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open Cultures Unite (1x1 with GeneralDirection)

Samurai Equine

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Samurai steps outside and finds just the kirins he was asking about~! "Didn't wonder off." Fukami says from above, descending from the sky. Using a little wind magic, he pulls Ayla in close enough to wrap a hoof around her, and places Charlotte on the back of his head. "Going my way, Ayla-chan? Charlotte-hime?" Fukami is still a flirt. "You know, instead of a long hike, I could just teleport us all to Japone." Samurai offers.


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@Samurai Firefighter

Silver gives Samurai a look. “Huh? You can do that? I’m still learning so much about you…”

Ayla is a bit apprehensive of the sudden contact at first, but then she remembers the conversation they had last night and relaxes a bit. She puts her hoof around him. “Hey, you. Yea, I might come along. Kinda thought you’d pick me up, though.” She said playfully.

Charlotte looks over to Samurai with wide eyes. “I didn’t know that was an option. That would really help me, but that sounds like a very big ask. Are you sure you want to do that? I don’t want to be an inconvenience.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Fukami smiles and gets a little giggle out of the situation. "Well I would have, but as long as he's here, I can't get too far away from Samurai. But we're about to go to Japone, so we'll have the freedom to do whatever we please or go where ever we may." Fukami says.

Samurai nods. "If you'll recall, Silver-san, I explained that I do have teleportation magic. However, it's not my strongest suit. I can only teleport about 3-4 times a day at max. And if my magic reserves deplete for any other reason, then I can't do it. All the more reason to save it for important and emergency reasons. I was pretty wiped yesterday after the fight, but I'm back to 100%, and Japone would be happy for Fukami and I to return as soon as possible."

Samurai offers his hooves to his friends. "Can't bring you along without physical contact; that's how teleportation works."


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@Samurai Firefighter

“I’m looking forward to it!” Ayla replies happily. “Should be a great time for all of us.”

“Yea, I know you can do it, but to go that far? I don’t know, that sounds pretty impressive to me.” Silver remarks.

Charlotte gladly takes Samurai’s hoof and offers her other hoof to her brother. “Does it work like that, or does Silver have to be touching you directly as well? I don’t wanna leave the others behind.” She asks, unsure.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"A circle of contact works just as well too." Samurai says.

And a circle is formed. Samurai holds hooves with Charlotte, who holds hooves with Silver. Silver can hold hooves with Ayla, who can hold hooves with Fukami. And Fukami... Well, instead of holding Samurai's other hoof, he puts his hoof on Samurai's shoulder, and Samurai does likewise. "All right everypony. You're not going to feel a thing." Samurai gathers his magic. "We'll be there in 3, 2, 1--"

And just as fast as you can blink, they have arrived in Japone! Teleportation is so smooth that if it wasn't for a momentary magical flash, you might not even realize you were teleported.


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@Samurai Firefighter

“Woooaaaahhh, that’s so cool!” Ayla and Charlotte said at the same time, giggling and hugging each other at this realization.

Silver blinks and smiles at their reactions, nodding slowly. “This place is wonderful, and I hope that you’ll both enjoy it just as much as I did the first time I was here.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Fukami collects himself now that they don't have to make physical contact anymore.
This place must be an interesting sight for Ayla and Charlotte. The oriental structures, the cherry blossoms, and the all the culture on display. Silver is use to it since he's been here, but now he can play tour guide at least a little.
"You teleported us to your region?" Fukami asks. "It was closer. Besides, it won't take us long to get to your region, Fukami-san." Samurai explains.

"SAMURAI-SAN!! FUKAMI-SAN!! What took the both of you so long to get back?!" However, before they can get too far, Denki turns the corner to greet them. He looks... mildly irritated.


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@Samurai Firefighter

Ayla and Charlotte start take in the sights but are taken a bit aback by the irate unicorn that rounds the corner.

“What’s his problem?” Charlotte whispers to Silver.

“Oh, that’s just Denki, he’s another one of the samurai.” Silver whispers back. “My initial encounter with him was also less than ideal. He’s got a bit of a temper, but don’t worry, he’s got a good heart just like the rest of the samurai do.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Denki-san? You know where I've been. I went through the proper channels to clear my away time." Samurai says. "You were suppose to be back here yesterday! When you didn't come back right away, I was... Erh, well, that is to say, there was concern. I was ready to head and find you, if need be." Denki crosses his arms and looks away. Samurai just looks at him with a knowing smirk. "Tadaima. It's good to see you too, Denki-san. Would you like to help give these two a tour?" Samurai asks, walking past him. Even Fukami isn't fooled. "...Eh? Tour?" Denki notices Ayla and Charlotte.


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@Samurai Firefighter

“Hold on, Samurai, I could’ve sworn Denki was about to say he was worried about you. Unless I was mistaken…” Silver has a smug look on his face.

Ayla and Charlotte can’t help but giggle at Silver’s comment.

“But yes, anyway, Denki, this is Ayla and Charlotte. Charlotte is my younger sister and Ayla is a friend of ours.”

They each nod and wave as they are introduced.

“Hey, Denki! Nice to meet you!” Charlotte said, back to her chipper self. A stark contrast to the way she had been feeling just several minutes ago.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Fukami snickers and gives Silver a sly hoof bump for that one. He's catching on quick.

Denki just huffs. "?There is no proof of that. And HOW VERY RUDE! We hold rank! Citizens and tourists should bow before us and ask permission before approaching. Am I the only one who still cares about proper etiquette?" Denki barks "Yes." Samurai teases, sticking out his tongue at him. Denki groans and lowers his head. "This is the thanks I get for being orderly... Well then, welcome to Japone, land of the--"

However, Denki is cut off. After hearing them say hello, he then fully realizes who the newcomers are. More specifically, he notices how young Charlotte is. His demeanor soon changes from strict enforcer to gentle teddy bear. With a big smile, Denki lowers down to Charlotte's level and pets her head. "Well hello there, Charlotte was it? Thank you for visiting our homeland. Say, would you like... A Zander Pop? It's a very rare candy from my region." Denki pulls out a lollypop of some kind.


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@Samurai Firefighter

Silver returns the hoof bump and can’t help but laugh and shake his head at Denki’s reaction.

Charlotte tilts her head a bit, somewhat confused by Denki’s sudden change in attitude. She looks to Ayla momentarily who shrugs, likely just as confused.

“Umm, maybe, what does this Zander Pop taste like?” She asks, her voice a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.  


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Samurai Firefighter

“Huh, ok, well thank you then, Denki.” She takes the lollipop with her magic and starts licking it. “Mmmm, this is yum!” She exclaims.

“Uh, well that’s interesting to know, but she’s not a filly. She’s only a couple years younger than me.” Silver whispers back to Samurai.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai shrugs. "Still old enough to be a big brother though, right?" Samrurai asks.

Much to Charlotte's surprise, the candy tingles in her mouth. It's made from the same stuff as pop rocks!

"Well, this has been nice and all, but I promised Ayla-chan a date. So Ayla, would you like to go now or do you need a moment before we get going?" Fukami asks her.


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@Samurai Firefighter

“Well yes, of course.” Silver nods in agreement.

Charlotte is content to continue licking her lollipop, enjoying the unique flavours and sensations that it created.  

“Nah, I’m good, we can go whenever you’re ready.” Ayla replies. “I’m sure we’ll meet up with everypony else later.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Denki comes out of his little moment when he hears Fukami's comment. "Right. Well... Everything seems orderly here. I suppose I'll go back to my region. Samurai-san, be sure to fill out the proper report now that you're back." Denki explains. He walks away, and once he is far enough away, he turns into a lightning bolt and disappears.

Samurai nods. "I should do that... Fukami-san, would you do me a favor and take Silver and Charlotte with you? I am sure they would like to see your region too. I'll be there shortly. Trust me, nothing glamorous to see about paperwork." Samurai says. Fukami thinks about it and shrugs. "Well, I suppose so. That is, if you both don't mind traveling my way until we get there. Flight." Fukami explains.


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@Samurai Firefighter

Charlotte and Silver look at each other and blink. “Flight? How?” Silver asks. “None of us can fly.”  

“Flight is part of Fukami’s wind magic stuff.” Ayla explains. “I think he can probably make it so that we can all fly along with him, isn’t that right?” She asks him.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Samurai Firefighter

Charlotte gasps a bit as Fukami’s magic lifts all three of them into the air. Since Ayla has experienced this before, it doesn’t take her long before she adjusts. Silver, ever the adventurer, is fascinated by his newfound ‘ability’ and tries to do a few loops. After a few moments, they’ve all gotten used to being up in the sky and wait for Fukami to lead the way.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Look like you're all good to go. I'll catch up real soon!" Samurai waves and heads off in his own direction.

"And now, into the blue sky~!" With a nod to his new friends, Fukami stretches his wings and gracefully takes to the sky! And of course, his wind mastery tows the three kirins along with him. It truly does feel as if they are flying as well! And it's quite the sight to see the world from above, the different parts of Japone becoming a miniscule collection of details as they pass everything by. Unless you are born doing this like the average pegasus, it's a wonder how anypony can navigate their way from above.

Edited by Samurai Firefighter


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@Samurai Firefighter

(OOC: Griffins? Where? :laugh:)

The three kirin relish in the temporary gift of flight they have been given. Silver marvels at the view they have from up above.

“This is great!” Charlotte said as she flew alongside her brother. “I’m so happy we got to bypass all that scary travelling!”

Silver nodded and smiled, happy that his sister was feeling better. He looked forward to being able to share Japone with her.

Meanwhile, Ayla chose to stay close to Fukami. She attempted to do some loops like Silver had earlier but was struggling to pull them off.

“Hey! How come Silver does those loops so easily and I can’t? He’s never even flown before!” She whined to Fukami.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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(D'oh! Sorry. I must have been a little sleepy when I made that reply. Forgive me for not catching that typo sooner. :twismile:)

"It takes a certain flourish to do it just right. Allow me to show you." Fukami uses his wind powers to make Ayla do one loop. Just enough to help her get the feel of it. "Understand?" He asks before letting her try it on her own.

It wouldn't be long before a certain region comes into view. After passing a nice harbor, there is the sight of a carnival with a gigantic ferris wheel. "And this is my region on Japone, the place I call home when I actually need one. Shukoku. Though it tends to be the most peaceful one, which is why I am hardly there. I prefer to travel as much as I can."


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@Samurai Firefighter

(OOC: All good, my friend!)

“Flourish? What’s that?” She asks as he uses his wind magic to help her do a loop. “Umm, I’m not sure I do.” She decides to try again anyway, and this time, she manages to pull it off. “Hey look, I did it!” She says excitedly.

Silver and Charlotte congratulate her before returning their attention to the sights below.

“That sounds a lot like our home!” Charlotte replied. “We hardly ever have any conflict, either.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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