I’m staying your castle...” Clover said, with a smile. She pulled down Sule and kissed him again. For a moment, Sule most forgot about the City, Equestria, the Alicorns, Nova, and was completely Clover’s... until he took a quick glance at the window...


“What the hell?” He said. “Is that... Indigo, AND MIDNIGHT!? What the hay are they doing?” Sule pulled away from Clover and got out of the bed. “I’m... I’m sorry Clover... I need to...”


“I understand...” She said. “You need to do your job... stop Nova, and save equestria. Go.” Sule was about to open the door, “Just make sure you come back alive, I’m not done with you yet!” She said with a wink.


Sule smiled Dear gods, what the hay did I do right to deserve her? “I will be back, I promise.”


And with that, Sule opened the door and left, Leaving Clover in a empty room... and a worried heart.

Edited by AnonyPoni


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Indigo glanced away, "Let's just say... you're not the only one with unpleasant memories." Indigo sighed, before looking back at Midnight. "I'm just glad you're still alive." Indigo told him, before realizing what he just said. He never thought he'd ever say that, but now... Indigo guessed he considered Midnight his friend. They both risked their lives this last week in successfully overthrowing Tyrannus, after all; Midnight saved Indigo's life.


Of all the ponies Indigo knew, he didn't expect Midnight to change this much. In the past, Midnight was a ruthless enforcer of the crown, but now he was completely different: tired, injured, and regretful of his sins and wanting to repent. Indigo thought, perhaps Violet was right. Anypony can change, she believed, and there is always hope. Even as hard as their lives were, Violet still believed that there is always hope for the future.


Indigo remembered back to the conversation he had with her that fateful night years ago...


...only for his thoughts to be interrupted by the beating of wings approaching him. Indigo turned towards the sound, and saw Sule rapidly approach him. "Oh, sir, there you are." Indigo said, as he stood to attention. "I understand you wanted to talk to me?"

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"I have bad news. We need to mobilize the any available Equestrian and Malumai forces ASAP. We need to get to get there as soon as possible."


"Nova?" Midnight asked.


"And his Alicorn Soldiers. Glaive reported that thousands of them are missing, along with Nova. Midnight, Ignoring the fact that you should still be in the hospital, go get the troops ready. Make sure Commander Night Flash is informed as well. Indigo, you're with me. We have to do a little talk with Miss Comet..."


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(OOC: No colouring this time either. Too lazy...BACK TO BATTLEFIELD!)


Night Flash was flying back to the palace to talk to Storm after attending a meeting with his generals who were still camping outside the city since there was no accomodation for

the Equestrian Army inside the city. He landed just outside the gate to the palace, flanked by two guards who saluted the commander and let him in. He walked his

way towards the right wing of the palace, where the rooms for any visiting political figure were.


As Night Flash walked down the corridors of the lavishly decorated VIP section of the Archon's palace, he marvelled at the art hanging on the wall. It was the first

time he was seeing it and he personally thought it was much better than the stuff back in Equestria. He finally reached Storm Comet's room and stopped at the door.


Night Flash gently knocked on the door, "Storm, you in there?"


There was silence for a moment but then the sound of hoofsteps could be heard, "In a minute!", replied a voice from the other end.


A few seconds later the door was opened by Storm, "Uh..is there something you want to talk about?"


Night Flash nodded, "Yes, any more news from Canterlot?"


"Why don't you come in first?" , suggested Storm.


The first thing Night Flash noticed coming inside was that Storm Comet's accomodation wasn't just one room, but the whole pack, A living room with furniture that looked like it was worth it's weight in gold

, a bedroom, and a mega-sized wardrobe.


"Well you're certainly living it up here. All I've got is a tent with a bed." , said Night Flash as he looked around. Even though he was one of Equestria's political and military 'celebrities', he wasn't really into

the extravagent way of living.


"One of the perks that comes with being a ambassador." , said Storm Comet as she sat down on one of the couches.


Night Flash sat down as well, "Alright then, I recently just had a meeting with my generals deciding when we will be going back home. It's been decided that only twenty-percent of the current Equestrian Forces will remain, the rest are

already packing up their tents and cannons."


Storm Comet listened closely, "I see. Any ways, in one of my recent meetings with the Archon, I've managed to make a deal with him for trading with Equestria and have been officially recognized as an ally for Equestria."


"Anything else?" , Night Flash asked.


"Well...that's about it.", said Storm.


There was a silence for a seconds before Night Flash broke it, "Storm, I've been meaning to tell you something for quite a while now."


Storm looked at him, "What is it?"


Night Flash leaned over to her so that their heads were barely a book's length from each other, "I want to tell you that I-"




Night Flash didn't even get a chance to say the rest because Indigo and Sule came barging in looking very serious. Night Flash looked at Indigo with an annoyed



"It's called knocking! You should try it sometimes!", said Night Flash.


"Night Flash, we have a problem.", replied Indigo.

Edited by The Awesome One
  • Brohoof 1



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"As you know, we didn't capture or kill Nova in the attack. As you don't know, somehow he and almost his entire army slipped out of the city. Our agents did a search, and there's several thousand of his super-soldiers unaccounted for." Indigo shook his head. "We're still waiting for scouts to confirm this, but we believe this whole fracas with Tyrannus was just a diversion; and Nova is marching an army straight to your Equestria as we speak." Indigo looked at Storm. "I'm sorry to interrupt your, ah, private moment, but you both know how serious this could be."
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"Commander, we need you to ready your forces, NOW" Sule said in a demanding voice. He had no time for games. Night Flash got the message, saluted, and left. Indigo left with him. Storm Comet went to close the door. "Wait, Miss Comet. I need to speak with you." Sule said as he stopped the door from closing.


"Yes, Mr. Archon?" She said, somewhat annoyed.


"er... It's pretty obvious what I am going to ask"


Storm sighed, "The Equestrian council agreed to make the Malumai an official trading partner and ally. Are you happy?" She said, as she tried to close the door again. Sule quickly stopped it again.


"No, I'm not. Look, Miss Comet, You are aware of the current situation, right? Equestria, over run by Mutated monsters. I take it that you don't want that."


"Of course not"


"Miss Comet, I want Malumai to be able to live in Equestria, equally and in harmony. It will take time, but I know it will work out. However... if Nova takes over Equestria..."


"What are you playing at...?"


"Lets face it, the Equestrian Military is powerful, but there is no way they can defeat that army. They are going to need help, Malumai help."


"Of course we need your... wait a minute..."


"I'm sorry Miss Comet, but as far as I'm concerned, this is an Equestrian problem. My Army is tired, our City is ruined, we have some bonds to mend. I appreciate the Equestrian assistance, but I have other things to worry about."


"But... but Nova..."


"... Is Equestrian. This is totally your problem."


"But the Alliance..."


"My troops will only go if I say so. I haven't said so."


Storm was shocked. Was this the same Sule? Why would he be acting like this?


"However... I will be glad to send the Army to assist you... on one condition. Malumai are fully allowed to live in Equestria."


"I told you, I've been try..."


"No, you haven't. The Council needs to get a Formal report saying yes to the whole thing. You haven't sent one yet. Until you send it and they approve, the Malumai Military is not budging." Sule said. He took his hoof out of the doorway, and began to walk off. There was no other choice, He thought to himself, I needed real political leverage... but still, that wasn't me...


"Mr Archon?" Storm reopened her bedroom door.




"You're right, I never sent the request. I couldn't decide. But now... It seems that you were right all along. Malumai should be allowed in Equestria. I will have one of the unicorns send the request. I applaud you for sticking up for your ponies, Mr. Archon."


Sule looked back and smiled. "Just call me Sule"

Edited by AnonyPoni


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Midnight looked up and down the lines of soldiers as he slowly made his way back and forth, he was injured, but that wouldnt stop him now "i know all of you were wishing for a rest after that battle to take the castle, but tyrannus was just a diversion to our real enemy, a unicorn named nova,"

the soldiers looked at each other then back at midnight, "nova has preformed herrendous experiments on maluma, unicorns, earth ponies, and pegasai, and had created soldiers the like of witch you have never fought before....i know this."

he shook his head, most of the soldiers were young, inexperienced, they knew how to fight, but only just, he had taught them well, but in all honesty....how well.

"im not going to lie to any of you, they have magic, they can fly, but i will say this, Everything. Has. A. Weakness. you just got to learn where it is, and exploit it, these....supersoldiers, made by herrendous experiments, and he plans to use them, to conquer your home, equestria."

he could see many looks being shared, worried looks,

"but," he got their attention, "....but," he sighed "some of you may never see your homes again, i know how hard that will be, how hard it has been for all of you, to lose ones you have gotten to know, but know this, they died believeing in a plan that could have failed, but it didnt, and their sacrifice will not be in vain."

he smiled "if you fall, you have defended your homeland, even if we lose, you will have fought well, and together, something not seen in a long time," he nodded, "we leave in 2 hours...prepare your minds and steel your hearts."


Midnight winced as he moved down the steps and onto the field, he just needed to sit for a few minuites, when he heard hoofsteps behind him, and found the small group he had personally trained, the one that stood out was storm surge "ahh, you five, i was wondering if you had made it though."

they all nodded "thanks to you."


midnight chuckled, "i trained you, but it was yourselves that kept each other safe."

they shook their heads, as storm piped up "sir, is it wise to be doing this? i-i mean your i-injure...."



midnight held up a hoof "I may be injured, i cannot walk well, my wing is almost broken.... but that does not mean i cannot fight, i can still hold a sword, and i promise to you i will fight to my last breath, for sules dream of a united land."

he gave a knowing smile to the maluma then looked back directly into storm surges eyes, "i want you five to personally accompany me in the attack,"


they blinked "....I-it would be an honor...sir." storm and the others saluted.


midnight smiled and saluted back "And if i fall, i want you to do one thing,"


they looked at each other then back at midnight who was staring at the rising sun "What is it?"


midnight shut his eyes and took a deep breath basking in the glow "Fight.....fight harder then you ever have before, and kill the bastard named nova."

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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When Storm closed the door, Sule turned around to see Indigo standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall. When Sule approached him, he turned his head. "Permission to speak freely, sir?"


"Uh, granted."


"I apologize for eavesdropping, but I overheard what you told the ambassador."




"I'm glad to see you've grown some balls; our country needs a strong leader." Indigo said. "But..."




"Forgive my insubordination, but the line between strength and cruelty can be blurry. I can only hope you'll end up on the other side of the line than the leaders we overthrew." Indigo said. "That's all I wanted to say." Sule remained quiet, and Indigo braced himself for the incoming reprimanding. When it didn't come, Indigo spoke up. "I need to return to my duties. If you need me, I'll be in the castle." Indigo said, before taking his leave.

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Night Flash had flown straight to the Equestrian camp outside the city the moment Sule had explained the situation to him. He didn't need to be told twice.

The leader of the Equestrian Army called an emergency meeting with his generals in his room which acted as a military planning room as well.


''Are you serious, sir? We've only just got here and we haven't even buried the dead yet!'' , exclaimed one of his generals.


''You heard me right! Now get cracking! We need to be ready to move by tomorrow!'' , ordered Night Flash.


His generals knew it wasn't worth arguing with Night Flash.


''Uh..right away, Sir. Just one question, will the Malumai be helping us?'' , asked the general.


Night Flash looked at him for a minute, then chuckled, ''Oh please, the Equestrian Military can easily handle themselves in any situation.''


With that, the meeting ended and the soldiers began to pack up and get ready for the journey back home.



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Sule walked down the halls in silence, not sure what he was thinking. When he threatened to not send the Military to stop Nova, He simply was using it as leverage against Storm Comet, so why did he feel bad about it? Everything he said was true, but why did he fell like he was the bad guy? This was the one bargaining position he had to let the Malumai be Equestrians.


But... what if they say no, or they cant answer? Am I really going to let millions of ponies die because of some stupid politics? Sule thought this all over as he went to his office. There was really no reason in particular why he was going there, he just needed a place to gather his thoughts. He would go to Clover, but at this point he couldn't show his face to her...


As Sule sat down in his seat, he smelled something that was burning. He looked at his safe and found that all the documents in there were burned. That was probably Indigo's idea during their recon mission. Sule didn't mind. At this point, none of those documents were all that important.


Sule just sat in his chair, trying to come up with their next plan of action. He put he head on the desk. What the hay are we going to do?


After a while, Colonel Glaive stepped in to the office and saluted.


"Sire, Colonel Glaive reporting"


Sule picked his head up. "At ease. What is it?"


"Sire, the Commander Night Flash preparing the Equestrian forces, as is General Moon with ours. The Commander wishes to leave as soon as they can, most likely first thing tomorrow. Our Forces are standing by to join them. We are awaiting you Orders."


Sule sat there for a moment, trying to think over this. "Glaive, shut the door." Glaive did so, and Sule got out of his chair and started pacing around the room, "I'm in a bad position right now, politically."


"How so, sire?"


"I just got back from a... negotiation with the Ambassador. I pointed out that Nova is their problem, and I threatened to not send the army if Malumai weren't allowed in Equestria. However, I know if I don't send the army..."


"...The Equestrians will be crushed, There will be no 'promised land' to go to, and us Malumai will seem even more like savages."


"Something like that If I DO send the army without receiving word of our acceptance, though..."


"You will have lost our one bargaining position. Not to mention you will look soft."


"Er.... yeah..."


"Is there a reason why you are telling me, Sire?"


"...I guess I'm curious of what you think, coming from the actual Military."


Glaive stood for a moment, thinking it over. "Under normal circumstances, I couldn't care less about those ponies. They could burn in Tatarus for all I cared... but..." Glaive looked over his shoulder to be the door was still closed, then back at Sule "After serving with them, they have proven that they are honorable, good ponies. I would gladly stand by them, Fight by them, and die by them. What I'm saying is, sire, is that you have started something more than just plain tolerance. You have shown Malumai that we are all ponies, and we need to treat each other as such."


"...I didn't do-"


"Yes you did, sire. You've made the thought of Malumai running happily with other ponies something that isn't complete insanity. It's something that is within our grasp, but we are the ones that need to take those steps. If the Equestian civilians don't want to accept us yet, so be it. Our enemy is an Army of the most powerful soldiers ever created. I would rather die by our Equestrian brethren than let Nova succeed."


Sule was speechless. He would have never expected something like that from any Malumai, let alone Glaive. "I didn't figure you to be such an Idealist"


"When you see as much action as I have, the one thing that hopes to end it seems to be worth fighting for."


Sule smiled "Well then, I believe you have an Army to prepare. We have a big battle ahead of us"


Glaive nodded and left.


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