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private The Early Days


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Codax checked each of the rooms, looking for the one belonging to the sell-sword. As he opened the door to room number six, he found what he was looking for: a coin purse, brimming with bits. He reached for it, greedily, but stopped when he felt a rope. <Hmph. I expected as much.> He thought, pulling out a knife. <I'll just cut the coin purse itself, then.> He brought his own, somewhat empty coin purse up to the sell-sword's, and cut the fabric.The bits came cascading down into his own purse. Once the sell-sword's purse was empty, he let it go.


The rope began to retract, pulling the empty fabric with it, as the bookshelf next to Codax began to fall. <Sh*t!> He thought, narrowly jumping out of the falling bookshelf's way, as it came down, hitting the floor with a thud that slightly shook the whole building. Codax bolted out of the room, and down the hallway towards the balcony door. <How could I forget about the weight difference?>

Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Even though nothing he said made any sense, they had known each other for about twenty minutes and he was a trained and well equipped professional, the words were cute and heart warming. She leaned in and pulled Lockhart into a hug resting her head on his shoulder.


She was then quiet for a while, enjoying the warmth that left the other pony's body, until a sudden noise broke the silence. The tremor was strong enough to cause dust rain down from the ceiling, "What was that?" she left Lockhart's embrace and went for the door to check what had happened. "I'll be back in a second"


Once outside she checked if the building was wrong but everything was alright. She noticed a blue earth pony on one of the balconies and recognized him as the one Lockhart was looking for. Even though Lockhart had warned her about the colt she didn't want to believe he was up to something bad and yelled so he could hear her on the balcony.


"Are you OK? Do you need any help?"

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Codax vaulted over the balcony's railing, landing on the road next to Cloud. "Yeah, um, no, err.." Codax began, anxious to get to a hiding spot. "No time for talking, sorry." He managed to say, before bolting down the street, weaving around the passerby.


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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As the earth pony landed next to her Storm Cloud was agape. "Why don't you use the stairs?" she asked trying to understand why jumping off a balcony was better than walking.


As the pony raced past her the only thought that came to her mind was How could I possibly be so stupid? she took air following the now blue spot on the ground.


He didn't think he'd get away running from a pegasus, did he? from the air his dark coat was easy to spot and no obstacles blocked her path. She decided not to let him know she was on his tail and kept her eyes on his back while he made his way through the streets.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Ruby went to get some of the food from the counter and then proceeded to take a place next to MaryAnne. After taking some bites from the food, she replied to MaryAnnes statement. "Glad you like it. I have managed to get a hold on some more books, but I want to read them myself before trying to sell them, easier to help possible buyers then." A few bites later, Ruby added. "The food is delicious as always." with a small smile.


A sudden noise made the whole building shake, and managed to make Ruby fall.. "Ouch, what was that?"


Signature made by me, screenshot as base

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Codax continued to run down the street, ducking into alleys when he could. He dared a glance back, but saw nobody chasing him. Slowing his speed slightly, he began to relax. Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Decan walked over to the bar and got himself some ale then the He heard a loud noise from up the floor above, He put his drink down on the closest table and flew up the stairs. when he got to the hallway one of the doors was ajar, he walked in,

<what happened here> Thought Decan as he looked at the bookshelf that had fallen onto the floor, He looked around the room to see if anything else had happened and saw a blue pony on the balcony but before he could say anything the pony jumped Decan ran out onto the balcony but the pony had already run away. Decan walked to the top of the stairs and called down "MaryAnne I think you may want to come take a look at this."

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Codax had stopped running, and leaned against a wall to catch his breath. He couldn't see anyone following him, and began to walk with the crowd. As he was walking, however, he saw a shadow in front of him. <You've gotta be kidding me!> He thought, looking up to see a pegasus pony above him.


Codax began running again, through an alley, hoping to throw off the pursuer with a lot of twisting turns.


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Storm continued flying after the blue pony. He started slowing his pace and Storm Cloud reduced her own speed to match it, the slower speed forced her to land on some roofs to continue tracking him.


Whenever she landed on a roof she could continue following him and watching without any excessive flapping noises. However she did not consider it was getting later in the evening, when the pony she followed turned to the east her shadow jumping from one roof to the next did land directly on the floor in front of him.


The pony looked up and started running. Damn it! she nose dived and with a powerful flap of her wings increased her speed before levelling a few meters from the ground. With all the speed she had managed to get she followed the earth pony and started catching up with her target.


She suddenly considered what she would do if she caught him, as he probably had a knife or any kind of weapon and she had her bare hooves. Dismissing the thought as something future Storm Cloud would have to think of she continued following.


"You know!... You can run as long as you want, but you can't outrun this babies" she showed off her wings while using them to glide to avoid overtaking him.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Codax pulled out a small capsule from his satchel. It was an instant smoke bomb he had stolen from a temple, far to the south. Still running, he waited until he saw a three way split, and turned his head slightly. "I may not be able to outrun your wings," Codax called back to Cloud. "But you can't chase what you can't see!" Codax then threw the smoke bomb down, right in the center of the split, and a purple cloud quickly enveloped him and the slight surrounding area. He used the cover of the smoke to quickly pick the lock of the nearby door of a building, entering, and closing it behind him. He then began to run through the house towards the front door. Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Storm Cloud opened her eyes wide in surprise. What was that? coughing she watched as the smoke started clearing.


The smoke was only a thin fog when she noticed a closing door and the clicking noise of a lock snapping into the door. Don't take me for a fool mister she thought while kicking herself into the air and flying up to the roof of the building.


[i'm not sure about the verb snap here, I accept corrections]


She then leaned over the roof to watch the main entrance and as Codax came through it said "You're not missing someone?" while grinning.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Lockhart saw the smoke, but countinued going. "Do you know why this sword is called Yrthak?" Lockhart held up his sword and a sonic boom erupted from it, like the beast itself, blowing away the smoke remaning. (A Yrthak is a flying beast that shoots sonic booms from it's horn. It's a thing in mythology)

Edited by Strider Hiryu


(formerly giigman)

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Codax looked up at the yellow pegasus pony, a smirk on his face. Whispering barely loud enough for her to hear, he said "There's a difference between you and me, and that's positioning." He then turned back to the slightly gathered crowd, and with a fearful look on his face, yelled "Help, thief! Thief on the roof!" causing a couple guards to come running forward. As they did so, Codax slipped into the crowd, easing his way towards the ally across the street. Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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"Whoops!" she said, surprised by the sudden turn of events. She took a step towards ledge and launched herself into the crowd towards the blue pony trying to fade in it.


She wrapped her hooves around the blue pony and pulled him into the air. "I guess now there's two of us" she told the pony hanging in her hooves. "So... Considering I'm new to our business, where do thieves go to get rid of them" she nodded back towards the earth ponies and unicorns making their way through the crowd.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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"You know, just picking me up doesn't exactly get you off the hook with them." Codax said, pointing towards two pegasus guard ponies. "Actually, it makes you look more guilty." He looked back at the two guard ponies, screaming out "HEEEELP!"


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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"Wrong." she stated amused. "If Lockhart knows you the two guys running behind us will too!" she giggled "And if they get me they get you. I can prove myself innocent, can you?"


Without waiting for a question she repeated her previous question "So, how do we get rid of these guys and where are we safe from them?"

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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"You know," Codax began, as he watched the rooftops. "I really don't want to do this, seeing as how I'm not a murderer. However, you have nothing but your hooves. I have a sword. You put the facts together." He finished, drawing his sword, and stabbing it into the hoof of Cloud. The pain, of course, caused her to drop him, and he fell, with his sword, onto the rooftop below.


It wasn't a long drop, as Codax had been waiting for the right opportunity, however, being an earth pony, and having no way to break his fall, he landed roughly, twisting his back leg. It didn't break, but he wouldn't be able to run at full speed for a while. He slowly climbed down the side of the building, after sheathing his weapon, and began to limp down the alleyway, away from the streets.

Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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"Argh!" she winced in pain and loosened her grip on him instantly causing him to land hard on one of the buildings. She struggled to keep balance in the air and lost altitude, and landed carefully on top of a nearby building. She put her hoof on her muzzle and started lapping off the blood. Damn it! This guy's being resilient. but she had made her mind. She wanted to know what made a pony turn into a criminal.


She was hurt, a small ammount of blood dripping of her leg, but after a look over the ledge she decided he didn't look like he could make any effort either. She sticked to him, hovering careful not to come into the range of his sword.


Smiling and with a dry voice she said "You know you could have killed yourself... Or I could have bucked you in the face for being this..." she lifted her bleeding hoof "But I guess I have to thank you..." suddenly she blushed as everything she said made no sense "It was pretty exciting to chase you around"

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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"Well, seeing as how you just don't know how to give up, I wouldn't be surprised if on a different day, I'd let you join the guild." Codax said. "But today, I'm afraid that wouldn't be possible. Now you have two choices," He continued, "either you get that hoof checked out, stop the bleeding, and avoid passing out, or you can continue to chase me as I run away, suffer a lot of blood loss, maybe pass out, and maybe get hit again by my blade. Your call."


Codax then began to limp as fast as he could down the alleyway to his left.


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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"Oh! So now you want me to join your club to make me another criminal?!" she tried imitating her mother's voice. "I got you"- she pointed so energically at him with her hoof that blood landed on his coat - "and now I'm gonna take you back to where you belong... those guards will be happy to see you!"


She made a sharp left turn as he nearly lost her while she was talking. "And don't you dare to think I will let you alone because of your fancy reasoning, I'm to stubborn to pass out." she continued now in a low voice "And now I can't face those guards without bringing you back. They'll be looking for me everywhere."


Suddenly nothing was a game any longer, it was serious, she'd have to face the guards and explain why she ran away helping a thief to escape. She landed next to Codax, but keeping some distance to avoid surprises, as flying while feeling bad was one of the hardest things ever for Storm. "What do I do now?" she said with tears in her eyes, the mix of pain and feeling bad straining her. She tried to joke "I'm to young and pretty to die!"

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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