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$50 Stretch Goal is now Unlocked - Generosity Rank Badge is back!


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$50 Goal is unwrapped - Element of Generosity Badge!


This is awarded to donors who contribute at least $5.00. 


The badge above is given to anypony who donates at least $5 toward the charity. These are given manually (for now) so it can take a few hours for one of the Admins to get to it. Feel free to PM me if a day has gone by and we haven't gotten to it. The badge will be there as your rank until February 20th so that all users that donate can at least have it for a full month. Note that this rank badge is overridden by any staff badges and specialty badges. If you have one of the rare specialty badges you can opt to take this one instead (Like the Canterlot Artist). Staff unfortunately are stuck with your staff rank. That said ... man I say that a lot ... anyway .... all donors will be awarded a award badge that will be a permanent variant of the above rank so that you will always have that on your profile. 


You can also donate in someone else's name (donating and giving them the badge). Please PM an Admin for this option as they need to manually update the lucky recipient of your generosity. 


Thanks for all your support!



  • Brohoof 9



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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This is SO exciting!! Not only do we get to help children, we also get sweet decorative badges, too?! We decorate the lovely platform with the spirit of giving in honor of Rarity! <3 <3 <3 Love this feature :(
Just a friendly reminder that you guys are so awesome.


  • Brohoof 4


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