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private Fallout Equestria: Stable 00


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The stable hummed with activity and rumor. But Eldrich Bolt had no time to see what the fuss was about. He was in his way to the medical wing to see Dr. Tender Hooves. Grumbling as he walked he almost wanted to curse the cutie mark that explained his need for specialized medicine. But nopony could really curse their cutie mark right? 


With a swish the door to the clinic opened and he could already see the vile of medicine and its associated needle sitting on a silver tray. He hated the feeling he knew was coming. The stick to the flank, the slight burn of the medicine. And then the nausea and sweats from the powerful immune boosters taking effect. 

He knew he was expecting a full workup today as he had been on guard duty at the vaults entrance this week. Which always meant the Doc fussed over him twice as much as normal. Sweeping his violet colored mane back he resigned himself to his fate. 


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Oh, I'm the kinda buck dat

likes ta roam aroun'

ahhhhm never in one place

ahhhh roam from town ta town...


The ghoul sang to himself as he walked along the broken cement pathway that led up the side of the hill.  He'd always liked that song from the radio... though he wasn't sure about the part where The Wanderer had all these marefriends, but that was something that didn't concern him; he'd never had a marefriend, and figured if he was supposed to, he would have already.

Regardless, he continued to make his way higher.  Usually, places that were high up like this were either completely lived in, or untouched since the fire fell from the sky; either way, it would be another adventure for today.  The ghoul liked adventure, and sought to find it wherever he could; his momma used to get onto him about how curious he was, but he didn't mind - she only told him that stuff 'cause she loved him, after all.

He stopped before he got to the top of the steep ridge.  Sitting back against the hill, he reached into a pocket on his much-repaired Red Racer jumpsuit and pulled out a broken piece of mirror, lined with wax, and used his magic to slowly creeeeeeeep it up at an angle where he could see over the top of the hill without possibly getting shot at.

Folks liked guns; the ghoul did not, and refused to carry a working one.

Granted, he had parts for them, and even had a few dummy guns ready, in case he had to pretend he had a real gun.  That had worked before... and it hadn't.  But still, having the stuff for a gun was different than having an actual working firearm.  The ghoul would never want one; he had his knife and his Whompum Stick, so he would be okay.  Plus, since the day the green fire hit the ground, he didn't seem to get hurt as easy as he did before.

In fact, when he drank clicky-water, he got better.  Which was weird, 'cause he'd always been told that the clicky-water was bad for you, in the world before - now?  It was like it was full of vitamins, and momma had told him vitamins were -estenshul- for living healthy. 

The mirror showed only some ruins; no Raiders, no Wasters, no Death Dogs.  That meant it was Looty Time.

The ghoul, a smile plastered across his rotting face, got up from his safe spot and blithely began to trot his way into these new ruins, still softly humming the tune stuck in his head.  Humming, because it was reeeeeally hard to whistle with rotting lips.

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Meanwhile, the two sisters were trying to break into the stable's store, "A-are you sure this is a good idea sis?" Gale, the more reserved of the duo would ask her sister "Gale, it's either this or try to hold up the shop keep again..I think he's wizened up to us" Abbey, the older and more brave of the two, "He's gotten a more accurate firearm, I saw him in the armoury, and honestly, I don't want to be on the wrong end of that monster" she finishes as she hears the click of a successful lockpick, she smiles "Alright it's open, stand watch while I go in and grab our smokes and drinks" Abbey would say, as Gale just nodded and watched her before going to stand watch.

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" Now Eldrich you have to accept that all power comes with a cost. Ive tried to tell you this since you were a colt but you never listen. You treat every visit as a chore and curse your special talent. You are an adult now and its getting well juvenile." 

Eldrich narrowed his eyes and blew his mane out of his face. He stood up from the table and rounded face to face with the doc. 

" Your talent is healing people. My mother is one of the best cooks anypony has ever seen. Both of you make the Stable a better place. When have I helped the stable with my special talent? Oh thats right the first day I took guard duty outside the Stable door we had a raider attack. I turned them into ash and goo in about 10 seconds flat. You know what that got me Doc? Whispers in the halls and most everypony keeping out of my eyesight as if just looking at me would melt them. So dont tell me about how I should view my talent. Other ponies have done that ten times over with their behavior!!  Now just get on with it so I can go.

Tender Hooves gave Eldrich his shot and went over every inch of him checking for cuts or signs of infection. His blood was drawn and the computer deemed him healthy. With the green light to go Eldrich stormed out of the clinic muttering to himself. With a sneer he looked over his shoulder and called back loudly. 

" He Doc I can give myself a shot and have since I was fresh out of my cutesinera and you were out of the clinic. And my Pipbuck can do everything you just did but faster. I dont know why I bother coming in.

The irate young pony stormed down the hall ignoring the scandalized looks as he roughly shoved past the ponies headed to the  orchard for a picnic. 

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Creeping around a corner came a stick; tied to a string and dangling from the end of it was a rock with googly-eyes drawn on it in grease.  It bobbed up and down a few times, then a voice called out from behind it, sounding almost like a colt pretending to be an ogre, with the gravelly voice to go with the fake one.  It echoed through the cavern ominously.

"If dere's something out dere, den I'mma a big, baaaaaad NAS-TAY!  And I'mma eat your soooooouuuuullllll..."

The rock dangled there for a moment, then leaned down to tap on a mound of dirt by the pathway.  It tapped two or three more times before the ghoul came out from behind the rocky crag to investigate up close.  He nudged it with a hoof, and he heard a soft >clunk<.  His eyes going wide, he used his magic to pull out a foldable spade from his trusty messenger bag, and started to dig.

"Looty Tiiiiiiime!  Whazzit gonna be, hunh?  Hunh?  Izzit gems... izzit bootstrings... izzit a Snarkle Pak..."

The mini-shovel hit pay dirt, and lifted its' prize into the air; a bent and slightly rusted tin can.  The ghoul just stared at it for a moment... then a smile broke out across his features.

"Izza SCRAPPY!" he laughed as he dropped it to the ground and stomped it flat with one try; his magic floated the flattened disk into his bag, where it joined a number of odds and ends.  The ghoul hoped he found some traders soon for all his stuff - he wouldn't even mind if they shot at him a little bit... he was used to it.

He then turned and, seeing another small mound of dirt, he crept over to it like he was trying to sneak up on whatever treasures were inside.  He held out the pole again, and dangled the rock over to the pile.  Slowly, he tapped the mound...

And it began to beep.

"OH!  Boom-biddy-bye-bye!" he yelped as he scrambled backwards, getting behind a portion of the wall to shield himself from the blast.  He covered his ears right before it thundered through the cavern.  He looked around a bit, blinked, then laughed as he got up to check the damage.  Seeing the small black crater, he walked over to it with a bemused look on his muzzle.

"Ooooooo-kaaaaaay, Mister Booms... ya almost got me dere!  Y'gotta be more careful where ya get put, a'cause folks coulda walked on ya by accident... but you don't know who walks on ya, do ya?  Awwwww... I can't stay mad at YOU!"

He laughed again at his own little joke, then shook his head as he picked up the rod, checked to make sure it and the googly-eyed rock was still workable, then went back to tapping mounds of dirt as he wandered deeper and deeper into the cavern he'd found.

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Gale could hear the grumblings of the Overseer and quickly turned to her sister "Abbey, the Overseer is coming, hurry up" she says in a whispered hiss, "Come on, it'd be bad enough if Store Keep finds us, but if the Overseer catches us..." she shudders. She'd start getting a little anxious, just as Abbey would show up, her arms and bags full of the goods, "Then we better hurry to our room" Abbey says, making a run for their room, with Gale following closely behind.

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Eldrich saw the sisters blow past him down the hall. He was not even sure how they ended up in the stable and in his current mood he didn't care. He knew they were part of some "gang" in the stable but they never gave him a hard time

 I'm fact that gang even gave his friends wide berth. Nopony wanted to risk a fight with a pony known to have learned Fallen Ceaser style from the vaults sole zebra. Never mind a pony who could in a blink melt steel to slag. There were at least some advantages to his "gift" he had to admit.


He headed to the gym and walked to the punching bag and started to flow through the forms of Fallen Ceaser. He hooves smashing into the bag rocking it in wide swings with each strike. Faster and faster he moved sweat building on his brow. Finally he lost control the bag went flying off its chain smashing into the wall with a loud thud that reverberated through the gym and into the hall.

" Celestias flaming flanks!

Eldrich swore loudly as he stalked after the  bag. 

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A lone Kirin in a scraps armors and a gas mask roam the edge of the town. She sat down to take a quick break after traveling far away from her home. Using her magic, she levitate her bag over to her and pull out her canteen bottle. 

"not much there left is it?" she sign as she lift her mask up reveling her half burnt face. She took the sip and winced. Not the best drinking water but it will have to do. She pull out her handgun (the only firearm she could find) and check how many bullets she have. 4. She not much of a firearm mare, more of a melee but things has gotten worst lately with dangerous creatures out there taking advantage of this wasteland and savaging the weak. Amber have to keep on her toes 24/7, so she will have to use anything to keep herself alive. 

After 5 mins of break, although deep down she sorta wish it could be longer since she's extremely exhausted. But she has to keep moving, to search for  a good shelter. She hang her bag over her back and pull back down her mask.  She took out her compass, pointing east. There's where she needed to go.  Amber advanced. She walk down hill, she heard a voice. He sound pretty sluggish as if he is having a hard time speaking. Amber slowly walk over to where the voice is coming from and saw a unicorn colt, with a rotting face. He was laughing and talking to himself. He made his way inside the cavern. 

To her, it has been a long time since she saw somepony. Although she always prefer traveling alone since she's afraid to hold responsibility of losing somepony if they were to travel with her. But she can't help to feel a bit tad lonely. 

"Tsk!" She hated herself to feel that way, as she rolls her amber colored eyes.  "Just curious about this fellow, I will just keep distance and see what he's up too."  She thought to herself and she follows the colt while keeping her distance. A little excitement won't hurt. 


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Soon after Eldritch would see the girls blur past him, a shout could be heard from the direction of the stable's stores. "OH FOR CELESTIA'S SAKE!"  the store owner would shout, storming up to where he last saw Eldritch. He saw him "ELDRITCH!" he shouts to him then waited for him to notice him before continuing, "Something has GOT to be done about those two thieves" he would say in a huff, "They just cleared out half the store of smokes and energy drinks..again!" he exclaims "Take them with you next time you leave, and maybe leave them in the wasteland while you're at it!"

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12 hours ago, TBD 🚬 said:

"Just curious about this fellow, I will just keep distance and see what he's up to." 

The ghoul was traipsing along, humming a tune to himself as he kept checking out nooks and crannies, seemingly looking for... well, it wasn't clear, but he sure was looking.

He continued to walk along a single wall of the area he'd found; he had heard somewhere once that if you followed a wall, you'd never get lost.  He wasn't sure if that was true or not, but he didn't mind a bit - it was somewhere to go, after all.  It wasn't like he had school anymore - he hadn't had school for a long, long time... and even though he was glad it got blown up with everything else, there were times he DID miss it.

The ghoul stepped back from the wall and looked back the way he came.  Then glanced ahead.  And then, with a shrug, he sat down right on the ground and brought his bag around to where he could look into it.  With his magic, he removed a bottle of Sparkle Cola RAD, a CakeYum! brand snack cake and a purple notebook.  He brought out what looked like a screwcriver tied to a wrench, and popped the bottle top with it, turning the bottle up and gulping down a decent amount before setting the drink down.

He started to pick up the CakeYum! box, when he suddenly stopped.  He got a strange look on his muzzle, then he slowly reached up and took off the yellow hard hat he was wearing, revealing some scraggly wisps of a mane - it had apparently once been bright yellow.  He then placed the helmet over where his heart would be, and raised his head to look up.  Then, just as this strange ritual seemed to reach its' apex...


The ghoul started laughing uproariously, as if it had been the funniest thing he'd ever heard, then started to open his snack box.

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@Lazy Ferret

Eldrich turned around to speak to the shop keep to ask who he thought he was to give such a punishment to anypony. Before he could open his muzzle the vaults PA systems crackled to life.

" Eldrich, Gale, Abbey, report to the OverMares  office immediately. " 

Looking up to the ceiling of the vault Eldrich let out a sigh before trotting towards the office of the OverMare. He was sure the Doc had reported him for being rude and he was going to get a lecture.


Head down he entered the OverMares office. There were far more ponies inside then he expected. The OverMare Kind Quill, Doctor Tender Hooves, his mother, and even his martial arts teacher Stripes. The mood was tense and somber.

" What's going on, I'm pretty sure this is not about my attitude in the clinic this morning....." 

Kind Quill shook her head glumly. The Doctor stepped forward taking a breath as if to brace himself. When he spoke it was in a clinical tone as if speaking normally would break a wall of emotions he did not wish to get into. 

" The Stable is under grave threat. Or at least our ghoul population is. There is a disease that is spreading rapidly that appears to only impact ghouls at the moment. We have managed to keep this from being public knowledge thus far but the speed at which its moving is going to change that very soon.

The disease seems to be some mutated form of the very rate disease cutiepox. It changes the cutie mark of the pony that contracts it and forces them to work themselves to death performing the task of their new cutie mark. Now the one upside is that with a ghoul this is very hard so we have only lost one pony so far. But if it makes the jump to non-ghoulified ponies this will no longer be the case. " 

The OverMare stepped forward looking sad and stressed. She hesitated for only a moment before speaking. 

" We need somepony to head out and seek a cure for cutiepox so that we might alter it to fight this mutated strain. You are the best combatant in the Stable. I am going to send Gale and Abbey with you to make amends for the theft and other troubles they have caused....if it not such a threat to so many ponies in the Stable I would not ask this of you. But we don't have much of a choice.


His mother with tears in her eyes set saddle bags down in front of him. This was going to happen now...... as he tried to gather his thoughts each pony and zebra in the room stepped-up to place items in the empty saddle bags.

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The storekeep sighed in relief at the announcement and went to the store.

Meanwhile, the two sisters were in the Overmare's office. Abbey was looking as defiant as ever, while her younger sister, Gale was actually looking remorseful. "I-I told you that thieving wasn't a good idea" Gale would say to her sister, "W-we should have just found a way to be..productive" she says, then looking up at the Overmare "I-I'm really s-sorry for what we did ma'am, it's just...thieving is all we've known..." she begins to apologise, being shut up by her sister "Shut up! We don't need to apologise to anybody". Gale sighed, "Well I'm sorry, and I will accept any punishment you see fit"

After the OverMare had announced that they would accompany Eldritch to the wastelands to find the 'cure', they both looked up and gasped "N-No! P-please, anything but going back out there!" Abbey would plead, "Should have thought of that before you coaxed me into helping you thieve stuff" Gale mutters.

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@Lazy Ferret


The OverMares gaze hardened and she shook her head. 

" There us no other options girls. The Stable needs this cure and Eldrich needs help to get it you have repeated been given a slap on the hoof for your actions. But not this time. You will accompany Eldrich or lose your place in the Stable entirely. That is the position you are in." 

As the OverMare spoke Dr Kind Hooves placed three doses of Eldrichs' medicine in the saddle bags along side three healing potions and one super restoration potion and a hoof full of healing bandages. 

Eldrichs' mother placed few days of provisions in the bag and kissed him on the forehead before dashing out the door. It appeared the mare could not stand to see Eldrich to the Stable door. 

Stripes placed a zebra amulet in the bag along with a potion. He placed a bracing hoof on Eldrich and headed out without a word.

" Thank you for the supplies everypony. I'll do my best to get this cure. " 

The overmare placed a bag of caps into the saddle bags alongside some notes on where to look for the cure. She then rounded on the girls. 

" You have ten minutes to gather whatever supplies you wish and be at the stores to the Sable. If you are late or steal anything else you will be removed from the Stable with nothing and the deal is gone. " 

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The two girls nodded, resigned to their fate of having to venture back out into the wastes. "We'll be there" Gale would say to the Overmare, as she knew that she and her sister didn't have much in ways of supplies. She looks to her sister, who just nodded. She took half of the energy drinks and made her way to their room to pack, while Gale took half the cigarettes and made her way to the store, as it was better for the more level headed of the two to approach the storekeep.

Not six minutes later, they would be at the doors to the stable. Abbey had packed their left over drinks and cigarettes as well the few clothes they had with some weapons they had come into possession of, while Gale had managed to soothe things over with the storekeep, having chosen the diplomatic approach. They waited anxiously.

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Amber stopped and kept quite as she watches the colt looked around. "Did he noticed me following him?" She doesn't want to take risk as she waited for him to advanced.  The colt stopped to take a quick drink. "Good he didn't noticed" 


9 hours ago, Randimaxis said:


The ghoul started laughing uproariously, as if it had been the funniest thing he'd ever heard, then started to open his snack box.

The sound and his laughter almost startled her. But she didn't noticed her stepping back and little and accidentally knock some few rock with her hind leg causing some noises and echoing. She bite the bottom of her lips and stood still.

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12 hours ago, TBD 🚬 said:

causing some noises and echoing

The ghoul, who was partway through a two-century-old snack cake, looked up.

"Oh?  Izzat you, Mister Zamsa?  Do I gotta get my Whompum Stick?"

He shoved the rest of the cake in his mouth and stood up, brushed himself off a bit and looked around.  As he did, his horn gave a glow, and he levitated out of his bag...

... what looked like a toilet plunger with a bit of machinery where the rubber cup should have been.  It was also covered in what looked like tin foil, and floated along with him as the ghoul hunkered down low to the floor and began to crawl along the opposite wall, searching for... well, apparently whatever had made the noise.  As he scooted along the floor, he began to mumble softly.

"Heeeeeeere roachy, roachy, roachy... niiiiiiiice roachy, roachy, roachy, roachy, roachy..."

Meanwhile, the weird plunger-thing floated right above his head, following along with him as he continued to use his 'Roach Call'.  It was strange, but even though the ghoul acted like a colt, he was as grown as a full-sized adult.  He just sounded simple, was all... mostly because he kinda was.

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@Lazy Ferret

Eldric grabbed a few personal items from his room and then locked the door. He was unsure when they would be back but he was sure it would be a while.

Heading to the Stables main entrance he saw the sisters waiting for him. He really hoped they knew technology better then he did because he was not much in the way of archnotech outside of the skills his pipbuck gave him. He also knew that he would be worthless with weapons but his magic more than made up for that. 

" Well I guess we'd best just get to it. First thing we need is some more supplies as this is not going to be a short trip. So scavenging is out first priority. We need trade items and supplies as we don't have much in the way of caps. "

With that he used his pipbuck to open the Sable door. Security was right behind him read to seal it again as soon as the left. The long tunnel out of the Stable stretched before them and its boundary marked the furthest Eldrich ever had been from home. Looking back at the sisters he gave a flick of his head that was more confident then he felt and stepped into the unknown. 

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Gale smiles a little "O-oh we're very good at scavenging" she would say, as Abbey just nodded, and they followed Eldritch out of the Stable. "Never thought we'd be out here again, it doesn't look like much has changed" Gale would say softly "Air still reeks of radiation, and I bet the water is still mostly undrinkable" she'd say.

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On 7/15/2020 at 11:53 PM, Randimaxis said:

"Heeeeeeere roachy, roachy, roachy... niiiiiiiice roachy, roachy, roachy, roachy, roachy..."

Meanwhile, the weird plunger-thing floated right above his head, following along with him as he continued to use his 'Roach Call'.  It was strange, but even though the ghoul acted like a colt, he was as grown as a full-sized adult.  He just sounded simple, was all... mostly because he kinda was

Amber rise her eyebrow, a bit weird out from his odd behavior. But then again, at the time like this it can make anyone act differently. At least though he doesn't seem to be the kind to hurt anyone. 

Um...you can stop the, eh...calling." She said as she stepped forward from her hiding place. Her voice is raspy and muff from wearing a gas-like mask. She doesn't know why she would show herself to the colt, she wasn't planning to try to team-up or anything. Only to watch out of curiosity and then be on her own way again.  Then again, no use of hiding any way. She doesn't want to give the colt any wrong idea of thinking that she's a enemy if he caught her. 

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9 hours ago, TBD 🚬 said:

Um...you can stop the, eh...calling."

The ghoul looked up quickly, saw the masked individual... and smiled from ear to rotten ear.

"Oh... you're notta roach - you're a... um, a..." he stared for a bit, then shrugged his shoulders.  "Well, I dunno, but you're talkin' to me!  YAAAY!  I love to do the talky-things, oh yes-yes-yes!  Makes things so much less alone, and besides, the Minnustry Mares sez that we gotta be friendly-friends wif each other, if we're gonna make it outta dis war alive!"

He then gave a healthy (if lightly rusty) laugh.  "Awww, I KNOW tha war's over - I was just funnin', is all.  Don't pay what no mind of me; I'm simple.  Dat's what mama told me ta tell folks what asks what's wrong wit me... well, when dey asked back afore stuff went BOOMS."

He seemed as happy as could be to have someone to talk to.

"Say, uuuuhhhhh... you gonna shoot me now?  Everybody shoots me, so I will unnerstan if you do - even iffits broughts on by a accident!"

He smiled at her for a moment before his eyes went wide.  "OH!  Dat's right!  I gotsta innerdoose myself - my name's Caution Dip!  Nice to meetcha; what's yours?"

Now that she got a good look at him, Amber could see he was a full-grown adult - he only sounded and kinda acted like a kid, apparently.


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@Lazy Ferret

Eldrich stepped out blinking into the grey light of the Equestrian wastes. He had never been out of the tunnel leading to the stable before. Looking around he was seized by the enormity of his surroundings. Living all your life in the stables could never prepare you for how big Equestria used to be.

" OK I think I see a factory or something in the distance....if we're lucky we can scrounge some supplies early. After that we can plan our route a bit and figure out the best way to do this.. "

He kicked on his eyes forward sparkle seeking no dots friend or foe he moved forward cautiously.

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On 7/18/2020 at 3:59 AM, Randimaxis said:

"Say, uuuuhhhhh... you gonna shoot me now?  Everybody shoots me, so I will unnerstan if you do - even iffits broughts on by a accident!"

He smiled at her for a moment before his eyes went wide.  "OH!  Dat's right!  I gotsta innerdoose myself - my name's Caution Dip!  Nice to meetcha; what's yours?"

Amber look at the colt who introduced himself. Quite surprised this colt was older than she expected. "Didn't expect that" she thought to herself. She analyzes him some more as he spoke to her in a odd speech. He seems like a nice fellow,strange, but she doesn't see any threats coming from Caution Dip. 

"I'm not going to shoot you, I was-" She stop herself. She doesn't want him to know she was the one following him. "I was passing by around here and spotted you here as well" Amber felt pretty embarrassed for making petty lies. But she immediately pull herself together. 

She took off her mask and reveled her tired orange eyes and a large scar that covers half of her right side. She blew her mane out of her face, give Caution Dip a cunning smile and reply to his question casually.  "Amber Night."

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"W-wait" Gale would say to Eldritch "Let Abbey and I scout ahead" she'd say "These places are usually teeming with raiders and the such" she would look to Abbey who just nodded, "We can be stealthy and scout ahead, then come back with enough info to help us figure out a plan".

Gale nodded "And don't worry, we will return, after all, you are our best hope of survival" she'd say, readying her weapon, handing the other one to Gale.

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3 hours ago, TBD 🚬 said:

"I'm not going to shoot you, I was-... I was passing by around here and spotted you here as well"

Dip grinned.  "Well, if you don'know where you are either, then we can be Lost Buddies together, yah?  Better ta be lost with a buddy den all alone an' stuff; mama awways said dat 'if you get put widda buddy, you STAY widda buddy', so I guess we can be Lost Buddies, okay-okay?  All good scrim and stuff?"

He walked over a little closer to look at her, so she got a better look at him.

The Red Racer Jumpsuit he wore was patched kindly and neatly, it was worn, but well-cared for.  The yellow hard hat, on the other hoof, was cracked, dinged and dented, and had a number of faded and illegible decals on it.  The jumpsuit's pockets were almost alive with little tools, bits of wire, and other random junk.  His messenger bag looked older than anything the normal trade depots would sell, and had a faded-yet-restitched picture of Daring Do on it... and yet, it looked sturdy enough to have its' own set of scars.

Speaking of scars, the unicorn ghoul had a number of them; many looked like they had caused patches of his coat to come off, but some were still visible, if barely.  His eyes looked fine - no milky or cloudy blurs - but they were a bit too wide, a bit too innocent... though they most certainly were his best feature.  Otherwise, he wore a toolbelt that she would place caps that he actually used for tools, and a pair of goggles that seemed to live around the base of his neck.

He magically opened the bag, and hovered out what looked to be an 800 year-old pastry in a box.

"Dis is a eight-hunnit year old froot pie!  Dey say you can heat um 'n' eat um, but I like 'em just like they are already... here, you wan' one?" he offered, holding it in her reach with his magic.


4 hours ago, TBD 🚬 said:

"Amber Night."

"Oh!  You're a pretty Night mare!"  He then gave a giggle, covering his mouth as he did.

"I made a funny!  NightMare?  I am da FUNNY GUY today!  An' wif company around ta hear it, too!  Thanx you for talking to me an' not shooting my butt; not much leff, an' I LIKE my butt," he grinned.

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@Lazy Ferret

Eldrich looked at them. He was skeptical but the idea made sense.


" Well the pipbuck isn't showing anypony up ahead but if they are out of range it could be useful to have that information..... but be warned if you leave me even if I don't make it back you will be bared from returning to the vault only way back in is with me. " 

He found a few scraps of metal and made a lean too to make himself less obvious as he waited. 

" I'll be right here but if I hear shooting I'll come galloping "

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