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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and hugs him back, while kissing him in return "Mm I'm just so proud of him. We gave him a choice of three things he wanted, and he chose something to give to both his nana's and something for you instead of things for himself" she would say before getting into the car.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo pulled back from the kiss and smiled with a nod in agreement. “He really made a noble and adult decision. I wouldn’t have blamed him if he had picked three stuffed animals for himself. However, I was utterly surprised by his choice. One that I will never stop being proud of him. It’s why I wanted to get him something special due to how sweet he was towards the flying fox.” He would say, getting into the car and starting up the vehicle. “Okay! Now who’s ready to go and see nana at the arcade!?” He asks, before putting in the directions to head towards the arcade.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods, gently placing a hand on his knee as they begun the drive to the arcade "You're right on that sweetie, his choices really surprised me as well, and I will always be proud of him for it" she would say, looking back to see that Dusk had swiftly decided to take a nap while snuggling up to his two newest plushies. She nods "I also hear you on how gentle and caring he was with the little flying fox, I was so proud"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As the began to exit the zoo's parking lot and headed towards the arcade. Dynamo made sure to keep his eyes on the road, while making to pay attention towards Broken. He smiled as he felt her place a gentle hand upon his knee. "He's going to grow up to be a phenomenal bat pony. I have no doubt about that." As he stopped at a nearby red light, he looked in the rearview mirror to see Dusk, who had taken a nap. He chuckled softly as he saw his son was snuggled up to his newest flying fox plush. "I was very proud of him for being so caring towards the animals. It was like he was a natural at taking care of any and all animals. You'd think he would be working at the zoo, but he's still way too young. Maybe someday, but for now? It's better for him to enjoy life and to be a kid." He chuckled softly once more with a smile, before driving as the light turned green.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Oh I have no doubt he'll grow up to be a phenomenal pony" she says and nods some more "I wouldn't doubt he would grow up to be involved with something that involves working with animals" she smiles "I am very proud too, he listened closely to the animal handlers and followed their instructions to a t" she'd smile, looking over to see that he had fallen asleep. She smiles over to Dynamo "All tuckered out, which is good, I can imagine he'll need to conserve his energy for what he's about to see at the Arcade"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiled with a nod in agreement to Broken's words. "Speaking of which. Did he ever say what he wanted to do when he grew up? Working with animals sounds wonderful. I would just be worried if he had to deal with ferocious creatures like poisonous snakes and such. You wouldn't want to be on the bad side of a bugbear." He chuckled jokingly, but he knew the seriousness of said job, as well. "Dusky has exceptional and great listening skills. He seems to have a knack for making the right decisions when he needs to. Makes for a great trait when being a leader of a group or in school." He says, seeing Broken look over to Dusk out of the corner of his eye. His ears perked as she told him that their son had fallen asleep. "I'm not surprised. With where we are going next, I have no doubt he'll love all the games he'll be able to play. Even meeting my old boss/teacher will be something. There's even some arcade games that I think you'll more than likely enjoy. I can only imagine Dusky will have the same reaction as I did back when I was younger." He chuckled softly at the thought.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken chuckles and nods "He did once say he wanted to be a guard like his birth father and his nana, but I know he also voiced some anxiety about it, so perhaps he will go into working with animals, and if not, I'm sure he'll take after you, working at an arcade and competing in tournaments" she says and laughs softly "and I bet, he'd forget about how tired he was and be all excited, needless to say, I bet he'll be sleeping well tonight"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Sounds to me like our little colt is a dreamer." He chuckled, before continuing. "I understand the anxiety, but he shouldn't do something if it makes him feel nervous. I do find his reasonings to be very noble. It's always nice to take up a tradition from family." He would say, smiling at the ideas Broken had mentioned. "Well, if he does take up the arcade, then I would be honored to teach him what my old teacher had taught me. Of course, he'll be meeting that teacher momentarily. Of course, it does depend on what his cutie mark turns out to be. Whatever it is, I'll be proud of my son, no matter what. He'll always have our love and support." He smiled softly, nodding in agreement with another chuckle. "I can only imagine what he'll be discussing with his Auntie Luna from the day he had today. It's like he went on an adventure and a half from the looks of it." He would say as they family drew ever closer towards the arcade. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "I think he is scared something like what happened to his dad might happen to him" she would say "How-ever, you are right, no matter what he chooses, so long as it's well legal, he will always have our support and love" she'd say, "and I bet you're right, he's going to be so excited, but imagine his excitement when he sees his cake for his party" she smiles, checking her phone for updates.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Upon hearing Broken's reply, Dynamo frowned with a nod. "I can understand that. Knowing something like that would make any job seem pretty scary. If something were to happen in that sort of regard." He would say, before giving Broken a reassuring smile. "You've got that right, sweetheart. Plus, he'll have friends who can also be there for him. That way, he'll have the confidence in himself to succeed and to do his best." He chuckled, before placing a finger to his lips at the mention of cake. "I can easily imagine Dusky having two to three slices of cake, but let's keep the cake a secret. We wouldn't want the birthday boy to learn what he's getting for his party." He whispered softly to make sure that their son wouldn't hear them. "How is it going, sweetheart? Are there any updates to the cake and/or party?" He would ask as he glanced slightly to see Broken, who was checking her phone. The blue unicorn made sure to keep an eye on the road. He smiled as the arcade had appeared within their sights.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "Yep, the cake is all done and being kept in the large freezer" she says "Party preparations are also well under way, everyone has confirmed that they will be coming" she says "Especially that new little friend of his" she says "Are we nearly there? I can't wait to see if anyone has beat my scores"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Perfect!" Dynamo whispered so as to not wake up his son from his nap. "It looks like everything is staying on schedule. Glad to hear an update from Pinkie and Cheese. That must have been a new record on finishing a cake." He chuckled as he always knew Pinkie and Cheese tried to top a new Ponyville world record. "Glad to know that everyone responded to the invites. I know we said we would send out invites, but Pinkie kept on persisting. That, and she knows just about everyone that we know. So, it made things that much easier." He would say with a wink. "Don't forget about the other new little friend that will be going. It seems like our son is going to be making a lot of new friends when the time is right." He says, nodding as he pulled up to the curb and placed the car in park. "Eeyup. We finally made it to the arcade. Also, wanting to see if anyone had beaten your high score? For one thing, you and I are the only ones who can definitely challenge each other in video games. Secondly, this is more of a question as I'm surprised. I didn't know you visited this arcade before. I always thought you used to live in Ponyville, before you arrived in Equestria." He would say, turning off the car and taking the keys out of the ignition.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "Oh yes, I didn't forget him, Onyx right?" she'd ask "He'll also get to meet little Cupcake" she says as she gets out of the car and stretches after the ignition was turned off. She'd then lean in and gently wake up Dusk "Dusky sweetie, time to wake up, we're at the arcade now" she'd say as he would sleepily yawn and nod.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo nodded with a smile at the name of Dusk's friends that Gentle had mentioned. "Eeyup. Onyx is the name. It'll be nice to see those two getting along at his birthday party. I'm even beginning to wonder what it will be like when Dusk meets Cupcake. I remember when we met her with Pinkie and Cheese. We instantly knew that she and Dusky would be friends. I guess only time will tell." He says, while Gentle leaned over to wake up the resting colt. "Mommy's right, little buddy. It's time to wake up. We made it to the arcade and it's now time to see nana again." He would say, exiting the car and closing the driver's side door. He then made his way around the car to the backset, while going to help his son out of the car.

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk smiles and grabs his own plushie along with the one he wanted to give to Gentle "I can't wait to show nana the plushies and give her hers" he'd say happily, getting out of the car, with a little bit of help from Broken. "I'm sure she will love them sweetie" broken says then looks to Dynamo "I've travelled a little bit, here and there" she'd say to him about his question about her visiting the arcade.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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After Dusk grabbed the two plushies, Dynamo opened the door as Broken helped his son out of the back seat. "I have no doubt that nana will love the stuffed animal that you got for her. Especially the plushies that you picked out for Nana Night, myself and the plush I got you." He would say, turning to Broken and raising an eyebrow in surprise. "Really? I know this might be out of the blue, but when did you first start traveling? I'm beginning to wonder if we ever ran into each other. Considering there were so many gamer's, who just showed up at this arcade in particular." He says, closing the car door after Broken and Dusk were out of the way. Once he took a deep breath, he sighed as a smile was present upon his face. "So, what do you say, Dusky. Ready to see where your daddy got his start in the gaming world?" He asks as he turned towards his son.

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk smiles and cuddles his plushies while walking with them to the arcade "Do you work here too daddy?" he asks, while Broken just smiles and looks to Dynamo "quite possible, I've been here a bit, especially when I was trying to get over my first husband's passing"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As they walked up towards the arcade, Dynamo looked down towards his son, who was carrying and cuddling his plushies. "Hmm...you could say that. This was where I first started working as an apprentice to my old boss. He was also my teacher as he showed me the world of video games. This was also the very arcade that your daddy gained his cutie mark. Along with learning the magic that I always had." As he turned his attention over to Broken, he frowned slightly at the mention of her husband. "I'm sorry to hear that. I'm guessing a lot had been going on back then. I wonder if Mr. Pinball will recognize you. Knowing him, that stallion could never forget his favorite customer's who stepped into this arcade. It was always a safe haven for those who loved video games, or to feel welcomed by others." He would say, walking over and opening the front door for both Broken and Dusk. "Son? Let your mother and I introduce you to what we believe is the world of gaming." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk would smile and nod, he'd then look down a little at the mention of his birth father. Broken smiles and runs a hand through his hair before smiling at Dynamo "It's alright honey, it gave me the chance to meet you and your mom" she would say "While I am sure my former husband would have been a wonderful father to Dusk, I think it's better for him to have one with a less dangerous job" she says to Dynamo then nods "ah yes, the Pinball Wizard" she chuckles "I haven't seem him in ages"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo looked down to Dusk and frowned softly as he noticed the sad look in his eyes. He leaned down and pulled the young colt into a hug. "It's okay, little buddy. I know how important your birth father means to you. I understand I can't be like him, but I want to be a loving father to my son, as well as be a loving boyfriend to my special somepony. I know he'll always be watching over you and your mommy." He gave Dusk a reassuring smile as he stood back up to nod at Broken. Along with giving her a warm smile as he meant every word to both Broken and Dusk. "I guess fate can work in mysterious ways. I really am glad I was able to get the chance in meeting you, Dusky and Night. I guess that's true on the whole dangerous job topic. Unless you count the random shenanigans that occur at a tournament venue, or arguments going on at the arcade. Things like that can be seen as minor inconveniences, but it's a good job to have, in my opinion." He would say, before chuckling as he opened the door for Broken and Dusk to step into the arcade. "You can say that again, honey. It's been a while for me, as well. I guess it's time for a reunion, while also giving our son an introduction."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as she hugs Dusk "Thank you for understanding, honey" she would say and then nods "I feel Pinball will love Dusk, whenever I was there he was always good with the foals that were there" she'd say then look to Dusk "come on sweetie, lets go see nana Gentle and give her your present for her"

Dusk smiles and nods, holding up the wolf plush.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo gives a smile and nod in understanding. "You're welcome, sweetheart. We're all a family and family needs to stick together, in my opinion." He would say, nodding once more in agreement at the mention of Pinball. "I think so too as he was always nice to everyone. If there was any troublemakers, then he would most likely take care of things, before it got out of hand. That, or he would let video games be the answer to solve disputes." He says as the group walked into the arcade.

Upon entering the building, the family was met by Gentle and another pony, who seemed to be running the arcade. The pony in question was indeed the one and only, Pinball Wizard. He was an earth pony with a coat of brown fur. His mane and tail were a golden blonde as his mane was slicked back. His attire was a retro jacket and he wore glasses. Pinball's ears perked as he heard the sound of the front door being opened. Along with hearing the ringing of a bell to indicate someone had appeared. Upon seeing who was showing up, the earth pony could only smile in realization. "Well, I'll be. If it isn't Dynamo Pad and Broken Record. I haven't seen the two of you in such a long time." Hearing the names of the new arrivals had caused Gentle to smile. "I'm glad you were all able to make it here. How did the trip to the zoo go? I'm sorry about the sudden departure. I had a quick dance class discussion, but I managed to make my way to the arcade." Dynamo smiled and waved at his old teacher. "It's okay, mom. We understand as you had to take care of your job. It's also great to see you, Mr. Pinball. How have you been old timer?" Hearing his response had caused Pinball to give the group a deadpanned expression. "Hey! I am not that old. I...okay. I am old, but at least I've still got my dashing good looks." He chuckled at the joke, before giving the group a warm smile. He tilted his head in surprise as he saw a young colt with Dynamo and Broken. "Oh? Who is this? I seen my fair share of gamer's appearing over time, but I don't recall ever meeting you before."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "He's going to love Dusky" she says and holds onto Dusk's hand as they walk into the arcade. They soon see the owner and manager of the arcade and is greeted by him. Broken smiles "Hey wizard" she'd say, then smiles more as he sees him looking at Dusk "Wiz, you remember how I came here? To forget about my husband's passing?" She'd ask, "Well this is Dusk Night, or Dusky for short. My son with him" she smiles then smiles a bit more "And well, due to some strange circumstances, I met my rival turned boyfriend, Dynamo Pad" she smiles "He's been a wonderful stallion to me and a even more wonderful father figure for Dusky"

Dusk hides behind them before he sees Gentle and squeals in excitement "NANA GENTLE!" he runs to her, and hugs her leg "Nana, I bought you something"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"It's good to see you again, Broken. It's been far too long since I last saw you." Pinball frowned slightly at the mention of her husband, but he nodded in understanding. "I could never forget, Broke. I remember seeing the way you played in a video game. You had no emotion to barely showing any sympathy towards your opponent. I remember it took me a few weeks in order to get you to reveal what was bothering you. I may not be the best when it comes to emotions, but I can read the faces of those who step forth in this domain." He would say, smiling at the mention of his nickname, while recalling her nickname, as well. Seeing the colt revealed to be her son, Pinball could only smile. "So, this is your son? I didn't know you had a child, Broke. Of course, this must have been before when you were with your husband. From what you described, he looks just like you and your late husband." His jaw dropped at the mention of Dynamo and Broken becoming a couple. "Well, I never thought I would see the day. My apprentice and one of my many favorite customers have become a couple? Now this is a story I would love to hear. I know I didn't give you specifics, but I knew you had found a good rival when I mentioned his name. What changed?" Dynamo groaned in embarrassment as he heard Pinball's comments. "Mr. Pinball!" The earth pony stallion could only chuckle as he gave Dynamo an apologetic look. "I'm just kidding, my boy. I remember how you used to tell me that you would never be able to find a girlfriend. Not after you know..." He stopped at that as he knew Dynamo's relationships back in school.

Pinball decided to smile brightly as he gave the young couple a nod in acceptance. "Even so. I think the two of you make a great couple. The two of you have that sort of chemistry that makes for an unbreakable connection. I wish for nothing, but an everlasting happiness for you both." Dynamo smiled at the praise, while wrapping an arm around Broken's shoulder to hold her close. "It also warms my heart to hear that your son has found a father figure in my apprentice. You couldn't have picked a better pony to be there for both you and your son." Gentle, who was watching the exchange in dialogue, had looked over to Dusk. As he ran over to hug her leg, the periwinkle mare smiled as she kneeled down to be at his eye level. "It's so good to see my grandson again. Oh, I know it was for a short while, but I missed you." She smiled, peppering his face with kisses galore. At the mention of Dusk buying her something, Gentle raised an eyebrow, while tilting her head in wonder. "Oh? You went and bought me something? What did you get me, sweetie?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Yeah those were dark days indeed" she would say but hugs Dynamo close "and you're right, Dynamo here is such a wonderful stallion and he just adores Dusky"

Dusk smiles as he lifts up the large wolf plush "I bought you a woof plushie" he smiles brightly.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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