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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo looked over to Night as she addressed him. He smiled as she explained that she would be able to keep Broken company. "Thank you so much, Night. We really do appreciate the help." He says, returning the hug from Dusk, before placing the young colt on his shoulders in a piggyback ride. "You can, but that will be taken out of Dynamo's paycheck." Button chimed in, before chuckling at Dynamo's surprised look. "I'm just kidding. He's my grandson now. So, of course he can have free games and food. We'll just have to be nonchalant so the other gamer's don't get jealous. We wouldn't want to have any problems happening at the arcade." He says, Dynamo rolling his eyes at Button. "Oh, thanks Button. That's really kind of you." He says in a joking tone, before chuckling and nodding in agreement. "That sounds like a plan. Also, I'll make sure that Dusk is kept safe, while making sure he doesn't play any mature rated games." He says, looking over to Broken as he winked at her. "This will give you time to discuss some things with your mom." He says, trying to be discreet on the plans for the party. "So, are we all ready to go? I think there are some awesome video games that are calling our names." He says, turning to Button and glanced up to Dusk, who was still sitting on his shoulders. All the while, making sure that he didn't fall off of his shoulders. "I know I am, so let's get going. I can imagine some gamer's are already there waiting to step into the arcade." Button says, while making his way to the door. Dynamo nods, before walking over to Broken and Night. "Say bye-bye to mommy and nana, Dusky. We'll see you soon, sweetheart. Just don't hesitate to call me if you need anything, okay?" He asks, wrapping an arm around Broken as he gave her a kiss. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles as she and Broken both hug Dusk who then goes back to his dad and grandpa. Night looks to them "It's no problem at all, after all I all but raised her, so looking after her now, is nothing" she smiles "I'll give Button a call if I need any help" she finishes as she gets up to go make herself some coffee.

Broken smiles at Dynamo "Thanks hon, I know you'll look after Dusky while at work, do remember if he is beaten at a game or loses at one, he has a tendency to feel disheartened, so do be sure to be there to lift his spirits up" she says, leaning up to kiss Dynamo "Be good for daddy and grandpa, okay Dusky?"

Dusk smiles and nods as he then holds Dynamo's hand "I will mama" he then turns to talk to Button "I can't wait grandpa"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nodded once more in appreciation, before chuckling. "That's true and thank you once again, Night. Maybe later we can all have dinner together." He says, Button nodding in agreement. "I think that sounds lovely. It's been a while since I've been here. So, I think that would be perfect. Plus, we can all eat before Night has to go to work." He says, going over and kissing Night's cheek. "I'll make sure to keep the phone on standby. If Broken needs anything, then I'll send Dynamo right to the house. I might even look the other way when it comes to Broken missing Dynamo a lot." He snickers and shook his head at his teasing. 

Dynamo smiles, before leaning down and returning the kiss. "You're welcome sweetheart and I understand. I feel that way whenever I lose, but I know a loss is only a way of saying you can be even better. I'll make sure to cheer him up and help Dusky out when I can. It's time for us to go, but we'll see you all soon." He says, taking Dusk's hand into his own. Dynamo and Button waved to Broken and Night, before making their way out of the house. "So, what games did you want to play first, little buddy?" He asks, looking down to Dusk as the three started to make their way towards the arcade. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "thanks Button, hopefully I won't miss him too much" she says "After all, he's got to earn a living" she then closes her laptop and stretches for a bit before hugging Dusk tightly "Be good for daddy, okay" she says, kissing him on the nose. Dusk nods and smiles, hugging her back "I will mommy" he says before going over back to Dynamo, holding his hand. 

Night smiles "Try not to overload Dusky with junkfood and sugar, sweetie" she says with a giggle.

As they leave the house, Dusk thinks about it "Well..I'd love to try the Persona games, but I don't know if it's too mature" he states "Other than that..Maybe Mario 3D and perhaps..Mario Kart"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo could only chuckle and nod at Broken's joking tone. "If I have to, then I can always send a clone to make sure that you're okay. It's like you said sweetheart. I have to earn a living and that way everyone wins, in the end." He says, watching Dusk hug Broken, before going back over to the gaming unicorn. As the three left, Button's ears perked as he heard Night call out to them. "Don't worry honey. We'll make sure he doesn't eat a lot of sugar or unhealthy food." He says, making sure they were out of earshot, before turning to Dusk with a wink. "That's what I would say, but we'll make sure you can have chips, soda and other sugary treats. I will make sure you don't have a lot of unhealthy food, but that's what being at an arcade is all about." He chuckled as the trio walked down the road towards the arcade. 

Dynamo hummed in thought towards Dusk's choices of video games to play. "I can see what you mean when it comes to the Persona games. I would say the fighting game is okay. It's just like Super Smash Brothers and Street Fighter. I wouldn't recommend the RPG games. The only reason is that there is adult language and some mature moments, so I would say it's a bit too mature for you, my son." He says, giving Dusk a reassuring smile. "There's no need to worry, though. You'll be able to play those games in time. For now, I think 3D Mario and Mario Kart are perfect choices. I think we have the Mario Party games, as well. So, we can play co-op and have funny shenanigans in the game." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk giggles and follows them out of the house and to the arcade. "Yay! I can't wait to spend the day with you and grandpa, daddy" he says happily. Several minutes later, as they arrive at the arcade, Dusk smiles and looks around at all the various machines he could go to. He then  sees the one he wanted to play. Tugging gently on Dynamo's jacket, he points to the Mario 3D game. "Can I play that one, please daddy?" he asks.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As they neared the arcade, Dynamo chuckled as Dusk skipped happily down the sidewalk. "I still have to work, but I think the day will go by quickly since I'll be working together with my son." Button chuckled as he rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. You never get bored when working at the arcade. That's your element of working, D-Pad." Dynamo grinned sheepishly as he nods in agreement. "I know, but still. Dusky gets to see how I work. Plus, I can show him some tricks to get all the tickets in the arcade." Button raised his eyebrow, before placing an index finger to his lips. "I told you to never reveal those secrets. You took a solemn oath to never divulge those secrets." He narrowed his eyes, before closing his eyes and breaking out into a fit of laughter. "I'm just kidding, but still don't tell him everything. Besides, I think it'll be best to try and get some new employees working here. So, time to break out the application papers." He says as the group had finally arrived at the arcade several minutes later.

As they entered the arcade, Dynamo looked around and marveled at all the various machines, lights and sounds. "One can say once you've heard these sounds once, you've seen and heard it all. However, such a thing like video games can never get old." He says, looking down to take notice of Dusk, who was tugging on his jacket. As he looked to the game Dusk had pointed to, Dynamo smiled and nodded wholeheartedly. "Of course you can, little buddy. If you need help, or if there's anyone bothering you. Just let me know and I'll rush over. I'll be around to check the machines, but we can definitely still play some video games in the arcade." He says, playfully ruffling Dusk's mane. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk smiles as he listened to his dad and grandfather discuss things  before  he had turned on the machine with Mario 3D (which was really just the WiiU hooked up to a large enough screen). He then looks up at his dad and smiles as he is given the go ahead and starts up a new game. For a while, he was enjoying his game, and soon Dynamo had brought him over a cup of his favorite soda, Cherry Cola (just like his mother), and a bowl of seasoned curly fries. Dusk looks up and smiles, thanking his dad for the snacks and returns to his game.

It was about ten minutes later, that another colt had walked past, and 'accidentally' knocking the bowl and cup over, spilling the soda all over Dusk and the fries all over the floor. He notices and starts to cry. "D-daddy" he sniffles and cries.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Dynamo and Button had watched as Dusk, who had gone over to the WiiU to begin playing the Mairo 3D game. "It looks like he didn't waste any time in beginning to play the game." Button chuckled as he went over to the front counter. "Come on, D-Pad. Let's have Dusky enjoy the video game, while we set up shop. We can check up on him during the daily rounds of the arcade machines." He says, Dynamo nodding in agreement as he went to make sure the machines were up and running. It didn't take long for the machines to be set up, while other gamer's had begun to make their way into the arcade. As Dynamo was attending to other gamer's and the arcade machines, Button had begun getting applications for potential ponies and/or creatures to work alongside him and Dynamo.

As time passed, Dynamo had begun making his daily rounds of the arcade machines. Making sure that everything was running smoothly, while nothing was out of order. As he saw Dusk was still playing the Mario game, he smiled as he thought Dusk would be getting hungry and/or thirsty. He walked over to the front counter and began to make some food for the young colt. It didn't take long as he made his way over to Dusk, before placing the bowl and soda next to Dusk. "There you go, son. I made some curly fries and got you a cherry Cola to have as a drink. It looks like you've gotten quite far since we opened up the shop." He says, taking notice that Dusk had almost beaten the first world. "I'm going to keep making sure everything is running correctly, but I'll be back in a little while." He ruffled Dusk's mane, before taking his leave to the other side of the arcade. After about ten minutes had passed, Dynamo's ears perked as he thought he had heard someone was calling out to him. He quickly turned around and rushed over to Dusk to see the young colt, who had soda spilled over him and his fries were on the floor. He frowned as he saw his son sniffle as tears were in his eyes. Dynamo walked over to Dusk as he enveloped the young colt into a hug. "Shh...it's okay, Dusky. Are you okay? What happened?" He asks, pulling back from the hug as he checked on Dusk to make sure he wasn't hurt.

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk sniffed some more as he hugged his dad back. Meanwhile, the colt was brought over by his mother, she looks at Dusk and smiles as the colt simply says "I-I'm sorry I knocked over your fries and soda" he says timidly. Dusk looks up at the colt "I-it's okay, it's just..I don't like messes" he says as he and the colt begin to clean up the fries that were spilled on the floor. 

The mare smiles a little "I really am sorry about that, he's a bit clumsy and sometimes doesn't mind where his tail goes or who he bumps" she says to Dynamo "I will happily reimburse you for the fries and soda"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

As Dynamo continued to console Dusk, his ears perked as he had heard the sound of footsteps approaching them. He looked up to see a mare and a colt, who had begun to apologize to them. He had to guess that this colt was the one, who had bumped into Dusk and caused everything to be knocked over. He smiles and nods in acceptance to the apology, while nodding once more to Dusk's statement. "It's okay and I completely understand. I'm not a fan of getting messy or having to deal with any messes. However, this is something that shall be taken care of." He says, standing up, while placing a hand around his mouth to amplify his voice. "Hey, Button? We have a spill over here near the Neightendo section. Can we get a mop and a bucket of water?" He asks, seeing Button nod at the request. "No problem! I'll be over there in just a moment." Dynamo nods at the response with a small grin. "Thanks, boss man!" He exclaims, hearing a chuckle from the purple Pegasus.

He turned back towards the mare, who had also apologized to him. At the mention of giving him for the food and drink, Dynamo shook his head at the offer. "I really appreciate it, but it's no trouble. You see, he is my son and I work here. I gave him some free food and a free drink. So, there's no need to pay us back for anything. Also, thank you for letting us know what had happened. I can tell that your son was very sincere in his apology. Maybe they could play some Mario 3D together. Seeing as how the game is made for multiple players to work together." He says, looking to Dusk with a hopeful look upon his face. "What do you think, little buddy? Want to team up with a friend and take down some bad guys?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk looks up at his father when he said his name, he then looked to the colt and smiles, nodding "I'd really like that" he says, and then after the area had been cleaned up, he held out the first player controller to the other colt. "W-why?" the colt asks, he smiles "You were nice enough to apologize, so I thought it'd be nice to let you have player one" he says with a smile, then looks up at his dad "Daddy, can we put some Hollywood Undead on?" he asks.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

As Button had brought over the bucket and mop, the blue unicorn had made quick work of cleaning up the floor. As that was going on, Button had made his way back to the front counter. Once the mess had been cleaned up, Dynamo had smiled as Dusk had agreed to the idea. He watched in awe and pride as the young colt had handed the first player controller to the other colt. Dynamo had listened to Dusk's explanation and nodded at the request. "I'll have to ask Button, but I think that won't be a problem. Also, I'm very proud of you, son. You handled everything with kindness, care and maturely." He says, ruffling the young colt's mane, before taking the bucket and mop and made his way towards the front desk. 

Button, who had been waiting for any potential employees, had noticed Dynamo making his way towards the desk. "Hey, Button? Dusk wanted to listen to Hollywood Undead. Is that okay?" Button had raised an eyebrow as the name sounded familiar to him. "Hmm...I know of that band, but it would have to be the radio versions. Seeing how some of the songs have bad language in them. I'll have to text Night and Broken in a bit to make sure that he's allowed to listen to those songs." He says, Dynamo nodding in agreement as he put the mop and bucket away. Once done, he started to make his way back towards the Neightendo section to see Dusk and the other colt working together in the Mario game. Button had soon picked up the phone on the counter as he dialed Night's number to contact her. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Meanwhile, Night was reading a book while Broken  had dozed off. She hears the phone ring and answers it "Hello, Pie's Pizzarea, who better to make a pie than a pie?" she asks, before giggling as she hears the confusion in Button's voice "Hey Button, it's me, just thought I'd play a prank" she giggles again "Everything okay love? How's Dusky doing?" she asks, listening to his answers and then smiles "Yep, that sounds like our Dusk, takes a lot after his birth father, and I believe I can see a lot of Dynamo in him aswell" she says and then listens to his questions "Broken's fast asleep, but I think she's healing quite nicely, as for the music? Hmm..so long as there's no bad language or themes, I think it should be fine. See you at lunch?" she asks "Excellent, love you too, send my love to the others too" she then hangs up.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

As Button had heard the phone being picked up on the other line, he eyed the phone questioningly at what Night had been saying. "Whoops. I must have dialed the wrong number. However, while I'm still on the line. I'll take one box of plain pizza, one box of pepperoni and one box of pineapple pizza please." He snickered as he knew that was Night on the phone. "Nice prank there, hon. I know of Mr. Jasper, but that was a pretty close impression of him." He says, nodding at the mention of if everything was fine. "Everything dandy and running like clockwork over here. There was a bit of a mess, but Dynamo helped to take care of Dusky." He says, trying to reassure Night.

"Dusk seems to take after a lot of his birth father, Dynamo, Broken, yourself and myself too. It really shows that he'll grow up to be a fine young man. Also, that's good news. Dynamo and Dusk will be happy to hear that Broken is doing better." He says, nodding with a smile as Night gave the green light on the music. "I was just telling Dusk that it would have to be the radio version. I've heard of that group before, but I didn't want to do anything, until I got the go ahead by you and Broken. Thanks for letting me know, love and I'll see you at lunch." He says, making a kissing sound over the phone with a chuckle. "Love you, as well and will do." He says, before hanging up the phone and playing the radio version of the music group. "She said that it was okay to play the songs. So long as it was the radio versions, then we're in the clear!" He called out to both Dynamo and Dusk.

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk smiles, he and the other colt had made it to the third world together "Awesome" he says with a smile, as he enjoyed playing a game with his new friend. The colt's mother had actually taken an application and was reading over it. 

-A few hours later-

Dusk had to say goodbye to his new friend after his mother had filled out the form, put it in and then went to go shopping. He was starting to feel lonely again and then felt his stomach rumble "Daddy?" he asks Dynamo, "Are we going home for lunch?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

As Dusk and the other colt had been playing the Mario game together, Dynamo had made sure to check occasionally to make sure everything was okay. Once everything had begun to run smoothly, Dynamo had begun to help other gamer's out with the machines or with other levels. As that was going on, Button had smiled as the colt's mother had taken an application to work at the arcade. After being handed the application, he had called the mother over to give her an interview.

-A few hours later-

As Dusk's new friend and his mother were about to leave, Button smiled as he walked over to the mare. "Thank you for filling out the application and the interview. We have to close up the shop for a bit, but we'll be back later. Would you perhaps like to start today or tomorrow and see how that goes?" He asks, knowing that the mare and his son were going to go shopping. As Dusk's stomach began to rumble, Dynamo looked down to his son as he heard Dusk's question. "You've got that right, little buddy." He smiles as he picked up the young colt into his arms. "Uncle Button had called Night and they were planning to stop home for lunch. So, we'll all go back to my house and have something to eat. Afterwards, we'll go back here and finish up work for the day. It'll give you more time to play some games and who knows? Maybe you'll see that new friend of yours. Did you enjoy playing that game together?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

The mare smiles and nods "I can start later today, if that is okay" she says "Besides I know my colt would likely love to play some more games with your grandson" she says with a smile, "Night times I can't work though, that's when my job as Night Guard comes in" she chuckles. "I'll see you later then" she says, shaking Button's hand then leading her colt out of the arcade.

Dusky smiles "Yay! I can't wait to see mummy and nana again" he cheers and hugs his father "I did, I like making new friends" he smiles and then curls up in his arms. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Button nodded wholeheartedly at the mare's remark. "Okay and that's perfect. We'll be gone for about an hour or two, but we'll definitely be back later." He says, smiling in agreement. "My grandson will definitely be back at the arcade. I can tell he just loved working together with your son and they seem like such great friends." He says, nodding in understanding to her other job. "That's okay and we close the shop around 5 pm. So, hopefully that won't get in the way of your Night Guard job. Okay and see you later." He says, shaking her hand as the mare lead her son out of the arcade. He wanted to ask for her name and what her Night Guard job was about, but she was long gone. He would have to ask her later as he wondered if she knew about Night.

As he listened to Dusk's remark, Dynamo chuckled and cheered with his son. All the while, spinning around as he helped Dusk to imagine he was flying in the air. "It'll be great to see mommy and nana again. I'm so happy you were able to make a friend, Dusky. It's always nice to make new friends." He nods in agreement, smiling softly as Dusk had curled up in Dynamo's arms. "Okay, you guys. Time for us to get home, have some lunch, see Broken and Night and then back to the arcade. So, let's skedaddle." He says, Dynamo nodding in agreement as the trio started making their way out of the arcade. As they exited the building, Button made sure to lock up the shop, before the group started walking back towards Dynamo's and Dusk's home.  

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@Dynamo Pad

The mare smiles and nods "Great, I can come back in about three hours" she says "Oh and do say hi to Night for me, though I'll likely see her tonight anyway" she says and then leaves. 

Back at the house, Broken had woken up already and was reading her book, taking a break from her game. "So did Button say they were coming home for lunch?" she asks her mother, who looks up from her own book and nods.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Button nods as the mare had let him know when she and her son would return. "Okay and that's perfect. It'll give us time to open the arcade back up and set up the shop." As the trio was leaving, Button's ears perked as he heard the mare's statement. He turned back to ask her what she meant, but she and her son were long gone. "Did she say that she knew Night and was a night guard?" He asks, Dynamo shrugging his shoulders, while still holding Dusk in his arms. "I think so, but I didn't know that she knew Night. I guess we'll have to ask her when we get back home." Button nods in agreement as they continued to make their way towards Dynamo's home.

- A couple of minutes later- 

As the trio had made their way back towards the house, Button looked back towards Dynamo and Dusk with a smirk. Dynamo could see the expression and almost chuckled as Button had a plan. The gaming unicorn knew the door was locked, so he chose not to unlock the door. Seeing that Button had a prank in mind. He placed a finger to his lips and looked towards Dusk. "Everything is okay, Dusky. Just watch and enjoy a prank from your Uncle Button." He whispers quietly towards the young colt. As the group made their way towards the front door, Button had knocked upon the door, while trying to change his voice for an impersonation. "Delivery! One plain, one pepperoni and one pineapple pizza for a Miss Night? This is Jasper Pie's Pizzeria! Who better to make a pie than a pie?"  

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@Dynamo Pad

There was a giggle from both women inside the house "My my mr Pie, since when did you take on the appearance of my lover?" Night asks with a giggle and winks "Hey Button hon, come on in" she says and stretches, waiting for the two stallions and one colt to come on inside the house.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

As the front door had been opened, Dynamo, Dusk and Button had walked into the home and made their way into the living room. "Now, I wouldn't say he took my appearance. However, I can definitely say that I have a decent impersonation of some ponies." He winked back with a chuckle, before walking over to Night. "It's nice to see you again, my dear. I missed you." He smiles, pulling into a hug and giving her a kiss. "We managed to get a new employee at the arcade, but I do have a question for you, if that's okay."

Dynamo gently placed Dusk down, before walking over to Broken, who was still resting on the couch. "Hey, sweetheart. How are you doing? Are you feeling any better?" He smiles softly, walking over to Broken, until he sat down on the couch next to her. "I hope you didn't miss me too badly because I know Dusky and I definitely missed you." He smiles softly, kissing Broken, before pulling her into a gentle hug. "By the way, our son has some really great news to tell you."

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles "Oh that's good to hear sweetie" she says, hugging and kissing him back  "And what is your question? Come, you can ask me while we eat" she says, leading him to the living room, and sitting down. She opens on e of the boxes and takes a slice "So, what is the question you wanted to ask me dear?" she asks, chowing down on the pizza.

"I missed you two so much, but also according to mom, I slept through most of the morning" she smiles "And what's the news Dusky?"

"I made a new friend!" he says excitedly as Broken smiles and hugs him "I'm so happy for you"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Button nods as he was lead into the living room and sat down in the chair. "Did Jasper really deliver the boxes of pizza? I was only doing the impersonation to fool you." As Night had opened the box to take a slice, he grabbed a plate for them both, before taking a slice of pizza of his own. "Okay. You see, the mare who had applied had told me she would be working part time as she had guard duty. The thing is she mentioned you, but I never got her name. The only thing that I know is that she has a son. Do you happen to know of the name of this mare, hon?" He asks, wondering how this mare knew Night in the first place.

Dynamo smiles softly as he got a slice of pizza for Dusk and Broken, before serving himself a slice. "That's okay and completely understandable. The doctor had told us that you would be exhausted for the next day or so. You deserve the rest and it'll be worth it. Soon, you'll be back to your old self in no time at all, sweetheart." He says, smiling as Dusk explained that he made a new friend. "That's right. There was a bit of an accident, but everything was fixed and taken care of. They were playing nonstop on the 3D Mario game. We didn't get his name, but the young colt and his mother are returning to the arcade later. Apparently, the mare had applied to work at the arcade and knew about Night."

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