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ooc The Ponyville Cafe


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This will be the OOC for the Open RP I am starting called The Ponyville Cafe

This is an Open RP meaning people can come and go as they wish.

Rules are pretty simple:

  • Keep it PG 13 + (If you're unsure it's safe for the forum, don't post it)
  • Try to keep the thread neat (Edit posts instead of double posting etc)
  • Can be either anthro or show style
  • post as self or characters
  • Try to post more than one sentence
  • Have Fun


The setting is Autumn/Fall at a small hole in the wall niche cafe in Ponyville. The cafe serves as a meet and greet kind of place, RPs can carry on past that. This RP is meant as a Slice of Life type of RP and anything else is up to the players (Romance, Adventure etc).

Edited by AuroraGlimmer
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7 hours ago, Props said:



I'll have a try at playing this character from a fimfic in my own interpretation. I've kind of always wanted to play her. I will try to maintain similarity to what she was in the fimfic, but some of it will be my own.

sure thing, go ahead and jump in when you want

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