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Midnight pressed back, "you dont understand what ive been through, no, how could you, you went into politics, 1 mission and you were already disgusted." his eyes shimmered "thats war." midnight smirked and stopped pushing back, causing indigo to overcompensate and lose his balance.


Midnight put his hoof on indigos stomach and launched him into the tents support again, midnight rolled over, and got to his hooves breathing a little hard, "i lost my mate to the damn pegasai, they killed her, she was unarmed and had no way to fight back." he put his sword tip to indigos exposed neck.


(100th post mosockra)

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"How dare you... You lost your mate?" Indigo's voice was uneven as he spit it out with venom. "I LOST MY ENTIRE GODDAMN FAMILY TO YOU BASTARDS!" Indigo roared, before throwing a pepper-spray bomb into Midnight's face.


Indigo's eyes burned, he could barely breath through the pepper spray's fumes, and his body hurt from Midnight's pummeling. No, he can't leave now. Not while Tyrannus is still alive. Indigo blinked and tried to look past Midnight at where Tyrannus was standing, but all he could see were two pony-shaped blurs. As the pepper gas burned his lungs, Indigo came to a grim conclusion: he didn't have a chance in Tartarus of beating anypony in his condition.


Indigo shakily struggled to his feet, and leaped up and took off through the tear in the tent's ceiling.

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midnight wiped his eyes, coughing himself, he turned and exited the tent, "nngg," his body was shaking, something wasnt right here, what was going on? his lungs face and eyes burned, and something was in pain.


shiri walked forward, touching his forehead, "hmm, your strong willed midnight,you can take alot," she led him over to a pool of water where he was able to wash most of the spray off, his face still tingled as he dried it off, "how can he understand."


midnight spat out some blood, "i lost my entire family that day," he shook his head, "i was born beacuse of magic, an experiment to see if it could be done, if they could send a spy of the malumais own, but was only loyal to the unicorns, pegasai and earth ponies, but then, i was tossed away when the experiment was banned, even if it was a success."

shiri blinked, none of this had been in his documents, it was said that he was born in the malumai capital hopsital, to a loving family, but when the doctors were "questioned", they didnt even know who he was, she knew something had been odd about him.


He sighed and looked down, "damnit chrys, why did you have to die, we were so close to having a foal of our own, i could have hung up my weapons, became a farmer...."

he shook his head hitting the water, "you want an army, i can train one in a week."

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC I'm sorry Sule's story isn't as interesting or action packed right now)


Storm flew off to Cloudsdale to visit the Pegasi leaders before she gave him an answer.


"Alright then, I can find Clover."


Clover was the apprentice of Star Swirled the Bearded and was the advisor to Princess Platinum of the Unicorns. In the worst of times, she would be the voice of reason that stayed calm and would know the right answer. She was also extremely powerful in magic and could probably fix their problems


Sule spotted Clover near a small camp. When he landed, he was amazed to see her talking to an Earth Pony. Most Malumai would never do something like that.


"Clover? It's me, Sule. Do you still remember me?"


Clover smiled and gave him a big hug.


"Sule, old friend! It's so good to see you!"

"It's so good to see you, too! You look just the same as when I left."

"You look ten years older."


Sule blushed. Being Archon has been very stressful and has made him look much older than he really was.


"Umm,.. yes. Listen, I wish I came under better circumstances, but right now I need your expertise."

"For what?"

"Tyrannus will escape from his prison if he hasn't already. I need your help to beat him again."

Edited by Anony-Brony


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Tyrannus yelled, "Stop him!" A nearby malumai stuttered out, "but sir, our-," interrupted by a quick kick from Tyrannus, who started out after Indigo. He blew past Shiri and Midnight in pursuit, and took to flight.

Edited by frenzyhero

Swoop said:
If something does happen to go horribly wrong, please, blame Zoop.

Frenzyhero: Lurking extraordinaire, brony impersonator.

Have a question? Mail me at frenzymlp@hotmail.com! It's just for you guys!

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Clover had a worried look in her eyes.


"I said you were the only one who could revive him fully, unless they broke the Orb" Clover said

"Someone stole the Orb. I think whoever is behind it is going to revive him by giving Tyrannus a host"


Clover looked away for a second, as if lost in thought.


"I know it is very awkward for us to talk, with our past and all." said Sule

"I'm sorry. It's just that I never thought you would come back..."

"Like I said, this is a special circumstance. Do you know how to beat Tyrannus?"

"If he really did break out of the Orb and took a host, I'm afraid it won't be that easy, another Orb won't work"


Sule sighed, was it ever easy?


Clover continued "If you were to use another Orb, only the host's soul will be put into it, Giving Tryannus full control of the body. He will be immune to the Orb if you happen to have another on hand, as well. There is also the problem of his magic.


"What Magic?"


"If he has been in the Orb, the Orb's magical properties rub off on him. He will have limited unicorn like powers, if he realizes it."


Sule was getting more stressed as they spoke. There looked like there was no way out.


"Of course, you can... kill Tyrannus' host. Then use another Orb to grab his soul. I didn't want to mention it because I know you wouldn't agree it."


"What choice do I have? Do you have another Orb?"


"Oh, yes, they grow on trees in Equestia." She said sarcastically. "What do you think! We can go to my hut to see if I can make one"


Sule smiled, Clover hadn't changed at all. She was still the Funny and smart Unicorn he had loved.


(OOC, romance?)


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((I'm back! Sorry I was gone!))


Storm Comet listened to their conversation. She was itching to introduce herself. She waited patiently, listening carefully to what they were saying. Then she couldn't hold it in anymore.


"Hi! I'm Storm Comet! It's super great to meet you!" She bounced up and down, and looked at both of them. "Are you two dating?" she asked curiously.

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"Gah!" Sule was startled and turned around to see Storm, "Storm! What are you doing here? I thought you went back to talk with the Pegasi!"

Edited by Anony-Brony


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"That was BORING!" she said happily. "So I came back to see you guys!" She giggled like crazy. "I talked to them for a little bit, but they weren't paying much attention so I said I'd talk to them a little later!"

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"Uhhh...Clover, I would like to introduce you to the Pegasi ambassador to the Malumai, Storm Comet"


Clover held out her hoove. "Charmed"


Clover looked at Sule. "Why would you need an ambassador for the Pegasi?"


"Well, we weren't... invited to Equestria. Since we are closely related to Pegasi, I was hoping we could come with them."

"Why would you want to come? This place isn't really...Malumai friendly, if you know what I mean."


Sule sighed. He had hoped with the whole 3 tribes coming together, he would hope his ponies would accepted into their society. I guess that wouldn't happen yet either.


"Besides," She continued, "I don't think most Malumai are ready for love and harmony"


"Despite the fact that statement is completely racist, you're right..." Sule's put his head down, "The society I hoped to create is falling apart, so soon. We have basically fallen into civil war. Even if we beat Tyrannus and stop the war, so what? We are just going to rip each other to shreds, just a bit slower than with war. Maybe we aren't cut out for Equestria."


Clover sensed he was giving into hopelessness, so she tried to give him a nudge in the right direction.


"C'mon, where's the Sule I used to know? The one that came to me when he was a still Pegasi POW and asked me for the a way to save his ponies! He was lively, and full energy! The pony I loved..."


"...became Archon to ponies who needed a Tyrant" Sule finished


"Let's go to my hut," Clover said, "we don't have much time! I will see what I can do"

Edited by Anony-Brony


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Indigo crash landed into the capital's castle, and was helped up by several of the guards. "Urgh."


"Indigo, your teammates reported what happened. W...where's the rest of your team?" one of the guards reported.


"I barely escaped with my life, and had elude his henchponies all the way here. If they didn't make it back..." Indigo hung his head "...then they didn't make it out."


"...then what do we do?" The guard asked.


Something was wrong here. "Where's the Archon?"


"He fled. An hour after you left, he just took off without warning." The guard muttered, his dissapointment and anger apparent.


Indigo swore to himself. Tyrannus was back to life, he had a respected general with him, and now the Archon was unaccounted for. This was going to be the start of a very bad day.

  • Brohoof 1
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midnight looked after tyrannus, "sire, its no use, he may be innebriated, but hes a fast flyer, we can deal with indigo later, right now, we need to focus on turning this group of.....civilians, into trained soldiers," he waved a hoof at the large group of malumai, then turned to shiri, "this wont win us the castle, we need a larger group."

shiri smirked, "now THERES the midnight i read about," she giggled with evil glee, "those surprises i told you about, could help us gather some friends."

she smiled and touched his cheek, "leave that to me, you have an army to train and lead."


midnight nodded, "yes ma'am." he turned, and barked at the civilians, "alright pick up your weapons, and lets get this started."

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Sule, Storm, and Clover went to Colver's hut. It was in a rather small settlement at the base of the mountain.


"Nice town" said Sule


"Yeah, well, we haven't gotten much time to start. It's not as big as Chiroptera. We just got here and began a settlement that will be the capital of Equestria"


"What's it called?"


"There are no official names for it, but I think we were leaning to Trotalot"


"That doesn't sound right, why not Canterlot?"


Clover smiled "That sounds perfect! I will run it by the council."


Clover opened the door to the hut with her horn and let them in. It wasn't that small, but felt small because of all the books, charts, and maps around the walls.


"A little light readling?" Sule Joked


"I'm sorry for the mess, I had to empty the Unicorn castle library. There are three more huts filled to the brim with books. We ran out of room, so I put some here."


"Does one of these books have the spell to make the Orb?"


"Yes, I didn't make it last time. It was one of Star Swirled the Bearded's projects. I believe that it is in one of these books"


Sule and Storm sighed. This was going to take a lot longer than they had hoped for.

Edited by Anony-Brony


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three malumai were pushed into the clearing, a mare and two stallions "general, we caught these three in the forest,"

midnight looked over at the recruits in the field, he barked at one "your in charge, keep them practicing."

Then trotted over, he recognized these malumai, they were recruits of his, he blinked, then looked over at the tent where shiri was with tyrannus.


"good," he looked each one up and down "we need a place to keep them, shiri might have use for them," he thought for a moment, "come along then."

as they walked the three recruits frowned, "sir, why are you on their side? as much as you dislike sule...."

midnight turned, his eyes flaring that sickly green, "i dont have a choice," he leaned close, the mare noticed his eye color, it was all wrong.


He looked between them, "what did i teach you about being captured?" they looked at each other then back at him, "never mind, lets go." deep in his mind he had the feint hope that they remembered quickly, or they would fall under the same curse he did.

the mare whispered to the two stallions, "wait, i remember, theres always a way to escape, it will always present itself."

she looked between midnight and the guard, "theres only two of them, and one isnt trained well, the other im sure couldnt, and dosent want to overpower us....we could make a break for the castle and warn sule or indigo."


the stallions looked at her, "tell them what? im sure they already know...."

the mare facehooved, "didint you see midnights eyes, arent they normally lava orange? their now a sickly and evil green.....somepony in this camp is using a mind control of some sort....and it seems to be very leinent but very strong on midnight."


midnight frowned, "what are you three yapping about back here?"


the mare whispered "lets do it, NOW."


the two stallions quickly overpowered the guard and knocked him out with a kick to the gut and a punch to the temple, they quickly grabbed whatever weapons he had on him and turned to midnight.

midnight had no weapons and was essentially defenseless, "going to kill me?" he said with a frown,

they shook their heads, "no, were going to get you and the others help."


midnight smirked, "you have about 10 minuites before i can get back to the camp, run, fly, do whatever....hopefully you can warn the right ponies."

they nodded and dissappeared into the trees, shiris control was weaker the further midnight got, he would need an excuse, so he sighed and hit his head hard against a tree, causing a large cut to appear on his forehead.

he then picked up the unconsious guard and carried him back to camp.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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The three of them looked for around 20 minutes in the pile of books before Clover said the magic words.


"I found it!"


She cracked open the book and started to skim the pages.


"Here we go! A spell that make a prison for a soul. I says here we need something that is already a prison to make it."

"What the hay does that mean?"

"In short of finding a giant prison and dragging it here, then it means we need to find something that is like a prison in a way..."


They sat there pondering for a while when Sule got an idea


"How about a book? The words on the page are stuck where are and they cannot leave."

"I guess that qualifies as a prison..."

"Do we have any other choice? Just try it."


Sule picked a book and gave it to Clover.


"Uhh, no. That book is way to valuable."

Sule picked up another after another, with Clover saying no to each one.


"Damn it, Clover, just pick one! The lives of ponies are at stake here!"

"Alright, alright... this one."


She picked up a dictionary and pointed here horn at it. She focused all she could on it. The Aura of her magic enveloped around it and it started to shine. More magical power came out of Clover's horn and finally, the book turned into an Orb. Clover collapsed out of exhaustion.


"Clover, are you ok?"


(OOC dangit! that was my worst post ever!)


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the 3 ponies ran as far and as fast as they could, making it to the castle in as little time as possible, they burst in the door, the stallions collapsing from exaustion, but the mare had important news and she went to find sule or indigo.




Midnight frowned when his soldiers returned, "sir, they got away."

midnight shook his head and smiled, "i trained them well." he frowned, "dismissed, continue training."

he turned towards shiri and walked into the tent, "ma'am, the three of them have escaped."

shiri looked up, "hmm? oh, its no problem." she grinned, "what you need to do is get into the castle, and let us in the back door, nopony knows of you...yet, not from what ive been hearing through my spies."

midnight nodded, "yes ma'am."

shiri grinned, "good boy, now get going, take a small group with you, dont worry.....ill know when the castle is venerable."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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With the ponies oh so eager to join up with the evil dictator, why do the pesky ones have to remain loyal? "What is it?"


"We have a report from a couple recruits, who ran into some of Tyrannus's ponies."


"Can it wait for a bit? I'm not drunk yet." Indigo was sitting at the desk in Sule's office. He had come in there in the hopes of finding something, anything, in Sule's personal effects that can be used against Tyrannus. But after quickly discovering that his search was going to be fruitless, Indigo, in his despair, settled upon drowning his sorrows at his liege lord's desk. But he hadn't even finished his first mug of ale before being interrupted by the guard.


"It's important. You're going to want to hear this." the guard replied.


"Ugh, fine." Indigo set his mug down "I'm coming."






"MIND CONTROL?" Indigo asked, increduously.


"Yeah. That's the only way it makes sense. And Instructor Moon pretty much confirmed it himself." one of the stallions replied. After getting away from Midnight Moon, the three recruits immediately retreated back to the castle.


"And how do you know the traitor wasn't just lying to you?" Indigo asked. This mind-control business was hard to believe.


"Why would he? They're obviously gathering recruits, and they're keeping it secret."


"...and letting you go would bring risk on what they're doing." Indigo finished his sentence. It was hard to believe, but some form of mind-control magic would make sense. Indigo remembered what he observed earlier, during the attack on the castle: the rebels' strange and unnatural movements. If that moment was somepony forcing them to stop what they're doing and look at the Archon, then that makes a scary amount of sense.


"Very well. Thank you for informing me of this. You are dismissed." Indigo quickly took his leave of the guards. If this is true, then this definately complicated matters. Magic isn't something they were prepared for. The malumai race are born warriors. They were bred to fight, and this is a fight that they can-


Something clicked in Indigo's mind, and for once he smiled. He took that back, this didn't complicate matters; in fact this simplified matters greatly.


"You, guard" Indigo turned to an underling. "I need you go fetch ...whoever it was who replaced General Moon. Tell him I wish to speak with him immediately."

  • Brohoof 1
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Midnight walked into the courtyard, smirking, he looked behind him, "take out the guards and leave the door open," he turned and looked up at the lights of the castle, his men were prepared enough, a small strike force could get into the castle and basically take it from the inside then shiri and tyrannus could move in.

he looked back at the 15 malumai that had joined him, while two took the guards places, "we go in, straight for the throne room, knock out any guards along the way, they will be useful later, is that clear?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Sule helped Clover back onto her hooves.


"I'm fine," she said, "I'm just not used to doing magic that powerful.


They looked at the Orb. It was just like the one that Star Swirled the Bearded made for him the first time.


"I don't think we can fly back to Chiroptera in time to stop Tyrannus. By then, he will have taken over the castle.

"I think I can transport you there with a transportation spell!"

"Are you sure? I thought it only worked for short distances."

"Star Swirled the Bearded also made up one for long distance travel. Everypony gather close."


Storm, Clover, and Sule squished together as much as they could. I had been a while since Clover and Sule were ever that close.


Cloverf started her unicorn magic, and with a blink of an eye, they were off.


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midnight frowned, the locket seemed to burn a bright green, and he feard being noticed, but, by some mirical, the guard never noticed him, he had to sneak into the throne room and open the escape tunnel, essiantly it worked both ways, as an escape route, and a entrance, not many ponies knew about it, and he was one of the few that did.

he wondered if even sule knew about it, considering it was tyrannus that wanted it, dispite him being a stand and fight type of pony...midngiht shrugged and continued moving, staying in the shadows and avoiding the guards.


as midnight reached the thron room he looked around, no sule or indigo, it was vacant, even the guards were gone, "hmmm," he shrugged and went behind the throne and pulled the lever, the door on the top and bottom of the stairs, "inform the king and shiri that...."

shiri stepped out from the group, tyrannus behind her, "that will not be nessicary general, we are already here..."

midnight blinked, "what is this i dont...." he shook his head, "the throne room is ours ma'am, shall we overrun the restof the castle?"

shiri smirked, "well, i dont see why not."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"I'm sure you've heard the rumors by now," Indigo told the Malumai general in front of him, "about what happened earlier today."


"That the Old King is back from the dead?" The general replied.


"More like we have a coup attempt in planning as we speak." Indigo replied. "Thanks to the two incidents during the day yesterday, and another incident that occured earlier tonight, we now know that there's an armed group looking to remove Sule from office."


"Really?" The general sounded bored. "And?"


Indigo stifled a growl. He certainly didn't approve of this disrespect coming from his subordinate. "...and I'm about to tell you something that should cheer you up." The general raised his eyebrow, so Indigo continued, "The Archon and I aren't idiots, we know exactly how much you and your bloodthirsty soldiers are itching for a fight." At this, the general stiffened. Indigo finished, "Which brings me to why I called you here. The Archon and I, for reasons I don't care to disclose, are not going to attempt diplomacy. This rebel army needs to be crushed. So, for once in Sule's administration, I'm ordering the military to full alert. We expect an attack on the city very soon, so your orders are to gather the troops and prepare a defense for the city, and to wait for further orders. You are dismissed."


The general stared at Indigo for a moment, before suddenly saluting, "Uh, yes sir." before turning tale and leaving.


Indigo stood in the corridor. He wasn't used to giving orders like that, but with Sule off to Epona knows where, Indigo didn't have a whole lot of options at the moment. And hopefully by ordering the rebels' destruction would be enough to indulge in the military's bloodlust for now.

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Clover, Sule, and Storm poofed out of thin air in Sule's office


Clover held her head. "Ach... that hurt more than I expected"


Sule looked to see if anypony else was in the room. He saw Indigo sitting at his desk.


"Indigo, good to see you. How are things going?" Sule then saw the mug of ale on his desk. Indigo was always a sober pony, but when circumstances were bad, he would take a drink or two to got his mind off it. "Not well, I take it?"


Indigo gave the 'we're-doomed' look. Sule knew that they were too late. Tyrannus must have escaped and he was on his way.


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Midnight frowned, he was at the head of the group of ponies, he wanted this to go stealthy, until the main doors were open, shiri and tyrannus were in the throne room for the moment, no doubt making plans.

midnight shook his head, he wasnt much for politics, he moved up behind one of the guards, shiri had given him something, something he didnt quite understand, but it glowed green in his hoof, he pressed it against the back of the guards neck, and the guard fell immiedietly, unconsious, the guard across the hall fell at about the same time.


midnight looked back and nodded at the others, then opened the doors, essentialy opening the flood gates as 100 + malumai made their way into the castle.


(XD im getting worse and worse)


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"...and that's about when you teleported back." Indigo had finished bringing Sule up to speed on what had happened: what happened in the forest, Tyrannus's takeover of Sal's body, Midnight's betrayal, the report on the rebels' mind control, and Indigo mobilizing the military. "I'm sorry for giving orders without your input, but since I had no idea where you were at the time, I didn't feel like I had a whole lot of options."


They were walking through the corridor, but before Sule could respond, they heard a crash from somewhere below them. "What the hay was that?"

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Midnight shook his head, he was standing alone in the courtyard, something wasnt right, he couldnt put his hoof on it, but something was right, as he made his way into the small garden he noticed the pond.

looking in the water he sighed, there was somepony he was forgetting as well, but who was it, and why did he feel so terrible?



shiri shook her head, blasting back one of the soldiers, "useless," smirking she led a group of about 10 up the staircases, "last floor, their bound to be here somewhere."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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