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private The Good King


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*in canterlot*


midnight set his wing on the table, "will....this hurt?" he looked up at the unicorns,

they shook their head, "healing the hole shouldnt hurt, but the broken bone, resetting it will be a BIT more painful, so just bite down on this," she put a piece of wood into his mouth, "to make sure you dont hurt anything else." she chuckled as their horns lit up, "now brace yourself.


Midnight winced and bit down hard as pain entered his body, immense amounts of pain, and it seemed like hours, but it was only seconds later that the glowing, and the pain died down enough for him to open his eyes, and find his wing was healed, he flapped it happily.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Us Malumai are nocturnal and we can see in the dark. If you want an advantage, sunset is your best bet. Most of us won't start waking up until a few hours into twilight, after the sun sets."


Indigo pondered for a moment. "Count me in. I should be sober by then, and I know the castle's layout well."


Night Flash smiled.


''Alright, I'll go gather my best soldiers and brief them. Also, this heavy armor is going to give away our location so we're gonna have to go in light. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to get some rest. The long journey from Equestria to here made me a bit tired.''


Night Flash then walked back to the soldiers he had chosen for the mission.


''Alright, Indigo is in this too, we're going in light because we don't want to anyone to hear or notice us. You have until the twilight hours to get ready and remember, getting those hostages out is a must for us because they're high profile hostages. One is that powerful unicorn you guys might have heard of and the other is the ambassador we sent here a while back. Now I'm gonna hit the hay. I'll see you in a few hours.''


The soldiers saluted Night Flash as he walked back to his own tent and fell asleep without even bothering to take his armour off.



*a few hours later*


Night Flash was woken up by one of his personal guards.


''Sir, it's almost go time. The maluma fellow is waiting in the commander's tent for you and so are the soldiers you chose to accompany you. They're outside drinking some of that ale.''


Night Flash reluctantly got up from his bed, it was so comfortable and he was having such a nice dream. He rubbed his eyes and brushed his mane back with his hoof. He looked at his guard and said:


''Oh yes, thankyou, you may go now.''


The guard saluted and exited the tent, leaving Night Flash alone again.


*Finally, some action*


(OOC: Sorry about fast-forwarding the time so much.)

  • Brohoof 1



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Sule and Midnight arrived a little before twilight. They had rushed as fast as they could to alert Indigo of the intelligence they had received. It was getting dark already, and Sule grumbled about losing another day of sleep. When he landed in front of Indigo's tent, Sule was surprised to see him not there. Midnight left to do his own thing and Sule searched for Indigo. He found him in front of the the Equestrian Army commander tent, drinking ale.


"Indigo, What's going on? Why are some of these ponies suiting up?"

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(OOC: Ah, posting anyway.)


Night Flash was talking to Indigo as the squad was just about to leave. He then heard the voice of King Sule behind him. He immediately turned around and bowed before the king.


''An honour to meet you in person, Sir. Me, Indigo, some of his men, and some of my men were about to use the old abandoned sewer tunnels to sneak into the palace for recon. We're hoping to rescue the ambassador and Clover the Clever but we need to know what we're up against first.....Indigo, stop drinking.''


Indigo put his cup down and confirmed what Night Flash had just said and told King Sule all the details of the plan. After that, Night Flash spoke up again.


''Uh, Sir, I don't think you came here just to say 'Hi' to us. Is there anything you and that other pony want to tell us?'' as Night Flash pointed to Midnight, who was standing right behind the Malumai ruler.



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"It is nice to meet you, too." Sule said to night flash


"Alright then, don't get killed. Remember the mind control Tyrannus has. There is a potion to prevent mind control. I believe the Equestrian unicorns were issued it, but check with the commander to be sure. One unicorn only affects 3-4 ponies, so you guys can work that out. We've also come across some...interesting parts of Midnight's past..."


(OOC meh, easy way..)


Sule told Indigo and Night Flash about the Midnight's sad past and Nova's plans. "He talked about creating super soldiers, like the kind we were afraid of. Just be careful."


Indigo nodded and left to ready the Malumai soldiers that just came.


"And Indigo..."


Indigo looked at Sule.


"Make sure she's safe..."

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(OOC: Jadefire should be popping online in around one or two hours)


Once the visiting party had left, Night Flash went back to getting ready.


''Since it's going to be dark in there, I'm taking a unicorn as well so he can use his 'cast light' spell.''said Night Flash to Indigo without looking at him. ''I've left my sword and shield back in my tent, we won't be using those. Instead, I've got two daggers with me because like I said, we're going in light.''


At that moment, the ponies that made up the recon squad Night Flash and Indigo had created lined abreast outside the tent. Ready to depart.


''Indigo, go get any things you think you might leave and come back here, we're leaving in about minutes.'' called out Night Flash.


He then looked back to the squad and did a roll call.


''Private Pansy?''


''Here, Sir'' said a young Pegasus. Night Flash could see that she was shaking with nervousness.


''Corporal Stone?''


''Here!'' said a burly looking stallion in a confident tone.


''Seargent Whirlwind?''


''Here.'' said a Malumai in a calm voice.


Night Flash continued this until he had completed the roll call. He then made them make sure they had all the equipment they needed. By that time, Indigo had already gotten in his light armor and his weapon and was making his way back to the squad.


(OOC: Can't manipulate Indigo more than this, I need him to post to continue now.)

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midnight bowed. "sir, if you dont mind, im going to go suit up, unless theres something you need me to do?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Indigo strapped a black-painted shield to his shoulder. In a recon mission, a small shield was all he really needed.


But Indigo hesitated for a moment. What Sule told him about this Nova pony made him uneasy. If Tyrannus had a unicorn like that on his side, this recon mission could very easily go south.


Indigo closed his eyes. Still, it's not like they had anything else to do. They would need to recon the castle eventually, and they might as well do it sooner rather than later.


Indigo opened his eyes and left his tent. "Is everypony ready?" he asked upon reaching the rest of the squad.

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''Yeah, we're all ready. Okay, I've decided to bring once unicorn too, so someone will have to carry him. Corporal Stone, Seargent Whirlwind, would you be kind enough to carry him?'' said Night Flash to two of his soldiers. They simply nodded.


''Alright everypony, don't forgot what I told you all, stay low and try not to give away your position. Got it?'' said Night Flash.


''Sir yes sir!'' shouted everyone in the squad excluding Indigo.


''Alright then, Go! Go! Go!'' shouted Night Flash as the perfect spearhead formation consisting of Pegasi, Malumai, and a Unicorn feeling uncomfortable being carried through the sky, flew into the night.


Flying like this made Night Flash remember the times back when he was still a new recruit. He remembered the figure of Commander Hurricane. Who would constantly shout orders at him and the rest of his training squad. He was also wondering how

he would stop an evil king who had this Nova pony to make him too powerful to stop.


(OOC: Too long? Another time-lapse post. all the way from the camp to the tunnels. Also, that's all you'll get from me today. So Indigo, if you want to continue, just have my OC play along)


*an hour later*


By now, everyone in the squad's wings were feeling sore. Except the Unicorn, he didn't have any wings. Instead, he was just praying he wouldn't fall to the ground. Night Flash, who was leading the formation spotted the Malumai city in the distance.


''Okay guys, we're almost there. The tunnel starts at the south wall. The tunnels go all across the city but one of them leads to the palace. Obviously, we'll be taking that one.''


A few minutes later, the squad finally reached the south wall. They made sure to approach very stealthily. One or two of the Malumai soldiers posted at the walls could have sworn they saw something flying in the shadows but they just passed it off as their imagination.


The squad touched down right besides the entrance. Which was partially hidden by some greenery growing there. One by one, the squad went in.


Inside, there was a horrible smell. Night Flash told the unicorn soldier to use his light spell. He did so, and the entire place was illuminated in a dim blue light.


''It's okay. You can make all the noise you want now, none of the traitors up there will be able to hear us and someone close that tunnel entrance. Don't want anypony to see it in the morning and find our little route....God, it smells in here.''

Edited by The Awesome One
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midnight bowed. "sir, if you dont mind, im going to go suit up, unless theres something you need me to do?"


"I rather you stay out of this one, you need to practice your magic, plus we need a General here lead the troops for defense of the camp and to lead reinforcements."


Midnight was surprised from what Sule said.


"Yeah, you heard me. I know this is completely unorthodox and Indigo would never agree, but I need you to be a General for this war. You have the most experience and despite your track record, I am trusting you."


Sule looked at the camp with the Malumai and Equestrian militaries. They were all bickering, unorganized,and unready for a feat as huge as taking back Chiroptera.


"Your recruits are some of the best soldiers I have ever seen. Turn these armies into them. Train them. Put them in multi racial groups and teach them to trust each other with their lives, as I have come to do with you. Tonight, they are a ragged batch of stallions and mares, but tommorow they will be the most powerful miltary force ever, the likes of which Nova's super soldiers will have no chance beating."


The was a silent pause as Midnight pondered this.


"I trust it will be done?"



(OOC highly inspirational moment for midnight, hopefully he won't let sule down)

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Midnight smiled and bowed, "yes sire, it will be done."


he turned around and looked around for his previous instructors, then sighed they werent there, probibly part of tyrannus army now, looking over the mashup of soldiers from all diffrent nations, he looked back at sule, then smiled.

He becokoned over 5 unicorns, 5 earth ponies, and 5 pegasai, "alrigh, your the senior recruits, i expect you to act accordingly, keep the others in line, and bringing any problems to me." he fixed them with a gaze that could make most cower, "im not going to lie to you, we are up against a powerful army, with even more powerful soldiers, we need all of our nations to work together, think you can take orders from me?"


They all exchanged glances then nodded, midnight looked around at them, then nodded before raising his voice and barking an order for everypony to stop their bickering and to fall in line, all the ponies he had chosen spread through and passed what midnight had told them throughout all the ponies in the extremely large group.


midnight looked out across the multitude of ponies, standing among their own, in large square like formations, he shook his head, "Earth ponies!" he looked over them, "split up into smaller groups, then spread out."

they looked at each other then blinked up at the malumai general, midnight frowned, "NOW!"

they jumped and spread out, groups of about 15-20 each, 30 groups in all.

he turned to the pegasai and unicorns, "you too, split up into the earth ponies....no, no going with friends, you are going to MAKE friends with the others" he watched them split up and move into the earth ponies, each saying a hello before turning to this seemingly crazy malumai general.


Midnight smirked, turning to his own "you too, MOVE."

the soldiers swallowed and broke up, moving into the groups, keeping their heads a little low expecting some kind of backlash, but instead the other races just smiled akwardly and welcomed them in.


midnight watched all of this, and once the entire army was split into these groups, midnight grinned, "These groups are your new military family for the next few days or so, get to know them, get to appreciate their streingths and weaknesses, and help them overcome them."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Try not to touch anything. You don't want them to smell us coming." Indigo muttered dryly as he marched along. "Now, there are three locations inside the castle we need to hit while we're out here. Sule's office, the dungeons, and the throne room. There's a safe in Sule's office where he keeps ...sensitive documents, and it would be better off if we get its contents destroyed before Tyrannus gets it open. The dungeons are obvious: find where MVP 1 and 2 are being held specifically, and see what kind of security they're under."


Indigo paused a bit, before he continued speaking. "The throne room...I served under Tyrannus before he was overthrown. He'd always hold a meeting with his top ponies in the throne room every Tuesday, between sunset and midnight, before starting the work day. If we're lucky, he's gone back to his tradition, and if we're very lucky, we might be able to overhear something important during his meeting tonight."


Indigo cleared his throat and looked to his non-malumai companions. "Now, if any of you have never dealt with Malumai before, let me say this again: we're on a time limit. We're fully nocturnal. Right now, there are the graveyard shift of guards on duty, but once the sun goes down, the castle will start becoming active as everypony wakes up. And we can see in the dark, so we won't have the cover of darkness that I understand you ponies are used to." Indigo looked around at everypony. "So, I'm setting the objective: let's all be done and out of here before the moon rises. Understood?"

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((Let's do this!))


Doors opened, and another pony came into the room. He looked old and worn, and like he had seen lots of things. Tyrannus looked pleased. "Hello Nova," he said, his voice almost sounding sarcastic. The old pony did not reply, just watched Tyrannus. Storm and Clover exchanged small glances, not exactly sure what was happening.


"You know what to do," Tyrannus said, his tone pleased. The pony, Nova, shut his eyes tight, as if concentrating hard, and a blinding flash of light erupted from him, and wrapped itself around Tyrannus. Storm had to avert her eyes from the light, and waited a few painstaking seconds until the light eased.


When Storm turned back around, Tyrannus looked no different, but judging by his smirk something had obviously happened. As if there was a cue, the doors opened again to bring in yet another pony, this time a mare.


Tyrannus smiled wickedly at the mare, and again without another word, his eyes flashed and a bolt of red shot from him onto the mare. The mare screamed in pain, and again Storm turned away, not wanting to watch.


This went on for what seemed like forever, and when it finally stopped Storm was hesitant to look back. When she did, the mare was lying on the ground, tortured but still alive.


Tyrannus looked pleased with his work, and abruptly said, "Take them back to the dungeons,". He looked like he wanted to do something else. And so Storm, Clover, and the mare were escorted back to the dungeon. Storm and Clover were itching to say something to the mare, who was breathing heavily, but decided to wait until everyone else was gone.


When the door shut, Storm and Clover rushed over to the mare. "Are you okay?" Storm asked, not exactly sure what to do. The mare looked up at Storm with an almost irritated look that said she was clearly not okay. "Just, um, keep breathing and all of that," Storm said awkwardly, and with that comment she got an elbow from Clover, who proceeded to take care of the mare.


They learned that her name was Shiri, and that she had obviously been brainwashed to Tyrannus's side.


Storm and Clover knew that they had to convince Shiri otherwise. "This isn't your mind," Clover said patiently. "You've been brainwashed, you're on our side!" Shiri shook her head passionately. "Seriously!" Storm said, feeling an intense need to make her learn the truth. "Tyrannus is lying. We're telling the truth!"


Nothing they said would work, and Storm and Clover eventually drifted into silence.



((Sorry for the wait! And OOH LONG POST!))

Edited by isobelthegreat
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midnight shook his head, and approached a group, the earth ponies and malumai were bickering with the pegasai and unicorns, "whats going on?"

they all looked over, "well, these malumai, and earth ponies" one pegasus, a light blue mare spat, "said something we dont tolerate."

midnight tightened his jaw, "and what is your name private?"

she looked down, "storm surge."

midnight sighed, "storm surge," he frowned and looked over at the malumai, "and just what did you say?"


the malumai swallowed, "she..star.."

midnight cut him off, "i dont care who started it, im going to finish it, what did you say?"

he shook his head, looking at the ground "pegasai and unicorns are featherbrains and know it alls who lord themselves over the rest of us."


stom surge was about to retort when midnight held up a hoof, "stop this, all of you," he shook his head, "this will not get us anywhere,"

he put a hoof to his forehead, "alright, i have an idea, all of you come with me." he led them to the center of the field, "split into groups of two." he smiled,

"storm, your with me."

she swallowed, "y-yes sir."


midnight smirked "everypony, just watch for the moment."

he drew his sword, nodding for storm to do likewise, "alright miss surge, now, since this is practice, i expcet no wounds, touch their armor, and you get a point, think of it as sort of a game, 3 points, you win."

he smirked, "storm, attack me, your race is to be said powerful warriors, show everypony else."

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Sule walked into his tent, ready to sleep. That little patch of ground where Sule slept never looked so good. He didn't care that the moon was coming up, he could fix his sleep cycle after the war. As he laid down, he tried to forget the stresses of that day. He shut his eyes, and an drifted to sleep.


In his dream, he and Clover were sitting by a lake, watching the moonrise. It was a quiet, romantic moment. Then, somepony tugged at his wing. Sule looked over and smiled. It was a small, purple Maluma colt


Clover chucked. She sounded the same as when they met.


"He looks just like you!"


Suddenly, there was a loud roar. Sule looked behind him and saw Dusk, Midnight's monster sister. Sule looked around to see if the colt was ok. He saw him charging at Dusk.




Too late, the young colt was smashed into the ground by Dusk and disappeared. Then there was a loud laughing behind him. Sule turned around to see Tyrannus standing there, covering Clover's mouth and restraining her.


"Well, well, look what I have here. My old friend's little marefriend! She's quite the specimen, don't you agree?"


Tyrannus looked over to the lake, where an old stallion rose from the water. He held up a blood-stained knife.





Sule woke up in a cold sweat. He looked out of his tent, and saw that moon wasn't up yet. He had been 'asleep' for around 7 minutes. Two of the guards came in, pushing a large box.


"Sire, this transported into the camp a while ago. There was a note to give it to you. We checked it out, and it looks safe. It's just filled with a bunch of books."


Sule opened the box. It was filled with journals. Nova's journals.


Sule dismissed the guards. He now had a way to help in the war effort.Sule was not a soldier, but he would use these journals to do what he did best...



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midnight pushed the sword aginst storms neck, before he was thrown back by the unicorn and pinned down by the malumai, he then began to laugh, a light heard laugh, all the races were stunned, why would he laugh?


Midnight stood up coughing, "see, when one of you is threatened, you all jumped in to help her, he smiled and approached the wounded storm and put his hooves against her cuts and bruises, and before anypony knew it, she was healed.

midnight smiled, "keep that sense, all of you are a family of sorts now, trust each other, and you will grow, let the one behind you fall, and you will fall..." he winked, "something to keep in mind, now get back to practice, we have an army to fight."


midnight walked through each group finding out how they were doing as the training moved into the night, he finally dismissed them all, "you all have done well, rest, and tommorrow morning it will continue."

he turned "ive got something of my own to do." and moved into the forest finding the abandoned rebel camp, just as he remembered it, frowning and looking around himself he moved towards the small pond.

he pulled a book out of his saddlebag and looked at it, mumbleing some words, as it started to move as midnights hooves glowed, he wanted to talk to someone, and before he knew it, the face staring back at him was chrys.


"im just a lie? and.....you s-still loved me?"

chrys smiled back, "no, your not a lie, yes you were a pegasus before, and were reborn by magic," she smiled at him "but i loved, and still love you just the same."

midnight looked down, "how.....with all the terribl.."

she frowned, the first time midnight had seen it in his life, "you did what you were taught and trained to do, nothing more..." she sighed, "i would kiss you right now if i could, your were greiving your dead wife, i cannot blame you for any of that, espically since you were betrayed," she shook her head "time is short but i need you to do one thing for me..."

midngiht tilted his head "what is it chrys?"

she smiled and put a hoof against the water, "move on, find somepony else that can love you, i know inside that hard shell of a stallion, you still have a heart, and it just wants to find love, kick tyrannus's and nova's ass from here to canterlot, then find somepony who you think you can settle down with, hmm?"

midnight placed his hoof sofly against the water, "ill....ill do it, for you."

she smiled as her image faded, "remember, im always in your heart and soul, and dont say you dont have one or ill come over there and smack you upside the head."

midnight chuckled and sighed, laying at the waters edge, this magic had taken alot out of him, but it had given him something serious to think about.

Could he find somepony to care about him? would he care about them back? he shook his head, as he had plenty of time to find those answers soon.


he slowly made his way back to camp, as his mind mulled over a great many things, he passed by sules tent, the book softly plopping itself onto the ground.


(i dont care, make up the title X3)

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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After what seemed like an hour of walking through the wretched tunnels, the team finally reached a small vent leading to the castle courtyards. Night Flash looked back at Indigo.


''Alright, the soldiers I've brought with me have been trained to sneak around in the dark but still, I'd rather let you and your malumai troops lead the way. Since you were practically built for stealth. I say we go to the throne room first. Listen in on them and see if we can get any valuable information. We run into any palace guards, we snap their necks before they can alert anypony else.''


Night Flash told Private Pansy to stay guard at their only exit. She simply nodded.


''Oh yeah, this was supposed to be a recon mission but if we get a chance to rescue the hostages now, by all means we'll have to try.'' whispered Night Flash to Indigo, who had already taken point and was leading them through the courtyard among the shadows.


All of a sudden, a Palace guard appeared, apparently, he was stationed to patrol the courtyard. Without wasting anytime, one of the

squad members throw a knife straight into his head and then hid is body among some bushes in the shadows.


''Careful now, this is a recon, not a kill everypony in the goddamn castle mission.'' said Night Flash to the pony who had just drawn first blood.



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"We might not have a choice." Indigo muttered as he began removing the dead guard's helmet. "Luckily, however..." Indigo removed his own helmet and placed the dead guard's on his head, "...I just happen to look like every other guard in this place."


Sure enough, with the silvery grey helmet covering his mane and most of his snout, he looked indistinguishable from any other castle sentry. "I'll listen in on the throne room meeting. You." Indigo turned to the other Maluma on the team. "Take them to Sule's office and destroy the contents of that safe. This key will get it open." Indigo produced a small key from his bag and handed it to the Maluma.


"Me, sir?"


"Yes, you. You were practically my second-in-command when Sule was in Equestria and I commandeered his office. I'm sure you can sneak in there without me." Indigo answered.


"Just do it. I'll catch up to you either in the dungeons or at the sewer, depending on how long the meeting lasts."

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Night Flash looked at Indigo's former second in command.


''Well, you heard the pony, get cracking.'' said Night Flash to the Malumai who had just been given the key.


''Uh...okay.'' said the dark coated stallion as he leaded the team into the office while sticking to the shadows.


suddenly, another guard appeared. This one was just about to exclaim but Night Flash quickly took out his throwing knife and threw it straight at his head. He fell dead to the floor with a thump.


''Looky here, another disguise for one of our bat-winged members of the team. Hey, you.'' pointed Night Flash at the Malumai who had been entrusted with the key. ''Put this on, go on ahead. This certain guard appears to be a high-ranking one looking at the shoulder blades and those streaks of golden on it. You can use that to your advantage, and if you see any other guards, just tell them that they're relieve of their duty and another pony will come to take their place. That will make our job easy.''


The now disguised Malumai soldier nodded and went on ahead. The rest of the team stayed quite a distance behind but just enough to see where he was going while making sure they remained in the shadows of the corridors.


Finally, the team reached the office. Night Flash saw the malumai soldier tell the two guards at the door of the office that they were relieved of their duty. Of course, no one would came to take their place and the office would be completely un-guarded. The team hastily got into the office and seized all the files they could grab.


''We'll read them once we get back, just grab anything that looks useful.'' whispered a Night Flash who was scared that some guard would come into the room at any moment.


Finally, after the team had taken everything they could find, made as quickly as they could for the courtyard.


(OOC: Jade, be sure to add a 'meanwhile' to your post because what you do, happens while my team were in the office. And sorry for rushing it so much, didn't have a lot of time and I don't think I'll be posting so much now.)



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Sule was working as hard as he could. He was using Nova's notebooks, which were filled with so many potions, brews, machines, and other sketches. By the way it looked, Nova traveled to the future more than once. His notebooks were built were with odd looking contraptions. Apparently, ponies in the far-far future liked to blow things up. He found numerous references to a substance Nova called 'black powder'. This powder, when lit, would burst into flames very fast and make an explosive force around it. The Malumai already has a substance like this, but it wasn't that strong and it was only dangerous if you where holding a large amount of it in your hooves. It was more for scaring the enemy. Nova's books talked about how they enhanced the power of the powder so it could launch projectiles, big and small, and even destroy walls as thick as Chiroptera's.


Sule looked somewhat like a mad scientist right now. His mane was messed up, his eyes were blood-shot, and he was sitting there staring at an ale glass he borrowed from a guard, which was over a small fire and filled with a reddish liquid. He was trying to find a chemical that when added to the Malumai explosives would make them stronger and more stable. This was quite dangerous, so Sule was hiding behind a supply crate with a bucket as a helmet.


Of course, no pony would think hiding behind a supply crate and wearing a bucket helmet was normal. Midnight walked in holding one of Nova's books and saw this situation, and immediately assumed the Archon had lost it.



(OOC bleh that post sucked...)

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midnight raised an eyebrow, "having fun.....sire?" he really didnt know what else to say..


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC: Forgetting something, are we? x3)


Whirlwind, the Maluma agent with the group, quickly unlocked Sule's safe with the key and set fire to the papers inside, as Indigo had ordered him to, before quickly joining up with the others on their way to the courtyard




Indigo marched through the halls of the castle, thanking the moon that none of the guards he passed recognized him or tried to stop him, and eventually he reached the main doors to the throne room. As Indigo was about to open the doors, however, the doors opened to allow through a group of ponies. Indigo looked back at them and to his surprise, they were a group of guards dragging along three unarmed mares. Indigo quickly stole a glance over their shoulders, and immediately recognized the three prisoners as Storm and Clover the Clever, plus a third mare he didn't recognize.


The MVPs are here, in the open, out of the dungeons, Indigo realized. As he was about to follow them, however, he stopped when he heard Tyrannus speaking from inside the throne room. Dammit, Tyrannus was starting his meeting! Indigo was conflicted. The hostages were here in the open for Indigo to save, but if he acted now he'll miss whatever Tyrannus had to say. After glancing between the leaving hostages and the throne room gate several times, Indigo came to his conclusion: There were too many guards, if Indigo tried to stage a rescue, he'd be caught and killed immediately. Indigo swore to himself, and quickly entered the throne room and took position off to the side. The hostages would have to wait for now.


"-ook a third of the military with him, and I'm not certain we can control the rest. Nova, are you certain that the super soldiers will be created before Sule tries to attack the castle?" Tyrannus growled, and he was only answered with silence. Indigo didn't dare look at them in hopes they wouldn't notice his presence, so he assumed that Nova had nodded.


"I hope so. Hmm. I don't like this. As much as a milk-drinking faggot Sule is, he's a slippery one. No doubt he'll have some new method to try to get me back in a ball. These soldiers better be able to kill him and those pathetic loyalists before he deploys it." Sule said, before quickly specifying, "Not that I'm afraid of him, of course. I'd just rather avoid another one of his headaches." Was that fear? Indigo felt a bit of childish pleasure. He hated hearing Tyrannus's voice with every fiber of his being, and so hearing that voice actually acknowledge Sule as a threat was a small victory for him.


There was a moment of silence, before Tyrannus continued, "What about the brainwashing? We couldn't brainwash Sule or that faggot Indigo." Indigo stifled his rising irritation. I'm a faggot now, am I? Then maybe this 'faggot' will shove his spear so far up your- "I've already destroyed that orb the Unicorn had on her, but if we lose control of our followers, I will be very displeased." Wait, what? Dammit! Indigo swore to himself. If that orb is destroyed, they're gonna have to find some other way to dispose of Tyrannus. This is not good. Definately not good.


"You don't talk much, do you?"


"I am honoring my end of our agreement, nothing more. Our agreement does not include idle conversation." Nova replied. Indigo froze. Nova's voice came in a harsh whisper-like tone, but was quite loud, perhaps magically augmented. But there was a certain gutteral, yet sonorous quality to it that was somewhat unnatural. The whole effect made Indigo's blood run cold.




"My uberequus will not fail you, and my brainwashing will hold. I advise you redirect your anxieties to your plans for the future."


"...You're a real ass, you know? All mystical and shit. Whatever, I just have one more question."


"What is it?"


"What of the mare, Shiri? Do you have any more use for her?"


"She was an excellent thrall, but now that I am here in person, I have no more need for her. I advise you to execute her immediately, she knows much of our plans."


"And I will. Though I might have some fun with her first. Nothing really compares to the stamina of an Earth Pony lass, you know? And being in prison for so long hasn't helped my ...appetite."


Indigo vomited slightly in his mouth after being hit with that unpleasant mental image of Tyrannus "having fun" with a mare.


"Anyway, that's all for now. If you'll need me, I'll be in my office. Meetings are too boring to call, anyway."


With that, Tyrannus and Nova left, through two seperate doors at the back of the room. That was informative enough for Indigo, so he left through the front doors, before hurrying off. With any luck, the hostages might still be able to be rescued if he hurries, so Indigo decided not to meet with the other agents in the courtyard, and instead head for his next destination: the dungeons.

Edited by Jadefizoid
  • Brohoof 1
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(OOC yeah, this is what Tyrannus is scared of)


Sule was startled by the entrance "Whoa, Midnight, you're here. I couldn't sleep, bad dream and all..." Midnight pointed at the rising moon, "Yeah, I know, my sleep cycle is messed up a lot. Anyway, I've read Nova's books and talked about explosive powder, I think I can make our explosive powder more powerful so we can siege the city, since Chiroptera has massive walls, you know? I have tried tons of chemicals and extracts from many things an added it, I used amethyst, daffodils, grass, some dirt...."


Midnight noticed there were 5 cups of coffee on the table, all empty. Midnight put down the book and slowly backed out, other wise he would get an earful of the random junk Sule use. Sule didn't notice him, he was to busy rambling on about it.


As midnight walked waled out of the tent, there was an explosion. Midnight rushed back in to see of the Archon was OK. Sule was covered in soot, but smiling.


"It worked!"

Edited by Anony-Brony


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midnight raised an eyebrow, "well, it worked, and at least it didnt kill you." he smiled and helped sule up, "what did you use?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC: Oops, my bad. btw, Private Pansy is actually Fluttershy's character from the play)


Night Flash and the rest of the team were waiting at the tunnel entrance. Night Flash had poked his head out of the gutter vent to keep a look out for Indigo, who was currently heading towards the dungeons.


''Umm..Sir? Don't you think we should go help him out?..Er...I mean..if that's okay with you..'' said Private Pansy, the medic of the team in her scared little high-pitched voice.


Night Flash looked back down to see her staring at him.


''Well, his job was to just listen in on the throne room wasn't it? Unless...he decided to stage the rescue right now...'' said Night Flash, his voice barely above a whisper.


''Well, in that case, don't you think we should go help him?'' replied the fragile looking mare. Night Flash was wondering how she had even gotten into the military but at that moment, it was the last thing on his mind.



Night Flash closed his eyes and thought for about half a minute. He then looked at the Malumai who was disguised as one of the palace guards.


''Hey, you.''said Night Flash in a low whisper.


''Yes, Sir?'' replied the bat-winged pony.


''I'm assuming you know you way around the palace?'' Night Flash said with his brow raised.


''Like I lived here, Sir.'' said the soldier.


''Good, go to the dungeons, that's most probably where the hostages are being kept and where Indigo is going to. You'll both be in

uniform so no one should suspect you. Just blend in, got it?'' said Night Flash in assertive tone.


The fake palace guard saluted, ''Understood.'' Night Flash gave him way and he was off, the guard quickly entered the palace corridors once more and started heading towards dungeons.


Note: I'll be controlling the disguised soldier as well.

Edited by The Awesome One



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