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private Fallout Equestria: Stable 00


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Abby would nod "Got it, I'll keep my coms open, buttry not to use it unless neccessary" she'd say as she turned on her stealthbuck and went to scout ahead. Meanwhile, Gail would keep an eye on both the console and Eldritch, before looking back to the console "Give me..just a moment" she'd say to him quietly, as she was the shy one of the two sisters, "I've nearly got in.. and..." there was a soft blip and she smies "there, I'm in, now, lets see if those drawers have a pass code" she types away at the console and smiles as there was a soft click coming from the drawers "Alright try now"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Eldrich pulls on the drawers handle experimentally and it slides open. Inside is more crumbling papers but at the very bottom he finds at least some useful trinkets. He pulls out a handful of bobby pins, a screw driver, and about a dozen or so rubber bands. He pockets the lock picking tools but hands the rubber bands to Gail. 

" These might help you and Abby secure the rubber booties to your feet. Not ideal but it would provide better then nothing protection against chemicals if we need to cover up. Now we have one more drawer. Lets see what else we can find.

He tugs at the last drawer and there is slight resistance. Normally he would have just tugged harder but something makes him stop. He stands on his hind legs and spots a wire leading to the side of of the cabinet. It looks like it attaches to some sort of packet. 

" Umm I think this one is booby trapped. It doesn't look like its explosive but more like its gonna burn or melt what's in here. That means it's likely got something good inside. But it also presents a risk cause we cant have fire with the chemicals in the air. Do you have sissors or a knife?


May the Friendship be with you. 


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Gail would stop what she was doing and look up at the trap "Ah yes, a very rudamentary but effective trap" she would say as she accepted the rubber bands and attempted to strap the rubber horseshoes onto her feet paws "These'll do for now" she says before getting out a few bobby pins and going over to the trap, inspecting it "You were right Eldritch, it is an acid trap, but not only would it destroy whatever is in that draw, it would splash onto who-ever triggered it" she then begins to disarm it, and within a minute, she succeeded "There we go, disarmed and now we have a spare trap" she'd smile, putting the now disarmed trap into her bag.

Soon after, Abby would return and shut off her stealthbuck "First corridor and rooms within it are clear, and I see Gail got into the console, that's my sister for you, the hacker genius and trap master" she would say with a soft smile.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Eldrich held his breath as the packet is pulled out. He knew from foalhood how risky acid could be. As the packet is tucked away he pulls out the drawer and it was a treasure trove. 1 health potion, 4 healing bandages, a sack of caps, some sort of schematic for a sort of dart like launcher using rubber tubing and other scraps, small knife, and a shiny new revolver that was in excellent condition along with a box of ammo for it. 

" Well you two can for sure have the gun and the schematic. I've not got the talent for either. If you are ok with it Id like to take the knife and bandages as well I am most likely to need to heal out of us just because of my condition and I realize not having a knife out in the wastelands is kinda silly. The caps and healing potion should be shared resources cause well we are all gonna need goods and healing so we should sort of make this a four way thing when possible. One for each and then one for shared as a back up for us all. When we get a base that is the stuff we hide there to restock from. Does that work for everycreature?

Eldrich scuffed his hoof on the floor clearly not used to being so bold speaking publicly. He was used to ponies being scared of him except his teacher and mom and a few of the ghouls of the vault that seemed ok with him being "weird. " 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Abby and Gail would look at each other and nod as Abby would then speak up "That certainly sounds fair to us, and we agree that you're likely to need the bandages and knife, I can use the revolver, while Gail here can make sense of the schematics" she would say, and then nodding "And we also agree on the caps and potions being shared resources, after all, survivng this wasteland is a group effort, for us at least" she would say, before going tothe console and going through what cameras she could find.

Gail would notice Eldritch scuffing his hoof and would smile shyly "It is okay to speak up Eldritch, I know it can be hard, with me being shy but..you are among friends here, and both Abby and I appreciate your input and your thoughts" she would say to him.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" Ok if we are gonna be friends I need to tell you why everypony in the stable kept clear of me. When I was a foal right before my cute-ceañera I was being tested by one of our teachers for skill with magic. She was not a nice pony. But not even she deserved what happened. All I had to do was move a rock out of my way. I strained and struggled and she shouted at me to  and I quote " just get rid of the rock " and oh I wanted it gone alright. That's when I let out my first blast of balefire everything and everypony in front of me was caught in the blast. 15 feet long and 4 feet wide. There was nothing but slag and twisted steel and that is how the lower classrooms got shut down for good and I got a reputation. Got my cutie mark the same day and that's when I found out my special talent was destructive magic. That's also when I found out it was so destructive it took a toll on my body and its normal healing ability as well.

He sighed and stared at his flanks. This story was one of his worst memories but they deserved to know. They deserved to decide for themselves if he was a bigger threat then the wastes. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Both of the girls would listen to his story and would then nod before Abby spoke up "That is..quite the history to have, and to have it all happen at such a young age, we're sorry you had to learn it that way" she would say to him, "But rest assured that Gail and I won't be afraid of you or think you are 'weird' or a 'freak'" she would smile, "I mean, given that Gail and I stick out like a sore thumb, two ferrets in a world of ponies.. most give us a wide berth as well, though I suppose our skills and reputation may have proceeded us as well" she'd say, returning to the console, "Alright, seems the fire fight we had outside drew everyone who was here out, so we're free of well, organic enemies, though there are plenty of traps and mines around.. so we still need to be careful"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" Eldrich let out a breath he did not even know he was holding his heightened emotions caused his magic to flair .... the rush of air was icy freezing the ground in front of him.  
Luna blast it! Im sorry If I dont control my emotions...

he gestures with his forehoves towards the ice patch. 

" Lets get moving we want to clear this place and maybe find something more to eat before sun sets. Then we can make a plan for finding the info we need.

He headed to the door and started out into the hall. his gas mask helped with the chemicals but before he got long he froze. 

" Do you know how far before we are into uncharted areas that we dont know are clear Abby?

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Abby would nod "There's a few aisles worth of thing that I saw, we can camp out here" she would say, "there's also a staff kitchen that I saw, and I bleieve there's a storeroom near the back" she'd say, looking to Gail who nods "I've unlocked all the doors and safe doors, so you should be good to go" she'd say quietly, "I'll stay here and keep an eye out".

Abby nods, readying herself "Alright Eldrich, lets set out, and as far as how long we've got until we reach uncharted territory, at least another four days, then it's another three until we reach the first outpost"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Eldrich did a fast recon of the building. Nopony was left inside as Abby had said. This had clearly been a firearms plant. But it looked like it mostly made bullets. The aisles of stuff had been where bits of lead, casing and various gun powder materials were stored. But there was not much left. The areas that the bullet presses had occupied had been turned into a drug manufacturing lab. Eldrich spotted some large windows they could crank open to air it out and gestured for Abby to do the same. As the chemical laden air cleared he was able to take off his mask and look at the tables. He found some RadAway 5 doses, 3 doses of RadSafe, a dose of Stampede, and two tins of Mint-als. He looked at Abby considering how open he could be. Deciding on exploring first he searched the kitchen to find 4 Fancy Buck Cakes banana flavored, 3 Sparkle Colas, and finally in a back room that would make and excellent bedroom as it had a ladder to the roof for fast exit he found a manual " Know your Bits: " A Guide to advanced PC interfacing " 

He divided up the food and drink as per their agreement sticking the  extra in a cabinet in the kitchen. He did the same with the RadAway that was left over, He gave the girls the Mint-al tins if they wanted them, and then stared hard at the Stampede. taking a breath he stopped Abby before they could get her sister to share what they had found. 

" Look your sister seems more delicate then you...... so im gonna take a risk here and trust you with a last ditch plan. If we ever get into serious trouble. Like might not survive it, no other way out im gonna yell out Celestia Loves Radishes. then I'm going to pop this.... "

He holds up the Stampede. 

" My magic can be very emotionally driven. With the Rage and pain killers in here I should be able to blast us out of anything short of a Mega-Spell dropping in my face. If you think you can get my flanks out alive after that great grab me and run. But if it comes to it get your sister out and find somewhere safe....

He hated planning to fail. But its better then failure to plan. 

" Oh what did you manage to find? Not much here not even bedding. It looks like they were sleeping on the carboard thats scattered around the floor....

May the Friendship be with you. 


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After Eldritch would return, Abby would listen to him and accept her supplies "Delicate is one way of putting it" she'd say, while listening to his plan "While I really don't llike the idea of what you are suggesting, if it comes to that, we will make clear, but we will also wait for you" she then smiles at him "Gail is special, and doesn't like many others aside from myself, but she seems to really like you, and I've noticed she's come out of her shell a little since we've met you" she'd say to him, "I would also hate to lose a good friend" she'd say.

Gail smiles a litlte "I managed to salvage some of the leather armor from the raiders we fought and turned them into somewhat usable sleeping bags"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" I appreciate the sentiment I just figure if it comes to it ..... well just keep your sister safe.... family is important.

The way Eldrich said that implied he know something about the loss of family. But he then started pushing all the drug making components to one side of the three tables they were on. What was junk he shoved into a random wooden crate he found. What looked good he left on the table. 

" We should take inventory of what we have. Give ourselves and idea of how long before we need serious resupply... The sleeping bags can go in that back room I mentioned. Its far more secure then anywhere else we have seen and since is smaller it will trap our heat better so we wont get cold even if it gets chilly. Heck if we could find a way to heat it we could even survive a winter. "

He sets he saddle bags on one of the cleared off tables and starts to empty them. He leaves only the Stampede hidden inside one of them. " 

" After we take stock we can sort of plan out what direction we might want to head. Between the data on my PipBuck and the info your sister was able to pull from the computer terminals here we should be in ok shape.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Abby would nod "And i appreciate you thinking of us, stick around long enough, you might just become part of ou family" she'd say, looking at what was left on the counter to take stock of "Alright, I agree, smaller is better for us anyway" she says "Gail might actually cuddle one of us to keep warm, but also feel more safe and secure" he says before whispering to Eldritch "Truth is, she's Autistic, so, if she chooses to cuddle up to you, just let her, it would actually mean a lot to her" she then smiles and looks at their supply "well lets see what we've got" she sorts through them, "I think, if we ration ourselves and stick to it, we could last maybe... a week, maybe a week and half, which is good, as I don't know how the next outpost will recieve us" she says, before going to the console "Gail's already set up the security to be on our side, so if any raiders, mutants or Celestia knows what else comes our way, we'll know"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Eldrich nods and calls for Gail so she could be looped into the plan and give any input she might have. He places the pc hacking magazine on the table that would be free for the sisters supplies. 

" So I think we should look for a source of medicines. I have only two doses of my medicine with me and I need it once a week. Plus any place that sells or makes medicine might have a clue to bigger sources that might help us get the cure we need. Looking at my pipbuck I see that about two days from here is a place called " Angel Bunnies Clinc for the needy.  What do you two think? Good place as any to start?

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Gail would come over to the duo and listen in while looking at the supplies they have "I can make a few medicines with what we have, maybe..two weeks worth" she'd say before looking to him and listening "As for Abby and I, well we will try not to get too injured, so you can use somme of ours if need be" she says, looking to Abby, who nods, "And I've heard of that clinic, so yes, we should probably start there, maybe we can gather information from there too"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Eldrich looked at Gail sadly and shook his head.

" I wish it were that easy. My medicine is special. Its a mix of super restoration potion, hydra, and ............. purified killing joke

He almost whispered the last part. He knew how dangerous he medicine ingredients were to get. He felt like more of a burden and freak then ever...

" Nn nn not that I don't apricate your offer and what you can make will keep me from getting sick if I get wounded or we come across some viruses etc. Its just that to really keep my condition in check Doc Tender Hooves really had to pull some wizardy. Oh did you see the magazine?! I think it contains some fancy computer stuff. I dont know much about it but I thought you could use it. "
He signed and blew his mane out of his face. He hated how difficult traveling with him was going to be. But at least he made a good weapon. 


May the Friendship be with you. 


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Gail would frown a little at not being able to help Eldritch, but then when he said that she could at least help him not get sick, she smiled a bit more and then nodded "A-alright" shew ould say before she then heard the mention of the computer magazine "O-oh yes I did, I learned quite a bit from it, thank you" she'd say with a smile, covering a yawn with her paw.

Abby smiles "I think we ought to head to sleep for now, we've had a long day and it is pretty late" she'd say, leading the way to the back room, before setting up her sniper "I'll take first watch"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Eldrich nodded and wished he had more magical skill so he could set up an alarm spell or something. Most he could do is ask to see her magazine for the gun she was holding. He concentrated as hard as he could and breathed slowly on the bullets. The tips glowed green. 

" They are enchanted with balefire for the next few hours. So if you have to start shooting the first few shots will really count. I'm happy to take next watch if Gail wants last watch. Or we can switch. In don't mind either way. Just gimme a kick to wake me when you want me to take over. 

He staggered towards the sleeping bags at the back of their new base of operations. He was going to sleep hard. He rarely used so much magic back to back. That and forgetting to eat most of the day had not helped. He would need to be more careful tomorrow. He flopped down on the nearest bedroll and was so heavy with sleep he couldn't even bother to get inside it. He just layed on top of it and started to drift in and out. 


May the Friendship be with you. 


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Abby would nod "thanks, but I hope I won't have to use them" she'd say to him, "And alright, but I'm happy to take Gail's watch when it comes to it" she'd say to him, as she would the nwatch him practically just fall right asleep ontop of his sleeping roll. She'd shake her head before looking to Gail "Go on sis, I told him and he seeemed to be okay with it" she'd tell her quietly, as Gail just nodded, got out an old blanket and put it over her and Eldritch before cuddling up to him.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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At first Eldrich hardly even stirred as he slept. But as the night wore on he would let out soft nickers and he legs twitched rhythmically as if he was running from something. His body would start to heat as if he was starting to summon magic but then it would cool as he seemed to calm. It was if this dream was an emotional roller coaster for him. Eventually even this was too much and he became still as the grave. The silence of the wastes would seem louder then even the firefight that started their adventures. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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As he is awakened Eldrich seems to levitate and flips across the room eyes lit by arcane magic,  a spell of force building on his lips before he gains awareness of his surroundings. The room lights brightly for an instant before recognition flow across his features and the spell fades. He sits there panting and staring blankly at Gail. Finally he gathers himself enough to speak.

" Did I talk in my sleep and scare you? Sometimes I do that. Sorry if I was a bother. "

He heads back over breathing heavily and stands by the sleeping pads looking at her questioningly. It was clear from body language he was looking at her for the ok to lay back down after disturbing her sleep like that. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She shakes her head "N-no,it was worse than that, kicking and twitching, going hot then cold, and just then, you were stiff as a board" she would say, nodding to him "It's okay, you can lay back down, I was just w..I was just worried for you" she would say with a slight blush. "you weren't a bother at all"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Eldrich heads back to the sleeping bags getting back under the blankets. He draws a breath as if to say something but falls asleep murmering nonsense. The wasteland night is eerily silent with only the occasional buzz of a bloat sprite passing by. Soon the early hints of the sun starts to filter through the ever present clouds of the wastes. If Celestia was still out there she had decided to grace the group with her light today. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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The next morning would find Gail cuddled up to Eldritch, looking pretty cute and Abby cooking up some squirrel and iguana bits, "Mornin' Eldritch" she'd say "Thankfully, the night was quiet, so I was able to do some scavenging, it's not the best, but it's food and should do us for a few hours" she would say, handing him some of what she has cooked "there's a few small areas of places we could scavenge in between here and the clinic too"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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