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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Elements of Equestria: Chapter 1


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Chapter 1: A Simple Request

It was a very calm and beautiful day in the village of Ponyville, and everypony was out and about and doing the best they could to make the most of the time they had throughout the day. One pony, however, was still having a very sleepy start. His name was Lee, a brown pegasus pony who had a mixture of red and black in his mane and tail, and was also the latest pony to move into Ponyville, evidenced by the boxes dotted around the house. As Lee continued to sleep peacefully, he was suddenly awoken by the sound of his doorbell ringing and somepony knocking on his door.

Lee slowly raised his head to listen to the sounds more clearly and groaned as he decided to roll out of bed to answer the door.

"Be right there" he said, while yawning and stretching out his still tired muscles. He opened the door and greeted the bright sun that blasted his eyes with sunlight.

"Yeah, can I help y-" Lee was interrupted when he realized that there were two royal soldiers covered in armor standing before him. Confused and uncertain on their sudden appearance, Lee simply said nothing and waited for one of the soldiers to speak. The light-furred pony cleared his throat and spoke first, magically making a scroll appear and unrolling it to read it to Lee.

"Mister Lee, you are hereby requested by the Princesses of Equestria, Celestia and Luna respectively, to appear before them in the royal castle of Canterlot at once. They await your presence in the royal throne room and request that you come within the hour" 

Lee could say nothing to the words he just heard at first. After a bit, he managed to muster a question to the soldiers.

"Okay, that sounds... great and everything, but what do the princesses want to see ME for?"

The dark furred pony then spoke and answered his question.

"We do not know. We were simply ordered to deliver this message to you, nothing more. But I am certain that all will be answered once the princesses have spoken to you. Nonetheless, do we and the princesses have your word that you'll be at Canterlot within the hour?"

Lee simple looked to the ground and pondered about what he should do. He has never met the princesses in person, and has never given a reason to speak with them either, so why do they wish to speak with him now? Is there more to this meeting than meets the eye? Lee decided the only way to answer these questions was to speak with them about it.

"Alright, I'll be there. I just give me some time to... get ready. Is that alright?"

"Very well. We shall tell the princesses to expect you and we implore you not to be late for this meeting"

Both ponies bowed to Lee and quickly flew off and back towards Canterlot. Lee watched as the soldiers flew off and glanced towards the castle for a minute, wondering what he should do to prepare for this meeting. Lee then trotted off towards town when he came up with an idea and decided to consult an "expert" on this situation.


Lee came to the foot of a grand and very crystalline looking castle and knocked on the large doors in front of him. The first thing he heard when he knocked was the sound of something hitting the floor hard and somepony answering loudly.

"Just a moment. Be right there!" Lee stood at the door for another minute, impatiently wondering if the pony inside was ever going to answer the door. He was ready to knock again when the door opened and a purple alicorn pony, known as Princess Twilight Sparkle to many ponies, stood before him smiling and struggling to catch her breath at the same time.

"So sorry about the wait. I literally had a million other things to do at once and just needed time to tidy up. Heh heh, anyway, can I help you?"

"Yes, you're Princess Twilight right? My name's Lee and I was wondering if I could ask you something?"

"Hmm, Lee? I don't think I recognize your name. Are you new in town?"

"Yeah, I just moved in about a week ago actually and this is a very nice town, very peaceful and tranquil... b-but enough about that. I was actually hoping you could help me with a 'situation' that I'm having"

"Of course, I'd be glad to help you out. Go ahead and tell me what's troubling you."

"Well you see, I just got this... summons from the princesses up at Canterlot and they said that they wish to speak with me in person within the hour. I was wondering, since you're a princess as well and all, that you could-"

Lee was interrupted when he saw that Twilight had sort of frozen in place and that her jaw was hanging down, which confused Lee.

" W-wait, y-you've been summoned by Princess Celestia and Luna?! What in the name of Equestria could they want? Is everything okay with them?" Twilight started pacing around and talking to herself, which only made Lee panic as he tried to calm her down. 

"L-look, all I know is that they want to talk to me, that's all. I was just hoping you could help me by... I don't know helping me talk with them"

Twilight calmed down and looked at Lee and suddenly a nervous smile appeared on her face.

"Oh, heh, right. I figured it was something simple as that, how silly of me to think otherwise. In any case, I'd be glad to assist you and, if you want, I'd even be willing to accompany you to the castle if that would help you feel better"

"Wow, you'd do that for me? Well, it would definitely help to have some company while I talk with them. Thank you Princess Twilight."

"Oh no worries, it's no trouble at all. Besides, I'm sure that it'll be fun to help you out and maybe I could even talk with them myself! Just give me a minute to get ready!"

Twilight rushed back inside and started gathering important items and putting them in her bags. Lee noticed that Twilight was talking to herself again and stumbled around a lot as she rushed about, but this only made Lee smile at her strange behavior.

"Okay, I think I have everything I need. We should get going if you don't want to be late"

"Right, let's go"

Lee and Twilight flew off and soared through the endless sea of clouds as they made their way towards the royal castle of Canterlot. As the two of them were flying, Lee noticed a bunch of other pegasus ponies flying by or relaxing on the clouds, with a couple of them waving at Lee and smiling happily at him, which he happily returned. Twilight called to Lee and turned his attention to her.

"Alright Lee, before we get to the castle, we should practice how you should speak to the princesses. Now tell me, how would you greet them? Your highnesses or your majesties?"

"Uhh, hello princesses?"

Twilight stopped dead in her tracks and faced Lee. 

"What?! Are you crazy?! They'll throw you into the darkest dungeon they can find for speaking so informally to them!"

Twilight stopped talking when she noticed the sheer dread and nervousness in Lee's expression. She laughed nervously and stepped back from him.

"Heh heh, I'm so sorry Lee. I didn't mean to frighten you"

Lee sighed as they continued flying towards the castle.

"I don't know if I can do this, Twilight. You and I both know that I don't belong in a place like Canterlot and I'm afraid that the princesses just... won't like me."

"Oh, that's nonsense Lee. You got nothing to be afraid of, and I know Celestia and Luna like and care for everypony, so I'm certain you'll be no different. The most important thing to remember is to just be yourself... and not getting yourself thrown into the previously mentioned darkest dungeon" Twilight laughed nervously once more, which only made Lee more nervous.

"Heh, I'll keep that in mind"


Lee and Twilight finally reached Canterlot and landed next to the front gates. As Lee and Twilight approached the gates, two guards barred their way and looked down at the two of them.

"Princess Twilight, how wonderful to see you again. Hmm, I don't recognize this stranger next to you, however. State your name and business here at once!"

Lee cleared his throat to speak.

"My name's Lee and I'm here to speak with the princesses." 

The two guards looked Lee over and then looked at each other... only to begin laughing. Lee was confused as to why they were laughing.

"Y-you?! Well, unless you're here to apply for the court jester, I can't possibly see what they would want with YOU." The guards continued laughing until Twilight stepped forward and stood between Lee and the guards.

"Hey, that's enough out of you two! He's my friend and my guest and I won't have you two making fun of him, I sure won't. Now, please apologize to my friend and let us through, or I will personally tell Celestia how poorly mannered you two are being. We'll see just how 'funny' she finds this."

Twilight glared at the two guards and they quickly and nervously stood aside to let them through.

"W-we apologize for our behavior, Mister Lee. Please head on inside and have a wonderful day!

"That's what I thought. Come on Lee, let's not keep Celestia and Luna waiting"

Lee and Twilight passed the guards and the gates and made their way inside. The entrance hall was a very busy and bustling area, with many dignified ponies dressed in formal attire going to all sorts of meetings and business arrangements. Twilight made her way to a waiting area off to the side of the hall and sat down on the couch.

"Alright Lee, I think its best if you talk with Celestia and Luna alone. I'm sure they'll have a lot to discuss with you in private."

"You sure I should go in alone? I really don't know what I should say to them."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be just fine. Just remember what I said: Be yourself. You do that and everything will be okay, I promise."

"Right... Thank you Twilight. Now, can you tell me how I find the throne room?"

"Oh, that's easy. You just take the main hall here, then you take a left, then a right and then take another right and it'll be the third door on the right side. The door will have a big sun painted around it so it should be easy to find. Anyway, you should get going, but don't worry, I'll be here when you're finished and you can tell me all about it."

"Uhh, right. I'll see you later then"

Lee made his way down the hall and came to an intersection, only to be confused by which way he should go, especially with Twilight's vague directions being of no help. He then decided to just keep going forward.

After walking the halls for sometime, and passing by other ponies who were whispering things to themselves as they passed Lee, he simply stopped and became worried that he wouldn't make it to his meeting in time.

"Man, how am I supposed to find anything in this castle without a map? I'm gonna be late and who knows what the princesses will do if I am"

As Lee wondered where to go, he started hearing voices around him but nopony appeared to be around him.

"Be careful with those books, sister. We need to get them to library as quickly as possible."

"Well, it'd be easier if you helped me carry some of them. My back is killing me."

Suddenly, Lee fell to the floor as something hard struck him in the head, making him hold his head in pain. Two tall ponies then dropped to the floor, one with white fur and the other with dark fur, and looked at Lee with concern.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to drop that book on your head, honest I didn't!"

Lee looked at the dark-furred pony, who had a very blue and starry mane, before him and quickly stood back up and retrieved the book.

"Ah, it's okay. I should've worn a helmet is all. But I'm fine, don't worry about it."

The white-furred pony beside her stepped forward and approached him, with her long and multi-colored mane blowing in the breeze.

"Please forgive my sister's incident. We were simply taking these books to the library so that they'll be kept in better condition."

"It's okay, no worries really. I was just trying to find my way to a meeting and I got turned around I guess."

"Oh, are you lost? Well, the least we can do to make it up to you is help you find your way around. Where is this meeting supposed to be?" The white-furred pony asked politely.

"I'm supposed to go to the royal throne room. You see, I'm supposed to be meeting with Princess Celestia and Luna and I'd hate to be late for such an important meeting"

The two sisters then looked at each other for a second and smiled, which only confused Lee. 

"I suspect that they aren't far" Both of them laughed and Lee remained confused as to what was going on. And then, after a moment more of confusion, he finally realized what they meant.

"W-wait a minute... What? You two are..."

"Princess Celestia" The white-furred pony bowed her head.

"And Princess Luna" The dark-furred pony didn't bow, however, due to the weight of the books that still occupied her back.

Lee immediately bowed to them and nervously started panicking.

"O-oh, p-princesses, please forgive my stupidity for not knowing who you are. I am so sorry."

Celestia laughed as she looked at Lee with concern once more, trying to ease his worries.

"No need to worry, heh heh besides, we should be ones apologizing to you for dropping a book on your head. You are Lee, correct? We have been expecting you, and we're so happy to finally meet you in person."

Luna struggled with the books and found it difficult to speak. "Y-yes quite excited, but there is an important matter we wish to discuss with you and I recommend we go at once before my legs lose feeling. May we please?"

"Of course, sister. Follow us if you would please, Lee" Celestia led the way as the three of them walked down the halls, with Lee noticing all the other ponies around him whispering and wondering why he was with Celestia and Luna. Lee then turned his attention to Princess Luna, who continued to struggle carrying the books on her back and Lee decided to help her out.

"Umm, Princess Luna, I can carry some of those books for you if you want."

"Oh, would you? That's so kind of you to ask, thank you. Thank you very much, Lee"

Luna levitated half of the books off of her back and placed them on Lee's. The removed weight helped Luna stand up straight once more and helped her feel less in pain.

"Oh, that feels so much better. Thank you for helping me Lee, I really do appreciate it. As you can probably tell, my sister here isn't too fond of heavy lifting."

"Preposterous, dear sister. I'll have you know earlier today I carried a whole chocolate cake into the dining room"

"Yes, which you then proceeded to devour within the hour of arrival"

The two sisters laughed together, with Lee nervously smiling along with them, as he was still unsure as to why they wanted to speak with him.


Lee and the princesses entered a room with the words 'Library' written above the door. The three of them entered and Celestia closed the door behind them. It was a darkly lit room with many rows of bookshelves, a desk in the corner and a large window which overlooked the courtyard below.

"Wait, why are we in the library? I thought we'd be meeting in the throne room"

"Well, we thought this would be a more... casual spot to speak and where we could also speak with you without interruptions." Celestia pulled up a chair and asked Lee to sit down, which he did.

"I'll go get us some food in case we get hungry. Luna, will you stay and keep him company while I'm gone?"

"Of course, sister. I have to put these books away anyway, so we'll be here when you return."

Celestia left the room and Luna started placing books on the shelf, which Lee helped with.

"So Lee, since we have a moment to talk, tell me about yourself."

"Me? Well, there's not much to tell to be honest. I've been in Ponyville for a week, don't really have any friends yet, and... I don't know, I like taking naps and walking the streets. That's all I can think of really, sorry."

"Quite alright. Heh heh, I also like taking naps, since you know, I can't really sleep during the night. But what of your family? Surely you have some right?"

Lee immediately stopped what he was doing and stared blankly into space.

"Uhh... right. My... family"

Thankfully, Celestia reentered the room before Lee could finish his sentence. Celestia sat a tray with a steaming tea kettle and several slices of donut cake on the desk and filled three teacups with the freshly brewed and still sizzling tea. Lee sat down at the desk once more and Luna stood behind him as she sipped her tea and took a bite out of her cake. Celestia slid a teacup and a piece of cake towards Lee, but he didn't touch it and simply stared at his own reflection in the tea, making Luna look at Lee with concern.

"Aren't you going to eat, Lee? You must be hungry"

"I'm sorry princesses, I don't mean to be rude, but could one of you tell why I'm here please?"

Celestia sipped her tea and calmly sat it back down and paced the room.

"Very well. Hmm, where to begin?"

Luna spoke first before Celestia could begin. 

"The reason we summoned you here is because we were hoping you could help us with a certain... well lets say project shall we?"

"Project? What project?" Lee asked.

"Well, the other day, me and Luna were discussing whether or not we were doing an adequate job of being princesses and the protectors of Equestria. And then I wondered: Is there a way to know for sure?"

"Yes, and then an idea came to me. What if we hired somepony to study our meetings and our duties and have them see if we were doing things right. Celestia and I could then learn from their point of view and see how we could improve upon the results."

"But then we realized, it couldn't be just anypony, especially anypony who are like the dignitary and important ponies who roam this castle everyday. So I and Luna decided to hire somepony who has never interacted with us before. And that's where you came into the picture."

"We looked at the records for Ponyville and saw that you were the latest pony to move in. You were a perfect fit." 

"So now, here we are, and all we have is a simple question for you: Will you help us?" Celestia and Luna both stood before him now and waited for him to answer.

Lee took a moment to take all this information in and just sat speechless.

"O-okay hold on, let me get this straight: You want me to "study" you two... to see if you're doing a good job at being princesses?"

"Yes, exactly. You would be our personal guest and you would travel with us to wherever we go in the castle. You'd get your own personal room here in the castle and we'll both make sure everything stays well for your stay here." Luna answered.

"But I don't get it. Why me? I'm a nobody and I don't know anything about the two of you. How in the world am I supposed to do this if I don't know what I'm doing?"

"Lee, that's exactly why we chose you. There's nothing more concrete than the perspective of somepony who is simply... normal. You're not learning from us, we'd be learning from you and your experiences" Celestia assured him by nodding her head in agreement.

Luna then stepped forward and placed a hoof to his side.

"Lee, listen to me. If this is too much for you, just say the word and we'll call this whole thing off. There will be no grief from us if you do, we promise. Right sister?"

"Of course. We will understand if you choose to say no"

Lee looked to the floor and pondered on what he should do. He knew that he knew nothing about Celestia and Luna nor do they know anything about, but at the same time, couldn't bring himself to deny their request. Maybe he could indeed learn something from this job and find some enjoyment out of it by interacting with the princesses.

"Alright... I do it. You can count on me"

Celestia and Luna both smiled happily and both shook hooves with Lee.

"Thank you Lee! Thank you for agreeing to do this for us. And don't you worry, we promise that this will all go smoothly" 

"Thank you both for offering me this opportunity, princesses." Lee bowed to them once more, only for Luna to tell him that he didn't need to do that anymore.

"No need to be so formal with us anymore. We're going to be spending a lot of time together and we want you to be comfortable around us, so no more bowing and please call us by our names, okay?"

Lee laughed as he looked at the two of them again.

"Very well... Luna, Celestia."

"Now that were done, we'll bring you back to the entrance hall and bid you farewell. Please return to castle tomorrow morning and we'll both be waiting for you in the dining hall"

"I'll be here. You have my word"


The three of them returned to the entrance hall and Lee noticed that Twilight was still sitting on the couch in the waiting room... at least that's what it looked like to Lee. Upon closer inspection, Lee saw that Twilight was actually sound asleep now, complete with her sprawled out on the couch, snoring loudly and drooling onto the carpet.

"Oh, Twilight's still here? I thought she would have gone back by now. How long was that meeting?"

Luna consulted the clock on the wall behind her.

"About two hours. She must have fallen asleep while she was waiting for you"

"Heh heh, did you come here with her? I'm not surprised she decided to accompany you given the circumstances." Celestia laughed a little as she moved over to Twilight and shook her softly to make her wake up. Twilight snorted a second before she opened her eyes and bolted out of the couch to face Lee, who was standing next to her.

"Oh, hey Lee. I was wondering when you were going to be done, but I just closed my eyes a bit, I swear. So tell me, how did your meeting with Celestia and Luna go?"

Celestia stepped forward, making Twilight immediately bow on the spot.

"I'd say it went very well. Lee here has just agreed to stay here in the castle with us and assist us with our duties."

Twilight jumped about gleefully at the news and looked at Lee.

"Oh wow, that's wonderful to hear, Lee. And here I was worried they were going to throw you into the darkest dungeon they could find." Twilight opened her eyes and looked around the room and saw nothing but horrified/confused looks aimed at her.

"Heh heh, oh look is that the time? I should really get going" Twilight quickly rushed out the door and flew off into the skies.

Celestia sighed as she saw Twilight leave. "Twilight's always the one to jump to conclusions. You didn't honestly think we would do something so horrible, did you?" she asked.

"Uhh, no of course not. Heh heh"

"Well, this is where we say goodbye, Lee. Remember to be here early tomorrow and to meet us in the dining hall. We really look forward to working with you"

"Goodbye Lee and thank you again helping us out. I and Luna can't wait to see you tomorrow and help you settle in" Celestia then smiled happily.

"Yeah, and I look forward to it as well. I'll see you two tomorrow, I guess"

Lee shook hooves with Celestia and Luna one more time before they waved goodbye to him and Lee turned to the gates to leave. Lee breathed in the fresh air and looked back at the castle he was about to become a temporary occupant of.

"Well, hope I don't disappoint. This'll be... interesting to say the least"

Lee flew off into the clouds and back to his house, uncertain of the events that were about to unfold...


A/N: Well, it's finally done. My first MLP fanfic and its all about Celestia and Luna of course. Hope everypony enjoys reading it and I hope you let me know what you think of it.

Edited by DivineFear1000
  • Brohoof 9
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I think it is very good. I would love to read Chapter 2. I had a few questions while reading: 1) Why didn't the Princess move and drag the magic books ? 2) Why Princess chose a pony from Ponyville, not from another? ( if it appears in the course of the story, please do not spoiler).I may have missed something, if so, I'm sorry.In General, it turned out well.                                                   

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5 hours ago, Opal said:

I think it is very good. I would love to read Chapter 2. I had a few questions while reading: 1) Why didn't the Princess move and drag the magic books ? 2) Why Princess chose a pony from Ponyville, not from another? ( if it appears in the course of the story, please do not spoiler).I may have missed something, if so, I'm sorry.In General, it turned out well.                                                   

Question 1: I just thought it'd be a more humorous way to introduce the princesses in the story! First interaction: They dropped a book on his head, hehe.

Question 2: Yeah, there is more to it than that, so I can't tell you. You'll just have to wait and see what happens 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's good I have to say. :) Easy to read, easy to follow and the story is quite interesting. :darling:

Sounds promising; Nice work so far! :mlp_yeehaa:

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3 minutes ago, Rikifive said:

It's good I have to say. :) Easy to read, easy to follow and the story is quite interesting. :darling:

Sounds promising; Nice work so far! :mlp_yeehaa:

Thank you for reading it, my friend! Chapter 2 is available as well if you're interested in reading that!

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16 minutes ago, DivineLight1000 said:

Thank you for reading it, my friend! Chapter 2 is available as well if you're interested in reading that!

Yep, I saw it; Will get to it sometime soon. :fluttershy:

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  • 1 year later...

awesome i love this story, 

plenty of chapters to read




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