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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Sherem

Illiad Easle

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Curiouser and curiouser, I had thought the Empire was an independent nation, but it seems they were under Celestia's influence even before Sombra. This talk of a rebellion is interesting, perhaps there's more truth to the tales than I thought. Sombra led a rebellion to free the Empire from Equestria, but not for a noble cause as I had been told, but for his own purposes.

Midnight took the opportunity to ask a question, "Excuse the interruption, but I don't think I've heard the term 'umbrum' before. Does it refer to a race of Crystal Pony? Or is it a separate race entirely?"

And here I thought he was a typical unicorn.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem was keeping composure replied as well as keeping with his story he said

The umbrum are a race of shadow ponies, capable of inhabiting dark crystals, they are the antithesis of the crystal ponies, ponies that can become smoke and be virtually untouchable. Sombra was form this and to this he would turn me into. After my defeat he captured me and took me to a dungeon he had made build inside the crystal spire, where he...broke me, I will not go into detail of that. Enough to say I lived it over and over the most dreadful moments of my life, the ones that were painful and also he went for physical torture until there was nothing of my mind.

At this point death would have been a merciful release, and it was there that he did a ritual, I don't know by what means he build this hole ritual, but he used Umbrum crystals that where bind to my mind and my soul, therefore creating the psychopath that lives now in my head, ruthless, mad, violent, cold with all my skills and my knowledge where his to use. Hence forth Sheoreth the umbrum that lives in me. And he is the one that you fought, when the binding was complete the glyphs you see around my Cutie mark appeared, I haven't been able to translate them and I don't think I want to know. 

Sheoreth then served sombra for years until the princesses where able to make an assault to Sombra's empire, and managed to banish him under the cold ground that surrounds the empire, but as well this meant that the staisis had to be put in place to make sure that the magic of the empire would stay contained until the time came, and there I was left to wrestle with the umbrum inside me, for a thousand years I wrestled with him for control, sometimes able to protect those in the stasis of the empire and others he would take control and destroy others for fun.

The rest you already might know, about how Princess twilight and her friends freed the empire form the stasis and Spike helped princess cadance banish sombra for good. I hope. 

Before your ask, yes I did try to find a way to be separated of Sheoreth, but as more I investigated the documents of Sombra, I found out that there is no way to separate us, not without killing us both anyhow.

then sherem emptied the bottle and put down the shot glass on the table and looked again at his sword and said "and that's the story your grace, this is who I am now"

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So an Umbrum is not wholly unlike a shadow specter, interesting... Perhaps they have similar weaknesses? Our plan grows stronger.

The equivalence was not lost on Slend either, who now had both 'eyes' facing Sherem and their 'mouth' turned into a slight frown.

Midnight nodded as Sherem concluded his tale, "Interesting, there's quite a bit to think about there, but it does fit well with my initial assumptions, at least where they correspond to how we may help you. Per your description, these Umbrums seem quite similar to the Shadow Specters, which Sir is something of an expert in. If they are one and the same then I would suppose that Sombra was an Umbrum King, and spawned Sheoreth to posses you. As far as I'm aware, once posessed it does require that the Specter release hold willingly or death is a likely, but not the only, outcome."

Midnight looked over at Slend, then back at Sherem, "This leaves us two options: We either somehow convince Sheoreth to leave, or contain them within your mind so their influence is limited or eliminated. Specters at least, while skilled in mental magics, are also weak to them, especially when distanced or separated from their king. Sheoreth's apparent age is the other difficulty however, as they may have become a king in their own right, but that in and of itself does not leave us without options, as any other King could challenge for control, and upon victory release you from servitude."

Midnight sighed, "It is a dangerous process in any case, but your lack of fear of death does at least take the edge off the consequences. Slend will observe you in the mean time, hopefully revealing some weakness or which plan has the highest chance of success."

Midnight shook his head, "But enough of that for now, you've been the only one to share, I insist you ask something of us in the interest of fairness."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem gave a smile with a soft snort and said "My apologies, I don't remotely even intend to mock you, my lord, but you should scrap the idea of convincing Sheoreth of leaving, he is a madpony and he is bent on getting my body he has been on it for over 1000 years and you know what they say about mad ponies, you can't reason with them" he looked at Slend and said "no offense intended at any way" he took another shot and said

"The reason why I have no fear of death is mostly because I have no attachment for my own life, after all these years it was possible to destroy every little grain of self-esteem I ever had, well that and my father started that job though. Perhaps the easiest way to get rid of him is to behead me, seems to me it will be the fastest and assured way" he took another shot  and said "i do have some questions, if you will allow me, first and most important of all" he took another shot and sit up to look at Midnight more directly.

"frist, why did you decided to help me?" he took another shot and then said "second, after the battle with Sheoreth, you said that there was something wrong with you and the princesses, now that you have made me spill my emotional guts here, shall we stand in the same ground?"

Edited by Sherem
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Midnight seemed rather surprised by Sherem's questions, as did Slend. Midnight composed himself before responding, "When I offered to answer, I didn't think you'd cut right to the heart like that. But I suppose it's only fair after what you've told me."

"Before I answer that though, as it pertains to convincing Sheoreth to leave, I use convince loosely, provided he is what I know as a shadow specter, they have been called different things in different cultures after all. If that is the case, their thoughts on the matter may be wholly irrelevant."

Midnight sent Sled away to replace the bottle that Sherem had emptied during his story, as well as bring something for Midnight himself to drink, which had a more milk/caramel color to it, which prompted Slend to ask when he returned, "Now that your story is done, would you prefer something else to drink? Or will what you have suffice?"

Midnight took a drink of his beverage before he began to answer Sherem's questions, "As to your first question, there's a real lack of anyone who will walk through the ages with me, it seems a waste to let a potential friend go. Further, as you'll understand given the answer to your second question, any time I can fix a problem which Celestia has ignored is an opportunity I cannot pass up."

He took another drink before starting into the second answer, "My relationship with the princesses, now that's a complicated subject."

Sir and I first arrived in Equestria... oh about five years or so before Nightmare Moon, It may have been a year or two before the Crystal Empire went into stasis. It wasn't long after we arrived, the next day in fact, that we happened across a slave caravan. In those days many of the Earth pony and noble Unicorn families had zebra slaves, and Sir well, he did not approve.

We were sloppy back then, only killed two of the masters, one died before we could interrogate him, the rest escaped, along with the zebras they had been transporting. So word got back to the princesses rather quickly of a pair of demons in the forest attacking caravans.

Over time we got better at liberating, those we liberated joining us willingly to free others, becoming spies into plantations and households to feed us information and start revolts. The rest either were returned to Zebrica, armed with the knowledge to fight back against the slavers and strengthen their communities, or they joined in a new colony we formed, the one you flew over on you way here in the plains by the river. Celestia had started sending guards to defend the caravans, but they were no more difficult to put down than the slave masters themselves.

It wasn't until we started razing plantations that Luna was dispatched to 'deal with us'. Only she had been opposed to slavery from the beginning, and so secretly aided in our efforts, making a show of stopping us, but never trying too hard. It wasn't long before she and I, well, developed a sort of relationship. She was saddened by the reminder that I would one day die, and so bestowed a gift upon me which has preserved my youth to this day.

Midnight seemed melancholy at the memory, and took another swig of his drink.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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He only answered the first question and added a comment to what Midnight had offered and said "well, you wanted to know the story behind all the matter with Sheoreth and me, there is a price for all in this life I learned, I do apologize for my bluntness but I have never knew other way, my lord. As for your offer of something to drink, yes I would like now the strongest stuff you can provide. And hey, if it kills me, mission accomplished" he said, after that he was silent and drinking, but not for one moment his concentration or ears or eyes left Midnight

Sherem was amazed to hear that Celestia was a slaver, since he never heard of such tales, perhaps there was a misunderstanding or, there was a story that he never knew even when he studied years of equestrian history.

He had his own questions, but he would keep them for himself until Midnight was done with his story.

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Slend rolled their 'eyes', "If we give you the strongest stuff, then you won't hear the full story, you can have it once the story is over." In the mean time, Slend brought more of what Sherem had been drinking before.

Midnight continued his story:

It wasn't long after that when Celestia decided that she had waited long enough, and would face off with us herself. This was only a year or two after the Crystal Empire disappeared, and I think she wanted to ensure that no similar rebellion would threaten her.

A more sad expression came to Midnight's face, Luna and I, we didn't dare reveal our relationship to Celestia, so when that fateful day came we organized the conflict so that I would be fighting Luna and Sir would fight Celestia. In the end, Luna bested me, and Sir surrendered to Celestia to spare my life. He was turned to stone, placed in a little used hallway of the castle, while I was made into Luna's personal slave, the only one she had ever owned.

A bit of sad anger came to him, She had the power, she could pardon Sir and I at any time, set us free and abolish slavery. But her sister had her twisted around her hoof just like all her little ponies, doing her bidding to remain in her favor, to continue receiving her love. This grew a resentment in me towards her, and it hurt her to see me bound as I was, but she was too cowardly to do anything about it, or so I thought.

One night, a few weeks before Nightmare Moon, we had a fight. I said some things I meant then, but regret now. I told her she was worse than all the slavers I had killed, because they at least weren't cowards. I escaped that night, fearing her retribution were I to remain. Before my capture we had gathered a number of orphans,  and had raised them together also as a secret from Celestia. I ran all that night to be at the mountain where we were raising them. This mountain. When we weren't present the village elders cared for them. I hoped that when she came for me, our children would soften her heart to not kill me, or if I were to die that I would see them again before it happened. I hadn't been able to see them for the time I was her slave after all.

Midnight sighed deeply, Only she never came. Only a few days later Nightmare Moon happened and it changed the world, but we weathered the storm together, and mourned her loss. The shamans prophesied her return, and it gave us hope. But from that day, until when I came to save you, I had never personally set hoof in Equestria. Instead I have been to nearly every other nation I've heard of, with the Crystal Empire being the only notable exception.

Midnight sighed, downing the last of his drink. "I suppose that's the full story. If Celestia hasn't removed my name from the history books, as she's done with other events, I should be wanted in Equestria for hundreds if not thousands of first degree murder charges, as well as millions of bits in stolen and destroyed property."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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This time Sherem took 10 shots of the drink and said in a soft tone said "I see, now I understand the animosity, I have to admit I never heard of Celestia as a Slaver, thought that was abolished years ago with the foundation of Ponyville, tough I have my own doubts around what you told me, I will keep them for myself when is a better time to ask" he took 5 more shoots as quick as he could.

"then All is left is to say one thing, and ask you one thing, but first things first" he took a pause and looked at Midnight and said "Thank you"

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Midnight nodded, then passed the glistening shot glass over to Sherem's end of the table. "No need to thank me yet, we haven't tried to save you. And you are correct, slavery was abolished, or rather quietly discontinued, a few centuries ago. My exploits against slavers were nearly a millennium ago after all."

He pointed at the glass, "Now, that there's the strongest stuff we have. Pure fermented diamond ale. I don't know how one ferments a diamond, but some dragon figured it out and it subsequently became the strongest drink out there. The ponies who haven't died as a result of drinking it, are still in a coma. So if you had some, well, I'd be surprised if you woke up within a week. But your being physically paralyzed by the drink will make getting into your head quite a bit easier. We can fight Sheoreth where they're most vulnerable, in your mind."

Midnight shrugged, "That doesn't have to happen today though."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem drinked the glass of the Diamond Ale in one click and then looked at Midnight and said "I was just thanking your for your honesty" he took other two glasses and said "now for my question would be: how expensive are this chairs?" he said as he put the glass on the table

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Midnight looked confused by the question, and was mentally counting down the thirty seconds it normally took for the coma and paralysis to set in from the diamond ale. "Relatively inexpensive, they're made locally. Why do you ask?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"Thank you, for letting me know and I will pay for them" and it was then that Sherem fell down to his back along with the chair but he was not in a comma, he was sleeping. The drink indeed wore him down hard and he was with other drink in his stomach and then his repression of Sheoreth and memories also wore him down into this state

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The chair was built surprisingly sturdy, and as such was not damaged from Sherem's fall. It was build for heavier individuals after all.

Midnight laughed softly, then waved towards Sherem, Slend stepped into action, shadowy black tendrils extending out from under the suit coat he wore to lift Sherem into the air with surprising strength, then following behind as Midnight led the way towards a room marked 'Equestria' where Sherem was set carefully into the bed. As Midnight turned to leave he addressed Slend, "Watch him, and tell me if anything happens."

Slend nodded as he took a spot in the corner of the room, the 'eyes' disappearing from his face as he did so.

Midnight left to go about his other duties, remaining alert if Slend wanted to warn him of something, but otherwise acting as if all was normal.

The room was a pretty standard affair, a large bed in the middle, enchanted crystals in the ceiling that glowed brighter the closer one was to them, a simple yet well furnished bathroom. It did not have any windows, indicating that it was within the mountain, and lacked much decoration on the carved walls.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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In his dreams Sherem saw visions of his past, the times with Sombra and Radiant Hope. The time of his upbringing as a guard, but the one that most struck him in his dreams where about how his mother left this world.

This last one made him more than uneasy sleeping, he had troubles to sleep before but this one was bad. Usually the booze and the drinks he took was enough to make him sleep, but reliving those memories was pretty bad for his head. And with each memory Sheoreth was gaining ground, but he knew it would be stupid to cause a ruckus here, in "Enemy territory" 

So, Sheoreth did what he did best, taunt and torture Sherem in his dreams with all the memories of his life, and smiled as he did so.

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Despite their 'body' remaining motionless in the corner, Slend himself was free to move about in the darkness of the room. They did not have permission to do this, in fact it had been forbidden by Midnight to do what they were about to, but they questioned his judgement in waiting to start the containment procedure.

Perhaps Slend was too self assured, perhaps they were emboldened by Sherem's inebriated state, nonetheless, they set about to work their unique magic.

The tendrils reached out from the shadows, gripped Sherem gently by the horn and neck, and would attempt to enter his mind.

Given Sherem was dreaming, if Slend were successful in entering they would be entered into whatever dream Sherem was experiencing at the moment. 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Soon they found themselves on the crystal empire after princess twilight helped them to get away for the grasp of King Sombra and saw Sherem ready to leave the empire on the platform of the train, but as soon as Slend saw him in the dream, Sheoreth took notice of their presence.

Sheoreth came out from the shadow of Sherem and looked at Slend and said "A new arrival! I was wondering when somepony was going to do something stupid here, thank your for being the first one" he was clearly unafraid of them and he was even bent on making them his playthings.


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The ease with which Slend was able to enter the mental state put them on edge. Either they let me in, or he's too weak to stop me.

Sheoreth's further taunting did little to assuage his mood, Either they're stupid, either through overconfidence or ineptitude, or they truly don't feel threatened. Perhaps they don't yet know what could happen.

In the mental world, Slend took the appearance of a shadowy orb with a number of long slender tendrils. They moved about the world with an almost bipedal stance, some tendrils forming 'arms' and 'legs' with the central mass supported like a head atop the body.

Slend would do what they could to get Sherem's attention, this dream didn't seem unpleasant, yet. And Slend intended to make the most of it, if they could interact they could hold the mental world in stasis, provided they combined were stronger than Sheoreth, otherwise Slend could at least stave off the worst of the effects Sheoreth had on Sherem.

However, provided Sheoreth had the power, they could also force Slend to have to go through Sherem's memories first in order to reach them.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"Awww, you are playing coy. How quaint, but the your error is to think you have any control in here" he also turned into shadows and entangled himself on the orb not letting it move around "here we play by my rules" he took them  instead to the memories of the torture of Sherem by the hooves of Sombra

They first saw how needles where inserted all over his body for blood samples all over his body, then it would take to magic beams that would put on the test the stamina against magic that would basically feel like knives

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While a grapple like that wouldn't work in the physical world, it was very effective in the mental state, as such Slend did not try to dodge nor did he try to escape immediately. He is strong, I can feel it. Perhaps stronger than I, though that waits to be seen.

Slend pulled their tendrils back into themself, but did not resist being dragged along into the memory. A more violent way to posses than I had supposed, Either an Umbrum is less able to posses a resistant host, or this was apart from the possession.

Slend did not fight back against Sheoreth, instead they felt against the shadows that drew them along, looking to discern any similarities to themself.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sheoreth smiled and showed more painful memories to Slend, but he secretly went into their minds as well and said "study all you want, the deeper you go into the wussy's head, the more I bury myself inside of you and even you will come to drink with me in the side of mania of this world" 

He kept going inside them until he could reach a core of some kind inside of Slend to mold into his will, having an "assistant" would prove useful here in unknown territory

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Slend was not ignorant to what was going on, this was something they were trained to defend against after all. So when Sheoreth penetrated into the mental core it would try to pull him in.

"If we're going to talk, we're doing it mind to mind."

One of the retracted tendrils would trace back the way Sheoreth had entered, looking to find a core of its own.

Meanwhile within the core there was a simple white room with a pair of seats, a version of Slend sitting in one, the other empty. "Let's talk then, if you're that desperate to give my king information. You think you can twist me? When my king, to who I owe my life, is so close by?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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From the shadows Sheoreth appeared and sit on the chair as he smiled, confident he said "so simple you are, and yet you might do, what you fail to realize is that I am madness itself. I am a part of you, little one. I am a little shadow in your subconscious, a blemish on your fragile little psyche. You know me. You just don't know it"

As he put himself comfortable he said "you can skip all the parts and logic out the window. Whatever your "king" thinks he can do to convince me to leave my body will be a waste of time. Now if there are introductions to be made You can call me Ann Marie. But only if you're partial to being flayed alive and having an angry immortal skip rope with your entrails. If not, then call me Sheoreth, Charmed"

"Now, nothing I say will come for free, soon every scrap of information I give you will have a price. Every letter, every word I utter will be charged with a piece of your sanity. Like I told your king. Everypony plays my game willing or not" he was even more confident now


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Slend pondered their words carefully, the seeking tendril found it difficult to trace back to Sheoreth's core, but it was clear enough that Sheoreth too was a Specter. If Slend wasn't careful they could get dominated despite their king's proximity. "You think him the king? My King you have not yet met, and pray you never shall him meet, for his wrath made even Discord hesitate."

"Nonetheless, I accept your price, on the condition that your answers be true. Your King gave you a mission when you were separated from them. To what end were you bound to Sherem?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sheoreth gave a unsettling smile and he looked at him in what would be their eyes and said "Oh but I like meeting other ponies, specially when they can see they know that they can be mad inside as well" he chuckled "now to answer your question: I was brought forth as Umbrum to bind to the skills, mind and body of wussy here to the service of King Sombra"

"does that answer your question? let's hope so, or we are in real trouble, and out comes the intestines, and I SKIP ROPE WITH THEM" he laughed

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Slend seemed impressed, as far as they could tell Sheoreth had indeed answered honestly. "You're aware that neither of us have organs. Nonetheless, you appear to have accomplished your objective, to what end do you now continue? Why would you venture so close to She Who Slays Specters?" By that Slend referred to Celestia. "It seems unwise."

The cost was true, Slend could feel Sheoreth's fortitude pushing against their own. Slend wouldn't be able to hold up much longer, but they hoped to gather as much information for their king as they could before pulling out.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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