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Illiad Easle

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16 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Thestrals typically take pride in their racial purity, often living with their clans and only leaving to seek mates in other clans, or to serve as tribute to Princess Luna. They limit their interactions with non-thestrals when possible.

I would assume that there are many bat ponies that also take pride in their racial heritage, but due to their impurities they are not often accepted into thestral clans. Some clans are more strict on this than others. There could be colonies of bat ponies, as well as bat ponies just living in normal society.


This conflict is also why I want to play a younger character, one who would be less judgmental about culturally induced hesitations. Thestral isolationism is also two sided, as many ponies push out thestrals due to their differences. So Thestrals stay away because they want to remain pure, and because they were pushed out, especially around the time of Nightmare Moon.

There are also a few examples in my cannon of thestrals who chose to leave their clans to pursue relationships outside of other thestrals. 

At the time the show takes place most pure thestral clans have died out, with only one powerful clan remaining.


My character would be from this powerful clan, I know this is a bit scattered but I can add clarifying details if you have more questions.

Hmm, I have several questions. So you say that different clans have various strictness about bat ponies, so what is the strictness of the clan that your character would be from? What would this clan be like? What would their connections to Princess Luna be like? Also, given that they are CMC ages, would their parents be involved? How would this work out?

Hmm, initially, I was thinking about roleplaying as a bat pony, but now I'm also thinking about roleplaying as a hippogriff/seapony. I guess I'll suggest my ideas for both and see if further information and details make me lean more towards one or the other. 

For bat pony culture and character, I'm thinking of a young, CMC-age pony with a mix of thestral and pony traits. She would live with her family in Canterlot, and her parents would work for Luna. Being a mix, she would feel kind of self-conscious about her identity, and she would be curious about thestrals. In addition, she's snarky but friendly, and also a bit naive, given that she doesn't understand why ponies seem to see her differently. She wants to become a celebrity when she grows up. In terms of culture, I think that their culture would be a mix between ponies and thestrals, and the bat ponies focus a lot on serving Princess Luna. 

For hippogriff culture and character, I'm thinking of a young, CMC-age pony that is sometimes a hippogriff and sometimes a seapony. She would live with her family on the beach in Seaquestria, and would spend time as both species. She would be interested in seeing the world and exploring other cultures. In terms of personality, she would be a little spoiled, but very sweet, and also a bit naive. She isn't sure what she wants to be when she grows up. In terms of culture, I think that their culture would be based on the culture of seaponies and hippgriffs seen in the show, but more detailed, such as what it means to live underwater and such. 

Going with the bat pony option would definitely make it feel more similar to the previous RP we did, but maybe seeing how two significantly different cultures interact might be interesting.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate


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@Skylight Scintillate

19 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

So you say that different clans have various strictness about bat ponies, so what is the strictness of the clan that your character would be from?

They'll interact with them fine, treating them like they would any other pony, but like any other non-thestral they aren't allowed to live in the clan, but can live in the nearby colony. Due to pressure from this colony, appeals to the clan's history, and support from the present clan leader, the clan is moving towards more acceptance of bat ponies as well as doing research into magics that would allow thestral traits to be preserved in mixed offspring. 

Another force pushing them towards acceptance is the ever dwindling supply of other clans. As much as they want to preserve their racial purity they aren't willing to turn to inbreeding, especially considering that vampirism is a common side effect.

19 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

What would this clan be like?

Well that's a pretty vague question, but I'd say that generally the clan is aloof, but protective. They have a strong sense of honor and duty, but prefer to remain unattached to those outside of their clan. If they see that you need help, they'll help you, but they'll be quick to move on once you don't need their help anymore. The clan also celebrates many festivals where outsiders are allowed to attend and during which they will share their history with all who are interested.

19 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

What would their connections to Princess Luna be like?

They have a deep respect and admiration for her, and many of their most promising members have offered themselves and been selected to be part of her guard and personal staff. Due to their loyalty primarily being to their clan, none of them have served as her captain or generals, but they have served in more minor leadership capacities. For instance, the father of my character serves as the head of the Canterlot city night guard.

19 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

Also, given that they are CMC ages, would their parents be involved? How would this work out?

I would say that their parents will be involved in a minor capacity. For the terms of this story they'll be present as needed, but can otherwise be ignored. Unless you want to have some extra involvement on their part, for instance the parents interacting by letter or when the characters move from one location to another.


Per your choice of characters I don't have a strong preference one way or the other, they both sound like interesting characters to interact with.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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42 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Per your choice of characters I don't have a strong preference one way or the other, they both sound like interesting characters to interact with.

Oh, that reminds me, what about your character? What are they like? What is their personality?


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@Skylight Scintillate

I'm thinking of playing the thestral colt Nova. He has a younger sister named Lilac and his parents are Nightwing and Indigo. Nightwing is the head of the Canterlot Night Guard, and as such spends long periods of time away from clan territory. Indigo is originally from the Eclipse clan and when she is not caring for Nova and Lilac she makes dyes to supplement the money that Nightwing sends them.

Nova is more excitable than most in his clan, eager to explore and ready for adventure. He's more talkative than the rest, which has caused many of those his age to shy away from him, making him feel a bit like an outcast, like he doesn't really fit in. In a way he is much like his father, who is similarly gregarious in his position. Nova wanted to join the exchange as a way to see more of the world, and hopefully to meet someone who won't ignore him.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Huh. Earlier I was leaning more toward roleplaying as the hippogriff character, but now I'm leaning more toward roleplaying as the bat pony character again. Doing so, I'd be able to go into details such as how there's a Bat Pony enclave in Canterlot and how they interact with the rest of Canterlot. And like how Scotia (that would be my bat pony character's name) wants to be a celebrity, but more specifically, a member of a bat pony version of the Wonderbolts (which doesn't exist yet). She loves flying and the Wonderbolt's acrobatics. In addition, she also wants to do all the pony things there are to do in Canterlot, such as visiting those very fancy art museums and other places of culture and such, but sometimes she feels like she doesn't fit in with the ponies. In addition, I could also go into how most bat ponies either work for Luna or do odd night jobs around Canterlot.

On the other hoof, this feels like they might be a bit too similar, especially given that it seems that all characters are looking for something new and different. Roleplaying as a hippogriff/seapony character would result in significant differences between the cultures, and I could go into detail about how Sweet Skies (when hippogriff)/ Sweet Seas (when seapony) loves surfing, but isn't really sure what she wants to be when she grows up, but wants to learn about other cultures. In addition, going into depth about what it means to go back and forth between being a hippogriff and a seapony. 

My most current idea is that we do the cultural exchange between the bat ponies and the threstrals, and the hippogriff joins in later.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate


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@Skylight Scintillate

That sounds like a good plan, I wouldn't worry about them being too similar since as we saw for changelings/reformed changelings, even when there is a lot in common there can still be plenty different between them. And I think your idea of adding in the second character at a later point works if we end up running out of things to explore with just the thestral/bat pony pair.

I can set up the new thread some time this week if you think we're ready.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

10 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

That sounds like a good plan, I wouldn't worry about them being too similar since as we saw for changelings/reformed changelings, even when there is a lot in common there can still be plenty different between them. And I think your idea of adding in the second character at a later point works if we end up running out of things to explore with just the thestral/bat pony pair.

I can set up the new thread some time this week if you think we're ready.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I can't think of anything else we should work out before the RP, so I feel ready.


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@Skylight Scintillate

Alright, just turned in my last assignment, but I'm about to visit family for Christmas and new years. If you're still willing to do the RP we discussed, I can start it up once I get back after new years.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Alright then. I’m writing my reply right now and I’ll keep that in mind. Although I do want to know what your perspective on Luna’s role and background in this RP. Like, what is she like and how does she connect to the Thestrals?

Edited by Skylight Scintillate


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@Skylight Scintillate


I would say that Luna is both flattered and intimidated by the thestrals' devotion to her. Flattered as she likes being appreciated, but intimidated as she fears that who they really respect is Nightmare Moon. So she feels like she needs to put forward a strong personality around them so that they continue to respect her.

As such, she tends to keep them at a distance, visiting for events and such but otherwise not making a strong effort to interact with them.

She is a bit softer around bat ponies, as she considers that they better recognize that there is more to her than nightmare moon, and their mixed heritage means they will have been exposed to more Equestrian culture than just pure thestral culture.

Otherwise, I see her as kind and personal when possible. Preferring to interact with small groups rather than make grand appearances. 

I might clarify, Luna keeps up the strong persona around thestrals as she is afraid that if she shows softness to them, that they'll no longer respect her.

Does that make sense?

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Skylight Scintillate

So here is where we ask the question: do we want the mothers to exchange some letters detailing the logistics? Or do we want to leave the parents out of this?

I imagine the mothers would be at least a little concerned about sending their child on this exchange, and might want to use the logistics as an excuse to get to know who's going to be taking care of their child before it happens.

Up to you though, if you're interested you can add Speckle's mother's letter to the end of your post.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Ok, I added the scene where the Speckle family goes to the Canterlot train station. 

Also, this wouldn't be right away in the RP, but I'm thinking later, Speckle and Nova would be able to meet Princess Luna and Princess Twilight and be able to talk to them at a fancy seafood restaurant. Would you be ok with that? Given that you mentioned how you think Princess Luna reacts to interacting with bat ponies and thestrals, I think that this scene of a small group would work best.

If not, it could just be like Speckle remembering things wrong and making things up along the way with her kid logic, kind of like how she believes Twilight solves every problem with rainbow lasers of friendship.


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