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(lol Shank controls everything).


Charles made his way to dinner as he grabbed a small portion of spaghetti as well as his medication. If it wasn't for the medication, Charles' disorders would take huge affect. He'd like someone one day and hate them the next. He'd be sad then immediately happy. He was grateful he was in a mental hospital.

He sat down beside Aaron, slowly eating. As he finished, he took his medication. He drank the rest of the water, put up his tray, and made his way to the recreational room. Not a lot of people were there. He pulled up the ping long table to where one guy could play alone and got started. He was amazing at ping pong. You see, after he was shot, he was sent to a military hospital. That's when he picked up two things: painting and ping pong. He immediately got used to both and got quite good at them. As soon as he made it back home, he and his roommate at his house bought a ping pong table. Thing is, instead of paddles, they used paintbrushes. The ping pong table then became an abstract work of art.

Anyways, Charles continued playing ping pong alone. Almost automatically.

Edited by Pilot (Croaks)
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"I-I'll be righ back" said John as heexcusedhikself from the table. He made his way to the art room, worry and sorrow painted on his face as he said "Skylar?"

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Nurse Flo knocked on Emma's door, "Go away! I don't need you!" "It's dinner time Emma, you need to eat and take your medication." "Leave me alone!" "Emma, your getting punishment for leaving the therapy room, are you scared at all?" "Shut up, you don't even know how I feel," "I know that your upset and you blame your abusive father for all this, but sometimes you need to let it go," "Don't you ever mention anything about that bastard again! I FUCKING HATE HIM!!!" "Emma, I'm opening the door on the count of three," "Don't you-," "One," "Don't open it!" "Two," "I'm warning you!" "Three," Just like she said, Nurse Flo opened the door, she saw that the room was a mess, there were cracks in the walls, Emma's hair was a mess, and her fists were bleeding, Nurse Flo sighed and said "I'll talk to you after you eat and take your pills, wash yourself and go to the cafeteria." And so, Emma did.

Edited by Narutardedscum!!


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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Michelle's rouge lips locked with Andrea's soft light pink lips. Their porcelain skin melted into each other as they held each other. Michelle's tongue playfully crept into Andrea's mouth, to shyly introduce herself. Andrea's body floated onto Michelle's lap. Michelle smiled as she pulled out of the kiss. Andrea smiled and the girls rubbed noses. Michelle playfully nibbled Andrea's ear as she giggled and the two separated.


Aaron, who was sitting next to Charles, jumped out of his seat, "WOOAAH! This is so hot! You can't even buy for this kind of sexy! Why would anyone ever want to leave this place?" Aaron's face beamed as he glanced around the cafe for support. Some of the other male patients shook their heads at Aaron's naivety. Aaron blushed and sat back down silently. Charles smiled and patted him on the back.


Michelle laughed, in all the commotion John had gotten up and was making his way to the art hall. "Some men have no standards." Michelle got up, "Katie, Andrea, meet me in Katie's room. Five minutes." The girls shook their head in agreement. Michelle ran after John yet again, "John. You're being a bad friend, stop running off." Michelle winked and laughed playfully. "Come on. I wanna show you a great game." John gave Skylar a sorry look, but Michelle didn't take 'no' for an answer.


Aaron finished his food a little after Charles, and went looking for him in the rec room. "You play ping-pong?" Aaron asked nervously. "Yeah." Charles smiled. "Is it hard?" "It's easy once you get the hang of it. Don't tell me you've never played before?" Aaron blushed in embarrassment, "lots of people haven't." Charles laughed, "I can teach you if you want." Aaron smiled brightly, "you really would? Honest?" Charles shook his head. Aaron gasped and hugged Charles unexpectedly. "You're the best, Dad."


Michelle lead John to Katie's room, where Andrea and Katie were waiting. Michelle closed the door and pretended to swallow the key. John was nervous. "Relax." Michelle smiled, it was hard to believe she was the nasty girl everyone knew. Michelle pushed the two beds together and the four sat together. Michelle pulled out a tube of dark red lip stick. Michelle read the colour out loud, "true red. Well I guess they'd have to run out of creative names one day. Flo gave this to me as a present last year. Red's my favourite colour." Michelle smiled. "This is called the kissing game. Basically you apply some lipstick and we kiss each other, all over until the colour runs off. Then rise and repeat."


"Oh my God! You've never kissed a girl before!" John turned to see Michelle was talking to him, her lips freshly true red. Michelle leaned close to John as she ran her soft fingers through his. John felt his heart race. Michelle crept closer and closer, she pucker her lips. John was about to pull away, but it was too late. Michelle's lips were already painting his red. For a moment, John was back in his normal life; kissing a beautiful girl for the first time.


Snap back to reality whoops there goes gravity; John was kissing Michelle?! John quickly pushed her away, with more force than he planned. Michelle fell off the bed. "What are you doing?" "I-I've got to go." John stood up wiping the lipstick from his mouth. Michelle gasped in shock, "why don't you want to kiss me?" John turned away. "WHY DON'T YOU WANT TO FUCKING KISS ME?!" Michelle got up and cornered John, tears streaming down her face. John stayed silent. "You hate me." Michelle whispered. "My dad hated me too. That's why he tried to kill me." Michelle fell to the ground hiding her face, she hated people seeing her cry. "I'm sorry I am."

  • Brohoof 1

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As Emma washed her face in the restroom, she noticed that her eyes were swollen after crying for a long time, "Wow, I really look horrible, What am I doing? Punching concrete walls like that, my hands....they feel numb, I must really be pathetic. And I got myself into trouble today, if I have to go to solitary confinement, I'd be fine with that, I love being alone. It's the only way I can attain a time of peace without killing myself, Oh god please send me to solitary confinement!"


After eating dinner and taking her pills, Emma reported back to Nurse Flo in her office as directed.

Edited by Narutardedscum!!


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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As he entered the cafeteria, Sylvester continued to think about what he was gonna do about the imaginary friend situation, barely picking at whatever spaghetti he had left on his plate. He continued looking around the room, seeing that only after a few days, everyone has pick and chosen (or at least most have) their friends. He snorted, and continued eating until he saw Michelle approach Gale. He eyed the situation carefully until he saw the last thing he wanted Gale to do - join her at the table.


Vester never felt this angry before at any other person other than Michelle. He watched as he conversed with the girls, thinking about how they'll ruin his mind. Vester shook his head and thought, "Deals off buddy. I told you to be very fucking careful." Even though he hadn't finished his dinner, Sylvester drank his glass of water and left the cafeteria. He went over to Gale's room and waited to talk to him - he had a lot to speak about.


(Note to self: Find person to take place during RP when asleep. I could saved John! I think... >.>)

Edited by NeverNeverland


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John was concerned and nervous and frightened all at the same time, he looked at the ground, "I-I don't hate you michelle." he said as he wiped the red off his lips, "I don't know what to feel... This is all so new... I've never had anything like this happen before..." he knelt down and looked her in the eyes, "I am sorry for pushing you... I am sorry about what happened to you... and furthermore, I'm sorry if I hurt you emotionally. I don't hate you Michelle, but the way you betray others so easily... the way you seem so innocent yet you are dangerous... it makes it hard to trust, let alone like you.". He sighed and left the room, she most likely hated him now. He continued to the art room where he saw an upset Skylar. He coughed slightly and she turned to him. She glared at him angrily and said nothing. A single tear left johns eye and he said "I'm sorry..." he turned and left for his room, everyone must hate him now...


<poor poor little John... why are you upset?> said Nick, his tone sickeningly calm, <Anything I can do to help? I can make those people pay....> "No Nick... I... I don't need you... leave me alone..."


<Aww now that's not very nice John, I'm only watching out for you, you know that>


"No... I dont want you to... you hurt people... I don't want you anymore... I don't need you anymore..."


There was a silence, but John felt something, he had angered Nick... <Oh I can hurt more than just them Johnny boy, I garuntee that>. This was the first of many threats to come from Nick.

Edited by Strong Hooves


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When Sylvester saw John coming down the hallway, he raised an eyebrow and started walking towards him - he was looking very sad, or more sad than usual at least. As much as he didn't like dealing with people, it was a matter of how Michelle got to him that he needed to figure out.


"What. Where. You doing. With her." Sylvester said sternly, looking very unhappy with Gale. Then he saw a slight spick of lipstick on John's face and went wide-eyed. "...did you do what I think you did...?"


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John was trying hard not to break down crying. "I don't know ok?!" he said as another tear fell, "I didn't want to be around her! I don't know why she has this sudden interest in me! I tried to leave alright? I didn't want to be there! She never takes no for an answer! And I don't know, I've never hung around girls before! Everything happened so suddenly! Before I knew it she started kissing me, and you know what? For a second I felt fucking normal! But then I realized just who it was kissing me!". he took a few ragged breaths and looked at the ground, "I was being used ok? The girls wanted to make Skylar mad. I told Skylar I'd hang out with her and because of them I went back on my promise. It doesn't matter now, Michelle hates me, Skylar hates me... everyone hates me..."


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Zach shuffled into the cafeteria with most everyone else and sat down with his food near a corner of the room near a window. As always. He looked at everyone else and realized how a lot of people had already picked out their friends, even the new patients who had been here for merely a few days. He had been here for months and hadn't really bothered to try to make friends. He knew it was impossible for him. It always was...

He was about to continue eating when he noticed Aaron exclaim something. He heard most of it and almost screamed at him, but didn't. Then he noticed John come in a few minutes later and talking to Vester a bit loudly. He heard a lot of what he said and after quite a lot of squinting, that there was a bit of lipstick on his face. Yet another example of the idiots in this place trusting Michelle too much, he thought. He finished his food quickly while wondering if he should actually try to at least try to make a few friends. He was still thinking about it when he went and sat in his room.

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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Samuel's eyes lazily opened. He inhaled deeply and slowly sat up. He exhaled as he rubbed his head and glanced about the room.

<Morning, sunshine!> The voice inside his head chirped. Samuel sighed heavily. He vaguely recalled a female entering the room. Holmes, did someone come in here while I was sleeping? He thought.

<I only know as much as you do -- maybe a little more.> Samuel got the feeling that Holmes winked with the last bit. It was going to be a bitch if he had to accept something like Holmes. He was unsure why the little being inside his head had a fully developed personality to begin with.

Why didn't you wake me up if that was the case? Samuel thought.

<You have a brain, use it. She could have been an apparition. She could have been reality,> Holmes snickered. <It's up to you to decide which is more likely!>

After being introduced to you, I'm not sure what to think anymore. Samuel stood. Holmes, what time is it?

<I only know as much as you do, pal.> Holmes retorted.

Then do you think that door will open soon? Samuel questioned.

<Do you remember what you wrote on Misha's "Get Well Soon" card?>

"Trust your instincts," right? There was no response. Holmes, are you there?

<Didn't I just answer your question? Don't depend on me just because I'm here,> Holmes said. <You're still capable of doing things by yourself -- I'm just helping.>

So, you can't control my limbs to make me do outrageous stunts?

<Do you want me to try?>

It'd be nice to know the extent of your capabilities if I'm going to be working with you.


Holmes made no sound as Samuel lifted his hand to scratch his ear.

<Looks like I can control you a bit!> Holmes said, rather giddily.

You didn't do that -- unless you have the power to make my ear itch.

<Shut up.>

So you can't control me?

<Like I said, I was created by your brain. I can do many things. Manipulate you, maybe, but control, no.> Holmes responded.


Samuel sighed. Just don't do anything funny while I conduct my operation, Holmes.

<Why would I do that? We are the same person, after all." Samuel said aloud.

... So you can control my speech?

<I am able to do whatever you allow me to do.>

Please, don't control anything. I'd like to stay the true pilot of this body.

<It's not as simple as asking yourself to stop. You have to accept that I exist in order to make use of me the way you would like.>


... I'm not sure I can do that, Holmes. This situation isn't very normal.

<Neither are you. Not anymore, at least... Actually, it's arguable that you were used to normal situations in the first place.> Holmes scoffed. <Regardless, you won't be able to direct me as much as I am able to direct you.>

So be it, Holmes. Just... please, don't interfere simply to hinder my progress. Samuel thought. There was no reply.


A noise outside the door was made. The sound of a bolt being lifted and a key entering a lock could be heard. Samuel glanced at his chipped knuckles. Guess using these are out of the question.

<Are you ready, little Sherlock?> Holmes sarcastically lauded.

"Shut up and help me if things turn to shit," Samuel snapped under his breath.

<... You can't see it, but I'm smiling right now Sammy.>

Shut up, Holmes.


The door slowly opened. Light flooded the room. Samuel waited for someone to enter. He needed things to flow his way before executing the early steps of his next plan.

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Randal slowly walked into the cafeteria, his stomach growling like an angry beast. He could see that there were other patients here, so he knew where to go to avoid them. Grabbing a tray with food, he went to the same spot where had freaked out a few hours earlier and closed his eyes, resting his head on the window.


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Skyler sloshed red paint on the canvas, it had once been a beautiful self portrait, but now, full of anger, hate and hurt, she ruined it with the red paint.

She wished that the paint was her blood, flowing from her wrists.

Everyone hurt her..


Andrea sighed as John left, and turned to Michelle.

She held a hand out to help her up and smiled.

"We can still kiss all we want. Who needs men anyway?"

She leaned forward and kissed Michelle softly, enjoying the tingles it sent down her spine.

"We could do more than just kiss.." She whispered, her hot breath licking Michelle's ear.

  • Brohoof 1


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Charles lowered half of the table to where two people could play. He handed Aaron a paddle and grabbed a ping pong ball. "So," Charlie said, "here's how you serve:"

Charlie played the ball to Aaron's side, when Aaron caught it. "Er," Charles said, "Try to hit it with the paddle, over the net, you see?"

Charles got the ball from Aaron and played it again, making sure he saw how. After doing this, he gave Aaron the ball and said, "Now you try it."

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<Cmon sport, don't think like that> went the comforting voice of Johns father. <Absolutely, you need to speak with that young lady Skylar. Let her know how sorry you are> added his mother. John took a deep breath, then looked at Vester, "I never went with Michelle on my own free will ok? I'm still gonna keep up my end of the bargain about keeping my distance. It's just gonna be a little harder than I thought. If you'll excuse me, I have to go". He turned and walked away, heading back to the art room, there he saw Skylar ruining one of her paintings. "Umm... Skylar?" he said tentatively.


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Before Katie knew it, she was in her room with Andrea, Michelle, and... John. The sexiest beast in this entire institution was in Katie's room, so close to her.


"We're going to play the kissing game!" Michelle said. Katie's eyes lit up. Maybe, just maybe, she would get to kiss John. But no. Michelle got to kiss John. Michelle got to feel his hot lips against hers. Katie just got to sit there and watch. A tear ran down Katie's eye as John left the room.


"Come back!" Katie whispered quietly, looking to the door.


(Probably one of my shortest posts in the RP. I'm just tired! :)

Edited by Eximius Terribilis
  • Brohoof 1

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Misha slowly walked into the cafeteria. It was good to be back. To be reminded of his greatness, the fact that he stood out from these freaks. The feeling he got from it... he had never felt anything like it.

This is nice and all... But still. Who the fuck loves me?

He scanned the room for a place to sit. Who would be the most likely to tell him of this unknown admirer? Vester seemed reliable. He sat down next to him. Faking a grin, he tried to start conversation. "That's a nice... Um... hoodie?" Misha asked awkwardly.

Why am I even talking to this idiot?


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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Eventually Aaron caught onto it and was almost as good as Charles. "Nice," Charlie said, "you're getting better."

After a while, as they both got tired playing ping pong, Aaron won.

Charles crashed on a couch and said, "Wow, you won. Good job."


(I'm too lazy to post anything significant).

  • Brohoof 1
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Skyler turned, red paint dripping from her brush, and glared.

"Yeah? Are you done with those skanks?" She said, venom dripping from every word.

Her heart beat fast in her chest, and he asthma was acting up.

Anxiety ripped through her and she felt the room move beneath her feet.

She couldn't breathe, and she clutched at her chest.

Skyler took a unsteady step forward, and her knees gave out.

With a cry, she reached for John before falling to the floor.


Spinning, spinning.

Everything was spinning, everything was shadows.

Swirling around her, hiding from her.

Blood red, spilling, gushing from her, towards her, everywhere.

"Mom?" Skyler whispered, seeing a shadow like figure of her mother.

It wasn't her mom though- she didn't know what it was exactly, but it terrified her.

Skin, flabs of skin, it was blind- reaching for her, she held her breath as it went by.

Her heart was beating fast, she felt the ground fall, and she woke up with a start, gasping for air and looking wildly around.


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Johns eyes widened and he caught Skylar before she hit the ground. Taking her inhaler, he put it up to her mouth and pressed the button, which released the life saving vapor into her chest. Soon she woke with a start and began looking around wildly. As calmingly as he could be, he said "Just breathe Sky... deep breaths... I'm right here... just calm down, and breathe". He soothingly stroked her hair in an attempt to calm her down.

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She took deep breaths, and clutched onto John's shirt.

"What happened?" She asked, staring at him.

She'd never passed out before.

Her heart rate was back to normal, and she let go of him, and stood up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to scare you, or be so mean. I just.. It hurt when you went off with Michelle and them...I'm always being screwed over, all the guys I ever like choose someone else. Not to say I like you- not as more than A friend, I mean- aha..."

She blushed.

"Sorry. I'm nervous."

Shrugging, she helped John up as well.


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John gave a small smile, "Honestly I was more dragged away by them than anything. I tried to go back to you... not like, you know, like 'be with you' but... Uh-hehe... I w-wanted to... hang out with you... not them... but..." his nervousness fade a little as he looked sadder, "I... I wanted to say sorry. It must've really hurt you when the other girls whisked me away like that... and I didn't want that to happen... you must really hate me now... I wouldn't blame you". He looked to the ground as he waited for a response.


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Skyler smiled weakly.

"It's okay. I understand. They're very.. Forceful. And no, I don't hate you."

She picked up her paint brush and took it to the sink to rinse.

"Why would I hate you? I just thought I wasn't good enough.. Like usual."

She sighed.


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John raised an eyebrow and walked next to her, "Not good enough? One of the few girls who are actually kind? Like genuinely corteous to others and you don't think you're good enough? If you ask me, you're one of the better few in this place" he said with a smile.


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