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Moments ago, Astral Soul said:

I'm afraid I don't know much about previous generations, but you're doing some incredible art my friend. Keep it up!

Aww thanks!;)

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Hey guys! I'm back with more cute pony artwork for you all.


Young Little Ember from My Little Pony


Baby Firefly from My Little Pony


Baby Moondancer from My Little Pony


Baby Glory from My Little Pony


Baby Surprise from My Little Pony


Baby Lickety Split and Spike from My Little Pony


The Lovable Lyra Heartstrings


Yummy... (Chubby Pinkie Pie)


What do you think? They'll be more on the way in the next day or two.

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Hey guys! I'm back with more cute pony artwork for you all.


Sitting and Pondering Twilight

(Hmm. I'm wondering what she's pondering about?)


Whoopie-doo Derpy Doo

(Oh, silly silly Derpy. You're so adorable.:Daydreaming:)


Cute Dashie

(Dashie? Please, stay pure. Plus, your belly button is so cute.:wub: *poke*)


Apples vs. Strawberries (Applejack and Strawberry Sunrise)

(Uh oh! Shit's just got real up in here! lol)


My Drawing of Colgate from MLP G4

(What an adorable dental horse!)


Pinkie in a Bikini

(I'm not gonna lie, Pinkie looks super cute in that bikini. Also, love that pudgy belly though:ticking:)


Buttercup bellyrubbing Applejack

(Who's a good Jackie-Wackie? Yes you are! Yes you are!:mlp_yeehaa:)


Angel Bunny pokes Fluttershy's bellybutton

(Fluttershy looks cute when she giggles. Whenever someone or Angel pokes her bellybutton, she tried her best not to squeal. She's that ticklish.:squee:)


Spikey-Wikey is here

(He's so adorable that he wants a hug)


Pudgy Pie

(She's so cute when her belly looks so pudgy. Not to mention, pretty squishy.:mlp_pinkie:)


Spike got RESPECT

(He sure is, brother!)


Spike wants a belly poke

(Awww. He's so precious! Of course, I would.:squee:)


Three Types of Baby Ponies

(Type A-Baby Cakes' designs from 2011. Type B-Baby Applejack's design from 2012. Type C-Flurry Heart's design from 2015-16. All of them are cute, but I prefer Baby Cakes more.)


Dashie n Pinkie

(They're both lovely!)


Baby Applejack

(Baby Jackie is so adorable! I want to hug and tickle her!:ButtercupLaugh:)


Baby Applejack got tickled

(I love when she squeaks and giggles when someone poked her chubby baby belly. She's so cute when she does that.)


Baby Flurry Heart

(I didn't care for Flurry Heart at first when she first introduced, but later on, she really grew on me. She's really adorable and she deserves all the cute tummy tickles she gets.:squee:)


Flurry Heart Flying

(Gotta catch McFlurry if ya can!)


Alicorn Twilight and Spike

(I really love these two.^_^)


Lyra and Bon Bon

(Two adorable best friends just being themselves.:coco:)


What do you think? They'll be more on the way in the next day or two.

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On 2021-07-10 at 8:48 PM, JMTV99 said:

Hey guys! I'm back with more cute pony artwork for you all.


Young Little Ember from My Little Pony


Baby Firefly from My Little Pony


Baby Moondancer from My Little Pony


Baby Glory from My Little Pony


Baby Surprise from My Little Pony


Baby Lickety Split and Spike from My Little Pony


The Lovable Lyra Heartstrings


Yummy... (Chubby Pinkie Pie)


What do you think? They'll be more on the way in the next day or two.

Adorable renditions of classic ponies!



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Hey guys! Here's more adorable horse art for you all!


Fly like a Firefly


Pinkie Pie's Mom-Cloudy Quartz


Baby Cheerilee


Baby Sweetie Belle


Baby Rainbow Dash


Baby Scootaloo


Baby Pinkie Pie


Baby Apple Bloom


Pumpkin n Pound Cake


Pound Cake wants a hug


Pumpkin Cake just being cute


Poundie got BOOPED


Pumpkie getting all ticklely


Dashie's Crying


Baby CMCs


My Little Newborn Cuties (G3.5 x G4)

(As much as I really hated Newborn Cuties, I'm just doing it for experimentation. BTW, I added Pinkie Pie's mom from G4 because Pinkie had a mom in one of the Newborn Cuties shorts. So I decided. "why not?")


MLP Starsong (G4 Style)

(Even though I was disappointed that Starsong didn't appeared in FiM, I thought it'll be a good idea do my own version of her if she appeared in the FiM universe. I originally drew her as regular sized mare, but I decided to make her taller, so she could stand out more. Starsong was basically the same character in G3, except she had a little bit of sass.)


MLP The Core Seven Reunion

(Imagine if FiM had a G3 Core 7 Reunion by having Starsong into the mix. I'm sure G3 fans would love that)


MLP Gen 1-Glory


MLP Gen 1-Moondancer


So what do you guys think? They'll be more on the way in the next day or two.

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Hey guys! Here's some cute pony art for you all!


Starsong is Sweetie Belle's Foalsitter

(I envisioned that Starsong in G4 is Sweetie Belle's babysitter. Starsong was like Sweetie Belle in which she was embarrassed to sing in front of a crowd, but her friends really liked her singing voice. Starsong had a friend called Melody gave her really good advice about don't let other ponies think about you. What matters is that you are the greatest star. Rarity was looking for a babysitter while she was out to work on her then-new beauty shop, Carousel Boutique. At the age of 5, Sweetie Belle wanted to be just like Rarity by being a fashion designer, but once she met Starsong, she wasn't excited about it due to she had not having the same capabilities as Rarity. Starsong teaches Sweetie Belle on how to sing, but she refused because it was not her type. Starsong said to Sweetie, "you're not gonna know, unless you try". Sweetie Belle isn't budging. She crossed her arms and give a pouty face. Starsong sigh and tell Sweetie Belle that she understand that you want to be just like your sister, but just because you want to be just like your sister, doesn't mean you can't stand out on your own. Sweetie Belle was like "what if someponies will laugh at me?" Starsong was shocked because she had that experience like that when she was a filly. "What if somepony think I'm a laughingstock and no one would ever talk to me again?" "I can't sing, Starlight." "I just can't". Sweetie Belle was about to cry, but Starsong wipe a tear from Sweetie's eyes, and told Sweetie that she had experience like this before, but her friend told her that it doesn't matter what other ponies think. All it matters is what you think. You are gonna be a really great star one day. Sweetie Belle smiled and Starsong's advice cheer her up and give it a second chance. Sweetie Belle said 'thanks' and told her "Can you teach me, please?" with an adorable look on her face. Starsong said yes. As time went on, Starsong teaches Sweetie Belle singing lessons by singing ABCs and 123s, Nursery Ryhems, to Starsong's own songs. Sweetie Belle improved her singing voice as she got older. Once the final day has settled, Sweetie Belle sings like an adorable angel, all thanks to Starsong's coaching. Rarity was very impressive with Sweetie's singing vocals and thanked Starsong for teaching her. Sweetie Belle said "Are you gonna come back and teach me a new song?" Starsong said no. "Why?" Sweetie Belle said. Starsong has to make a very important announcement. "This will be my last time babysitting with you." Sweetie Belle was left shocked. "What do you mean you're not gonna babysitting me anymore?" Sweetie Belle said with a devastated look on her face. Starsong said that she got a music career after song became a big hit in Canterlot and she'll be touring across Equestria. Sweetie Belle said "But what if I'm never ready to become a big star?" Starsong said to her that you don't me to become the big star. You're a big star already. You're ready to take the next big challenge and find your own path and where to take. It takes a lot of hard work and passion on where to go to and succeed at. Rarity has her own path, but now it's your turn. Sweetie Belle understands. Sweetie Belle said her final question: "Do you think I'll ever see you again?" Starsong responds with a smile, "Of course, I'll see you again. I'll visit at least once a year. Once I'm came back to Ponyville, I'll see you'll able to make the stage." Sweetie Belle said thanks and give her a hug. "You're the BEST babysitter ever! I love you, Starsong." Sweetie Belle said in tears. Starsong replied "I love you too." Rarity was crying during that scene, but Starsong comfort her. Starsong said goodbye and Rarity and Sweetie Belle said goodbye back. As Starsong flies off, Sweetie Belle realized how much Starsong meant a lot to her. Even though she's originally wanted to be like her older sister, but Starsong help her trail her own path, and she's super grateful to have a great babysitter like Starsong to become the cute, lovable, filly that she is today. That's how I envisioned.)



Minty Fresh with Socks (Minty from MLP G3)

(I gotta say out of all the characters in G3, Minty is defiantly the best one. She can be a bit of a clumsy horse, but she's really charming. Plus, she's a trendsetter in which she wears colorful socks. With the brony fanbase making fanart of ponies wearing socks, she pretty much made G3 worth watching. )


Derped Out Minty

(Well, she voiced by the same voice actress, so I thought it'll be fun to put two and two together)


Let's Party with Pinkie Pie


Gilda the Griffon

(First time draw non-horse MLP character. I wasn't too crazy about Gilda when she first introduced, but when the Griffonstone episode came out, I really like her a lot more.)


Little Gilda and Little Dashie

(That was the cutest moment featuring Gilda)


Filly Fluttershy comforts Dashie

(Those poor fillies deserves a hug!)


Twilght and The Gifted Unicorns

(I love them so much. They should've have their own spin-off)


Filly Twiley and Filly Dancie

(They're both adorable!)


My Drawing of Princess Celestia

(First time drawing the princesses and I'm really liking it so far. )


Filly Celestia


My Drawing of Princess Luna


Filly Luna



Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts


Little Strongheart, Zecora, and Autumn Blaze

(First time drawing non-horse MLP characters and I love them)


Pinkie Poked

(This is what happened when you press the button)


So what do you guys think? They'll be more in the next day or two.

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I like seeing Fluttershy comforting Rainbow for once since it always seems to be the other way around.

I like the concept of Starsong being a babysitter, too, too bad we didn’t get to see her perform in the show.



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1 minute ago, ExplosionMare said:

I like seeing Fluttershy comforting Rainbow for once since it always seems to be the other way around.

I like the concept of Starsong being a babysitter, too, too bad we didn’t get to see her perform in the show.

Aww thank you.:wub:

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Hey guys! Here's some more pony art for you all!


Twilight poked Spike's belly

(Twiley loves messes with her little brother)


Sexy Bikini Dashie

(My oh my! Dashie's on fire wearing that bikini!:ticking:)


Little Derpy's First Word

(Derpy's such a cutie pie!:squee:)


Freestyle Moondancer

(Man, Moondancer is going all out, and I love it!)


Dashie the Sweet Angel

(What a sweet innocent angel!:wub:)


Retro-haired Dash

(I though it would be a funny idea to have Dashie going all 80's with her mane)



That's all I got for tonight. There'll be more on the way eventually, but for now, I hope you guys really enjoyed it. 

Take care.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys. I'm back with more cute pony art for you all!

Here we go!


Apple Bloom wants a hug

(Of course, Bloomie!)



Sweetie Belle-ie Button
(Yes, Sweetie. You're super cute having a belly button.)



Scootaloo wants a belly rub

(Sure thing, Scootsy!)



Twilight want some bellyrubs

(Yes, Twiley! I would love to give you bellyrubs because you're the most adorable pony I've know.)




My Drawing of Roseluck from MLP

(What a lovely flower horse!)



My Drawing of Twilight Twinkle from MLP

(I know Twinkle exists in G3, but this is Lauren Faust's concept for Twinkle from the MLP pitch bible)



Kissy Kissy from Lyra

(As much as Lyra loves Bon Bon, Lyra loves to kiss Bon Bon's bellybutton because she's that tasty. She would love to do it all day. Plus, Bon Bon couldn't handled being tickled.)



Bon Bon being cute

(Daaawwww. Bon Bon is so cute.)



Vinyl Scratch and Octavia

(First time drawing Vinyl and Octi and I love them and their chemistry with music.)



........I'm Bored.

(Noi seems to be bored out of her mind. I'm wondering what she's thinking about? Getting tickled, maybe? Who knows.)



My Drawing of Cheerilee from MLP

(First time drawing Cheeriliee and I really like her. She's so underrated.)


Wanna Hand?

(That one-off joke from Too Many Pinkie Pies really made Lyra jealous. Pinkie can use her hoof hand to poke her and Lyra's belly buttons and see how they really feel. Probably juicy?)



UPDATE (7/30/21): Here's more horse drawings that was part of the pack.


My Drawing of Golden Harvest from MLP

(Whatever she's Golden Harvest and Carrot Top, she's still a cutie.)


Coco Pommel want bellyrubs

(Coco Pommel is so adorable and so underrated. I would love to give her bellyrubs and tickles if she wants to.)


My Drawing of Twist from MLP

(Twist is a really cute character and great friend for Apple Bloom. Shame that we don't see her as much. She deserved some love.)



Berry Punch gets Drunk

(Berry Punch has been drinking too much punch that she needed a long belly message to relax herself. I call dibs!)


Tummy Tickles























(Dinky Doo is so cute giving Aura tummy tickles just to make her laugh.)



So that's all I have for today. What do you guys think?

There will be more on the way very soon and it's gonna get belly-utiful from here(and cute as a button).;)


Edited by JMTV99
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys. I'm back!

Here's some one-off pony drawings that I had drew on my iPad.


Pinkie Pie (iPad test)

(This was made in the Sketchbook app.)



Lyra's Cute Bellybutton

(Awwww. Somepony wants a pokey-wokey?:wub:)



Here Comes Dashie!


Here Comes Pinkie!


Yeah, the amount is a bit underwhelming compared to others, but nonetheless, they still look cute and belly-tiful as ever.

I'll be taking a slight break from pony drawings for a while since I want to focus more on Jojo n Pony.

I hope you guys enjoy it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys. JMtv here.

Last time I said that I had to take a break from pony drawings and focus on Jojo n Pony? Turns out, plans has to changed since Generation 5 will be coming out in September. I was warming up to G5 after the trailer came out and I'm thinking about doing more G5 stuff. That, and I was busy with school and I couldn't think of any other ideas for Jojo n Pony and other pony drawings.

Now that I came back, here's some more pony drawings for you all. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Izzy Moonbow from MLP G5





Sunny Starscout from MLP G5



Zipp Storm from MLP G5



Pipp Petals from MLP G5




Hitch Trailblazer from MLP G5


What Some Rubbin'?-Twilight

(Twilight would love smooth belly rubs.)



My Drawing of Cloudkicker from MLP

(I do know about her for a while. I thought she's pretty cute.)






Twiley's Yummy in Her Pudgy Tummy

(Twiley loves some hayburgers! Tasty!)

Twiley's Yummy in Her Pudgy Tummy.png

My Drawing of Trixie Lunamoon from MLP

(Even though Trixie wasn't my favorite character from FiM, but she's pretty fun to draw.)




Fluttershy Loves Her Pudgy Tummy

(Isn't that cute?)



Twilight Belly Kissed Pinkie Pie

(Twilight loves to kisses and raspberries to Pinkie Pie's belly and making Pinkie laugh. It succeeded perfectly. Twiley would love to do that more often.)



Adorable Bloomie

(Apple Bloom was such a precious little baby. She deserves a hug. and belly tickles)


Celestia wants Belly Rubs

(The royal princess in Equestria demands some belly rubs! I know I am.)


What do you guys think?

They'll be more the way very soon, including some G5 stuff.



Edited by JMTV99
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On 2021-09-01 at 6:15 AM, JMTV99 said:

Hey guys. JMtv here.

Last time I said that I had to take a break from pony drawings and focus on Jojo n Pony? Turns out, plans has to changed since Generation 5 will be coming out in September. I was warming up to G5 after the trailer came out and I'm thinking about doing more G5 stuff. That, and I was busy with school and I couldn't think of any other ideas for Jojo n Pony and other pony drawings.

Now that I came back, here's some more pony drawings for you all. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Izzy Moonbow from MLP G5





Sunny Starscout from MLP G5



Zipp Storm from MLP G5



Pipp Petals from MLP G5




Hitch Trailblazer from MLP G5


What Some Rubbin'?-Twilight

(Twilight would love smooth belly rubs.)



My Drawing of Cloudkicker from MLP

(I do know about her for a while. I thought she's pretty cute.)






Twiley's Yummy in Her Pudgy Tummy

(Twiley loves some hayburgers! Tasty!)

Twiley's Yummy in Her Pudgy Tummy.png

My Drawing of Trixie Lunamoon from MLP

(Even though Trixie wasn't my favorite character from FiM, but she's pretty fun to draw.)




Fluttershy Loves Her Pudgy Tummy

(Isn't that cute?)



Twilight Belly Kissed Pinkie Pie

(Twilight loves to kisses and raspberries to Pinkie Pie's belly and making Pinkie laugh. It succeeded perfectly. Twiley would love to do that more often.)



Adorable Bloomie

(Apple Bloom was such a precious little baby. She deserves a hug. and belly tickles)


Celestia wants Belly Rubs

(The royal princess in Equestria demands some belly rubs! I know I am.)


What do you guys think?

They'll be more the way very soon, including some G5 stuff.



These are gorgeous! :wub:

Signature made by the amazing @Sparklefan1234


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