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private The Early Days


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Ruby smiled a little at the dragon remark. A full grown dragon would surely scare her to the next winter, but she was still interested about those big creatures sharing the land with the ponies. The books about them were maybe few, but she surely wanted to read every one there was about them. "The lemon ginger tea sounds nice" Ruby continued to say. "Though you can chose if you want."


Taking a deep, but silent breath Ruby then continued to say. "I could help you with smaller stuff if you'd like, they are always the ones taking surprisingly more time than the bigger parts. If I am not a bother."


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"Lemon ginger it is then,"He said pulling out two tea bags.

"if you have nothing else to do then sure I would love some help, the only thing that I would watch out for would be unfinished blades they may be slightly dull but they would still hurt."

Decan pulled out a small bowl,"would you like some suger with your tea ? He asked placing the bowl on the table.

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Mary Anne kept working at filling the barreals with water, but it was taking forever. She suddenly was struck by an idea. Instead of using the tiring rope and pulley system to raise and lower the bucket she used her magic to move a large volume of water up from the well and into the barrel getting the job done faster than it would normally be. She finished filling the second barrel in this manner.

She put a hoof to her head and massaged her temple in an attempt to subdue the oncoming headache from the overuse of her magic. She was unsuccessful in her attempt and decided to head to see Nyx, the apothecary, she led her cart in that direction while being careful not to spill any of the water.


(where has 'nyx' been anyways?, i think PLP abandoned poor old Nyx)

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"Thank you" Ruby said, putting the tea bag in the cup given to her. "I'll watch out for them then, wouldn't be so good messing up this place with me cutting myself on them." Ruby said with a jokingly smile on her lips. "Yes thank you, a little sugar would be nice." she continued, taking a small amount of sugar into her cup.


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Decan smiled," Ya that wouldn't be too good." He said sipping his tea.


"Oh I just remembered I have something for you,' He stood up and walked over to the cart,"I know this is not as nice as a good book but with the war and stuff you can never be too safe,I made it awhile ago for a family that I stayed with but they just disappeared the day I was leaving so I never got a chance to give it to them its been sitting in the back of my cart ever since so I thought maybe you would want it,"Said Decan pulling out a long dagger with a black hilt and a bright silver blade.


"I know this is probably not the best thing for a present but I dont think the negotiations went too well and I have heard about raids around Equestria," He said handing the dagger and its sheath to Ruby.

"You wont have to carry it everywhere you go but it would be a good thing to have when you need it"


(Ok this will have to the be my last post today I will see everypony tomorrow)

Edited by Flame Dancer

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Chancy walked up to the mare, setting the bucket of water down by her feet, and sitting down in the wooden chair next to the bed. ((Sorry for never mentioning it. :3))


"Yes, I was spiteful towards you earlier, and for that, I am truly sorry. I just went to go see my bro-, I mean, Boss, and he's not recovering as swiftly as I would've hoped. Watching him lie on that bed, his life in my hooves, made me realize something." She turned her head slightly, as a new wave of tears started to develop. "It was wrong of me to t-treat you l-like I did, p-please f-forgive me. It wasn't y-your fault that he's l-like that, I sh-shouldn't--"


Chancy stopped speaking, tears choking her words, and she bent her head down, silent sobs shaking her figure repeatedly.


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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[OOC: I'm jelly of your vocab! I shall steal you many words and phrases, no problem about the chair I'm flexible with that]


Storm Cloud wanted to jump over and pull her into a hug, she was a mare unable of being angry at any pony for more than 5 minutes. The surprise got the best of her and it took her a few seconds to find the right words before she managed to voice them. Her expression had softened as she started talking.


"It- It's OK. And it is not your fault what your brother has chosen to be." - she sat on the bed and gave her a sympathetic look on her face, instinctively trying to lean over to her she got pulled back by the string.


"Don't blame yourself for what he did, he isn't you. And he chose to be what he is"

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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"Delicious!" Ruby said after taking a sip from her own teacup. "One of the best teas I have tasted" Though Ruby went quiet after Decan's comment on having something for her. With both curiosity and surprise in her eyes she looked after the other pony while he was walking over to the cart of his. The mentioning of the war made Ruby unconsciously reach for the scarf around her neck.


Keeping silent, Ruby took the dagger handed to her and studied it a little.

"I don't really know what to say... but thank you, both for the dagger of course and for your concerns." Ruby made a small smile towards the other Pony.


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Decan laughed, "Ya it is a silly thing to be giving as a present, but as I mentioned before you can never be to careful," He said glancing down at a scar on his hoof.

looking up he said in a quiet voice, "I don't want to seem like i'm imposing on your personal life but I have never seen you with that scarf off, and I have no problem with it in fact I think it is quite beautiful i'm just wondering why? and if this is something that you dont want to talk about I completely understand."

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"But I feel like I should support him, no matter what," Chancy began. "and I do that by nursing the members back to health. Doctoring is the only thing I really understand, but Codax has said that if he passes, I'll take over the guild."


She looked up, her gaze hitting Storm's eyes, and holding fast. "I'm a nurse, not a thief!"


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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"...no it is okay." Ruby answered Decan, her voice had turned back to its whisper state. "It just... It was given to me by a very special friend of mine." Pausing her sentence, Ruby took a deep breath to prevent the tears she felt was coming to her eyes. "She...Her life was... violently taken from her"

The pictures Ruby had tried to suppress flowed to her mind, all the blood and screaming made her shudder.

"I guess I have managed to move forward a bit, but I still keep the scarf on to well... prove to her that I will never forget her." while saying that, Ruby stroked the scarf around her neck.


"Sorry for the gloomy story of mine." she continued with, trying to cheer up the mood a little.


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[OOC: Sorry, got to catch up with some things this weekend]


"Your brother will be fine, he's probably just a little exhausted after our little chase the other day." she said standing up on the bed, feeling the urge to see how Codax was. She just couldn't believe a pony dying of exhaustion.


Storm looked at the mare's eyes and felt sorry for her. "Hey, I know what you're going through and how you feel. I'm a farmer and this babies" - she said flaring her wings - "are no shovels".


She sat down on the bed again and continued her speech "There's no need for you to be who you ain't. I haven't got a choice to do what I love, but you have. Your brother will understand if you tell him, he's your brother and wants you to be happy"


Storm Cloud normally wasn't good at encouraging people, but she was sure Chancy was the only way out of this place that didn't involve getting killed or something worse. "And if he doesn't understand he isn't worth it. You could help ponies that deserve your help and stop patching up thieves and their criminal friends."


She considered her speech complete and stopped, letting the words reach the other pony's mind.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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"I'm very sorry to hear about your loss," said Decan looking at ruby in a comforting way." and I know how you feel I have lost many friends to this stupid war, thats why im hoping Canterlot will be a good place to settle down and and start my blacksmithing business."

he said sipping his tea."Once I get the shop up and running you would be welcome to set up a bookshelf so you can sell some of your books," Said Decan trying to change the subject.

Edited by Flame Dancer

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Chancy's temper rose slightly at her words, and she stood up. "I am a nurse, meaning that I help those that need help, no matter what. The ponies in this guild, in this hospital are just that: hurt, and in need of medical attention. Just because they are thieves does not mean they are so vile and crude as to be void of the help that everypony deserves."


She began to walk towards the door. "I would probably nurse Discord himself back to health if he needed it, because I am a nurse first and foremost, and I don't let my judgments get in the way."

Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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"What comes out of wars are only the loss of the ones dear to you... I guess" Ruby said quietly, looking down in the cup of tea she had in front of her, like it held the answers to all the suffering in the world.

"I'm sure your blacksmith business will go well" Ruby then continued, also wanting to change the topic to a more cheerful one. "And that would be nice, not that the bookshelf MaryAnne lent me is bad or anything, but increased reputation is never a bad thing in this case, is it?" Ruby tried to smile a little. "I do believe I have some books about weapons and such if you are interested by the way"

Edited by Mayuen


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"A better reputation is almost always a better thing...unless its a bad one hahaha," Decan laughed.

"That would be great, I have never really been able to find any good books that tell allot about blacksmithing." He said sipping his tea.

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"Good point" Ruby replied with a laugh, almost dropping the cup she was holding but managed to get a grip around it before it had fell to the floor. She rolled her eyes at her clumsyness, but then simply continued on the topic "And there are books around for every subject known to pony kind, some are just a bit harder to find...did I just rhyme?"


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Ruby laughed with Decan, her shyness seemed to decrease faster then usual nowadays, she though to herself. "I guess we are pretty much the opposites on that part. I have never been the one for traveling, and mostly only reading books." Ruby answered. "Well, it is my special talent but still."


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"I enjoy traveling but im afraid to say that I have been doing it my whole life so by now im sick of it which is why im hoping this will be a permanent home for me." Decan stood up and put his empty cup into a small bucket with a couple dirty dishes in it, "Whenever you finish just put your cup in there," he said walking over to his cart and pulling out some boxes.


(OOC. So Mayuen and I are the only two people posting is everyone else done with the RP ? I really like this RP but if everyone has left than I dont really see any point in still posting.)

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"How dare you!" Storm Cloud yelled trying to handle her anger and not to hurt herself with the rope that still held her against her bed. "I've had orphans dying at the farm because they'd become sick and nobody to tend them and you're fixing up criminals and telling me off because you think you're a hero"


Storm Cloud wanted to rampage, go over to the mare and slap some common sense into her, being unable to reach her Storm fell silent and turned away from her, sighing and expecting to hear the door closing behind her any second.


She didn't understand why, but her anger and boiling fury were causing her a relieving set of cold shivers that helped her coping with her situation.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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"Don't blame me because somepony else didn't do something. If I had known or you lived close to here, I would have gladly healed your orphans, but I'm not a princess, so forgive me if I don't know what's going on in towns I've never even heard of!"


Chancy stormed out of the door, slamming it shut behind her. She began to walk down the halls, letting her anger out.

Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Storm Cloud snorted, she was angry at Chancy and sure she had been unfair. The mix of both feelings causing her to have a inner discussion with herself, unable to accept the words of the nurse as a valid argument but knowing they weren't only wrong.


After a few minutes of dealing with her thoughts she left the depressing thoughts and got off the bed to get a drink of the new water. She didn't bath in it, it was just too small for a pony to wash the way she was used to but the liquid was cool and she was thirsty.


While she was drinking she let her thoughts run free, she had to get free and needed a plan to escape from this place as soon as possible.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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((I almost forgot what color Codax was xD))


Codax slowly opened his eyes, his mind easing into consciousness with the greeting of a slight throbbing pain, and his numb body sluggishly reconnecting it's nerve ends together, allowing Codax to bring his hoof up to his head. He moaned slightly as his tired body decided to activate all it's pain receptors at once, flooding his brainwaves with a greater throbbing.


"I haht mahrnins" Codax said, his tongue not fully functional yet. His joints popped as he slowly twisted to a sitting position, letting his back hooves touch the floor.


He shook his head slightly to clear it's cloudiness, and tried putting pressure on all four of his legs. He immediately fell down, hitting the dresser next to the bed, making a loud thud.


Codax struggled upwards, and continued to haphazardly make his way out the door and to the stairs. He reached the top, and cautiously began to descend, stumbling only twice, and breaking the railing in one place. He reached the bottom, and after gaining a bit more control over his sore and weak legs, walked out the door and onto the road.


He looked around, and just barely saw Chancy heading into the hospital. Codax quickly made the decision to follow her, and walked a bit faster to catch up.


It took him a bit, but he finally reached the door, only to hear raised voices coming from a nearby window.



"How dare you!" "I've had orphans dying at the farm because they'd become sick and nobody to tend them and you're fixing up criminals and telling me off because you think you're a hero!" "Don't blame me because somepony else didn't do something. If I had known or you lived close to here, I would have gladly healed your orphans, but I'm not a princess, so forgive me if I don't know what's going on in towns I've never even heard of!"



The argument was followed by the slamming of a door. Codax had recognized Chancy's voice, but couldn't place the other. He only knew it was familiar.


He walked over to the window, which was completely broken, and looked inside. Codax saw Storm Cloud, sitting on a bed, her foreleg tied to the railings of the bed. She seemed to be thinking, but got up and walked to a bucket, which she took a long drink out of.



"Hi." He said, trying not to startle her. "I'm guessing Chancy gave you a hard time?"


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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"So? Is it now your turn?" she answered sharply "Haven't you done enough to ruin my life? How long am I scheduled as entertainment for you and your pack?"


She was about to explode and wished she could lay her hooves on his neck and strangle him. She was too tired and she didn't even try to fight the cord any longer. She snorted and threw herself back on the bed. She wondered what he was doing there and why he showed up.


She turned her head over her shoulder "What are you doing here? If you're looking for something that isn't a bed, a bucket or a rope you're wrong here!"

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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