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open Ambition for Ascension

Loud Opinion

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@Starforce @Loud Opinion

Starlight and Bon Bon quickly met up with an older pony known as Mayor Mare. She was in charge of the festivities and was working to get everypony set up. A mint green unicorn known as Lyra was also nearby, seemingly a friend of Bon Bon’s. Starlight could see this relationship working in her favor. Magnolia was also here, much to Starlight’s dismay. She tried to ignore her as best she could to avoid conflict, but that was becoming increasingly difficult as she began circling the mayor to establish her “dominance”.

“Mayor Mare,” Starlight cut in. “We would both be delighted to partake in the setup of the festivities. My village has planned a celebration or two from time-to-time and we know how those little things can truly strengthen the bond between friends.” She looked back and forth at Lyra and Bon Bon as she said this. She didn’t doubt they had a connection, but she knew if she bridged the gap between their differences, they could form an even stronger connection.

“Where shall we start?” she asked the mayor. She glanced briefly at Magnolia in order to encourage her to help despite her detestation towards the festival.

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“These things this mare says—“ Starlight said to the mayor, referring to Magnolia. “Pay no attention to her. She has not undergone the Cutie Mark removal process yet. She is forced to live with all this unnecessary pain and agony because of the burden her mark has forced her to carry. I know your mark has had a heavy influence on you as well. I am truly here to set everypony free, I have no desire to harm others or lure them as she says.”

Off to the side, Starlight gave Magnolia a cold look. How dare she fill this new friend’s head with delusions? She shook her head, then resumed her default smile as she waited for the mayor to say something. She hoped the mare was not too upset by what was said, that would make for a terrible first impression.

For the time being, she allowed her thoughts to divert. Eventually, “Mayor” Mare needed to drop the title. Titles automatically made ponies feel superior over others and forced others to respect them rather than learn to respect them. Starlight could just call Mayor Mare “Mare”, but that seemed like an odd name. However, if that is the name she wanted, then she would use it. Starlight would figure the renaming out once she got better acquainted with this pony.

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The tension in the air held no mandate for Mayor Mare. Her years of political servitude gave her a hearty tolerance toward the out-of-touch and entrenched. She gave a practiced nod and hooked a forehoof over Moonlight's neck to whisper into her ear, "May we speak in private?"

"So, sorry, miss," She said to Starlight with a smile, "I'll be with you in a moment."

When the two were a distance away, Mayor Mare's tone rose in severity, "I take it there is a history between the two of you, and I'll admit I had my misgivings toward you. If you're right about that mare --and I think you are-- then this could be a serious issue that we aren't equipped to handle.

"Our guards left to escort Miss Sparkle, and the mare in question is one we rely on quite a bit for protection."

"You have the most experience with her. So, I'll be relying on you to guide my actions."

Just as the Mayor said the work Sparkle, her mane came alive with a vibrant pink.

Seemingly oblivious to the comical shift, Mayor Mare was conflicted. Perhaps the Mayor is too trusting, but the risks were too dire. If the town lost all of their cutie marks then the economy would grind to a defining halt, and the population would be too great a burden.


"Oh, what do you think they're talking about?" BonBon whispered conspiratorially.

"You think she offended Mayor Mare?" Lyra encouraged.

"Big deal! We all know Twilight calls the shots around here."

The two shot back and forth, countering each other's conjecture.

"Wait, didn't you hear what she said? The cutie mark removal?"

The two looked at Starlight with worry on their faces. BonBon was noticeably more at ease.

"What exactly do you mean by that," BonBon insisted, wanting to give her savior the benefit of the doubt.

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What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Under the waxing gibbous, a grey earth-pony skipped and pranced her way across a bright red road. The brown dirt was eclipsed by red petals so soft that it was difficult to tell when a pony's hoof has met the ground. Octavia had no problems traversing the abnormally comfortable track, but Fuchsia would have to take extra care not to trip over herself. So red were the petals that they activated the appetite. How would such an exotic flower taste?

The path leads to the edge of the Everfree Forest. Up a hill, upon the threshold of trees was a large stone building with an attached tower. The stained glass windows glowed with life, and the small stone 'wall' surrounding what had to be the temple's lawn was too short to hold any resistance.

Fuchsia scooted along through the petals after Octavia. Her stomach grumbled. She leant down unthinkingly to consume the tasty delicacy, her earth pony instincts taking over. But the claw of her manticore grasps her hungry nostrils and seems to lift her questing snout bodily from the petals - "what are they?" it asks "why are they?" it follows up.

Her natural ponyish instincts overriden, she follows the grey mare curiously, hurrying as much as she can through the unexpectedly treacherous ground.

As the building emerges she huddles to the ground, trying to camouflage herself in the pink petals from any prying eyes peering from the stained glass windows of the building.

She will attempt to tackle Octavia to the ground rather than let her return to the place of her obvious torment...


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Octavia was much more stout than her springy stride communicated. The fact that she could find such solid purchase on the obtuse ground would remain unexplained. Both were obstacles devoid of consequence, for Fuchsia's stance was low enough to tip the center of mass. And behold, as all beasts do --in all eventuality-- she fell. A heavy thud accompanied the feeling of impact Fuchsia got. The two had landed off the path with Fuchsia firmly atop Octavia.

When their minds caught up with them, it was Octavia that stole the first word, "Fuchsia?"

Confusion made way for elation, "Oh, this is wonderful! I can finally introduce you to the shepherd!"

The temple was a silent observer. Its windows were like glowing kaleidoscopes. At any moment, those heavy wooden doors could swing open. A pony could spy from atop the joint tower.

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What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Loud Opinion @Starforce

Starlight looked at Magnolia with a mix of fear and fascination. Magnolia’s Cutie Mark began to rotate, seemingly by its own will. There was something nefarious  going on, Starlight knew that for sure. She mentally prepared to rip the black and purple stars right off of Magnolia, but before her horn even got the chance to light up, Mayor Mare took Magnolia aside for a conversation. Frustrated, Starlight looked down defeatedly.

She quickly put a smile back on once Bon Bon and Lyra came over. They appeared to be worried, or at least Lyra was, and Starlight could only imagine why. Magnolia’s harsh demeanor could frighten anypony. However, as soon as Bon Bon spoke up, she realized that may have not been the root cause of their fears. Instead, she was inquisitive about the Cutie Mark removal process. Starlight smiled calmly and took a few steps forward, ready to put the mares’ minds at ease.

“In my village, their is an incredibly powerful artifact known as ‘The Staff of Sameness’ that allows ponies to free themselves from their Cutie Marks. It removes the Cutie Mark and replaces it with an equal sign, which is the exact mark I have on my flank. Without my Cutie Mark, I am no longer burdened by my special talent. There is no need to worry about succeeding or failing.

Without our Cutie Marks, my village can cast their differences aside and focus fully on enjoying perfect and peaceful friendships. Nopony views anypony else as superior or inferior because we are all one in the same. It is my hope someday that everypony can feel this way and experience the bliss a truly harmonic friendship can bring.” she explained with a wistful expression on her face.

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A two wore the same frown, but for different reasons. Bonbon looked to her flank with a stern expression. There was a faint itching around her cutie mark. The itch was so subtle that she could have sworn she felt it all her life. It reminded her of a bandage that she wore for far too long. Like most itches, her focus ignited the need to scratch. This thing, on her hip. It wasn't her. It was part of her. Something not necessary to the whole. And it had overstayed its welcome.


"Let's go, Bonbon," Lyra protectively insisted, "Didn't you say you had to set up the sweets?"


"That can wait." Bonbon absentmindedly shot back, "I wanna' hear this out."


Lyra was genuinely dumbfounded. She was confident that Bonbon was looking for an excuse to get away from the strange mare with strange ways. Not knowing what to do, she wandered off to do... She hadn't figured that part out. The important part was that she was away from that bazaar pony, even if she couldn't take her friend with her.


"Then it's settled," Mayor Mare confirmed, the depths of her pupils shining with drive. 


"I wish I could take more direct action, but she looks like she came in with the cultural exchange ponies. A Silver gave me quite a sum to house them here, and I don't have the bits to violate the contract. However, I do know the law around here. If you see her doing anything overtly immoral, then --if it turns out to be illegal-- I'll be able to give her jail time."

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Loud Opinion @Starforce

Starlight lit up as Bon Bon pressed to find out more. She was more than happy to share the prospect of true happiness and harmony with this mare. She had hoped to share it with Lyra as well, but she wandered off before she had a chance to speak to her. Perhaps Bon Bon could relay the information to her at some point.

“I can sense, by the way you look at your Cutie Mark, that you wish it wasn’t there,” Starlight said in a pitied tone. “I would do anything to remove it right now, but without the Staff of Sameness, I can only teach you about Equality in the meantime.”

“In my village, we live a very simple life. We wake up, we take care of each other, we talk, and we live the most happy and peaceful lives we can together. We focus more on being with one another rather than what than worry about how good, or strong, or beautiful another pony is. Everypony in the village has sacrificed all worldly things for each other to achieve the perfect friendship. If they had chosen to live with their differences, then they would be leading lives of unfulfillment and disharmony. Thankfully, anypony who is still on that path of destruction can still be saved, it is never too late.” she continued in a happier tone.

She smiled warmly at Bon Bon as she waited for her to take all of the information in. If she had any questions, she would be more than happy to answer them. She was here for Bon Bon and wanted the best for her, as she would for any struggling pony.

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On 2021-07-01 at 10:46 PM, Loud Opinion said:


Octavia was much more stout than her springy stride communicated. The fact that she could find such solid purchase on the obtuse ground would remain unexplained. Both were obstacles devoid of consequence, for Fuchsia's stance was low enough to tip the center of mass. And behold, as all beasts do --in all eventuality-- she fell. A heavy thud accompanied the feeling of impact Fuchsia got. The two had landed off the path with Fuchsia firmly atop Octavia.

When their minds caught up with them, it was Octavia that stole the first word, "Fuchsia?"

Confusion made way for elation, "Oh, this is wonderful! I can finally introduce you to the shepherd!"

The temple was a silent observer. Its windows were like glowing kaleidoscopes. At any moment, those heavy wooden doors could swing open. A pony could spy from atop the joint tower.

Fuchsia giggled unctrollably as she fell - a nervous habit. Her snout booped Octavia's as the grey pony fell on top of her and she wrinkled it ticklishly as the fusty grey snout landed ontop of hers.

Fuchsia considers whether to end this now - to howl for help or drag the grey pony back... but why let other ponies solve the mystery. This one was hers.

"Oh the Shepherd! I would love to. Tell me about him or her?" Fuchsia says, rolling over but maintaining a hold on Octavia. Fuchsia will try to restrain Octavia is she continues going, but will try to disguise the restraint - as if Fuchsia was winded and seeking a hoof up >:3 She had no intention of letting Octavia trot into danger.


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Mayor Mare took on a conspiratory look at the thought of Moonlight working with Mr. Tongue. Her unease gave way to realization when she realized that Moonlight must have been with the cultural exchange. It would make sense with the timing of all the new residents. However, the fact that the new residents work directly with the project treasurer seems like corruption.

At least she had a mare on the inside.

Then came more bad news. Starlight had protection. Moonlight sounded like she wanted to avoid using prison altogether. Letting Starlight slip up was appealing. Starlight did seem comfortable enough as it is. Getting her to slip up would only be a matter of time. Then she could nail her to the wall with practiced rhetoric. It would be just like the debate team in her old school.

"That sound's like an excellent use of our talents!" She nodded with zeal before breaking the embrace, "Oh, but we must touch base after the party. I have to do a last-minute checkup before the guest of honor arrives."


BonBon was annoyed that the source of her discomfort would have to remain, but then Starlight talked about giving up all of her worldly possessions. That was a deal-breaker.

Her shop was her life. Throwing it away, just to scratch an itch, was sounding sillier by the second. However, if she could find the staff for herself...

BonBon looked at Starlight with a half-grin and excused herself and prattled off, "That sounds great! I'll have to visit, but Lyra might need some help setting up the sweets. I'll go help her!"

Before Starlight could get a word in, she quickly dashed to Lyra's side and the two talked opaquely.


"He's taking us all on a magical journey to a place without pain," Octavia explained, "I really shouldn't be late, though."

The whole time, Octavia was finding a way out of Fuchsia's grip.

A heart-stopping series of thumps knocked the smile right off Octavia's face.

It sounded like the intrusion was coming from Fuchsia's left. And behold, a mass of limbs thrashing across the grassy hill. Its fur was ragged like a feral rat, and its claws carved through both grass and dirt alike.

Doom by any other name.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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51 minutes ago, Loud Opinion said:

"He's taking us all on a magical journey to a place without pain," Octavia explained, "I really shouldn't be late, though."

The whole time, Octavia was finding a way out of Fuchsia's grip.

A heart-stopping series of thumps knocked the smile right off Octavia's face.

It sounded like the intrusion was coming from Fuchsia's left. And behold, a mass of limbs thrashing across the grassy hill. Its fur was ragged like a feral rat, and its claws carved through both grass and dirt alike.

Doom by any other name.

Fuchsia froze at the appearance of the monster, in the momentary lapse Octavia escapes her grasp.

Fuchsia bolts from doom into the autumnal gloom. The rot-sodden earth sprays behind her hooves as she seek to escape from the monster.

After a few seconds, once her fright has subsided, she skids to a halt. In the split second before she turns around, all she can hear in the Ponyvillian night is the absence of breath from the monstrous assailant and the heaviness of its limbs. The thought of her new 'friend' being in trouble sickened her and forbade the flight that was natural to her kin.

Her breath catches in her throat and her little pony heart beats in her chest in the darkness - but this was not the first time she had lost a friend and not the first time she had abandoned one. The habits that had been ingrained into her, allied with her own connection to the vulnerable musician, forced her to turn on the monster threatening her and Octavia.

She looks to see if the intruder is truly threatening Octavia or herself - she will scream and run for help if so. If not, she will follow them both, for now.

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The sky ignited for the second time that night. The tower hazed with a sickening hew. A foreboding bell hammers. The color flickers. Once full of vigor, now the bell strained to keep its tempo. An intangible evil looms from above.

Octavia's assailant scuttles forth.

Low! Intelligent intervention! With a squeak of historic wood, the light of the temple escaped through the front door. A familiar outline gave Octavia hope. The clawed thing was undeterred. That was until a mass of small moths engulfed the thing in a vortex of wings. Just as soon as it started, it was over. The claw marks and unnatural skeleton were the only evidence to validate the lingering terror.

The outline adopted a color as it approached Octavia. A criminally conventional green coat under a striking grey mane and tail. It knelt down and offered a hoof to her. One would expect a gentle aid, only to see a jerking lift.

"You're late," came a harsh grizzle of a voice, "The wax has begun to cool, so I expect some earth pony grit."

At the mention of earth pony quality, the stallion's unicorn horn had prevalence.

"Sorry Mr. Tongue," Octavia pledged as she regained her hoofing, "I trust Miss. Dreams is doing well".

"None of your concern," Mr. Tongue said more as a matter of course than one of derision or anger.

The door strains to close itself under the green telekinetic grip. Just as the door closes, the petals on the path liquidate and melt into the ground. All comfort has left this place.

Edited by Loud Opinion

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Fuchsia's initial reaction to the magical destruction of her foe is one of relief, because she and her temporary charge appear, in that moment, to be safe.

However, her eyes grow large as Octavia converses familiarly with the strange pony. From the manner of the stranger and his intimacy with Octavia, Fuchsia quickly deduces that the stranger and the musician have a link and that it must be him who is controlling her. She attempts to disregard the mysteries of the night in favour of her earth pony pragmatism: she notes down the plethora of new leads that spill from 'Mr Tongue's' mouth.

Fuchsia tries to sneak after Octavia into the foreboding temple. As she approaches the intimidating entrance she turns her large pony head to the side and gives the metal lock an exploratory lick. She is looking for a taste that is similar to the smell of the curse on Octavia's commode.

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Beyond the threshold were rows of pews surrounding the circular pulpit. The arrangement lent itself to more interactive demonstrations. The speaker would need to turn around often to keep sections of the audience from feeling neglected.

The ceiling disappeared into shadow as the candlelight could only go so far. The windows behind the candles stands were the largest contributors to the air of intimidation.

At the center, Mr. Tongue was busy carrying away the pulpit. He levitated it over to a door that must have lead to the tower and opened it before ascending with the pulpit in tow.

Octavia was putting out the many candles that decorated the windows with a bell-shaped tool. It was hard to tell with the tool in her mouth, but Octavia still had that vacant sense of euphoria to her.

As if to mirror the broader situation, the room slowly dimmed as Octavia snuffed away.

Perhaps this is routine maintenance, but the symbol on the ground where the pulpit used to be, begged to differ. Lo, it was a larger scale of the mark on Octavia's door.

Edited by Loud Opinion
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What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Fuchsia shakily reaches into her saddle bag and takes a much needed swig of cherry brandy liquor from a hip flask. The sweet taste reminds her of home, as does the rush. As she hesitastes on the threshold, she gives a quick glance back to the quiet pony village - in many ways the quintessential pony village :3 The branches of the trees rustle in the gentle breeze, the distant mountains loom purplishly into the sky - Canterlot, the pony Canterlot, sends mute spires into the night...

She decides her fate. Turning towards the temple, she sidles through the pews, trying to remain out of sight, while observing Octavia and 'Mr Tongue'. She tries to softly run to the ritual circle while remaining hidden, taking advantage of the low light to prevent Octavia seeing her. She says a silight prayer to the Sun on seeing the demonic gliff on the floor and tries to close on Mr Tongue. If she is able to get close to him she will unsheath her dagger and attempt to push it to his throat to ambush him while he is distracted with the pulpit >:3

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@Loud Opinion @Starforce

Before Starlight could say she would more than happily take Bon Bon away from here and into the pleasant village, she hurriedly left with Lyra. Frustrated, Starlight kicked a hoof at the ground, scuffing the nail against the rough surface. She would not give up, however, because compared to Magnolia, Bon Bon was a saint. She would come around with a bit more coaching, just like Limbo Dreams had begun to. Speaking of her, Starlight wondered when she would see her again…

“Oh!” Starlight gasped, not expecting Magnolia’s sudden presence. She pranced up towards her, which immediately sent Starlight a few red flags. Normally her stance was quite stoic and her hooves would touch the ground in slow, aggressive patterns.

Another thing that threw her off were the mare’s mannerisms. She was talking as is her and Starlight were buddies, which surely meant she was up to some no-good scheme. Internally, Starlight smirked, getting a bit of a thrill out of playing along. Dutifully, she responded,

“Yes, since we have known each other for quite a while, it would make sense to properly get to know one another.”

Even if Magnolia was putting on a front, she could still use this moment to make the mare reconsider her ways. If she could see how a perfect friendship was set up, even if it was simulated, then perhaps she could finally make the proper steps towards becoming equalized. This made Starlight excited, because not only would this be a huge victory for her the village, it would prove to the rest of her followers that anypony could become equal, no matter how bad they originally were.

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@Loud Opinion @Starforce

Starlight stood expressionless as Magnolia expressed her fascination towards Starlight’s “unique thinking”. Little did the mare know that it was her that was thinking uniquely. Magnolia was brash and cunning but she was able to appear calm and collected when needed. That was certainly something she had never seen in a pony before. It was all the more reason Magnolia needed to be equalized, for her personality was too dangerous.

She listened to the tidbit Magnolia gave about her past as the two mares walked around the area. This gave Starlight a careful bit of insight. If Magnolia had spent her former years alone, then it is no wonder she turned out the way she did. She needed friends for guidance and support, something Starlight was more than glad to offer her. At Magnolia’s, she hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to answer. After pondering for a moment, she had an answer.

“I have an entire village of wonderful friends and a peaceful, serene way of living there. I believe a support group is something you lack, since you have spent so long on your own. It is no wonder you act hostile towards others, you have never properly learned how to interact with other ponies.” she said in a slight pitying tone.

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The pulpit crashes to the granite with all the force one would expect.

"Well, you don't see this every day." Mr. Tongue rasped monotonously, "An elderly stallion being murdered in a place of worship. I take it you don't want me to alert the others here. To what do I owe the pleasure of my assassination?"

It would appear Silver Tongue's deeds have finally caught up to him. However, there was no fear within him. "Well, at least you'll spare me from the worst. No unfinished business is worth what awaits me."

Truly resigned to his perceived fate, he savored his last breaths. That turned out to be a mistake. With a lurch, Silver hacked up a series of sickly coughs. His breathing was shallow after that. A few clicks from on high interrupted Silver's pity party.

"Well, make it quick. Miss. Dreams doesn't have to see this."

Edited by Loud Opinion

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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At the sudden sound of the pulpit crashing to the ground, Fuchsia flinches and her hoof jumps - the knife she is holding (which she keeps permanently sharp) nicks Silver's Adam's apple. Her ears hum with adrenaline and she is barely able to hear Silver's plaintive appeal. She does, however, hear him indicate that he will call out to others.

She is about to growl in his ear to be quiet 'or else' when she hears the soft hoof-steps descending the tower. Her ears perk up when she hears him say the name "Miss Dreams". 

"Shut up!" Fuchsia hisses, "Or I'll cut you!"

Fuchsia's fight and flight impulse kicks in and - ponyishly - she tries to bolt. She catches herself and barely keeps her grip on her knife. She forces herself to think. In that split second she decides on a plan: she tries to move to the door through the walkway between the pews and tries to force Mr Tongue along with her - facing backwards towards the stranger 'Miss Dreams'.

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Octavia perked her ears, not to the crash, but for the creak of the old tower door.

"Too late now," Silver remarked, "I guess I have to look worried now, don't I?"

Fuchsia and Silver were only a few hoofsteps away from freedom when the tower revealed Miss. Dreams to the rest of the temple. Her mane was the most striking: A thick bedhead. It would be comical if it wasn't atop the tallest mare Fuchsia had seen in years. Within it were two sets of ears. No, the lower pair weren't ears but horns. Smooth as ivory and curled like a snail's shell.

More peculiarly, her eyes were closed. Was she sleepwalking? With all the grace of a cloud, she strides into full view. Now that she was at ground level, Miss. Dreams adopted a heavy slouch. 

Without opening her eyes, she calls out with worry upon her face, "Mr. Tongue!"

She then bites her tongue, "What do you want with us, Fuch-?"

"Ahem, I'm sure if you just calm down you'll see that your emotions are getting the better of you. I just don't want you to regret yourself."

  • Brohoof 3

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Loud Opinion

Fuchsia looked between Octavia and the doorway to the temple, furiously considering her choices. Before she could determine what to do, however, Miss Dreams, heralded by her hoof-steps, appeared at the end of the room.

Fuchsia's pony eyes grew large on taking in the stranger. She scanned the pouffy mane and the ears - no, horns! - protruding from the pony's head. The silent gait and the unassuming query lowered Fuchsia's guard initially. She flushed with embarrassment, feeling as if she had been caught taking sweeties from behind the counter in the village shop in her hometown - something which had happened all too often when she was a filly. She fought the feeling of calm brought about by the sleepy and disarming demeanor of the sheep-like mare and scowled as angrily as she could at the meek creature.

"Shut up!" she screams -the shriek ringing out in the quiet of the temple. "If you don't let Octavia go right now and stop enchanting ponies then I will kill your friend here." her chest heaves and her eyes stare wildly. In her ears, her Manticore roars defiance, and the knife inches closer to 'Mr Tongue's' neck. (Fuchsia has rarely if ever taken a life, and only in self-defence, but she has hung around ponies who have and is trying to channel their fierceness.)


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Silver desperately wanted to correct Fuchsia's terminology. Bewitching is such a blunt instrument. He was nothing if not tactful. So he bit his namesake.

Instead, it was Miss. Dreams who responded in an elongated cadence, "Okay, calm down, we'll send Octavia home with you. She'll come back to her senses soon enough. Although, you should know that the mare you met is a facade. Would you believe she used to be a unicorn? Would you deny that pony life to keep the mare you met?"

Miss. Dreams nodded to Octavia who promptly, without looking, turned to the door and made for the exit.

Her slouch only deepened with her follow-up, "If you don't care about the pony behind the bow," she paused to open her eyes, "then you may follow her, and she will never see us again."

Beyond the threshold were pupils so heavily dilated that Fuchsia was only given a hint of the whites beyond her red irises. Her soul was all but bare. Within was compassion only a mother could show. But, when her gaze drifted beyond Fuchsia, her compassion was swiftly replaced by something unrecognizable.

  • Brohoof 3

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Fuchsia's face twists from anger to scorn at the suggestion that Octavia would be safe once she left the temple. "I saw your fiendish mark upon the door to her home - if you do not release her from the spell right now then your friend dies."

As Miss Dreams reveals her eyes, Fuchsia's own pupils widen. The compassion she sees in them calls to her first and opens channels in her psyche that belie her hostility, but she refuses to let go of her certainties: Miss Dreams and Mr Tongue were the authors of Octavia's suffering and until Octavia was released she would not release her knife.

Nevertheless, she reflects on and is deeply troubled by the notions the strange mare is espousing and in her own large and innocent pony eyes a response forms - what if she offered herself in Octavia's place? Maybe she could spare Octavia's pain, figure out what was going on with these mysterious ponies and even prevent them from hurting others and themselves (she had picked up on the note of suffering in Mr Tongue's voice earlier). Deep down in her soul Fuchsia felt a conflict: she wanted Octavia to be safe but she could not let this mystery, her prey, disappear - as Miss Dreams had threatened. The way out of that conflict seemed to be to place herself in service to these ponies in lieu of Octavia.

Outwardly, this internal conflict is suggested only by the wideness of Fuchsia's pupils which stare into nothing and which only fleetingly flit back to Miss Dreams. It is also apparent from the shiver of excitement that quakes through her pink pony body at the promise of adventure, which is perceptible in particular from the blade that still holds Mr Tongue hostage.

  • Brohoof 1
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"You really care about her," Limbo said more critically than with any degree of emotional concern. Then the windows to her soul shrunk to a more relatable size.

Her head sunk even further and her horns began to glow a faint purple. Octavia stopped in her stride, her smile dropped, and her stance tensed as if somepony had dumped a bucket of ice upon her.

"So, it's true," Limbo said with a clear quiver in her voice, "I... think I'm going to be ill. If you'll excuse me."

Silver was like a stone, not from lack of interest. Indeed, it was obvious he was holding back. "You'll have to forgive her," Silver interrupted, "She just lost someone dear to her."

By now Octavia had regained her wits, and with them, her horror. Looking around in a panic, she took in the horribly familiar temple. Then she saw Fuchsia's dagger to Silver's neck and relaxed a bit. Her protector was here and the promise was kept.

Seeing the upper hoof in her court, Octavia asks a question of her own, "Why me? Of all the mares in Canterlot, why did you target me?"

"Self-defense," Silver returned plainly, "Not of my person, but in defense of my culture. Vinal Scratch was a menace of a unicorn. Arson, vandalism, and theft. She would destroy herself, but not before taking much of Canterlot with her. So, I killed her," he paused for dramatic effect before qualifying, "with kindness."

"I bound her to a refined life, and, well, the rest is history."

"She deserved better," Limbo interrupted darkly, "Her music was a gift from the stars."

"We had hoped to revert her back with this ritual, but I didn't have the heart to tell Miss. Dreams that it was already too late."

Limbo gave Silver a scornful, 'you knew?', look.

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Loud Opinion

Fuchsia sees Octavia 'wake up' from whatever influence was controlling her, and Fuchsia hears Mr Tongue babbling about a 'Vinyl Scratch' being dead. The only thing Fuchsia can relate to in Mr Tongue's babbling is that Octavia is now freed - that had been her immediate goal throughout this hellish night. Her pony-subconcious appreciates the discord between Silver Tongue and Limbo Dreams and dimly apprehends the dual identity issue but doesn't engage with it in the moment.

She withdraws her knife from Silver Tongue's lying throat and rushes to Octavia and puts an arm round her shoulder. "You're safe now." she says, not believing it, but wanting to reassure the unfortunate pony. Guiding Octavia out of the temple, she declares to Octavia's persecutors: "If you dare to interfere with any of us ponies again, I will tell the Princess and she will turn you all to stone, including your poxy temple."  She pushes Octavia away from the temple and towards her home... but then, at the last second, doubles back and re-enters it. 

"Look, I don't know what you are planning, but I know it's something big and that nopony is safe while you do it. What if I play along with your schemes? If you let Octavia go I could step into her horse-shoes? Whaddaya say?"


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