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private The Good King


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Sule could hear hoofsteps of multiple ponies coming up the stairs. He knew that these mush be the ponies trying to take over the castle.


"Clover," he whispered, "Can you transport all of us in the dungeon? I'm sure there is nopony in there. we can decide our plan for action down there..."


"I'll try..." She said.


Her horn flashed with magic and enveloped them. Then they were in the dungeon.


Indigo looked shocked, he had never seen magic like this before.


"Indigo, Clover. Clover, Indigo" Sule said


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Storm bounced up and down excitedly. "Your magic is so good, Clover!" she squealed. "That was AWESOME!" She tried to calm down a little, and so she leaned against the dungeon wall silently, watching the conversation between the other ponies.

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Clover swayed a bit.


"I think that last transportation spell was a bit too much for me..." She said. Clover then collapsed.


"Clover!" Said Sule, kneeling by her side. "Are you ok?"


She was out like a light. Indigo and Sule looked at each other with worried glances. This was really the worst time for something like this. As much as Sule wanted to tend to her, they had bigger things to do.


"Indigo, you and I have to go and make sure the military is ready for the attack." They could hear the voices and hoofsteps of rebels upstairs. "We've basically lost the castle. We need to regroup and try to retake it later. Storm, I need you to watch over Clover. I think you will be fine down here. We will be back for you." He said.


Storm nodded with a serious look on here face


"I never thought there was a serious bone in her body" Sule thought


With that, the two Malumai snuck out the dungeon door and flew out of the castle. Sule looked back and hoped Clover would be safe.


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Indigo and Sule eluded the rebels and soared into the sky above the city. As they had feared, the castle was on its way to being completely taken over. Looking around, Indigo quickly spotted a column of smoke coming from elsewhere in the city, and it didn't take Indigo long to realize where it was coming from. "Dammit, they've hit the main barracks!"

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midnight looked up at the barracks, then trotted inside the still burning building, all the recruits had made it out it seemed, so he turned to his room, and kicked open the door, burning pieces of wood were falling.

"of all the times for this place to FINALLY fall apart." he growled to himself, looking all over the desk he couldnt spot what he was looking for, "what AM i looking for?" he shrugged, and looked up, he would need to hurry if he didnt want to be roasted alive

he could already feel the heat, he was sweating and his coat was singed in places.

but he continued to sift through the desk, till he found a small locket with the picture of a smiling mare, a mare he recognized, shaking his head he shoved the locket into his saddlebag as the roof caved in around him.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Sule and Indigo flew over to see if there were any soldiers still left. They were defending what was left of the barracks from the rebels.


"Retreat!" Yelled Sule, "We will regroup and try again later!"


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midnight shook his head, clearing his head, then trying to move, he winced in pain, "agg...." he looked to his left, where the pain was coming from, and tried to lift his wing but a hole had been burned through the webbing of it, and it layed at an odd angle.

"nng." he shook his head again, then when his vision had cleared he realize he was in a tent of some kind, it wasnt a rebel tent, the fabric, and the markings on it were diffrent, this was a military.....but...they must realize by now that, dispite being under anothers influance, he was a traitor, plain and simple.


when he tried to move his legs, thats when he lightly smiled, they were shackled, and tightly, all he could do was wait to see what was going to happen to him.


shiri looked over at tyrannus who had seated himself comfortably on his old throne, "its good to be back isnt it sire?"


(meh, couldnt think of anything else)


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Some of the soldiers looked at Sule like he was insane.


"Hurry! We don't have much time!"


The soldiers began to break ranks. They retreated to the streets and began to run out of the city. Other groups around the city heard the word and started to retreat as well.


Sule knew that they needed to bring the amass the army and take back they city in one fell swoop. For the time being, Tyrannus' rebels will believe they have won. Hopefully they won't feel that way for long.


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Later that day...


The noon sun hung high in the sky. Inidgo, unable to sleep after the previous night's events, paced around the makeshift camp they set up after the rebels ousted them from the capital. His private thoughts are interrupted when an underling approached him and saluted. "Sir. The prisoner is awake. You might want to speak with him."


What? "...when did we take a prisoner?"


"He was injured in an attack on the barracks, so we grabbed him when the Archon ordered us to retreat." The guard blinked. "Nopony told you?"


Indigo facehoofed. I am surrounded by morons. "Just... just tell me where we're keeping the prisoner."


The guard nodded and directed Indigo to a nearby tent. Indigo walked in, and was greeted with the sight of Midnight Moon, hooves shackled, lying on the floor. "Well, well, well. Now who do have here?" Indigo said, pleased.

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Midnight looked up, "indeed." he rolled onto his hooves keeping his severly injured wing from touching the ground, "what do you plan on doing with me?"

he was inwardly smiling seeing as he couldnt do any harm while being kept here, at least he hoped he wouldnt.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC I feel we should have some background on Sule and Clover's relationship...)


It was high noon at the makeshift Army camp, and Sule was enjoying his first real sleep in several nights. He hadn't slept since the first riot at the castle, so he was enjoying every minute of it. He was dreaming about Clover, the future that she said they could have had. Despite the fact that she was a Unicorn and he was a Maluma, Sule genuinely believed they they would have had a future together. Before he became Archon, he met Clover when all the tribes were separate. Sule was a POW by the Pegasi at the time, but they never really considered him a threat since he was not a Malumai soldier. This worked well for Sule's advantage, since he was able to convince the Generals let him go if he found a way to end the war. Sule knew the war was effecting the Pegasi more than the Malumai, since the Malumai were going through an industrial revolution and had a better equipped army. The Generals agreed, and let him go to find a way to end the war. Sule thought that the Unicorns would help him, since their much of their territory was in middle of the battlezone. He asked many unicorns for help, but they all stuck up their noses at him. Once Sule was ready to give up, he heard somepony talk to him. He smiled as he remembered the conversation.


"Excuse me, sir, but are you a Maluma?" said the Unicorn

"What was your first guess? A bunny?"


She chuckled, "I've never met a Maluma before."

"Really? It seems many unicorns share that trait..."


She chuckled again, "You're quite funny! My name is Clover."

Sule was baffled. No Unicorn would stoop so low as to talk to a non-Unicorn, especially a low-life Maluma like himself.


"Umm... My name is Sule."

"Fascinating name! What does it mean?"

Sule thought about it for a second "I actually don't know. It doesn't have a meaning I think..."

"Really? That's interesting. So Sule, why are you here? I would normally think Malumai would be trying to conquer us now, but I take it your not a soldier."

"Uhh... Right. Listen, could we not talk here? These ponies are looking at us weird."

"Of course. We can go to the library."


At the library in the Castle, he explained his predicament to Clover. Sule was beginning to like her a lot. He had never met a mare so knowledgeable and pretty before.


"I can help you!" she said, "What do you need."

"A way to stop the Malumai king Tyrannus. I realize now that he is the one behind the war. He is said to be truly evil."


She took him to her room in the castle and brought out the Orb.


"This Orb is a prison for a soul. If you use this on Tyrannus, his soul will be trapped inside here, and only you can free him in his full form."


Just as she was about to give to Sule, she said, "A word of warning. If somepony breaks it, Tyrannus' soul may be able to take somepony near him as a host..."


"I will be careful"


All of a sudden, There was a burst of lightning. A large thunderstorm brewed outside.


Clover looked areound her room. "You know, Sule, it is quite the journey back to Cloudsdale. Perhaps you can..."




Sule was jolted wake by one of the soldiers, who was saluting him. Sule began to wake up from his groggy state.


"Grrr... What is it?" Sule said. He wasn't in the best of moods.


"I'm sorry to wake you sir... but Ancient Indigo wants to speak with you. He told me to wake you if you were asleep. There is a prisoner that he thinks you should see..."


"...At this this hour? I have had a rough last couple of nights, let me rest..."


"He said it was quite urgent."




Sule got up off the ground and went to the prison tent. There he saw Indigo with the most unlikely guest... General Moon.

Edited by Anony-Brony
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Midnight looked at the dethroned king, he sighed, it was kind of his fault they were all here, he shook his head, and bowed softly, "ahh, sule, i was wondering if you made it out or not, knowing tyrannus, i thought not, but you continue to surprise."

he looked up, "well, like i asked indigo, what do you plan to do with me?" he tilted his head, "i definetly dont diserve to be let go....execution? no.....no offence but that goes against everything you stand for......" he began to think out loud.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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((Okay, I haven't posted in forever, here goes...))


Storm stood there, frowning. She looked at Clover, who still seemed exhausted from the powerful spell. She was pretty confused, and had no one to ask questions to. She’d always been very questioning about everything, but recently she had tried as hard as she could to stay quiet and let the ponies who knew what to do work everything out. Still, she wasn’t exactly sure what was happening, but she knew it was big.



Storm leaned against the wall, wondering what Sule and Indigo and the others were doing. She sort of wanted to go and find out, but knew that the right thing to do would be to stay here with Clover, who was still tired out. Storm and Clover waited for what seemed like forever, listening to the various crashes and noises coming from above.


“I hope everything’s okay,” Storm said, even though it clearly wasn’t. And according to Clover’s raised eyebrows, Clover realized that as well.


Storm drifted off into a daydream, bored out of her mind. Then there was a crash that sounded very close. Storm and Clover's heads turned, alert. They exchanged glances, and Storm stood up. Then the door broke down to reveal a huge group of Tyrannus's rebels, each of them equipped with a weapon. The weapons were pointing right at them. Storm and Clover stepped back, unable to defend themselves, what with Clover still weak from her previous magic. Storm realized with a jolt that they were captured. There was no way to get out of this.



((OOC: Okay, that was a really badly written post, I'm sorry! They will improve xD))

Edited by isobelthegreat
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(OOC Hey Isobel that was pretty good! just keep it up!)


"What?" Sule wasn't fully awake yet, so he hadn't grasped the gravity of the situation. "Execute? I... I don't think so. Indigo said something about mindcontrol. Are you General Moon right now?"


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midnight nodded, "yes, though im not a general, havent been in years, its just midnight." he looked at the ground "though with what ive done, i think execution would be a light punishment." he was still in a bow, it showed he meant no harm and nor was he a threat to anypony in the tent.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Sule wasn't going to execute Midnight, but he decided to play that card.


"Alright then, if you prefer to not get executed, tell us everything you know."


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Midnight looked up, "everything hmm?"

he chuckled, "fine, but itll start alot earlier then you think."

he got comfortable on the ground wincing at his wing, "listen, nopony knows about my past where i was born and the like, correct? at least those that have done their research."

without waiting for an answer he smiled, "beacuse i wasnt born normally, i was "born" by magic, a test of a select group of the most powerful unicorns."

he looked down and shut his eyes remembering everything, "they wanted somepony that could be a loyal spy for the combined unicorn and pegasai military, but "repurposing" a malumai, as in mind control, would be difficult if not time consuming, so they gathered and decided to MAKE a spy, somepony that would be loyal to the pegasai and unicorns, and still be a malumai in heart and body, and so they broke one of the few laws that was thought to be impossible" he looked up, "creating life."


he chuckled, "i grew up normally, well as normal as you can get being in a labratory, or whatever you call it, he shook his head and stood up. "anyway, one of the unicorns, an old grizzled unicorn, he never told anypony his true name, just a nickname, Nova, and i didnt think of it at the time, but he enjoyed the war, he told me tyrannus was doing what others were scared to do, and that was kill without mercy, or a care in the world who was crushed under his hoof." he frowned,

"it was him that started my hate for the pegasai and even my creators, the unicorns...." shaking his head he got those memories out of his mind and focused on some new ones almost a decade later, i was fully intigrated into the malumai military and giving them information, and to further my story of being normal, i had met a young mare, chrys a simple farmer mare, but i kinda went head over hooves for her and we kinda hit it off....." he smiled sadly then frowned, "it was just after i was made a leutennant, i was on leave in a small border town with her, we had just gotten married you see..."

he sighed, "...the pegasai attacked, and they took her, i gave chase, through the burning streets, i i dont mean small fires, i mean every other house just spontaniously burst into flames, thats how i knew unicorns were there as well, how could the pegasai light anything on fire themselves, espically in that magnitude?"

looking away he growled, "in any case, on the edge of town, i found her, in a ditch, her throat had been slit, and i could see the pegasai, retreating, and him....nova, the unicorn i thought cared for me....all this time....and hes behind this, all of this, everything that has happened in the past week or so, its beacuse of him.....i see him in my dreams when im under shiris control......"


looking down he did something that he was sure surprised them all, as tears dripped off his muzzle, " and.....i was about to be a father,"

He looked over at indigo, sadness in his eyes, "you want to know why i harbor so much resentment for the other races? why i was so ruthless 7 years ago? there it is, they killed my wife and child, my family, i understand that your family was killed, but, i didnt have a family or anypony that really cared about me until i met chrys, and was about to have a child of my own, i was about to hang up my sword, live as a farmer, let my child grow and live and laugh in peace....but they took it away from me, and no matter how much i try to forgive, i just cannot forget what they did to me."

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                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC Wow... Just Wow, Midnight.)


Sule was shocked. This was completely... he couldn't think of the word.


Sule Motioned for Indigo to come outside the tent.


He looked at one of the guards.


"You there! Was Midnight unconscious when you brought him in?"


"Yes SIR!"


"Is it possible he was faking?"


"No SIR! He was quite out of it!"


Sule looked at Indigo


"Unless he has some freaky map powers, General Moon had no idea where the camp is. How do we proceed with this whole made by magic thing, if he's telling the truth?"

Edited by Anony-Brony


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"My advice is to feed him to the hounds. But that's mostly wishful thinking on my part" Indigo narrowed his eyes. "To be frank, sir, the stallion's insane. He was one of your predecessor's top generals, only two promotions away from being his second-in-command, and he was well-known for his ruthlessness. I'm having a hard time buying his 'ready to hang up my sword' story."


Indigo turned his head. "And I have no idea what to make of this 'born of magic' business"

Edited by Jadefire
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while they were talking midnight made his way over to his saddlebag, pulling out the small picture, "oh chrys, i tell them the truth, but, in the end things never turn out the way they seem, my actions werent the best."

she just continued to smile at him, and he looked down, "if there were some way i could get them to believe me, but how, even if i could produce some shred of evedince, my service record speaks against me....." he sighed and just curled up in the corner, staring at her picture, just waiting, wondering what will become of him.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Your making an excellent point, I have a hard time believing it as well. But that story seemed to be way too out there to have been made up on the fly. If he was... created but Unicorns, do you think they gave him some magical powers? I mean, why make a spy if you don't give him something special like that?" He looked at the tent. "What if he doesn't know about them, or he isn't letting us know..."


Sule had a hard decision to make here. He knew Midnight was dangerous. He would definitely comprise the mission to take back Chiroptera.


On the other hoof, Sule was beginning to believe in the story. He sort of sympathized with him, knowing how hard it would be on him if Clover was died.


Security or Mercy, that was the question.


Sule chose both.


Sule looked at the guard again.


"Knock him out. We are going on a little trip with him."


The guard nodded, and went inside the tent. The guard took out his sword, and Midnight braced for what he thought was his last breath.


There was a loud crack as the flat side of the sword hit Midnight's head.


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*spongebob voice*

10 hours later


Midnight winced he was having a massive headache, "ahhh, havent been hit like that since.....i.." he looked around, surrounded by unicorns, some he recognized, others he didnt, the ones he recognized were a mare and stallion, the mare had a pink coat, the stallion had a red coat.


the stallion approached him, and lifted his hoof, making a gesture as his hoof glowed with a small bit of magical energy, midnight lifted his shackled hoof without thinking and attempted to return it his hoof glowing a light onyx.

the stallion then smiled, "midnight, it is you, i was wondering if id see you before i passed on."

midnight swallowed, "im sorry......father, i just....."

the stallion then frowned, "your king, sule, tells us about your many accolades.....and i can say young one, we did not raise you to be a murderer."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"I'm sorry for the whole "knocking you out thing"... I don't know the extent of your magical powers, so we "moved" you from the camp to keep the Military and it's location a secret. I brought you to... Trotalot was it?"


"We decided on Canterlot. I sounds better." said Midnight's mom

"Really? I was joking when I said it. When did Clover get time to tell you it?"

"She met with us while you were searching through the books."


"I knew she was making me and Storm do most of the work!"


"Uhh... Right. So we brought you to Canterlot and somepony recognized you, and here we are."



(OOC this is the part where midnight asks "what magical powers?")


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Midnight looked over at sule "wait.....magic powers....what?" he shook his head, "i dont understand...."

the red stallion looked over at sule, "i guess now is better then ever, it could help you correct?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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