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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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Gentle faked a look of hurt, before smiling with a chuckle. "Aw. That's a shame. To think I get bested by a Princess. Oh, well." She chuckled once more as she listened to her grandson's remark. "That sounds so sweet, Dusky. It looks like she's an amazing aunt. From what you've said, it sounds like she's as fluffy as a stuffed animal." She says, Dynamo chuckling slightly at the reply. "It's funny that you mention that, mom. Dusky actually has two plushies of Princess Luna." He says as the group soon arrives at the enclosure that the bats were kept. The group all watched as Broken began to read the information about the bats to Dusk.

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk smiles "Don't worry nana, you're very soft and snuggly too" he would say before nodding and then listening to his mother tell him about the bats "So these are..flying foxes? Ooh, I remember a thing on television, that's another name for fruit bats" he would say, then looks to his dad "Daddy, do you think that these are the same ones that were harming miss Apple Jack's trees?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Upon hearing Dusk's reply, Gentle smiled and held back the urge to pull her grandson into a hug. "Aw. Thank you, sweetie. You're so precious and kind. Never stop being who you are. As I know you'll grow up to be a kind, young stallion." At the mention of flying foxes, Dynamo blinked in surprise. "Seriously? I mean, they don't look like foxes, but just having the name flying foxes is pretty cool." He looked at the bat creatures in awe, before looking up towards his son. "Hmm...I'm not too sure, son. I did hear you saw fruit bats and I think fruit bats are different colors of the rainbow. Some of the bats here do, indeed, look like they are in different colors. So, I'm not entirely sure. They do look very interesting. Why do you ask, little buddy?"

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@Dynamo Pad

"I think they are called that because of the orange fur that they have" Broken would explain to Dynamo, then listens to Dusk "Hmm you know, I don't know" she would say with a smile, as Dusk looks to his family "I was just thinking, maybe some of the fruitbats that got into the Orchards, and were eating all the apples, maybe they got caught and brought here?" he would say "it would seem the..hu..hum..humane thing to do"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Huh. That's rather interesting when you put it that way. Seeing how actual foxes are usually orange or red in color, after all." He says, Gentle nodding in agreement at Broken's statement. "I think that would make the most sense. Most bats are nocturnal creatures, but I can only guess that these bats can also be seen during the day. I think being caught and brought to a zoo is a safer option. It's better to preserve them, instead of driving them out or be placed as endangered species. Besides, if you think about it, these bats are actually really pretty." She says, smiling as she marveled at the multi-colored fruit bats.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken would smile "well see, while yes most bats are multicolored as seen here, there are some that has orange fur" she would say, bringing out a picture of a flying fox for everyone to see "See, they have soft, fuzzy orange fur" she would say "Much like a fox"

Dusk nods and smiles "I like these ones" he says, pointing to the pictures on the phone "They look like they would want to cuddle"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As Broken brought out a picture of a flying fox, Dynamo stared in wonder, while taking note of her explanation/description of the creature. "Oh, wow. When you take a good look at the flying fox, it actually looks like it has the face of a fox. Even though it's still a different kind of bat." He would say, smiling as he looked back up towards the cage that housed the fruit bats.

Gentle nodded as she looked to the picture that Dusk was pointing at on the phone. "You can say that again, Dusky. I remember seeing videos on the internet of baby bats that look and act so cutely. Being wrapped up in blankets, or just holding a little stuffed toy or food is just so adorable. Especially when they are looking at the camera with their big eyes."

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk smiles and nods, "Can we please go see the other bats?" he'd ask "then I wanna see the lizards" he'd smile, looking down to his father, while his mother, Broken would smile and nod "Of course we can sweetie, this is your day after all" she would say, leading them to the next exhibit for the bats "Oh, these are the flying foxes, look, do you see how they have the orange and black fur?" she'd ask.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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At the mention of seeing the other bats, Dynamo smiled as he looked to his son and nodded. “We can definitely do that, little buddy. We can even go see the lizards when we’re done looking at all of the bats. This is just like what your mommy said. This is your day, so well make sure you can see all the animals in the zoo.” He says, following Scarlet as she lead them to the next bat exhibit. “If we’re lucky, then we can even see if this can be his week too.” Gentle replied, giving a wink as she was trying to be subtle about the fact this week was Dusk’s birthday. 

As they stopped at the flying fox exhibit, Dynamo looked as Broken explained about the bats. “Oh, I see what you mean. They definitely have that orange color that compliments their fur. They look like baby foxes except they have no fox tails.” He smiles as he marveled at the creatures. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken would smile and nod "Exactly, like little flying foxes" she'd say with a chuckle, and then Dusk would look to his dad "I wanna see the lizards next!" he giggles as he claps happily, Broken smiles "Okay champ, we can go see the lizards next, then the rest of the reptiles and then maybe go see the cuddly animals" She would say "Or perhaps we should have lunch after?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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“I can imagine someone would be surprised if someone said that foxes can fly. Sort of like saying they’d believe someone saying something, but only if and when pigs fly. I think I remember hearing a similar story that had that same thing happen, but only because Discord made it possible.” Dynamo would say with a chuckle. At the mention of seeing the lizards, Gentle couldn’t help in giggling at Dusk’s enthusiasm. “Of course we can see the lizards, little buddy. We just need to see where the reptile area is, but I don’t think that’s a problem. Plus, maybe we can see if Naga the Komodo dragon is there, as well.” At the mention of lunch, Gentle knew that would be her chance to start her plan.

“If I could make a suggestion. We can go see the lizards, but then we can see if we are hungry for lunch. Maybe afterwards, we can continue exploring the zoo and see the animals.” Gentle suggested, Dynamo thinking for s moment, before nodding wholeheartedly. “I’m okay with that idea. What do you think of the plan, sweetheart?” He asks, turning to Broken to gain her opinion on the idea. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken would smile "Lizards and then lunch, that sounds good to me" She would say with a nod before looking up to Dusk "What do you think champ? Wanna see the lizards and then have lunch?" she would ask.

Dusk would nod and smile "Yes mama" he would say


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As he heard the plan and Dusk's response, Dynamo smiled as he looked up towards his son's gaze. "It looks like our plans are set. First, we'll see the lizards and then we'll see lunch. So, hold on to your hat, little buddy. We're off to see the lizard! The wonder lizard of Oz!" He cheered as he started making his way towards the lizard exhibit.

"I saw what you were trying to do, so that was clever, dear." Gentle giggled as she followed the group, but made sure that she and Broken had stayed a few feat behind Dynamo and Dusk. “If there’s one thing he shares with his father, it’s the terrible jokes.” She chuckled once more, before leaning over to whisper in Broken’s ear. "The reason as to why I made that suggestion is because of the actual plan. I might slip away from the group and go pick up the game console for Dusk. This way, I'll have it for when we stop by the arcade later on. I hope you and my son will understand, but I thought the two of you should know. Dynamo can't know just yet as he has Dusky sitting atop his shoulders." She says with a smile. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

As they walked towards the lizards and Broken would snicker a little at Dynamo's joke, she would then turn to listen to what was Gentle was saying. She'd then nod and whisper back "Sounds good to me, if Dusky asks, I'll say you needed to go check on something"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As they made their way towards the lizards, Dynamo smirked as he thought he hard Broken snickering. "I heard that, sweetheart! I knew you and Dusky would get a kick out of that!" He chuckled, Gentle chuckling as she nodded. "It seems like he knows yours and Dusky's sense of humor. I do appreciate you covering up my quick leave of absence. It's sort of believable as I might need to go and get a message from a student, who may not have gotten the message that classes were cancelled for the day." She winked as she gave an example for her excuse on leaving early.

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@Dynamo Pad

"What? Your little joke was pretty funny, if a little cliche" she'd nuzzle him then whisper Gentle's plan to him. She then kisses his cheek, "Oh look, Dusky, do you see that big lizard over there? that's a Comodo Dragon" she points out, "He's huge!" Dusk exclaims


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Oh, I know." Dynamo responded with a smile. "I admit that while it may be a little cliche. I saw a pun and I just knew I had to take the opportunity to say said pun." He chuckled as Broken nuzzled him, before nodding at the plan that Gentle had whispered too Broken. As he felt his girlfriend kiss his cheek, he looked to see that the group had finally arrived at the lizard exhibit. He chuckled at Dusky's exclamation, before nodding. "Eeyup! That's the Komodo dragon known as Naga. I know it's not like the dragons we know in Equestria, but their skin is all armored scales." He says, Gentle nodding in agreement. "They are also known as Komodo Monitor. A species of lizards that are found off the lands of Equestria. Meaning that this creature is truly rare." She explained, while the group marveled at the sight of the creature. "I wonder if there is any handlers at this exhibit. That way, Dusky would be able to possibly meet Naga and see the armored scales. I heard the scales are just like chain mail armor. Sort of like the same armor that the royal guards wear in Canterlot. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods as she looks around "Oh there, I think I see a keeper" there she says, as she goes over to a pony, and talks to them. She returns with them, "The keeper says that if we come back in about fifteen minutes, Dusk can meet Naga as part of the meet and greet" she would say "Oh look, there's a frilled neck lizard, they're common in the bushes and deserts of Oatstralia" she would say, pointing to a frilled necked lizard who was lounging on the log in it's exhibit.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As Broken made her way toward the keeper and returned, Dynamo smiled with a nod as he heard her remark. “That’s perfect! Once we have some lunch, we can go and see if Dusky wants to let the Komodo dragon. So, it’ll all work out, in the end.” He says, before turning to the frilled neck lizard that Broken pointed to. “That’s actually pretty interesting. I didn’t think the zoo would have some animals from Oatstralia. That sounds pretty far away, but I could be wrong on that.” He would say, raising a quizzical eyebrow.

“Isn’t Oatstralia home to some animals that can be as big as a pony? I’m entirely sure if that’s true, or if that’s just a rumor.” He would say, Gentle shivering slightly at the conversation. “ Don’t expect me to take a vacation any time soon. If they have snakes there, then you can count me out. Snakes are probably one of my biggest fears.” She would say, Dynamo nodding in understanding. “It’s okay, mom. I know how you feel as my biggest fears are spiders.” He would say, shivering slightly at even mentioning the name of the creature.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken nods "Oh yes, I have heard there are some animals there that are as big as us ponies" she would say "and I also feel the both of you, spiders are a big fear of mine, snakes, not so much" she would smile as they continued to see the other lizards "One thing I had learned, Gentle and Dynamo, is that once you can see something you fear, such as a snake or a spider, behind a protective pane of glass and you can learn about them, it alleviates some of the fear"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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“Seriously? There are creatures like that out there that are about the same size as us?” Dynamo would ask, almost doing a double take at Broken’s direction. “I was afraid you would say that.” Gentle would say, before co to Hong. “I was hoping what you had said was only a rumor. Although, it seems those rumors were t just rumors, after all. I would like to ask how that’s even possible, but then again. I don’t think I should ask. The less I know about snakes, then the better I should be.” She would shiver, before Dynamo nodded in agreement. 

“I’m glad to know that you and o have the same fear, sweetheart. I can see what you mean by your form of logic and example. I guess it would be easier said than done as I just can’t stand the sight of a spider. Just seeing them freaks me out. There was even a time I almost ran through a door because of a spider.” He mentioned, Gentle chuckling slightly at the memory. “Oh, I remember that all too well. I remember almost framing out that I thought I saw something. You walked in and asked what was wrong, before I mentioned that I thought I saw a spider. The next thing I knew, you turned around and almost bolted through the the door. It turned out to be a piece of fuzz, but I had never seen him run that fast.” She giggled as Dynamo groaned in embarrassment. While the story seems humiliating, he had to admit that it was funny to look back on. 

“On that note, I do think what you said is a good idea, Broken. The only problem is that I’m just worried the snakes would find a way to slip through the protective pane of glass. I know it sounds unlikely, but one must never leave out any and all possible outcomes. I think it would be rather helpful to conquer a fear like that.”

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "I am sure that the zoo has precautions to make sure that that doesn't happen she would say, as they spent the rest of the morning going through the reptile and spider exhibits,learning about both venomous and non-venomous spiders and snakes. They then made their way to the eating area, where there were plenty of places to order food from. She would them smile as she saw Gentle "Dusky, nana Gentle has to go for a bit, she has an errand to run, but I'm sure she'll be back before we finish lunch"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"I take your word for it sweetheart. I'd still be cautious as I'm still not a big fan of my fear." Dynamo would say as the group made their way through the reptile and arachnid exhibits. Gentle was grateful that the zoo had precautions for the snakes, while seeing that they weren't as scary. Dynamo, on the other hand, narrowed his vision, while trying to make sure not to be in direct contact with the arachnid exhibit. Even if they were safe, he still didn't like looking at his big fear. He took deep breaths and tried to remain calm, until the group was out of the exhibits. As they made their way towards the eating area, Dynamo sighed as he took a seat. At the same time, lifting Dusk off of his shoulders and placing the young colt next to him on the seats. "I'm so glad we were able to get those exhibits out of the way. I thought I was going to have a panic attack." He chuckled slightly, before listening to Broken's remark. "I had gotten a quick call from one of my students. They were confused as to why I wasn't at the dance studio, but I shall be right back. I forgot that they needed a private lesson to improve in their dance steps." She would say, Dynamo nodding as he understood what his mother was up too. "Okay and take your time mom. We'll still be here when you get back. If not, then we'll make sure to message you, so you can meet up with us." Dynamo responded, Gentle smiling as she ruffled Dusky's mane and kissed the top of his head. "I'll be back before you know it, honey. Nana won't be gone for long."

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusky would nod but would still reach out for a hug from Gentle before letting her go, "Don't worry sweetie, nana Gentle will be back soon" Broken would reassure him "Say, how about we get you a colt's meal from your favourite place?" she'd ask, which would instantly perk up his mood as he'd nod "C-can I choose the toy?" he'd ask, "Of course you can sweetie" Broken smiles, leading him to where the colt and filly meals were being sold. 

Dusk would look at the meals and would choose the burger with a side of salad, as well as a small plush of a flying fox.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gentle smiled softly as she saw Dusk reaching out for a hug. One that Gentle returned without hesitation. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll be back before you know it.” She waves at the family, before making her exit out of the zoo. While she did have to leave, she would make her way towards the game store to pick up the console for Dusk. At the mention of food, Dynamo smiled and nodded s hey made their way to the menu section. “Food sounds good right about now.” He says, looking at Broken with a raised eyebrow. “Do you want to get some food here, as well, hon? We wouldn’t want to be hungry when traveling around the zoo snd town.” He says, smiling at Dusk’s choosing the toy. “Excellent choice, little buddy. Seems like you and I have a common favorite in favorite animal.” He chuckled as Dusky looked at the menu, before making his decision.

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