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Delta heard the conversation over his Data pad "Z, don't do it! He's tricking you!" Delta yelled.

Edited by GLaMOS (AceCord)


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Splinter landed the helicopter next to the Base. Splinter rushed into the base and crashed the door open. ''Z! We need to get the hell out of here!'' Said Splinter as the door fell to the floor.

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Delta ran through the base with his Shotgun mowing down all the clones.

He noticed that as their numbers increased, they got more animal like, he burst into the room with Z in it.

(Gotta go now)

Edited by GLaMOS (AceCord)


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"oh look your friends finally made it" simon was standing next to Z with a bar in his hand's infront of him was a complete clone army of delta's "all i asked for was some money yet you decide to barge in to my casino and make a mess of it! clone's get them!"

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"GET THIS FUCKING STRAP OFF OF ME, YOU CUNT!" Z yelled. He took his free hoof, which he'd been hiding and delivered a gut-wrenching punch to Simon's stomach.

Edited by ADashOfRainbow



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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''Come on! We need to go now!'' Said Splinter as dashing out the door and leaping into the helicopter. As Delta and Z were settled in the helicopter he took off back to the base. ''Commander, I have Z and Delta...'' Said Splinter as the helicopter rocketed into the sky.

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Delta shot the Clone charging towards him and then knocked down Simon with the butt of his shotgun and released Z. "Come on Z, we got to go!" Delta yelled.


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Z looked at Simon's unconsicous body and spat on it. Fuck you, asshole. He quickly followed Delta and made it to the chopper as more and more clones were appearing from seemingly no-where.



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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(what the hell?! you just saved him like that? no fight no nothing? just saved him?)


((I don't really see how we could fight this out... And I think everyone is missing Z... Also I have to go D: ))
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simon got back up and took out his stinger and shot at the helicopter, "you are not going anywhere but down! 6 feet down! heavy clone's! what's your mission" said simon to a line of clone's in front of him

Edited by jdor11
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(what the hell?! you just saved him like that? no fight no nothing? just saved him?)


(You can get up ya know)

Delta ran with Z to the helicopter and got in. "Come on Splinter! get in" Delta yelled.

"It's like Reach all over again..." Delta thought to himself.

(No more replies towards me please, I REALLY have to go now)

Edited by GLaMOS (AceCord)


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Z turned his shoulder to the rest of the mercs on the helicopter. He didn't need them. He didn't have any obligation to them. Instead, of thinking, he decided to buy some stuff for his next mission.



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Splinter set the Helicopter off. ''Z, I know what your thinking... So don't go too far.'' Said Splinter as he piloted the helicopter.

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"heavy's take your jet's time for some target practice!" the clone's got in to there jet's and took off toward's the helicopter,

"i've had just about enough of those special opp's bastards! but soon when the army is complete i will destroy them! and now that i have this it will almost be impossible to stop me!" simon was holding up a vile of splinter's blood

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Delta thought about his deployment on Reach, It had scarred him for life, losing an entire squad. he pledged to never let anyone under his command die again after that day. And yet he almost just let someone under his command die today. Still, he thought about not making relationships with the other Mercenary's, if he did another death may be placed on his shoulders. he had barely survived reach, the elites were strong soldiers, almost ending his life an ending the rest of his squads life.


Clone #550 Watched in horror as more people were cloned, all the Delta clones acted like animals, while Splinter clones occasionally went insane.


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Delta saw the Squadron of clones coming towards the helicopter.

He used his DMR and shot their jetpack tanks, making them explode.

"Splinter, get us out of here." Delta commanded.


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The helicopter had speeded away from the clones and got back to base.

"Mission Success Commander"

Clone #550 went up to the scientists.

"Are you sure this is morally acceptable?" Clone #550 questioned.


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Clone #550 Watched as more of these animal versions of himself were pumped out.


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