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private Adventure awaits, so get me out of here~! (1x1 with Pastel Heart)

Samurai Equine

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@Pastel Heart

"At least I don't taste like sand." Trilby says before hugging Pastel back. "I heart you, my friend." He says in a silly but genuine way.

After some nice affection, Trilby gets up. "What do you say, Love? Shall we prepare for the day ahead? We have so much more adventure to see~! There's some mystery caves I want to check out."


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@Toshigami Equine

Pastel giggled happily. "And you really froporo my kokoro~! Whatever that means!" She giggled, being silly as she can to cover her genuine warm feeling.

She smiled and nodded as he he popped up, excited. "Let's go~! If there's a mystery cave, then there must be a dungeon! I'm gonna be like Daring Do!" She ran ahead of Trilby, not even knowing where they were going. She'll have to stop eventually.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby smiles and heads for the camp. After getting dressed and getting ready for the day, he packs up all their supplies in their backpacks and heads out, offering to let Pastel ride on top of his enormous backpack, if she wants to. She can be the queen of the moving castle!

Eventually, they arrive in the mystery caves Trilby was talking about. They are long and winding, and the walls are covered in gems of many sizes and colors! Most of them are glowing, illuminating the way, which is good because... "Wow. It's like these caves go on forever! I can't even see where the cave ends." Trilby observes. He pulls out a pair of pickaxes.


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@Toshigami Equine

Pastel was more than happy to be queen of the moving castle, no tears includer this time! She looked around, using a telescope (that was entirely unnecessary) before pointing at all the gems on the wall. "Treasure ahoy, Trilly! It's our lucky day! The crown won't get these!" She declared as she hopped off, taking in the caves atmosphere.

The idea of picking gems in this place Stardew Valley style was exhilarating to her. She grinned and squeed as she took the pickaxe, wasting no time to hit the wall as hard as she could. And being an earth pony, it was pretty hard...

Almost immediately an opal fell out of the wall. Almost conveniently so. Pastel wasted no time dropping her pickaxe and picking up her prize. "Hey! This ones kinda neat, huh? Like a princess jewel!" She smiled. Something seemed... odd about the jewel, if Trilby could sense that.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby's method to digging was a little different. Instead of picking a random spot, he wanted to find a spot that would give him the biggest payload. He soon finds a spot that has a TON of gems just growing in one spot on top each other... On the cave's roof. Trilby tries reaching for it, but he's just a little too short. So he uses his magic instead, making his pickaxe float to the top and start picking.

Eventually, Pastel calls out to him. "Hmm? You say something, Pa--" Trilby turns to face her, and is cut off when a HUGE pile or rocks and gems fall on top of him, burying him alive. Eventually though, the rubble begins to move, and Trilby sticks his head out of the rock pile. Gems line the crown and the edges of his hat. His eyes are covered by two extra large gems. A small gem is on the tip of his nose. "...Ah~!" And he has gems for teeth, making it hard for him to speak properly. ...Gem beast?

Edited by Toshigami Equine


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@Toshigami Equine

Pastels eyes widen, she nearly drops The jewel she picked up before rushing over to the pile of rocks, in a panic.

"Omigoshomigoshdontbedeaddontbedead--" Shes about to start digging before the pile moves, a wave of relief washing over her. She squeezes his head hard enough to send his new gem teeth flying. "That was so cool but so scary! I'll totally kill you if you die, you know! Ponies die when they're killed!" She nods, remembering that from something. "That's some sweet booty though! Whacha think of this one?" She shows off the gem with a strange aura.

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@Pastel Heart

In cartoon fashion, once Pastel glomps Trilby, the excess gems on his face fly off and he spits out the gems in his mouth. "Thanks, Pastel. I heart you too." Trilby says. As he slowly pulls himself out of the rubble, he looks at Pastel's gem. "Yeah, that is a sweet booty you've got there. ... The gem, I mean. Absolutely didn't mean anything else." Trilby says, with a light blush. "Do you think it's a good luck charm?"


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@Toshigami Equine

Pastel smirks and raises a brow, Rock-style at his phrasing, giggling and laughing it off for the sake of the RPs rating. She swayed her tail and raised the gem to his eye view.

"No idea! Sure is pretty though! Think it's the Legendary Silver Crystal?" She smiles, expecting him to know what that is. "Maybe it's got some power! Unicorns can sense stuff like that, right?" She assumed. Way too much manga, this one reads. She stared into it. And for a brief moment, it looked like Pastels eyes reflected the same color as the gem. Weird.

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@Pastel Heart

He looks at it closer. "Oh? Moon Healing Escalation?" Trilby asks, admiring it. He then looks back at her then stands up straight, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry, but that's not something I can do. Maybe unicorns with a higher level of magic ability can, but I'm as basic as can be. The most magic I can do is levitate and and teleport a few times. ...And the teleportation kind of hurts, so I try not to use it unless I really need to." Trilby explains.

"Moon Healing Escalation?" Trilby voice says, but from further away. The actual Trilby snaps to attention. "Did you hear that?! It sounded like ME! But I didn't say that..." Trilby says. "It sounded like ME!" Trilby's voice comes again. It's a little further in the cave. It doesn't sound like an echo. It sounds like something, or someone, is repeating what he is saying.


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@Toshigami Equine

Pastel shrugged. Well, thems the breaks, she thought. "Well, it was a fun thought at least! Maybe we can get somepony to check it out in a town. There's ponies like that, right?" She smiled, holding the stone confidently like it just matched her color, and it quite almost did.

Pastel initially looks confused, hearing Trilby, or rather, a second Trilby repeat him. She almost giggles like he may losing it, but follows his gaze as her ears perked up. "Woah, it's like a mime! Hey, watch this~" she smirked mischievously, taking some steps towards the end of the cave where the voice was coming from. "GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE! I'M A HORSES BUTT!" She shouted. Clear bait.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby suddenly blushes again. He is about to object to what Pastel just said out loud, but then Pastel gets her response. "GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE! I'M A HORSES BUTT!" Her voice replies back from deeper within the cave. "...Wait a second. That wasn't an echo. There was a delay. Something is repeating our words. Let's check it out!" Trilby leads the way deeper into the cave.

A little further down, they find strange gems that are constantly changing colors. "Huh. Wonder what these are." Trilby says. "Huh. Wonder what these are." One of the gems mimics him word-for-word, lighting up when it does so. "Oooh~! Check it out, Love! These must be some kind of Echo Gems." Trilby says. "Oooh~! Check it out, Love! These must be some kind of Echo Gems." Maybe they should be called Parrot Gems instead...

As Trilby gets a closer look, he notices that many of these gems are saying random things; like...

  • "Dude! They repeat what I say!!"
  • "Mommy! Where are you?!"
  • "I wonder how much these gems cost?"
  • "This place gives me the creeps..."
  • "How did I get in this cave again?"
  • "I'm gonna complain to the mayor when I get out of here!"
  • And many more! Including: Animal noises, random songs, and a few wacky sound effects.

It's beginning to make perfect sense now. "Love, I think we're hearing the sounds of others who have been through these caves." Trilby says. "Love, I think we're hearing the sounds of others who have been through these caves." A gem echoes.


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@Toshigami Equine

Pastel almost broke out laughing hearing those words repeated, but Trilby was successful in maintaining a somewhat air of maturity.

"Oohhh, I see, I thought something cursed may be in here! Curses happen in caves, right?" And sure enough... "Oohhh, I see, I thought something cursed may be in here! Curses happen in caves, right?"

She giggled. "No curses, but still super sweet! They're like, akashic records of everyone that's been here! Does that mean everypony that comes in here is gonna hear what I said too?" Her eyes widened. When she first learned the term leaving a legacy this wasnt what she had in mind.

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@Pastel Heart

"Probably. These stones will remember us. And..." Trilby is interrupted when one of the gems makes a fart noise. A LOUD one. "HEY! That wasn't me!" Trilby's face burns red.

He then hears something. "...Forrest leaves. ...Rushing water. ...Birds? Could there be life at the end of this tunnel?" Trilby continues walking forward. He can even see a light in the distance!


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@Toshigami Equine

Pastels eyes widened. It definitely wasn't her. She instantly pointed a accusative hoof at Trilby. "That was you!" Without hesitation, despite the fact this kind of rebuttal makes HER look guilty!

She follows his gaze instead of continuing this bitter battle. Possibilities raced through her mind. A lost garden? The other side of the cave? A dimensional doorway to some other world!? She skipped up and rushed ahead, running ahead of Trilby.

"Let's go go go! And today's first mystery iiiiis...! Solved?"

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@Pastel Heart

"WAH~!!" Trilby nearly falls over when Pastel speeds past him. "Pastel Love, wait for me!" He does his best to keep up.

But then, they come out of the caves, and find... More forest? But something seems different about this forest. Sure there's normal trees and greenery, but there's also... Cherry blossoms? Plum trees? And even some bamboo sprouts? Trilby is practically beside himself. "This can't be right. Manehattan doesn't have trees and plants like these! At least not in such a huge amount. Where in Equestria are we?"

Edited by Toshigami Equine


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@Toshigami Equine

Pastel was taken aback by the atmosphere. Shes seen scenes like this, but never something like this in real life.

Pastel stepped forward, the cherry blossoms conveniently falling as she moved the hair out of her face. It really did look like the start of some slice of life anime.

"Maybe we're not in Equestria at all..."

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@Pastel Heart

"If not, then where?" Trilby asks. As he walks forward, exploring carefully, he hears the faint, distant sound of musical instruments. "Hmm... Sounds like stringed instruments... Something similar to a banjo... A flute, maybe? ...Hey, that's asian music!" Trilby says and runs forward.

After getting past a few trees and other signs of wilderness, he stops when he sees it. There in the distance was civilization. Japone! It's actually Japone! Trilby's jaw almost drops to the ground. "J-J-Japone?!?! But how?! This can't be right. Japone is days away from Manehattan! You'd need a train to get there! How did a cave make us leap such a wide distance?" Trilby pulls out his maps and tries to make sense of this.


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@Toshigami Equine

Pastels eyes glittered.

"Wow... I've seen it in shows, in manga, stories, never in person before! I don't care how we're here--I'm happy we are! Isnt this so totally awesome, Trilly!?"

She skips around him happily. The logistics didn't matter to her, the fact they were here together was enough for her.

"Hey hey Trilly let's go to a maid cafe! I'll even wear one! Or or we can see Destiny Land! Or take me on a date in the bad part of Shinjuyu! So much we can do!~"

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@Pastel Heart

"I don't even know how much a love hotel costs." ...What did he just say? Trilby shakes his head. "Erh... In any case, I guess going into Japone can't be a bad idea. Maybe one of them knows how exactly we got here in the first place. Well, let's go, Love! Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as great explorers once said." Trilby leads the way, but makes sure Pastel stays by his side.

As they get close to the entrance, they notice that this part of Japone is very traditional/cultural. It's beautiful. There might be more modern cities deeper in Japone, but for now, this seems to be the cultural side of the land.


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@Toshigami Equine

This place really made her feel like she was thrown back in time. Actually being in a place like this made her feel like a fish out of water. It was a much smaller place than the city streets she was used to, and a different culture to boot. She felt a little nervous, brushing up on Trilby as she walked as if hugging him. Otherwise, the almost otherworldly atmosphere was nice.

"We probably look super weird and out of place, huh? I would rather be lost with you than lost alone, though!" Pastel smiled sweetly.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby smiles and holds Pastel close. "As long as we're together, I can handle anything." Trilby does his best to reassure her.

As they enter this land, there are lots of ponies in kimonos and other traditional Japanese wear. Some are playing the shamisen, the koto, or the shakuhachi. There is koi in the ponds, fancy shrines, eye-catching decorations, the click-clack of wooden sandals, and so much more.

But soon, a unicorn with a curved horn stands before them. He is also in traditional clothes. "Sumimasen. I am Samurai Equine. You seem new to Japone. Do you need any help getting around?" He asks.


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@Toshigami Equine

Pastel felt a cosmic shockwave. Has she met this pony before...? No. Definitely not. Probably.

She looked up at Trilby with a big smile, and a wink that said 'I got this'. She cleared her throat and approached Samurai. Oh no. Or should one say, yabe.

"Ohayou gozaimasu nya! Atashi wa, tenshi mahou shoujo, Pastel Heart! Tsuki no... Aishtoko yo!"

...She did her best.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby sees her step out, and suddenly feels a little pessimistic about this. "I don't know, Love. I'm not sure that's going to--" Trilby is interrupted when Samurai's eyes go wide with wonder, giving a surprised gasp. "Sugee! Kono tenshi mahou shoujo?! The anime was true!" Samurai says, lowering down to admire Pastel. "That worked?!" Trilby says to himself before falling over on his back, twitching like a dying bug.

"Ne, ne~ Tenshi-chan, o-tazune shite mo ii desu ka? Oshiete kudasai. Kimi wa hime-sama desu ka? Kyuseishu desu ka? Yusha desu ka? Atashi wa hi no bushin. Samurai senshi da yo. Saa, dono you ni watashi wa anata o teikyou suru koto ga dekimasu ka?" Samurai says to Pastel before bowling politely, his tail wagging all the while. Let's hope Pastel isn't in over her head. "...Although, to be honest, I was expecting an angel to have wings." Samurai tilts his head curiously.

Edited by Toshigami Equine


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@Toshigami Equine

Much like Popuko in a famous meme, Pastel nodded along as Samurai talked. She got about 2/10th of that. But she pretended to understand.

...Trilby was probably very confused.

Angel wasnt at all what she tried to say, but it's too late now, she had to roll with It. should probably quit while she's ahead, though.

"Well, I got wings in my heart atleast! Honest!" She throws out an obscure reference before making a pose. "My name is Pastel Heart, and I'm absolutely flawless! And this right here is my mate, Trilby Hatter! We like, went through a wormhole or something and ended up here. We have no idea where we are." She nodded, like she was proud of being lost.

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@Pastel Heart

Samurai listens intently, then his eyes go wide. "Oh. Mate? I didn't know you had that kind of relationship. So Trilby's into that kind of thing?" Samurai asks. Just as Trilby is recovering, he nearly falls over again! "It's not like that! Honestly!" Trilby waves his hooves. "Oh? But you were just calling her 'Love' a moment ago, weren't you?" Samurai asks. "That's just a nickname. Her last name is Heart, and ponies think of love when they think of hearts, so that's why I call her that." Trilby explains with a blush, visibly flustered. "Oh, I see~ So you're saying it's not too late for me to be Pastel's onii-chan?" Samurai gives a smirk.

"What are they teaching ponies in Japone? Why did you approach us anyways?" Trilby says, putting his face in his hooves. Samurai smiles and stands up properly. "I am a samurai. I am the guardian of Japone. It's my duty to help those in need, which means it's my honor to welcome newcomers to Japone."


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