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private Deep Science 1x1 with Blitz Boom

Illiad Easle

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@Blitz Boom


On 2024-10-18 at 2:45 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"You look more familiar, than any of those I have seen before. Close to dragons, but without their flaws. It's very... Unusual."

Her voice were wary, and her muscles tense, but she tried not to show it too much outwardly. She did not want to end up like the ones she saw circling the two, drained of free will, and drawn to naught but worship.

They nodded at her assessment, "Indeed, it does seem like having known us before has altered your perception of us. But your perception is also quite different from most other ponies. We think you would manage our presence better than most others, perhaps even better than the changelings."

They motioned for her to leave, "One last thing though, a final test. Tonight, write down everything you can remember about this encounter, and send it to us. Then, once you are back in Troy, do it again. We would like to see how distance and time affects your memory of this encounter."

"Now, your friends are waiting for you outside."


Even turning away from them, their visage was stuck in her memory, it was hard to remember how she had perceived them before.


Once she was out of the room, and the doors closed behind her, she'd be approached by Ranger and Arcade, the both of them looking a bit off from the encounter, "Can we go now? I don't want to come back if we don't have to."



On 2024-10-18 at 2:45 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Cherish's smile stiffened, when she heard Nova's question, and a brief moment of fear passed her, whilst a breath of air strained itself through her clenched teeth. It lasted but a second, before she pushed it down, though her smile did not have the intensity it did before. It thankfully did not go beyond that, as Nova would get answers some other time. Away from her, which were best. She could handle hearing about death to an extend, but she had been picturing Lyft assisting with some wounds, and then hearing that question, in the moment, reminded her of another doctor. Someone she'd rather not think about, as the last time she had been talking even a little about that... A-Anyway, her adoptive mother had needed to hold her for an hour after that, through the crying and screaming, and it took three weeks to get through a story, that took maybe five minutes to explain in total.

Lyft glanced over at Cherish briefly with a concerned and sorrowful expression, having felt the potent discomfort from her at the question, but she didn't press the issue. It wouldn't help to single her out like this here. But she hoped that Cherish would feel comfortable asking her questions privately if she wanted to.


On 2024-10-18 at 2:45 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"You... *clears throat* If you're healthy, that's good for your organs, so you'll probably live longer, yes? I've always been told that exercise and eating right, is a good way to stay healthy. And taking your vitamins."

Lyft smiled at Cherish's answer, both because the answer was good, and because Cherish had been willing to participate after the uncomfortable incident. 

"That is correct, living a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy foods helps you to make sure that your organs are functioning properly, which in turn helps you to grow properly and live longer. Regular exercise is good for your muscles, your blood flow, your breathing, and other physical attributes, as well as often being good for some mental attributes like mood regulation. Taking vitamins can be good to keep you healthy if your regular diet is lacking, but you should be careful as taking too much can cause damage, or if they're not mixed properly for your species. Not many ponies know this, but the different pony species actually have slightly different nutritional needs."

Lilac seemed a bit overwhelmed by the information, given all the big words that Lyft was using, and so she raised her hoof, "Um, I don't know what all those words mean" pointing at what Lyft had written out.

Lyft chuckled, a bit embarrassed, "Oh! Sorry, I should have used a simpler explanation. Still, you don't need to worry about all this exactly just yet. This is more for me to see what you all already know, so I know what to teach you about and how to teach it. The example that Cherish shared has actually given me a good idea as to where we can begin."

She turned her attention back to the class as a whole, "We're going to start by learning about how food and exercise helps us to be healthy. First we'll learn what food is healthy and unhealthy, then we'll go into why. Then next week we'll start into exercise, starting with what we can do, then understand why the exercises are helpful. Does that sound good?"

Most of the class seemed interested in that plan, or were at least unopposed to it.

Lyft nodded, "Well, since we're coming up on lunch time, why don't we start with an activity? Each of you can come up and write down what things you've brought for lunch today, then we can sort them based on which kinds of ponies can eat them, and whether or not each item is considered healthy or unhealthy. Also feel free to add to the list with other foods you've had before that might be more different."

(Since Void is packing their lunches, you can list what she packed and if she included anything special in any of their lunches, plus whatever Cherish wants to put up. I'll add the extra items for the young ponies and Nova/Lilac's lunch in my next post.)


(Grey Changelings)

Things had been mostly quiet in the Grey compound since Basher had been captured. There was a bit of an air of disappointment given Basher's capture had not been followed by an influx of members like the Grey Mare had wanted. Still, the changeling trio had been given their share of the reward, and returned to the duties they had worked on before.

Craven had recently been assigned to act as a guard for Basher's cell, and was encouraged to try and get Basher to open up a bit, maybe convince him to cooperate? He wasn't told how he might accomplish that though.

At the present, he was standing by Basher's cell. The pegasus in question was once again rhythmically bouncing a ball against the opposite walls.

In the adjacent cell was Birdie, Basher's lieutenant, a unicorn mare who Arcade had taken down. She had been somewhat more cooperative than Basher had, but didn't know much about the organization. She had mostly been Basher's bodyguard and lookout, while the other lieutenant, Moth, had been the real second in command. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


On 2024-10-24 at 10:37 PM, Illiad Easle said:

They nodded at her assessment, "Indeed, it does seem like having known us before has altered your perception of us. But your perception is also quite different from most other ponies. We think you would manage our presence better than most others, perhaps even better than the changelings."

They motioned for her to leave, "One last thing though, a final test. Tonight, write down everything you can remember about this encounter, and send it to us. Then, once you are back in Troy, do it again. We would like to see how distance and time affects your memory of this encounter."

"Now, your friends are waiting for you outside."

Perhaps she were good at this, but it were an advantage that came at a cost. Dealing with gods, or demigods, were risky and required stepping around on eggshells, lest something bad might happen.

Those who usually fawned over the dragons, they likely only knew the stories of gods, or might have seen a play, or something like that, so they were enamored, and unaware of what they were dealing with. To them, these two were probably just higher beings, whom they should fawn over, as some kind of benevolent being.

Null could not see gods as benevolent beings like they could, because she knew what gods tended to be like. Sure they were not all the same, but they were often above them, to a frightening degree. Unable, or uncaring about their subjects, and incapable of empathizing with them. It would be like her trying to see eye to eye with an amoebae.

Some did better. The ones in Harrowmark, and the primary in Caneighda, were even openly communicating with them, to try and connect and see their subjects more closely, but they were still on a whole different level. Even if they understood, could they really connect? With the callous disregard for life that Null had seen, she had a hard time believing that they ever truly could, and if you couldn't empathize, what were to stop you from doing horrendous things? If they did not register of living, thinking creatures to you, what stopped you from simply doing things, out of boredom, or on whim?

She'd seen how bad it could be. The points where death would have been kinder, and had hit both those who worshipped them, and those who stood in opposition. So whilst she could worship, show respect, even pray somewhat genuinely, she could not watch them with unburdened reverence. It were foolish to do so, when you had seen what she had. And that did not even include how the worshippers were themselves sometimes.

"They haven't seen what I've seen.

And I'll write some things down. By your leave."

She'd bow her neck, then go on her way, feeling some small amount of relief the further she got away from the room they were in. She could hardly remember what she used to think of them right now, when she still had her curse. Some vague recollection that this wasn't right, but right now, she couldn't focus more on it than that. Maybe later, her head would clear up, and it'd be easier for her to recollect that. For now, she were just happy to get out of here.

On 2024-10-24 at 10:37 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Once she was out of the room, and the doors closed behind her, she'd be approached by Ranger and Arcade, the both of them looking a bit off from the encounter, "Can we go now? I don't want to come back if we don't have to."

A shiver went over Null, before she saw the others approach her. Seemed like they had gotten out unscathed. That was good. Never knew when it came to things like this.

"I don't ever want to return to this place either. Being in there, makes me miss my curse.

Are you two okay? I swear, I didn't know it would be like this. I've only seen their dulled followers, and thought they'd make you overly complacent, if you didn't have some kind of protection. I didn't think it would be so... Varied."

She were more than happy for them to be on their way, and not return here again, ever. Even if she had to make a letter, she were gonna ask a changeling to deliver it. She hadn't an urge to return to that place, long as she had a choice in the matter.




The young ponies had varied lunch boxes, as Void tried to keep them towards their taste, but they were overall still healthy. They each had home made bread, some cut fruits/nuts packed into its own little wrapper, scraped butter and whatever they liked the most on top, that were fitting it. Mostly it were some variation that still played around the same baseline, though as she were trying her best to accommodate them all, Elef's lunch had some slices of meat, that she had cut from a raw piece she had gotten. If he preferred some spice, or it cooked, she'd have done that, but it might well simply be raw, juicy meat, packaged in next to the bread, to make sure it wouldn't go dry.

They all also had a nutrient bar, that she had made a fair bit. They were easy, had a lot of protein in them, and while there were some sugar, she did her best to make it mostly natural sugar, to avoid this getting too unhealthy. Though at times, she did make stuff more sugary for them at home, this were school. Good, healthy brain food were important. Though Elef's were differently colored. As she put crickets in his, she were using a bit of fruit juice to make it a little redder, so she didn't accidentally give one of the others the wrong one.

They also all had some water with them. And even if it were the day after Gemini's party (or the day after that again) they wouldn't get cake in their box. She'd rather they enjoyed some of the leftovers after school, than eating it in school. Besides, she didn't want the other students to feel bad about their own food, in case they didn't have anything as good. Though if the others had promised to share, she would have let them take some slices of leftover cake along with them. Cut so there'd be one for each student int he class.

Cherish's were simple. Some water, and a sandwich. Rough bread, and various greens. Including cactus slices, which she actually found fairly tasty. Nothing she ever got back in Equestria, but trying it here, it had been an instant hit.

There were also an olive, or the Trojan equivalent stuck to the top, with a toothpick. Sooth liked doing so for the looks, as it gave it some class, in her opinion. And it provided her a toothpick, in case Cherish got something stuck in her teeth.

Cherish also but a lump of diamond up from her pack next to it. Poor quality and filled with cracks, it were essentially worthless for any shop in her opinion, but that wasn't the intention with it either.

"It's for my dragon friend, Crow. I found that after I was out with her yesterday, and thought I could surprise her with it today. I dunno if its healthy though. Just that dragons eat them."

She had literally stumbled on it out there, on her way home. Gave her a big surprise, but she were pretty sure she knew exactly what to do with it, as Crow probably didn't find a lot of gems to eat, out in the desert. Made her wonder how much they really needed this, but... Maybe she'd know now? She just knew that Crow had talked about it longingly once, and she didn't really have anything else to use this for.

What it were doing out there... She had no idea, and wasn't gonna ask, because the answer were probably some variation of someone had it, then bad stuff happened, and it got dropped in the sand dunes, until it uncovered again recently. Could have been trashed too. hard to day. The dunes could hide things for years, while the sand shifted around.



(Grey Changelings)

*sigh* Why did it have to be him?

Well, he knew why him, out of the three of them. Mongoose were doing better, but he were still best kept to things that included cleaning duties, or supervision. He were also too easy to manipulate, which were a risk they couldn't take with Basher. And Yannit supposedly had other things to attend. That or he were being mislead, and they were trying to make the three of them work more independently, rather than being stuck as a group. He sorta suspected that might be the case, but he were worried that asking the question would get him in trouble somehow. Not that he really had someone to ask. He were given orders, and followed them. There weren't much of a boss to go and ask. Not unless you counted Grey mare herself, and he would hate to disturb her. Surely her time were more valuable than that. And even if it were not, he'd rather try and avoid accidentally catch her ire.

So now he were here. Performing guard duty, on a pony that he had partaken in chasing down, in his own small way. Props to that small mare too, for still giving them the share they did, considering they hadn't been able to do much, before she seemingly solved it herself. It had been a welcome surprise, though honestly, the more he did this, the further the thought of stopping once his debt were paid, went from his mind.

Yes the work could be dangerous, and at times it were nerve-wracking, or tedious, but he did feel like he were making a difference, and helping to overall make things better than they were before. It offered him a chance to seek penance, and he were glad that he had the chance, as the guilt just kept gnawing more and more at him over the years, after what he had done. Yet it also offered him purpose, in a world that didn't have much of it.

Sure he could follow Bling and the others, but she had enough hooves there, to where she could let go of a few. He were still grateful for what help she had provided though, as most of them were. Hard for him to put a bad word on her, and he would openly protest, if he were told that they had to go and enact vengeance upon her of all creatures, as she were about the least dangerous, spiteful being he had ever met in his life. What were there to seek vengeance for?

*sigh* Okay, okay, focus on the job. He had to do this. Guard Basher, and trying to get him to open up perhaps, and be a bit more cooperative. He could do that... Maybe. Honestly, what the hay were he supposed to talk to Basher about? The weather? Not something he could really witness a lot in here.

"...You okay in there, sir? You've been awfully quiet."

Yep, he was gonna excel at this alright... Couldn't Basher just hit him in the head with that ball, and free him from his own idiocy?

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


On 2024-10-29 at 6:07 PM, Blitz Boom said:

A shiver went over Null, before she saw the others approach her. Seemed like they had gotten out unscathed. That was good. Never knew when it came to things like this.

"I don't ever want to return to this place either. Being in there, makes me miss my curse.

Are you two okay? I swear, I didn't know it would be like this. I've only seen their dulled followers, and thought they'd make you overly complacent, if you didn't have some kind of protection. I didn't think it would be so... Varied."

She were more than happy for them to be on their way, and not return here again, ever. Even if she had to make a letter, she were gonna ask a changeling to deliver it. She hadn't an urge to return to that place, long as she had a choice in the matter.

They each shuddered when asked how they were, but once outside they felt comfortable sharing their thoughts.

Arcade went first, "Their voice, it reminded me of the Administrator's. It carried the same weight, that it must be obeyed at all cost, and that pain and suffering would follow, whether I was successful or not. I never met the administrator in person, I think because they suspected I might try to kill them if given the chance. So I think it was a good idea to not see them without the protection from before."

Ranger followed, "It was similar for me, only it was the voice of my trainers. I felt... inadequate, inferior, listening to them, but there was something else burning inside me too, a rage I've never felt before. I think... I have your sister to thank for that."

Arcade followed up, "How was it for you? What was it like to see them?"


After Null answered, they would be about back at the Top Suites. Ranger doing her best to move on from the incident. "Well, I for one am looking forward to seeing if the kitsune is done. And I'm sure the two of you are anxious to get whatever talking you need to do done. I've never seen Arcade so... off before."

Arcade blushed at that, but didn't disagree.



Each of the young ponies had the chance to go up and write what Void had packed for them following what Cherish had put up.

When it came to Lilac and Nova, Nova was willing to write for the both of them, indicating that they had brought some fish and bread. Lilac commenting that she had even caught one of them herself.

Lyft then asked the class what other foods they had tried before or knew about that other creatures ate.

On 2024-10-29 at 6:07 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Cherish also but a lump of diamond up from her pack next to it. Poor quality and filled with cracks, it were essentially worthless for any shop in her opinion, but that wasn't the intention with it either.

"It's for my dragon friend, Crow. I found that after I was out with her yesterday, and thought I could surprise her with it today. I dunno if its healthy though. Just that dragons eat them."

Lyft smiled, "Very interesting! We'll talk about that in a bit, but that is also one of the few things that changelings like me can't eat. Even when disguised as a diamond dog or a dragon we don't have the jaw or tooth strength to bite through gems like they do."

The young ponies added some of the things they had tried with Void before, like cake, salad, and soda.

Lyft turned her attention up to the list that had been written, "It looks like you are all eating quite healthily, I hope you'll maintain these habits as you grow, so you'll be able to stay healthy."

She then wrote across the top of the board a few different species, including the three pony types, thestrals, diamond dogs, dragons, and changelings.

"Now, let's go through each item and see if it is healthy, neutral, unhealthy, or bad, for each of the species."

Some seemed confused by the options so Lyft explained, "Healthy foods provide nutrients, or things that your body needs in order to grow and heal. Unhealthy foods either don't provide nutrients, or provide too much of one thing or another, and can make you sick if you eat too much of it. Neutral foods are things that don't provide much benefit, but also don't cause harm. Bad foods are things that will make you sick or hurt you if you even have a small amount of it."

That seemed to clear things up, so Lyft proceeded. "Let's see, we have a unicorn, a pegasus, an earth pony, and a few thestrals here. Why don't we have each of you fill in the column you represent as best as you can, then we'll discuss? Elef, Nova, and Lilac, you can work together to fill in the Thestral column. But first I'll fill in the changeling column so you can see what it looks like."

  • Bread
    • Healthy
  • Fruit
    • Healthy
  • Nuts
    • Healthy
  • Butter
    • Neutral
  • Raw meat
    • Neutral
  • Cooked meat
    • Neutral
  • Fish
    • Neutral
  • Bar
    • Healthy
  • Insects
    • Neutral
  • Cake
    • Neutral
  • Salad
    • Healthy
  • Soda
    • Unhealthy
  • Gems
    • Bad

Lyft then explained, "Changelings are a bit different from ponies, we get most of our food from emotional energy, but we do still need to eat food from time to time. That said, while we can eat most kinds of food in order to maintain our disguises, many things don't do anything for us, but that is different for ponies."

She would then step back to let the class attempt to fill in the rest of the board, helping Gemini to reach the top of the board given she was the only one without wings or magic to reach up high.



On 2024-10-29 at 6:07 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"...You okay in there, sir? You've been awfully quiet."

Yep, he was gonna excel at this alright... Couldn't Basher just hit him in the head with that ball, and free him from his own idiocy?

There was a snort from inside the cell, "What's it too you? You-"

He stopped, If Craven was looking he could see that Basher was looking at him, "Huh, didn't expect a changeling. Didn't think they could catch a changeling, what with all that disguising you do." He shrugged, "You meet the Spy when he was in town? What name did he use? Wraps Putting? I heard he was mixing with the local changelings for a bit before he disappeared again."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


On 2024-11-01 at 8:15 PM, Illiad Easle said:

They each shuddered when asked how they were, but once outside they felt comfortable sharing their thoughts.

Arcade went first, "Their voice, it reminded me of the Administrator's. It carried the same weight, that it must be obeyed at all cost, and that pain and suffering would follow, whether I was successful or not. I never met the administrator in person, I think because they suspected I might try to kill them if given the chance. So I think it was a good idea to not see them without the protection from before."

Ranger followed, "It was similar for me, only it was the voice of my trainers. I felt... inadequate, inferior, listening to them, but there was something else burning inside me too, a rage I've never felt before. I think... I have your sister to thank for that."

Arcade followed up, "How was it for you? What was it like to see them?"

Null needed a few seconds to find the words to start this off. As they clearly had never seen gods, or knew much of them, since they did not see the two like that, it made it somewhat tricky to find the right words, but she'd try.

"In a way, we all see them the same. They're what we consider the highest being we know off. Someone beyond us.

You wonder what they're like to me? They're gods, because I know them. Heck, I've seen, or even served some of them for a time. Beings made of, and in control of, primordial magic. Magic that is so strong, that anti-magic simply doesn't work, wielded by beings to whom we are mostly inferior creatures, fit only to amuse them, or worship them. I think if I also hadn't seen how those beings can be before, I might have been like their lackies. Devoted, and fawning by their claws.

They still looked dragon-like to me. Flawless, and otherworldly, but still draconic. I know something were off, but I don't think I can perceive the differences yet. I think the effect takes time to wear off.

*sigh* I loathe dealing with gods. We're as bacteria before them, and the indifference they tend to have towards what happens to even their most devoted followers, makes me rightfully concerned. I hope you never have to witness some of the things I've seen."

The first time she met a god, she had ended up deadly afraid. A pagan one, that weren't all that impressive, compared to those she would meet, but her hubris had nearly cost her her life, when she found out how little her anti-magic meant, against magic beyond what simple mortals could even handle a sliver of.

On 2024-11-01 at 8:15 PM, Illiad Easle said:

After Null answered, they would be about back at the Top Suites. Ranger doing her best to move on from the incident. "Well, I for one am looking forward to seeing if the kitsune is done. And I'm sure the two of you are anxious to get whatever talking you need to do done. I've never seen Arcade so... off before."

Arcade blushed at that, but didn't disagree.

Null would blush too, looking away sheepishly for a moment. She considered trying to push this off. Say there were other things they should focus on, or that her head wasn't in the game yet, but... No, nothing good would come of her trying to lie, or push this aside. For the sake of both Arcade and her, they needed to talk. Now were as good a time as ever.

"Yeah, it's probably for the best that we address this. We'll meet up with you later."

Arcade and her could go back to their room now, and lock the door behind them. She felt her heart beat harder, whilst sinking in her chest, her worries increasing that something would happen, that would shatter the happiness that she were starting to have with him.

"So... Where should we start?"




Getting to the theater, she'd be able to get a room number for Kozue, in case he hadn't let her known earlier, and shouldn't have a problem finding it. The door wouldn't be fully closed though, and through the slight creak, you could hear the voice of Kozue. He sounded worried about something, which the words would only cement.

"Awh man, she's gonna kill me..."

If she went in there, she'd find that he were looking distressed and guilty on the remnants of a lamp, smashed on the floor. A nice looking one, once upon a time, but now it were shattered in glittery pieces all around, and he didn't even know f it used to be expensive.

The culprit were likely the other one in the room, whose head turned, the moment it heard the sound of someone entering.


It bounced in place, and bounced over to Ranger. It were a good deal more detailed looking now, as well as larger. Around the size of a foal, as he had mentioned, using a lot of more red and white paper to give some classical vulpine colors to its form, as well as two, folded wings, down the sides of its body.

It rubbed its head on her, which would be softer than it seemed. Nothing like hair of course, but no sharp edges to get papercuts on, so that was a definite plus.

"Oh, hey there. Sorry for the mess. It were testing limits and it accidentally hit this. Reeeally hoping this wasn't expensive.

But uhm... Tadaa, heh. Looks nice, yeah? Put a lot of effort into this."

It would let out a notable chittering laugh, and look up at her, mischief likely going on behind those dark, folded eyes. Much like before, except now it were large enough to actually cause trouble.




On 2024-11-01 at 8:15 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Lyft then explained, "Changelings are a bit different from ponies, we get most of our food from emotional energy, but we do still need to eat food from time to time. That said, while we can eat most kinds of food in order to maintain our disguises, many things don't do anything for us, but that is different for ponies."

She would then step back to let the class attempt to fill in the rest of the board, helping Gemini to reach the top of the board given she was the only one without wings or magic to reach up high.

Cherish would start the list from top to bottom, using her wings to reach up there. Not something she got to do often, and she normally never flew inside, but otherwise she couldn't get to the top. She had been raised to think that it were rude to do so, unless you had a really good reason, and it was hard to shake that off.It probably also had something to do with an unruly pegasus foal flying around, being a recipe for things falling down and probably break. Best to leave flying training for the lawn or something similar.

  • Bread
    • Healthy
  • Fruit
    • Healthy
  • Nuts
    • Healthy
  • Butter
    • Neutral
  • Raw meat
    • Bad
  • Cooked meat
    • Bad
  • Fish
    • Bad
  • Bar
    • Neutral
  • Insects
    • Neutral
  • Cake
    • Unhealthy
  • Salad
    • Healthy
  • Soda
    • Unhealthy
  • Gems
    • Bad

      This seemed right to her at least. Might be she were wrong with fish, since she heard some might do a tiny bit of sushi somewhere, but she wasn't sure on that, so she went with the safe option, and considered it bad. Not as bad as gems, but then, it weren't many who actually could or would eat those.

    • =====================================================================================



It shocked him a little that Basher actually responded. Doubly so when he looked in, and noticed that the elderly stallion were looking straight at him. Oddly enough, he didn't feel scared or worried though, as much as relieved, that he were at least talking to him. That were a start, yeah? Though they'd see how that would go, when they'd get the talk going. For the time being at least, he'd be honest, and talk to him eye to eye, and hope that it would go well. Though he might judge him, based on his answer to the first thing.

"I wasn't caught actually. I volunteered. The word came from The Grey that they'd want some volunteers, and three of us did. I don't know if it was because they couldn't just go and capture us though, but either way, I came here by my own volition.

And the Spy... I'm not sure who you mean. Is it Rasputin? He have been helpful, both when the gang wars came around, and to help Bling assert herself a little more. Far as I know, he had to go and handle something, but he'll probably be back one of these days. I know Bling is looking forward to it at least. I think she is appreciating his insight, now that she's had to formally take charge of the New Pegasus changelings.

It sounds like you know him? Is it okay if I ask how, sir?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


On 2024-11-05 at 1:57 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Arcade and her could go back to their room now, and lock the door behind them. She felt her heart beat harder, whilst sinking in her chest, her worries increasing that something would happen, that would shatter the happiness that she were starting to have with him.

"So... Where should we start?"

Arcade took a seat on the bed, and motioned for Null to join him. He was quiet and thoughtful for a bit before he began.

"You... aren't happy. I thought I was helping, but I'm not, am I?"

He held up a hoof to stop her from interjecting.

"Ever since we first got together, you've been running from one thing to another, and at every turn you've hurt yourself, distanced yourself."

"Back in that Grey place, with Basher, you said the only thing keeping you here, keeping you alive, was being useful. Ardee, or Ranger and I, that was our lives. But we were allowed to live because we were useful. But you... it seems you'd rather be dead. But at the same time, you don't, because you fight so hard to be in debt, to owe something, and I worry, that you'll only stick around because you feel like you owe me, I don't want that."

He shuddered, "With the dragons today, I heard the administrator's voice. The voice of the one who decided whether I lived or died each day. I don't... no. I refuse to be that for you. I can't bear the thought that..."

He shook his head.

"Then, you gave up your chance at freedom. You could have cleared your debt today and no one would have blamed you. But you chose to stay in debt to Vengeance. I understand that you want to keep your word, but given what you said I worry that, once your debt is cleared, you won't know what to do. Maybe... it's not me keeping you here, but Vengeance?"

He seemed more worried about that.

"And that scares me even more than being the reason that you're still here, is that I might not even be enough of a reason. As much as it would kill me to be the only reason why you're still alive... it would kill me a hundred times if I wasn't enough. But your own family, your own sister, even they weren't enough, how can I hope to be enough?"

He was crying, "But that's not fair, not to you or me. I don't want to be what keeps you here, but I also don't want you to leave."



Ranger was quite happy to see the new, larger, paper fox. "Wow! Look how much bigger you are!" She looked back up at Kozue, "Thank you again, how much was left over after the wings?" She was referring to her half of the minostralium, since she was going to get back whatever remained of her portion that wasn't used to improve the paper fox.

After that was sorted she would look at the fox thoughtfully, "Um, you know how you volunteered to go with me somewhere?" she looked back at Kozue, "I made a promise to visit some places outside of town, that could be pretty dangerous. Old research facilities. I wouldn't say no to some extra help if you're willing, but I understand if you're not interested in getting yourself into danger."



Cherish was done about as fast as Teal, given the two of them were working alone, followed by the thestral trio and Toupé.

Lyft had them go back to their seats once everyone was done, then took to examining the board, "Very well done all of you! It seems like you all have a good idea as to what is and is not healthy. If you follow the lists you've written, you should be perfectly healthy, but there are some things that surprised me about your answers. Well, not really surprised, but I would have expected some of you to put an unhealthy thing, like cake, as healthy or neutral."

Still, she went up to the board to make some adjustments.

"It is a bit of a societal taboo, at least in Equestria it was, but even here in Troy many ponies are a bit squeamish, but Equines are actually opportunistic omnivores."

She adjusted cooked meat and fish to neutral, and raw meat to unhealthy.

"That is to say, any pony can eat meat, but it doesn't provide many nutrients. It is however high in calories, which is energy, so it can be used in survival situations if need be."

On Cherish's column, she adjusted fish to healthy, to match it in the thestral column

"Pegasus ponies, like thestrals, are better able to get nutrients out of fish than other kinds of ponies. Similarly, earth ponies get more nutrients out of ground and root vegetables, and unicorns gain more from flowering and other enchanted fruits."



On 2024-11-05 at 1:57 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I wasn't caught actually. I volunteered. The word came from The Grey that they'd want some volunteers, and three of us did. I don't know if it was because they couldn't just go and capture us though, but either way, I came here by my own volition.

Basher snorted at that, "Volunteered huh? Figured you'd clear your 'debt' before they forced you to?"

On 2024-11-05 at 1:57 PM, Blitz Boom said:

It sounds like you know him? Is it okay if I ask how, sir?"

He smiled at that, "Now that's quite the story. But if you want to hear it, I think I'm owed one first. What did you do that got you so scared you joined the Grey willingly?"

  • Party! 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


He wasn't the only one crying. Null felt the tears press on, the more he spoke. The pain in his voice, making it only harder to keep them from flowing, though she barely even tried. Arcade were one of the few she didn't feel like she needed to keep a shield up around, to try and look tougher than she actually felt at times. And yet... She had done that, hadn't she? He wasn't exactly lying, or wrong in what he said. She did distance herself from things. Hold others back. Things that he should know. No, Needed to know And instead, she had bottled it up. Trying to just focus on the good things, whilst pushing things away that she worried would make him leave her behind. Instead it seemed to give off the impression that she were intentionally trying to hide things from her, and that she struggled to find a reason to live, if she were not useful.

He had barely finished the last word, before she pushed her hooved against her eyes, sobbing slightly for a moment. Tears having run down her face for long enough, to leave wet stains on her coat before that. She had a rebuttal. Things to say, but... She needed a moment to gather herself, and find the right words. Not a way to talk around it, but the truth, ugly as it were in places.

"...I tried to keep it back. W-What I said back there, i didn't even tell my family. I didn't want to worry them, or you. I was afraid if I said anything, y-you would leave."

She'd lower her hooves, and look right at him, drying her eyes of the worst tears, so that she could look him clearly in the eyes.

"I am happy with you. I really am. But I haven't been for a very long time, and I'm not always sure how to express it, or what to do with it. Anger I know, but happiness and love is new, and I'm trying to get better, but it's hard. and sometimes... Sometimes, I still have to deal with things, the old thoughts.

Truth is that I've struggled with suicidal thoughts for the last twelve years or so, before Void and I were frozen, and tried to do it at least a dozen times. I don't remember when exactly, but at some point, it all just became too much, and I had to fight just to find a reason to stay alive. For a long time, I could tell myself that I did it for her, but in the end, I struggled even using that as an excuse. Like you said, I told myself that long as I were useful, I could go on, and when I weren't anymore, I planned to..."

Her words halted for a moment, but if he tried to interject, now it would be her that signaled for him to stop, and to let her finish.

"Things have changed, but I still get the thoughts sometimes. Had a few times when I stood from somewhere high, and wondered how easy it wouldn't be, to just jump, and not spread my wings. But I've not felt even the slightest inkling to act on it. Not since you entered my life. Not because I feel like I owe you something, or that I feel like I have to go on, because I am needed, but because I love you, and I want to be with you.

Those thoughts have been with me for a long time though. I'm... Broken, and I'm doing what I can to accept and fix that, but those thoughts doesn't vanish so easily. Yet I feel no want to act on them anymore. They're just there. Remnants of how I used to feel: Useless. No, less than that. Like everything would have been better, if I simply hadn't been there in the first place. Maybe Void wouldn't have lost a leg, if she didn't try and save me? Maybe our parents wouldn't have gotten caught, if they hadn't stopped up to get me out of the dune I got stuck in?

I've gone to therapy. It have helped, and so have it to talk to them about these things, and not just sit with it alone, but I kept my suicidal thoughts, and attempts, to myself. I didn't want to worry them, just as I didn't want to do that to you.

Instead, I... I closed off to you. Kept secrets, and it made it look worse.

I don't blame you for thinking I wasn't happy, Arcade. The things you say, they hurt, but you're not wrong. I do still want to feel useful. But it's not because it's my only reason to live. I just... I don't know how to just sit idle anymore. There's always been something to do. Some sense that I have to do something. When the chance came for me to be part of something greater, I took it, because I wanted to help, and... And because I was scared.

There's so many dangerous things out there. Crooks, gods, sirens- Many who have grudges against me. I saw one of those in Troy, trying to kill Void and me even. But before that, when I saw my new little siblings especially... I've always protected my family. It made sense to me, to keep doing that. Go out and confront those dangers that might be there, and more importantly, keep them from looking back to Troy. I'm so used to protecting Void, that when I got the chance to protect them all, and possibly others, I felt less scared, saying yes. It makes me feel like I'm still keeping them safe, so the little new ones have a chance.

*sigh* But yes, there's some level of duty there. I think Vengeance knew just what buttons he had to press, to get my thoughts going."

For a brief moment, she'd look down on her hooves, and shake her head slightly, before returning her gaze to Arcade.

"It isn't what I want my entire life though. I didn't stay in debt, because I want to do this forever. I gave my word to the changelings, that they'd get their fair share, and I didn't see why I shouldn't honor that. I don't have a lot of debt in any case. A few rescues, or some community service, and I'm done.

I've tried working hard, and gotten cheated out of what I'm owed before. It's demoralizing, and I don't want to do that to others, unless I have to. And getting rid of a little debt faster, isn't a good one. Not with how little I have. And to be honest... My guilt will follow me longer than my debt. I have done things, that they might think is balanced out, but I still feel guilt over. I'll share some stories with you another day, when we have more time. I swear on it.

But I'm getting off track again, aren't I?

Arcade, I don't feel miserable when you're there, but I should have told you the truth a long time ago. The whole of it. Maybe it could have avoided this, but I just... I was scared that you'd realize how broken I were, and leave me. It's something I'm trying to work on. I really am. But it takes time, and a lot of effort. Twenty years of things hammering me down, doesn't just go away in a few weeks, but I want to get better. Especially now that you're here.

I've never thought about life after things. After Void, after the gates, after Vengeance, but the more time we've spent together, the more I see one. Not with Vengeance, or running around soaked in blood and anger, but with you, and maybe... Maybe a family of our own, i-if things goes well. It's been in my dreams recently and it's been the most pleasant dreams I've had in years."

She'd blush up, almost averting her gaze, but managing to keep it on Arcade, and those pretty eyes of his.

"I want to live, Arcade. For them, and for you, but also myself. I'm finally seeing a life that's worth living, and fighting for."

She'd reach a hoof forward, wanting to hold hooves with him, while her tear-filled eyes were almost glowing with love, beneath the thick droplets of water glossing them over.

"And I want more than anything, for you to be part of it. Not because you're the only one that stops me from killing myself, or I owe you anything. But because I genuinely love you, and I want you in my life."

It were hard for her to open up properly, even to Arcade, but she were trying here. Saying things that she hadn't to anyone before, because it made her feel vulnerable. But holding back, had made things worse, and she didn't want that. So she'd try to let it all out there, and see if maybe this would work.

She had some things she wanted to bring up to him too, but they had to discuss her first, as her issues were the one they needed to address more urgently. And while she didn't think this would solve everything, she hoped that it would be a start, and that they still had a future ahead of them.




Kozue would grin, hearing that she liked the work done on her pal, and would wander over to the corner, to pull something out of a drawer. It would be the leftover minostralum, gathered on two things. The first - his share - spread over a small wooden amulet, making a symbol. The rest, gathered in a smaller feather, somewhat similar to what it had been before, but a little less detailed. He wasn't used to crafting things like that, but he'd done his darndest.

"Here you go, and to prove what I've used, here's my homemade amulet. The symbol means Home, just for the record.

As for the stuff in the fox, it's running down the inside of its wings, woven into the paper. I figured it'd help keep it hidden, and also make it harder to just pull its wings off."

He'd give the remnant over, and give her a big ol' grin whilst doing so.

On 2024-11-07 at 11:24 PM, Illiad Easle said:

After that was sorted she would look at the fox thoughtfully, "Um, you know how you volunteered to go with me somewhere?" she looked back at Kozue, "I made a promise to visit some places outside of town, that could be pretty dangerous. Old research facilities. I wouldn't say no to some extra help if you're willing, but I understand if you're not interested in getting yourself into danger."

A grin that just increased, as he were told that she were indeed wanting for them to have a little walk. Not to something he had thought she'd say, but... Why not, yeah?

"Some old facilities? Sounds quaint. Count me in. Besides, I'm a kitsune, Ranger. We're good at getting into danger, and better at getting out of it again. Heh you've probably not seen it, but the fox here got a bit of it too. Regular ol' cloaking magic for a start. Really nifty stuff, that you might find come in handy someday."

He'd jump, and disappear with a poof, then reappear right besides her a moment later. Not a teleport clearly, but a good cloak, and that could be useful if something was lurking around. What better way to not get in trouble, than to not be visible in the first place, yeah?

"Just lemme tell the front desk that I'm going out for a bit, on the way out, and we're golden. Just in case they start looking for me, and can't find me. You wouldn't believe how many jumps to the conclusion that you're out causing trouble, when they can't find a kitsune. It's not like I'm hanging out with the two scam artists or anything. Those I'd be more worried about suddenly being gone.

Anyway, anything you wanna tell me about those facilities, or is it more of a surprise? Or one of those hush things that's better to not talk about too early? probably one of the latter, yeah? Cause I'm assuming by your choice of words, that we're not gonna tell your friends about this, yeah?"

He didn't have a problem with it either, but it was good to know, before he started to blabber on about stuff he weren't outta. Ooooh, maybe she needed him to cloak her too, so she could sneak out? That would be fun! He hadn't done anything like that for years. Not to anyone who wanted him to do it anyway.




Cherish looked genuinely surprised at the board as it were corrected, with explanations as to what things she had been wrong about.

"Woah, I didn't know I could eat fish. Not that I want to, but it's funny learning that I could.

I guess you're right with it being taboo in Equestria, Miss Lyft, because I've only ever read and been taught that it was bad for ponies."

Equestria did have a lot of animal lovers, so maybe this were taught, to ensure that ponies stayed vegetarians, and didn't eat any of the cute pets, roaming cows, or overfished in places? Or maybe it were just one of those things you told foals, so they wouldn't try and stuff that sort of thing in their mouth, and then they'd be told about this in classes when they got older. She wouldn't know, as she hadn't gotten that many years into school, before the incident happened, but it were an option, probably?

Honestly she couldn't imagine eating a cute rabbit, or fry a fish, but maybe someday, she'd be better off knowing this sort of thing. Could be there'd be a point when she wouldn't have many other options, though she hoped that if it were, it would at the very least be a fish. The rabbits had those big, cute eyes, and shook when they were afraid. How could she hurt such a little cutie? Fish were just kinda gasping when they were out of the water, and didn't look all that cute. It would be easier on her sanity, though yet again, she hoped it would never come to that.




He would hesitate, as the exchange of stories would be brought up. Sure other changelings knew his story, but he hadn't actually talked to it with non-changelings before. But then, was a time when he hadn't to other changelings either, and the guilt were all the worse for him keeping it fully to himself. Bling encouraging him to share, and showing understanding, had helped him ease up about things. Perhaps, letting Basher know wouldn't be too bad, and it were a fair question. He did say he volunteered, so it were natural for Basher to ask what he had done.

"I didn't join The Grey, because I was afraid they'd haul me away for my sins, sir. I did it because I feel guilt, and I want to make amends for what I did.

As for what I did... I was a fool, and I panicked. I was exposed, when trying to infiltrate a town, to get some information about it for my queen. The pony who found me... I just wanted to knock him out. Just make him quiet, so I could sneak away, but he struggled back. He was so strong, so I used more force, and I... I broke his neck. He was dead before he hit the floor.

I felt the way his emotions just ebbed out, along with the light in his eyes. It was... It was horrible."

He were shaking a little, remembering that feeling. That of someone dying, and the last emotion running through them, being a rapidly fading sense of surprise and pain. The pony had been aware of what happened, albeit briefly, and Craven were all too aware of that.

"In my panic, I tried to gather up him, his clothes, and pile it all on the pool of blood, and then I... I set fire to him. But it didn't stay with him. I didn't see how dry the wood were, or what were laying around. The whole building started to catch on fire. Then when I ran out, I could see it caught on to the next. Then the next, and again and again and again and-"

He had to stop to take a half dozen deep breaths to calm himself enough to finish this. This were one other reason he didn't speak much of this. It were hard for him to forget what he had seen, when he were telling about it.

"Dozens with burn wounds. Four more ponies dead, and hundreds homeless, in an inferno that set fire to most of an entire district, all because of me. And then when they started to look for answers, I... I ran, and I never looked back. Not to the town, not to my hive, I just left. I was a coward, that couldn't handle what I had done.

When I got here, after the war began, Bling heard me out, and she understood that it still haunted me. So she had me help others, to try and let me give something back, but I never felt it was enough. When the call came from The Grey, it was like a sign to me. That why I were so quick to accept the offer.

I know it was an accident, but it doesn't take away my guilt, sir. That's why I joined up."

Maybe The Grey wouldn't be the answer in the end, but at least currently, it were feeling like he were making amends, and doing his to atone for his sins. That were good enough for him right now, even if the work were sometimes dangerous, and/or weird.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


Arcade gave Null his full attention as she spoke, not rushing her or anything, and not making any attempt to interrupt or interject. Though his expression shifted a few times between sadness, confusion, and a bit of hope several times throughout.

On 2024-11-14 at 4:59 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I want to live, Arcade. For them, and for you, but also myself. I'm finally seeing a life that's worth living, and fighting for."

She'd reach a hoof forward, wanting to hold hooves with him, while her tear-filled eyes were almost glowing with love, beneath the thick droplets of water glossing them over.

"And I want more than anything, for you to be part of it. Not because you're the only one that stops me from killing myself, or I owe you anything. But because I genuinely love you, and I want you in my life."

He was fairly quick to take her offered hoof, once he noticed that that was what she wanted, but he didn't respond right away when she finished, taking a moment to think very carefully about how he should respond.

"I..." he choked up a bit, but tried again, "All this, is very new to me. Growing up, I never thought there would be anything more for me than the lab, then testing, then dying over and over again. They never taught me how to deal with emotions, how to have relationships, or how to care about others. So I know I'm going to make mistakes in the future, but, I'm glad you were willing to share this with me. At least, I'm pretty sure that's a good sign."

He smiled, then sighed, "I'm sorry that my words hurt you, but I hope we can talk more like this in the future? Maybe more often means it will hurt less? It just hurts me to see you hurting, and not being able to do anything about it."

He would draw her into a hug if she would allow it, "I... I may not know what love is, but I think I love you too. I am happy to travel with you so long as you need me, or want me."

After they had been hugging for some time, he would speak again, but wouldn't pull away unless she did so first. "There's something that's been embarrassing you lately too, when you talk about us. I hope I'm not doing something wrong?"



On 2024-11-14 at 4:59 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Here you go, and to prove what I've used, here's my homemade amulet. The symbol means Home, just for the record.

As for the stuff in the fox, it's running down the inside of its wings, woven into the paper. I figured it'd help keep it hidden, and also make it harder to just pull its wings off."

He'd give the remnant over, and give her a big ol' grin whilst doing so.

Ranger simply nodded as she stowed the feather away.

On 2024-11-14 at 4:59 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Anyway, anything you wanna tell me about those facilities, or is it more of a surprise? Or one of those hush things that's better to not talk about too early? probably one of the latter, yeah? Cause I'm assuming by your choice of words, that we're not gonna tell your friends about this, yeah?"

He didn't have a problem with it either, but it was good to know, before he started to blabber on about stuff he weren't outta. Ooooh, maybe she needed him to cloak her too, so she could sneak out? That would be fun! He hadn't done anything like that for years. Not to anyone who wanted him to do it anyway.

She shook her head, "It's not a secret, we can tell them afterwards, there's just dangerous things there that would be best if those who weren't prepared didn't find by accident. It's... it's the facility where I grew up, and the one I went to afterwards. There shouldn't be any monsters in the first one, just traps and security. But the second one does have monsters."

She seemed uncomfortable to share more than that for now. Maybe if he asked some specific questions she'd be more willing to open up about it?

"I'll meet you out front, I'm going to go to the roof first to see if I can remember where it should be."


Once Kozue was done with whatever he had do do to be able to leave, Ranger would glide down from the roof to meet him outside the casino, assuming he left out the front doors. "Alright, I think I know where it is. Let's go."

She would lead the way out of the town, or at least beyond the wall that had been assembled, to one of the ruined buildings that had previously been on the outskirts of Las Pegasus.



On 2024-11-14 at 4:59 PM, Blitz Boom said:

I guess you're right with it being taboo in Equestria, Miss Lyft, because I've only ever read and been taught that it was bad for ponies."

Lyft nodded, "That is something common to Equestrians, Equestrian culture puts a lot of emphasis on what ponies have in common, what brings them together, over what makes the species unique. I'm sure you remember the Hearthswarming tale? How the races used to be very divided before Equestria? I think that Equestria puts such emphasis on what brings the races together for that reason, to prevent the division and fighting that hurt the old ponies so much."

That part of the lesson concluded, Lyft encouraged the students to go enjoy their lunches, "After lunch we'll do a brief lesson on exercise before you go home for the day, so don't take too long eating."

Cherish would be able to sit with whoever she wanted to talk with during lunch, or sit by herself if she preferred.



"Hmm" Basher snorted, he didn't seem to impressed by the story, but also not entirely unsympathetic to it. "Well, this life isn't for everyone. You don't forget your first kill, accidental or intentional."

He nodded, "Well, I owe you a story too I guess. How I know the changeling called the Spy. It was a good number of years ago, back when I was still a quick colt, before Nightmare Moon came back. I had been running a small gang in Baltimare, mostly whacking ponies for bits, when the guard finally caught up to me."

"I was sitting in a cell, not unlike this one, waiting to be executed, or petrified, or whatever alternative punishment they had lined up, when this cute little filly, couldn't've been more than 21, offered me a deal: Get shipped off to Minos, fight a bunch of golems, steal some magic metal for the princess, and earn my freedom if I survived. So of course I agreed to that, and a few weeks later I get to Minos with a group of eight other creatures and a code name, The Scout. That's where I met The Spy, he seemed to know me before then though, but he was a changeling, so maybe he had lived in Baltimare before? Maybe I'd even whacked him once or twice? He seemed to not like me much, I think he was just jealous."

He snorted, "Heh, good times there."

  • Hugs 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Illiad Easle


She were shaking as they hugged, feeling a mixture of relief, shame, love, and uncertainty. She hadn't the foggiest clue about what might happen, and even less how he would take it, when she told him about the things that she had held back, because she was afraid what others would say, if they heard her say it. Him especially, as she so long had assumed that it would make anyone hate her, or feel disgusted. Or worse yet, gaze at her with pity. She needed none of those, and from Arcade especially, it had taken it out of her to come clean to him, as she did not want to repulse him with the truth.

But he had heard it, and he hadn't decided to leave her. It hurt to have it out there, but keeping secrets had almost torn a cliff between them, and when everything had settled down, she would probably be glad that it wasn't a burden that she had to sit with alone. Sure Nine would know about it, but that wasn't the same, as telling another.

Shuddering in his embrace, she wasn't willing to let go of him just yet. Even when he asked her a question that made her cheeks blush, she couldn't make herself do it.

"It's n-nothing, just... When I think about you, and me, I sometimes imagine more than that. Sometimes it's us having foals. Other times it's... W-Well, about how they're made. It's not something I've ever done y'know, but seeing you, I think that I... I'd like to. I just didn't know how to bring it up, or if I even should."

It was awkward to say it, but she had been open about something that was far more personal than this. So if he asked, she'd get it out in the open too. It was kind of easier to talk about it, while she were holding him too, rather than look him right in the eyes.




On 2024-11-18 at 11:18 PM, Illiad Easle said:

She shook her head, "It's not a secret, we can tell them afterwards, there's just dangerous things there that would be best if those who weren't prepared didn't find by accident. It's... it's the facility where I grew up, and the one I went to afterwards. There shouldn't be any monsters in the first one, just traps and security. But the second one does have monsters."

She seemed uncomfortable to share more than that for now. Maybe if he asked some specific questions she'd be more willing to open up about it?

"I'll meet you out front, I'm going to go to the roof first to see if I can remember where it should be."

"Monsters and traps? No offense, but your birthplace sounds sucky.

Hehe, but then I guess it's good that you have me around. Never a bad thing to have a kitsune along, if you're planning on infiltrating somewhere. Heck, we do it a lot of times for fun. And sometimes to nick shiny stuff."

Hey, they weren't perfect. They liked to sneak around and inspect and admire the world outside of their forests, but sometimes... Well, you needed some souvenirs, right? Folks should just be thankful that more of them didn't care about being actual spies, and went in to steal important intel. Though any government worth their salt would make sure to kitsune-proof their highest secrets. Enough stories of one going to find some important documents, only to find a blank paper, with an enchantment giving off a yipping laugh. Though they mostly did that towards the ponies of Neighpon. Wasn't smart to get too much heat their way, and most times the real stuff was hidden somewhere nearby. They wanted to mess with others, not start wars. The ones who went and collected valuable intel from other countries? Mostly not affiliated with the villages, and they were subtler about trace after they did something. Wasn't ideal, but some were drawn to the intrigue of a proper spy network. And the money too. That were pretty good for any defectors, far as he were told.

Honestly, he had no interest. Worst he'd do, were to sneak in and rearrange some things in Bling's office for fun, and even that he hadn't wanted to do yet. Well... Not enough to act on it anyway.

On 2024-11-18 at 11:18 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Once Kozue was done with whatever he had do do to be able to leave, Ranger would glide down from the roof to meet him outside the casino, assuming he left out the front doors. "Alright, I think I know where it is. Let's go."

She would lead the way out of the town, or at least beyond the wall that had been assembled, to one of the ruined buildings that had previously been on the outskirts of Las Pegasus.

He would indeed come out the front doors, around ten minutes later. He's have a backpack with some stuff in, and seemed chipper, considering they were headed towards monsters and traps. They'd probably be fine, and he wasn't gonna get overconfident here, but it were just nice having a buddy to go about a bit with. Plus, he were mighty happy with today overall too. He made a pal, got some of the fancy metal that were of the same sort as what the elders from back home had, and blinged out one of his creations. What wasn't there to like?

Well the monsters and traps part, obviously. But they'd get that done.

Speaking of the creation, the fox had been more than pleased to show off, as several sets of eyes had followed it. Even if it had flown out with Ranger, plenty still saw it, and more now outside, and it seemed to bask int he attention. Strutting around, wings flapping about slowly at various angles- It were having a great time.

"I see your companion's really enjoying itself, yeah? Heh, can't blame it. It's looking good. Can't fault it for being proud of it.

Well, show the way, and let's hit the road. They aren't expecting me back for a time now, and they'll have someone else cover whatever shows I was gonna make. Bling's great at sorting the schedule in a jiffy. Real great theater experience, I can just tell.

Hey, while we're going, have you thought about a name for this diva? I tried asking it earlier, but it didn't seem to have one, and it's not on me to pick one. That's a bonding experience, y'know?"




On 2024-11-18 at 11:18 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Lyft nodded, "That is something common to Equestrians, Equestrian culture puts a lot of emphasis on what ponies have in common, what brings them together, over what makes the species unique. I'm sure you remember the Hearthswarming tale? How the races used to be very divided before Equestria? I think that Equestria puts such emphasis on what brings the races together for that reason, to prevent the division and fighting that hurt the old ponies so much."

"Ooooh. I never thought about that. Heh, it makes a lot of sense though."

Equestria really were about being together, and finding similarities over their differences, so even small things like this being included? That made sense really.

She missed Equestria... She heard some bad things here, and maybe some of them were true, but she had lived there, and it was a very nice place to just grow up, and enjoy yourself. A very laid back place filled with smiles and friends... Heck, they even had friendship magic, and a princess of friendship. Or well... They did... Poor Twilight. She seemed like such a nice pony, and the stories about her were always something that made them curious in her old school, and really swoon over the thought of meeting her personally sometime. She didn't deserve what had happened. Not that any of them did really.

On 2024-11-18 at 11:18 PM, Illiad Easle said:

That part of the lesson concluded, Lyft encouraged the students to go enjoy their lunches, "After lunch we'll do a brief lesson on exercise before you go home for the day, so don't take too long eating."

Cherish would be able to sit with whoever she wanted to talk with during lunch, or sit by herself if she preferred.

Cherish would definitely seek out companionship during lunch. She loved making friends, and she liked to think that it were going well with the ones here in school. But who to sit with, who to sit with...

She'd try getting over to Nova and his sister, and see if they were up for it first. Nova seemed to have eased up lately, so perhaps he'd be ready for proper interaction now? If not, she'd go towards Gemini, unless she were already busy with some of the others. Honestly, Cherish would prefer hanging out with someone who sat alone, as that seemed the sort who'd need a friend to come around, right? Even more than hanging out with the thestral siblings, she'd go for that. Though she were still mighty curious about them, as well as how Gemini were doing, since she got her mark proper.

Either way, she were gonna try and integrate more and more. The more friends the better. That was just science. Or math. Either way, that part of Equestria were never gonna let go of her.




"Well, being a street thug isn't the most glamorous thing, but I'm not here to judge, sir.  We changelings knows that sometimes, you gotta do things you don't like to survive, and I'm not clear of that sort either. You wouldn't believe some of the things we changelings have to do, to scout for food now and again. Had to sell drugs for a half week for instance, to blend in better for instance, so... Yeah."

He'd scratch the back of his head there. Wasn't something he were proud of either, but he had to take over the role of some street dealer, as part of one infiltration, and that sadly meant having to deal with this sorta disgusting business. Thankfully it seemed to be more low rung stuff, but he did have constant paranoia, that he had to do this long enough, to where he had to make some new stuff, because he definitely had no idea how to go about that, and would probably have ended up killing someone by accident.

"I wasn't caught, but seeing your options, I can certainly understand that you picked what you did, sir. Fighting and stealing for the princess, sounds a good deal better than end up like a statue, or hung for that matter.

Though uhm, it might be that The Spy wasn't so much against you because you mugged him once, sir. Some changelings are very attuned on emotions, and if he were more judgmental, you showing some level of glee over things you've done - such as robbing others - could have robbed him the wrong way. It can depend on the hive though. Drones from Queen Verde's hive, would have given you a hoof bump and regaled their own tales. They thrive- Uhm, Thrived, on pain."

A bunch of bullies from top to bottom honestly, but the hive hadn't fared well either. At first happy to join with Discord, the entire hive had been annihilated during one of the attacks on a settlement, when they had met unforeseen resistance, in the form of anti-magical weaponry. All of them died, and not too many were unhappy about that.

A shame that Queen Carnage hadn't gone the same way. Last he heard at least, she were still skulking out there, reveling in the bloodshed that had happened over the years, even as her hive had suffered plenty of losses. Though that were a years ago, he last heard a mention. If they were lucky, she were dead by now. She was a savage and a monster, that most other queens kept a great distance away from.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


On 2024-11-26 at 4:26 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"It's n-nothing, just... When I think about you, and me, I sometimes imagine more than that. Sometimes it's us having foals. Other times it's... W-Well, about how they're made. It's not something I've ever done y'know, but seeing you, I think that I... I'd like to. I just didn't know how to bring it up, or if I even should."

It was awkward to say it, but she had been open about something that was far more personal than this. So if he asked, she'd get it out in the open too. It was kind of easier to talk about it, while she were holding him too, rather than look him right in the eyes.


He didn't pull away, but she could tell he was getting contemplative.

"We talked about this before, back when you still had that field. I guess that's not a concern anymore. But my anomaly, my dwarfism, my horn, those aren't traits that I want to have passed down. Now, I can't say I know, well, much of anything regarding how foals are made. Maybe those are things that can be easily avoided with magic? If so, I'm happy to follow your lead on this. Otherwise, those are my concerns. I don't want to risk anyone being burdened by the things I had, have, and will have, to deal with."

He yawned, the emotional discussion having drained him, but he didn't seem to want to rest just yet in case Null had other things she wanted to bring up now that they were being open about things. Maybe there was something she had wanted him to open up about too?



On 2024-11-26 at 4:26 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Monsters and traps? No offense, but your birthplace sounds sucky.

She simply nodded at that. "Yep. It sure was."


On 2024-11-26 at 4:26 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Hehe, but then I guess it's good that you have me around. Never a bad thing to have a kitsune along, if you're planning on infiltrating somewhere. Heck, we do it a lot of times for fun. And sometimes to nick shiny stuff."

"Well, in the first place we're going, anything you find should be safe, but I'm sure it's all just books and papers. In the second place though, best if everything got left alone. The things they kept there, weren't meant to get out."


On 2024-11-26 at 4:26 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Speaking of the creation, the fox had been more than pleased to show off, as several sets of eyes had followed it. Even if it had flown out with Ranger, plenty still saw it, and more now outside, and it seemed to bask int he attention. Strutting around, wings flapping about slowly at various angles- It were having a great time.

"I see your companion's really enjoying itself, yeah? Heh, can't blame it. It's looking good. Can't fault it for being proud of it.

Well, show the way, and let's hit the road. They aren't expecting me back for a time now, and they'll have someone else cover whatever shows I was gonna make. Bling's great at sorting the schedule in a jiffy. Real great theater experience, I can just tell.

Hey, while we're going, have you thought about a name for this diva? I tried asking it earlier, but it didn't seem to have one, and it's not on me to pick one. That's a bonding experience, y'know?"

She snorted at that, "Yeah, a bit showy, but the more attention off of me the better. Reminds me of... well... who I was supposed to be. But she wasn't orange. I wouldn't want to name it after her anyway." She shrugged, "We'll see if a name comes up during this adventure. Maybe they'll find something and want it to be their name? It can rearrange letters of notes it's eaten right? Maybe we given it a bunch of words and see what it likes best?" She turned to the fox, "Would you like that? To pick your own name out of some dusty sciencey notes?"


In any case they were at the building. What remained of it indicated that it had been a school of some sort before everything fell apart. A local branch of Princess Celestia's school for Gifted Unicorns.

"Well, here it is, or what's left of it."



(AI Generated with some edits by me)

She climbed over some of the rubble towards the back of the building where an elevator had once been. The elevator was at the ground floor, but it looked like the building had only been two stories high at most.

"Hmm, maybe from below?"

She went looking for some stairs and found a way into the basement. By the entrance to the elevator there was a desk with a different logo.



(Same as above. I may one day go in and remake them as vectors.)

She sneered at the logo, but moved past it to the elevator doors. "Think you can get these open? Then we have to climb down and hope the elevator doesn't come down on top of us."



On 2024-11-26 at 4:26 PM, Blitz Boom said:

She'd try getting over to Nova and his sister, and see if they were up for it first. Nova seemed to have eased up lately, so perhaps he'd be ready for proper interaction now? If not, she'd go towards Gemini, unless she were already busy with some of the others. Honestly, Cherish would prefer hanging out with someone who sat alone, as that seemed the sort who'd need a friend to come around, right? Even more than hanging out with the thestral siblings, she'd go for that. Though she were still mighty curious about them, as well as how Gemini were doing, since she got her mark proper.

Either way, she were gonna try and integrate more and more. The more friends the better. That was just science. Or math. Either way, that part of Equestria were never gonna let go of her.

Elef was actually sitting somewhat close to Nova and Lilac, about as close as anyone had ever been allowed to up until this point. Nova seemed to trust Elef the most out of all of them. Gemini was reading, like she usually was when given a free moment, which left Teal free for Cherish to talk to. "Oh, hi Cherish! Wasn't today's lesson interesting? I always liked fruits before, and Piecey really loves them, I guess I know why now. I wonder what other cool things we'll learn!"

She noticed she was rambling a bit and blushed, "Sorry, um, how are you doing? What'd you bring for lunch today?"



On 2024-11-26 at 4:26 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Well, being a street thug isn't the most glamorous thing, but I'm not here to judge, sir.  We changelings knows that sometimes, you gotta do things you don't like to survive, and I'm not clear of that sort either. You wouldn't believe some of the things we changelings have to do, to scout for food now and again. Had to sell drugs for a half week for instance, to blend in better for instance, so... Yeah."

Basher would raise an eyebrow at that, part offended that he didn't think what he did was cool, and part intrigued at the end. He snorted, "Bah, drugs, never touched 'em." He flexed, despite his age he was still well toned, "All natural. Well, minus all the Minostralium, but that comes out of the ground so, that's natural too, right?" It was a rhetorical question.


On 2024-11-26 at 4:26 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I wasn't caught, but seeing your options, I can certainly understand that you picked what you did, sir. Fighting and stealing for the princess, sounds a good deal better than end up like a statue, or hung for that matter.

Though uhm, it might be that The Spy wasn't so much against you because you mugged him once, sir. Some changelings are very attuned on emotions, and if he were more judgmental, you showing some level of glee over things you've done - such as robbing others - could have robbed him the wrong way. It can depend on the hive though. Drones from Queen Verde's hive, would have given you a hoof bump and regaled their own tales. They thrive- Uhm, Thrived, on pain."

He smirked, "You clearly don't know The Spy. I heard from the Medic that he had a kill count to rival mine, and the way he would sneak up on those golems and the occasional minotaur we came cross? You could tell he wasn't entirely doing it for the money. He enjoyed killing."

He leaned back, "And that was just before we went rouge. After Discord scooped us up? He was right there with us, one of Discord's generals. Only broke rank when another general, I think his name was Blackwater? Put a young changeling queen in danger. Apparently she was his granddaughter or something?" He shrugged, "Point is, up until then, the Spy had no qualms with killing. None of us did. We were all mercenaries, plain and simple."

He leaned forward again, "So what's the Gray Mare got planned, hmm? Judging by the last few years, 'rehabilitation' doesn't seem to be the Grey's MO." 

  • Hugs 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



On some level, she did feel good getting it out there, and that he seemed amendable to the idea, but the caveats did cause some ups and downs in her, that felt like her heart were breaking a little bit.

"I don't ... It doesn't m-mean so much to me, if they had dwarfism too... It's been hell, but neither of us, had anyone there for us. Your researchers were no help, and I didn't have any, for most of my life.

But... I-I understand. There's things I wouldn't want others to go through too, but I don't know how...

Maybe... W-When we return to Troy, do you think we could ask a doctor? Or the Consul? I don't know anything about blocking things, a-and what's hereditary. We probably need some doctors or something, to find out.

But not here. I don't trust this town enough, for someone not finding out something, if we h-have anything done here."

She were torn here, as she didn't herself much care about the flaws anymore, but she understood where he were coming from. It wasn't like life hadn't sucked for her either, in parts due to her dwarfism. And his immortality were something she could see him not wanting, though the horn didn't bother her. It were probably his way of having to cast spells, that were gnawing at him though.

Whatever it were, they needed experts of some sorts to answer things, and she wasn't one, in any sort of way. They had to speak to doctors, or maybe if it were on the whole anti-magic thing, someone the Consul knew of, that knew about these sorts of things? They had taken paperwork from the facility at this point, right? Or had been given the data by their half-metallic doe friend. Maybe there were something there that they could use too somehow.

They could use the time home to think about it, but for now, it were a rough plan at least, and she could accept that, even if it wasn't perfect. Pesky logic tended to make things less nice and simple.

She'd slowly let go of him and pull back a bit, then used her right front leg, to dry her eyes. They were still puffy and red from the tears, but it were okay. She had needed to cry, just as he seemingly had, and now everything were out in the open, right? Their concerns, the issues... Though she did want to ask him something too, after mostly being the one to answer.

"*sniff* Y-Your horn, what is... It doesn't sound like you are happy with it. I never really saw it as a flaw, so I didn't ask, but it sounds like it's causing you more trouble than I thought.

Can you tell me more? Please?"

He had given her a rough outline once, but it just never seemed a big deal to her. Of course, her history with magic were not exactly the sort where she learned about how it worked, or how others used it, so it didn't really register as something she had to worry about at first, and then later, after she had fallen for him, it just wasn't something she bit notice in. It were just Arcade's horn, not something that made her grimace and think of as a blotch on him.




On 2024-12-04 at 12:12 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Well, in the first place we're going, anything you find should be safe, but I'm sure it's all just books and papers. In the second place though, best if everything got left alone. The things they kept there, weren't meant to get out."

"Well I wasn't planning to take souvenirs, but I'll try and keep that in mind. I ain't planning on dying just yet y'know. No one around here would know the first thing about kitsune burial rites, and there's enough in turmoil already I can imagine, with how things ended.

*sigh* I really hope the elders haven't turned into hostile spirits... It'd be really demoralizing.

Anyway, I'll keep my impulses under control, no worries. Sounds like a pretty messed up storage facility for bad stuff, and I don't wanna be the one to unleash a plague or something messed up like that."

On 2024-12-04 at 12:12 AM, Illiad Easle said:

She snorted at that, "Yeah, a bit showy, but the more attention off of me the better. Reminds me of... well... who I was supposed to be. But she wasn't orange. I wouldn't want to name it after her anyway." She shrugged, "We'll see if a name comes up during this adventure. Maybe they'll find something and want it to be their name? It can rearrange letters of notes it's eaten right? Maybe we given it a bunch of words and see what it likes best?" She turned to the fox, "Would you like that? To pick your own name out of some dusty sciencey notes?"

Who she were supposed to be? Kozue's right ear perked some after hearing that. Sounded like there were a story behind that sentiment, that were outta be pretty interesting. Which meant that it were probably a bad idea to ask, before they were more like chums. It'd cramp up things way early, and he didn't want that. He didn't exactly have a lot of options to work from, when it came to making friends, despite what you might think, rom his charming personality. Kitsune weren't exactly trusted enough to let them get close.

As for the construct, it would chitter in a joyous way, but not seem to be for or against the suggestion in any way currently. It seemed it would think about it, but liked getting the option to chose.

"Give it some time to mull it over. I'm sure the stars will align, sooner or later, and you'll end up on a name one way or another."

On 2024-12-04 at 12:12 AM, Illiad Easle said:

In any case they were at the building. What remained of it indicated that it had been a school of some sort before everything fell apart. A local branch of Princess Celestia's school for Gifted Unicorns.

"Well, here it is, or what's left of it."

Kozue were very excited as he moved forward, eyes wide agaze.

"Oooh, I heard about Celestia! We had her in some of our own stories too. Mostly from kitsune that's seen her over the generations, or picked up some tomes to read from. A lotta crazy things said about her. Usually nice, though we were advised to stay away from her. Dunno why specifically, but I guess she didn't much care for kitsune. Or she were too good to see through our disguises? Doesn't matter I suppose.

Kinda cool we're raiding one of her old schools."

Celestia might well have an issue with them. Kitsune were highly magical tricksters, who liked to stick their noses where they didn't belong. They could be useful as test subjects perhaps, but in general not the sort you wanted around you, if you were involved in certain things the public shouldn't know. Might be they wouldn't deliberately look for dirt, but who knew what one might stumble upon? He didn't know for sure, but it was somewhat irrelevant, right? This were just a school.

The paper foc meanwhile were also curious, perking its ears, and wandering around, sniffing to things. If it actually could smell were a good question, butt he motion certainly fit, though they'd both come back around when Ranger started to push in on this place. They were curious, but they weren't gonna let her go alone. Especially not the paper fox.

On 2024-12-04 at 12:12 AM, Illiad Easle said:

She sneered at the logo, but moved past it to the elevator doors. "Think you can get these open? Then we have to climb down and hope the elevator doesn't come down on top of us."

"Huh, never heard of this before. The schools sure, but... What's that? Some sort of college? Why's it underground?"

He'd move over and have a look at the door proper. Seemed a tough nut, but he could give it a bash, yeah?

He would start trying physical strength, grabbing the elevator doors, and trying to pry them aside. Considering his physical strength were akin to an average, young adult earth pony, it might not work though. Kitsune were more meant for agility and fast strikes, than raw strength, so a regular adult pony could usually take them in a head on fight, long as they could get hold of them.

But it was as the saying went: If at first you don't succeed, cheat. And if it came to that, he'd put his paws against the doors, and use magic to pry it open, and pull the doors open. General telekinesis was not just a pony thing y'know, but he'd prefer not wasting magic on this. And he definitely were not hoping to need to smash the door in with a magical blast. It'd fall down, and make a lot of noise. That were not gonna help them, if they were aiming for stealth.

If they could get it open, he wouldn't climb down though. Instead, he'd jump, landing on small pads in the air, made with telekinesis, to jump safely. They were fragile, and didn't last long, but the light step and quick movements made this a reasonable way to do this. Doubly so since he sucked at climbing rope. He were more likely to fall flat on his rear if he tried that, than get down with much grace.

The paper kitsune instead, folded itself around, into a paper airplane, and just floated itself down, flying in a small spiral around Ranger. Some just had it easy.

They both kept an eye on Ranger though, in case she needed help. Like if the elevator came crashing down, or the rope snapped.




Teal were a nice choice to talk too as well. Nova were still very tantalizing, because he were usually so standoffish, and it made her curious, but she could try that another day. Elef seemed to be getting closer to them, so that was a good start, and she wouldn't try and force her way in on that. Even though there were three thestrals here, and she really wanted to connect well with them all.

It wasn't her fault that they were so cool!

Anyway, back to Teal, she'd give a warm smile to her classmate, and put down her lunch box.

"Heya Teal. It's nothing special, but it's nice and healthy."

She'd open and show her sandwich, which were just rough bread and some greens that she liked, with the most prominent being cactus slices. Along with a rather standard-looking re-usable bottle of water. Nothing fancy, but it looked relatively pristine, so it were perhaps something crafted, rather than scavenged.

The presentation were not as neat as what Void had made, but Soothe were doing her best. It wasn't as if she had expected to suddenly have a daughter to take care of, but things had just clicked into place, when Cherish came to talk to her, and she just knew that she wanted to try for this filly.

"What about yours? I bet it tastes well. Miss Void seemed like a really good cook, when I was there for Gemini's party."

She didn't envy it, if Teal and the others had more fancy, bulbous, or varied lunches with them. Why would she? Soothe had made her a nice sandwich too, full of stuff that she liked. Just like she were sure that Void did, when it came to Teal and the others. What were there to envy, when they both got a lunch made just for them?

"And the lesson's been really surprising. I honestly didn't know that I could eat meat. I mean, I still don't want to, but it's fun to learn something new.

Oooh, and what sorta fruits do Piecey like? Strawberries and other sweet ones? I saw lots of strawberries there at the party, so I just kinda guess."

She might be blabbering a little bit, but she were just happy to speak to others. Sure she loved speaking with Crow, and they had great long talks too, but doing so in a classroom setting, were still something she were feeling giddy about being part of again. Was a long time when she assumed that were a part of normality, that she'd never revisit.




On 2024-12-04 at 12:12 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Basher would raise an eyebrow at that, part offended that he didn't think what he did was cool, and part intrigued at the end. He snorted, "Bah, drugs, never touched 'em." He flexed, despite his age he was still well toned, "All natural. Well, minus all the Minostralium, but that comes out of the ground so, that's natural too, right?" It was a rhetorical question.

"...Huh? O-Oh, uhm, I don't know much about minostralum sir, so I'm sure it could technically count as something natural. Like vitamins."

He would admit, that he did catch himself in looking rather impressed at Basher, when the older stallion flexed. Considering his age, and everything he had been through, he were still in very good shape, and Craven could certainly admire that. Might be some magical metal involved, but he honestly had no idea how much that influenced things, so he'd assume it wasn't that much, compared to simply keeping in shape, and eating well, among other things, such as good genes. A fair bit went into it, but he were certainly not a creaking husk, that much were certain.

"And drugs are definitely not something I'd recommend. I had to sell it, to keep my cover, but seeing what it does to creatures, it's pretty messed up that there's so many willing to take it so frequently. A momentary rush really doesn't seem worth it to end up like that."

On 2024-12-04 at 12:12 AM, Illiad Easle said:

He smirked, "You clearly don't know The Spy. I heard from the Medic that he had a kill count to rival mine, and the way he would sneak up on those golems and the occasional minotaur we came cross? You could tell he wasn't entirely doing it for the money. He enjoyed killing."

He leaned back, "And that was just before we went rouge. After Discord scooped us up? He was right there with us, one of Discord's generals. Only broke rank when another general, I think his name was Blackwater? Put a young changeling queen in danger. Apparently she was his granddaughter or something?" He shrugged, "Point is, up until then, the Spy had no qualms with killing. None of us did. We were all mercenaries, plain and simple."

He leaned forward again, "So what's the Gray Mare got planned, hmm? Judging by the last few years, 'rehabilitation' doesn't seem to be the Grey's MO." 

It did make him somewhat visibly uncomfortable, to hear these things about The Spy. Sure they had heard stories and such, but then they had seen other stuff entirely, and it were just kinda... It were a bit messy, to think that Rasputin were all these things, even if he hadn't a reason to doubt the stories. If the regular ones fit, then stuff like what Basher were now saying, certainly did seem in character.

"I... I dunno what to think of him myself sir. He saved several friends of mine, when the gangs started their short-lived war, and Bling have told us that we should give him a chance, but we know some stories, and this is uhm... It's a hot topic, but he's helping us changelings right now, and I think Bling is right, when she says that we should do our best to focus on that, and let the past be what it is.

Forgiveness and all of that isn't my job to dole out, and I do think it's best to be cautious about former members like him, or yourself sir, but... I dunno. There's just been so much war and death already. I'd like to think that Bling's right, and that it's a new day, of a new time, and that we should try and work together with those we can, to make tomorrow better. A little naive I guess, but I like the sentiment.

I don't think that's what Grey Mare's thoughts are though. Best I can tell sir, she wants to get The Grey going differently than before she took over, and needs more members to replace the bad seeds. The last Grey were not exactly well liked, even if he had some degree of law running to keep things civilized, so I guess there were plenty to work with there.

Grey Mare's a lot more sneaky than he were so far, but it's not been that long yet sir. I can't say for sure how things are gonna go, or what her plans are, but so far, it seems to be okay. Though like you said, I don't believe rehabilitation will be the main goal. Not in a way that the usual health centers think of it in anyway."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


On 2024-12-07 at 7:09 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Maybe... W-When we return to Troy, do you think we could ask a doctor? Or the Consul? I don't know anything about blocking things, a-and what's hereditary. We probably need some doctors or something, to find out.

But not here. I don't trust this town enough, for someone not finding out something, if we h-have anything done here."

Arcade looked hesitant, but nodded, "As much as I don't want to get prodded by doctors again... It seems like it would be good to know, rather than wonder, or avoid something due to fear. Hopefully they'll be able to give us the answers we seek."


On 2024-12-07 at 7:09 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"*sniff* Y-Your horn, what is... It doesn't sound like you are happy with it. I never really saw it as a flaw, so I didn't ask, but it sounds like it's causing you more trouble than I thought.

Can you tell me more? Please?"

He nodded, more comfortable talking about that than about the doctors, "Oh, yeah. I mean, I don't exactly have a way to compare it to what it would be like to have a normal horn. But from what I've heard when talking to Teal..."

He sighed, "It's... well, you probably wouldn't get that analogy, but it hurts to use magic. I'm used to it by now, it's like a burning feeling when I run magic through it. There's also the pressure, I have a lot of casting potential, but it's like there's only a small opening for it to pass through? It hurts more if I try to push harder, so that's a limit to what I can do. I can pretty much only lift and move things, or cast light. Anything else... well, the longer I have to focus on a spell the more painful it gets, until I lose the concentration and the spell either fizzles out or misfires. So I don't really try anything else."



On 2024-12-07 at 7:09 PM, Blitz Boom said:

As for the construct, it would chitter in a joyous way, but not seem to be for or against the suggestion in any way currently. It seemed it would think about it, but liked getting the option to chose.

"Give it some time to mull it over. I'm sure the stars will align, sooner or later, and you'll end up on a name one way or another."

She smiled at that, accompanied by a mirthful snort.


On 2024-12-07 at 7:09 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Oooh, I heard about Celestia! We had her in some of our own stories too. Mostly from kitsune that's seen her over the generations, or picked up some tomes to read from. A lotta crazy things said about her. Usually nice, though we were advised to stay away from her. Dunno why specifically, but I guess she didn't much care for kitsune. Or she were too good to see through our disguises? Doesn't matter I suppose.

Kinda cool we're raiding one of her old schools."

Ranger wasn't too excited, "Never met her myself, and the ponies in charge didn't seem to have the highest opinion of her, from what little I overheard."


On 2024-12-07 at 7:09 PM, Blitz Boom said:

He would start trying physical strength, grabbing the elevator doors, and trying to pry them aside. Considering his physical strength were akin to an average, young adult earth pony, it might not work though. Kitsune were more meant for agility and fast strikes, than raw strength, so a regular adult pony could usually take them in a head on fight, long as they could get hold of them.

But it was as the saying went: If at first you don't succeed, cheat. And if it came to that, he'd put his paws against the doors, and use magic to pry it open, and pull the doors open. General telekinesis was not just a pony thing y'know, but he'd prefer not wasting magic on this. And he definitely were not hoping to need to smash the door in with a magical blast. It'd fall down, and make a lot of noise. That were not gonna help them, if they were aiming for stealth.

The doors were a bit stiff to move, but a careful application of magic was enough to get them moving, revealing the shaft and the fact that the elevator was lifted with gears on a track instead of a typical cable system, which meant that there was nothing in the shaft to get in their way as they descended.


On 2024-12-07 at 7:09 PM, Blitz Boom said:

If they could get it open, he wouldn't climb down though. Instead, he'd jump, landing on small pads in the air, made with telekinesis, to jump safely. They were fragile, and didn't last long, but the light step and quick movements made this a reasonable way to do this. Doubly so since he sucked at climbing rope. He were more likely to fall flat on his rear if he tried that, than get down with much grace.

The paper kitsune instead, folded itself around, into a paper airplane, and just floated itself down, flying in a small spiral around Ranger. Some just had it easy.

They both kept an eye on Ranger though, in case she needed help. Like if the elevator came crashing down, or the rope snapped.

Ranger would use her wings to float down the shaft, wincing as she considered that she would have to fly back up the distance unless they could get the elevator working. She was surprised to see the fox turn itself into a plane rather than use its own wings or simply ride down on her back.


Still, it was dark in the shaft, and they reached the bottom about three floors down, "Hmm, I should have brought some light." There was the sound of tapping, "Here's the other doors. Shouldn't be any harder to get open."

And in truth they weren't. Through the doors revealed a hallway lit with magical candles, albeit dimly. Still, it was enough to see by, and recognizable enough to make Ranger shudder. "Let's try and be quick about this."


Ranger would start to lead the way, the hallways were dusty and oppressively quiet. There were several offices that they passed, each seemingly frozen in the midst of research, half finished diagrams and open books on desks covered in dust, but Ranger paid them no mind until she reached a crossroads and looked confused. "Hmm, this place is a bit more complicated than I remember. Do you have any magic that could help find things? Or like, find a path through things?"



On 2024-12-07 at 7:09 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"What about yours? I bet it tastes well. Miss Void seemed like a really good cook, when I was there for Gemini's party."

Teal shrugged, "Its the same sort of thing Miss Void makes for us when we're there, just portable. It's better than what we had to eat before we got saved, that's for sure."

She didn't seem all that concerned about food, rather, she didn't really think about it other than it being edible.


On 2024-12-07 at 7:09 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"And the lesson's been really surprising. I honestly didn't know that I could eat meat. I mean, I still don't want to, but it's fun to learn something new.

Oooh, and what sorta fruits do Piecey like? Strawberries and other sweet ones? I saw lots of strawberries there at the party, so I just kinda guess."

She smiled at that, "Yeah! Miss Vale brought us some fish one time to try, I wasn't much keen towards it, but Ardee, Elef, and Tu- Gemini seemed to like it. Oh, yeah, she really likes strawberries, she and Peal both, also mangos and... I think it was called kee-wee? I thought that one was strange since it was fuzzy on the outside."

She looked more thoughtful, "I wonder what she's going to teach us next? She said exercise, Ardee and AyJay never seemed to like that before, but maybe it'll be fun? Do you know about exercise already?"



On 2024-12-07 at 7:09 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"...Huh? O-Oh, uhm, I don't know much about minostralum sir, so I'm sure it could technically count as something natural. Like vitamins."

He would admit, that he did catch himself in looking rather impressed at Basher, when the older stallion flexed. Considering his age, and everything he had been through, he were still in very good shape, and Craven could certainly admire that. Might be some magical metal involved, but he honestly had no idea how much that influenced things, so he'd assume it wasn't that much, compared to simply keeping in shape, and eating well, among other things, such as good genes. A fair bit went into it, but he were certainly not a creaking husk, that much were certain.

Basher smirked at that, "Yeah, she kept it pretty secret once she had most of it. Given how powerful it made us, I don't blame her for not wanting it to get around."

On 2024-12-07 at 7:09 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I... I dunno what to think of him myself sir. He saved several friends of mine, when the gangs started their short-lived war, and Bling have told us that we should give him a chance, but we know some stories, and this is uhm... It's a hot topic, but he's helping us changelings right now, and I think Bling is right, when she says that we should do our best to focus on that, and let the past be what it is.

Forgiveness and all of that isn't my job to dole out, and I do think it's best to be cautious about former members like him, or yourself sir, but... I dunno. There's just been so much war and death already. I'd like to think that Bling's right, and that it's a new day, of a new time, and that we should try and work together with those we can, to make tomorrow better. A little naive I guess, but I like the sentiment.

His expression grew a bit more serious, "Well, he doesn't exactly have a history of loyalty, not that I do either, but he betrayed both Celestia and Discord."

He shrugged, "Maybe he's more loyal to his kind than the ones in power? Who knows?"

The changelings who knew the story of Queen Geletine's descent into madness knew it had started with a betrayal, one that lined up with the story of Rasputin. So he may well even have a history of betraying Changeling Queens too.


On 2024-12-07 at 7:09 PM, Blitz Boom said:

I don't think that's what Grey Mare's thoughts are though. Best I can tell sir, she wants to get The Grey going differently than before she took over, and needs more members to replace the bad seeds. The last Grey were not exactly well liked, even if he had some degree of law running to keep things civilized, so I guess there were plenty to work with there.

Grey Mare's a lot more sneaky than he were so far, but it's not been that long yet sir. I can't say for sure how things are gonna go, or what her plans are, but so far, it seems to be okay. Though like you said, I don't believe rehabilitation will be the main goal. Not in a way that the usual health centers think of it in anyway."

He looked thoughtful at that, "Hmm, that's not the answer I was expecting. Maybe there's hope for this operation after all. I'm not convinced enough to call in my ponies, but I'm less opposed to it now. We'll see though, see how this plays out. If I know Moth, and I'd like to think I do, something'll go down in the near future."


He settled back into his seat, but he wasn;t facing away from the door. He seemed open to keep talking but content to not if the changeling outside wasn't inclined to any further questions.

  • Hugs 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 1 month later...

@Illiad Easle


On 2024-12-11 at 5:56 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Arcade looked hesitant, but nodded, "As much as I don't want to get prodded by doctors again... It seems like it would be good to know, rather than wonder, or avoid something due to fear. Hopefully they'll be able to give us the answers we seek."

"They'd know better than we do, long as we find the right sort. Mom's a doctor, so maybe it's best to ask her, who we should go to."

She weren't too happy to disturb her mom, considering she should still focus on the little ones, but when it came to this sort of thing, she could imagine that she might hold some answers. It were worth a try at the least, rather than having to go around and talk to a bunch that weren't gonna be much help, and might start to chatter about things around town. She weren't keen on being the subject of gossip.

On 2024-12-11 at 5:56 AM, Illiad Easle said:

He nodded, more comfortable talking about that than about the doctors, "Oh, yeah. I mean, I don't exactly have a way to compare it to what it would be like to have a normal horn. But from what I've heard when talking to Teal..."

He sighed, "It's... well, you probably wouldn't get that analogy, but it hurts to use magic. I'm used to it by now, it's like a burning feeling when I run magic through it. There's also the pressure, I have a lot of casting potential, but it's like there's only a small opening for it to pass through? It hurts more if I try to push harder, so that's a limit to what I can do. I can pretty much only lift and move things, or cast light. Anything else... well, the longer I have to focus on a spell the more painful it gets, until I lose the concentration and the spell either fizzles out or misfires. So I don't really try anything else."

"That sounds miserable. I always assumed that all unicorns had like, a smooth handling with magic. To grab it and shape it like puddy, or something like that. Hearing it's limited for you, and causes you pain... I can't blame you for not wanting to pass that on.

...There's no way to fix it? I never heard of anything like this, but there's surgeries for all kinds of things. False eyes, living prosthetic legs, beings who get their soul put into a construct- There's a lot of things I've seen, that can change someone. I like you the way you are, but if this causes you pain, and you hate it, I can't help but be worried, and wonder if there's anything that I could do. I don't like to see you get hurt."

She got the feeling the doctors had tried, but ultimately failed. Either him reincarnating would reset whatever changes had done to him, or there simply wasn't something to be done. Not surgery, not an artificial horn, etc. She hoped that were not the case, and it were more that they hadn't cared to try and help him, but she simply just hadn't the information to tell anything for sure. She were just grasping for straws, looking for answers that would help the stallion she loved.




On 2024-12-11 at 5:56 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Ranger wasn't too excited, "Never met her myself, and the ponies in charge didn't seem to have the highest opinion of her, from what little I overheard."

"Never met her either, so what do I know? I can only go by what we were told, and it's hard to say what's regular cautiousness, and what makes one someone you gotta be extra careful with. We Kitsune are extremely curious, and it's way worse when we're kits, so we're kept well protected, and told many things we have to be cautious of. No one wants their kits to get snatched by poachers, and end up on some market.

Though I do remember one time, that a dozen or so kits that had been stolen, were returned to the main village, by some pony from outside of Neighpon. It was a pretty big deal, so word even got out to some of the corner villages like the one I grew up in."

Kozue missed his old home. It were guaranteed burned to the ground, as he could see the flames in the distance as they escaped towards the main village, when Discord's forces invaded, but hopefully someday, he'd get to see it rebuild and flourishing again. Wasn't a place with all the grandeur of the larger villages, but it was a nice, calm place, where life had been simple and straight forward.

On 2024-12-11 at 5:56 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Still, it was dark in the shaft, and they reached the bottom about three floors down, "Hmm, I should have brought some light." There was the sound of tapping, "Here's the other doors. Shouldn't be any harder to get open."

And in truth they weren't. Through the doors revealed a hallway lit with magical candles, albeit dimly. Still, it was enough to see by, and recognizable enough to make Ranger shudder. "Let's try and be quick about this."

"I can handle some light. Let's see, how was it again..."

Kozue shook himself a bit, and placed his paw under his jaw, looking thoughtful. He'd move it around a bit, a few minor sparks, or feint hue around it, before he'd make a slower motion, and saying some words in Neighponese. A small, glowing flower would form in front of him, providing some illumination, but it were less of a flashlight, and more a rather fine glowstick. It'd give them some light, but it weren't gonna illuminate a whole lot.

Of course when he had done so, and were about to say something in triumph, the door opened, and he saw there being a whole hallway of candles, so it were lit up. So he'd just dismiss the flower, and silently grumble a bit, his tail swishing a few times in annoyance. And here he were trying to be cool...

On 2024-12-11 at 5:56 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Ranger would start to lead the way, the hallways were dusty and oppressively quiet. There were several offices that they passed, each seemingly frozen in the midst of research, half finished diagrams and open books on desks covered in dust, but Ranger paid them no mind until she reached a crossroads and looked confused. "Hmm, this place is a bit more complicated than I remember. Do you have any magic that could help find things? Or like, find a path through things?"

Kozue were way more interested in things as they passed, keeping his ears tall in case there were gonna be some noise, and otherwise look around, though he stayed next to Ranger, as did the paper fox, though both were obviously curious about the things they were seeing. Yet it seemed they weren't gonna be going and inspecting that right now. They'd probably not understand what were written either anyway, to be fair. Looked all sciency and technical.

Confronted with a question, and a crossroad though, it seemed he were now wanted to do something, to which he had to scratch his head.

"Uuuh... Not really, since I've never been here, and don't know what I'm looking for. But if we can find some paper, I can make some smaller, simpler constructs to run down the hallway, and see if they can find something? Unless it's heavy.

Or do you mean just something that marks where we are gonna go, or like, something that can scout ahead? I can do something there, since I marked the caves I walked in before I got out and found New Las Pegasus, but it were mostly just marking where I already had been.

Can you tell me what we're looking for specifically? It might help me think of something. Heck, if it has a smell, I can go by that too. This long nose isn't just for show y'know."




On 2024-12-11 at 5:56 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Teal shrugged, "Its the same sort of thing Miss Void makes for us when we're there, just portable. It's better than what we had to eat before we got saved, that's for sure."

She didn't seem all that concerned about food, rather, she didn't really think about it other than it being edible.

"Well, I saw the sort she made at the party, and it was really good, so I'm sure it's way better than that. I know I didn't have anything good to eat, when I were on the run from Equestria at least."

A mixture of increasingly bad rations, whatever were scrounged up in nature they passed through, and just simply days without food at all, were most of her experience from there, to here. It probably hadn't been much different for Teal, though at least things were better now for both of them. Not only food wise, but in general

On 2024-12-11 at 5:56 AM, Illiad Easle said:

She smiled at that, "Yeah! Miss Vale brought us some fish one time to try, I wasn't much keen towards it, but Ardee, Elef, and Tu- Gemini seemed to like it. Oh, yeah, she really likes strawberries, she and Peal both, also mangos and... I think it was called kee-wee? I thought that one was strange since it was fuzzy on the outside."

She looked more thoughtful, "I wonder what she's going to teach us next? She said exercise, Ardee and AyJay never seemed to like that before, but maybe it'll be fun? Do you know about exercise already?"

"I did exercise lots back home. But there's many ways you can do it. Pushups, running, something called *yoga*, dancing- Lots of ways. I think it counts, long as you get your pulse up. Or maybe it's when you start sweating? I never really thought about it, but it's about being active either way.

I usually get that when I play with Crow. She likes it when we run around the dunes, or dig in places, or pretend like we're chasing the dune foxes, heh. But we're probably gonna be told what to do soon. Maybe we're going to run laps around the school?"

Cherish took another bite of her sandwich, thinking over the many ways they might have some exercise today. Laps around the school made sense, as it was easy to do, and it did get your pulse up. She just had to put down her dress on her desk first if that were, since it wasn't nice to wear, if she got all sweaty.

Made her all giddy, looking forward to them all moving about some.

"And kiwi's are kinda weird. They taste good, but they don't look all that edible on the outside. And then you open it up, and you have to remove a big core too. A lot weirder of a fruit than apples."




On 2024-12-11 at 5:56 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Basher smirked at that, "Yeah, she kept it pretty secret once she had most of it. Given how powerful it made us, I don't blame her for not wanting it to get around."

"I admit, it makes me somewhat concerned to hear though. If she were stockpiling that, and it gives you power, then it makes sense to not have that sort of thing passing around the kingdom. But what would she use it for then? Or was she just making sure no one could amass the sort of energy needed to pose a threat to her? Either, or both, sounds like it could lead to trouble."

Perhaps he were just a little paranoid, but if a few slivers of the stuff had made Basher look young and energized, what couldn't say, a full set of armor of the stuff do to someone? That had to cause a notable increase in power. Perhaps enough to threaten the princess, and make her paranoid about others wanting it, that they might threaten her throne? Or was she gathering it for some purpose?

Could be she were just making sure troublemakers couldn't get hold of it, and cause chaos in the kingdom either. But with some of the things he'd heard about the princess, he really couldn't say. She weren't as pure as her previous public image suggested though. He were sure of that much at least.

On 2024-12-11 at 5:56 AM, Illiad Easle said:

His expression grew a bit more serious, "Well, he doesn't exactly have a history of loyalty, not that I do either, but he betrayed both Celestia and Discord."

He shrugged, "Maybe he's more loyal to his kind than the ones in power? Who knows?"

The changelings who knew the story of Queen Geletine's descent into madness knew it had started with a betrayal, one that lined up with the story of Rasputin. So he may well even have a history of betraying Changeling Queens too.

Unfortunately, he were not familiar with the details of that story. He knew the name, and what made her infamous to an extend, but they never did any plays about Queen Geletine, and he didn't really like reading about her either. It didn't sit well with his pacifist views, to have to read details about her eventual atrocities. Though them not doing plays on her, were Cheshire's decision, as she utterly detested the image of changelings, that one had given, and she didn't want to bring up that tale on stage, and potentially have the locals think this were how they were gonna end up too. She tried to integrate them, not have them exiled from the town.

"I hope he is more loyal to his own. Much as I'd like to talk caution, it's up to Bling to decide how to lead the hive, and she's put faith in him helping them. Which he have so far, but... I'll admit to being worried, that he might end up taking advantage of her kind nature. There's a lot who cherishes and relies on her. It'd crush them if she got hurt. Though at this point, it might hurt them almost as much if it turns out that he lied about the ascension ritual."

On 2024-12-11 at 5:56 AM, Illiad Easle said:

He looked thoughtful at that, "Hmm, that's not the answer I was expecting. Maybe there's hope for this operation after all. I'm not convinced enough to call in my ponies, but I'm less opposed to it now. We'll see though, see how this plays out. If I know Moth, and I'd like to think I do, something'll go down in the near future."


He settled back into his seat, but he wasn;t facing away from the door. He seemed open to keep talking but content to not if the changeling outside wasn't inclined to any further questions.

"While I'm happy to hear that you're a bit more open about Grey Mare's leadership, that last part uhm... That sounded rather ominous, sir. Should I be worried?"

He had thought they were making some progress here, and in a way, they were. He had a dialogue going, and seemed to get through to him about the Grey, so that was a good start, right? Then came the end, and he were talking like his second in command were about to start up something, and it concerned him. Enough to not back away from the door, and look somewhat worried towards Basher.

Today might end up less calm than he had at first expected.

  • Party! 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


On 2025-01-15 at 2:27 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"They'd know better than we do, long as we find the right sort. Mom's a doctor, so maybe it's best to ask her, who we should go to."

She weren't too happy to disturb her mom, considering she should still focus on the little ones, but when it came to this sort of thing, she could imagine that she might hold some answers. It were worth a try at the least, rather than having to go around and talk to a bunch that weren't gonna be much help, and might start to chatter about things around town. She weren't keen on being the subject of gossip.

Arcade seemed a little more comfortable with that, "She's the one that did the exam for the others right? Ranger mentioned that she was... nicer than the ones before. She should know who can be trusted then."


On 2025-01-15 at 2:27 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"That sounds miserable. I always assumed that all unicorns had like, a smooth handling with magic. To grab it and shape it like puddy, or something like that. Hearing it's limited for you, and causes you pain... I can't blame you for not wanting to pass that on.

He shrugged, "I'm sure for most others it is like you say, but it's the only way I've ever known. I'm mostly numb to it now."

On 2025-01-15 at 2:27 PM, Blitz Boom said:

...There's no way to fix it? I never heard of anything like this, but there's surgeries for all kinds of things. False eyes, living prosthetic legs, beings who get their soul put into a construct- There's a lot of things I've seen, that can change someone. I like you the way you are, but if this causes you pain, and you hate it, I can't help but be worried, and wonder if there's anything that I could do. I don't like to see you get hurt."

He looked thoughtful, "Well, the original didn't have this issue, at least not apparently. I think some of the academics said it was gen-et-ick or something? I don't remember if they tried to do anything about it before just killing me and starting over, then they found out I couldn't stay dead."

He sighed, "Maybe something could be done, and they just never bothered because it wasn't worth it to them? They didn't need me to be good at magic to help with the others, and they also did say that they never bothered to have my dwarfism treated like my original did. Again because it wasn't worth it to them."

He turned to pull some fur on his coat apart, revealing a scar, "I do have scars, so it stands to reason that surgery might work? I'm... " He shuddered, "I'm not very comfortable with the idea, but if it will make you happy we can get that looked at too."


He seemed to want to move on from the subject, "Maybe we should do something? Enjoy some time together before we head back to Troy? I'd... I'd like to get my mind off of... everything. I've never really had the chance to sit and think about things... what I've wanted. Now, there's a lot of things I realize I've been running from that I don't think I'm ready to confront yet."



On 2025-01-15 at 2:27 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Uuuh... Not really, since I've never been here, and don't know what I'm looking for. But if we can find some paper, I can make some smaller, simpler constructs to run down the hallway, and see if they can find something? Unless it's heavy.

Ranger thought a moment, "Well, those rooms should be full of books and paper. No one's coming back for them so you can help yourself. Just... if you see something strange, best if you left it alone. You wouldn't want to activate a dangerous thing or some half finished spell by accident."

In truth, most of the books and papers in the offices were perfectly inert and, true to Kozue's suspicions, full of the highest level technical and magical jargon. In one office, towards the end of the hall, there were a few spell scrolls in various stages of completion.


On 2025-01-15 at 2:27 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Or do you mean just something that marks where we are gonna go, or like, something that can scout ahead? I can do something there, since I marked the caves I walked in before I got out and found New Las Pegasus, but it were mostly just marking where I already had been.

She nodded, "Both would be useful, we don't want to lose our way back, and there might be some defenses left that we don't want to stumble into by accident."


On 2025-01-15 at 2:27 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Can you tell me what we're looking for specifically? It might help me think of something. Heck, if it has a smell, I can go by that too. This long nose isn't just for show y'know."

She looked down, "We're going to where they kept us, where we grew up. I was thinking we could find some small things there, things we had to leave behind when we left. I think it would do the others good to have pieces to remember the ones that didn't make it, and to remember each other when we're gone."

She shrugged, "Sorry if it's not as cool of an adventure as you thought it might be. But, I guess it might smell like me? I did spend a lot of time there, but it was a long time ago."

It had been almost two years since they had left, but the air had been pretty stagnant since then, so maybe there was still enough of a trail left for Kozue to pick up on?


In any case, she would wait to see what he wanted to do with the papers, and encourage the paper fox to eat some of the documents if it felt so inclined. Maybe it would like the complicated words better, even if they didn't have much color to them.



On 2025-01-15 at 2:27 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I did exercise lots back home. But there's many ways you can do it. Pushups, running, something called *yoga*, dancing- Lots of ways. I think it counts, long as you get your pulse up. Or maybe it's when you start sweating? I never really thought about it, but it's about being active either way.

I usually get that when I play with Crow. She likes it when we run around the dunes, or dig in places, or pretend like we're chasing the dune foxes, heh. But we're probably gonna be told what to do soon. Maybe we're going to run laps around the school?"

Teal looked intrigued by that, "I think they had Ardee and AyJay do those sorts of things a lot growing up. They just had me study instead, I think it will be fun to try new things though!"


Soon enough everyone was done eating lunch, so they put their bags away and returned to their seats, or would have returned to their seats had Miss Lyft not moved all of the desks and set out seven somewhat soft mats in their place. "Go ahead and stand on a mat everyone, make sure you can see me from where you are."

Luckily Lilac, the smallest of the group, was already in the front row, with her brother behind her. Depending on where Cherish had ended up in the seating chart, she shouldn't have any issues seeing unless she was behind Elef.

Once everyone was on a mat Lyft would continue, "Now, I won't have you all do anything too hard today, since we're just starting, but over the course of the unit I want to build you all up to being able to do a lap of the city!"

That seemed like a lofty goal, but it was something to work towards.

"Today though, we're going to start with stretches, easy ones too so you won't have to get undressed if you don't want to." she looked at Cherish and Gemini for that, "But you two might want to wear something more flexible next week."

She took a seat in the upright sitting pose (Rear legs folded front legs straight supporting the upper body) "Before we start though, does anyone have experience with stretching? I know among ponies, outside of particularly athletic ones, walking and running is 90% of your daily exercise, and does not typically require much stretching for recovery, but this can help keep you from getting sore when you try to get stronger, and to help you feel better faster when you are."



On 2025-01-15 at 2:27 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I admit, it makes me somewhat concerned to hear though. If she were stockpiling that, and it gives you power, then it makes sense to not have that sort of thing passing around the kingdom. But what would she use it for then? Or was she just making sure no one could amass the sort of energy needed to pose a threat to her? Either, or both, sounds like it could lead to trouble."

Basher shrugged, "Never stuck around long enough to find out what she used it for. Maybe you're onto something though? Could be why she wanted us executed and sent a whole battalion to do it, and maybe she was right since we emerged unscathed from that attempt, with all but one of them dead. I wouldn't have let him live, but apparently Spy thought it would be better to send a message. Leave no mystery as to whether all of us had survived."

He shrugged, "Maybe she wouldn't've gone looking for us if he'd killed him? Who knows."


On 2025-01-15 at 2:27 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I hope he is more loyal to his own. Much as I'd like to talk caution, it's up to Bling to decide how to lead the hive, and she's put faith in him helping them. Which he have so far, but... I'll admit to being worried, that he might end up taking advantage of her kind nature. There's a lot who cherishes and relies on her. It'd crush them if she got hurt. Though at this point, it might hurt them almost as much if it turns out that he lied about the ascension ritual."

He raised an eyebrow at that, "Ascension ritual?" He snorted, "What, like that one dragon lady was promising those gryphons?" He laughed, "Even Pyro thought that was horseapples, and that dragon was as crazy as they come!"

He shook his head, his expression softening, "I've never heard of anything like that for changelings, but I can't say I know much about your kind anyway. That being said, when he comes back to town? You best keep a close eye on him."


On 2025-01-15 at 2:27 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"While I'm happy to hear that you're a bit more open about Grey Mare's leadership, that last part uhm... That sounded rather ominous, sir. Should I be worried?"

He had thought they were making some progress here, and in a way, they were. He had a dialogue going, and seemed to get through to him about the Grey, so that was a good start, right? Then came the end, and he were talking like his second in command were about to start up something, and it concerned him. Enough to not back away from the door, and look somewhat worried towards Basher.

Today might end up less calm than he had at first expected.

Basher gave Craven a parting smirk, "Always."

He wouldn't have much to say after that. Craven's shift would soon be over, and he'd be summoned by Watch to report on what he had managed to learn from the encounter. They didn't need him to recite what Basher had said, as they had watched through the blindfold, just his thoughts on what was discussed, and whether he thought Basher was going to eventually cooperate.

  • Hugs 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Illiad Easle


On 2025-01-17 at 9:48 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Arcade seemed a little more comfortable with that, "She's the one that did the exam for the others right? Ranger mentioned that she was... nicer than the ones before. She should know who can be trusted then."

"My mom's the nicest mare you can find. She's kind, trustworthy, and nothing like those scientists who worked on you. Mom and dad... They put themselves in mortal danger, to get Void and me out of that system.

They're a lot like your mistress. And I'm sure that even if she can't help, she'll know who can."

On 2025-01-17 at 9:48 PM, Illiad Easle said:

He shrugged, "I'm sure for most others it is like you say, but it's the only way I've ever known. I'm mostly numb to it now."

"I guess you can get used to a lot of things. Like me and my wings before it were replaced, or Void and her eye and leg. She's told me that she can't even remember what it was like anymore, having four legs, or depth perception."

On 2025-01-17 at 9:48 PM, Illiad Easle said:

He seemed to want to move on from the subject, "Maybe we should do something? Enjoy some time together before we head back to Troy? I'd... I'd like to get my mind off of... everything. I've never really had the chance to sit and think about things... what I've wanted. Now, there's a lot of things I realize I've been running from that I don't think I'm ready to confront yet."

Null would go and hold her hoof over his, looking into Arcade's eyes.

"We can go and look around town, see if there's anything fun. And Arcade, I just want you to know, I don't want you to do anything about your horn, if you don't want to. It sounds to me like it's a hindrance to you, that you don't like, but you don't have to change for me. I love you the way you are. I just worry, and want you to feel okay.

I'll let it go now, but if you ever wanna talk about it, I'll be here."

If he didn't want to change his horn, that were his choice. She wasn't gonna force it through, or make it an ultimatum of any sort. But it sounded like it were mostly just an issue for him, limiting his magic, and causing him pain. Even if he were numb to it, it clearly still bothered him, to the degree that he was afraid of passing on this abnormality - as well as his regenerative ability - on to a potential offspring. This were something that she hoped could be disproven, as while she had never thought it would be a part of her future - partially to her being certain she wouldn't have one - she did want foals someday now, with Arcade.

There would be many questions, and probably some tests on them to see what might be, could happen, etc. but she hoped that someday, they would be able to see little ones of their own, playing around and growing into nice, strong ponies themselves. Without all the emotional baggage that both her, and Arcade had in spades. A stable home and both parents would certainly give them a better chance. As would the lack of facilities trying to run experiments.

And so help her, if anyone tried, she would kill every last one in said facility, with extreme prejudice.

Now, as for what they could do? She wasn't sure. She had a moderate bit of currency with her, so they could afford doing something at least, long as it wasn't gambling. That seemed a bad idea, as it were generally a waste of money. But beyond that, she had seen little of the town, and not focused so much on what sights were there the other times, if they did not relate to her tasks, so... They could just walk around and see, or maybe ask someone.




On 2025-01-17 at 9:48 PM, Illiad Easle said:

She nodded, "Both would be useful, we don't want to lose our way back, and there might be some defenses left that we don't want to stumble into by accident."

"I'll mark the path as we go along then, and see if I can't connect a bit with the little ones. Just keep in mind, that they won't be high end, like yours. These are expendable."

On 2025-01-17 at 9:48 PM, Illiad Easle said:

She looked down, "We're going to where they kept us, where we grew up. I was thinking we could find some small things there, things we had to leave behind when we left. I think it would do the others good to have pieces to remember the ones that didn't make it, and to remember each other when we're gone."

She shrugged, "Sorry if it's not as cool of an adventure as you thought it might be. But, I guess it might smell like me? I did spend a lot of time there, but it was a long time ago."

It had been almost two years since they had left, but the air had been pretty stagnant since then, so maybe there was still enough of a trail left for Kozue to pick up on?


In any case, she would wait to see what he wanted to do with the papers, and encourage the paper fox to eat some of the documents if it felt so inclined. Maybe it would like the complicated words better, even if they didn't have much color to them.

"Eh, beats having to deal with monsters, and I get your reasoning honestly. I'd love to have some mementos from my old friends and family too, but my home's far from these shores, and the invaders made a point of burning every village they stomped through, to torment both us, and the spirits. I'd be surprised if there's anything left, and those that I had left, when the ritual were performed... I doubt there's many left, and probably no one that I were close to. All I got are the memories, and the dreadful worry that their spirits are roaming our old homes, stuck there until they're saved.

You're fortunate to have someone left after all that happened, Ranger. And I'm more than happy to make sure that you folks get something to remind yourselves of one another, and those that were less fortunate."

When they were done speaking, he'd jump over, and grab a book, then open to a random page. As he suspected, he didn't understand a single thing he were seeing, so he didn't bother after a few seconds of reading through it, and instead cut a dozen pages out with his claws. A small glow would be around his paws as they started to fold together in the air in front of him, a pink'ish hue forming them into the shape of small birds, and rats. They'd squirm before he were even done with them completely, live being weaved into them, as they were being folded and formed. He didn't halt, or look at the though. Kozue's eyes were closed, as he focused on this task, and he sat on his posterior, his tail wrapped laying close to him, whilst he hummed a tune. Nothing she'd be familiar with though, more than likely. The kitsune had many songs of their own, and the language being in Neighponese, made it hard for outsiders to understand, if they never studied the language.

As for Ranger's companion, it would sniff around, not being too impressed at the documents at first, but then seemed to have an idea of sorts, and went ravaging on them. Page after page, cleaned of every word and punctuation, until it had gone through around four pages. At which point it would stretch out, and ruffle its wings a small around, then turn to Ranger. It would spread out its right wing, and there, in plain letters, would be the word "Hello".

If she were fixated on what Kozue were doing, it would jump around to get her attention first, before doing this.




On 2025-01-17 at 9:48 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Teal looked intrigued by that, "I think they had Ardee and AyJay do those sorts of things a lot growing up. They just had me study instead, I think it will be fun to try new things though!"

"There's a lot of games you can do for exercise. Where I grew up, hoofball was popular. I didn't do it that much, but it was fun when I did. Skipping rope was more my thing. No wings though, that'd be cheating."

Unless she were swinging the rope, but that was the sole exception. Flying in between the ropes weren't fair. And often it wouldn't work either, unless you knew what you were doing, but some were good/very small.

On 2025-01-17 at 9:48 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Soon enough everyone was done eating lunch, so they put their bags away and returned to their seats, or would have returned to their seats had Miss Lyft not moved all of the desks and set out seven somewhat soft mats in their place. "Go ahead and stand on a mat everyone, make sure you can see me from where you are."

Seeing as Cherish wasn't the tallest, she would try and get to somewhere near the front row, but she'd take the spot she could, in case it was an issue. Worst case, she'd still be able to hear, but she were sure it'd be fine, long as she didn't sit behind any of the tall ones, even though she would try and seat next to Elef, if she could. Depended on who might be in front if that were. Lilac's big brother were way too big for her to see anything past him.

On 2025-01-17 at 9:48 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Once everyone was on a mat Lyft would continue, "Now, I won't have you all do anything too hard today, since we're just starting, but over the course of the unit I want to build you all up to being able to do a lap of the city!"

That seemed like a lofty goal, but it was something to work towards.

"Today though, we're going to start with stretches, easy ones too so you won't have to get undressed if you don't want to." she looked at Cherish and Gemini for that, "But you two might want to wear something more flexible next week."

She took a seat in the upright sitting pose (Rear legs folded front legs straight supporting the upper body) "Before we start though, does anyone have experience with stretching? I know among ponies, outside of particularly athletic ones, walking and running is 90% of your daily exercise, and does not typically require much stretching for recovery, but this can help keep you from getting sore when you try to get stronger, and to help you feel better faster when you are."

Cherish would rise a hoof, so she could answer the question. Which she would, soon as she were addressed, as were proper for classrooms. At least where she had grown up.

"I know some wing stretches. We were taught that around when we learned how to fly right, back in Equestria."

She could show if it were, but this were really all she knew. Crow and her didn't rush around enough for her to need stretches, far as she knew at least, but she knew it were important for her wings, or they could end up hurting, or locking up, when she tried to fly for too long.

It would be nice if she could run around with Crow though. Around town sounded fun, but she'd need to leave her dress off when it were. She were not one of those who were strict about always wearing clothes, so she'd just leave it here, if they went running. It were easier than having gym clothes, and it let her skin breathe better, probably. There'd be less washing at least.




On 2025-01-17 at 9:48 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Basher shrugged, "Never stuck around long enough to find out what she used it for. Maybe you're onto something though? Could be why she wanted us executed and sent a whole battalion to do it, and maybe she was right since we emerged unscathed from that attempt, with all but one of them dead. I wouldn't have let him live, but apparently Spy thought it would be better to send a message. Leave no mystery as to whether all of us had survived."

He shrugged, "Maybe she wouldn't've gone looking for us if he'd killed him? Who knows."

"I still think she would have looked, sir. It were some important stuff you were sent to get hold of, so she'd want to make sure you were dead. If no one had survived, she'd surely check to see if your corpses were in the uhm... Piles. So many dead, you'd just prove you were too dangerous to be on the loose, regardless of one or no one returning.

That's uhm, what makes to me at least, sir. I didn't really know her well enough to say for sure."

On 2025-01-17 at 9:48 PM, Illiad Easle said:

He raised an eyebrow at that, "Ascension ritual?" He snorted, "What, like that one dragon lady was promising those gryphons?" He laughed, "Even Pyro thought that was horseapples, and that dragon was as crazy as they come!"

He shook his head, his expression softening, "I've never heard of anything like that for changelings, but I can't say I know much about your kind anyway. That being said, when he comes back to town? You best keep a close eye on him."

"It's to make a queen, sir. Though I... That dragon lady, you mean Le Perinne, y-yes? I uh... Back in my old hive, our queen sometimes got visits from her faithful. She told us to not stand in their way, not to talk to them, and if they gave us an order, to do as they said. I think she were doing some things for the dragoness, because one time, I saw them open a portal to somewhere else, and take several crates from the lower levels, into it.

I didn't ask what were in them, and I never wanted to know. Her faithful always gave me the creeps. And the stories I heard later about them, didn't make that better. Though I couldn't say one way or another, if their sort of ascension is real or not. I've seen ponies be turned into changelings, so maybe? Maybe they'd know, but I uhm, don't want to ask them. I'm afraid they'd get offended, and try and pluck one of my eyes out, or something.

As for Rasputin... I'll keep it in mind, and talk to some friends. Hopefully there's nothing, but best to be safe, yes? Thank you for the warning, sir."

Was he afraid of her faithful? Yes, very much so. They were intimidating, and while they hadn't hurt any of them, back when he were still in the hive, and more or less just ignored them, they gave serious bad vibes off. Griffins he usually didn't have an issue with, but the faithful always made him feel like prey, whose only saving grace, were that he wasn't worth hunting.

On 2025-01-17 at 9:48 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Basher gave Craven a parting smirk, "Always."

He wouldn't have much to say after that. Craven's shift would soon be over, and he'd be summoned by Watch to report on what he had managed to learn from the encounter. They didn't need him to recite what Basher had said, as they had watched through the blindfold, just his thoughts on what was discussed, and whether he thought Basher was going to eventually cooperate.

Craven gulped, but nodded, and let it stay at that. He got the feeling he wouldn't get more details for now, and it were best to just wait and see if more happened, before the end of his shift. Which turned out to be no. Nothing of note went on, and he would soon enough be done with his shift, and told to return for a report. Which he would, as he were gonna follow orders, like a good drone, though he did first say to Basher that his shift were over, and he hoped that he would do well, until next time. He did also finish it with a sir, rather than using his name. It seemed to if not work better, then at the very least not offend him, that Craven talked to him with some level of respect, and didn't look down upon him. Not much point in him not continuing this then, unless Basher asked him to call him otherwise.

Besides, Craven did think that it were best to talk to others with some level of respect, and not look down upon others. He supposed that might be one of the reasons he had been chosen for this.

Yes, he did look down upon Mongoose, but that were different. Mongoose had done some really, gut-wrenchingly bad stuff, and didn't seem stable, so he didn't trust him at first. His colleague were doing fairly well these days though, with a better outlet for his nervousness and ticks, and were trying to do his best too, so Craven were more kind towards him.

When asked about his own opinions on Basher, by his superiors, Craven would be focusing fully on that, thinking for a moment before answering the question.

"...I think that he will, yes. He answered some things today, and he seemed interested, when hearing about The Grey's change in leadership, and did give a tease, that something were going to happen. Though I think it might depends on how Moth is handled. If he trust this *Moth* enough to leave them as second in command, trying to get them in alive might show him that The Grey aren't the brute's that they'd sometimes been in the past.

Though I worry what's going to happen. It sounds like it's going to be something big."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


On 2025-01-29 at 4:57 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I guess you can get used to a lot of things. Like me and my wings before it were replaced, or Void and her eye and leg. She's told me that she can't even remember what it was like anymore, having four legs, or depth perception."

Arcade nodded at that, both happy and sad that she could understand where he was coming from.

On 2025-01-29 at 4:57 PM, Blitz Boom said:

I'll let it go now, but if you ever wanna talk about it, I'll be here."

He looked about to say something, but shook his head with a smile, "Thank you."


On 2025-01-29 at 4:57 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Now, as for what they could do? She wasn't sure. She had a moderate bit of currency with her, so they could afford doing something at least, long as it wasn't gambling. That seemed a bad idea, as it were generally a waste of money. But beyond that, she had seen little of the town, and not focused so much on what sights were there the other times, if they did not relate to her tasks, so... They could just walk around and see, or maybe ask someone.

Arcade seemed to have some ideas on that front, as he went to their bags once they were fully done embracing, "The Consul did give us some money it looked like in that packet of papers? Since we were supposed to seem like the rest of the group we came here with? I figure, since we finished what we were actually sent here for, we might as well now do what we were pretending to have been sent to do."

Sure enough, he retrieved a decent amount of Trojan sand dollars from the pile of documents that said who they were. It wasn't an extravagant amount by any means, but it was enough that they wouldn't have to worry about cost.

There was also a brochure, provided by the information station when they had first arrived with the group, indicating things they might try and places they should avoid, which Arcade also retrieved for Null to look over, "I'm thinking we ask the changelings working here what they recommend, maybe there's some fun event scheduled here at the hotel? Otherwise, I wouldn't mind going back to that place we visited the first time, where we had the Pete-za was it?"



On 2025-01-29 at 4:57 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I'll mark the path as we go along then, and see if I can't connect a bit with the little ones. Just keep in mind, that they won't be high end, like yours. These are expendable."

Ranger nodded, leaving him to his devices on that.

On 2025-01-29 at 4:57 PM, Blitz Boom said:

All I got are the memories, and the dreadful worry that their spirits are roaming our old homes, stuck there until they're saved.

She sighed, "That's why I want to go to the other place later... just in case it's like you say."

On 2025-01-29 at 4:57 PM, Blitz Boom said:

When they were done speaking, he'd jump over, and grab a book, then open to a random page. As he suspected, he didn't understand a single thing he were seeing, so he didn't bother after a few seconds of reading through it, and instead cut a dozen pages out with his claws. A small glow would be around his paws as they started to fold together in the air in front of him, a pink'ish hue forming them into the shape of small birds, and rats. They'd squirm before he were even done with them completely, live being weaved into them, as they were being folded and formed. He didn't halt, or look at the though. Kozue's eyes were closed, as he focused on this task, and he sat on his posterior, his tail wrapped laying close to him, whilst he hummed a tune. Nothing she'd be familiar with though, more than likely. The kitsune had many songs of their own, and the language being in Neighponese, made it hard for outsiders to understand, if they never studied the language.

Ranger took interest in that, watching as he worked with the old papers, and hoping to herself that whatever words within wouldn't somehow taint or curse the creations. The last thing they needed was small paper critters that acted like the academics or scientists had.


On 2025-01-29 at 4:57 PM, Blitz Boom said:

As for Ranger's companion, it would sniff around, not being too impressed at the documents at first, but then seemed to have an idea of sorts, and went ravaging on them. Page after page, cleaned of every word and punctuation, until it had gone through around four pages. At which point it would stretch out, and ruffle its wings a small around, then turn to Ranger. It would spread out its right wing, and there, in plain letters, would be the word "Hello".

If she were fixated on what Kozue were doing, it would jump around to get her attention first, before doing this.

It would need to get her attention as she had been watching the new creatures being made, but it wouldn't have to try hard as she maintained her situational awareness despite her curiosity, "Oh, did you find something?"

Once it showed off it's new trick she paused, squinting at the word it had written out and slowly reading it to herself, it seemed reading still wasn't her strong suit. She did get ti eventually though, "Oh, hello! Look at that, that's a neat trick. I," she sighed, "I guess I'll have to learn how to read good now."

In case her fox would get confused or disappointed at her reaction, she would reassure it, "No no, it's a good thing. I should know how to read. Most ponies know how to read."


Once Kozue was done making creatures to help mark their way and scout ahead against any traps, Ranger would start leading the way again. "Up here is where the academics all were. I'm pretty sure we were kept lower down. At least, I remember the room I learned to fly in was large, but covered, so it would have to be a few floors down at least, and I remember a lot of stairs when we left, so... I think our first goal is to find stairwells, and see if they go down far enough. Or maybe find an observation window into the flying room? I remember being watched through windows near the top of the room." 



On 2025-01-29 at 4:57 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"There's a lot of games you can do for exercise. Where I grew up, hoofball was popular. I didn't do it that much, but it was fun when I did. Skipping rope was more my thing. No wings though, that'd be cheating."

Unless she were swinging the rope, but that was the sole exception. Flying in between the ropes weren't fair. And often it wouldn't work either, unless you knew what you were doing, but some were good/very small.

Teal didn't know what hoofball was, but she did remember when Void had taught them how to jump rope, "Oh yeah, Miss Void showed us that rope jumping thing soon after we first got here! I wasn't very good at it, but the foals seemed to like it."

On 2025-01-29 at 4:57 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Cherish would rise a hoof, so she could answer the question. Which she would, soon as she were addressed, as were proper for classrooms. At least where she had grown up.

"I know some wing stretches. We were taught that around when we learned how to fly right, back in Equestria."

She could show if it were, but this were really all she knew. Crow and her didn't rush around enough for her to need stretches, far as she knew at least, but she knew it were important for her wings, or they could end up hurting, or locking up, when she tried to fly for too long.

Lyft looked surprised, "Ah, yes! that is a good thing to know and, unfortunately, something I can't really teach you since changeling wings don't work the same way as pegasus wings, but that's a different lesson for later, when we get to our lesson on pegasus and thestral anatomy. Tomorrow I think I'll have you, Elef, Nova, and Lilac work on wing stretches together, but for today we'll focus on leg stretches that everyone can do."


Lyft would then guide them through a series of basic stretches and poses meant to focus on loosening muscles and improving flexibility, something that, since they were all on the younger side, they didn't much struggle with, Lyft disguised as a pegasus and would use her wing to make minor adjustments to their poses as needed, but even Lilac was having a pretty easy time of it.

After about an hour she returned them all to the seated position, then bent her forelegs into what she called the Sphynx pose (All legs folded, body upright) "Alright, I think that's enough for today. You all are young so you won't need to do this too often, but it is good to get into the habit early, stretching before and after exercise, so that as you get older you'll be able to keep from getting hurt. Also, be careful not to overdo the stretches when you do them by yourself. If you feel tension, take it slowly, you'll get more flexible with practice."

She nodded, allowing them to get up and sit how they preferred, "Any last questions before I dismiss you all? Your homework tonight will be to talk with your guardians and ask them what their favorite and least favorite exercises are. We'll try to incorporate some of them into our lessons going forward."



On 2025-01-29 at 4:57 PM, Blitz Boom said:

As for Rasputin... I'll keep it in mind, and talk to some friends. Hopefully there's nothing, but best to be safe, yes? Thank you for the warning, sir."

Was he afraid of her faithful? Yes, very much so. They were intimidating, and while they hadn't hurt any of them, back when he were still in the hive, and more or less just ignored them, they gave serious bad vibes off. Griffins he usually didn't have an issue with, but the faithful always made him feel like prey, whose only saving grace, were that he wasn't worth hunting.

Basher nodded, his expression a bit more serious than usual. "Always be wary of those who promise power for favors. Many powerful creatures have convinced the weak to indenture themselves with that exact promise."

It seemed Craven might have found a deeper distrust that Basher had for those in authority. Maybe this contributed to his distrust of the Grey?


On 2025-01-29 at 4:57 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"...I think that he will, yes. He answered some things today, and he seemed interested, when hearing about The Grey's change in leadership, and did give a tease, that something were going to happen. Though I think it might depends on how Moth is handled. If he trust this *Moth* enough to leave them as second in command, trying to get them in alive might show him that The Grey aren't the brute's that they'd sometimes been in the past.

Though I worry what's going to happen. It sounds like it's going to be something big."

Watch mulled over Craven's comments, comparing them to the notes that had been taken during the conversation, "I think your assessment is... quite astute. He does seem to be waiting for the other hoof to drop, like he has a reason to not cooperate yet."

Watch looked more directly at Craven, "If you were part of the team sent to retrieve Moth, do you think you could manage to bring her in peacefully, leveraging what you know from Basher? How much experience do you have fighting pegasi?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Illiad Easle


On 2025-01-31 at 11:24 PM, Illiad Easle said:

There was also a brochure, provided by the information station when they had first arrived with the group, indicating things they might try and places they should avoid, which Arcade also retrieved for Null to look over, "I'm thinking we ask the changelings working here what they recommend, maybe there's some fun event scheduled here at the hotel? Otherwise, I wouldn't mind going back to that place we visited the first time, where we had the Pete-za was it?"

"Pizza, but you were close. And I think it'd be nice for us to go back. The food was nice, and it holds mostly good memories for me, since we had our first date there.

And honestly, I'd rather we tried and go by the brochure. Nothing against the changelings, but this is a casino. They have that theater, and a few smaller things for the foals probably, but most of their entertainment is still meant to focus on the gambling. That's how they make a profit in these places."

Maybe someday, they'd make like, a larger area with some carnival machines that still cost money, but were more focused on fun, and winning small bears and stuff, but they had barely taken over the place. She'd imagine they needed to get finances settled first, along with everything else in their lives properly, before they could focus on projects like that. Bling seemed the sort who'd want it though. A good heart in that one, she'd have to admit.

Still, they could ask around. Maybe something had been able to be made (your call on that), but otherwise, the brochure had to have something of note, beyond the few places they knew. Though the pizzeria were certainly a good stop on their route. Perhaps the first one too. Depended on how hungry Arcade were. After their meal earlier, Null could last hours before she'd be able to focus too much on it.




On 2025-01-31 at 11:24 PM, Illiad Easle said:

She sighed, "That's why I want to go to the other place later... just in case it's like you say."

"I hope not. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. Not even the ones who torched our villages, and I pretty much want them to be slow roasted on a pyre, healed up, and then burnt all over again, until they finally die and get sent back to the depths of Tartarus."

On 2025-01-31 at 11:24 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Once it showed off it's new trick she paused, squinting at the word it had written out and slowly reading it to herself, it seemed reading still wasn't her strong suit. She did get ti eventually though, "Oh, hello! Look at that, that's a neat trick. I," she sighed, "I guess I'll have to learn how to read good now."

In case her fox would get confused or disappointed at her reaction, she would reassure it, "No no, it's a good thing. I should know how to read. Most ponies know how to read."

The fox mused that, then closed its wing again. It'd stand there a bit, letting off a low snickering sound, before unfolding it again. This time, there were punctuations and various other symbols that it used, to form not just a word, but also something else.

"Good now? >:3"

It were having some fun with this admittedly, and snickered a little, as Kozue came up, letting out a yawn from his efforts. Really showed off those predatory pearly whites. And that he apparently brushed properly.

"Ah, it's taken to writing now, huh? Go figure. The more magic, the stronger and smarter it gets. Doesn't have the body for speech though, but writing's alright. It's still some sorta communication.

Did I hear you right though? You ain't good at reading? Huh... Well, least that one's not too hard to fix. Just takes some effort.

Anyway, here's the new ones."

He'd point down to the new creations he had made. They looked like various critters, and not as curious or roaming as the paper fox were. They just waited to do what they were told.

"Like I said, this batch is expendable. So they don't think on things, and they'll deactivate when we're done. The one I made you, I wanted to be more thoughtful so it could find you. This batch, just need to help out a tad. Been a while since I made that many at once though. Ain't easy y'know? But it should do it. Now off with you."

He'd point down the hallways they had ahead, and the critters scattered into two groups, then went on their way.

"They ain't smart enough to really think on what to look for broadly - seems cruel to snuff out a thinker - but they have some parameters. If they find something like that, or they run into a monster, they'll come back. Their idea of monster is basically if something comes along that destroys one of them. They'll go ahead of us, and can catch my scent. They'll also only last like, an hour or so. Like I said, expendables.

Honestly I couldn't make it better anyway. Not with this many. It takes some real focus to make a higher functional one, and I'm not good enough to make multiples of those at once."

On 2025-01-31 at 11:24 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Once Kozue was done making creatures to help mark their way and scout ahead against any traps, Ranger would start leading the way again. "Up here is where the academics all were. I'm pretty sure we were kept lower down. At least, I remember the room I learned to fly in was large, but covered, so it would have to be a few floors down at least, and I remember a lot of stairs when we left, so... I think our first goal is to find stairwells, and see if they go down far enough. Or maybe find an observation window into the flying room? I remember being watched through windows near the top of the room." 

"Well, we might as well pick and path and see if we can find some staircases then. Or maybe another elevator shaft? The little ones will come back if there's anything, so let's just pop down one of the paths they went, and see what happens. And don't worry, I'm marking."

He'd wander past her, brushing up against the wall, and then putting his paw on it, pointing in the way they were going. A slightly glowing, pale-white mark would be left from his paw pads and beans, showing the direction they were going with his mark. There were also scent, in case this faded.

"This should do. Just keep your weapon ready, and I'll keep my ears and nose sharp. These big things helps warn of bad sounds. If something off, I can try and cloak us. It doesn't stop sound though, so if it happens... Well, let's just try and be quiet then."

It weren't hard for him. He had soft paws, and thus a very light step. Pony hooves... Another matter. But they'd make due, probably. For now, he'd follow her and stay close, while setting a new mark every once in a while.




On 2025-01-31 at 11:24 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Teal didn't know what hoofball was, but she did remember when Void had taught them how to jump rope, "Oh yeah, Miss Void showed us that rope jumping thing soon after we first got here! I wasn't very good at it, but the foals seemed to like it."

"Takes some coordination, but I think it's fun. Back in Equestria, we sometimes had really long ropes, where like 5 could jump at once, and then we saw who lasted the longest. I never won, cause it got too difficult when it sped up too much, but it was still fun. Maybe we can try that sometimes?"

That could be a good little friend activity to do, right? They'd need a long rope though, but they could probably find something. Or maybe Crow had some that they could tie together? She'd have to ask her later, when she went visiting her again. She were probably in a good mood, since she had gotten pie yesterday. She'd gone and given them a real nice book too. All sciency and stuff. Cherish didn't understand a word of it, and Crow said that what little she did understand, were confusing to her. She lacked context, but the ones she traded books with, seemed very interested in it. Even asked her if she saw more with the same author to keep it handy. Through Cherish, of course. Crow was warming up to the idea of meeting the book ones personally though. She were interested in seeing more of them, than the short meeting that she had when the deal were made proper. At least Cherish believed that. Crow didn't say so, per se.

On 2025-01-31 at 11:24 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Lyft looked surprised, "Ah, yes! that is a good thing to know and, unfortunately, something I can't really teach you since changeling wings don't work the same way as pegasus wings, but that's a different lesson for later, when we get to our lesson on pegasus and thestral anatomy. Tomorrow I think I'll have you, Elef, Nova, and Lilac work on wing stretches together, but for today we'll focus on leg stretches that everyone can do."

Hey, a preview of tomorrow's lessons! That were convenient.

On 2025-01-31 at 11:24 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Lyft would then guide them through a series of basic stretches and poses meant to focus on loosening muscles and improving flexibility, something that, since they were all on the younger side, they didn't much struggle with, Lyft disguised as a pegasus and would use her wing to make minor adjustments to their poses as needed, but even Lilac was having a pretty easy time of it.

After about an hour she returned them all to the seated position, then bent her forelegs into what she called the Sphynx pose (All legs folded, body upright) "Alright, I think that's enough for today. You all are young so you won't need to do this too often, but it is good to get into the habit early, stretching before and after exercise, so that as you get older you'll be able to keep from getting hurt. Also, be careful not to overdo the stretches when you do them by yourself. If you feel tension, take it slowly, you'll get more flexible with practice."

She nodded, allowing them to get up and sit how they preferred, "Any last questions before I dismiss you all? Your homework tonight will be to talk with your guardians and ask them what their favorite and least favorite exercises are. We'll try to incorporate some of them into our lessons going forward."

Cherish would drop the dress eventually, showing that her fur were not damaged beneath the dress, meaning she would have anything to hide of scars, or other old wounds, like many others sadly had. Something she wasn't trying to show off, it were just that after a while, it got kinda warm for her to stay in the dress, and she needed some air. Especially since when she got warm and sweaty, as she did now, her neck fluff got all puffy, like a bird. Her dress could keep it down, but she wasn't too fuzzed about others seeing this. Just a weird thing that sometimes hit pegasi, and there were a reasonable chance that she'd grow out of it, as she got older and her coat were replaced with time. Could also be the climate in Troy would make it more concurring, but it wasn't a big bother either way. Just an odd quirk.

"I know mom doesn't like to do pushups. She told me when I asked her about her yoga stuff."

Her mom were a big fan of yoga. She said it kept her mind sharp, and her body limber. Why she didn't like pushups though... Cherish hadn't asked, but perhaps she should. The reason might be needed for the lesson too.

Well, time to see if they had more lessons today, or if this were the end. You never knew if something more could come up after all. But if not... Well, maybe some of the others wanted to play? If not, she could always go out to Crow. Oh! Or maybe some even wanted to go with her to Crow? She could do with more friends.




On 2025-01-31 at 11:24 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Basher nodded, his expression a bit more serious than usual. "Always be wary of those who promise power for favors. Many powerful creatures have convinced the weak to indenture themselves with that exact promise."

It seemed Craven might have found a deeper distrust that Basher had for those in authority. Maybe this contributed to his distrust of the Grey?

"The allure of power can make you do a lot of dumb things. I've seen it plenty of times, and it rarely goes well.

*sigh* I really hope things will go well with this whole thing though. A queen would do a lot to lift the spirits and give hope to the changelings in town. Being lied to, and perhaps even losing Bling in the process... It'd shatter so many of them."

Frankly if one wanted to deal a big blow to the local changelings, killing Bling would be a strong move. Sure there were others who could take over, but Bling were beloved by many changelings, because of how well she treated others, even when they didn't always deserve it. Like how Bruce had lashed out and hurt her in his pain when he showed up, or others had yelled and threatened her for months. She understood most were scared, felt alone, and lashed out in fear and pain, and yet she didn't hold it against them, or stopped reaching out, and helping. Her brother could take over, but it weren't the same, and even he knew that.

Hopefully Rasputin's plan wasn't to destroy the morale of the hive like that...

As for what he said, later on, Craven would think of it more, and realize he also spoke of the Grey, when he said that. They offered power, but for indentured service, essentially. When it would hit him, it would make him understand the point of view of him more. But plenty going on right now, to not make him realize it currently. It'd probably be hours, when he eventually would have time to mull things over.

On 2025-01-31 at 11:24 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Watch mulled over Craven's comments, comparing them to the notes that had been taken during the conversation, "I think your assessment is... quite astute. He does seem to be waiting for the other hoof to drop, like he has a reason to not cooperate yet."

Watch looked more directly at Craven, "If you were part of the team sent to retrieve Moth, do you think you could manage to bring her in peacefully, leveraging what you know from Basher? How much experience do you have fighting pegasi?"

"Some, but I don't think I'd be able to fight her alone, if Basher made her second in command. She is probably strong, but I have magic to use. Maybe I could surprise her?

And for bringing her in peacefully... I'd hope so, but I'm not sure if I know enough to do that. She might not even listen to me, since she knows I'm with The Grey, and they're holding him. I don't think that will endear her to me. And I can't speak of anything Basher told me, without her knowing I'm with you. How else would I know?

I think maybe the best idea would to try and do it the changeling way. Disguise, sneak in, and when the time's right, sleep the target, tie them up, and sneak of with them. A distraction helps with that sort of thing, but it's still tricky.

I uhm... This is the sort of thing we were trained for, when I was a scout. In case we saw a good opportunity to take over someone important, or had to plan out how to do it."

He had never actually gone through with any of them, but he sure had brought back information, like a good little drone.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


On 2025-02-11 at 6:58 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Still, they could ask around. Maybe something had been able to be made (your call on that),

Unfortunately, almost all of the attractions that had originally made the city popular as a tourist destination had been up on the cloud layer before the crisis, and much of it had been destroyed in the ensuing chaos. Even if something had remained stating and in good function, that whole area was still out of control, albeit a bit quieter now with Basher out of the picture. 

As to the brochure itself, the Host's party was mentioned, as well as a few upscale events being hosted at the Luxe-Æther. The Tartarus Pits advertised a few more adult themed events, but after their experience with the dragons there, Arcade wasn't keen on returning there so soon, as curious as he might be as to what those could entail.

If Null was willing to dress up for it, Arcade would be willing to accompany her to a dinner gala at the Luxe-Æther, or if the changeling had something planned that piqued her interest. Otherwise, they would be headed to the pizza place that they had visited not so long ago, hopefully to not have the mood ruined by the appearance of a Grey Agent like last time.


If they went with the pizza route, they'd find the place a bit busier than the previous time, tables packed and the air full of chatter and fragrant scents. Spirits seemed a bit higher than last time, it seemed the town was starting to get hopeful now that there weren't the Grey looming over them. They could even see where the option to pay with debt had been crossed off the menu board.

They couldn't tell if the griffon at the counter was the same one they had seen the previous time, and she didn't seem to recognize them either, simply asking what they wanted to order.


If they went with the fancy gala option, depending on how well they dressed up, they'd be able to get in with only a moderate amount of snootiness on the part of the staff before they were shown to a table in a corner that wasn't quite as well lit as the others, along with a menu that seemed to have been geared more towards foals, not that Arcade would notice or care, having never been somewhere like this to compare it to.


If they went with a changeling option, who knew what was in store for them?



On 2025-02-11 at 6:58 PM, Blitz Boom said:

The fox mused that, then closed its wing again. It'd stand there a bit, letting off a low snickering sound, before unfolding it again. This time, there were punctuations and various other symbols that it used, to form not just a word, but also something else.

"Good now? >:3"

Ranger again squinted as she tried to make out what the paper fox had written. If it was intended as a joke she didn't understand it, and she didn't quite grasp that the punctuation was meant to serve as a drawing of a face. 

She didn't have long to dwell on it before Kozue got her attention back.

On 2025-02-11 at 6:58 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Did I hear you right though? You ain't good at reading? Huh... Well, least that one's not too hard to fix. Just takes some effort.

Anyway, here's the new ones."

Ranger shrugged, "Yeah they never bothered to teach me much, it wasn't necessary for their plans. I didn't need to read to fly well."

As to the new creatures she was impressed, nodding as he explained their function.

On 2025-02-11 at 6:58 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"This should do. Just keep your weapon ready, and I'll keep my ears and nose sharp. These big things helps warn of bad sounds. If something off, I can try and cloak us. It doesn't stop sound though, so if it happens... Well, let's just try and be quiet then."

Ranger started down the hallway but shook her head at the mention of her weapon, "Unless I need to leverage something, a weapon won't help. It won't help against a-"

There was a flash of light down one of the halls, one of the paper creatures had tripped a rune and gotten zapped by a bolt of lightning. "-Against the sort of things they have here."

Ranger would get near to where the smaller one had gotten hit and started looking around for the source of the rune, which she found drained from zapping the paper. "Looks like it was just unlucky there, it was nearly all drained to begin with. It might be the same for the others, but we should still be careful. They meant for the traps to stop anything not authorized from getting very far, and to keep them stuck until guards could get them contained."

It seemed like she spoke from experience.


Eventually they'd find a stairwell, though it only went down one layer. On the next floor they soon found an office with windows looking down into a large dark room.

Ranger tried to peer through the window into the darkness, but it was too dim to see. "Oh, you did that light thing earlier, how big can you go? I think this is the right room, from all the notes, but I want to be sure it's my flight room and not, like, some big containment thing."

The notes around the room seemed primarily focused on flight, as well as physical development logs for pegasi. Kozue could no doubt read better than Ranger, and would notice, if he cared to read, that they weren't all about Ranger, or RD as the documents were labeled.



On 2025-02-11 at 6:58 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Well, time to see if they had more lessons today, or if this were the end. You never knew if something more could come up after all. But if not... Well, maybe some of the others wanted to play? If not, she could always go out to Crow. Oh! Or maybe some even wanted to go with her to Crow? She could do with more friends.

That was all that Lyft had for them, so they were free to go. If Cherish wanted to have some of the other ponies join her, or for her to join them, she'd have to be quick about it.

(Otherwise, we'll be moving into the Elef arc. I just want to finish Ranger's current arc in the Academic zone before starting Elef's arc.)



On 2025-02-11 at 6:58 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Some, but I don't think I'd be able to fight her alone, if Basher made her second in command. She is probably strong, but I have magic to use. Maybe I could surprise her?

"From what we've gathered, she wasn't even the third. Birdy was the second, and Moth was more of the messenger who relayed their orders to the rest of the groups. So with Basher and Birdy out, everyone seems to have rallied around Moth."

"Reports indicate that she's more of a runner than a fighter, It might be hard to get the drop on her, but that might be the only way to catch her before she can escape."

On 2025-02-11 at 6:58 PM, Blitz Boom said:

And for bringing her in peacefully... I'd hope so, but I'm not sure if I know enough to do that. She might not even listen to me, since she knows I'm with The Grey, and they're holding him. I don't think that will endear her to me. And I can't speak of anything Basher told me, without her knowing I'm with you. How else would I know?

I think maybe the best idea would to try and do it the changeling way. Disguise, sneak in, and when the time's right, sleep the target, tie them up, and sneak of with them. A distraction helps with that sort of thing, but it's still tricky.

I uhm... This is the sort of thing we were trained for, when I was a scout. In case we saw a good opportunity to take over someone important, or had to plan out how to do it."

Watch nodded, "I suppose 'peacefully' was the wrong word. It would be best if she were brought in alive with a minimal amount of casualties. It seems like you were thinking along the same lines. Your plan seems worthwhile, assuming you can pin down her location. Taking her out quietly might cause the rest to disband, but taking her down publicly might do more to crush their morale. We'll leave that up to you though. What resources would you need to pull off this plan of yours? Would bringing in the changeling you've worked with previously help?"

  • Hugs 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Illiad Easle


On 2025-02-16 at 2:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

As to the brochure itself, the Host's party was mentioned, as well as a few upscale events being hosted at the Luxe-Æther. The Tartarus Pits advertised a few more adult themed events, but after their experience with the dragons there, Arcade wasn't keen on returning there so soon, as curious as he might be as to what those could entail.

If Null was willing to dress up for it, Arcade would be willing to accompany her to a dinner gala at the Luxe-Æther, or if the changeling had something planned that piqued her interest. Otherwise, they would be headed to the pizza place that they had visited not so long ago, hopefully to not have the mood ruined by the appearance of a Grey Agent like last time.

Having been around a few times, Null wasn't too keen on several of the places mentioned. The Tartarus Pits gave her the creeps now, and the Host... She hadn't forgotten the last times she had been there, and those times hadn't exactly filled her with a great want to return. On top of that, she didn't like the Host himself either. He seemed far too careless with the lives of others, even if the place had a resurrection field, or something like that.

The idea of a fancy gala did sound somewhat okay, but ergh... Fancy clothing wasn't much her thing, and frankly, after everything that had gone on since they arrived here, a place of comfort seemed better. Which would be the pizza place. Grey agent last time aside, it had been good, and the food were tasty. It seemed a nice place to have their second date too. Or at least to eat, if this didn't count as a proper date. She wasn't sure, but there were several things she wasn't sure about, when it came to relationships, though she tried her best.

The changelings were good folk, but frankly, she needed out of this place too. They needed some fresh air after what they just talked about.

On 2025-02-16 at 2:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

If they went with the pizza route, they'd find the place a bit busier than the previous time, tables packed and the air full of chatter and fragrant scents. Spirits seemed a bit higher than last time, it seemed the town was starting to get hopeful now that there weren't the Grey looming over them. They could even see where the option to pay with debt had been crossed off the menu board.

They couldn't tell if the griffon at the counter was the same one they had seen the previous time, and she didn't seem to recognize them either, simply asking what they wanted to order.

A good deal more lively here this time around. Well, they had been told it were the slow time of day last time, so this were probably normal for it. Must mean business were good. And looking at the board, her sister had seemingly changed direction on the local currency too. Probably for the best. Debt seemed a strange way of handling things, though she wondered how it'd be solved with those who had debt before... Probably not something she should try and dig into. It were likely mundane, and in general none of her business.

Speaking of business, it were almost their turn at the counter now. Clerk seemed somewhat familiar, but griffons were a bit... Samey sometimes, unless she bit notice in something specific. Last she were here, her focus had mainly been on Arcade, so it were hard for her to say if this were the same one. Best to assume not, though even if it were, what were the odds she'd remember them? Sure they were small, but they were still just one couple, among likely hundreds that popped in here regularly. And they had only been here one time. Not that memorable either. She hadn't set a fire or anything like it.

"Hi. I'll have... The mild chili and cactus please."

If there weren't any cactus, she'd say something else, that would add a bit of bitter. She felt like a small bit of bitter or earthy right now, as well as something spicy. Not too much though, hence the mild chili. But just something to pep her up.

If they had sweet chili, she'd say that, instead of mild. Seemed like it'd be interesting.




On 2025-02-16 at 2:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Ranger shrugged, "Yeah they never bothered to teach me much, it wasn't necessary for their plans. I didn't need to read to fly well."

As to the new creatures she was impressed, nodding as he explained their function.

Kozue scratched his head at that comment. Seemed like a pretty weird attitude, by whoever were teaching her things, but... It kinda felt like the wrong time to ask about details. So he'd move along for now, but keep it in mind. Perhaps he'd learn something here, that would shed some light on things. Though something told him that it wasn't gonna be anything nice.

On 2025-02-16 at 2:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Ranger started down the hallway but shook her head at the mention of her weapon, "Unless I need to leverage something, a weapon won't help. It won't help against a-"

There was a flash of light down one of the halls, one of the paper creatures had tripped a rune and gotten zapped by a bolt of lightning. "-Against the sort of things they have here."

Ranger would get near to where the smaller one had gotten hit and started looking around for the source of the rune, which she found drained from zapping the paper. "Looks like it was just unlucky there, it was nearly all drained to begin with. It might be the same for the others, but we should still be careful. They meant for the traps to stop anything not authorized from getting very far, and to keep them stuck until guards could get them contained."

It seemed like she spoke from experience.

The little one had been a temporary creation, so even if the lightning were weaker or not, it were still destroyed. Didn't seem like the rest sent with it cared, which they didn't either. They did not have the capacity for that. Though the unnamed one that were with Ranger, would go over and carefully bash the remains off the ward, if there were any, and then depending on the amount, would do one of three things.

1. It all remained, and so it would go towards Kozue, holding it up to him, who'd nod, and then wait for it to put the thing down, then use a small ember to burn it, before they got going.

2. Nothing remained but ash, in which case it would just look at the spot, and carefully walk in a circle around it, before following the others again.

3. Some pieces remained. In which case it would eat them, and be on its merry way along with them.

On 2025-02-16 at 2:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Eventually they'd find a stairwell, though it only went down one layer. On the next floor they soon found an office with windows looking down into a large dark room.

Ranger tried to peer through the window into the darkness, but it was too dim to see. "Oh, you did that light thing earlier, how big can you go? I think this is the right room, from all the notes, but I want to be sure it's my flight room and not, like, some big containment thing."

The notes around the room seemed primarily focused on flight, as well as physical development logs for pegasi. Kozue could no doubt read better than Ranger, and would notice, if he cared to read, that they weren't all about Ranger, or RD as the documents were labeled.

"Not that big, nor insanely bright. I might have another spell for that, but you gotta give me a few minutes to remember. We were taught more to make use of small lights like the flowers, because we have good nocturnal vision, and this doesn't give as much attention."

He'd sway his paw like before, and make another glowing flower, reaching this towards Ranger.

"A flower for the lady."

He'd grin as he said this, and if she took it - which he'd encourage - she'd find it would feel like holding a more flexible neon pipe. Delicate like a flower, but sturdy, light, and a cozy sort of warm to hold. Slightly tingly too, if she focused on it, but she had to actually focus on the feeling to sense it. She may just paying attention to the delicate feel it had, as if it were a real flower, even if it would not be possible for her to break it. It'd sway and bend slightly, but if she tried to break it, she'd just bend it, before it evened out again.

Kozue made some more, placing them here and there in this room, so they could start having a look around here first. Might be something were written in these scattered papers actually, that could explain things? He knew how to read and write Equestrian, or common ponish, so it wasn't hard for him to read it. Didn't mean he understood the technical jargon, but some things did stand out to him, and at this point... Yeah, he were gonna want some answers by now. Cause even the brief look he had over some of the pages here, were giving him some creepy vibes.

"So... Ranger? Your former name? Ardee? Phonetically, that's the letters RD, and you speak of flight training? There's some papers here about that, along with some others. I understand some of it, and it's uh... There's a few messed up things, that make it seem like you were one of several lab rats, more or less.

Look, I'm on your side, yeah? You're a good mare, from what I can tell, and clearly one that's been dealt a bad paw since before the war even started. But could I ask you to trust me a little here, and tell me what this all is about? I can just read it y'know, but I'm trying to be respectful, and not dig into this too much. Plus I'm pretty sure the technical babble wouldn't mean a peep to me anyhow.

What kinda research did they do on you, and what looks like several others like... LF, AJ, and so on. Where you all kidnapped? Please don't tell me your parents sold you to this place? I mean, you hear stories, but..."

He didn't much need the details. Just a quick explanation that yes, several more were here, they were given initials, and tested on. The whole thing about them being clones of important ponies? She could share that if she wanted to, but he didn't need to hear it. Just a bit of trust, in telling him something that she had perhaps just eluded to thus far. Or she could refuse to, in which case he'd gather the papers on her and others, and put them in his bag. Something wonky were happening here, and he were far too curious to not want to know even the basics.




On 2025-02-16 at 2:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

That was all that Lyft had for them, so they were free to go. If Cherish wanted to have some of the other ponies join her, or for her to join them, she'd have to be quick about it.

Seems they were over with for the day, but there were still a bit of time to work with then. Perhaps she should just ask, and see if they had time, and wanted to share a bit of it with her? *gasp* Maybe even with Crow?

"H-Hey wait! Before everyone goes home, can I ask if anyone wanna play for a bit, before or after homework? Maybe even come out and play with Crow and me? I know you only saw her that one time, but I swear, she's a nice dragon."

She would admit to looking a bit specifically towards Elef there too, since he liked to hunt, and Crow did the same. They might be able to bond easier. But she'd be happy having anyone along.

Could be they were too busy, and so she'd go by herself. Or they had to ask their guardians first, and might come back to her about something some other day. Or perhaps they would like to hang out with her, but not Crow, or they wanted to play where they lived- There were a lot of options, but Cherish would love to get along more with her new classmates. Especially the thestrals, but that was just a preferential. Didn't mean she wouldn't be just as happy hanging out with any of them.




On 2025-02-16 at 2:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"From what we've gathered, she wasn't even the third. Birdy was the second, and Moth was more of the messenger who relayed their orders to the rest of the groups. So with Basher and Birdy out, everyone seems to have rallied around Moth."

"Reports indicate that she's more of a runner than a fighter, It might be hard to get the drop on her, but that might be the only way to catch her before she can escape."

"Ah, I see. I uhm, weren't aware. Still, she's high enough up the hierarchy for the rest to gather around. And probably smart, since the two who fought instead of running, are in custody. Slippery target, but we might be able to just grab her, if we're lucky

He'd honestly take a runner over a fighter. Runners were slippery sorts, that you needed to get the drop on, but they were less likely to break your neck, which were frankly not a great alternative outcome. He'd take the annoyance, thank you very much.

On 2025-02-16 at 2:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Watch nodded, "I suppose 'peacefully' was the wrong word. It would be best if she were brought in alive with a minimal amount of casualties. It seems like you were thinking along the same lines. Your plan seems worthwhile, assuming you can pin down her location. Taking her out quietly might cause the rest to disband, but taking her down publicly might do more to crush their morale. We'll leave that up to you though. What resources would you need to pull off this plan of yours? Would bringing in the changeling you've worked with previously help?"

"I'd worry that taking her out in public would be worse, if I'm honest. If it's done secretly, it shows The Grey is tactical. If it's in public, I'd worry that it'd make us seem like bullies, that haven't changed, and that's what worries Basher. In the end, we'll need his approval, if we're to gather up as many of the gang as possible. They followed him once, and might do that again, if he tells them to. And I doubt he'll do that, if we try to crush morale by making a big, public thing out of this.

That's uhm, just my opinion though."

He were a grunt in this, and thus didn't have as much to say as his superior here did, but his opinion on the situation were at least this. Granted, Craven might be too soft-hearted to think of the other option as the best way, but he would argue that it were more about logic. Basher had opened up, and given them a hint about something going on soon. He were probably testing them, to see how they'd handle things, and killing or publicly humiliating Moth didn't seem like it'd show a change. That were how The Grey were before, and they were feared and loathed.

The Grey that Craven joined, were one that while not clean and ethical always, at least seemed more subtle and calculating. That were something that could be respected. Glorified bullies on a power trip, were not. Something Basher must be thinking too, considering his reluctance to work with The Grey all that much right now.

"Well... I think Mongoose is probably best off on his current assignment. I think this will make him too nervous, and she's probably gonna be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary. And he works better as a sort of unassuming worker, rather than a gang member. Unless she's somehow in a place that needs that, it's probably for the best that he keeps up appearances where he is now, I'd think.

Yannit would be helpful, if she has time. She's better trained in this than me, and have the personal experience to back it up too."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


On 2025-02-25 at 7:23 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Hi. I'll have... The mild chili and cactus please."

If there weren't any cactus, she'd say something else, that would add a bit of bitter. She felt like a small bit of bitter or earthy right now, as well as something spicy. Not too much though, hence the mild chili. But just something to pep her up.

If they had sweet chili, she'd say that, instead of mild. Seemed like it'd be interesting.

They did have sweet chili, so the griffon at the counter noted it down and Arcade ordered the variety of cheeses option for himself.

They were then given a number and told to find an open table, and they were able to find an open space in the corner near the front, opposite form the door so there wouldn't be much traffic past their table.

As they waited for their orders Arcade seemed to be trying to come up with something to say. "So, um, I remember Gemini mentioned once that ponies use dates to get to know each other better... Or maybe I'm misremembering... anyway, while we've both met each other's families, I don't think I can say I really know too much about yours. Is... is that something you'd like to talk about?"



On 2025-02-25 at 7:23 AM, Blitz Boom said:

3. Some pieces remained. In which case it would eat them, and be on its merry way along with them.

The small paper critter had been zapped with lightning, which put a smoldering hole though the middle of it. If the paper fox were still interested in eating it Ranger would have a concerned expression, but not comment on it.

On 2025-02-25 at 7:23 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Not that big, nor insanely bright. I might have another spell for that, but you gotta give me a few minutes to remember. We were taught more to make use of small lights like the flowers, because we have good nocturnal vision, and this doesn't give as much attention."

He'd sway his paw like before, and make another glowing flower, reaching this towards Ranger.

"A flower for the lady."

He'd grin as he said this, and if she took it - which he'd encourage - she'd find it would feel like holding a more flexible neon pipe. Delicate like a flower, but sturdy, light, and a cozy sort of warm to hold. Slightly tingly too, if she focused on it, but she had to actually focus on the feeling to sense it. She may just paying attention to the delicate feel it had, as if it were a real flower, even if it would not be possible for her to break it. It'd sway and bend slightly, but if she tried to break it, she'd just bend it, before it evened out again.

She smiled a bit as she tested how it moved and felt before returning her attention to investigating. It didn't do much to illuminate the large room through the window, but she seemed satisfied that the coast was clear as she prepared to break the window.


On 2025-02-25 at 7:23 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Kozue made some more, placing them here and there in this room, so they could start having a look around here first. Might be something were written in these scattered papers actually, that could explain things? He knew how to read and write Equestrian, or common ponish, so it wasn't hard for him to read it. Didn't mean he understood the technical jargon, but some things did stand out to him, and at this point... Yeah, he were gonna want some answers by now. Cause even the brief look he had over some of the pages here, were giving him some creepy vibes.

"So... Ranger? Your former name? Ardee? Phonetically, that's the letters RD, and you speak of flight training? There's some papers here about that, along with some others. I understand some of it, and it's uh... There's a few messed up things, that make it seem like you were one of several lab rats, more or less.

Look, I'm on your side, yeah? You're a good mare, from what I can tell, and clearly one that's been dealt a bad paw since before the war even started. But could I ask you to trust me a little here, and tell me what this all is about? I can just read it y'know, but I'm trying to be respectful, and not dig into this too much. Plus I'm pretty sure the technical babble wouldn't mean a peep to me anyhow.

What kinda research did they do on you, and what looks like several others like... LF, AJ, and so on. Where you all kidnapped? Please don't tell me your parents sold you to this place? I mean, you hear stories, but..."

He didn't much need the details. Just a quick explanation that yes, several more were here, they were given initials, and tested on. The whole thing about them being clones of important ponies? She could share that if she wanted to, but he didn't need to hear it. Just a bit of trust, in telling him something that she had perhaps just eluded to thus far. Or she could refuse to, in which case he'd gather the papers on her and others, and put them in his bag. Something wonky were happening here, and he were far too curious to not want to know even the basics.

She stopped her preparations at that, looking at some of the papers that Kozue had mentioned as she deflated a bit. "We... we weren't foalnapped, and our parents didn't sell us. We didn't have parents, we were born here... we.... we're clones... or dopplegangers as they liked to call us sometimes... Not real ponies."

She sighed, "They made us to be replacements for some other important ponies, in case anything bad happened to them. I was supposed to be a replacement for a pegasus named Rainbow Dash, but she got too popular, too involved, so instead I became her designated organ donor in case she needed anything. The others too... but they didn't tell them that... We kept that from them, and that they were clones, they don't need to know that they aren't real ponies."

It seemed like being in this place, being reminded of everything she had gone through, wasn't doing Ranger any favors with respect to her mental state and how she saw herself.

A flash of anger went through her as she smashed the window, she used some of the papers to clear the broken glass from the bottom edge before tossing them into the darkness below, followed by the flower she had been given as she climbed through the window to drop down after it, "Let's keep moving, I'd rather not stay here longer than I need to."


The room itself was quite large, about the size of an indoor practice field, and almost entirely undecorated save for the ceiling and floor being different colors from the walls to help against getting disoriented while flying.

Ranger picked up the flower, if it had survived being dropped a hundred feet to the ground, and would use it to light her way to the doors on the far side of the room.



On 2025-02-25 at 7:23 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"H-Hey wait! Before everyone goes home, can I ask if anyone wanna play for a bit, before or after homework? Maybe even come out and play with Crow and me? I know you only saw her that one time, but I swear, she's a nice dragon."

She would admit to looking a bit specifically towards Elef there too, since he liked to hunt, and Crow did the same. They might be able to bond easier. But she'd be happy having anyone along.

Lilac would look excited, but after a soft word from Nova and a cute yawn she agreed that she'd rather take a nap now after all the stretching they had done in class.

Teal, Elef, and Gemini were interested though, Teal speaking up, "I think that would be fun! We'll just have to let Miss Void know first, if that's alright?"

If Cherish wanted to go with them she could, as they would go to drop off their stuff and ask if it would be okay to go and play with Cherish. Otherwise, they would set a place and time to meet up after they had gone to talk to Void.

Assuming Void let them go out, if she didn't, then they'd have to work out letting Cherish know, but Void could handle it if it came to that.

(So we can have Void interacting with them for a moment while they ask if they can go play with Cherish. I imagine Void will agree, but set where they can go and when they need to be back by.)

Assuming Void agreed, the young ponies would meet up with or walk with Cherish to wherever they had decided to go, Elef speaking up this time, "So, what are we going to do with Crow?"



On 2025-02-25 at 7:23 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Well... I think Mongoose is probably best off on his current assignment. I think this will make him too nervous, and she's probably gonna be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary. And he works better as a sort of unassuming worker, rather than a gang member. Unless she's somehow in a place that needs that, it's probably for the best that he keeps up appearances where he is now, I'd think.

Yannit would be helpful, if she has time. She's better trained in this than me, and have the personal experience to back it up too."

Watch nodded, "That is understandable. We'll let you take charge on this, for now, but you can always stop and let someone else handle it if you feel you are not up to the task. We'd rather you alive than die trying. We'll give you whatever resources you need, within reason, for this task. Why don't you start with some surveillance on the target? We have reports that she spends a lot of time on the move, like Basher did, but frequents the cloud district."

He was passed a picture of Moth. He wouldn't know it, but it was the same pegasus who had presented Null with the photos in the cloud district bar. How he went about gathering more information was up to him.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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