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private Connection of Love (Private w/ Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Moonstone Aura

As Stacey began to explain her reasoning to double back to her car, Dynamo nodded in understanding. "Okay and I guess that makes sense. Considering that some of the items might either be heavy, or they could get damaged pretty easily. It all depends on the items that you might need to pick up." He would say, his eyes widening in anticipation of the mention to Pokemon. "You're getting Sword and Shield today!? That's awesome! I've beaten the story for a while now and it's a pretty fun game, in my opinion. Even the new Pokemon look so interesting and worthwhile. It took me a day or two to beat the main story. That's how much fun the game is. it's as if you can't put the game down until you finish said video game." He chuckled, before a thought had come to mind. "Actually, now that you mention it. I think I should get myself some points/credits for my Switch. I heard that the DLC will be dropping in the next few days. I think you got the game at the perfect time. You'll have a lot to do once you get to the post game." He would say, walking in step with Stacey with a smile. "I think that's understandable. It's better to play through each generation of Pokemon, before going into the new story. I do know that Kanto and Johto do kind of connect, but still. I wouldn't know as I didn't really play Gold, Silver, or Crystal. I might try to when I get the chance, but I'm happy with the game I'm playing now."

At the mention of figures and statuettes, Dynamo raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Is there any new figures that were recently added? I'm kind of a collector myself, but I guess it depends on the statuette in question. Usually, I go with Naruto, My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball Z, or anything that stands out as a figurine."

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@Dynamo Pad

Stacey smiles "Well see, I am a big collector of game franchise collectables, as well as Pokemon" she states "I'm picking up some statues of characters from Hyperdimension Neptunia: Re;birth 1, a couple Final Fantasy statues, some DMC ones and some Pokemon, especially the life size Absol" she smiles widely "As for the games, like I said, Sword and Shield, and maybe one or two more I might like if I see them on the shelves"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

"With all the gaming titles you just mentioned, I have no doubt that you'd be a collector in gaming franchise figures. That, or even plushies, or even both. I have heard of Hyperdimention Neptunia as I believe there's an anime for it. Besides the video games, of course. I've played a bit of Final Fantasy, but I'm more of a Kingdom Hearts kind of guy. When you mention DMC, do you mean the old or the new Devil May Cry game. I heard the reboot called DMC was a bit of a letdown, but that's what I heard in reviews. So, I can't honestly be too sure on that statement. I do like Pokemon, but I collect the plushies more than statues of them." Dynamo smiled, before nodding. "If you ever need help in Sword and Shield, then don't hesitate to ask. I've been collecting shiny's recently and been working on teams for competitive. It's been a lot of fun and I never thought getting back into Pokemon would be so exhilarating. You said one or two more if you see them on the shelves. Is there any sort of game that you might be interested in? I can imagine Super Smash Brothers, or a Mario game title, but I suppose it depends on one's own personal preference.

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@Dynamo Pad

Stacey nods "Oh yeah, I tried playing the reboot, it wasn't...well it kind of suffered the same fate as Watchdogs. All hype, no results" she says "So yeah it was a major let down. The originals though, 1 to 5, yeah I like them" she smiles and walks with him to the stores "Oh I collect the plushies as well, I always love to snuggle with my Abby and Houndy" she would say with a smile "I feel..like they protect me in my dreams, as silly as that sounds"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

"Okay. If you said the same thing along the lines as the reviews, then it has to be true. I did hear of the game, Watchdogs. However, I never really looked into it. I didn't even know they had their own reboot. Nowadays, I've been seeing games get a reboot, or remastered version. I get that a game was popular enough to be brought onto next generation consoles, but still. It'd be nice to see some new games every now and then. Although, I do remember there's going to be a reboot/remastered version of Destroy All Ponies game. I remember watching an episode of Cheat that showed tips and tricks and the game piqued my interest." Dynamo nodded, before chuckling with a grin. "Same on the original 1 to 5 on DMC. I wasn't that big of a fan with the first two, but I loved DMC 3. I remember starting with 4 as Nero was a pretty interesting character. His devil arm was pretty awesome too. It soon made me want to try the other games in the series. Granted, I haven't played 5 yet, but I'm planning on checking it out at some point." He would say as they walked into the stores.

"I think I remember seeing a random plush or two in the background of your streams. I'm not entirely sure who Abby or Houndy are, but I think they are pretty cool." He would say, shaking his head with a smile. "I don't think that's silly. From what you said, it seems like those plushies act like a sort of dream catcher. I'm the same way. I have special plushies that I always fall asleep with. It feels like they keep me safe whenever I give them a hug. So, I can relate to what you mean."

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@Dynamo Pad

She nods "It's sad, that most big developers are running out of ideas and just rehashing old ideas" she would say "but then, the way I also look at it, is that, it does give indie developers a chance to be seen as more and more people will be looking for new games to play and not rebooted/redone old ideas" she'd say and then giggle "Oh come on, you can surely tell by their names.. Abby is an Absol and Houndy, my Houndoom" she'd smile at him.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

"I do like how some games are being rehashed into remakes. Some games are pretty nostalgic if you haven't played a game in such a long time. However, there are times where the game isn't as fun as you imagined. One example I would have to say is possibly World of Warcraft. I like how the Classic version made a return, but it wasn't as fun as I thought. Granted, I started playing back when I had free time when I was off from school. It didn't help that I got addicted into the game after watching a parody episode on it. Nowadays, it doesn't feel the same as I once played. I guess it's that feeling of nostalgia that can bring back those memories." Dynamo responded, before nodding in agreement. "That's true when you put it that way. Upcoming developers can make names for themselves with those indie titles, or remakes. Gives them a bit more credibility whenever brand new games make their appearance." He would say, before thinking on Stacey's description of Abby and Houndy. After thinking for a moment, Dynamo slammed a fist in his hand as realization took over. "Oh! Now I remember. You would always bring Abby and Houndy into the streams whenever you played games. Either that, or they'd be easily visible in the background. I haven't seen those plushies in a while, so I guess I honestly forgot." He would say with a sheepish chuckle.

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@Dynamo Pad

She nods with a giggle "They're kind of my mascots for my streams" she'd say "Everyone asks for them to be in them all the time" she says "I can understand though, they're cute and I suppose me hugging them, just makes me even cuter" she would say and nod "and yeah, some remakes are actually really great, for example, Medieval, that game I loved when it was on the Playstation 2, and now it's been remade, it just looks and sounds amazing!"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

"I remember some streamers have a sort of mascot whenever they are doing streams. That, or they have a sort of banner and such that has their mascot. It's even for YouTubers who go by a certain screen name and then that's their mascot. I guess I'm not exactly sure what my mascot would be. Maybe something Pokemon or anime related." Dynamo responded with a shrug of his shoulders. "I'm not surprised that everyone asks for them. They are pretty cool Pokemon and adorable plushies. Who can say no to a plush? Also, you're not wrong when you're talking about the whole cute aspect." He chuckled with a smile. "I think I saw that on one of your streams. I never played the game personally, but I do take your word. It's the same for me when it comes to Crash Bandicoot. The first games came out on the PlayStation 1, but the first three games were remastered on the PlayStation 4. The graphics are different, but it makes Crash seem more animated."

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@Dynamo Pad

"Oh yes I agree with you on that. When they do a remake of a classic game and do it well, then they are definitely worth playing. It's just when they try to add new stuff, or take out stuff along with upping the graphics etc, and change the story completely, then yeah..I try to avoid that" she'd say, nodding some more "Also, believe it or not, but for a while, Abbey and Houndy were like my only real friends" she'd say "that's something I want you to know about becoming a streamer and youtuber now rather than later.. You have to be careful who your real and true friends are"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

"Hmm...I've never seen a classic game have their story changed when it comes to a remake. Although, I will say that I think there is an exception to the rule. The one game being Final Fantasy 7. I think it got a remastered/remake recently, but it's much different. It stops at a certain point in the game because the creators of the game wanted to split said game into three parts. While I see that as a good marketing concept, due to how long the gameplay can be. I just feel as if it's risky and not worth it, in my opinion. I'd think they'd put the game into a collection at some point once the three parts are completed. Sort of like Kingdom Hearts when they released all the games onto one bundle collection. That, or I guess it's not worth it at the time because of the new consoles coming out." Dynamo responded with a shrug of his shoulders. "Wait, really? I can relate as I see plushies as friends you can hug, but I didn't know they were you're only real friends." He would say, raising an eyebrow in surprise, before nodding in understanding. "I know what you mean. I've seen some drama on such YouTuber's that it really shows who you're real friends are. I remember meeting someone back in a convention a few years ago and she's become a true friend to me. I'd say so much as the only friend as it's difficult finding what a real and true friend is nowadays. Thank you though and I really appreciate your concern, Stacey." He smiled as he began looking around the store. "Do you happen to know what it is you're looking for in here? If not, did you put the items on hold to pick them up? I think I've been here a couple of times, but I never really go into this store that often."

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@Dynamo Pad

Stacey smiles "Just picking up some statuettes and plushies I put on order a bit ago" she'd say, going to the counter and showing her card as the packages were brought out for her. She scans her affiliate card and takes the packages, thanking the clerk. "Right, let's get these to my car, then lunch"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

"Oh, I see. So, it's mostly stopping by to pick up everything. At least it'll give me a chance to do some window shopping." Dynamo chuckled as he glanced around the store for the statue figurines and plushies. Just as the clerk had showed up to hand the packages over to Stacey, Dynamo had picked up a few of the packages in his grasp. Thanking the clerk, Dynamo nodded as followed alongside Stacey. "Okay. After some lunch, we can go head off towards the arcade."

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@Dynamo Pad

Stacey would smile and nod, leading him to where she had parked her car "Pretty much, I can't wait to set these up, I'm actually going to be doing a stream while doing it, wanna join in?" she would ask him, as they arrive to a black 1958 Plymouth Fury "ah here she is" she would say, unlocking the trunk of the car and putting some of the packages in there before closing the trunk and putting the rest into the back.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

"I know what you mean. I always feel psyched when trying to set up my room with either new figurines, plushies, or even both. Although, I always seem to have trouble in figuring out where I can put everything." He chuckled as he followed Stacey out to where she parked. As they arrived to her 1958 Plymouth Fury, Dynamo's eyes widened slightly at the mention of joining her on stream. "Are you serious? I mean, I'm flattered and honored, but I wouldn't want to get in the way. Plus, it's your stream and it would be a special unboxing stream." He would say as she placed some packages in the trunk, before placing some in the back seat.

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@Dynamo Pad

She smiles "Sure I'm sure, could consider it a hmm what do they call it? A collab" she smiles, swaying her tail as she would smile to him "It could really boost your own channel" she smiles "I know some of my followers already follow you, but if more see us working together as friends, then they might feel inclined to watch your channel as well"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

"Well, then. If you're sure, then I guess I'll be in the unboxing stream. I suppose it could be considered a collab, but I think that's usually for a special video? I'm not entirely sure as I know there are certain ways to call a special kind of stream." Dynamo smiled at Stacey with a chuckle. "I'm more of a tournament gamer kind of guy, but I guess a boost to my channel wouldn't hurt. It's honestly fun to stream and play games as I love being able to interact with the chat. I think your follower's would love to see us working together. We did have that sort of chemistry during that one livestream."

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@Dynamo Pad

She smiles and nods, "Well I think our friendship is something special" she would say "and I'm all about boosting status for streamers that I like, and you're one of them" she says, closing the car door and locking it, just as her stomach begins to grumble "well then, I think my stomach has spoken, it's lunch time" she would say "So, shall we stay here and just go fast food, or did you want something more like a buffet?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Lazy Ferret

"Wait, really? Our friendship is special in what way?" He would ask with a raised eyebrow. He had some friends here and there, but some of them were close friendships. Hearing this from Stacey was new, but it felt nice to hear that. Which only made him wonder what she had meant. "I'm glad to know that I'm one of the streamers that you like. It's like I had said before. I don't stream all that often, so you don't have to boost my status. I really do appreciate that from you though. It's really sweet of you." After closing the car door and locking it, Dynamo could hear a stomach rumbling. He almost chuckled, before his stomach began to rumble too. "I guess our stomachs think alike. Seems it really is time for lunch." He chuckled, before continuing. "Hmm...I'd probably go with the former. Since we're at the mall, we'll have some places to choose from. Afterwards, we can sit, relax and then head off towards both the game store and the arcade."

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@Dynamo Pad

"Well for one, it is as a said, you're one of the very few streamers I really enjoy streaming with" she'd say "But you are right, still, it's sometimes nice to have company and do a colab, I've actually been starting to get lonely in this town" she'd look to him and then laugh as his stomach grumbled in response to hers "I'd say you are right there, and food court it is", she says as she'd nod and walk with him back towards the escalators to the food court.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

"Thank you and it's still really sweet of you to say that. I might not be the only streamer that you like streaming with, but I have seen some streamer's that aren't so kind." He would say, before nodding in understanding. "When you put it that way, then I think a collab together would be pretty nice. I've felt like that when being in town, but you don't have to worry about being lonely. You've got me now, after all." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking away slightly with a slight blush. He soon glanced back at Stacey, before smiling with a nod. "I guess our decision has been made. To the food court it shall be." He says, following after her as they headed towards the escalators to the food court.

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@Dynamo Pad

Stacey would smile and nod "And now you've got me" she'd say to him, hip bumping him playfully "Maybe I can even help you get more into streaming" she'd say with a smile "It'll be nice to stream with someone local and have lots of fun together" she'd say, as they arrived on the second floor of the mall, "We could even do a bit of a IRL stream today" she'd say.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

Dynamo was surprised from the sudden hip bump, but he smiled as he playfully bumped shoulder's with her. "I can't ask for a better friend than that. I wouldn't mind getting into streaming. Especially if we have our own kind of collabs together." He responded with another smile. "Stream or no stream, I think it would be awesome to play video games together. I can see us even giving our thoughts on a sort of game review." He would say as the duo arrived on the second level of the mall. Upon the mention of an IRL stream, the gamer pony tilted his head in confusion. "An IRL stream? In what way? Do you mean those sort of selfie streams where it's a stream on the go?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Dynamo Pad

Stacey would smile and nod "Yep, you know like the ones that streamers like Ice Poseidon and Andy Milonakis does" she says "Except minus the crazy stuff they do" she'd say with a shudder "and hopefully not as edgy and cringeworthy" she'd laugh


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

Dynamo thought of the names that Stacey had mentioned, before shaking his head in defeat, while frowning. “I’m sorry, Stacey, but I don’t seem to recall either of those names before. Are those two the kind of IRL streamers with the selfie sticks?” He asks, giving her an apologetic look. “I’ve only ever seen some streamers on Twitch. That, or I’ve only seen certain streamers on YouTube, who also do types of vlogs.” 

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