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Who might be the gen5 protagonists, what would they represent? Let's duscuss it!


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Hello there, I'm proposing a discussion about the gen5. Since nothing much came to our ears about that new instalment of the show, we could call that a theory discussion.

The title says it all and here's my opinion.

In gen4, the mane6 was represented by ponies, obviously and they shared a common thing, the elements of harmony and what they represent. Kindness, generosity, loyalty, honnesty, laughter and magic. Except magic which is the consequence of all the other elements, they all represent different emotions that are well portrayed in the chosen pony.

With that said, there are two points to talk about:

1: With the end of gen4 came a variety of species. It showed to respect and love what's different and that everyone, pony or not, could be friends no matter what with the best exemple being the student6. So with that idea, why not a mixed species group leading the show? I don't have much for that idea since it's just a thought, and since mlp is, well, my little PONY, but yeah.

2: If gen4 had protagonists which each represented a specific emotion, a specific aspect of friendship, we could take the idea further in gen5. Not thinking about restrains and if we still have some sort of mane6, that would mean that what they represent couln't be the same as gen4. So what would it be then? Well, if you take away emotions, what is a big part of friendship? Actions and thingq that brings peoples together. Out of my head i'll try to tell 6 of them. Erm.... so... Helping, supporting, understanding, comforting...errrrr I'm bad at this. But if you understood what i meant then i reached my goal. I'm sorta improvising this post so it surely is messy and maybe hard to read or understand. 

So yeah, What's your opinion, don't forget it's all fun and games, everyone's opinion is worth listening:squee:

Have a nice day:fluttershy:

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It sounds awesome and I definitely would like to see something like that!

Unfortunately I don't think something like g4 will happen again or that it will continue expanding on itself with new better grander ideas.

With the direction they are taking with pony life and the shorts and this speech of "to better connect with modern audiences", speaking of cellphones, youtubers, instagram, selfies, unboxing, etc, with the more small child tone and no lessons, ponies only, pandering. With the direct decisions of the executives to state very clear to the audience what they think about their own audience like Fame and Misfortune which ends on the children are the ones that matter. With the backlash the inclusion of the other races had with many outspoken members of the fandom. With the obvious favoritism unicorns had in specific and the constant problem in the show of ponies being racist even between themselves, the very first obvious changes in the show to accomodate product placement with very particular design choices, the fact that there's no toys whatsoever of the student six. :(

I predict that it will be pony only, focused on everyday issues, slice of life, not include adventures to other places and if they will it will be within pony cities only and the previous races will not return (no "political" or racial commentary for now at least), it will be like a complete reset, more "modern" and technologically advanced, focused on friendship again but more like a 90s (how are they called? Those live action kids series like icarly and such) show because the 90s nostalgia is in vogue with the people in charge of making content right now, it will be g2 remastered, with a ton of songs, hyper cute and more girly, for kids.

I hope I'm wrong though... I would love to see the races return to have more variety with characters and species we already understand and love. But the toy brand is My Little Pony, and their primary concern is to sell pink toys to little girls even after g4 has demonstrated that is possible to defy the stereotype and get results. They are not concerned to change the status quo (the higher ups i mean), and even if it g4 gave them money with a bigger audience it also gave them "trouble" politically and socially speaking. It's been 10 years, they need to refresh their audience with younger ones to make them grow with the brand and get hooked by it like we did with g4 over 10 years. I think that's what they are referring to by "you'll get in love with my little pony again", is a complete reset with a different direction.

There will be a new mane six group. Each of them again with their own element and quirk regarding friendship. Maybe other elements. There will be one alicorn in the group, no explanation no buildup to it, they'll just be there. 

We will see... I hope I'm wrong and I'm just spiraling into my own head.

Edited by Ittoni
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24 minutes ago, Ittoni said:

It sounds awesome and I definitely would like to see something like that!

Unfortunately I don't think something like g4 will happen again or that it will continue expanding on itself with new better grander ideas.

With the direction they are taking with pony life and the shorts and this speech of "to better connect with modern audiences", speaking of cellphones, youtubers, instagram, selfies, unboxing, etc, with the more small child tone and no lessons, ponies only, pandering. With the direct decisions of the executives to state very clear to the audience what they think about their own audience like Fame and Misfortune which ends on the children are the ones that matter. With the backlash the inclusion of the other races had with many outspoken members of the fandom. With the obvious favoritism unicorns had in specific and the constant problem in the show of ponies being racist even between themselves, the very first obvious changes in the show to accomodate product placement with very particular design choices, the fact that there's no toys whatsoever of the student six. :(

I predict that it will be pony only, focused on everyday issues, slice of life, not include adventures to other places and if they will it will be within pony cities only and the previous races will not return (no "political" or racial commentary for now at least), it will be like a complete reset, more "modern" and technologically advanced, focused on friendship again but more like a 90s (how are they called? Those live action kids series like icarly and such) show because the 90s nostalgia is in vogue with the people in charge of making content right now, it will be g2 remastered, with a ton of songs, hyper cute and more girly, for kids.

I hope I'm wrong though... I would love to see the races return to have more variety with characters and species we already understand and love. But the toy brand is My Little Pony, and their primary concern is to sell pink toys to little girls even after g4 has demonstrated that is possible to defy the stereotype and get results. They are not concerned to change the status quo (the higher ups i mean), and even if it g4 gave them money with a bigger audience it also gave them "trouble" politically and socially speaking. It's been 10 years, they need to refresh their audience with younger ones to make them grow with the brand and get hooked by it like we did with g4 over 10 years. I think that's what they are referring to by "you'll get in love with my little pony again", is a complete reset with a different direction.

There will be a new mane six group. Each of them again with their own element and quirk regarding friendship. Maybe other elements. There will be one alicorn in the group, no explanation no buildup to it, they'll just be there. 

We will see... I hope I'm wrong and I'm just spiraling into my own head.

What you say is pretty coherent yeah, with pony life, which is...erm....different to say the least, it's true that they are aiming to get peoples into the fast paced and short episode kinda series. That's a shame, truly. But yeah, the logical idea of going back to g2 kind of mlp you gave is pretty darn terrifying. it'd be, in my opinion, throwing away a large part of the comunity that was there because g4 was amazing.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to detail your reasoning:squee:

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Well, we have no information yet about what is already set, I believe it will be focused on ponies and not other creatures and have no relation to G4.

Now, in what setting the show will be is an interesting topic, will there be pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies? Who will rule them? We can throw ideas but its just guess work unless you count the leaks, though I am not sure even they are relevant anymore.

What I would like to see, is world dominated and mostly populated by ponies, more than g4 did even. Maybe have the 3 races live separately with not the best relationships between them, kinda like the situation in FIM before hearts warming eve. And the protagonists are ponies from these races learning how to live with each other and get along? You can have some magical beasts and creatures but no need to turn it into a jurassic park, no need to have a situation like in season 1 when almost every other episode there was a monster attack, but some mystical and unreal beasts are welcome. And if they indeed do something like this, please for the love of, make the other races more powerful, in g4 the unicorns felt kinda OP. Maybe make the main character not an all powerful being? 

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13 minutes ago, Rushing cash said:

Well, we have no information yet about what is already set, I believe it will be focused on ponies and not other creatures and have no relation to G4.

Now, in what setting the show will be is an interesting topic, will there be pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies? Who will rule them? We can throw ideas but its just guess work unless you count the leaks, though I am not sure even they are relevant anymore.

What I would like to see, is world dominated and mostly populated by ponies, more than g4 did even. Maybe have the 3 races live separately with not the best relationships between them, kinda like the situation in FIM before hearts warming eve. And the protagonists are ponies from these races learning how to live with each other and get along? You can have some magical beasts and creatures but no need to turn it into a jurassic park, no need to have a situation like in season 1 when almost every other episode there was a monster attack, but some mystical and unreal beasts are welcome. And if they indeed do something like this, please for the love of, make the other races more powerful, in g4 the unicorns felt kinda OP. Maybe make the main character not an all powerful being? 

What an interesting idea, seeing the pony races separated and maybe in conflict and nerfing op unicorns:yay:. That sounds like something i'd watch:squee:. Magical beasts to spice it up yeah.
thanks for your time!

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Alright, first and foremost, I want the show to have a heavy focus on ponies like it did in the earlier seasons. I just don't want the non-ponies to be the primary focus like they were during the last two seasons. They can, however, be mysterious and potentially dangerous creatures which the ponies come across on quests and such (or they could be villains/antagonists). I definitely want them to keep the main three types (Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi), and on-top of that, I'd like them to be as balanced as possible. Unicorns were overpowered throughout g4 and need some serious nerfing. I wouldn't be totally opposed to there being more subspecies of ponies though; just as long as they are still PONIES (Batponies, kelpies, etc). That being said, I'd still want the main three types to be the main focus. It's My little Pony after all, and it should stick to developing ponies.

To be more specific on the main cast, I would like there to be at least one if not two members from each of the three main pony types (like g4). If they do add more subspecies of ponies, we could possibly get one of each in the group. Who knows, maybe instead of the elements being based on friendship traits, they're based on magical/physical elements. But that's just a thought, I would still be fine if their magical connection was based off of friendship. These are just some of my thought's on what the protagonists would be like. Only time will tell us what they really end up being.

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5 hours ago, Landi72 said:

Alright, first and foremost, I want the show to have a heavy focus on ponies like it did in the earlier seasons. I just don't want the non-ponies to be the primary focus like they were during the last two seasons. They can, however, be mysterious and potentially dangerous creatures which the ponies come across on quests and such (or they could be villains/antagonists). I definitely want them to keep the main three types (Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi), and on-top of that, I'd like them to be as balanced as possible. Unicorns were overpowered throughout g4 and need some serious nerfing. I wouldn't be totally opposed to there being more subspecies of ponies though; just as long as they are still PONIES (Batponies, kelpies, etc). That being said, I'd still want the main three types to be the main focus. It's My little Pony after all, and it should stick to developing ponies.

To be more specific on the main cast, I would like there to be at least one if not two members from each of the three main pony types (like g4). If they do add more subspecies of ponies, we could possibly get one of each in the group. Who knows, maybe instead of the elements being based on friendship traits, they're based on magical/physical elements. But that's just a thought, I would still be fine if their magical connection was based off of friendship. These are just some of my thought's on what the protagonists would be like. Only time will tell us what they really end up being.

A nice reasoning, indeed the name of the show will most likely mean that what's in the name will be on the show :yay: Physical elements and new types of ponies? Sounds interesting, I wonder what those traits and types of ponies could be. 

Thanks for giving your detailed thought, and a great thought it was;)

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Stereotypes will be present with or without arbitrary Friendship titles. The question is then: what will the show be like?



We could get Thundercats Roar with better art dealing with modern little girl stuff. Kinda like Littlest Pet Shop for only the smoothest of brains. The mainstream entertainment has already decided that this is the lowest common denominator hill they wanna die on, so it's always an option.


Then there's the Burger King Kids Club bunch that has the compulsion to include all the "diveristy". Sometimes they actually do decent stories, but that doesn't matter cause their shadow target audience is a bunch of grown-up shippers with severe mental issues.


What we'll likely get is a little bit of both previous options wrapped in the modern adventure-but-not-actually slice of life formula with overarching story about some "dark entity" that has been perfected by younger Disney shows. Well, at least the art will be better. I hope.

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