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private New Girl in Town (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Lady Moonspell

Dynamo smiles softly and nods. "Fair enough. At the moment, the nap is more important than the tour." He says, returning the hug as her kiss had tickled his nose. Afterwards, he picked Scarlet up bridal style and nuzzles her softly. "Then let us head towards my room to rest. A comfy bed is calling us for a nap. It's just up the flight of stairs and two doors on the right." He says, leaving their suitcases near the couch as Dynamo walked towards the steps. After ascending the flight of steps, he made his way towards the door to his room. After slightly struggling with the doorknob, he managed to open the door to the room.

As he walked into his room, the place was met with many sights. There were plushies galore on some shelves here and there. The walls painted blue and white, shelves that had anime and action figures, anime posters, a computer, a water bed, drawers, a video game console setup and a giant TV. "I humbly welcome you to my room. I hope everything is okay, my dear." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles as she looked around the areas they passed on the way to Dynamo's room, and when they enter, she couldn't help but smile "A room after my own heart" she giggles, allowing Dynamo to put her down, and stretches. "I love this place already" she says and kisses his cheek "and of course what really completes it is you being here" she says before flopping onto his waterbed. She looks around while laying on her back and then  smiles at him "So, are you going to join me for the nap, or are you gonna game?" she asks with a giggle.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

As he let her hope out of his arms, Dynamo chuckled softly and nods at her remark. "I never thought of it that way, but you're right, sweetheart. Seeing how the room has plushies, anime and video games. It's a gamer's personalized dream room, or something along those lines." He smiles as she kissed his cheek and stretches. "I'm glad you like the house. It's not the biggest house in the world, but it's still home and that's all that matters." He returns the kiss to her cheek, before shaking his head at her statement. "What truly makes the house complete is having you here right by my side, my love." He says, chuckling as she jumped onto the water bed. "While playing video games would be fun. I still hear a bed and a nap calling my name." He walks over towards the female wolf, before laying down in the bed next to her.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet would smile as she felt Dynamo climbing onto the bed, next to her. She would then snuggle up to him, preferring to be the little spoon. She would snuggle up more to him, gently wagging her tail, and of course, the obligatory cute ear flick every now and then.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

As Dynamo felt the female wolf snuggled up to him, looked over to the nightstand that had an alarm clock. "Since it's still pretty early in the morning. I'll set the alarm for about two hours. That will give us enough time to have a nice nap. Afterwards, we'll plan out where to go from there." He says, setting the alarm, before placing said alarm clock back on the nightstand. He looked back to Scarlet, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to him. "I love you and I hope you have a great nap Scar." He kisses her cheek, before closing his eyes and allowing sleep to take hold of him.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles and nods, nuzzling into her beloved stallion's fur as she then soon fell asleep. Two hours later, the alarm went off and Scarlet would wake up, right on cue. She'd stretch and smile as she looked around the room "So, this is my new home?" she would ask herself. It was certainly not what she was used to, having had grown up in the gated community, in a rather large and lavish and luxurious house. She smiles how-ever, it would be a new experience for her.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

As the alarm clock had rang to signal that two hours had gone by, Dynamo had slowly opened his eyes. With a slight yawn, he sat up and stretched his arms. He smiled as he noticed Scarlet was awake, while looking around the room. "Good morning, babe. How was your nap? I can't believe it was two hours already." he says, taking notice of the question she had asked. "You've got that right, sweetheart. We still have to give you the grand tour of the house. Even so, there is a guest room for you to have." He says, not wanting to make any assumptions. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles as she would see that Dynamo had woken up. She swiveled her ears as she listened to him speak, but then shakes her head "Darling, we're a couple, besides, even if I did take the spare room, I'd probably just end up crawling into bed with you anyway" she goes over to him and kisses him "But, maybe, for my fashion work, I could use that room?" she suggests "So we don't feel so cramped in here"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Dynamo chuckled at her remark, before returning the kiss. "You're right and I see what you mean. I can see you showing up out of nowhere if you used the other room, while there would be a storm going on." He says, pulling the female wolf into a hug and nuzzles her. "I think that's a good idea. The only time I had someone stay over was my friend, Button Prompt. We had thought of the idea to have a game room, but we never got around to creating said room. So, a fashion work room is the next best thing. Besides, you might need someone to help model your outfit designs. I'll be able to help out if you need any assistance." He says, nodding at the idea of using the spare room.

"So, what did you want to do now, my dear? Would you like a tour of the house and a quick tour of the town? If you have all of your fashion supplies, then maybe we can work on creating the fashion work room. It doesn't matter what we do. All that matters is that I get to spend time with my special someone." He smiles softly, leaning over and kissing her cheek. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet would giggle and nod, "You know me so well already" she says with a smile "And that'd be great dear, it's always useful to have a live model instead of just a mareakin to model my clothes" she says then hugs him "A tour of the house and a small tour of the town sounds perfect, maybe  stop off somewhere to eat, I think I can hear my stomach calling for me to feed it" she laughs and kisses his cheek. "It'll give me some time to let my family know when and where the housewarming party will be."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Dynamo could only chuckle with a nod. "I hope I do. You're my girlfriend, so I should know a lot about you already. I guess the mareakin will be used for when you make outfits for mares?" He asks as he wasn't sure how the modeling would work. He nods once more as he returned the hug, before hearing the female wolf's stomach beginning to growl. "It sounds like your stomach wants to try out some different food that's in Ponyville. Luckily, there's plenty of food for one to enjoy. Plus, it's been a few hours since we had breakfast. A quick, but helpful tour of the house and town and then we can get something to eat." He smiles as he returns the kiss. "I guess we'll talk to your family and then we can talk to my mom. If you are talking about housewarming, then I know of some ponies who would love to meet you." He says, gaining an idea at the mention of a party. He soon jumped out of bed, while offering his hand to her. "Shall we be on the tour, my love?" He asks with a soft smile.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet nodded and smiled "A quick and helpful tour of the house and town and then something to eat sounds wonderful" she says "and while we eat, I can call my family to let them know, then after lunch, talk to your mom" she says, taking his hand in her paw and smiling at him while wagging her tail.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Dynamo smiled as their plans were all set. "Okay. I just need to grab my phone and my wallet and we'll be on our way." He says, grabbing the mentioned phone and wallet off of the computer desk. He looked back to the female wolf and nods at her statement. "I think that sounds like a nice idea. Should I just wait and listen, or should I join in the conversation? I wasn't sure if it would be a regular call, or a call where I could see your family. I didn't want to interrupt anything and I hope I can make a nice impression." He says, returning the smile as he felt Scarlet had taken his hand into her paw. As they made their way towards the door, he opened the door for Scarlet and allowed her to exit. He then left the room closed the door behind him, before the two made towards the living room and front door of the house. 

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@Dynamo Pad

As she went to the car with him, she would smile at him "You know, a video call would be great, so you can definitely join in" she says to him, getting into the passenger side, assuming that it would be best for Dynamo to be the one driving, as he knew the way around. She'd look at him as she buckled up her seat belt "I'm sure my parents would want to see you before they come over"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

As they exited the house and went towards the car, Dynamo smiled at the mention of a video call. "Okay and I'd love to join in the call. I just hope I'm not intruding, or something like that. I can understand how important a private conversation can be." He smiles, getting into the driver's seat as Scarlet got into the passenger's seat. As he started the car and buckled up his seat belt, he looked to her and nods. "I think that would be for the best. I can imagine you told them that you were heading over to Equestria. So, not only that you're letting them know that you're safe, but that you've found some place to stay and found a special someone." He chuckled as he backed out of the driveway, before driving down the road towards town. "So, where would you like to stop first? Any place to get something to eat? Just let me know if you see a building that catches your eye." He drove slowly, so as to let her view the buildings they would pass.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiled and wagged her tail with a nod "I'll give them a call when we've found a place to eat" she says with a smile, looking around as he drove them around town "Well, I obviously do not know this area like you do, so perhaps you could actually suggest somewhere and  we'll see if I like the look and sound of it" she says to him.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Dynamo smiled with a nod as he listened to her remark. "Okay. After we find a place and a table to sit at, then we'll call after we eat. I can imagine we'll both be pretty hungry." He says, continuing to drive at an even pace. "Hmm...I guess it depends on what kind of food you like. I know there's a fast food..." He stopped, almost slamming his foot on the break as an idea came to mind. "I know what we can do! This is very random, but do you like pizza?" He asks, continuing to drive as he tried to find the place he was thinking of for them to stop and eat at.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet's ears would perk at the mention of pizza and she would then chuckle "Dynamo, didn't we have pizza last night? I think that would answer your question, now wouldn't it?" she would ask and then lean over to kiss him "But yes, I like pizza, why? Is there a particular place you are thinking of?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Dynamo tilted his head to the side in slight confusion over what Scarlet had said. He blinked a few time, before realizing his words and chuckled. "Oh, that's my bad. I guess I should have phrased that question differently. What I should have said was that have you ever tried the ultimate pie of pizza pies?" He says, driving off to the destination of the eatery he had in mind. After a few minutes, the couple had pulled up to a parking lot for a pizza shop. After parking and turning off the car, he smiled as he returned the kiss. "Oh, I know of a place. Both the shop and the pony make amazing pizza. That, and the owner of the shop is pretty funny and very wise, in my opinion." He says, exiting the car, before making his way over to the passenger side. He opened the door for the female wolf, before offering his hand for her to take. "Ready to have something to eat and meet what I call my uncle?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles "The ultimate pie of pizza pies?" she asks and tilts her head "No dear, I don't think I have, I mean you know where I usually go for my pizza, so maybe this will be it" she says, wagging her tail, "And any friend of yours is a friend of mine, so I can't wait to meet him"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Dynamo nods as Scarlet had repeated his question. "That's right, my dear. I remember you telling me of your favorite pizza place, but I think that place pales in comparison to this shop. You'll see what I mean in just a moment." He says, taking her paw into his hand and leading her towards the shop. "We haven't hung out before, so I can't say if he's a friend. He does make everyone call him uncle. I wonder if that makes everyone in Ponyville related to each other." He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders as he opened the front door for the female wolf to step through. As he entered the shop along with Scarlet, they were greeted by a red unicorn stallion. Said stallion was sporting a mustache, a goatee and a red fez. 

"Welcome to Pie's pizzaria. Who better to cook the pie than the Pie. How can I help you today?" He greeted with glee as Dynamo smiled at the enthusiasm. "Hey, Uncle Jasper! It's great to see you." Jasper took a closer look and smiled at who had stepped into the shop. "Oh, Dynamo! How are you doing, gamer? Are you here for the usual? Also, I don't think I know who this creature is? Who might she be?" He asks, eyeing the couple, who were holding hands. "Oh, this is someone I met, while I was in Canterlot this weekend. Her name is Scarlet Rose. She just recently moved to Ponyville and I'm showing her around. We were hungry and wanted to get something to eat. Now, don't freak out, but she hasn't had the ultimate pie before." His warning fell on deaf ears as Jasper bounced with joy on the news. "Oh, I always knew you would find a girlfriend eventually. She's really pretty and she found a good guy. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait what!? SHE HASN"T TRIED THE PIE AMONG BEST PIES BEFORE!? THIS IS BLASPHEMY! WE MUST CHANGE THIS BEFORE IT"S TOO LATE! FOLLOW ME AND YOU SHALL FINALLY SEE THE LIGHT, WOLF LADY!" He gasped dramatically, jumped over the counter and picked up Scarlet, before hurrying over to place her on the stools that were placed in front of the counter. "WE NEED TO HURRY AND GIVE HER THE PIZZA SHE NEEDS STAT! Now, what would you like? We have all kinds of toppings, flavors, drinks, the whole kitten caboodle." He mysteriously took out a notepad and pencil from out of nowhere, while waiting for the couple to order.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet giggles and nods, "Ah I see, he's like just friendly with everyone?" she asks, wagging her tail and smiles "I like people like that" she says, walking in with him to the pizza place and smiling at the friendly red pony with the fez. His greeting made her giggle a little "Catchy" she would say, but it was his reaction to her not having had the 'ultimate of pizza pies' before that made her giggle even more. "I'm new here, as Dynamo said. I'm from another re..." she narrows her eyes "Wait, wait, wait! Jasper Pie!? As in the Red Soldier in TF2 Analysis?" her eyes widen, it would seem the series reached where she was from "No way!" she says and looks around, "I'm just waiting for it...where is he?" she says, thinking about Finn.

She then smiles at Jasper "Well I'll have the ultimate pie, surprise me, as for a drink...hmm.. a chocolate, strawberry, salted caramel thickshake, please"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

"Oh, you flatter me. If anyone ever has a problem they need to discuss, then they cal always come over to the shop to talk to Uncle Jasper." He says, smiling as Scarlet had approved of his enthusiasm. At the mention of her guess, Jasper shook his head and blinked. "Uh...that was supposed to be a secret, right?" Dynamo blinked a few times, but looked from side to side to make sure that nobody was listening. "Uh...Uncle Jasper? Now it's not that much of a secret anymore." This only caused Jasper to chuckled and wave a hand at Dynamo. "Right~! At any rate, it seems like you know of the team thing the Doc and Firebrand have going on." At the mention of TF2 Analysis, Dynamo's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, so you know of that too, Scar? I thought I was the only one who watched that series!?" He grinned, before returning to the task at hand.

"Oh, I'll have the usual pizza, but with pepperoni this time." The red stallion's jaw dropped at the mention of pepperoni. "Egad! ARE YOU MAD SIR!? PONIES DON"T EAT MEAT! Are you trying to get me fired from the shop?" Dynamo could only smile sheepishly, while giving Jasper an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Jasper. It's just that I thought ponies can actually eat meat. I remember hearing Firebrand actually saying something like that. If that doesn't work, then how about pineapple pizza?" Jasper could only gasp more dramatically, before placing a hand over his mouth. "THAT"S EVEN CRAZIER!? Yet I can't help, but like the idea. Two ultimate pizza's with pineappe, a chocolate, strawberry, salted caramel milkshake and vanilla milkshake. Coming right up!" After reciting the order, he disappeared under the counter and was gone without a trace. Suddenly, the door to the shop opened and a blue earth pony had appeared. What was different was that the earth pony was wearing a full face white hat. "Hey, Uncle Jasper? Doc wanted to let you know that mandatory practice was today. You don't have to show up, but we'll be needing some even team members." He stopped as he took notice of the couple sitting at the stools of the front counter. "Oh! Some new friends. Time for some huggles!" He ran over and pulled the female wolf and gaming unicorn into a tight hug.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet giggles "Sorry Jasper" she says, then looks to Dynamo "It's my number one go to when I need some good laughs" she says "There are a few other shows i watch as well" she smiles and looks back to jasper, her tail wagging gently "Well at least he isn't opposed to pineapple on pizza, where I'm from, it sparked a huge and rather stupid debate, with plenty of memes and arguments" she shakes her head "I mean, if you don't want pineapple on pizza, just don't have it on the pizza" she then chuckles.

As she heard the bell of the door jingle when Jasper left, her ear flicked cutely and then was suddenly brought into a tight Finn huggle, making her squee and squeak at the huggle "F-Finn!" She giggles, hugging him back, her tail wagging happily "My favorite engineer pony!" she giggles, then blushes and smiles "Normally, i would have said you'd have to ask Dynamo if it's okay to huggle me, but seeing as you're Finn...I think he'd be fine with it, right Dynamo?" she'd ask her boyfriend.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

"Here I thought I was the only one, who liked that series. I mean I watch other videos and channels too, but it's nice to know that someone else finds joy in a series like that. It always makes wonder if there's a true video game world out there. At least one can dream, right?" He says, chuckling as he nodded in agreement. "I think I know what you mean. I've seen other channels that involved the idea of pineapple on pizza. Sometimes it was mentioned in Uno and Cards Against Equestria videos, bust still. I mean I'm fine with plain and pepperoni, but it's always good to try something new."

At the mention of Finn, Dynamo turned around and smiled as he saw the blue earth pony was behind them. He was caught off guard as he was pulled into a hug, but smiled as he returned the tight embrace. "W-Well...I am being huggled by Finn. So...I guess...it's okay, right?" He chuckled once more as the engineer pony put Dynamo and Scarlet back onto the ground. "Oh, sorry about that. It seems as if you both know of me, so I wanted to give lots of hugs to my friends. Hugs and smiles can really make the world go round." Suddenly, the sound of the back door was opened as Jasper appeared with two slices of pizza and milkshakes. "Here we are. The two pizzas and milkshakes for one lovely couple. Oh, Finny Finn! I wasn't expecting to see you. I would ask if you wanted a snack, but it seems like that has to wait. I don't mind being at TF2 practice, but gotta make sure my uncle can watch the shop. Once the couple is done enjoying their food, then I'll be good to go. If it's urgent, then maybe we can take the food to go. By the way, the total will come to ten bits, pretty please with cherries on top." Dynamo smiled and nodded as he handed the ten bits over to the red stallion. "Thanks again, Uncle Jasper. Nobody can ever make better pizza than you do." He says, taking his pizza slice and taking a bite, before humming at how delicious the food was. 

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