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private The Mental Rehabilitation Center


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Nurse Flo shook her head at John as he left, "a witness says you did it. Nurse Jackie's word as a third party and an authority is much more highly valued." Nurse Flo waited in her room for security to come, "yes ma'am?" "See to it John is properly locked away. I don't need him causing a stir among the other patients."


Suddenly John's body jerked back. A large male nurse in all black held him, "you should be in solitary." The nurse smacked John across the face, "there are rules here you little brat!" John was picked up and thrown into the black room alone.

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"But... I don't love her Skyler... I..." but he was cut short by the large nurse who smacked him and threw him in the room. He got up and rubbed his cheek, "Yeah, just go on and think you're a bad ass and smack around your patients you asshole!!" shouted Ron suddenly. John shook himself back into control and laud on the bed. Flo had betrayed him. He thought he could trust her... apparently not...


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Skyler stood there, angry she hadn't been able to hear the last part of the sentence.

"What the fuck?! Who do you think you are? You can't treat us like this! We're humans too!"

She screamed, and flipped the nurses off.


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After Charles explained he left Aaron. Only with his thoughts. Aaron walked down the hall, hoping for something or some sort of answer. He spotted Skyler. "Hey Sky-" she turned his face and he froze, half of her face was ripped and stitched. She was released too early and it was still bloody and hardly healed. Aaron tried to hide his gagging.


The male nurse smirked "stfu freak." And locked John away in darkness and solitude.

Edited by Shankveld

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Charles was on his way to the infirmary. He wanted to take a look at those scissors, he thought that the way they looked can add evidence to John's side. He was walking at his normal pace, when he heard footsteps behind him. Charles quickened his pace, and the footsteps behind him were louder. Now he could tell that it was the sound of four feet. Two people. Charles quickened his pace even more, and the footsteps quickened as well. Charles started running this time, very fast. "No, hey, stop!" someone called out behind him. Charles slowed to a stop and turned around. Two murses walked up to him, they were older and taller, maybe in their thirties."What do you want from me?" Charles asked.

"We just want to ask you a question," the taller murse said.


"Were you in Flo's office just now?" the shorter murse asked.

"Actually yes, why?"

The two murses gave eachother a look. One of them shrugged, and said, "She called security."

"That's wierd, I was just in th-" Charles was interrupted as the taller murse kneed him in the stomach.

"What the fu-" Charles was interrupted again as the other nurse jabbed a needle in his neck.

Charlie started going limp as the two murses grabbed him by the arms, opened the nearest janitorial closet, and threw him in there, closing the door and barricading it with something heavy. Charles passed out as soon as he hit the ground.

Edited by Pilot (Croaks)
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Samuel finished his bacon and headed for the recreation room. His wristwatch had yet to return to him. The clocks on the walls lacked synchronization. Samuel fidgeted a bit, stretching his limbs and rotating points of articulation. He noticed Skyler had returned in an upset mood. The disappearance of John and Michelle was also apparent.

<Whatcha thinkin' about, Sammy?> Holmes trilled.

I don't even have to tell you, Holmes. Samuel said... in his mind.

<True enough. Wanna see what's up, then?> Holmes questioned.

You already know the answer to that. Samuel thought, pacing about the room as he did so.You'd think the vanishing of a fellow patient would at least get some recognition by the others. I haven't even gotten a single "Hello" yet.

<Gonna bitch out, Sherlock?> Holmes said casually.

You know damn well I don't mean it that way. Something must have happened in my absence to overlook my disappearance. Samuel stopped pacing. Remember how the guard said they've increased security due to recent incidents?

<Brilliant deduction, sir. Care for some cookies?> Holmes asked in a childish tone.

It's probably linked to fact that we're missing two people and one just returned, Samuel thought, ignoring Holmes's snide personality.

Do you think we should ask Sky-


As Samuel was thinking about asking Skyler, she turned her head to talk to another patient -- Katie -- before leaving the room. Samuel's eyes widened. There was a large slit running from her cheek to the edge of her mouth. Samuel's body started to shake.

What happened when I was gone?! He though, as Skyler left and Katie began to smile.

<Calm down, now Sammy. Don't do anything stu- SHUTUP HOLMES! Samuel interrupted. They had lied to him -- this place wasn't safer.


Samuel stormed toward Katie, a fire burning in his eyes. The air around him seemed to emit a fearful seriousness. He approached her with and overbearing force. The look of lust on her face instantly evaporated.

"WHAT. HAPPENED?!" Samuel shouted, his voice cracking. He hadn't been this angry in a long time. Perhaps his anger stemmed from the conclusion he had already started to draw, but he needed to be absolutely sure. He needed to be certain in knowing that the nurses stood idly by as Michelle mutilated another patient.

Edited by Guest
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John sat with his own thoughts alone in the dark room. A few lines of sunlight flutters into the room, slightly illuminating a corner. John stared at the corner, it was the only thing difference and changing about the room. John closed his eyes and sighed and the opened them again. John jumped back, it was Michelle. She was naked, sitting in the corner of the room; her arms wrapped around her legs. "Why did you hurt me John?" Michelle put her hand over her heart, blood began to pour from between her dainty fingers. "Why?" John screamed and turned around, bagging on the door. No answer. John turned around again and Michelle was gone.

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Katie was surprised by Samuel's sudden appearance, and she fell to the ground. Katie was shaking nervously. "Sky- Skyler, John and Michelle wer- were in the art room," She started, half-choking, "Skyler came out with a cut-up face, and Michelle, she- she had been stabbed!" Katie then ran to the corner of the room, cowering in fear.


(Also, at Shank... what the actual fuck?)

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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(I am aware.)


Nures Flo paced the halls of the cafeteria, she seemed concerned about something. Although Miss Rose did have that effect on people she interacted with. Miss Rose walked through the cafeteria suddenly carrying a large white box, topped with a red bow. All the patients stared at Miss Rose. She looked unreal, bright pink hair, evil red eyes, victorian attire. Nurse Flo whispered something to her and pointed to Emma's room. Miss Rose set the box down on Emma's room and left without making a noise.

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a few hours later...


Charles woke up on the cold, tiled floor of the janatorial closet. "What the fuck?" he said aloud, "Agh, my head, my neck. What happened?"

He started rubbing his neck in the place where he had a shot.

He then realized where he was due to the smell of bleach. He got up and started banging on the door, hoping someone heard him. He tried pushing it open, but something was blocking it.

  • Brohoof 1
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Chalres heard a lock unlock and backed up as the door opened. Michelle stood in the doorway, "hey stud." Michelle's golden hair was curled, with ribbons in it. She was wearing layers of make-up, her lips even more red than usual. And that dress, it was as if she was a doll. The most shocking thing was to see her standing, wasn't she stabbed only a few hours ago?

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Emma looked for a map of the whole building, and along the way, she heard footsteps behind, then it grabbed her, "Where do you think your going little girl?" A male voice said, she knew it was a murse, "Get off me!" Emma tries to get off his grip, then the murse, struggling to restrain her, unknowingly touched her chest, causing Emma to fly into rage "GET OFF ME!!!" She elbowed his face with such force that it caused him to bleed, "UHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed in pain "You...fucking..PERVERT!!!" The murse got so terrified that it prompted him to flee. "I didn't know the staff of this nuthouse were perverts, useless," She continued looking for the map.

Edited by Narutardedscum!!


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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Zach quickly finished eating and went to the rec room, sitting in a corner bored. A while later, he heard a loud noise and went over to a closet to find Charles climbing out of it looking up at a person. Except there was nobody there... Edited by LightningWolf

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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(I think that it's a hallucination, Lightning, I don't think Zach can see it).


Charles was still horribly confused. How was Michelle still up and running? How is there no blood at all? Maybe it was a hallucination. Maybe Charles had lost it. Yeah, maybe. He was about to say something as Michelle closed the door.

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(Eh. I wanna be in on the fun .-.)


Randal wandered throughout the hallways of the center, bored out of his mind. He did not know where his one friend Charlie went, and he was sort of worried. He usually saw Charlie everywhere... where was he now? At the back of his mind he felt sort of betrayed, but he didn't really know why.

*I think I kind of depend on him...* He thought as he wandered the halls aimlessly. Suddenly, as if a miracle, he saw Charlie standing across the hallway. Randal couldn't help but smile and call out to him. But Charlie suddenly dissapeared into thin air. This confused Randal.

*Where the hell did he go?* Once again, he saw Charlie, but farther away this time. Randal started to run towards him, but Charlie dissapeared again.

*What the fuck is going on?* He screamed in his mind. He continued to follow the disappearing Charlie's, until he was face to face with a door. Randal had a feeling that Charlie was inside, and he slowly opened it. When he stepped inside, the door slammed behind him. Randal panicked and tried to turn the knob on the door, but it was locked. Panting, Randal felt sweat trickle down his spine, which caused him to get goosebumps. He felt like screaming, but couldn't bring out the words. As if someone turned on the sun, all the lights in the room came on at once. What Randal saw caused him to fall to the ground screaming, as he just found the words. Across the walls were mutilated bodies of charlie's hanging on the wall by meat hooks, the only recognizable features being their faces. Randal held himself on the floor, tears sliding down his cheeks like waterfalls. Suddenly, the carcasses of Charlie began to move and scream out in pain, screaming for Randal to help them.






These words echoed in his mind until he was gasping for air, tears sliding onto the floor, forming a puddle around him.


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Andrea woke up with a start.

She'd fallen asleep.

Yawning loudly, she fixed her makeup, and then went out to see what all the noise was about.

Skyler was standing in the hall, staring at nothing.

What a freakk...

As Andrea passed her, she saw her face, and screamed.

"What the fuck?! Oh my god?!"

Andrea grabbed at her own face, and turned to run.

How could you even- what the- what was going on here?!


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Tom sat in his room shaken by the recent events, he got up and checked the room over for anything and found nothing so he decieded to get some food and find out what is going on...

Did you know: 20Kv's of electricity can kill you from up to 5ft away?

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Charlie sat against a shelf in the closet.

He had tried several times to open the door after Michelle left, but no luck; apparently it wasn't barricaded; it was locked. What kind of stupid architects design closets that lock from the outside? With no keyhole? Or any way to get out from the inside?!

Charlie was frustrated as the door knob started wiggling. "Yes," he said, "Come on."

The door then opened, Randal stepping inside. "YES!" Charlie said, "Thank go- what are you doing?"

Randal looked around as if he didn't see Charles. Charlie saw a light switch that wasn't there before and flicked it on, illuminating the room. After that, Randal started screaming and crying, backing up, accidentally closing the door by bumping into it. "Agh, no!" Charles yelled in frustration.

He then turned to Randal, still screaming. "HEY!" Charlie yelled at Randal, "HEY! Calm down! What's wrong?!"

Charles put his hands on Randal's shoulders, trying to calm him down.

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Randal tried to run away from the animated corpse that was putting it's hands on him.



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Emma finally found a map of the whole building, it was just mounted on a wall in the waiting room, "Great, now I know where the surveillance room is, but do they even have a camera in the art room? Hmm" She starts moving towards the stairs to the second floor, now being more cautious that ever after encountering a murse who accidentally molested her.


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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