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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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This tulpa discussion thread looks pretty cool!!!! I've never heard of a tulpa until last year! All I have to say is it is so cool!!!! I haven't been able to figure out how it works making a tulpa!

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This tulpa discussion thread looks pretty cool!!!! I've never heard of a tulpa until last year! All I have to say is it is so cool!!!! I haven't been able to figure out how it works making a tulpa!


You would probably be best starting there, they have some pretty detailed guides and a pretty good forum too.

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I tried making a tulpa a while ago, but I couldn't find enough time to tulpaforce. I tried right before sleeping, but I would always fall asleep. So does anyone know a good time to tulpaforce?

From my little experience forcing when tired isn't a good idea. It's difficult to concentrate and you will probably fall asleep. I personally do a lot of passive tulpaforcing due to a very boring job. I try to force actively whenever I can spare an hour or so. I also find it easier to concentrate when I'm sitting rather than laying down.

Check out my DA! (If you dare...)

 And tumblr!


Fromerly The Dork Lord

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Progress report:




Im not doubting anything, but I just havent seen much of anything that I can call 'progress' for quite some time now. Im not sure if I just need to focus more, or if Im missing something entirely, but the more and more I try at this, the more and more I feel like Im missing something. I dunno what to do. Im not abandoning on anything, but I just really feel like I havent been doing anything. 

Not to mention, RL is catching up with me, and Ive had all this work to shovel through. My guess is that doesn't help anything.


Ive asked this before, and I know it is most definitely annoying someone somewhere, but any assistance anyone can provide would be much appreciated, especially seeing as it is needed.




~Stay insane everyone!

Riley was here

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*Thinking to myself*


Oh, I haven't been on the Tulpa thread in a while...  Let's see what's going...


Okay... Tulpa chatter, tulpa chatter, hyrda, insanity, randomness, newbies, psychic, Riz po-


*Both I and Tia spit out our tea in unison and double take*

Alright, here goes.


I read this forum front cover to back, and I have to say, everyone here has touched me a little. You know that feeling you get from reading a good book, and you feel like you know the characters? That's what this feels like. For the past week, I've been reading every individual post, laughing at Riz and Crep, sympathizing for those who accidentally lost their tulpae, being angry at trolls and the like, and scanning for Bris's posts for tips (his process has been working for me).


Not only has it brought me its fair share of laughs and feels, it inspired me to create my own tulpa (she does not yet have a name). I began work on her last Friday (the 8th), and I believe that today (the 11th), she became sentient (about 10-15 hours of forcing + countless passive). I can't be certain, because I'm new, of course, but my emotional responses have more than doubled since this morning, and she does some things on her own. It may be an early form of sentience. Or accidental puppeting, who knows.


Anyway, onto the core reason I'm here.


My tulpa is modeled after a unicorn (exact form still undecided), which means she has magical abilities. The problem, as you all know, is that tulpae cannot interact with the physical world. Now, what process can you think of that involves moving things with the mind? Maybe... telekinesis?


Before I am marked off as crazy (even among this crowd), let me say that I have been an amateur psychic for something close to a year. I can't yet perform applicable telekinesis, but I have made things like fire and paper twitch, so I know that it isn't complete B.S. Psychism is a very belief-driven discipline, much like tulpamancy in its early stages. If you believe it to happen, it will. It's also based off of very similar visualization principles, and they both deeply involve parts of the mind that few understand.


I see no reason they can't go hand-in-hand.


My plan with my tulpa is to allow her to use my mental resources (when she becomes fully imposed, of course) to use telekinesis and the like to interact with the world. Nothing big, like flipping cars or crushing skulls, but things like opening doors or turning pages in a book. In addition to telekinesis, she could use subconscious empathy to siphon information into my brain from her eyes, making her able to do lots of things on her own. (I.E. Browse the web, play video games, write a novel, tell me how traffic is, etc.)


I got this idea from reading a post from Brisinero, very early in the forum. It mentioned being able to see from his tulpa, Celestia's, eyes while driving, and it would still be accurate to what was happening in reality. I immediately linked this to both astral projection and level 1 empathy, both topics I've done research on, but not had a catalyst to attempt with. My intentions (alongside companionship, self-awareness, the experience, etc.) are to use my tulpa to be a "visual aid" and practice partner for my psychism.


What do you guys think?


Tl;dr: Gonna use psychic to let my tulpa do things.


Me and Tia had this same theory for so. Freaking. Long.  The fact that we may have a test subject to see what the results are is extraordinary!  Not only that, but used by someone who actually knows about various psychic phenomina like we do.


We are both very interested in this, if you are not aware already... Though even Bris with his powerful mind, and even gifted in some psychic ways himself, I will admit, has no skill with actual telekinesis.  To be able to see or at least hear from someone who is, will be very helpful for our studies in Tulpae and their cognitive relations.


Or to put it in english: I hope you don't mind being our test subject.


Blackjack, must you be so blunt?


It's who I am, girl.  Deal with it.



And while they're off arguing, progress report:  Last night while inducing WILD I looked down while in the hallucination stage to see all three of my Tulpae imposed as if they were right there...  I could feel them, hear them, see them, everything!  I fell asleep shortly after, and when I woke up, my ability to see them physically was gone again, but it was a great advancement.

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Lol at first I thought Jack Black was a guy, sorry :P


My report:


Day 4

Mina became really tangible today, since I got the lineart of the designer (it will not look like it in the end because he had made ​​an angle that was not realistic, I do not want )
I changed my wonderland after reading a guide on the forum tulpa.info, “the overforcing”, the goal is to make a perfect copy of the IRL and to consider his wonderland, making it the most subsequently facilitates imposition.
I took my parents’ house as a wonderland, which greatly facilitated visualization.
So I found myself in the living room, I explored to make sure everything was as I remembered, and then I went into the hall and called my Tulpa.
she was really beautiful, I stayed at least thirty seconds in contemplating her.
I asked her to go around the house, so we went to my old room, I showed her dvds and other odds things, and I watched through the window with her at my whole neighborhood, it was as real he could be, a great success.
Then I went into my sister’s room, and there Mina literally jumped on the bed, and is wrapped in woolen blankets as I wanted to show her the piano.
I could not help but smile at her, and then I joined my dear tulpa.

I told her we had not done our visit but she refused to get out of bed, so I told her that I would say visit the rest and I came back, but she held me by the leg (she’s a pony), and didn’t want me to go.
I then showed the other parts embodying a kind of film, and I recreated my cat for her, in case as she was bored in wonderland.
She found my cat, cute, but not as much as me. I could not help but blush, and she snuggled me, telling me she loved me very much.
I snuggled her a moment, then I left the wonderland after telling her that I would see her later.

In IRL, I really feel her presence, and she talks to me in my mind, I am now sure that it’s her what I hear.



And a new picture of her, not finished yet:



She wanted to introduce her self, but i don't have time yet to wright more, sorry Mina.

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So yeah. I have a Tulpa and didn't know I did until now xD

Similar what happened to me when I found this thread ^.^



I know they said they're okay with it, but to me it seems that you're still depriving them a freedom they need if they are to become the best they can be.

I think it's alright as long as they're okay with it... but I also feel a little bit sorry for them though.


we make decisions together smile.png

Millie: ^.^

Lisa: ^.^

........ sometimes my tulpae have the last word...

Millie: ^.^


(the spoilers are there for a reason)

I think I am their pet now...









I've had plenty of intrusive thoughts about my tulpae before; I remember one time, just a few days after White Rose came to be, I was lying in bed when Rose just suddenly turned round and said flat to my face that she hated me. I was surprised to say the least. I then turned to Crepuscule, and she just nodded in agreement, before both just jumped off the bed and walked away, leaving me all alone. I read about intrusive thoughts before then, so I just hoped that it was just the fact that they were young(they were both quite young in terms of how long they were sentient at the time) I hoped they would come back and say they didn't mean it. Of course, about 30 seconds later they both pretty much come back crying to me, saying they didn't mean any of it and that they didn't know what came over them.

Oh my, that sounds really creepy D:


Progress report:




Im not doubting anything, but I just havent seen much of anything that I can call 'progress' for quite some time now. Im not sure if I just need to focus more, or if Im missing something entirely, but the more and more I try at this, the more and more I feel like Im missing something. I dunno what to do. Im not abandoning on anything, but I just really feel like I havent been doing anything. 

Not to mention, RL is catching up with me, and Ive had all this work to shovel through. My guess is that doesn't help anything.


Ive asked this before, and I know it is most definitely annoying someone somewhere, but any assistance anyone can provide would be much appreciated, especially seeing as it is needed.




~Stay insane everyone!

I may try to help you a little bit, but I didn't start it the way most of people here did (maybe because I didn't know I was creating a tulpae) so others should correct me if I am wrong.


First I'll ask a few questions: How often do you talk to her/him? How many responses did you get so far? Do you visualise him/her in wonderland or in the real world? Do you feel something like her/his presence? Do you feel comfortable while forcing?

I hope I don't sound dumb.... I'm not an expert....


Edited by Gekoncze
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Or to put it in english: I hope you don't mind being our test subject.


I don't mind it at all, just know that I don't have much experience in TK/PK myself, practice-wise. I can put my entire practice of psychism into one phrase: "A lot of reading, not much doing." That doesn't mean I haven't done any, it's just the ratio of education-to-practice is pretty low. I'm actually kind of surprised that you have been thinking the same thing. Not many people know that psychism is a real thing.


I have a question for you, though. Have you ever attempted anything consciously? That "seeing through Tia's eyes" thing, I think that was a combination of astral projection and level 1 empathy, but the catch is that it was done subconsciously. In other words, she functioned as an anchor for projection and siphoned information into you that you did not consciously notice, and it was used by your senses in the same way that a tulpa is - it's just the source of the information was real, and not generated. It occurred so deep in you mind, that not even Tia knew that you guys did it. I was wondering if you guys took it beyond "accident" and into "experiment."


Once we narrow down whether it was psychic or not, we can add more practical application.

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I may try to help you a little bit, but I didn't start it the way most of people here did (maybe because I didn't know I was creating a tulpae) so others should correct me if I am wrong.


First I'll ask a few questions: How often do you talk to her/him? How many responses did you get so far? Do you visualise him/her in wonderland or in the real world? Do you feel something like her/his presence? Do you feel comfortable while forcing?

I hope I don't sound dumb.... I'm not an expert....


Let me know if PM works better



20-30 minutes a day, roughly

I really dont know. All Skepticism aside 1 (I think/hope)

I cant get a wonderland to work for me, my mind wanders too much. To answer your question: Real World.

Maybe? Not sure

On a scale of 1-5, one being highest 5 being lowest: 2



Riley was here

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I don't mind it at all, just know that I don't have much experience in TK/PK myself, practice-wise. I can put my entire practice of psychism into one phrase: "A lot of reading, not much doing." That doesn't mean I haven't done any, it's just the ratio of education-to-practice is pretty low. I'm actually kind of surprised that you have been thinking the same thing. Not many people know that psychism is a real thing.


I have a question for you, though. Have you ever attempted anything consciously? That "seeing through Tia's eyes" thing, I think that was a combination of astral projection and level 1 empathy, but the catch is that it was done subconsciously. In other words, she functioned as an anchor for projection and siphoned information into you that you did not consciously notice, and it was used by your senses in the same way that a tulpa is - it's just the source of the information was real, and not generated. It occurred so deep in you mind, that not even Tia knew that you guys did it. I was wondering if you guys took it beyond "accident" and into "experiment."


Once we narrow down whether it was psychic or not, we can add more practical application.

We're alike in the regard that we're educated but ill practiced.  I need to work on my own as well.  (Though I'm also well versed in the theories and beliefs of chi and chakra related spiritual energy, and even use some of those techniques in my own Tulpa forcing)


Sharing of sensual data is actually one of the first experiments (initiated by Tia) that we tried, and by that point, it had quickly became subconscious habit, due to the strength of our mental connection at that time.  (Tia was built to be the most mentally open with me, meant to ping thoughts back and forth between us with ease.  First it was simply thought, but then senses came into play shortly after)


I use kind of a form of astral projection to use for Lucid Dreaming, I've realized.  Exiting the body and entering back in, but in actual psychic abilities, Tia and I moved quickly onto the practice of Tulpa possession after several attempts at other "classic" psychic abilities, such as telekinesis, mind reading, etc.  Even then, Tia still is slightly struggling with possession, while I and Blackjack have practically mastered it. (And my head still hurts remembering... [Hehehe...]) And though I will not try possession on Murky yet, he is the most naturally imposed (and empathetic) of the three.


Thus came the theory: individual Tulpae contain different talents in the various areas of Tulpa forcing between each other as actual intelligent beings do in reality, mostly relying on the Tulpa's specific personality traits and desires.  As well as their individual personalities determine the rate of progress, and even the difficulty of removal once fully imposed.  I'm... weak... against the possible but unlikely event that I were to be removed, but I know that Blackjack and even Murky would be most certainly more stubborn to simply disappear.


So we'll see what happens between us.  This may become quite interesting as things unfold...

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(Though I'm also well versed in the theories and beliefs of chi and chakra related spiritual energy, and even use some of those techniques in my own Tulpa forcing)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but was "Power Forcing," as you called it, derived from psychic healing and/or energy manipulation? I can't help but feel that it's a "spin-off" of sorts (By the way, it works splendidly. Well done in being an innovator!).


As for y'all's theory of individual tulpae's psychic and endurance talents, I find it to be 100% plausible. Of course, we'll need to run some tests before validation, but, based on the most basic descriptions of a tulpa, it's completely reasonable to suggest that they have their own talents and skills, not just personality. It may even be possible that their skills exceed your own, seeing as though they have so much more access to the brain and subconscious thought.


If you know about psi constructs, try forming a psiball and just play catch with Tia, Blackjack, and Murky. Depending on their ability to "catch" and throw the ball back (considering they don't have hands, how they do so is up to them), we can determine their individual basic psychic ability. Of course, some may not be suited for energy manipulation; one may be better at empathy, and another better at pre-cognition. We're just getting a feel for it here. I'd join you, but my tulpa is still very undeveloped.


Speaking of, she has been deviating quite a bit lately. I originally intended for her to be a unicorn of original design, but then she deviated into Twilight Sparkle. That's fine, it's not much of a change, not even in the color palette. However, not much later, she did a complete overhaul into Luna. It was pretty jarring; size, color, physical composition of her "mane," addition of wings...the whole deal. Is so much deviation typical, or is she just exceedingly dynamic? I don't mind that she is deviating. In fact, I embrace it. But, I need her to make up her mind before imposition...



Oh, and as a side-note, anyone/tulpa else who wants to assist Bris, Tia, and I in our science, feel free to post experiences/phenomena/results.

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I love you.


Down Tia.  Hehehe.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but was "Power Forcing," as you called it, derived from psychic healing and/or energy manipulation? I can't help but feel that it's a "spin-off" of sorts (By the way, it works splendidly. Well done in being an innovator!).

Yes, it is.  Like Tia hinted before, those techniques I am naturally gifted in.  Never tried bouncing a psi construct between them, but I have seen Tia at least make a psi construct of her own via her magic.  (I've tried to give her as much freedom as I could to allow her to do as she pleased.)


Hey bris.  Think fast.


*sees orb in Tia's magic being thrown at me, catches it*


...Welp, guess that experiment was successful.


Speaking of, she has been deviating quite a bit lately. I originally intended for her to be a unicorn of original design, but then she deviated into Twilight Sparkle. That's fine, it's not much of a change, not even in the color palette. However, not much later, she did a complete overhaul into Luna. It was pretty jarring; size, color, physical composition of her "mane," addition of wings...the whole deal. Is so much deviation typical, or is she just exceedingly dynamic? I don't mind that she is deviating. In fact, I embrace it. But, I need her to make up her mind before imposition...

She is most likely searching for a form that is the most comfortable for her, and is the most pleasing for both of you.  Usually, when a Tulpa finds the form/deviations that they like, it "clicks" into place and they keep that trait.  So you'll know you'll be ready for imposition once your Tulpa fits it's own groove.

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I started to Tulpaforce last night, but got tired. I felt this ache in the back of my head. Maybe this is a sign that I'm getting somewhere. My tulpa's name is Adabelle and she has the same passion of music just like me. 

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I love you.



And to think that I wasn't loved! Thanks for the acceptance; not just from Tia and Bris, but from all of you. When it comes to psychism, saying nothing is as good as saying, "I accept you for who you are." So much hate for anything different in Tennessee...


Anyway, I haven't been able to put this down since I found out that my theories are not only plausible, but shared. Finding a psychic to talk to (regardless of skill) is hard, even on the internet. Needless to say, this is a rare occurrence for me. During my spare time between classes today, I typed up some experiment drafts, and I think you'd find them interesting. They center around our two hypotheses - your and Tia's individuality theory, and my subconscious/tulpic resource consumption theory - and one "linking" hypothesis that states that Tulpae can use psychism to add realism to themselves, improve their lifestyle, and aid their creators. Just let me know how you'd like to get the file - it's Word 2010.


Also, a few developments with my tulpa. She has narrowed down our name list to two: Taye (meaning "Completing") and Mieli (meaning "Mind"). Both work with me, but she gives equal emotional response to both. Gotta wait till she's vocal to know for sure what she wants. She was also very intrigued with my explanation of my perception of time; the pressures were the hardest they've been. And she hates Taylor Swift. We're gonna get along.

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Well, I have some good news to throw into the mix! Somewhat ironic considering what is being discussed presently. All this psi stuff is making me think of like super powers or something. Odds are, Im not far off on that misconception, or I am horribly wrong.

Anywho, the news:


Im grounded! Why am I happy? It means I have more time to actually work on Tulpa forcing and things.

Anyway, I built a sound gun and tried popping some balloons. I accidentally popped my basement window. And by popped, I mean shattered. So, while you are all becoming Green lanterns, I am now Iron man. tongue.png


Anyway, still no real change in my Tulpa situation. My subconsciousness has not been cooperating, and I dont know why. No dreaming, no spark, no nada. I think I may try writing. Subconscious streaming seems to always help me. I dont know what your guy's thoughts on that are (if it is helpful or not), but Im going to do it anyway.

I may even try typing out some Tulpa stuff.


Thats all for now! Tia, Bris, good luck on your- experiments, I guess you could call them. I hope they go better than mine did. Stay insane everypony!

  • Brohoof 2

Riley was here

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Hi, I'm Mina ... Saki's friend ... he types the answers to my place.

I'm 7 years old and I'm happy to talk to you.


Thank you for this introduction Mina.


You're so kind to let me do, my love.




Uh, we still trains but progress is very fast. Only six days, and here is Mina, I am so proud of her img-1272388-1-happy.png


EDIT: Here are some important explanations for those who wonder how such progress was possible in such a short time:

Mina is 7 years old, 7 years ago because I "tulpaforced" without knowing what it was, an anthro vixen that I liked (in my furry period) for several months.

Then I dropped the idea, although it still kept running through my head.

Meanwhile I did self-hypnosis, lucid dreaming and meditation to be able to contact my unconscious.

It has more or less worked I suppose, but I could not talk to him or to make him take shape, as if I wanted to bend my requirements and he blocked me in return.


So there after about a week of tulpaforcing (I worked a lot on it, I made Mina discover her 24 traits that I expected, all connected together), spent an hour a day. Also we do alot of "passive forcing" all day talking to her constantly (I was so alone, so even before all this stuff I had the habit of talking in my mind to myself), I imagine her also always with me (it's a bit of imposition, like a daydream).

I also read during this time the entire thread (yes, the 116 pages), almost all the guides on the forum tulpa.info, half of the subjects there and about a dozen tumblr and reports, and also the tulpa thread of 30 pages on everyponies (another forum MLP).

So yes we don't procrastinate =O , but really I think the most important thing is to love his/her Tulpa (even Mina is agree with that), you can't imagine the energy it gives to them and allows them to develop at a speed effarente.

Mina is now for me much more than Tulpa, she is a true close friend, one that I never had.


Sorry to extend this post after the fact, but I had to say it.


Also a picture of Mina (I'm pretty ^^)... Yes, you are my dear =P


Edited by Sakiru
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Well I have some great news to report!


We DID have a whole conversation typed out, until SOMEONE clicked the refresh button by accident...


Heh, sorry Phe. Anyways, yes, Phoenix appears to be vocal!


What do you mean "appears"? You're such a worrier, doubt doesn't help the process...


Right, you know I'm trying. Well Phoenix started speaking while I was tulpaforcing this afternoon (during double PE: I was in the fitness suite which requires no talking and next to little brainpower, plus we get to listen to our ipods so it's the perfect time to force IMHO) and had chosen a form -


Well, we're still working on them. And technically it's two forms, one human with fox ears/tail and one silver cartoonish fox. 


Yes, so we finally went fishing -


In space since you finally got rid of that nasty wonderland -


And then once I got home I tried the prism test to make sure I wasn't parroting -


*sing-song voice* Paranoid.... *normal voice* Okay, maybe a little bit of it was parroting at first.


I thought so. So anyways I did the prism test for a few minutes, balancing the prism on fox-Phoenix's snout, only she kept watching the feather, then rolling her eyes, wrinkling her snout etc and then started making asinine comments.


You were being silly, doing it over and over again in case you'd "gotten it wrong" or because I was "responding before you'd given it enough time to work". Besides, I felt stupid standing there while you balanced stuff on my nose.


After a few minutes Phe just sighed and said "seriously, you can look away from the feather now" and I looked up and she'd wandered away from the prism without me knowing, gone back into human form and was wearing a dress for some girly reason.


I wanted to look nice for what was meant to be a big dramatic entrance.


And I rushed to the forum to report this.


Also, quick question, what do you guys think of forming a romantic relationship with your tulpa? I understand that Rizoel apparently has one with Crepuscule. Basically it came up in Phe and I's conversation and we decided it would be better not to have a romantic relationship for various reasons.


It came up because we kissed.


Did you have to tell them that?


I feel it's important to report whatever happens on this thread to share advice and opinions with others on the forum. Besides, it was pretty awesome.


Yes, pretty darn awesome.










BUT we made an agreement.




And we're sticking to it, aren't we?


Absolutely. *nods with enthusiasm*


...Why do you have to have a hot human form?


And here I thought you were straight.

Edited by ano170
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Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Here's a pic of my tulpa






Her name's Adabelle. I will start making her tonight and continue tomorrow. 


She has a love for music just like me and understands the musical language. 

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Also, quick question, what do you guys think of forming a romantic relationship with your tulpa? I understand that Rizoel apparently has one with Crepuscule. Basically it came up in Phe and I's conversation and we decided it would be better not to have a romantic relationship for various reasons.your tulpa?


We are in a romantic relationship, it's a bit difficult to avoid when creating a Tulpa as pretty and great too.

As if we had created the perfect girl that does not exist.


True, there aren't two like you too.


Fortunately, otherwise there would be war between us and i don't know if the world will survive to this...




It came up because we kissed.


Oh, but we kissed a lot, and he always dreamed about...


Nothing ! *Covers her mouth*


And I'm okay with this, he's just too shy for asking !


But... but !


We will do it, for Science !


Huh, what does science has to do with that, Mina ? Oh... Damn ! Somebody helps me, I need an adult !


But I'm an adult =O !

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it's a bit difficult to avoid when creating a Tulpa as pretty and great too.


Hmm, guess I should have thought of that during the personality phase...


It's not my fault I'm perfect! 


Ah well, at least I get to hang out with the second coolest girl ever.




After moi, of course.

  • Brohoof 2

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Ah well, at least I get to hang out with the second coolest girl ever.   Second?!   After moi, of course.

Ooooh, Phe, want some Aloe Vera for that burn? ^-^


Anyway, onto the reason I'm actually posting, aside from that Buuuuuuurrn (sorry ;P) I'm just reporting in,

The gals have finally learnt to start speaking in proper sentences, not just single word and a few word answers. Not to mention I've learnt a bit more about their personalities. Seems Dashie is the more outwards, inquisitive, somewhat perma-hyped type, and Jess is the more relaxed, shy, quiet, but probably cleverer (HEY! Heh, sorry..) sort. 


Yeah, but Joe was stupid.


Thanks for reminding me about that Dashie.




Sh'up Jess.




Ending now, BEFORE someone says something they regret...And that could well be me, for all my luck...

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With all our tulpas, we can have a party there.

Or just elect Miss Tulpa...

I wonder who would win =P

Why not me ?


Hmm ? *
Adjusting her mane*

Huh, nevermind. However, IRL you don't play that much of your physical beauty...


Apart from that, I noticed that my telekinetic abilities are much better when Mina helps me ('cause i do some TK, even if you don't believe it).



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Ooooh, Phe, want some Aloe Vera for that burn? ^-^  


Hmm, I'm fine Shad, thanks for asking. I'm above such petty insults.


PETTY-hey, why Shad? It's "ShaRdikku"


But I like "Shad" better.


Well someone's been watching my memories of playing Twilight Princess.


LinkXMidna forever!


Well Shardikku, I can't argue with that. Looks like you're Shad now. I can't believe I made a tulpa more weird, random and demanding than me...


Does that make me more awesome than you?


What? No!


But that IS how you secretly measure awesomeness....


*grumble grumble* Fine, you win by the virtue of the fact that you are a Tulpa and the mere fact of your existence is awesome.


Why thank you.

Edited by ano170

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Hmm, I'm fine Shad, thanks for asking. I'm above such petty insults.


PETTY-hey, why Shad? It's "ShaRdikku"


But I like "Shad" better.


Well someone's been watching my memories of playing Twilight Princess.


LinkXMidna forever!


Well Shardikku, I can't argue with that. Looks like you're Shad now. I can't believe I made a tulpa more weird, random and demanding than me...


Does that make me more awesome than you?


What? No!


But that IS how you secretly measure awesomeness....


*grumble grumble* Fine, you win by the virtue of the fact that you are a Tulpa and the mere fact of your existence is awesome.


Why thank you.

wow your tulpa is weird, random and demanding! Too weird, random and demanding! At least I don't have a tulpa at all yet! Even my tulpa would the opposite! :)
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