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private Adventure awaits, so get me out of here~! (1x1 with Pastel Heart)

Samurai Equine

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@Toshigami Equine

Pastels eyes widened, blushing as she looked at Trilby and then flailed her front hooves about. She didnt even consider what it sounded like when she initially said that. Phrasing, everypony at home!

"Eeehh!? Wait wait wait! We're not--I mean--not that I wouldn't--" a rare flustered Pastel was sighted! She covered her face with her hooves cutely. It was rather moe, one might say. Samurais comment didnt help either!

"Wait! Am I amassing a harem? This wasnt the adventure I had in mind!" Pastels eyes shot around. It looked like she enjoyed the thought... as one that's played too many visual novels would.

With some normality soon restored, Pastels eyes sparkled. "Woaaaahh~ Trilly! Dude! A Real. Life. Samurai. If you're the guardian, that means you know where we are, right right!? You'd be the best party recruitment possible for this map!" She was getting too enthusiastic about this.

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@Pastel Heart

Just imagine it~ Two handsome stallions in your own private harem. The possibilities~!

Trilby tries to make that thought balloon go away, but he's not succeeding. Samurai nods. "But of course! Right now, you're in Aomari, a place that revels in our traditional culture. However, if you are looking for something more modern, perhaps you'd prefer Tackyo? I know a lot of foreigners are attracted to anime, manga, video games, and other such things that we make. If that interests you, we should make haste." Samurai offers. (Making pony puns for Aomori and Tokyo was tough. I almost didn't bother.)


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@Samurai Equine

Pastels eyes widened. Tackyo? The shiniest city in the pony world!? She squeed and looked over at Trilby.

"I think that would be super special awesome~! I've always wanted to see it in person! It's been a dream! Wouldn't that be super cool, Trilly!?" She grinned up at him as if trying to lure him Into a cult.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby thinks about it. "Since we're going to Tackyo, can we check out the Cinchjuku or Akihaybara (Shinjuku or Akihabara)?" Trilby says. Samurai seems impressed. "Amazing. How did you know about the wards in Tackyo?" Samurai says. "What can I say? Sometimes anime is educational. Maybe we can hit one of those famous Japonies arcades or find a video game store." Trilby says. "You have chosen well. This way, please." Samurai begins to lead the way.

Trilby begins to follow with Pastel. "So why is it so important to get going?" Trilby asks. Before Samurai can answer that, someone comes running up to them. "FOOLS!!" A hippogriff in a different set of traditional clothes and a pointed/finned hat runs up to them all. He raises and hits Trilby over the head with a giant paper fan. "OW!! What was that for?!" Trilby says, protecting his head. "Do you not understand who stands before you?! This is no ordinary equine! This is Samurai Equine, the official warrior of Japone, sworn to defend the word of Celestia and Luna! He outranks ANY commoner like you, which means you should all be BOWING your heads before him! You--!!" The strange hippogriff would go on and on, but Samurai stops him by putting a hoof on his shoulder. "It's okay, Shin. They don't need to bow. They are my friends." Samurai explains.

The hippogriff named 'Shin' backs off, but glares are the two of them, pointing his folded up fan. "You got off easy this time, but I highly recommend you show respect at all times, and be ready to bow if you meet another samurai or anyone of higher rank." He warns. "Okay, fine! You win. But why did you only attack me?" Trilby asks, practically bowing to avoid getting hit again. "Because the pink one is chibi. Her head is all ready lowered." He explains matter-of-factly.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@Samurai Equine

It's definitely a good thing Samurai came in and defused the situation, as Pastel was standing in between Trilby and Shin at this point. She was returning his glare, rather definantly. Her chaotic nature was bound to clash with his, or perhaps he triggered some kind of a response from her. Either way, this was a new expression...

"Hey! Hit my friend again and this commoner will show you where to stick that, huh!?"

Oh no. A yakuza at heart. She was small, but her mouth more than made up for her size.

"Sami, take us to Cinchjuku and Alihaybara and let's leave this guy to be a sour orange to somepony else!" She puffed out her cheeks, hugging Trilbys leg as if saying 'this is mine'. It was the birth of huffy Pastel.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby was surprised to see Pastel defending him, as well as holding onto him. He holds her close as well, just in case the hippogriff changes his mind. It makes him gasp. "Hugging in public?! How obscene! I shall take my leave." He wonders off. "Sorry about that. That was Shinshoku. It's his job to enforce rules." Samurai explains. "What kind of position is that? Actually, forget that. Is what he said true? We should at least be bowing in your presence?" Trilby asks. "Well, that is how ponies did things in the past. I don't really want anyone to think I'm better than any other pony. I like meeting new faces and treating others equally." Samurai explains. "...And if we didn't bow?" Trilby asks. "Well, thank goodness this isn't feudal era anymore, because otherwise... You'd have been beheaded on the spot." Samurai says, craning his neck with that last part so he can look at Trilby with a frightening grin. Trilby's face instantly turns blue and he can barely breath. "...Just kidding~! Nyeh." Samurai adds, sticking out his tongue a little.

From there, Samurai leads Trilby and Pastel to the train station. It's a bullet train! It feels like something out of a fantasy. "Shuppatsu shinkou! All aboard! This is the Neighpone Express."


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@Samurai Equine

Pastels eyes widened, sharing the exact same expression as Trilby. Beheading!? That was a little... M rated.

She just smiles and laughs nervously as the revelation is passed off as a joke. She exchanges a glance with Trilby as if saying 'zoinks'.

With the mood lightening up, Pastel was the first one on the train of the three of them. Even the trains in Manehattan don't look this cool!

"Let's goooo boys~! This some high tech epicness right here!" ...Pastel then remembers where she is and remembers she should probably act more modestly. For now. She smiles awkwardly at the looks she might be getting before clearing her throat and smiling like a good filly.

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@Pastel Heart

"Tell my waifu, I'm sorry I didn't get her that dress~" Trilby says jokingly, trying to lighten the mood, glad is over.

Both stallions seem to love Pastel's energy as they board the train. "So how does this train work? It seems so different." Trilby asks. "Oh, it's powered by magic, and it has cannons for jet boosters. They don't fire any actual cannon rounds, they just fire enough concussive force to propel us forward." Samurai answers as the doors close and the train begins to move. "I guess that would explain why the railroad shines with a rainbow color. How long is this train ride going to--" Trilby begins.


The announcement goes out as the train comes to stop. "!! There all ready? But, we were only on board for..." Trilby begins, at a loss for words. "Seconds? Bullet train." Samurai exits the train first. "Ya coming?" Samurai asks the still stunned Trilby.


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@Samurai Equine

"Magical trains? Totally awesome! The ones in Manehattan need that kinda stuff. Does that mean there's mana in the air here?" Pastel pondered as if she definitely knew what she was talking about. She sure was interested in magic for being an earth pony.

The ride was over before she knew it! She grinned up at Samurai and Trilby. She was the first one out to see the city she loved seeing in pictures and animation! She looked up at the sky, the buildings... This place was even more urban than Manehattan. She couldn't wait to see the place at night!

"This is super sweet! Wheres the card shop? The clubs? The bars? The shady businesses that sell forbidden magical objects? The book stores with the dirty comics behind the counter?"

Pastel was like a pink blur.

...And ended up getting lost in the crowd. It was anyponies guess where Pastel was now.

Off to a great start!

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby shakes his head and leaves the train and follows his two friends.

"There's one on the corner. I don't usually go to clubs and bars, so I couldn't tell you. Shady businesses? There might be an establishment set up by the yakuz--" Samurai begins, but is interrupted by Trilby. "Sorry to interrupt Samurai, but I think Pastel is just easily excitable. I am pretty sure she'll be happy when we get to one of those big anime plazas. Isn't that right, Love?" Trilby asks. He gets no reply. "...Love? Pastel?" He looks around and realizes the horrible truth.

"SHE'S GONE! She ran off when weren't looking! Oh no, her famous wrestler granddad will put me in a cobra twist for sure!" Trilby says, panicking. "Don't worry, Trilby-san! We can find her. Just stay close to me. I'm an expert at jobs like this." Samurai takes the lead and begins to guide Trilby. He can run down the streets fast enough and check every spot thoroughly, but he makes sure to politely asks others if they have seen Pastel passing by. That part is kind of slow, and involves exchanging cards and information. "Ugh... This will take forever. Pastel! Come back, my sweet!" Trilby calls out and begins looking around on his own. He doesn't wander TOO far from Samurai, but two sets of eyes are better than one.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@Samurai Equine

Samurai would find Pastel struggling with the language barrier outside of some bookstore... a bookstore that looks like an obvious front for something.

"Eto... Atashi wa, eto... Manga! Manga to koto! Kanon! Kanon to!" She was trying to indicate what she was looking for, but the intimidating looking stallion just seemed annoyed by her persistence.

"Buzz off, kid! If your parents aren't around to slap some respect into ya I will!" He says in clear, but crude Japanese. This goes completely over Pastel who just goes on... This could get bad...


Meanwhile, on Trilbys side of things, there isnt any clearsign of Pastel, but...

...A pink tail sticks out of a crowd. Just like Pastels. The way it fluttered was even the same. Perhaps...?

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@Pastel Heart

Samurai does indeed find her without realizing Trilby wandered off in a different direction.

"That's very rude, you know. A shopkeeper shouldn't talk to a customer in such an informal way." Samurai says in Japonies as he enters the shop. He walks over and kneels down beside Pastel. "We've been looking all over for you. Which manga are you trying to buy?" Samurai asks.


Elsewhere, Trilby sees something. It causes him to wander off away from Samurai. "Hmm? Oh, there you are, love!"

Convinced it's here, Trilby grabs the pink tail and pulls. "Come out from there. You had us worried sick! And we haven't even seen the main attraction of this place yet."


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@Samurai Equine

Seeing Samurai, the unfriendly looking stallions expression changes. He bows, a complete 180. "My sincerest apologies, Samurai-sama. This foal was being quite rude, and I am unused to day shifts. Forgive my attitude."

Pastel had no idea what they were talking about, aside from the apologies, but it looked like everything was okay now. Sami really wasn a bigshot!

"Oh! Uhh, the Tsukihime manga? I was trying to get a translated copy, but he doesnt understand me... He started getting mad and stuff when I kept trying to talk." She blushed. Looks like she actually instigated the situation, inadvertently.


The owner of the tail turns around, revealing...

...Not Pastel, but a pony that looks just like her, only older. Definitely not a native. She stood out. Her features stood out, and she had the most sultry smile you could imagine. MASSIVE gremlin energy. She smirks at Trilby, speaking in a girly voice, like how youd imagine an older Pastel.

"Ohhh! How forward of you~! I gotta say, that line usually doesn't work, you know? You gotta be more subtle! Not that I mind direct approaches... You aren't so bad looking, actually~ why don't you and I get to know eachother better?" She leaned in, smiling, eyes digging into Trilbys.

This mare was dangerous. And not in the traditional sense. Looks like Trilby has ended up in his own form of trouble!

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@Pastel Heart

Samurai nods. "Heh. I'll buy it for you. But please stay close, okay? I know you're excited, but you have Trilby so worried, he nearly had a heart attack. I think he really cares about you. Also, if you need something translated, just say 'Eigo kudasai'. You can even throw an 'onegaishimasu' at the end, if you want to be polite." Samurai explains.

He gets up, finds the manga Pastel wants, and brings it to the front desk. "Do you have this in English? I'll buy it." Samurai asks the shopkeep in Japonies, getting ready to pay. Again, that word Eigo is used.


Trilby nearly panics when he realizes he has pulled on a strange mare's tale. Very strange. He instantly lets go of her.

"Oh! I'm... I'm so sorry, miss! I thought you were someone else. See, I'm trying to find a long lost friend of mine. We were touring the town together... Do I know you, per chance?" Trilby asks. As he says all this, he is slowly backing away.

Now would be a good time for either one of his friends to show up. If not, he might start running!


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@Samurai Equine

Pastel smiled, nodding deeply in understanding. She felt bad, getting a little carried away... She'll have to make it up to him. She nods in understanding to Samurai, watching from example as the cashier, attitude turned around checks out the English translation of the manga without incident.

"Yaayy! Arigatou ne, Sami-kun!" Well, atleast she could say that much. With her new obsession bagged, it was now time to find Trilby...

...Which wouldn't take long, as two familiar voices rang out nearby...


She pushed through the crowd going about their day, seeing Trilby with...

"Daddy!?" Pastel exalted.


Wait. DADDY?

The "mare" that was getting uncomfortably close to Trilbys ears suddenly sprung up and turned to Pastel. "SMALL LADY!" She-- he? jumped up, and they looked like mirror images as they sprung up to eachother, the larger pony scooping the smaller one up into a hug.

A few ponies were watching this play out like a drama scene.

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@Pastel Heart

Pastel probably didn't catch what Samurai said earlier, so his actions speak for themselves when Samurai buys the manga for Pastel. His gift to her. He also makes sure to pay the exact amount and not a single bit over or under.

"Oh, you're welcome, Pastel-chan." Samurai replies to her. As he begins to give her the manga in a really nice bag, he sees her taking notice of something. "Eh? Daddy? Where?"


Trilby was surprised. Was he suddenly off the hook? He notices the strange pony going into the nearby book store, and soon she--he is getting familiar with Pastel?

Trilby runs in to investigate this. "Daddy?! Pastel, this is your father?" Trilby asks, amazed. When he asked if they had met before, he was just making conversation. He didn't realize just how similar they look until now.

At the same time, Trilby can't help but wonder something "Since when have I become a magnet for pink ponies?" He thinks to himself.


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@Samurai Equine

Pastel and the older pink pony both nodded in unison, as Pastel squeezed out of her father's grip. They in turn gave an exaggerated expression of heartbreak as she did so.

"This is a funny coincidence! Sooo, Trilly! Sami-sama! This is my daddy!" She presented, and the pony took center stage as if absorbing the spotlight.

"Hellooo, friends of my small lady! My name is Neon Rain~ I'm an actor, I've been all over the kingdoms playing in all sorts of roles! You might say I'm a master of my craft." Neon says with a wink. "I must say, I'm surprised to find that you've all brought my small lady quite so far! Manehattan is a long way away, no?" Neon tilted to the side, wearing an expression of curiosity.

Pastel just grinned at Trilby as if saying 'isn't he COOL?'

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@Pastel Heart

Samurai and Trilby reunite in the book store to see the sight before them. The poor store keeper is probably very confused.

"An actor? Is being a mare also an act? It'd be rude to ask..." Samurai thinks to himself before bowing. "Hajimemashite, Neon-san. It's a pleasure to meet Pastel's chichiue." Samurai says. "I only half-way understood the samurai pony here, but I agree. Pleasure to meet you. I'm Trilby Hatter, my asian friend here is Samurai Equine. And to be honest, we really shouldn't be here. Pastel and I only arrived in Japone because of some crazy caves." Trilby says.

Samurai looks at him. "Eh? Chotto matte, kudasai. Crazy caves? You don't mean the Guiding Sound Caves, do you?" Samurai asks. Trilby tilts his head. "Guiding Sound Caves? I mean, that seems to be a good description of the caves. They did have gems that repeated stuff other ponies have said..." Trilby explains. "But those caves are myths! According to legend, those caves can instantly transport ponies anywhere in Equestria!" Samurai says.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@Samurai Equine

The store owner has all but tuned out at this point. He's seen things. He robotically continues waiting for the next customer.

With every elegance of a lady, Neon bows to Samurai, and in his own fashion, kisses his hoof. "Very nice to meet you, Samurai-sama~ forgive my and my daughters manners, we are but outsiders. I am honored to meet one with your stature." He smiles. All the elegance of a prince, while looking like a princess.

And turning to Trilby, he gives a more sultry glance. "And you. Nice hat." Neon invades Trilbys personal space again, much to the horror of Pastel.

"Oh no no no! No way! Not Trilly! He has no route!" Pastel puffed out her cheeks and hugged his leg.

Neon giggled, backing off just like that with a shrug, wearing a catlike smirk. "Ah, I see what this is~ it would be awful of me to intrude on your romance subplot, small lady! So rude of me~" Neon swooned in an exaggerated manner.

"HUHHH!? Y-you can't just say that! You'll ruin my flags! Stupid daddy!! You're the worst!!!" She started beating on his leg, blushing brightly as her father just looks down at her in bemusement. Yep. These two were definitely related.

The father-daughter minibrawl ends as magic catches their ears. They froze in place with Pastel trying to put Neon in a standing leglock.

"Wait! So we totally uncovered some easter egg lore!? That's so cool! Did you hear that daddy? Me and Trilly are awesome!" She grinned.

Neon giggled, picking Pastel up by her tail and dropping her next to Trilby. Pastel wobbles like gelatin as she lands gracefully.

"Magic caves, hmm? I'm afraid I can't assist you in this matter, as I'm as much of a tourist as Trilkins and my small lady are." Pastel shoots him a death glare as he suddenly nicknames Trilby.

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@Pastel Heart

"Oh. Thank you very much." Samurai bows, appreciating the flattery. Trilby is clearly uncomfortable with Neon's closeness, but the compliment was nice. "You really think my hat is nice?" Trilby looks at it and adjusts it a little.

Revealing the caves is a big deal. "I must say, I really want to see these caves! Many have tried to find them and failed. But first... Neon-san, would you like to join us on the tour? We were about to go visit an anime center." Samurai explains.


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@Samurai Equine

"Oh, very nice! But dont worry, Neon Rain can read the room~ just feeling out my small ladies newest conquest." Neon winked.

Pastel blushed and slapped Neons leg, puffing out her cheeks cutely. "Stop it! Stupid daddy! I'm gonna save over your Pony Fantasy file!"

With the whole family spat over, it was on to more serial matters. Super serial.

Neon thought about the proposition for a bit, looking up to the skyscrapers above. "Hmmm, well, I AM here for a part in a film..."

...But he glanced down and saw Pastel looking up at him with sad moe eyes. She knew his weakness and could manipulate him wisely. A hallmark of a healthy family.

He giggled and shrugged. "Well, why not? There IS this new series that I'm hoping to get raw."

Pastel winked at Trilby, as if she just did something incredible. "Charisma check!~"

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby smirks, holds up his hoof, and nods in a 'we did it' gesture.

"Looks like our party just got even bigger. Shall we go?" Samurai asks cheerfully before leading the way. "A party, huh? Guess that makes Samurai the Fighter. I'd provide Defense, of course. I wonder who the Healer is?" Trilby asks as he follows.


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@Samurai Equine

Pastel raises her hoof. "Ooh! Trilly is totally a bard! He can heal! I'm totally a thief though~"

Neon giggled at their daughters cultured enthusiasm. "Hmm, I do believe I would be a fine red mage~ smashing good looks, can manage a spell and a sword...~"

Both Pastel and Neon were in chuuni world now. One could only imagine what the mother is like.

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@Pastel Heart

"A bard, huh? Not a bad choice, really... I could totally play a lute. And you'd make a perfect thief, Love. You've all ready stolen my heart." Trilby says to Pastel with a wink.

After they comb the crowd, they arrive at a large building with anime characters painting on it and other such detail. Samurai leads them inside. "We're here!" Samurai says.

One look around will tell you this place is a grand mecca for anime and manga fans. There's ponies cosplaying! There's stores to help you buy cosplays. Anime, manga, video games, and many other similar pieces of content is being sold. There's a cafe. An arcade. Places where cosplayers can freshen up so they don't have to wilt away in their costumes. And so much more! It beats anything you might find in the rest of the world.


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@Samurai Equine

Pastel blushed deeply, visibly flustered this time. For once she was speechless. Mostly because of one pony... Neon was eating this up, beginning to sway left to right, hooves to cheeks.

"Aaahh, I'm giving my small lady away so soon! If only I could have been her hero a little longer~"

Pastel giggled playfully, running ahead of her father to Trilbys side, encouraging him to run. "Oh no, I'm being taken away by a thief away from the kingdom! You better get us, daddy!"

Neon imitated a fan to their face as he followed them at comfortable speed until they reached what is basically otaku heaven. Both father and daughter wore the same expression, sparkles in their eyes, and in unison...

"This is totally sweet!"

They were both poking around frantically at all the nooks and crannies. Total tourists.

"I want the new Sailor Moon DVD set!" Pastel declared.

"I just NEED the remastered Little Busters game!" Neon swung by. Things quickly became chaotic.

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