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private Game of Trapped Love (RP with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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"Oh, really?" Dynamo raised an eyebrow as he gave Sora a deadpanned expression. However, he secretly had a playful smirk. "So, did you think I was a newbie when you noticed me in the same area for the quest? Although, I don't doubt you if you called other player's newbies in private. Granted, they'll make some rookie mistakes in the beginning. The only thing is that they'll learn from those mistakes, or they'll just keep making the same mistake over and over." He says, dropping the deadpanned expression and replacing said expression with a smile. "Huzzah! I was actually right about something for once!" He cheered to himself, before continuing. "I'm surprised there would be quests like that to begin with. You'd think they'd just do a whole idea of working up to level 20 and then stop. I remember World of Warcraft using that kind of strategy. Hmm...I guess not all games will adopt the same idea and try to be original among their predecessors. I'm glad we'll be able to continue some quests and not be left in suspense." He says as Sora had begun to stand up from her seat. As he listened to her response, he tried to hold back a chuckle, but failed miserably.

"Are you kidding me? I'd be worried if I fell asleep during a lecture in college. I even remember a video of a professor freaking out over someone even yawning quietly." He shuddered, before breaking out into a fit of chuckles once more. "Although, I guess it's getting late. I think one more quest won't be bad to finish up the night. Seeing how everyone will be playing this game nonstop during the next day. Plus, I can relate to you as I've fallen asleep in my chair, while playing a video game. To be honest, I want to say it's a force of habit. I don't know why exactly, but falling asleep in a chair is actually pretty comfy." He says with a sheepish grin.

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora listens to him "Well I don't outright call them newbie, not as such anyway" he would say with a smile "You are right on them learning from their newbie mistakes, but sadly there are some that just simply refuse to learn" he'd shake his head "It's not just in this game, but any MMORPG that is out there" he would say "As for thinking you were a newbie when I first saw you? Not really, while you had a little bit of the look of someone new to the game, you also seemed to be someone who wasn't entirely new to MMORPGs" he would say, leading back to the quest board.

As they walked to the quest board, Sora listened to what Dynamo was saying and at the mention of that video, he chuckles "Oh yes, I've seen that video. Luckily, my lecturers are pretty lenient but still, it isn't good to fall asleep during class"


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"At least you don't call other player's that. Even if you help them out or give the other player's some form of advice, then that's very respectable, in my opinion." Dynamo responded, before frowning softly. "Unfortunately, that's pretty true. I've run into that sort of situation where I'm trying to learn. However, I can't ever understand where it was that I went wrong in my strategy. I ask for help and advice, but then I still seem to have trouble in understanding." He shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, well. I guess it's in the way of how the pack is separated in these kinds of games. I feel bad for those that aren't willing to learn. I can imagine that they won't last long in this kind of MMORPG. I guess I can't blame you for your assumption when you first met me." He would chuckle and shake his head "I haven't played the game for a couple of months since the beta. So, I'd be bound to make some mistakes or forget some things. It's only natural that while I've been psyched for this game. I had some other games and tournaments to focus on." He says, following the female cat as they made their way towards the quest board.

"I can't say the same about you, though. You're pretty awesome at this game and you're not a newbie, in my opinion." He chuckled as she understood his train of thought. "I wasn't in that video, but I could't help in feeling intimidated. I get the idea of falling asleep during class isn't good. If that happened, then you'll fall behind the rest of the class. That, and you'll be in trouble if there is homework involved or an upcoming test. I admit that I wondered about going to college, but I felt as if it wasn't for me. I hope you don't think that's a bad way in thinking." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora would just shakes his head "See, there's a difference between you and those who refuse to learn" he would say "It isn't that you aren't willing to learn from the mistakes you've made, they are just more difficult than you think" he says "Where-as, for those who refuse to learn, they are mostly lazy" he would finish explaining "But you are right, those who are lazy and refuse to learn, generally don't last long in these kind of MMORPG's" he would say and then smile "How-ever I have a good feeling about you, and you can always come to me if you're stuck with something" he would say.

He smiles as they near the quest board "Thanks, I actually am studying not just game development and design, but psychology" he would say "If you change your way of thinking, that this isn't just a game, you may survive longer" he would say and they arrive at the quest board "College certainly isn't for everyone, that's for sure" he would say, taking a look at the quests "At least you've got a job and doing something with your life. i can't stand those who are either able bodied or able minded and just laze about doing nothing.." he would say, then look to him "Don't get me wrong, if a pony is disabled and legitimately cannot find or keep work, then that's different." 


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"At least it shows that I'm somewhat different from the rest. I admit that you're right that sometimes we can be lazy. It's only when we choose to not be lazy and finish whatever task is at hand at the current moment. I will also say that sometimes I can't help in being lazy." Dynamo chuckled, while shaking his head. "Nevertheless, I know that I need to be responsible. That's what being an adult is all about, after all." He turned towards the female cat and smiled. "Thank and I really appreciate your kind words. I'll take you up on that offer if the time arrives where I'm stuck and/or confused. The same can be said about you. If you ever need to talk about anything, then I'm here to help."As they got closer towards the quest board, Dynamo raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Psychology, huh? That's actually pretty interesting, in my opinion. Plus, video games and psychology can go hand in hand when you think about it. Seeing what goes through the player's mind, or why they have this sort of mindset. Even how other events can affect the player's mind in the long run. When you play in VR, then it feels like it isn't a game. I guess having that mindset will change the perspective in one's way of thinking." He says, nodding in understanding as they arrived at the quest board. "Thanks for the reassurance and vote of confidence. I'm just glad to have a job where I can be around what my special talent is all about. Even as I work, I try to do my best and work hard. I won't ever stop and think I'm the best at everything. That way of thinking will get you a one way trip to a bad reality. Seeing how it's better to keep improving, instead of staying in one spot, or train of thought. I can understand the idea of not being able to work because of being held back for one reason or another. I've seen some employees in my time, who are just plain lazy or make work environment just too hazardous." He sighed, shaking his head in disapproval as he knew the feeling all too well. "So, what do you think we should take for a job? Anything that sounds interesting, but not too difficult? I'm taking your well being into account, you know. Seeing how you have to go to bed soon for college."

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@Dynamo Pad

"Oh it's fine to have a few lazy days here and there, but if lazy is all you are, then what is your life worth living for?" he would ask and nod "Taking responsibility is always a good thing" he would say "And you are right, it doesn't matter what kind of work environment you have, if you're lazy you should be fired" he says and then nods some "You have that kind of aura about you, you know..an attitude that shows you are willing to learn" he'd smile a bit more "If you had a lazy aura about you, I'd have just ignored you to be honest" 

He'd then stop and think "Ya know, I keep forgetting you ponies have to deal with that sorta destiny thing" he'd say, chuckling, remembering when the younger Gabby had tried to get a cutie mark of her own. He'd look once more at the board "Well there is this exploration quest, it uncovers a bit more of the map and at the end, I think there's a dungeon we can delve into and hopefully get some good loot before I go to bed."


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"When you put it that way, then I guess a lazy day here and there isn't too bad. So long as you are being productive in what work and/or responsibilities you put into the day. You're right about that. If you're being lazy and have no motivation, then what is it that you wish to strive towards?" Dynamo nodded, chuckling slightly about Sora's comment. "Try telling that to the others that my dad worked with. I can say the same thing from where I used to live. We had coworkers that just clowned around and still didn't get in trouble for their actions. Sometimes it got to the point that someone almost got hurt. Just because the other employees were goofing around and not caring for safety." He rolled his eyes, shaking his head in annoyance. "I tell you. I don't get how they get away, while hard working employees can get in trouble. I guess it depends on the boss, or if the employee actually gets hurt." He raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly. "Oh, really? Glad to see that I have a good aura that isn't a sign of laziness." He gave Sora's shoulder a nudge as he chuckled once again.

"Wait a minute. You said 'you ponies.' Are you telling me that you aren't a pony? I don't think I ever asked you where you're from. Can you tell me, if that's okay?" He asks, trying to be courteous as he didn't know much about the female cat. At the mention of the quest, Dynamo turned towards the quest board to see the job in question. "Hmm...I think this dungeon leads to the end of the first level. The level requirement is about levels 10 to 15. Although, some of the other requirements say that a group is recommended." He rubbed his chin with his hand, before turning towards Sora. "What do you think? Should we see the start of the dungeon to see what kind of mobs we'll be facing? If it's too much, then we can always leave and try again with a new strategy. We'd just need to set our hearthstones to this town. That way, we can port out of the dungeon so we won't take too much damage or be defeated."

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora chuckles "Nope, I'm a Griffon, I originally hail from Griffonstone, but I left to go to college in Canterlot" he would say and then take a look at the board again "You're right, it's suggested to almost be a raid..oh, the dungeon is locked right now anyway" he'd say, rubbing the back of his neck "Well we can still do the area and take a peek I guess" he says, stretching "Ready?"


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"A griffon, huh? I haven't seen that many griffon's before. I know there's a griffon that goes to Princess Twilight's friendship school. I also believe there was another griffon, who helped others when trying to find a cutie mark, or something like that. It's pretty cool being able to go to college in Canterlot. Although, is it magic related? I know there's Celestia's school for Gifted Unicorns. Although, I can't say if most academics in Canterlot are all unicorn based." He shrugged, a puzzled look was present upon his face. "Oh, sugar-cubes. That's a shame that the dungeon is locked for the time being. Does it say why, exactly? There has to be some explanation. Unless the only reason is that it's for a raid only." He hummed, before nodding at the idea of taking a look at the dungeon. "I don't see why not. We can take a look at what the dungeon looks like beforehand. That way, we can strategize on how to get through the dungeon to complete the quest. Along with mapping out anything for traps, dead ends and shortcuts." He smirked as he stretched and cracked the kinks in his neck. "Of course and you bet I'm ready. Let's get going."

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora chuckles "Nothing magic related, thankfully, just my psychology minor and video game design and development major..or was it the other way around?" he'd say with a slightly confused tone, though he was quite clearly joking "and I've heard of the friendship school and the griffon that goes there, good enough kid" he'd say "though I am a bit too old for the school there" he'd laugh a little then check out the description for the dungeon "Oh, it's locked unless we have a party of at least six members" he'd say with a shrug "Alright, lets get going, the sooner we do this, the sooner we'll know for later and the sooner I can get to bed" he'd chuckle, leading the way.


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"Ara Ara"

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Upon listening to Sora's explanation, Dynamo nodded with a look of understanding. "Thanks for clearing that up, but that's still pretty interesting, if you ask me. Considering how Canterlot is mostly based all about magic. I would have imagined every single educational facility would be solely focused on magic." He rolled his eyes and chuckled at the now revealed griffon's confused tone. "Oh, come on, Sora. You know that you're studying psychology as your major instead of game design. Are you sure you're not overly tired now so we can take a bit of a break. Although, you didn't say which profession you were majoring more in." He says in a joking tone to match Sora. As he took another look at the requirements of the dungeon, Dynamo nodded as Sora was absolutely correct. "It seems that this dungeon is not going to be as easy as we thought. Seems as if six party members is the minimum for the first dungeon/world of this game. I can only imagine how crazy the party requirement is going to be when we progress through the later dungeons. At any rate, let's get going. Lead the way, my friend!" He chuckled, before following after Sora, who started making her way towards the dungeon. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora nods, as he leads the way "You are right, a lot of the colleges and schools in Canterlot are solely based around magic, how-ever there are a few colleges that do the usual courses" he would say and then laugh "I know, the Psychology is actually my major, and I'm fine, I was just joking" he'd say and then as they made their way through the newly unlocked area to get to the dungeon "You're right, i'm used to certain dungeons not unlocking until you reach a certain level, but not until you have a certain amount of party members..it's odd"


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"Ara Ara"

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As Sora had lead the way to the dungeon, Dynamo nodded as he listened to Sora's response. "The only reason I knew about that was because I visited Canterlot every now and then. Mostly it was for competing in tournaments. There were times that I would try and find some restaurants to get something to eat. I'd usually see some students from high school, or off campus from college showing up. The majority would usually be unicorns, but I saw the occasional earth pony, Pegasus and other creatures. It's nice to see that Canterlot is allowing other students to attend and not push others away and such." He smirked and rolled his eyes playfully, while chuckling along with the griffon. "Oh, I know. I may not look like it, but I like to have a good chuckle every now and then. I do have a good sense of humor, after all. I get that from my dad's personality. Although, we both have an odd sense of humor." He chuckled again, before nodding. "I think that's pretty cool that you have Psychology as a major. How long have you been going to school, anyway?" 

As the two arrived at the entrance towards the dungeon, Dynamo furrowed his eyebrows over what Sora had said. "Yeah, but I'm not entirely sure. I remember this part of the beta was closed off due to not many player's had gotten into the beta testing phase. Perhaps this is a new type of regulation for the game itself?" He then began to scout the area from their vantage point, while looking at all the different types of enemies and environment around them.

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@Dynamo Pad

He would smile and nod as they got to the new area and were already a bit lost "Been two years now" he would say "The major is of course a five year course, and the minor, well..I think that's 2. so I finish this year" he would say "Might pick up another next year" he would say, slashing up a monster that started to attack them, "I'm not entirely sure though, not even sure if I want to continue with college at all" he would shrug "My job is pretty good and as much as I enjoy my studies, juggling studies, work and recreation is getting difficult for me" he would say.

He would look to Dynamo and nod "Could be new regulations" he gets out the handbook "Hmm, oh here, dungeons and some quests will be locked until you have a large enough party for the dungeon or quest, to encourage working together" he'd read and shrug "Guess they really do want to put the emphasis on the "multi" part of the game" 


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"Ara Ara"

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"Five years? That just sounds like it would take forever." Dynamo shuddered with a cringe. "At least you're half way done in the major course, as well as finishing this year on the game design. So, you'll have a sort of job working in games as you work towards your job in Psychology." He says, smiling, before frowning slightly with a raised eyebrow. "Do you have to take up another elective for College? I always thought you'd need to worry about something to major and minor in and that's it. What would you decide to take up for next year?" As they explored a bit of the dungeon, Dynamo became concerned as he felt a bit lost. He had heard a guttural noise of a monster nearby, before using a shield bash and slash attack to defeat the enemy. "It's like I said before. Sometimes one thing isn't for everyone. I'd at least finish what you started, or at least finish up the course in game design. You'll have something to fall back on if the one job doesn't work out. I don't think you told me about your job. What do you do for work? Seeing as how you're a griffon, then I know you're from Griffonstone, correct? I don't think I'd be able to handle with all that multitasking." He joked with a chuckle, before giving Sora a look of sympathy.

As Sora got out the handbook, Dynamo had a deadpanned expression upon his face. At the same time, he squinted his eyes in disbelief. "Wow. So, they even give player's a handbook to read up the rules and regulations? You'd think they'd put all of that information in the menu screen. Seeing how it's our way to log out of the VR system and to check out stats and equipment." He shook his head as he kept watch over the area, while Sora kept searching through the manual. "At least that's one of the rules in this game. I would feel bad if someone maxed out their level and they'd still need a party to go through lower level dungeons. I've seen someone max out their level in Kingdom Hearts 1, before leaving the first area in the game. I don't know how that was possible, but that's dedication, in my opinion." He chuckled, before nodding at Sora's comment. "You can say that again. If they creators didn't do that, then this wouldn't feel like an VR MMORPG type of video game, right?" He asks, turning back to Sora with a kind smile.

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora would nod "Yeah, I will likely finish my psychology course, maybe.." he would say "I don't know, I was really enjoying it and interested in it at the beginning, but it just seems like..the later years is re-learning what we learned in the first two years..plus I've heard psychologists don't really get paid that much these days" he would say as he'd slash at yet another monster. "I think they do, but they also give an in game one for quick reference" he smiles, looking around, "I heard about that, I didn't even think that that was possible, like the level would have a level cap" he'd then look at the door in front of them "The first dungeon.." he would say "Well, lets take a peek, then I gotta head to  bed, I've got college and a meeting with my student liaison tomorrow"


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"Ara Ara"

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As Sora continued to explain, Dynamo had tilted his head in confusion. He thought he could hear hesitation and worry in her voice, while feeling concern for the griffon. "So, they basically re-teach everyone in that field what you all learned in the first two years for psychology? If so, then I can kind of see where you're going with that train of thought. Although, I think it's good to always have that sort of refresher. Everyone forgets something every now and then. It's only natural to be reminded to stay on track of what one truly wants to do in their lives. Plus, money isn't always everything. Sure, money can help you keep your home, get food, etc. If it's a career that you truly see yourself in, then it would be worth it in the end. I've heard of a doctor/psychologist, who dealt in psychology and therapy. I think his name was Dr. Wolf, but I personally haven't met the guy. I've heard that he's pretty nice and caring once you get to meet and know him." He offers Sora a smile, before turning and defeating another enemy.

"I guess the manual is with everyone in case they need a more in-depth guide for the game. I admit that I personally would take the in game guide for a quick reference, but that's just me. Sometimes I want to know the basics and then get on to the main event in the video game." He says, looking around to see that the area around them was clear of enemies. He turned towards the far end of the room to see that door that lead to the first dungeon. "Okay, but let's make sure not to start any boss or enemy events. After we take a quick look, then we'll use our hearthstone's to port out of the dungeon and back to town. That way, we won't get swamped by enemies as soon as we log back in." He nodded at the plan as he followed Sora towards the front door of the dungeon. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora smiled and nodded "See, they do teach new things, but it is as I said earlier, I'm not even sure if these courses are for me anymore" he would say and then nod again "Oh yes, I watch Dr. Wolf's videos, he does seem very kind and caring" he says "I actually wouldn't mind meeting him in person, might even ask him if he recommends me staying in my courses" he would say and then put the guide away and ready himself "No boss battles" he agrees as he takes a peek inside the first door "seems clear, but if I remember, there's usually some sort of trap, like we go in and then the door shuts and locks, and then there's traps meaning we can't use our heartstones to get out unless we die or defeat the boss" he would say, not wanting to risk setting off the boss somehow, he closes the door. 

He'd stretch "Alright, lets get back to town for now, so I can get to sleep, I might see if any of my classmates are also here" he would say


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"Ara Ara"

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"You're a fan of Dr. Wolf too? I thought I was the only one. I mean, I watched his videos and a game series that he works together with some friends, but still. Maybe we can meet up sometime and we can meet him. I know he lives around Ponyville, but he also has his own office in some cafe. I think it's called the Rift Cafe, but I could be wrong. Speaking of classes, I know you said that they teach you things that you all already know. Along with that you're not sure if these classes are for you anymore, but is there any other reason? It's just disheartening to hear that you go so far, only to think about giving up." He says, looking confused at the smile she had on her face. "Maybe there's a boss, but it's not appearing until we defeat the enemies in the room? I've seen my fair share of dungeon and raid bosses in WoW." He nods, shuttering slightly at the possibility of activating a trap in the room. "I'd hate to be in that situation. Especially if the healer's in the group aren't able to heal or just forget about some players." He sighs in relief as Sora had closed the door that lead to the next room.

"Okay and that sounds like a plan. I'm not sure what I'll do, but I know I won't stay on for much longer. You and I will need a good rest in order to get an early start in the game tomorrow. Should we use our hearthstones to teleport out of here, or should we walk back? Speaking of your classmates. Are they friends you met in college and in Griffonstone, or do you mean girl friends?

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@Dynamo Pad

He smiles as he nods "Well...friends from college" he would say before they make it back to the town center "Well Dynamo, I am gonna get some sleep, catch you on the flip side" he would say as he'd wave to Dynamo before logging off.

-Some time later-

It's been nearly a month since the full release of Legends Online, and also since Sora had met Dynamo Pad and had become close friends with him, and was now waiting for him to log in for their nightly gaming session. 


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"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiled and shook his head. "It's okay. You don't have to explain, my friend. Maybe we can all meet up sometime and go on some quests. If not, then maybe we can all go fighting enemies to find some rare items in the game. I still have to make up for that quest that ripped me off." He chuckled as the duo soon arrived back at the town center. "Okay and make sure to take it easy. It was nice meeting you in the game, Sora. I hope we can continue to quest and work together." He waved to her, before he saw her fade out of the game. It seemed odd, but he hadn't seen anyone log out of the game before. As he looked up to the night sky, he gauged that it was getting late. So, he decided that he too, would turn in for the evening. Making sure he had everything saved in the game, the blue unicorn went to his settings and logged off.

-Some time later-

A month had nearly gone by since the release of the game, Legends Online. Dynamo was a bit surprised that a month had gone by, but he didn't really notice. He felt as if he had been lost in the game, but he made sure to keep up with his daily life. Every day had been fun as he met up with Sora countless times to go on quests. Usually, they would just talk and hang out instead of going on quests or face bosses. He honest felt like he was becoming close friends with the female griffon. After logging into the game, he looked around to find her, before noticing that she was waiting for him. "Hey! Sora!" He called out to her as he waved towards the female griffon. "Sorry about that. My game was stuck in processing because it had to finish a new patch update. I hate when games have to do that." He made his way towards her as he gave her an apologetic look. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora would chuckle "ah it's alright Dynamo, I had that problem too, but I managed to get on a bit earlier" she says "Work was slow so I got to go home early" he would then look around "Oh yes, did you read the boards lately? I hear there's going to be a special announcement in about an hour" he would say then look at Dynamo once more "Lets get some quests in, and I did manage to get some of my old college mates to log in as well, so we might actually get to clear that dungeon today" he says, leading the way to the quest board.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Well, it looks like you're lucky, then. I'm guessing it's because you have an up to date model on the VR console. I tend to keep the original VR console when the new model is released every year, or so." He rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out playfully. "Wait, really? I know work can be slow from time to time, but was it that bad? I don't think you told me what you do for work. Seeing how you still have college classes and all." At the mention of the announcement, Dynamo had shook his head. However, his eyes were lit up with curiosity. "No, I haven't. I just logged in and the update didn't give any details on anything. The only thing I do know is that the boards said the game was going to have something planned. I guess now we're going to see what this 'special announcement' is all about." He says with air quotes on the announcement.

"Not sure what it was though. I hope it's something awesome or helpful for the player's. Also, you've got your college friends to log into the game? Awesome! Did they say where they would meet up at? I think it would be pretty neat to finish the dungeon and move onto the next level. Everyone's been stuck on that level for a month already. Even a group raid on the boss dungeon isn't even possible. Maybe now, we'll be able to figure out a way and stand a chance." He smiled as followed his friend to the quest board. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Oh, I work at a department store" he says "I guess now that the hurricane has passed, people aren't as panicky as they had been earlier" he says with a shake of his head "Not to mention, as I had talked with my counselor and we had both agreed that college isn't for me" he says, rubbing the back of his neck "and yeah, it will be good to see if we can finally beat this level" he would say "They're gonna meet us in the town center"


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"Ara Ara"

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"Oh, I see. So, you mean the kinds of stores that sell clothing, shoes and jewelry, right? Are you still staying in Canterlot for the time being?" He wondered, before shuddering slightly at her response. "Please don't remind me. I remember that storm passing by recently. I heard Rainbow Dash and the other Pegasi saying that the storm wouldn't be that bad. However, they weren't predicting a storm of that magnitude. I remember having to be kept in my house because the storm was that bad. You could see ponies being blown away into the next town if they weren't careful." He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Even my mom wouldn't stop calling me every hour on the hour. I mean, sure. I get that she cares, but she worries and overthinks things. I tend to be like that too." He chuckled slightly. "Although, I've learned to not worry too much. If I do, then I'll always worry about every single bad thing. That wouldn't be good for my health and/or well being."

At the mention of college, Dynamo had a look of shock, before frowning. "I didn't know that. That's really too bad. I'm truly sorry to hear that. I was hoping that we could have met Dr. Wolf, before making that decision. I thought he could give you and I some insight and guidance, or something along those lines." He decided to drop the subject as he didn't want to make his friend feel terrible. For the time being, he smiled and placed a comforting hand upon her shoulder. "If I recall, then the quest board is around the town center. So, we'll find them eventually. I hope they're nice. I'm always up to making new friends. Also, we've been working on plans for days on end. We even got word on some of the other player's on what they've been trying. Most ideas seem to end up in failure, while some end up getting them close to winning. There's got to be some way and I think today's the day." He nodded in confidence as he felt sure that they could succeed. 

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