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midnight frowned, "if that wasnt you?" he looked into the cave as something stepped into the edge of the torch light,

he blinked, it looked like a large malformed pony, its body was a bit mishapen, but its coat was a shade of dark green, and its eyes glowed red, midnight stood there, his eyes wide, not with fear, but with recognition.

"dusk....?" he blinked then took a step forward, she turned and made a swipe at him, with her half hoof half claw, but midnight ducked and rolled out of the way.

"dusk....i...its me? y-your brother?" he shook his head, "dear goddess, what did nova do to you."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Night Flash looked at Indigo and laughed.


''I was told to bring the Equestrian military to help you guys out and I brought my special forces battalion as well. I'm commander Night Flash of the Equestrian military. And you must be the drunkard King Sule has put in charge. Now get up'' said Night Flash who was getting impatient.



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(OOC dusk is a good name)


Sule ducked when Dusk lunged for him.


"STAY AWAY!" the monster said in a raspy voice.


The Guard charged at Dusk and stabbed the spear right through her side. It went clear through her, yet she took no notice. She turned to the guard and smashed him into the ground.


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Indigo furrowed his brow. "I am watching centuries of Malumai civilization commit suicide because we are too damn retarded to learn how to play nice. So I apologize if I'm a little bit less then presentable."


Indigo struggled to his hooves. "And the only reason I'm not having you executed for talking to me like that is the fact that it sounded like you said you were here to help us?"

Edited by Jadefire
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(thanks X3)


midnight blinked frozen to the ground, then shook his head clearing his head, before spreading his wings, and propelling himeslelf at a fast enough speed to push sule out of the way of another lunge by dusk,

midnight was thrown against the cave wall, but recovered quickly, dispite a large cut in his side and his still damaged wing, "dusk....im sor-" he was cut off as he dodged another attack.


"i dont want your pity..." she hissed,


midnight shook his head, "im sorry i couldnt protect you...it seems i fail alot at it these days...." his hooves glowed their firey red.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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While Midnight was battling his sister, Sule went to the crushed guard. He was really smashed, with his blood and organs spewed around. Somehow, he was still breathing.



"It's OK, soldier, you-you're going to make it through this..." Sule lied. What else could he say?

"Heh, heh *cough*...Never...thought...it...would...end...this way" He tried to say.

"Don't say that!"

"Why...Lie?...I...lived...a...good...life" He pulled out a picture. I had him with his wife and 2 fillies. A perfect family.


Sule looked at the picture. He could have broken into tears.




He took off his necklace, "...a...gift...for...them..." He gave it to Sule and put it around his neck.




With those last words, he left this world.



(OOC ok, I felt sorry for him)


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Night Flash looked at him again.


''Relax, we're all on the same side. I was sent here as reinforcements to help you out. My army is under your disposal but my own special forces battalion remains with me.'' said Night Flash in a much more calmer voice.


He looked around the tent and then looked back at Indigo


''So, what now? I was told you were having a little trouble with some protesters?'' said Night Flash with his eyebrow raised.

Edited by The Awesome One



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Midnight pinned his sister against the wall, with magical bindings, "i am truely sorry dusk, but the afterlife will be a better place for you."

his hooves filled with fire, as his eyes welled up "i love you."

He blasted the creature with every bit of power he had, till nothing was left but cinders and a black mark on the wall, "goodbye." he breathed softly and pushed himself to his hooves, and slowly limped to sule.

"im....sorry....about him," he looked down, giving a moment, just for sules sake, he looked over "ill see what i can do about getting him a proper burial."


he then picked up the torch and moved further into the cave, lighting torches as he went, he turned the corner, discovering some old rooms, two that looked more like animal cages, the larger ones, one looked like a labratory, and as he moved inside, he cringed as a repressed memory hit him like a ton of bricks.


"DUSK...." he whimpered, as he heard her screams all over again, before she was tossed back into the cage, midnight blinked and quickly limped over to her, "dusk.....a-are you okay?"

all she could do was cry, "d-dont worry....i-ill.....ill think of something....somepony will find us."


midnight shook his head before moving closer to the tables, they were crusted in blood, he had seen enough to know what the rust colored stuff was, it was all over, he turned and made his way into the adjoining office, and found papers, and old leatherbound journals.

Edited by Midnight Moon
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                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Sule shook it off. He looked at the picture and the locket the Guard gave him. He would meet with the Guards family personally to tell them the bad news. He would be sure they would be well taken care of.


Sule followed midnight into the musty lab. There was rust colored stains everywhere, including the table.


"Midnight... What did he do to you?"


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midnight looked back, trying to find the right words words, but then sighed, "everything imaginable,"

he swallowed "torture, experimentation, both physical and magical, messing with my mind."


he looked down "i read these papers, and this journal...i..i wasnt born by magic....."

he looked down, more memories surfacing from some suppressed part of his brain, as he read each line of text,

"he took my memory, then planted a false one....mabey he was trying to keep me sane by saying i was created.....that i didnt matter to anypony" he cringed as he read on in the journal, "i dont know...."

he turned, pulling the journal with him,


"Day 125, the colt continues to plead for his and his sisters life, but ive come too far now, neither of them can leave until i deem this experiment is successful.

The younger sister is immune to most of the magic, so ill have to try another more...physical method, but the colt, it has been working well, and in a short while he wont even know who his real parents are, not like he would care, their both dead in a ditch somewhere, the Pegasai wont know two of their own are missing, until its too late, just blame the malumai."


he swallowed, "my actual parents were.....pegasai?"

he read on,

"day 200, the colt has proven difficult and protective of the filly, to the point of putting his own life on the line, thought it is to be expected, but i have decided to split them up, the filly will be taken far away and told her brother is dead, i will tell the same to the colt, and hopefully that will end the difficulties,

at the other end of the spectrum, i believe i am close to getting this spell to work, but i need more magic then one unicorn has, which means, i will need to find a way to coerce other unicorns to help me make these soldiers."


midnight found it hard, but flipped through pages upon pages, then found another entry, "day 400, the experiment was successful, the unicorns believe they have created life, while the colt believes he was created by magic, he wont even realise he used to be a Pegasus, but this magic is permanent so it wont matter at any time, now he will be used as a "spy" for the combined equestrian nations, which means hes out of my control...... for now, but the filly is in my control, and i will continue experimenting on her."


Midngiht shook his head, "damnit, this isnt right.......this isnt right, im a malumai....." he looked over at sule....."right?" he had fear in his eyes, "unless im just.....a monster?"

Edited by Midnight Moon
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                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Indigo sat at his desk and rubbed his eyes, praying his migraine would end soon.


"Mmmnf. Talk about a massive understatement. If this was a mere protester problem, we all wouldn't be out here."


Indigo opened his eyes and looked at Night tiredly. "A few days ago, an army of these 'protesters', backed by high ranking traitors in our own government, launched a coup against Sule and kicked us out of the city. Now, Sic Semper Tyrannus is back on the throne and our government, for all intents and purposes, can now be accurately considered overthrown. So yes, we are having some massive trouble with protesters."


Indigo looked down. "To make matters worse, Tyrannus has now taken two high-profile hostages. Equestrian hostages.

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Night Flash listened to him very carefully.


''I'd be more than willing, to do this the old fashioned way but we're gonna lose a lot of ponies if we do it that way.'' Night Flash thought for a moment and then spoke again, ''I say we launch a surprise attack on them when they're least expecting it. Rescue the hostages and then take on their army. If you can call a bunch of silly little fillies who happened to get some weapons an army that is. My special forces were trained for covert operations. We'll use them to rescue the hostages while our main army provides a distraction. Of course, you and I will go and rescue them too.''

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Indigo smirked. "At last I meet somepony who's actually competent." Indigo frowned again. "Unfortunately, if that were possible, I wouldn't be sitting here nursing a hangover. Tyrannus has powerful magic at his disposal; it's how a bunch of farmers and factory workers were able to overthrow us to begin with. We believe he has support from the unicorns for some reason, Sule went to Equestria to try to get some answers from them."


Indigo cleared his throat, then immediately regretted it as a new pang of pain hit his skull. "Mmmnf. Anyway, what I'm saying is that we might be able to rescue the hostages, but we'll have to retreat as soon as we have them. Trying to defeat their army at this point will almost certainly end badly, until we know exactly what Tyrannus is capable of and how to get around it."

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(OOC: Sorry guys, I have to go now, last post for today)


''Well, if we don't try now, he'll be much stronger later on. Looks like we need some intel on this. With good planning, we CAN do this. Listen, I have around 5,000 Pegasi, 2,000 unicorns and so many earth ponies I've lost count. I'm pretty sure we can do this and minimize casualties at the same time. Now look here at my map, according to this, the city is completely surrounded by large stone walls. What we're gonna do is surround the city and put it under a siege. Then, a team of 15 ponies, consisting of the BEST we've got, will go into the city at night through the old abandoned sewer tunnels. One of those lead right to one of the courtyards of the palace. From there, they'll creep into the place where they've held the hostages and get out as fast as they can.' Night Flash paused to take a breath, ''The rest of the army, will simply keep those traitors occupied so that no one notices our spec ops team going in. The cover of the night and the diversion should be enough.''


Night Flash paused again then looked at Indigo


''By the way...got any good cider?''

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"All we got is crap ale. The damn rebels took the brewery."


Indigo looked at the map. "And I find it a little concerning that you have access to a map of the secret entrances into our city. Anyway, a siege is risky. Tyrannus is capable of some sort of mass mind control. If the siege goes south, you could end up facing the entire Malumai population. We're a warrior culture, if the population gets completely mobilized, then you'll certainly lose your entire army".

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"All we got is crap ale. The damn rebels took the brewery."


Indigo looked at the map. "And I find it a little concerning that you have access to a map of the secret entrances into our city. Anyway, a siege is risky. Tyrannus is capable of some sort of mass mind control. If the siege goes south, you could end up facing the entire Malumai population. We're a warrior culture, if the population gets completely mobilized, then you'll certainly lose your entire army".


Night Flash looked at him and then back at his map.


''Oh this? Your king had one of his messengers send it to me because he thought it might be useful for me. As for troops, the army I've brought with me is nothing compared to the full size and I'm willing to call in every lass division of Pegasi, Earth Ponies, and Unicorns to get that son of a bitch off the throne and those two high-profile hostages in safe hands.''


Night Flash got himself a glass and poured some ale into it from a bottle. He took a few sips and then continued.


''We really need to get those hostages out though. That's our first priority. I say we build up a 10 Pony team, including you, me, and our most stealthiest soldiers. We'll go into the tunnels at night and we'll reach the courtyard. From there, we'll go into the dungeons, free them, and run as fast as our legs can carry back into the tunnels. We can do that at least we?''


Night Flash then finished the rest of his ale in one go.


''Wow, this thing really is crap but never mind that, Indigo, we have got to get those prisoners out. I'm sure if we get in their undetected we wont run into any 'super soldiers' or things like those.''


Night Flash then started to head back to his own tent.


''Hey, call me when you've made up your mind. Oh, and sorry for calling you a drunkard!...did I just say that out loud?''



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Night Flash turned around and looked at him.


''Yeah, super soldiers. Just think about it. Who knows, he might be using his powers to turn the soldiers that support him into....things.''

Edited by The Awesome One



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Indigo hung his head. Fuck. He looked back up at Night. "Well, we didn't run into any of those on our way out. So hopefully that won't be a problem." Though that's not something I would put past Tyrannus for very long.

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Night Flash looked at him with one raised eyebrow


''Who knows what's in there. Maybe we should at least do a little recon before we plot our rescue.'' Night Flash calls a Unicorn soldier and two Pegasi Soldiers from his Spec Ops team ''Okay you three, you're coming with me to do a little spying on what 'ol Tyranny is up to in that palace of his. We'll be taking the route I talked about earlier of course.'' Night Flash looked back at Indigo ''Care to join us? It'll be dark in a few hours and that's when we'll be leaving just the five of us, no one else and this will strictly be a recon mission. We'll get on to the fighting and bashing part later once we know what we're up against.''



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Sule looked around the lab some more. Even though Midnight had some problems right now, he needed to worry about his own problems. He could still here the guard's last words resonating in his head...




Sule tried to shake it off and looked at the shelves of journals. For a mad scientist, he sure liked to keep things documented. When Sule was an inventor creating weapons for the Tyrannus, he always wrote stuff down as well, but Nova did it in way that seemed cold and methodical.


On one of the shelves, there books that were labeled by date, mostly many years ago. But then Sule noticed the first book book was just labeled with 'Revelations'. Sule took the book out of the self and began to read.


"My rival, Star Swirled the Bearded, has come up with the most troubling of spells. He has found a way to transport himself though time. One of my associates... borrowed the spell and I have found that he was not lying. I preformed the spell to see what would come of me and my work in the future. I was shocked. Thanks to Star Swirled's apprentice and her...friends, the three pony tribes made peace and together settled a land known as Equestria!"


"I was obviously shocked by this news, but I suppose times must change eventually. Traveled further in time to see what would come of it. They stayed as one nation. But then, a creature known as a "draconequus" came and brought chaos on the ponies. They called him "Discord". Two mares, who had the horns of Unicorns, wings of Pegasi, and strength of Earth Ponies, used their powers to turn him to stone. The locals were grateful and turned them into their monarchs."


"There was one thing that I was surprised not to see...me. I was not in the future, apparently I died in a power struggle. I was always planning on conquering the tribes and being their ruler. With Equestria having them united, that would be easier, with them all in one place. There was no stable government at the time, so i must have decided to take over without much support, this is what obviously led to my downfall. Despite the bad news, I have decided to go forward with this plan and get ready for a take over of Equestria. I just will be more prepared."


"But where will I get the support, the army, and place to prepare? From what I gathered, the Malumai did not join Equestria immediately, so my plan is to keep them as a separate country. I will then use their superior army to take over the Equestrians. I will kidnap a Pegasus and turn him into a Maluma. He will then infiltrate their government and aid in my takeover."


"But what of Discord? What of the two mares? I will use the Malumai population to create the ultimate soldiers. they will have the traits of the 3 tribes, just like the mares, but I will have an army of them!"


"With this knowledge of the future, I will rule ALL!"


Sule closed the book. He and Midnight stood in silence, not knowing how to react.

Edited by Anony-Brony


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"Us Malumai are nocturnal and we can see in the dark. If you want an advantage, sunset is your best bet. Most of us won't start waking up until a few hours into twilight, after the sun sets."


Indigo pondered for a moment. "Count me in. I should be sober by then, and I know the castle's layout well."

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midnight shook his head, his problems were the least of his concern at the moment shaking his head, he had magical abilities, and that would help sule, at least he hoped it would, he frowned, "so im supposed to be the malumai spy, but that part didnt work, so hes using shiri, and tyrannus."


walking up next to sule midnight sighed, "well, weve never seen eye to eye, on anything really, but whatever you need sire, ill do it."

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Thank you. The first thing we need to do is get your wing fixed"



(OOC midnight just fast forward them into canterlot and get your wing fixed there, then take us to the camp)

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