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private Enigma's Mysteries (Private w/Illiad Easle)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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(Sorry for the delay)

Hard would think for a moment as he wrote down the description, "Could be a number of ponies, but I think it's specific enough to narrow it down a bit. Won't hold up in court of course, but a proper investigation could yield something else worth prosecuting them. I'll forward this info to Detective Trace, see if the guard can't find anything about this stallion. Now..." He turned to face Enigma, "You told me we were sent here to investigate a haunting right?" He would motion to the ghost, "Is this what we're looking for in that regard?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Enigma would nod "I agree, as for our end of the investigation, yes, I think this is it" she would look to the spectre, who nods "I have been trying to..how would you put it, scare people away, but I hated it, I just wanted people to be safe and not get caught by the Mafia" the spectre says, "But if you trust your friend,, then if he can make sure no one comes here, then I would be more than happy to move on"

Enigma looks to Hard Line "Think we can really trust your friend?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Hard would look slightly taken aback, "Trust him? I'd trust him with my life! Have done so on multiple occasions. That's why I even have access to the police records despite not being a cop."

He would turn back towards the spirit, "I don't know if our employer would accept having their property condemned, and it would only allow the mafia to continue using this place as a safe house. What we need to do is clear them out so that this place is safe again."

Hard would turn to leave, "I'll head down to the station now and pass this along, hopefully you're still here when I get back, Trace is going to want to see this for himself. As deep as our trust is, I don't know if he'll believe me just on my word, especially when spirits are involved."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Enigma nods "I'll save the clearance until you and your friend get back then" she would say, "I might do a little snooping around of my own anyway" she would say, sanding up "Make sure no one has followed us or has been listening in" she would say "I'll be out back when you get back" she then smiles to Hard "Stay safe"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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It would be close to an hour later when Hard would be able to return to the arcade, Detective Brick Trace in tow, who seemed none too pleased to be out here. "You've told me some crazy stories before Z, but this really takes the cake. You sure you haven't flipped? I mean, ghosts? Seriously?"

Hard would roll his eyes, "I didn't think it was real either, but hey, it may not be the best lead, but I didn't want to risk any pony trafficking going undetected. We both know you've got a better eye for cold cases than I do, so if there's any residual evidence of trafficking here..."

Trace would sigh, "You're luck I've got some free time, and boredom to kill."

Hard would lead Trace around to the back, where Enigma said she'd be waiting for them.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Hard was on edge as soon as he didn't see Enigma waiting, this was only furthered when he saw the signs of struggle, drawing his gun as he surveyed the scene.

Trace was also put on edge when Hard's demeanor shifted, hand moving to his own gun as he approached the discarded objects. "This better not be a prank Hard, you know who these belong to?"

Hard shot a glance over at Trace, "When have you ever known me to prank you? They look like Enigma's. She's the one who gave me the lead here, and it looks like the case may not be so cold as we thought. Rather sloppy for an abduction though."

Trace nodded, "Could be a trap."

As a changeling, Hard could sense nearby sources of emotional energy if he focused, which he began to looking to see if he could feel Enigma nearby (within a dozen meters) or any emotional traces she or others may have left in the struggle, something like a scent trail but for emotions (within a meter).

Their attention would shift when the ghost spoke to them, Trace with much more suspicion than Hard. "There's the ghost I told you about, or somepony that sounds just like him."

So long as he was focused, Hard would be able to detect anyone who felt emotions approaching as soon as they got within his range. He would enter the arcade, gun drawn, and Trace would follow covering the rear.

Hard would call out to the specter once they were inside, "Did you see them? Know where they took her?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

As the two approached the spectre, he would look to them "It was a rush job, I can tell you that" he would say "The boss wasn't there, if he is even the boss anymore" he would then look to Trace "It didn't take long, she went out the back to look for clues, then there were sounds of a scuffle, then Enigma screaming and shouting for help" he'd say, shaking his head "The one responsible may be known to you, he had a razorblade and switchblade for a cutie mark, had plenty of scars" he'd say to Trace "They got her into a black van and sped off to the west"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Hard seemed peeved, "I swear if it's Scarface again."

Trace was far more concerned with the ghost, he looked rather spooked by it, "You really weren't kidding? I, well, didn't think it would be like that. How, how is this even possible?"

Hard would let Trace gawk at the ghost, himself looking around outside, carefully, for any other clues as to what gang might have taken her,, or a better idea of where they might have gone.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

The spectre nods "honestly, even I, the ghost, can't even tell you" he would say "To which I apologise, as if ponies could understand spirits like myself, there'd be a lot less misinformation and scares" he'd say but then looks to Hard "I think I heard one of them saying something about a warehouse at the docks" he'd say "They also sped off pretty quickly, so, maybe you could find the tire tracks and follow them?" the spectre suggests.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Hard nodded, "Of course, most of these gangs hang out there, and if they're part of the same trafficking it'd be the easiest place to store before shipping them out, likely to North Port or maybe South Port, from there they could go anywhere."

Trace grew a look more akin to determination, "Then we better get on that before things get that far. I can't get the captain to stop the boats unless I have irrefutable proof, so we better get a move on."

He'd turn back to the ghost before they'd leave to investigate the docks, "Any chance you could join us? I don't know if it works that way but I think you'd be an invaluable help if you're not bound to this place or anything?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

The spectre nods "Please hurry, miss Enigma seemed like a nice mare and I'd hate to think what those gangsters might do to her" he'd say, "Also, I kind of do want to move on from here" he'd say to Hard Line.

Edited by Scarlet Araxia
  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Araxia (Changed your name again?)

Hard and Trace would get into Trace's unmarked car, which they had arrived in, and take a discrete route to the docks, keeping an eye out as they neared the warehouse district for vans matching the description they had been given by the ghost.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

It wasn't too hard to find where the gangster had taken Enigma, as the tracks lead to Warehouse 23, and the sounds of yelling could be heard coming from said warehouse. "What the hell are we s'pose to do with this one?" one voice called be heard, "Nothing as of yet, boss wants her first..to test her, he says" another voice is heard.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Araxia

Hard looked about to jump out of the car when he heard the voices, but Trace held him in his seat. "I know you want these crooks taken down Z, but we've got to do this right, get as much information as we can, or their operation will just continue alright? We go in quiet, take pictures, record statements, then bust them up."

Hard steadied himself with a deep breath, getting a better hold over his emotions, "Alright, I've got it." He'd calmly get out of the car as Trace did, having parked it in a discrete location while still giving them an easy escape route if things went bad. "Quick question though, do you still have that rifle of yours?"

Trace looked a bit incredulous, "You're asking if I, a police detective, am in possession of a banned Circle of Steel rifle?" His stern demeanor cracked as he rolled his eyes, "It's in the trunk, but you shoot no one until I'm satisfied got it?"

Hard simply nodded as he retrieved the gun case from the back of the truck, slinging it on his back as they set out to get a good vantage point. Most of the warehouses in the district had skylights for ventilation, perhaps they'd get lucky with the one that held Enigma being the same.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Inside of the warehouse, there were a group of stallions standing guard of the room that held the tied up and unconscious Enigma, they put a magic stopping ring on her horn, so she couldn't use her magic when she regained consciousness, and try to get free.

There were two more stallions patrolling the area around the warehouse, making sure no one would sneak in.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Araxia

Hard watched all this through the scope of the rifle, the pair having taken up position on the roof having met surprisingly little resistance. Trace was silently getting photos with a telephoto lens equipped camera.

Hard was watching the patrolling guards, "They wouldn't be too hard to replace, right? Seem to be the standard silent type."

Trace glanced over from the camera, "Lets give them a few more cycles, see if we can't catch their vocal patterns or key words or actions that they'd have when they change over. Or we wait until this 'Boss' they're waiting for arrives. She doesn't look to be in too much danger yet, no need to put the operation at risk."

Hard turned the scope back on Enigma and her guards, "Speaking of risk, you're sending off those pictures right?"

Trace nodded, "Synced to the internet moments after I take them. If we don't make it out, the pictures still will."

They'd keep up their surveillance, waiting for something, if anything, to change.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Soon enough, a black SUV with blacked out windows would pull up into view, and a stallion who looked like the boss would step out of the car. He was just as the spectre had described. He steps over to the two that were patrolling the outside perimeters of the warehouse. He looks around and then goes into the warehouse.

Meanwhile, Enigma had started to regain consciousness, and had begun to kick up a fuss "H-hey! What the buck do you want with me!" she'd start yelling

"Quiet, whore!" The leader would shout at her and slap her across the face, the slap could be heard from outside.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Araxia

Hard tensed at the assault, and Trace grimaced, but continued taking pictures, most especially of the vehicle the boss had arrived in and the boss himself.

Trace would muse to Hard, "This clearly isn't their base, not enough ponies here, so I'd guess this is a temporary holding spot, no good if we raid here, but I do have an idea."

Hard would finish for him, "We send him running, and follow wherever he leads us."

Trace nodded, "Let's just see if they'll tell us anything, give us something more to work with."

Nonetheless Trace was quick to send off a message to his own contacts within the police that he was on to something big, and would be requesting backup shortly.

(If this gang has contacts within the police, they'd potentially be tipped about it, but given how vague Trace was there's no guarantee he's talking about them. They could raise their guard just in case)

Trace continued, "Once we get whatever we're going to get out of them, we startle them, I'll call in the backup, they'll run, the backup will stay here to make them think they got away while we follow them to whatever safe house or base they run to. Then we can get them good."

Hard had the rifle trained on the boss, his leg to be precise if he could see it, any of the guard's heads otherwise. "Just give the signal."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

The guard didn't seem to notice the scope on them, nor did the boss. He just seemed to look over Enigma and shake his head. He spoke to the guards, who nod to what he was saying and started to approach Enigma, with what looked like stun guns.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Araxia

The two would hold position, silent as possible, waiting for the boss's next move, Trace hovered over the alarm button on his radio back to the police, which would call the police to his GPS location when pressed, while Hard hovered his finger over the trigger waiting to take the shot as soon as the signal was given. The fact that the guards were only carrying stun guns helped, it didn't look like they were going to kill her, at least yet.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Scarlet Araxia

The two would continue waiting until:

  1. They looked like they were going to kill Enigma
  2. They looked like they were going to move her somewhere else
  3. Their position was compromised

Unless one of the above things happened, they'd continue watching, recording what went on, flinching as she was struck, but remaining strong until they could get more than just a hooffull of petty foalnappers.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

The boss nods "Alright you two, knock her out and get her into the van." he says, moving to go to his car. It would seem that he was planning on moving the operation. The two guards would nod and approach her once more, this time, knocking her out to move her to the van.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Araxia

As soon as the boss said to move Enigma, Trace pressed the button on his silent alarm. It would only take a minute or two for the sirens of approaching police to become audible.

Once the sirens could be heard, Trace would give Hard the signal, and he would shoot at whatever of the following he could get a target on:

  1. One of the guards moving Enigma's head (The head of the guard, not Enigma)
  2. One of the knees of the boss
  3. The head of any of the other guards
  4. The windshield of their van

He would only shoot one of the above, as soon as the shot went off Trace would teleport them down to the ground to run for their car ready to follow the van if and when it sped off. They hoped the approaching police would put the criminals in enough of a frenzy so as to not go looking for the sniper and instead flee the scene faster.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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