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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as she nods "Yes, it's a song by the same girl that does .Calc" she would say and gets up from the table "You are right, I do not think we can surprise Pinkie and Cheese, but we don't really need to, it's more for Dusky's benefit" she would say and look around  "Hmm, how about we see how we go with .Calc and if we're good after, we can go with Terra's Theme" she says and goes to hook up her phone to the speakers and puts on the song, holding out her arm. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As he listened to Broken’s response, Dynamo’s jaw dropped in surprise. “Are you serious!? The one who made Terra’s theme also made a .Calc song? I never knew that, but that’s pretty interesting. I guess I’ll have to look into these songs now and more often.” He says, chuckling and nodding in agreement. “That’s true. At least it’s not a prancing surprise. We could never defeat Pinkie or Cheese in that. Considering that Pinkie and Rainbow Dash are considered the prancing champions. I can only imagine the look on his face when the party is completed and good to go. We still need to discuss about where we’ll have tha party. I was thinking more along the lines of the arcade, but we’ll leave that up for debate.” 

Mat the mention of their plans in songs, Dynamo nodded as he got up from his seat. As he made his way towards the living room, he saw Broken, who was hooking her phone up to the speaker. “I think that sounds good to me. I hope that .Calc has some slow songs to dance too. Maybe we can try to dance to a song that I have in mind, then we can see if we can dance to Terra’s theme.” He says, smiling softly as he took her hand into his own. “Shall we, m’lady?” He asks, leaning over and kissing her hand.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Dynamo Pad

She chuckles "I don't think anyone could ever out prank those two" she says and nods, accepting his hand up, "And yes, we shall have a nice, romantic dance" she says, holding him close as she presses play on the stereo and their song begins to play.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"True." He chuckled with a nod. "Although, there are those times that Rainbow Dash always made pranks alongside Pinkie. I remember hearing about a time where the whole town got back at Rainbow with a sort of cookie zombie apocalypse prank. It sounds weird, but I guess weird, yet random things can happen at Ponyville." He smiles as Broken took his hand and stood up. As they made their way into the living room, the blue unicorn made sure to push any furniture out of the way. He wanted to give them enough room to dance, while Broken pressed play on the stereo. "If you need to, then you place your feet on my feet. Just in case your arm and leg feel tired, so you don't overexert yourself." He says, before he took her hands into his as they began to dance.

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@Etched Daydream

Dynamo smiled as she got close to him as they started to dance towards the music. "That's all I ask. Even if there's nothing wrong, I can't ever stop in worrying about you, my dear." He chuckled along with her, before giving her a playful smirk. "Be careful what you wish for, sweetheart. You just might be surprised." He wiggled his eyebrows, before he began to lead her into the dance. He went slow as to get used to both the song and the dance. He hadn't danced in a while, so he was slightly rusty. He did, however, spin along with her a few times, with the occasional dip in the song.

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@Etched Daydream

As they danced, Dynamo chuckled as he returned the nuzzle. "It really is nice dancing like this. Especially since I get to dance with someone I love." He raised an eyebrow at her remark, but he never stopped dancing with Broken. "What do you mean? I know that she'll be meeting Dusky on his birthday. Were you wanting to see if you could meet her sooner rather than later?" He chuckled once more, but nodded in agreement. "I have no doubt that she'd love Dusk. To be honest, she's been joking around when asking when she would be expecting a grandchild. I know she likes to joke every now and then, but I think she worries about me."

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@Dynamo Pad

She smiles "Well it's only fair, I mean you got to meet my mom after all" she giggles and kisses his cheek "and well you already knew my dad" she says with a slight chuckle, "So yes, I think it is only fair I get to meet your mom sooner than later, besides, she might have some valuable input for Dusky's birthday surprise"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"Yeah, you're right. It's only fair, after all." He smiles, rolling his eyes playfully as he chuckled. "Oh, hardy har har. Of course I know your dad as he's my friend/best buddy, after all. So, at least we'd get along pretty well." He chuckled slightly once more, before nodding in agreement. "Hmm...okay, then. Shall we put the next dance on hold as we call my mom? I think getting some valuable input for our son's birthday would be perfect. If she's free, then would you want her to stop by and visit? We can always ask and see if there's something that she can do. It's not a guarantee, but it's better to see if she can stop by, instead of not asking at all."

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@Etched Daydream

"Okay and that sounds perfect to me." He grinned as the song and stereo had been put on pause. He held her hand in his own as he helped Broken walk over towards the couch. As he sat down next to Broken, he grabbed his phone off of the coffee table and started searching up his mother's number. "I don't know if I've said this, but you are a really great dancer. It seemed like you were able to flow from one move to the next in the song. Did you use to dance when you were younger and not tell me, babe?" He wiggled his eyebrows with a playful smirk, before finding his mom's number. "I'm about to call her, but I wasn't sure if I should make a regular call, or make a FaceTime call. What do you think? It's your 'call' on this one." He chuckled as he knew he made a terrible pun, but he knew he was proud of it.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Dancing was..a favorite pass time of mine, when I was busy with either raising Dusk or trying to beat your high scores at the arcade" she says, poking her tongue out at him and then sat down, wrapping an arm around him "Lets do a facetime" she says with a smile.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"It seems like you enjoyed dancing from time to time over the years, then. I guess my high scores were always a thing back in the day. I don't think I was trying to encourage other gamer's to beat my high scores, but I guess I was just having too much fun at the arcade to notice. I'm glad to know that you never gave up on that goal. Seeing how I was able to meet an amazing mare like you to share our lives together." He chuckled as she poked her tongue at him, before he felt her arm wrapping around him. He smiled as he wrapped his arm around her. Holding her close as he nuzzled her lovingly. "Okay and you've got it, my love. It'll be better to see what my mom looks like when we call." He says, hitting the FaceTime option and waiting for a response from his mother. Not too long after he called, he heard the line being picked up by a periwinkle, unicorn mare. She had a blonde mane with golden eyes. "Hello? Gentle speaking."

Dynamo smiled as he was able to hear his mother's voice. "Hey, mom! How are you doing?" Gentle returned the smile as she knew that it was her son who had called. "Hey, honey! It's so good to hear from you. It's been quite a while. I hope that you're doing well." She hoped, Dynamo nodding to put any fears of hers to rest. "No need to worry mom. I've been doing pretty well. I just wanted you to meet someone that I met recently." He says, handing the phone over to Broken. "Oh? Who is this lovely mare?" Gentle asks as the phone was shifted over towards Broken.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Hello Mrs Gentle, my name is Broken Record, and it's a pleasure to meet you" she says with a big smile "And in case you are wondering, I met Dynamo at the arcade. You see.. I used to be the one who would do my best to beat his high scores, and well..we just happened to bump into each other and we just hit it off" she smiles more "Oh, and I hope you are free this weekend, because it is my son's 6th birthday and I am sure he'd love to meet his nana on his father's side"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"Broken Record, huh? I hope I'm not going on and on like a 'broken record,' but has anyone ever told you how adorable you look?" She laughed heartily at her terrible joke, while wiping a tear from her eye. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I can only imagine my son has said the same thing. It's definitely a pleasure to meet you, as well." At the mention of how she and Dynamo had met, Gentle could only smile and shake her head. "That sounds very beautiful and it's nice seeing you two bond over video games. I always told my son that he'll meet someone that can match his passion for games. He always had his doubts, but a mother's intuition is never wrong." She hummed in thought, looking over at her calendar on her nightstand. "I'm usually off on the weekends, so I think I should be free by then." She smiles, before she suddenly froze at the news. Her smile faded slightly as she thought she misheard Broken. "Wait a minute. You said your son? Dynamo, why didn't you and Broken tell me that you have a son!? Oh, this is just wonderful!" Dynamo rubbed the back of his neck as he felt a little bad of not saying anything. "I'm sorry about that mom. A lot of stuff had been going on recently and I didn't get a chance to call you sooner." Gentle nodded in understanding as she accepted the reason. "Oh, it's okay, dear. I'll be sure to visit so I can see my grandson. What's his name, if you don't mind me asking?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and giggles "Aaw thank you mrs Step" she says and nods "and yes, son, his name is Dusky Sky, he's the sweetest little colt ever, and I am sure he'd be so excited to meet you" she says, "He's only known Dynamo for a litlte while, but already calls him Daddy oh and one more thing.." she says with a bit of a grin "You know Dynamo's boss, Button Prompt? He's dating my mom"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

Gentle shook her head with a giggle. "Why are you thanking me for, sweetie? It's no problem and no thanks are necessary." She says, nodding as Broken gave her the name of her son. "Dusk Sky, huh? I think that's a lovely name for your son. Don't tell him, but I'll make sure to visit him. If his birthday is this weekend, then I'll be sure to visit. That is, unless you'd like me to visit sooner. I can try, but I might not be busy on weekends." She placed a hand over her heart at how sweet Dusk has been. "Oh, that's so cute! I'm so glad he sees Dynamo as a father. I can only hope that he's taken great care of Dusk." She dropped her jaw slightly at the news of Button and Broken's mother were together. "Seriously!? I've heard of Button and met him once or twice, but I didn't think he'd be dating a girlfriend's mother. I'm guessing that was a bit of a shock and possibly awkward, right honey?" She asks as Dynamo nodded. "I admit that I was surprised, at first. At least I know Button and he wouldn't hurt anyone. Plus, he and Night are great together. Also, to your other question. I've taken really good care of Dusky. He likes video games and cartoons, as well. He's my precious son, who I hope Broken and I can raise into a loving adult." He smiles, Gentle smiling with pride at the couple. "Never let go of each other, okay? You two are clearly perfect for each other. Like finding a diamond in the rough."

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Dynamo is a wonderful father figure for Dusky, which is part of why I think Dusky took to him so quickly" she says, hugging Dynamo close "He treats Dusky as his own and they are so cute together" she then nods to what Gentle was saying "I have no intention of letting go of Dynamo, he's not just my boyfriend, but also my best friend"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"It also helps that Princess Luna was able to allow me to help whenever Dusk and/or Broken ever needed any help." Dynamo smiled as he returned the close hug. "Princess Luna? How did you get involved with someone like the Princess, honey?" Gentle asks as Dynamo chuckled sheepishly, while scratching his cheek with his finger. "It's a bit of a long story, but I can explain when you visit for Dusky's birthday party." Gentle frowned slightly at her son being secretive, but she couldn't blame him. It was starting to get a little late, due to looking at the clock on the nightstand. "That's fair enough. I do at least want a full explanation. Your mom does like a good story every now and then." She says, smiling once more as she saw a good chemistry between the couple. "It's like the old saying goes. Your best friend will eventually become your special someone. It looks like the two of you are the best friends turned boyfriend and girlfriend. I wish for nothing, but the best for you two. Along with Dusky, of course. I'm also really happy that my son and your son are able to bond as a father and son. Since he mentioned that Dusky likes video games. I can imagine Dynamo is giving your son free video games where he works?" She asks with a giggle.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Lets just say that my mom works for the Princess" Broken says with a smile "As for Dynamo giving Dusky free games, it's not just Dynamo but Button as well" she giggles, quickly transfering a photo of Dusk to Dynamo's phone "Alright mrs Gentle, I'm going to send you a picture of Dusky" she says and sends the text


Little one in the mother's arms



Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"Your mother works for Princess Luna!? As in, like a royal servant or guard of some kind?" Gentle asks, eyes widening in surprise on the revelation. "Wow. Talk about having friends and allies in high places." She giggles with a smile, before continuing. "I think that's sweet that he allows you and Dusk free games from time to time. Just make sure to not play free games all of the time. I'd worry for others to think that you're taking advantage of the arcade. If that happens, then you can count on momma Gentle to march over there and lay down the law." She pumped a fist in the air, while having a look that was trying to be seen as serious. "Oh! I'd love to have a picture of Dusky! At least I'll be able to know who he is when I stop by for his birthday." She says, waiting patiently as she heard the phone ring with a new text message. Upon opening the message to see Dusk's picture, Gentle held a hand to her heart and awed at how cute he was. "That's your son!? Oh, he's so precious. He looks so happy and handsome. I don't think you said, but how old is he?" She asks, slightly squealing in glee at how adorable Dusk was.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken giggles "He's mommy's little colt for sure" she says "He's going to be turning six this weekend" she says and smiles some more "And he is also his nana's little boy, I swear, she dotes on him so much" she then nuzzles Dynamo "As for my mom, she's a night guard" she would say "And for the arcade, I pay for my games, it's just Dusky who sometimes gets free games and snacks"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"Now the only question is if little Dusky will take after his mommy or daddy." Gentle giggled as Dynamo couldn't help in chuckling along. "I can imagine he'll take after a bit of both Broken and I." Gentle smiled and nodded as she listened to Broken. "He's turning six already? Sounds to me like little Dusky is already growing up. I may need to have a list of things that he likes. This way, I'll have a pretty good idea on what to get him for his birthday." She says, thinking of multiple things of what to get her grandson. "I hope there's room for his second nana, or grandma, in this case. I'll be doting and spoiling him so much that I'll spoil the little colt rotten." She giggles once more, feeling ecstatic on meeting her future grandson and daughter-in-law. "A night guard, huh? The hours must be terrible, if you ask me. Although, I'm glad that your mother and Princess Luna have a good friendship with the family after work hours. I can only imagine that the Princess will be at the party, as well?"

Dynamo nodded as he returned the nuzzle. "You've got that right, mom. Dusky just doesn't know that yet and we're keeping that a surprise. He even made a new friend and he's meeting a new friend soon. It's going to be a crazy party, that's for sure." He chuckled, looking over to Broken and kissing her cheek. "That may be true, but I'd love to allow you to play free games from time to time. Seeing how I can get to play free games since I work there. Plus, it's like you said before. Button is basically your dad. So, he can pull a few strings in order to let you play games for free." He smiled with a wink as Gentle giggled. "It sounds to me like the two of you have everything under control. Along with having a happy and healthy relationship. It makes a mother like me proud and happy to see my son, as well as possibly my future daughter and grandson are doing well."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Something tells me that Dusky's going to take mostly after Dynamo." she says and then looks to the video of Gentle "As for what he'd like for his birthday" she says while thinking "Anything either Luna or Game related" she says and nods "You have every right to be proud, mrs Step, Dynamo is a truly wonderful stallion and I honestly couldn't think of a better stallion to help with raising Dynamo" she says and looks to Dynamo "Well some free games sounds good every now and then" she giggles.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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