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The MLP Video Master Thread

Twilight Sparkle ✨

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Not sure if these have been posted (there's a lot of videos in this topic), but just in case, have these two.


*WARNING* This one could possibly trigger seizures. Lots of flashing.


NO KIDDING!!!!!!! OMG, SO... MANY... COLORS!!!!!! Gosh dang, it's like the maker of that vid just said to himself, "Dang it, I'm going to put everypony who watches this vid into a coma if it's the last thing I do!" and just made it as much like ponies on LSD as he possibly could!!!! :lol:


The revolution is about to begin everypony!!! Just one day more!!!!!!!


And seriously, this next vid... yeah, it'll make you cry. And most of the vid you might be saying to yourself "Meh, whatever, I ain't crying," but just wait until 3:00, cause then, well, the water works are going to kick into high gear. Seriously one of the saddest Fluttershy vids I've ever seen!!! :(


Hnnnnngggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( Ya wanna hug Fluttershy? :(

Posted Image

Ok. :(

Posted Image

*sniff* I'll be OK, just... give me a minute. :(

Edited by Batbrony


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Very nice, saw quite a few familiar faces from the brony community in that vid! :)


Tonight, I give ya'll a MLP/ Scrubs crossover that doesn't have nearly as many views as it should for the hard work that was put into it and the quality it displays. Seriously, it's weird, there's another Scrubs crossover that's just as funny and has about 36,000 views, but for some reason, this one only has barely over 500!!!! :wacko: Well, whatever, the number of views doesn't change the fact that this is a hilarious crossover!! Enjoy everypony!!! B)


Yeah... Fluttershy would be Ted, wouldn't she? ^_^

  • Brohoof 3


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Here is some funny stuff. It's like Ponies the Anthology, exact it's not the same source material of course. Some of the Lip-Syncing is pretty great.


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:o Oh... my... gosh... SO MUCH WIN!!!!!!!!!!! And before you think, "Oh, this is just another dub/crossover," let me make one thing clear; this is not a crossover. This is a dub, but it is a dub of John DiMaggio speaking in his Bender voice during a script reading of "Boast Buster's" at the Canterlot Gardens convention held last week as none other than Trixie! And yes, it is as amazing as it sounds!!!!!



If you haven't checked out the full script reading yet, do so, right away, it is unfreakinbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!! B)

Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh my gosh, that second vid, so much win!!!!!! :lol: Anyways, I decided to post the whole vid of the Canterlot Gardens "Boast Busters" script reading, because it is too fantastic not too!!!! Seriously, some of the biggest names in voice acting basically spend close to an hour having all sorts of fun reading the lines of the show with their various voices, including John DiMaggio, Grey DeLisle, Jennifer Hale, and Tara Strong!!!!!! Needless to say, this video is a blast!!!!!!! Enjoy everypony!!!!!! B)


  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Nice... it's not too often that we see members post their own work in this thread; well done! :)


:blink: Uh oh... looks like Twilight's sick of Celestia's trolling, and Luna's egging her on to organize and lead a revolution! :ph34r: This... cannot end well... but at least it makes for some stirring show-tunes! :lol:


Ya know, it figures that Twilight would be the one to lead a revolution to overthrow Celestia. Oh well... Viva la Revolucion!!! B)

First off, MLP Les Miserables, yes, and now let's keep going with that, the revolution is starting! But Inspector Trixie has been found as one of Celestia's spies.



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First off, MLP Les Miserables, yes, and now let's keep going with that, the revolution is starting! But Inspector Trixie has been found as one of Celestia's spies.


AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Finally, somepony posted in this thread!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!! It's been wayyyyyyyyy too long since somepony else last posted!!!!!!! Also, yes, the Les Mis pony vids are all sorts of win!!!! B)


Alright, first off, here's the new vid from hotdiggedydemon that he created as a special for the Canterlot Gardens Convention a couple of weeks back (don't worry ya'll, it's clean, unlike his .MOV vids :) ).


I don't know how it's possible, but somehow, even when she's insane and wearing a strait jacket and muzzle (and talking like Fat Albert), Fluttershy still manages to be adorable! ^_^

And next, an extra clip from "The Return of Harmony, Part 1" that was never aired with the original broadcast (for fairly obvious reasons, as you shall see :lol: ).


RAINBOW DASH, Y U BREAK THE RULES!!!!!!!!! :angry: Ya'll bucked up now!!!!!!!! B)

Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Here we have yet another one of BlackGryph0n's work. I give you... Applelicious!

I feel sorry for AJ... I don't think she's a background pony. Posted Image Edited by Dave247
  • Brohoof 2

My Ponysona: Daylight
Avatar by the very skilled: @ErBoi
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Here we have yet another one of BlackGryph0n's work. I give you... Applelicious!





I feel sorry for AJ... I don't think she's a background pony. :(


AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! So much win!!!!!!! B) Big Mac and Derpy, Y U BE TROLLING AJ?!?!?! I have to agree, I was at first somewhat unsatisfied; IDK, maybe it's because I'm a big AJ fan and have been waiting for her own Applelicious vid for awhile. However, I went to the vid description and saw (1) that Peter New voiced this, so yeah, that's epic, and (2) Black Gryph0n will make an actual Applelicious vid soon enough, so we got that to look forward to (Applelicious, Take 2! ^_^ ). Thank you for posting this, I'm much obliged. Well, onto the show!



Here, we see why AJ and RD really were laying waste to that old barn in "Lesson Zero"!




My Little Pony: Friendship is Karate and Destruction of Property. B)

Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Here we have yet another one of BlackGryph0n's work. I give you... Applelicious!




I feel sorry for AJ... I don't think she's a background pony. :(


First time I actually saw this xD; While I do think it's too bad for AJ fans (inb4 Clarity emoness), I do think Gryphon was very clever in doing that. Look forward to her real one in the future.


One of the more recent 'Discord' remixes. I'm very picky when it comes to remixes of this song, but this is definitely one of the handful I like and fully approve of.


Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
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One of the more recent 'Discord' remixes. I'm very picky when it comes to remixes of this song, but this is definitely one of the handful I like and fully approve of.




I think it's safe to say the following:

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Nice remix bro, good find, good find. B)

Well, after waiting all summer for a new entry in this series, a new episode of "Two Best Sisters" was finally released at the beginning of October. Everypony, I present to you, "Two Best Sisters Play - Resident Evil 4"!!! Enjoy everypony!!!!! :D*Warning*: NSFW


Man, those two have way too much time on their hooves. Apparently raising the sun, the moon, and running the entire kingdom of Equestria doesn't take that much time or effort... :huh: well... that or they're just really bucking lazy. :huh: Hmmm... yup, I'm going with the latter. :mellow:

Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Some may not care for Rule 63rd ponies, but this guy is very talented, and this is one of his more recent pieces. A duet with Pinkie from the show, and Bubble Berry, Pinkie's male version :3


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800 posts in this thread everypony!!!!!! That means over 800 amazing MLP vids posted in this thread!!!!! Long live Pony vids!!!!!!! B)

First up, something I just accidentally stumbled across today; this one needs a bit of an explanation before viewing it. The premise of this PMV is that Applejack has fallen into a coma as a result of a train crash on her way to Appleloosa, and Braeburn is helping guide her out of it. Considering what's somewhat implied by the vid, if you discount the fact that he's her cousin, it's not that weird, and frankly, there's not that much implied. But really, this is not only possibly the best Applejack PMV I've ever seen, but one of the most impressive PMV's I've ever seen period; it only relies a little bit off of footage from the actual show, while the rest is completely original animation, and very good animation at that. That, and the creator chose a fantastic song for this PMV. Enjoy everypony!!! :D

Addendum: After a second viewing of this PMV, I've re-evaluated my original consensus and come to the conclusion that this is without a doubt the greatest PMV I've ever seen!!! As I said before, the song is fantastic, the artwork is fantastic, but even more impressive, it has a very self-contained story, like a real music video. I've only seen a couple of other PMVs that do the same, such as "Daddy Discord," but I really can't think of any that have ever done it as well as this PMV. AJ fans, rejoice!!!!!! :wub:

Addendum 2.0: OK, after even further consideration, I do have to mention that there are plenty of PMV's out there that do have more impressive animation, along with some fantastically written original songs; I'm particularly a fan of The Living Tombstone's work, but "Picture Perfect Pony" is another song that comes to mind. That does not change the fact that this has become my favorite PMV, mostly because the story it tells is quite touching and uplifting compared to a lot of the other PMVs I've seen, which are usually either (1) very silly, (2) very awesome, or (3) very sad, but not usually in an uplifting sort of way. This is somewhat sad, but it's mostly uplifting, and as I said earlier, the fact that this 4 minute video manages to put together a complete story is quite impressive in and of itself.

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Next, this might have been posted way back when, but I honestly can't recall seeing it posted, and it's such a great remix that it really deserves to get posted, even if it's the second time it's been posted in this thread. Enjoy! :)


It's so catchy!!!!! :wub:

Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 3


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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This is a beautiful short fan fic turned into a narrative art piece slideshow. It's about Princess Luna and the moon, and it's a sweet, touching story. If you love Luna, have eight and a half minutes to kill or just want to check it out, I encourage you to.




  • Brohoof 3


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This is a beautiful short fan fic turned into a narrative art piece slideshow. It's about Princess Luna and the moon, and it's a sweet, touching story. If you love Luna, have eight and a half minutes to kill or just want to check it out, I encourage you to.






I very much enjoy the work SqueakAnon do. I first discovered them due to the Doctor Who episodes that they do and that's what caused me to subscribe to them. I hadn't seen this before though as I didn't go though their upload history but I still very much enjoyed it.




I may as well post a video at the same time as that is the point of this topic. This is a fan made OOC 20 minute episode that although could be improved in a number of ways, is still interesting to watch in my opinion. Looking though the comments I think some people have been a bit too harsh on it which is why I'm posting it here so it can get some positive attention. I read one of the comments say that the team that made this were inexperienced at doing something like this so hopefully they will learn from their mistakes and improve for the next episode.




My Ponysona: Daylight
Avatar by the very skilled: @ErBoi
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This is a beautiful short fan fic turned into a narrative art piece slideshow. It's about Princess Luna and the moon, and it's a sweet, touching story. If you love Luna, have eight and a half minutes to kill or just want to check it out, I encourage you to.






Oh wow, that was absolutely beautiful; ya know, I never really thought about Luna's relationship to the moon itself before seeing that vid, but after watching this, it actually makes a lot of sense, in a kind of sad way, that after being banished and living there all by herself for 1000 years, the moon would be Luna's best friend. Thanks so much for posting this pal, it was well worth the watch! :D



Now, ya'll may think that this is a PMV about Rainbow Dash, but it's not; she REALLY IS awesome! :wub: No no, this PMV is actually sung by Dashie's lame cousin Rainbow Trash from Ponyland, who's about 20% less cool than RD... http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png well, more like 20% x10 less cool. Enjoy everypony!!! B)

Edited by Batbrony


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Just stumbled across today this fantastic remix of one of my favorite songs from the "Friendship is Witchcraft" YouTube series, "Sweetie's Big Race". Sweetie Bot is best robot pony!!! B)


  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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"A system always reverts to its most chaotic state.

And I was here first.

So no matter how hard you try...

How much you struggle...

How much you try to fight it...

Entropy dictates I will always come back."


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You know, i'm getting so much hype from Halo 4 and Season 3, it must be a coincidence that they only release 4 days away from each other.

Anyways, have some Halo+Ponies.


A memorial to all those lost in the great defeat of Nightmare moon.

The prophet of truth doesn't like ponies apparently...

The loss of the rings due to this "Rainbow Dash" was colossal failure, neigh, it was heresy?

Apparently, I can't put more than one video in a post. What is this.

Edited by Promethean L0LZ
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This is a beautiful short fan fic turned into a narrative art piece slideshow. It's about Princess Luna and the moon, and it's a sweet, touching story. If you love Luna, have eight and a half minutes to kill or just want to check it out, I encourage you to.






Found another YouTube fan fic, similar to the one CD previously posted in that it's centered on Luna; however, this one's a motion comic, and contains no narration. Very professionally done, and quite beautiful; I might post the others later after I've checked them out (I think 3 vids have been released related to this story). Enjoy everypony! :)



P.S. I'm loving all of the activity I've been seeing on this thread in the last day or two!!! Lord knows I love seeing all the new pony vids that ya'll have posted; makes it easier to find the real gems among the thousands of pony vids out there!!!!! Thanks for all the great vids you've posted guys!!! :D

Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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If any of you guys are die hard Marvel fans like me and have seen the recent Iron Man 3 teaser you should enjoy this:



Also check out ActionMovieBuff's channel. He posts tons of other awesome ponyfied movie trailers.

Edited by Bobado
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