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private Deep Science 1x1 with Blitz Boom

Illiad Easle

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@Blitz Boom


Arcade had most definitely not expected to get kissed back, much less with the amount of force that Null had.

He did however, very much enjoy it, as was evidenced by the goofy smile on his face afterwards.

Nonetheless, he dutifully followed Null out of the building.

Branch was at the desk, "Where are you two going dressed like that?"

Arcade was quick to compose himself and responded, "Pen thinks getting a closer look at the items at the party we went to last night would be useful in evaluating what sort of danger they pose and what would need to be done. So we're going to do our best to see everything we can."

Branch nodded, "You two stay safe. As important as this is... funerals are expensive, and replacing you would be impossible."

Unless Null had something more to say, they'd continue on to the party.

Just like the last time, there was a big crowd out front, the lights above indicated that the party was already in progress. They'd show the chip and the guard would let them in, the elevator would take them up to the top floor to reveal the mass of partygoers dancing and socializing. Arcade would turn to Null, "So, do we split up and look around? Stick together? Your call."



8 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

What's the sort of machine your mistress told you about? Is it food related, or was it anything you put into it?

The ponies looked thoughtful as they tried to remember more of what Mistress had told them, Ardee eventually shrugged, "We never saw it ourselves, and she only mentioned it in passing once."

Vale however seemed to remember something, "I don't know if it's the same one, but I heard about something like that once, it was this big clockwork machine that would improve whatever you put inside it, make it into a better version, though sometimes 'better' was subjective."

That said they all turned their attention to the pie that was being cut and plated for them. Teal especially seemed pleased with the result, "It smells so good! And looks so warm! It's been so long since we've had food that was hot. Back with Mistress I think."

Vale seemed thoughtful, but decided the idea she had should wait until she and Vale were alone to share it.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(New Las Pegasus)

On 2021-05-12 at 4:08 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Branch nodded, "You two stay safe. As important as this is... funerals are expensive, and replacing you would be impossible."

"We'll be fine. See you later."

Normally, Null would have responded with a grumbling comment, along the line of *It's not our funeral you're going to worry about*, but right now, she were feeling pretty up beat and rather good about herself. There were even a smile on her face, as she wandered joyfully along, outside of the building, with her coltfriend in tow.

She weren't totally spaced out though. before they had left, she would have swung by her room, and taken some knives with her, since it were a shame to let some perfectly good hidden compartments in this skin dress go to waste. But the endorphins from her kiss with Arcade still hadn't fluttered out of her system yet. The embarrassment had more or less settled down, and the majority of the blush with it. yet she'd still have some time before the paranoia and overarching stony expression would go over her again. Why, she didn't even think to look around at minute things as they went outside, and worry all the time. Not that there'd be much to focus on either. Just a small changeling, being talked to by Bling. She seemed to be out on a dinner run, and had a dozen or so bags of emotion jelly slung over her bag, with one offered to the smaller changeling. Standard stuff in this area, and really, it wasn't the first time they had seen this.

As they went to the party building, and got back in line, Null's mood would start to return to her more regular self, and she started to wonder about how to tackle this. Were they going up to examine first, and see what they could find out? Right for the dust bin? Maybe split up, and see what they could find?

Not the third one. Definitely not. She weren't leaving Arcade out of her sight up here, or he'd be fed to a bear likely. Besides, she needed him to hold her back from knocking out the host's teeth if she saw the reckless lunatic again.

On 2021-05-12 at 4:08 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Just like the last time, there was a big crowd out front, the lights above indicated that the party was already in progress. They'd show the chip and the guard would let them in, the elevator would take them up to the top floor to reveal the mass of partygoers dancing and socializing. Arcade would turn to Null, "So, do we split up and look around? Stick together? Your call."

"We'll stick together, and try to look around. See if we can find out something important, before we move along. If there's more higher ups here to meet and make contact with, Dove is gonna want that."

Though the dust for Pen would have to wait a bit, until they were done making a round. After that, she could take her to the dusty area, and she could feast on that. Long as she stayed on Null, she'd likely be affected enough by her aura, to not be tossed off, and sent teleporting down.

Null would give a brief look towards the once dancing, and then decide to start walking another way. She'd go with the dress, but dancing were off the table. They were busy here, and frankly, her dancing skills were best described with a big stamp saying *No*. She didn't have any rhythm, and frankly, didn't want to make an embarrassment out of herself like that. So instead, it were time to take a walk around, and kinda soak things in. Who knew? Perhaps they'd run into familiar faces, besides the host. Or Ninja. He could bugger off as well, though she were sure he were here somewhere. The dragons might be too though. Might mean they could set up a proper meeting. Just had to look for a large gathering of fawning fans. Unless they still kept hold of the feathers they got from her... Eh, they'd see.


On 2021-05-12 at 4:08 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Vale however seemed to remember something, "I don't know if it's the same one, but I heard about something like that once, it was this big clockwork machine that would improve whatever you put inside it, make it into a better version, though sometimes 'better' was subjective."

"I don't think I'd trust a machine that claimed to do that, since what's *better* depends on who's judging it. Interesting idea though."

She hadn't heard of this one, but Void wouldn't get anywhere near that, because there were a few things she were sure about with that machine. The first being that it were likely run by some sort of magic, and she'd break it. And the second that as it were taken in by those self proclaimed *scientists* they had thrown living creatures into it. And whatever had come out of there, she neither could, nor would, try to imagine the results. It could not help but be monstrous, or some kind of machine as well. Or something else, which she couldn't even fathom, but were likely both painful to have become, as well as terrifying.

 Whatever monster you had to be to subject a live creature to that, she wanted nothing to do with them, beyond given a chance to cave in their skulls, if they had been part of what had happened to her precious foals. Though she supposed, putting in some stuff like stones or gems would be okay. It were just hard for her to put it past the *scientists* to have taken it a few steps too far in testing it.

On 2021-05-12 at 4:08 AM, Illiad Easle said:

That said they all turned their attention to the pie that was being cut and plated for them. Teal especially seemed pleased with the result, "It smells so good! And looks so warm! It's been so long since we've had food that was hot. Back with Mistress I think."

This were something she'd much rather focus on. A throve of hungry foals, smelling the pie being cut up and plated for them, and being amazed by the steaming, delicious smell wafting off from them. A far more pleasant thing to keep her mind on, and soon after Teal had spoken, she'd put the last plate on the table, and pat the table, while looking down on them all.

"I'll make sure you get lots of good, warm meals. Now come on everyone. To the table, and try it out. There's a slice for everyone. Including you Vale, if you'd like."

She honestly wasn't sure if Vale even did eat, but that didn't mean that she hadn't plated something for her, just like she had everyone else. Including of course, the two foals, whom had gotten a smaller piece each, as they too were smaller. Not by much though. She just wanted to make sure they still had room for other things later. She'd also have a small piece for Lacuna, who'd come crawling up to her once he saw the food was being ready. She had to keep him placated with pets until everyone were ready to eat though, as to avoid him going to town on his, the smallest slice of all, before the rest.

Soon as they all were, she'd nod with a smile on her face, lower her hoof to the table, next to her plate.

"Everyone ready? Then let's eat."

She'd observe them as they were eating, along with trying her own slice out, and feeling rather good about it, as it were delightful and delicious. Nothing fancy. Just a classic apple pie, which were about as baseline of a pie as anything could be, in her mind. Hopefully they'd all like it, and look forward to them getting their own pies baked afterwards.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


8 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"We'll stick together, and try to look around. See if we can find out something important, before we move along. If there's more higher ups here to meet and make contact with, Dove is gonna want that."

Arcade nodded, "Sounds good. The dragons seem to be a good place to start, being anomalous themselves they'd have the least motivation to have their own. They might be the easiest to get to tell us about what the other might have. Especially since you have a resource they have a high demand for. On the other hoof, it might be a good time to investigate the pandas or the main dance floor before those events start. We might be able to see what sort of preparations go on and determine if an anomaly is being used."

Looking around they wouldn't see a trace of the Host just yet, but Ninja already had his eye on them from a corner in the shadow. There wasn't quite as much anger in his eyes this time, in fact there seemed to be a small amount of curiosity towards Null.

They'd be able to find the dragons, the dance floor, or the pandagon without issue if they went looking.



They would all dig in with enjoyment, including Vale who would eat a somewhat smaller portion than the young ponies, which made sense considering her smaller frame. Were it not for all the mechanical parts she likely would weigh less than some of them.

After they had all enjoyed their portions, and had thanked Void for teaching them, their attention eventually wandered to wondering what was next on the list of things for them to do. Ardee commented after a bit of thought, "Back in the facility we were always doing something, there was always something next to do until they told us to go to bed. Even after we left it was a constant cycle to keep busy. But... you two don't often seem sure what to tell us when we ask. Do... do normal ponies not always have something to do? What are you supposed to do if you don't have a task to fulfill?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(New Las Pegasus)

"I suppose we should go explore the dance floor then, before it gets filled out. Might be something worth learning there, and the dragons are likely not gonna leave already, if they're here. Are you sure you're keen about the *pandas* though? We can go there after, but I know you're not thinking well about them."

An understatement, but she couldn't just say *So, these bears that are definitely not real pandas, that murdered you over and over again in that research lab: Fancy going over and poking them, or do you fear another mauling?*. Had to chose her words more wisely. Especially since there were a certain someone luring in the shadows, stalking them once more. It wasn't as if he made an effort to stay hidden, so it wasn't hard to spot Ninja, though she would give him but one, narrowed glare, before averting her eyes again. She didn't want to waste more time on him, lest he got up close and tried to do something.

There had been something off about the way he looked at them, but... No, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that he had gotten under her skin.

A brief thought would come into mind, where she'd just flat out wander right up to him, and ask him what his problem was, but Nine wouldn't need to bugger in to say no to that one. She rejected the weak thought herself, before it had much of a chance to breathe. It would just be stupid to do that.

Instead, she'd go with Arcade towards the dance floor, and see if there were something to learn there. Beyond its inability to affect her, more than likely, but it weren't as if she planned to actually step on it. As she had mentioned, this type of magic seemed horribly unstable and dangerous, and her messing it up via physical contact, would likely cause some sort of chain effect, that'd cause something rather bad to happen. What exactly, she didn't know, but why risk it?

If there were nothing there, they could move on to the bears. If Arcade were up for that, of course. She wouldn't pressure him towards bad memories like that.


On 2021-05-14 at 5:12 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Back in the facility we were always doing something, there was always something next to do until they told us to go to bed. Even after we left it was a constant cycle to keep busy. But... you two don't often seem sure what to tell us when we ask. Do... do normal ponies not always have something to do? What are you supposed to do if you don't have a task to fulfill?"

"Whatever you want, of course. Long as it doesn't hurt others, or is illegal, but that's not something most would do anyway.

You could have a nap, sit around and think, read, play games, crochet- Anything, really. There isn't always something that you have to do, and it's good to just relax and do what you want yourself, when that happens.

Most of the tasks we have planned for you, is just schooling, and making sure you're fed, and hopefully teach you something when doing both. We'll have more things eventually, when we can make field trips and such, but this is the important parts for us currently. Though I do plan to have a dentist come by sometime, just to make sure your teeth is okay. It's okay though, it's not like with my mom. You only have to open your muzzle, and any questions will just be about what you eat. It's kind of like a doctor, that's only focused on keeping your teeth healthy.

Anyway, what would you like to do, Ardee? I can handle putting your pies into the oven, and clean up after the apple pie, but if you could decide, what would you like to do right now?"

Void would have other things to ask Ardee to do eventually, but she'd try and wait until the right time. Maybe at some point, when the others were in class? She weren't sure, but she'd see how things would go, and then act accordingly.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


11 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Are you sure you're keen about the *pandas* though? We can go there after, but I know you're not thinking well about them.

Arcade sighed, "Sure, I have some bad experiences with them, but when I saw them while standing next to you I Realized what was wrong. They aren't actually pandas, they're giant bears. I know you didn't see it, but to everyone else they look like regular docile pandas, it doesn't let you defend yourself when they attack. The best you can do is run away. They'd probably be fine if they were left alone, but with the Host antagonizing them all the time..."

He sighed, "I don't know what we can do about them to be honest. Maybe we should leave them alone until we can take care of the Host, then we can get them removed somewhere else, where they won't hurt anyone."

11 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

she'd go with Arcade towards the dance floor, and see if there were something to learn there.

There were a few workers setting up the lighting and sound equipment for the dance, by the level of preparation there'd still be an hour until the dance. The workers were all dressed the same as the ones outside distributing Champaign. In fact, without all the other partygoers in the way, it was easier to tell that all the workers looked the same. If any of them had talked they'd no doubt sound the same.

One of the workers went through a disguised door through which there were stairs leading down, maybe going under the dancefloor? If it were rune based, down there is where it would be.



The young ponies shared a look, then looked around the room before Ardee looked back at Void, "What... well, what do ponies our age normally do? Elef was telling us about some of the things he did with the other thestrals at the celebration, do all ponies do things like that?"

(They'll need a push in the right direction before they start to take initiative.)  

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(New Las Pegasus)

On 2021-05-16 at 1:11 AM, Illiad Easle said:

He sighed, "I don't know what we can do about them to be honest. Maybe we should leave them alone until we can take care of the Host, then we can get them removed somewhere else, where they won't hurt anyone."

"They're covered in illusions? Guess that explains why anyone bought what they were told, because they couldn't pass off as pandas for a second from my point of view."

Usually she couldn't see through illusions before she were close to whatever one it were, but if it were a sort of projected spell, or mind perception thing, rather than cloaking... Yeah, she could see that perhaps explaining why she wasn't affected by them. She were sure there were some sorta real term for that, but damned if she knew what it was.

"Let's keep our distance from those things then. Far off too. Not interested in getting in the path of them, and end up getting killed."

So with that sorted, they'd be going towards the dance floor soon after. Ninja would likely be following them in some fashion, at least every now and again, as them deviating from the current group of beings, would likely mark them as some who had to be kept an eye on more than most. But they'd see, they'd see. It could go several ways. Especially if some other creature started to make a ruckus, for whatever reason. Inebriation, probably. She doubted a lot got out of this place sober.

On 2021-05-16 at 1:11 AM, Illiad Easle said:

One of the workers went through a disguised door through which there were stairs leading down, maybe going under the dancefloor? If it were rune based, down there is where it would be.

"Am I getting paranoid, or are they all the exact same? Guessing they're meddling more and more with time magic..."

Normally she'd guess clones of some sort, but considering what were happening yesterday, she got the feeling that the owner here had cheapened out on helpers, and had just one split up into several versions of himself, dealing with everything. Time magic could maybe do that? She very rarely dealt with that, but she had heard crazier. And it would fit the rest of this theme that seemed to be going on. Way more plausible than just one mother having octuplets or more.

"Think we should have a look and see how it functions?"

She'd whisper this to Arcade, as she didn't want to risk others hearing it. Rather softly even into his right ear, before looking around. Just to see if Ninja, or someone else, seemed inclined to be watching over them. If they were being watched, it'd likely be a bad idea to go in and check. It'd likely be rightly seen as them snooping around, and she doubted that Ninja at least, cared much for that. What the host thought were anyone's guess. He might be too blasted on something to even know what were going on, but he wasn't the one to be weary off as it were of the two of them. Wasn't him that she had been warned about after all.


On 2021-05-16 at 1:11 AM, Illiad Easle said:

The young ponies shared a look, then looked around the room before Ardee looked back at Void, "What... well, what do ponies our age normally do? Elef was telling us about some of the things he did with the other thestrals at the celebration, do all ponies do things like that?"

"Not everyone, no. Some of that is very thestral specific, but varied kinds of ponies have different traditions. Normal foal stuff though, is mostly just trying to get school work done, mingle with friends, play, explore, and try different things to attempt getting their cutie marks. As far as I know anyway. I didn't really have a normal foalhood, and I'd very much prefer that none of you goes through the passage I did.

But we can try and start with something simple, and then we'll take it one step at a time, okay? So... Hmmm...."

She'd think for a moment, as she placed the last small pie into the oven, and set the timer. What should she try and bring up that'd be good here... It were rather limiting, since they were stuck in here for a while, so she couldn't even bring them to see her forge, and maybe give them a demonstration of that.

"Well, I think class should wait until the pies are done at least, so we can try something recreational. How many of you can read? I made sure to get some books in here, so and some do like to sit and read for fun. Others like things such as card games. I know a few of those two, along with dice. I think we scrounged a few of those up in a drawer somewhere... I have to look at that if it is, but that sort should be possible too.

There's also drawing, if any of you want to try and be artistic? Only paper and pens right now, but I could perhaps find some paint and canvas to paint on some other day."

She could make suggestions, but Void weren't good at trying to say what normal foals should do. She hadn't had that. Her life had been mostly scarce education, and survival. That wasn't something she wished for these foals at all, and sadly, she had to work with some limitations right now. Hopefully Vale could come in with some suggestions too.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


5 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"Let's keep our distance from those things then. Far off too. Not interested in getting in the path of them, and end up getting killed."

Arcade nodded, "Sounds good, not much to be gained from interacting with them anyway."

5 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"Am I getting paranoid, or are they all the exact same? Guessing they're meddling more and more with time magic..."

Arcade looked closer at the workers, "I don't think it's time magic, they'd all be different ages if that were the case. These are all the same age, or nearly enough so, which reminds me more of another artifact, this stone sarcophagus, whoever was closed in it, a physical copy of them would appear somewhere nearby without any of the memories of the one inside it. It didn't duplicate any anomalous characteristics, so my duplicates were wholly mortal and all, maybe the host has access to it? Made a fleet of easily trained workers from one especially loyal one?"

5 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"Think we should have a look and see how it functions?"

Arcade nodded, but remained silent, leading the way to hold the door open for Null.

Under the dance floor there didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary, there were several mechanisms that indicated that certain sections of the dance floor could be raised or lowered, but there wasn't anything that could be said to be anomalous other than the workers themselves.

One of them saw the pair and came over, "Hey, um, you're not supposed to be down here, you could get crushed by the dance floor if you're not careful. Here, let me lead you out." He sounded just like the host, but not nearly as pompous or self confident.



5 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

But we can try and start with something simple, and then we'll take it one step at a time, okay? So... Hmmm...."

They nodded, seemingly content with that explanation.

5 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

How many of you can read?

They shared a look, before Teal raised a hoof, "Well, we can all read, but they used a different written language than are in the books here. I've picked up the differences myself, so I don't think it would be too difficult for the others to pick it up if you were to teach us. I don't know if I quite got it right yet either."

5 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

There's also drawing, if any of you want to try and be artistic?

They all seemed intrigued by that, Toupé seemingly the most interested, "What does it mean to be artistic? Mistress said I was supposed to be artistic, but they never got to that in the facility."

Vale took the opportunity to explain, "Art is another way to express yourself, an alternative to words, as words cannot express everything, using shapes and colors to convey ideas and emotion. Art is something that you can never do wrong so long as it comes from the heart, because everyone's art is different."

They nodded, "Let's try art then, how do we get started?" 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(New Las Pegasus)

On 2021-05-18 at 6:00 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Arcade looked closer at the workers, "I don't think it's time magic, they'd all be different ages if that were the case. These are all the same age, or nearly enough so, which reminds me more of another artifact, this stone sarcophagus, whoever was closed in it, a physical copy of them would appear somewhere nearby without any of the memories of the one inside it. It didn't duplicate any anomalous characteristics, so my duplicates were wholly mortal and all, maybe the host has access to it? Made a fleet of easily trained workers from one especially loyal one?"

"That one sounds troubling. I can imagine a couple of ways that could be used to really mess up things, like copying someone set up for execution, or to place someone in a spot to frame 'em. We gotta remember this bit of potential info for later."

Pen would definitely want to be updated on this, she could imagine. A cloning device like this, could be used by those deprived of much guilt, to set up a lot of things. Fall guys, faking their own deaths, making an army of a particularly well build soldier, etc. And that were just regular beings What if they say, copied the crying thing from the facility? It might not be anomalous anymore, but it could perhaps still be multiplied and trained. It were build to kill after all. That it would lose something of its potential might not mean a ton, if they had like six hundred of them. A tiger didn't need to be able to teleport to tear off your face.

On 2021-05-18 at 6:00 AM, Illiad Easle said:

One of them saw the pair and came over, "Hey, um, you're not supposed to be down here, you could get crushed by the dance floor if you're not careful. Here, let me lead you out." He sounded just like the host, but not nearly as pompous or self confident.

Null had been looking around for a bit before they were interrupted, and hadn't found anything that seemed to cause this whole thing to happen. Perhaps it were hidden somewhere else, and they had some sorta way to transport and direct the energy to this floor? Or the whole building were rigged to be it. She didn't know, and there sadly weren't time to speculate much, before someone who sounded somewhat like the host - minus the attitude that wanted her to kick his teeth in - walked up, and told them they weren't supposed to be here.

"Sorry. We saw the open door and workers, and got a little curious. We'll leave."

Unless Arcade had other plans, she'd leave peacefully, and pretend like she had just been curious here, rather than going through anything maleficent. or spying. No that there had been anything to look at anyway, right? So what were there to go after them for really?

"Funny how similar you folks look to one another. Big family I take it?"

Couldn't hurt talking to him while they were walking, right? Just play it cool, and see where things went. Just try to not go hostile unless any of them were asking for it, or seemed like they were about to strike first.


On 2021-05-18 at 6:00 AM, Illiad Easle said:

They shared a look, before Teal raised a hoof, "Well, we can all read, but they used a different written language than are in the books here. I've picked up the differences myself, so I don't think it would be too difficult for the others to pick it up if you were to teach us. I don't know if I quite got it right yet either."

"Sounds like you have a good subject for next class with Vale. Reading is important, so it would be good to be caught up with that. And it's very impressive that you've caught on to it already, Teal. Even if it isn't perfect, you've still adapted to it very quickly. I'm impressed with you."

It might be a small thing, but adapting that quickly, and generally being the more inquisitive one, that seemed to hunger for knowledge? In her eyes, there were no doubt that Teal were the brainy sort, and the only reason she weren't already smarter, were a lack of proper, mental stimulation. If they made sure to provide her that, she felt like someday, Teal could be part of what brought them into a shining new age. A little presumptuous perhaps, but she believed in her, and all the rest of them. A warm confidence that she nearly radiated, as she spoke her mind, and looked warmly at Teal.

On 2021-05-18 at 6:00 AM, Illiad Easle said:

They all seemed intrigued by that, Toupé seemingly the most interested, "What does it mean to be artistic? Mistress said I was supposed to be artistic, but they never got to that in the facility."

Vale took the opportunity to explain, "Art is another way to express yourself, an alternative to words, as words cannot express everything, using shapes and colors to convey ideas and emotion. Art is something that you can never do wrong so long as it comes from the heart, because everyone's art is different."

They nodded, "Let's try art then, how do we get started?"

"Like Vale said, everyone expresses it differently. There's painting, sculpting, carving, paper mache, and so on and so forth. I think we should try and start with drawing, and then take things a little at a time, maybe. We'd need to pick up some stuff for the other things, like wood carving, or painting."

She'd wander over and rummage around, until she found some sheets of papers, and an assortment of pencils. Some colored, some graphite, some more water based, most in various sizes- Basically, it were a bit of a mesh of writing tools to work with, but it had been less of a set, and more like several scavenged ones, that she had picked up at a few stalls, over several days of passing by and seeing it. Writing tools could usually always be used, and the sort for coloring had especially been something she had picked up since she assumed the smallest of them would want to color in things. Might be the rest would find it interesting too.

So she'd present them all with what she had found, and put a mental note in her head, that she needed to look into other outlet options, such as wood carving. She could take the things for that with her tomorrow, but it would have to be safe, and whoever were going to try, had to be taught slowly, and carefully, about the safe methods of doing this. Art were good, but not if it ended up hurting you, or another. That wasn't worth it.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


6 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"Funny how similar you folks look to one another. Big family I take it?"

The worker looked a bit confused, then introspective at the question. "No one's really asked that before. I don't remember my family, but I assume I had one. I don't know why we all look the same, but the guards back in Equestria all looked mostly the same, so maybe it's something like that?"

Still, they were led back up the stairs and back onto the dancefloor before the worker turned back around, "Try not to get lost again, not everywhere in this place is safe to be."

Arcade looked around the dancefloor, "If it's not under the floor, it probably isn't a rune. Maybe there's something about the room? Maybe the lights or the sound? You think we should check out the stage?"



Given the floor was a hard smooth surface they would have no issues getting started, each taking a sheet of paper from Void, Teal and Toupé taking an extra each for the foals they were in charge of. They sat in a circle with the assorted tools in the middle, Elef was the one to take initiative, grabbing a few of the darker muted colors and starting to sketch. The foals were quick to follow his example, getting pencils of their own and doing their best to mark the papers, Teal and Toupé heling them point the pencils the right way down and following their example in drawing something.

Ardee was the last one to take something, opting for a plain pencil, simply tapping it against her chin with her wing as she stared at the empty page.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(New Las Pegasus)

On 2021-05-20 at 5:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

The worker looked a bit confused, then introspective at the question. "No one's really asked that before. I don't remember my family, but I assume I had one. I don't know why we all look the same, but the guards back in Equestria all looked mostly the same, so maybe it's something like that?"

Still, they were led back up the stairs and back onto the dancefloor before the worker turned back around, "Try not to get lost again, not everywhere in this place is safe to be."

"We'll keep that in mind, thanks. And you know, the Equestrian guards? I think it was the outfits. Made them look as uniform to one another, as drones in a bee hive."

Granted, even with uniform, there were differences. Mainly between the varied branches of the Coastal, Solar, and Night guards, and then some high ranking officers, and the generals, who were allowed some flair with their armor. Though the general guard you saw, did tend to be rather similar, and especially the Night Guard had the issue, as a good deal of them were bat ponies, whom didn't tend to be much different in colors.

Without the helmets on at least though, Null had found them to be fairly dissimilar, but then, she hadn't met a ton of them. A few dozen when the princesses were around, the time her and Void had met them, and then the single one that helped out in Ponyville. That were about it. Might be there were something odd with the larger portion here and there, but with Equestria being but a memory now, did it matter? It were gone, and they were mostly all dead. Let it rest.

On 2021-05-20 at 5:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Arcade looked around the dancefloor, "If it's not under the floor, it probably isn't a rune. Maybe there's something about the room? Maybe the lights or the sound? You think we should check out the stage?"

"I were thinking it might be magic gets funneled in, like a power cable sort of thing. But maybe it's the floor itself. You go and see if that's it, and I can look around it. Don't want to see what happens if I end up breaking the flow of time magic."

So she'd do that, and look around, to see if there were something, whilst still staying out of reach of the dance area itself. Might be that there were nothing, as it wouldn't be turned on before the stage were done, but if that were it, they could get a move on in a few minutes again, and see if they could find the dragons. Last stop currently, before seeing if they could get down to dust central.


Seemed like the foals were getting along with this well so far, with them grabbing paper and various writing tools to scribble down something. What it were going to end up as, she hadn't the faintest clue, but she looked forward to seeing what they might bring up. Nothing earth shattering in theory, but she didn't expect detailed works of engineering or anything like that. They were foals, and they'd likely draw like it. Especially the littlest ones, though all would have their drawing up and hanging somewhere. Wasn't something that should just be thrown away, that was for sure.

Though, Ardee seemed to have some trouble doing this. She had a paper, and a pen, but nothing seemed to come out of it.

"Having writer's block, Ardee? Or maybe a hard time thinking of something to draw? I know it's not something you normally do, so it might be a little sudden to try and get into."

Lacuna also had some thoughts on this, but that was more that Ardee might just need something to draw. He had seen others with pencils draw things before, from his enclosure while he were growing up, so he assumed it were just a matter of drawing something that was impressive and inspiring. Which meant that he'd scurry down in eye sight of the young mare, and let out a few chirps, before puffing his small chest forth a little, to try and look more impressive.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


On 2021-05-21 at 2:37 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"We'll keep that in mind, thanks. And you know, the Equestrian guards? I think it was the outfits. Made them look as uniform to one another, as drones in a bee hive."

The worker shrugged, "I heard there might have also been an enchantment to make them look the same, but who knows? None of the armor sets left here do that."

On 2021-05-21 at 2:37 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I were thinking it might be magic gets funneled in, like a power cable sort of thing. But maybe it's the floor itself. You go and see if that's it, and I can look around it. Don't want to see what happens if I end up breaking the flow of time magic."

Arcade would nod and start looking around the dancefloor like Null asked him to.

There were a few workers standing about, but they didn't seem to be paying them much mind. There wasn't anything standing out about the dance floor itself or the immediate surroundings. If Null made her way to the stage she'd find the instruments that the band used sitting neatly in their places, looking almost in pristine condition. She'd find one of the band members up there tuning one of the guitars, she was a griffon wearing a strange sort of helmet that seemed mostly decorative but expertly crafted. The band member would look over if Null came near, "Can I help you with something?"



On 2021-05-21 at 2:37 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Having writer's block, Ardee? Or maybe a hard time thinking of something to draw? I know it's not something you normally do, so it might be a little sudden to try and get into."

"Hmm?" Ardee shook herself from her reverie when Void spoke to her, "Oh... yeah, they never had us really do anything like this before, and I'm not all that partial to colors given... well, you know why."

She chuckled when she saw Lacuna putting himself on display, giving him a gentle pet with a wingtip. "I kind of wanted to draw Mistress, since you've no way of knowing what she looks like otherwise, but it's been so long I can't quite picture her features. I know she is an Earth pony mare, but I can't remember her colors, or if we ever saw her mark." She sighed, "I should start simpler shouldn't I? Draw smaller things first so I can get practice, maybe then I can remember more about her."

The other ponies weren't paying any attention to their discussion. Elef was drawing what looked like a scene, some sort of strange creature defending a thestral filly from timberwolves. The foals were simply scribbling and having a great time of it, more interested in the colors than anything else. Teal and Toupé's works were occasionally made casualties of the foals' discovery as they tried to 'help', making it a bit difficult to make out what they were trying to draw at the moment.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(New Las Pegasus)

20 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

The worker shrugged, "I heard there might have also been an enchantment to make them look the same, but who knows? None of the armor sets left here do that."

"Wouldn't put it past them, though it seems inconvenient. Better if you know who you're dealing with, instead of just a bunch of unnamed faces. How're you gonna order them around proper, if you can't tell who's who?"

She'd shrug. It were hard to really get an answer to this, unless there were some former guard who were willing to spill the beans on this. Though why would they? Gotta be some bad memories in thinking back to the glory days, considering what became of Equestria. And those who did, would've probably been among those who went with Tidal Wave. Best way to keep up with the memory of Equestria, would be to fight to get it back. At least that made sense in her mind.

21 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

She'd find one of the band members up there tuning one of the guitars, she was a griffon wearing a strange sort of helmet that seemed mostly decorative but expertly crafted. The band member would look over if Null came near, "Can I help you with something?"

"Probably not. We've been here last night, and noted some folks were dancing like mad folks here. One of the others said there were some magic involved, so we're just looking to see if there's some truth to that. Sounds like some mighty wonky stuff, if it's true.

Then again, maybe it ain't the floor. I've run into magical music instruments and their users before. You some of those sorts? Haven't seen any like that since the crisis started. Sorta figured that whole practice might've died out. Impressive stuff though, y'know? Takes some real skill to not mess something up with that."

In her experience, musicians were vain. If you complimented them, you had to make sure it were said that they were the talented part of things, and not for example, imply that they only did well, because they had magic save them. Undoubtedly that were the case sometimes, but pointing that out, were not gonna get you any brownie points, and she were trying to find some answers. The band being the ones using the magic that run this somehow, might well be it, though she'd think that most would use siren magic over time, if it were. Sure they could play faster like that, and get something peculiar made from it, but finely tuned siren instruments, could really entice folks to dance. And the one time she had seen it, hadn't been used for anything good. Too much in the way of potential control there to not get to your head eventually.

Also, she were just assuming the magic was siren based. It suited what that species did, so it just made sense to her.


Lacuna took the petting well, and chirped happily under the caress, before turning his head and putting the tip of the feather sideways in his mouth, with a happy grin. His nubby little teeth wouldn't be able to hurt her in the slightest, even if he tried to, and he really wasn't now. He were just showing a sign of affection, with a weak grab in her feather. If she wanted to retract it, she could do so with ease. He wouldn't resist it. Though even if he would, he weren't exactly a bundle of muscles. A newborn infant foal could easily trounce him in combat.

"I'd love to know more about your mistress, and see how she looked if you want to try, Ardee. It would probably be good for you all, if you had a picture to remember her by, since it's clear that she were very special to you."

Void smiled at Ardee, and didn't question in more about colors. She understood that the young mare did not want to be like Rainbow Dash, since they had pushed her to be more and more like that, in the facility, and belittled her for not being like the idealized version they had of the mare. Who could fault her for not wanting to be like that, right? Though it would probably still be good if she got her wings trained. She didn't have to fly everywhere, or push high speeds, and Void would never push her to do this. But she would try and encourage that Ardee were able to fly some, just in case she needed it. Plus, if she wanted to make real use of her dexterous wings, it would be good if they had some muscle too, so that she could put some pressure into her actions.

It wasn't impossible to live with good wings and near the ground willingly, as a pegasus. Each pony variant had preferences, but there were always outliers. Like earth ponies living up high in the mountains, or the rare unicorn who focused on really muscling up. Pegasi could do that too, like the really loud one she had seen in Ponyville. or well, heard him first really . It were pretty hard to miss him, though she had stayed away. He seemed a bit deranged. Not as much as Pinkie, but that was a hard record to break.

"You could draw smaller things if you'd like, but you could also try for your mistress, and just start simple. You remember she'd an earth pony, so you could start by drawing one of them. She were a lab coat too, so that's a good start. Maybe once you get those things done, you can begin to remember more, and piece her together, a little by little? Doesn't hurt if you want to try smaller things too. Just watch out if you try to make something detailed. It looks like there's a couple of art critics running around."

She'd giggle and point towards Peal and Piecey, as they took breaks on their own paper to go over and *help* Teal and Toupé now and again. This were how they should all be in her mind. Happy and playful, without a care in the world to weigh them down. And times like this, she felt like there were hope for that, even if realistically, the others would have a lot to deal with for a long time to come. But she'd let those worried and concerns weigh her down another time. For now she were just looking around on them all with a warm smile, and wistful glance in her eye.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


6 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Then again, maybe it ain't the floor. I've run into magical music instruments and their users before. You some of those sorts? Haven't seen any like that since the crisis started. Sorta figured that whole practice might've died out. Impressive stuff though, y'know? Takes some real skill to not mess something up with that."

The griffon snorted at that, setting the instrument carefully aside, "You're right about one thing, the floor has nothing to do with it. I'm not sure exactly what causes the time dilation effect, I haven't had the time or ability to test it, but it is some combination of the sound system, the lights, and the song itself. Maybe it's even the Host's voice by itself? He does seem to have a charming effect on others, it's definitely not the instruments though, we've played plenty before everything fell apart and never had that effect before." He shrugged, "But hey, why look a gift horse in the mouth?"

It seemed like the band member didn't know anything concrete, but maybe it would narrow the search.

There was a microphone stand in the center of the stage, but no microphone. Looking up there were catwalks by the lights and the sound system, if she flew up there she could get a better look.

If she looked over at Arcade he'd simply shrug and shake his head, not having found anything.



6 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"You could draw smaller things if you'd like, but you could also try for your mistress, and just start simple. You remember she'd an earth pony, so you could start by drawing one of them. She were a lab coat too, so that's a good start. Maybe once you get those things done, you can begin to remember more, and piece her together, a little by little? Doesn't hurt if you want to try smaller things too. Just watch out if you try to make something detailed. It looks like there's a couple of art critics running around."

Ardee thought for a moment on that, before nodding, "I think that's a good idea. I'll start there." She'd still hesitate a bit before finally drawing the first line, from there each line that followed came to her easier and easier until she was doodling like a natural.

Each of them would continue drawing, the foals eventually growing tired of 'helping' and setting to take a nap in the middle of the circle of their siblings, allowing them to finally draw in earnest what they wanted to draw.

Elef, having started first, was the first to finish, it was a rough drawing of a thestral filly being attacked by timber wolves, and being protected by a shadowy creature. He'd get up and show it to Void, "At the celebration, one of the really old thestrals told us a story, I tried to draw part of it, He said that the Fastar clan was started when Starlight, the last surviving member of the Whitetail clan, was attacked in the Shimmerwood forest by Timberwolves who had killed her parents. A creature fought off the Timberwolves with some strange magic, and later united a number of other struggling and dying clans to become the Fastar clan. He didn't elaborate what Fastar was, I think they don't know."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(New Las Pegasus)

On 2021-05-24 at 5:23 AM, Illiad Easle said:

The griffon snorted at that, setting the instrument carefully aside, "You're right about one thing, the floor has nothing to do with it. I'm not sure exactly what causes the time dilation effect, I haven't had the time or ability to test it, but it is some combination of the sound system, the lights, and the song itself. Maybe it's even the Host's voice by itself? He does seem to have a charming effect on others, it's definitely not the instruments though, we've played plenty before everything fell apart and never had that effect before." He shrugged, "But hey, why look a gift horse in the mouth?"

"Can't say I would, if I were in your shoes. And special tools or not, the music were good. The added stuff he added in, is just helping to set the mood."

In honest, she didn't give much of a toss about the music, as she had barely listened to it yesterday, but the answer she got just confirmed that this were another musician, with an ego. And since she might need to hear from this one again some other time - or at least avoid him calling workers on them - she'd go along, and basically reassure him that she never doubted their skills, and that the music was a good time. It were mostly just to try and understand the effect of the *ambience*, so to speak. If she said it right, were up for debate.

On 2021-05-24 at 5:23 AM, Illiad Easle said:

There was a microphone stand in the center of the stage, but no microphone. Looking up there were catwalks by the lights and the sound system, if she flew up there she could get a better look.

If she looked over at Arcade he'd simply shrug and shake his head, not having found anything.

So, nothing on stage, beyond a microphone stand, and Arcade had sadly not found anything... Either whatever caused the effect, weren't here yet - pointing potentially at a microphone - or it might be something upwards. A ceiling light, maybe? Worth checking out she supposed, so she'd spread her wings, and flap upwards. Something which were still an odd feeling, and one she had not gotten all that used to yet, as evident by how she practically walked 95% of the time, even though flying would be easier.


On 2021-05-24 at 5:23 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Ardee thought for a moment on that, before nodding, "I think that's a good idea. I'll start there." She'd still hesitate a bit before finally drawing the first line, from there each line that followed came to her easier and easier until she was doodling like a natural.

"It all starts with that first line. Good luck with your drawing, Ardee."

She'd try and give an encouraging smile, and go on to observe how the others were doing, while a passing thought went through her head. Nothing major, just a sort of nagging one, that with her luck, their mistress would turn out to be the single mare from the facility, that both Null and her had actually met, and hadn't seen getting taken over, or die, before they were put to rest for three years. That being the one that Null had pummeled for her security clearance. That'd be quite an awkward thing to explain, if that was the case, though surely, that were just a silly thought. Best to not dwell on it.

It seemed things were going well with the writing. Especially after the adorable little rascals had tired themselves out, and went to have a nap. Which meant that the others could finally finish up with their drawings.

Lacuna did crawl down as he saw the two little ones resting, and would scurry over to look them over for a bit, before returning to the high vantage point of Void's head. He were just wondering if they were waiting to do a game of some sort, since he had thus far, only seen them full of energy, and scurrying around, so he had taken advantage to go there to see if this was another type of playtime. Seemed like that wasn't the case, so he had returned to where he came from.

On 2021-05-24 at 5:23 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Elef, having started first, was the first to finish, it was a rough drawing of a thestral filly being attacked by timber wolves, and being protected by a shadowy creature. He'd get up and show it to Void, "At the celebration, one of the really old thestrals told us a story, I tried to draw part of it, He said that the Fastar clan was started when Starlight, the last surviving member of the Whitetail clan, was attacked in the Shimmerwood forest by Timberwolves who had killed her parents. A creature fought off the Timberwolves with some strange magic, and later united a number of other struggling and dying clans to become the Fastar clan. He didn't elaborate what Fastar was, I think they don't know."

"There are a few kind of shadowy creature races. Mostly it's because of magic. I know some pixies who cloak themselves like this, and kitsune are undisputed masters of illusions. They could easy do that. But there are others too. A good hearted creature this one though, according to the story. One I've never heard of before either. Fastar sounds like a clan with a mysterious background.

The drawing of the scene is nicely done, Elef. I didn't think you'd draw something like this, but it's well done, and with an interesting story behind it. I'll remember to bring something tomorrow, so that we can hang it up somewhere, okay? Same for everyone else, of course."

She'd reach a hoof down, and tussle Elef's mane a little, if he'd allow her. It were a good sign of affection, in her experience. Hopefully he'd accept it as such too.

"Anyone else wants to show us what they drew? I'd very much like to see what you've drawn."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


The musician simply nodded in response, Not paying much attention as Null flew off to the rafters.

She'd get up onto the catwalk without issue, luckily the only one up there. Very likely she'd be asked to get down if one of the workers spotted her. Looking around the lights she wouldn't find anything too unusual for the most part until she reached some large can lights. The bulbs were black, indicating they were likely a purple or UV light. There were rings of what looked like gold on them, but given how much she had interacted with the stuff so far she'd recognize it as minostralium, which was the clearest indication that there was something magical about these lights. Looking closer she'd find the faintest traces of runes on the outer casing.



When Void talked about the shadowy figure Elef looked back on his drawing and shrugged, "The old thestral said we don't know what Fastar looked like for sure, so I tried to indicate an unknowing, but maybe that's right?"

Teal was the next one to volunteer their drawing for approval, it was a good deal more simplistic than Elef's, depicting a stallion not too dissimilar to Blueblood, albeit shorter and with a messed up horn, "I drew Arcade, he's the one who kept us safe with Mistress and after Mistress left. I figured you never got to see him, so..."

Toupé was just about done as well, having drawn a set of simple sketches of three young ponies, each reminiscent of the three elements not present in the young ponies here. "These are the ones who didn't make it, didn't survive after Mistress took us out of the facility."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(New Las Pegasus)

The name eluded her, but Null did - after thinking about it for a time - recognize the metal she were seeing. It were the same that she had with her, back at the hotel, secured as best she could under the circumstances. The three coins that she had gotten from Cabinet Mare.

The thought of the ensouled, half-machine caused a tinge of sadness to go through her. She were probably in a better place now, but killing her like she had, still stung, and being reminded of her right now were poking at an open wound.

She'd do her best to try and push the thought away, and ignore it, and instead try and focus on what this might mean. She still weren't sure what were so special about this stuff, but judging on how Cabin mare had seemingly run on these things, it might be some sort of magical energy conductor, and her best bet at what were running this whole thing. The runes too, gave off that impression, as those were rarely there just for decoration.

She briefly considered just taking these, but she'd back off before she even got within proper range to potentially affect it. It were best that they did not get a reason to go after her that easily, and she'd gain nothing from taking it. Though, knowing that it were there, might prove important.

She considered saying something about it so that Pen could hear it too, but she felt relatively certain that this place had ears, so she wouldn't address her dress. Which were a weird sentence, no matter how you thought about it.

Fluttering down towards Arcade again, she'd take a moment to look around, and make sure that she hadn't dropped a feather somewhere, before addressing him. had to make sure she didn't accidentally mess something up here. And with that seemingly cleared, she'd start to wander slowly away from the area, and shake her head.

"Well, looked no different from up there. Maybe it's the lighting, I dunno. Were a strange bulb, so for all I know, it starts glowing, and folks gets their funk on."

Not an outright lie, and she'd try to elaborate later, but for now, there didn't seem to be more they could learn from this place.

"Let's try looking for the dragons. Can't hurt seeing how they're getting along with things if they're not being swarmed."


On 2021-05-28 at 4:16 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"The old thestral said we don't know what Fastar looked like for sure, so I tried to indicate an unknowing, but maybe that's right?"

"It's a big world out there, full of strange creatures. But maybe it's just what you said. Someone unknown, instead of a shadow. Though who knows? Perhaps someday, you're gonna find out the origins of the clan in full. You never know what sort of history can suddenly surface."

Usually by varied information or tomes, traded on the black market, but she'd prefer not talking about that currently. Null and her had a... Strenuous relationship that market, depending wildly on where in the world they were, and who were present. From being there to trade for something of value, when they had scrounged up something that had gotten them directed to the place, to the times when they had been near sold on one. And yes, that were plural. And no, none of the times had ended well. And not always as only *almost* sold.

...It was kinda bad that their slavery in that weird household had still been a good winter overall, wasn't it? Really should be considered a somewhat fond memory.

On 2021-05-28 at 4:16 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Teal was the next one to volunteer their drawing for approval, it was a good deal more simplistic than Elef's, depicting a stallion not too dissimilar to Blueblood, albeit shorter and with a messed up horn, "I drew Arcade, he's the one who kept us safe with Mistress and after Mistress left. I figured you never got to see him, so..."

Void had never seen, nor heard of Prince Blueblood, so she hadn't any sort of idea who Arcade were supposed to be based off. As the others were aligned with somewhat important figures, she guessed maybe a high ranking guard, or perhaps a sibling to one of the element wearers.

"So that's who my sister's hanging around with, huh? Well, he seems like a nice stallion, and the depiction is good. Can I ask though, is he actually short? I just wonder if it's just the way he's drawn. If not, I think he should get along with my sister well. Though in either case, this is still a good drawing. We'll make sure to hang this somewhere too."

A good drawing, and nice to get a view on how the last member of the living ones looked like. It would be put up somewhere too for sure, soon as she found a place where she could place all the drawings. Maybe she could find a board of some sort, or they could do it on one of the walls?


On 2021-05-28 at 4:16 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Toupé was just about done as well, having drawn a set of simple sketches of three young ponies, each reminiscent of the three elements not present in the young ponies here. "These are the ones who didn't make it, didn't survive after Mistress took us out of the facility."

Void looked saddened as she gazed upon the last drawing. One filled with memories for the poor foals, as well as her, as she had known who these had come from. Perhaps not massively well, as Null and her had still been new to Ponyville, and were not socializing incredibly much by local standards, but... She had known them still, and it were regrettable what had come to pass. *sigh* At least they weren't dead, far as they all knew, and would one day come back. The impact that would have on the poor foals were... Hard to say, but especially Ardee would likely have some choice words, at a very confused Rainbow Dash.

"It's sad to lose your friends like that... *sigh* But it is good that you keep remembering them. It's a nice way to keep them alive in your heart, even if they've passed on. We'll make sure this drawing gets put up somewhere that it can be seen with the others, so that you can keep remembering the good beings in your lives.

It'll still be some time before we can all be outside and wandering freely, but... When we can, perhaps I can show you some ways that most tend to remember their fallen by? I know a few prayers, and how to chisel out a gravestone. But I won't push it, if it makes any of you uncomfortable. It just sometimes helps others feel as if whoever have passed, have been given proper farewells."

Void would - unless Toupé tried to walk away from her, or avoid it otherwise - raise a hoof, and run it gently down the filly's mane, while looking at her with sad eyes, yet the smile remaining on her face. Poor things, to have been through so much already, in their short lives... *sigh* May any god willing to listen, hear her prayers that their worst days were behind them.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


Arcade was a bit confused by Null's apparent dismissal of the search so suddenly. but picked up that she didn't want to say much where they could be overheard and nodded, "Oh well then, maybe next time."

He'd accompany her out of the dance floor without a fuss, as they left they'd pass a number of ponies headed the opposite way, apparently the dance was about to start.

As they made their way to where they had encountered the dragons the previous night, they crossed paths with none other than Epsilon, who looked surprised to see them, "Fancy seeing you two here again! Here I thought last night was more than enough excitement for you two." She chuckled, then her expression grew more serious, I actually did want to talk to you, about Cabinet Mare, if we could step somewhere privately?



1 hour ago, Blitz Boom said:

"So that's who my sister's hanging around with, huh? Well, he seems like a nice stallion, and the depiction is good. Can I ask though, is he actually short? I just wonder if it's just the way he's drawn. If not, I think he should get along with my sister well. Though in either case, this is still a good drawing. We'll make sure to hang this somewhere too."

Teal nodded, "Yep! He was only about our height, just like your sister, he said he had dwarfism which is why he wasn't very tall despite being much older than us."

1 hour ago, Blitz Boom said:

It'll still be some time before we can all be outside and wandering freely, but... When we can, perhaps I can show you some ways that most tend to remember their fallen by? I know a few prayers, and how to chisel out a gravestone. But I won't push it, if it makes any of you uncomfortable. It just sometimes helps others feel as if whoever have passed, have been given proper farewells."

They seemed to be comforted by that sentiment, all but Elef, who looked the slightest bit... ashamed? when he saw what Toupé had drawn. He quickly shook it off and adopted a more sad look like the others. Ardee too had an exceptional look about her when presented with Toupé's drawing, though it was a look more akin to something she had likely seen on Null's face many times before, the look of a guardian who had failed to protect.
The drawings done with, the younger three looked to Void for guidance on what to do next.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(New Las Pegasus)

Null stopped up, and raised an eyebrow in surprise as she saw Epsilon suddenly wandering out of the crowd to face them. She'd have raised a hoof to go take a step further, that she may be in the way between Arcade and her, as Null were perhaps a little possessive. Yet halfway through the motions she grabbed herself in doing so, and took the half step back that she had taken forth, while the mare started talking.

On 2021-05-30 at 4:05 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Fancy seeing you two here again! Here I thought last night was more than enough excitement for you two." She chuckled, then her expression grew more serious, I actually did want to talk to you, about Cabinet Mare, if we could step somewhere privately?

"Dove wants to know who's who in town, but she's busy. So we're looking around, see if there's someone new."

As for her request... This was really not something that should've surprised her. It were bound to happen, that someone would come looking for answers as to why the machine wasn't working anymore, and with Null being the last one to play, she were definitely the one to ask. That it had to be Epsilon of all creatures though, were just chalking up to her usual luck. Go figure.

Seemed like she wanted a word on this thing, and it wasn't like it were wise to deny her this. Dove needed her support, and Epsilon seemed the lesser of the current evils they had run into, when it came to high ranking casino affiliates or bosses. It were still something that caused her concern though, to be taken aside... Hmm, Nine hadn't raised any flags, so it were probably okay, though she'd remain cautious. Never knew who had a smile on their face, and a blade headed for your neck.

"You want a word on her? Fine, pick a place, and let's have it then."

Her expectations? Accusations about deliberately ruining the attraction that were Cabinet Mare, and some sort of threat, fine, and/or banishment from getting near her casino again. Maybe some attempt at physical intimidation, who knew? She didn't know Epsilon enough to guess if she'd act like a thug. Just figured that she  had the looks on her of one who had others do that for her.

Wherever she'd lead, they'd follow. Even if Arcade didn't want to, she'd drag him by the tail if she must. He weren't being left alone in this dangerous place that easily.


On 2021-05-30 at 4:05 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Teal nodded, "Yep! He was only about our height, just like your sister, he said he had dwarfism which is why he wasn't very tall despite being much older than us."

"It's the same with her too. It's always struck me as a little weird, that she lost height, and I gained it, but it wasn't all bad. It was easier to carry her around when things went bad.

And I'm sure Arcade and her is going to get along fine. Maybe someday when they come back here, they can tell us what they did while they were away? That could be an interesting story."

Likely somewhat violent, but she were sure they both knew to not make things too harsh when telling the stories to a bunch of foals. They could tell those things in secret, once they came back from Null killing The Grey. A pony who had a good deal of things to be punished for, and gods be willing, he'd get what was coming to him. Troy couldn't be safe so long as he were still in the background, pulling threads, and neither could their lives in general.

As for Arcade... Well, he could relate more to Null with his dwarfism, so that were something, and he were also disfigured somewhat, looking at the horn. Something which she felt sure wasn't just some artistic interpretation, but a real issue he had, which hopefully didn't impact his life too badly. In any case, she were just happy there were someone there to speak to her sister. Void still had their parents near, the foals, and now Lacuna to talk to, as well as Vale and normally Pen, so she had others around her to help her keeping some sense of normalcy, and companionship. Null just had Nine, meddling around in her head. That wasn't anything, and even with all she had, Void could still feel the crippling loneliness and nervousness from not having her big sister there sometimes, so it must be even harder for her.

Arcade were hopefully a good stallion, and would stick around her for at least some time, so she had some company in the transition phase, before she had to go out and go on her path of vengeance. *sigh* Hopefully she'd try to stay in contact as much as she could, and try to come home sometimes.

Void noted how Elef looked, but weren't really thinking much about it. Maybe his bond to the others were not as good as the rest, or he had said something bad to one of them, as the last thing he had done before they died. Shame and regret were something that would come in, mixed with sadness, in that case. She didn't at all think there were something more sinister behind it. How could she? He were just a foal.

As for Ardee, she sadly knew that look all too well. It were one Null tended to have on her face, whenever she had gotten hurt, and her big sister hadn't been able to stop it. Anger were often mixed in as well, and especially as they grew older, but the look of someone who felt like they had failed the ones they were supposed to protect, were unmistakable, as well as grimly familiar to Void.

She'd sent the young mare a knowing look, mixed with sorrow, but it didn't seem the time to address this. In parts because they all started to look for her for answers, as to what they should be doing now, and partially because a ding marked that it were time to go check the oven, and make sure that the minipies were good. She had given them less time, as they were obviously smaller, so this were a test as well, but as she went over and opened up the steaming machine, she'd find that they were just about perfect. Some of them had a little bit of a darker crust, but it shouldn't impact the taste. It just gave a little more crunch, and thankfully as the one for the smallest ones were in the middle of them all, theirs were the least affected. So that had at least panned out.

"It looks like the next time, we need to give them a minute and a half less, but they're still good. Not burned, not soggy. Just a little crunch here and there on the top.

We should let them cool off until later, but what do you all think? They look good, right?"

She'd make sure they could all see them spread out, and gaze upon their work. Perfect? Perhaps not, but the visuals were secondary in her eyes. Especially when it came from first timers, so frankly, what they had done were great in her mind. And they hadn't even needed that much help, even when it came to making sure the dough wasn't too thick or thin. Perhaps at least some of them, would find some sort of purpose in a kitchen. Ardee, for example. She had some real talent, using her wings to handle how to make the pie look good. There were certainly potential there, though they all certainly had something to work with.

As for what to do next, once they were okay with this, Void would look towards Vale for answers. She had to offer some suggestions too. Maybe it were time for math, or history? Some school work before their treat.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


Epsilon would lead them away to a secluded alcove, Null had no trouble getting Arcade to come along, it seemed like he had no intention of leaving Null alone in this place either at this point. He nonetheless gave them a bit of privacy, keeping watch as Epsilon spoke softly to Null. "After you left, the machine wasn't working. It wasn't the first time it had 'taken a rest' so to speak, but when it didn't come back on my father got a technician to try and take a look at it. When they opened it up..." She looked uncomfortable, "They found the dead remains of a pony, just the internals though. You addressed it as her just now, I assume you know something about it?" In all she said she wasn't accusatory about it, if anything she seemed concerned for what Null might have witnessed.



The young ponies were all quite eager to see how their attempts at pie-making had turned out, and for the most part they were satisfied, Teal commented, "Are you sure it isn't magic? I can't believe we could make something that looks so good ourselves."

In regards to being turned to for what should be done next, Vale nodded, "They do need some time to cool before they'll be safe to eat. Why don't we work on reading in the meantime? Teal can help me teach you how Equestrian is written normally, hopefully she can help you all understand how she made the adjustments."

She and Teal would lead the group away to where they had been learning proviously, Vale using some of the blank sheets to write out simple words and phrases, Teal writing out what those words and phrases had been written out in the facility. It seemed like the facility used a compressed spelling system, reducing words to their most basic components to get the most information across in as few symbols as possible.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(New Las Pegasus)

"Yeah. Started off just toying me around the game, but then she started to show me things. Ended up revealing that she were part pony, and part machine. I don't know how, but seemingly she had done it to herself. Misguided ambition it sounded like. She said my aura caused her binds to loosen, and in the end, she asked me to stay long enough that she could move on. So I did it. I killed her."

Null were sounding somewhat angry as she said that, but also averted her eyes, refusing to look at either of them as she recalled the event vividly again. Arcade had been there to see how she reacted right after it had happened the last time, so he'd likely have some idea that this were because she didn't want either of them to see the pain in her eyes. Even if it had been a kindness, it didn't make it easier, when it came to killing someone that didn't seem to deserve it. Even if there was no hope, and it were the only right thing to do, that didn't mean it wasn't painful. It just meant that it had to be done.

"I haven't told anyone about it. Arcade just knows because he were there with me. That's why you really asked, right? You didn't want stories to go around about this?"

She'd slowly shift her gaze more towards Epsilon again, once the worst of her inner turmoil were done with. This time to see if her suspicions were right. She had taken them to someplace secluded, and it would make sense that you didn't want rumor spreading that you had a dead body in a haunted machine. It wouldn't do well for the reputation. And that wasn't even thinking about the health code violations. That would likely be a pain and a half in the rear for years to come.


On 2021-06-01 at 5:09 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Are you sure it isn't magic? I can't believe we could make something that looks so good ourselves."

"I know it seems odd, but it really isn't magic. Not this time at least, though there are magical ovens. Seen a few, but never touched them. I didn't want to break them by accident.

This is just a regular oven though. It's just technology, though I can't really claim to know how it works in details. Maybe we can find a book about this at some point? I'll look around."

Had to be some sort of book she could find on technology, that had been salvaged in the dunes. if nothing else, an instruction manual perhaps. That had to include some information at least, right?

On 2021-06-01 at 5:09 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"They do need some time to cool before they'll be safe to eat. Why don't we work on reading in the meantime? Teal can help me teach you how Equestrian is written normally, hopefully she can help you all understand how she made the adjustments."

"That sounds like an excellent idea. I'll clean up the last few things here in the meantime, and then come over to listen in, okay? I'm looking forward to seeing how you get through this lesson."

Void would watch on as she were cleaning up, and setting the pies right for them to cool off. Someplace up high mind you. Not so much because of the foals, but more because she didn't want to tempt Lacuna. He were trained, but he were also a young, brash adult, out in the big world finally. He would not always remember his limits, or would at times test it. it were up to her to not tempt him too much, and keep up his training.

It were interesting to see how Teal were teaching. It seemed to be a very rudimentary, clinical sort of writing they knew of, that were fully devoid of what sounded like superfluous details. Just straight tot he point, with as little talk as possible. It sounded very uhm... Inequine, in her ears actually. Probably a good thing to eventually get that flushed out of their system, so to speak, or they'd  be regarded as pretty cold, calculating ponies in the long run perhaps. Accursed facility, not even making simple reading and writing something that wasn't meant to derive any sort of personality and warmth out of them...

As they'd eventually be done with their lesson, she'd take the pies down, and cut through, making all of them cut into six small slices. If they wanted to, they could certainly share, but it were more because she wanted them to not be too feral, and showing an entire pie into your muzzle at once were a little much.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


2 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"I haven't told anyone about it. Arcade just knows because he were there with me. That's why you really asked, right? You didn't want stories to go around about this?"

She looked shocked to hear Null's rendition of events, but in the end she shook her head, "No, if you were going to say anything about it you would have already, not like anyone would believe you anyway. Regardless, Father's already swept it under the rug like all the ponies that it drove insane before. I wanted to know more about what had happened. I'm sorry you had to go through that, I don't know if I'd have been able to do the same were I in your shoes."

She sighed, then shook it off, "That's all I wanted to ask. Actually, Father was just going to burn the remains, cabinet and all, but I stole a piece so it could be buried properly. Would you be interested in being part of that?"



The rest of the young ponies seemed to be starting to pick up on the differences, able by the end of the lesson to read out simple sentences and at least write out the alphabet without collapsing the symbols.

They were more than eager to return to the kitchen once the pies had sufficiently cooled, and were eager to share, though those who had selected sweeter fillings were less inclined to try the more bitter or sour ones. In the end they were all satisfied with what they had made, the foals would try to offer some to Lacuna if they were not stopped by Void. They seemed intent to bribe him into being their friend by any means necessary.

This time before they could look to Void to ask what was next Vale was already on top of it, "Let's get back to the lesson then, let's try reading along." She looked over at Void, "I'll read with Toupé and Teal if you can read with Ardee and Elef?" Void would be free to pick whatever story she liked to read with the pair, the goal was essentially to let them try to read the lines, correcting them and their pronunciation as they went.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(New Las Pegasus)

"Yes I would. And take it from me, you don't ever want to be in the position I were in. Mercy kills never gets any easier, and if there's even a shred of decency within you, you will feel it break you. You're better off never having to get through something like that.

Right. She gave me a name before she died too. Her real one. Cabin Maré. If there's something to bury, we'll use that name. Do you have an idea of when and where?"

There were other things to focus on for sure, but this were important as well. As one who believed in ghosts, as she had experienced her fair share of them, she knew how there were certain things that could aggravate their creation. One of them being not buried properly, according to their tradition. It might not happen with Cabin, as she had seemingly moved on peacefully, but it still felt right to do this the proper way, now that there were the option to do so.

"Guess I misjudged you too, Epsilon. I didn't come into this thinking any of you higher ups would care about something like that. What your father did, sounds more like what I expected. For what it's worth, I'm impressed."

Sure she might still play them like a fiddle, but Epsilon seemed to have some decency, and had so far been rather helpful. Null wouldn't put her full faith in the pony, but she were warming up to her a little by little. Maybe she'd eventually even stop to irrationally worry that she'd try and sneak Arcade away from her.


On 2021-06-03 at 4:03 AM, Illiad Easle said:

They were more than eager to return to the kitchen once the pies had sufficiently cooled, and were eager to share, though those who had selected sweeter fillings were less inclined to try the more bitter or sour ones. In the end they were all satisfied with what they had made, the foals would try to offer some to Lacuna if they were not stopped by Void. They seemed intent to bribe him into being their friend by any means necessary.

They were spoiling him rotten, but Void would allow them to give him a few nibbles of their pies. It was a great way of them to connect with him, and for him to get some social interaction going as well. She wasn't just gonna leave him unattended, but watching him crawl around on them all, accepting the snacks he got, and rubbing his head on them, whilst giving off varied, melodious tunes, were rather adorable. From the sounds of it, it seemed he were assigned them each a tone as a sort of communication, or identifier. A big sign of endearment, as it were rather normal for their kind to assigned members of their flock with their own sound, to make it easier to call them out. Mostly due to danger.

The little ones would get some really light tunes, whereas the older they got, they'd be assigned more deep ones. Ardee were presented with one that sounded almost like a short honk in a tuba, with a slight reverberation to it. If Vale had also fed him, she'd find she'd also be given a sound, as he considered all of these to be part of the flock of Void, and therefor his own. Hers would sound kind of like a sped up tune going *Yiyiyiyi* in a high pitch frequency. A bit odd, but so were that of the others at times. And as she were rather odd to him, her sound were special.

On 2021-06-03 at 4:03 AM, Illiad Easle said:

This time before they could look to Void to ask what was next Vale was already on top of it, "Let's get back to the lesson then, let's try reading along." She looked over at Void, "I'll read with Toupé and Teal if you can read with Ardee and Elef?" Void would be free to pick whatever story she liked to read with the pair, the goal was essentially to let them try to read the lines, correcting them and their pronunciation as they went.

"Sounds good to me. Now let's see, what to pick... Well, we could go with this one. Goldenbraids. An old tale, but that might do well. Try to read the opening section here, and let's see if we can't make the teacher proud."

Goldenbraids (Goldilocks) were a classic, and not really the best one, depending on what version you went with, but she'd make sure that when she took up the storybook and settled on the variant, she'd go with the happy one. Not the one where she starved to death alone in her tower. That one wasn't foal friendly in the slightest.

First portion were simple. The usual *Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there sat in a tower far into the woods, a mare with a mane so long it could reach the ground, from atop her room in the lone tower.* It'd then go into some smaller things on the enchanted forest around, which in this case didn't have monsters put there as guards to ensure that she'd remain put. Just some regular trolls, and animal life.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


On 2021-06-04 at 4:25 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Right. She gave me a name before she died too. Her real one. Cabin Maré. If there's something to bury, we'll use that name. Do you have an idea of when and where?"

Epsilon nodded, "Sounds good, better to have a real name anyway. I should be able to get away tomorrow evening, the outskirts of the city should be fine, most ponies get buries out there anyway, it tends to keep the spawn away."

With that Epsilon would bid them farewell and move on, letting them get back on their path to reach the dragons.

They'd find the dragons in the same place they found them the previous night, with a similar number of thralls as before.

Forti (The red one) nodded when he saw them, Potens (The blue one) waved them over, "Glad to see you two, the theatrics didn't scare you off?"

"I told you they were made of stern enough stuff."

"What brings you two to us tonight?"



They'd take turns sounding out the letters and words, slowly gaining confidence the longer they went, able to enjoy the story as more than a collection of words, but a collection of meanings.

Across the room Vale had Teal and Toupé as well as the foals doing their best to participate as well, trying to parrot their siblings as they sounded out the words.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(New Las Pegasus)

On 2021-06-06 at 1:04 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Epsilon nodded, "Sounds good, better to have a real name anyway. I should be able to get away tomorrow evening, the outskirts of the city should be fine, most ponies get buries out there anyway, it tends to keep the spawn away."

"Sounds like a plan then."

Null would try and show, though she wasn't naive enough to think this couldn't just be a trap, so she'd do some precautions, and obviously take weaponry with her. She'd have to talk with Arcade about whatever or not he were good with any of them, and if so, see if they could find a weapon that fit him. If not, she could try and see if she could quickly run him through some things in a sort of crash course. Wouldn't make him good, but y'know, it could be enough to still deal with inexperienced fighters, and it wouldn't leave him to rely on his magic. Too many unicorns did so, and soon as the magic didn't work, they'd find they were like sitting ducks. Just because they could fling the arcane about, didn't mean they were invincible. Least they should know how to do, how to break a leg manually.

Was it a nice thing? No, not at all. But it were still kinder than stabbing someone, and it could do a lot to end a fight early on, before you got your neck wrung.

She'd nod in farewell as Epsilon went on to... Mingle with the higher ups, or whatever it were she usually did at these parties, and Arcade and her would go on to look for the dragons, among the beings crowding this place. Which turned out to be rather easy, though they still seemed to be followed by their horde of adoring, enthralled fans, so clearly they weren't making use of the feathers.

On 2021-06-06 at 1:04 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Forti (The red one) nodded when he saw them, Potens (The blue one) waved them over, "Glad to see you two, the theatrics didn't scare you off?"

"I told you they were made of stern enough stuff."

"What brings you two to us tonight?"

"Just looking about, trying to put some faces on someone worth remembering.

Didn't expect to find you here with your cult though. Figured you'd have taken the chance to get some peace from it all. Sorta wanted to see if that were happening.

And if you wanna call what happened last time theatrics, that's your business. I call it reckless and stupid. But whatever, not my headache.

Might as well bring something up while I got hold of you I suppose: Ambassador Dove's looking to make nice with whoever's important in town. You two are part of that, right? Would you be interested in running messages between her and you? Ain't thinking it's smart to meet face to face unless I can shield her."


A little by little, word by word, the little ones would start to get more in tune with the way a story was supposed to be told. There were still some way to go, but the clinical, deadening tone were slowly beginning to get out of things, and they seemed to be enjoying it all a good deal better now that they could just start to grasp it being a simple story, instead of something that was supposed to be analyzed and snipped at, until it were laid more barebone than a corpse in the dunes.

"- And she lived happily ever after. The end.

A nice little story, and you're doing good with it. It's nice to see how fast you're progressing with this. Teal and Vale have been good teachers."

If they wanted to try more stories, she'd sift through, and find some other foal friendly short ones they could read through. She'd be more than happy to go at this until they were getting tired, or wanted to try something else. Or as it might be, they had to get dinner sorted. If they were to get something nice and warm, she'd need to gather up some things, but they could also just keep going with this, and just have sandwiches tonight. Nothing wrong with that, and then they could sort something special tomorrow, where she had the time to sort through the slow cooking process of some of the raw materials for the dinner she had in mind. Few pieces there needed to be slow boiled for seven hours.

It would be up to them really. If the foals wanted to keep going - and technically sneak in extra bedtime stories this way - she'd be happy to oblige, and their dinner could be sandwiches, and leftover pie. If not, they'd see when they'd tire with this, and wanted to do something else.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


6 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Didn't expect to find you here with your cult though. Figured you'd have taken the chance to get some peace from it all. Sorta wanted to see if that were happening.

And if you wanna call what happened last time theatrics, that's your business. I call it reckless and stupid. But whatever, not my headache.

The dragons snorted jovially, "We found the schmoozers will come to us here regardless of your miraculous feathers."

"They did however allow us an uninterrupted slumber, for which we are extremely grateful."

"How long did you say these remain potent for?"

6 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Might as well bring something up while I got hold of you I suppose: Ambassador Dove's looking to make nice with whoever's important in town. You two are part of that, right? Would you be interested in running messages between her and you? Ain't thinking it's smart to meet face to face unless I can shield her."

They nodded, "We do fit that description. While we try to stay out of the petty squabbles of the others."

"We'd be more than happy to enter negotiations. If this new Troy is even a shadow of its former glory there should be many opportunities for us."

"No need to worry, we do all our important negotiations via courier anyway."

"Delegates tend to forget important details when they meet us in person."

"Forget they agreed to anything when they leave, bad for business."

"Shall we send over a messenger?"

"Or should we expect one to come to us?"

Arcade would whisper to Null, "Should we ask them about anomalies?"



While they had gotten much better at reading, it was starting to become clear that reading wasn't really their thing, or perhaps the story didn't do much to captivate them. Teal and Toupé on the other hoof seemed quite enthralled by the subject, already jumping at the bit to keep reading, finding other books to read with Vale.

Ardee seeing that sighed, "We should probably keep practicing, but... do you have something a bit more interesting?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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