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Silverspark's difficult decision and journey


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This is a start of a journey of a filly about top do something that is very dangerous she is going on a journey back to her birthplace needing to bring peace to the ponies that sacrifice their lives protecting her and maybe face the creatures that took  them from her yet before she starts her journey she left some letters for the ponies she cares about what is happening why she left each in an empty potion bottle and she been doing this  before dawn we will see who will follow her to stop her from doing something that is foolish or let her do what she must do that will help her move on while she is still a filly 

Edited by Silverspark184
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Silverspark: a small filly already had her letters done each one in an empty potion bottle she had been working on them for weeks she had maps  from each part of Equestria helping her find the exact location she even had Saphire Crush to fly around  for routes and possible stops on the way and of course stocking up on food water and all kinds of things "I wonder if what I am doing is a good idea I am starting to enjoy having Silky  watching over me and Ii do appreciate  what she is doing to help me and this part of why I need this journey to my

birthplace "she said holding the photo she had of Silky and othen of the ponies that she grew fond of she looked at all the paintings she did of what she have been seeing in her dreams yet there is a canvas she have been working on mostly a surprise gift for the pink pegasus she even got a special Frame for it with the word saying to the great mom I ever had " it

might be too much when I put that "She spoke again yet this journey is important to her and she soon put her letters in her saddle bag  and teleported starting with  @Shiny Silvermoon she enjoyed that unicorn's company she liked a long lost cousin and then she went to Magloria @Props Valroa  even though she seen her only twice then to @Sophie H. Sophie  then @Nightmare Mirage Princess Luna  and so on and so on the sun hasn't  been up yet so she still have time as she  finally teleported home the last letter

goes to @Princess Silky she loved this pony more than anything maybe it's the guilt of leaving  the kind pony she met remembering the one time she fell right on top of her as she was flying up to catch her from that light the first time she picked her up and held her. she snuck into Silky's  room seeing she is still sleep probably tired from the work she had

done she flutter quietly and landed on the bed  she kissed the pegasus on her nose before leaving hers on her bedside table "I love you Silky I promise to come back "she whispered  before teleporting to her own room every letting said the same thing even  for Silky' dear friends by the time you read this letter I am already on a journey you should understand why this need to happen for me  to move on I am going to head to my birthplace and where it began before I met you I feel if I don't find this place it will bother me more hopefully when I come back I wanted to a fresh start  I know a filly my age should not do this alone but  I packed my saddlebag and I am gone  she quietly walked to the window

seeing it was dawn "Morning Princess Celestia please watch over them for me I know it is foolish but some pony has to see for herself also this will show my parents I am going to be alright they don't have to worry about me being alone anymore but how can they know if I never find the castle they lost their lives in to protect me "she spoke quietly she climbed out the

window her saddle bag ready and wings raised she looked back "See you soon Silky  and every pony  I care about I will come back Pinkie promise "She smiled just before she took off
one of her silvery feathers landed on the window sill and she is in the air she felt the wind guiding her and with the flap of her wings and off she flew with tears in her eyes a bit scared she even let Saphire Crush stay home on her bed keeping Silky company  

Edited by Silverspark184
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Mlp is awesome I don't  care if it's for little kids I am 34 and single but mlp help me through somethings and I thank them for that

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Saphire Crush:a small ice-blue dragon the size of a kitten was resting on Silverspark's pillow snoring not realizing that the small filly left without her she curled with her long next she tucked her head under her wing she suddenly opened her eyes which were droopy she scanned the room no sign of the foal normally her body would be  against the wing of the young

alicorn  found a note says 'Saphire I am leaving you to stay with @Princess Silky she will need some pony or some dragon to help her find herbs and stuff for her potions just don't  give her trouble while I am away Love  Silverspark ' as she reads it she let out a steam " whaaaaaaat that crazy filly is going to get herself killed must get to Silky at once "she flies

out of the open bedroom door and straight to the bedroom of the pink Pegasus and fly straight to the bed and standing on her nose "Hey sleeping beauty we have an escapee on the loose "she tries opening the eyelids 

Edited by Silverspark184
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2 hours ago, Silverspark184 said:

Saphire Crush :a small iceblue dragons the size of a kitten was resting on Silverspark's pillow snoring not realising that the small filly left with out her she curled with her long next she tucked her head under her wing she suddenly open her eyes which was droopy she scanned the room no sign of the foal normally her body would be  against the wing of the young alicorn she found a note says 'saphire I am leaving you to stay with @Princess Silky she will need somepony or some dragon to help her find herbs and stuff for her potions just don't  give her trouble while I am away Love Silverspark'as she reads it she let out a steam " whaaaaaaat that crazy filly is going to get herself killed must get to Silky at once "she fly out of the open bedroom door and straight to the bedroom of the pink pegasus and fly straight to the bed and standing on her nose "Hey sleeping beauty we have an escapee on the loose "she try opening the eye lids

Suddenly, Saphire heard strange noises coming from one of the windows, like if somepony was knocking on it. The tiny dragon would soon realize that it was actually a pony that was knocking on the window. Shiny was sticked to the window and looking inside the room with a mad face "LET ME IN!!!"

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Saphire Crush :heard the rattling "Keep your tail on I am coming "said the little dragon and opened the window for Shiny to come in but stays out of the way in case there was a rush "Shiny I believe you know what just happened right ?" she asked

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Shiny rushed into the room faster than Rainbow Dash could, when Saphire opened the window. She then spinned on herself to look at the dragon straight in the white of eyes and yelled "NO, I WANTED TO WARN YOU THAT IT MIGHT RAIN TODAY!!!" The unicorn then made a short pause before continuing "Of course I'm here because of the letter! Silky wake up! It's an emergency!" She then jumped into @Princess Silky's bed to wake her up.

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2 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

Shiny rushed into the room faster than Rainbow Dash could, when Saphire opened the window. She then spinned on herself to look at the dragon straight in the white of eyes and yelled "NO, I WANTED TO WARN YOU THAT IT MIGHT RAIN TODAY!!!" The unicorn then made a short pause before continuing "Of course I'm here because of the letter! Silky wake up! It's an emergency!" She then jumped into @Princess Silky's bed to wake her up.

Saphire:"she must be really tired when she got home Shiny go into Silversparks room and see if you can find one of her sneeze powders which should be in a jar in her writing desk we will have to get her to sneeze awake "she awake

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7 minutes ago, Silverspark184 said:

Saphire:"she must be really tired when she got home Shiny go into Silversparks room and see if you can find one of her sneeze powders which should be in a jar in her writing desk we will have to get her to sneeze awake "she awake

Without losing more time, Shiny jumped off the bed and runned into Silverspark's bedroom. In no time she found the jar and took it back with her into Silky's room. "What now?!"

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Saphire :"just sprinkle a little on Silky's  nose not too much just enough for a big sneeze that should wake her if not we can always give her chocolate by her nose "she said as she  landed on Shiny's  head  hoping with dragon luck this would work 

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18 minutes ago, Silverspark184 said:

Saphire :"just sprinkle a little on Silky's  nose not too much just enough for a big sneeze that should wake her if not we can always give her chocolate by her nose "she said as she  landed on Shiny's  head  hoping with dragon luck this would work 

Shiny poured a few drops of the sneeze powder on the nose of the pegasus in hope that it would work.

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Silverspark:finally on her way as she found herself in a field  full of flowers "wow  this place is amazing I bet Silky will love this place "she giggled and chased the butterflies through huge field and sniffed a few yet one flower got up her nose and made her sneeze "Oh that really got in their "she looked around seeing the different colors like pink and purple the and some yellow she picked a few and started doing some art with them and made the face of Silky smiling  at her she closed her eyes wondering if this was a mistake leaving her new family for this dangerous  mission to find the truth of her old home if it is still their she also thought of Shiny who was one brave unicorn and thinking she could have brought  her so she isn't  alone out here she sat under a tree  watching the clouds a bit she lit up her horn  let out a silver blue spark and shot it up in the air showing the ponies back home she is alright 

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Mlp is awesome I don't  care if it's for little kids I am 34 and single but mlp help me through somethings and I thank them for that

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Saphire:looking out the window seeing that spark "if Silky won't  wake up one of us has to go out and find that foolish filly  the other stay behind to explain to Silky what happened and since I been around Silverspark the most as her dragon guardian it is my job to report to Silver's care taker "she said

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1 minute ago, Silverspark184 said:

Saphire:looking out the window seeing that spark "if Silky won't  wake up one of us has to go out and find that foolish filly  the other stay behind to explain to Silky what happened and since I been around Silverspark the most as her dragon guardian it is my job to report to Silver's care taker "she said

Shiny felt kind of bad for leaving Saphire and Silky behind but the safety of her friends was more important to her. Without saying anything else, she took the saddle bags that Silverspark gifted her and jumped out of the room by the window that was still open. She ran has fast as she could in the direction of the spark while dodging every obstacles in her way.

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Silverspark:moved on as she continue her journey she leaped over logs and soon past some stream  not to deep she could actually walk in it and just splash around and take a small drink of the water "Hey this is nice and cool hm has a sweetness to it "she said then she was almost to the shore shaking water off her hooves though she left a tiny hoof print in the mud as she continue she stopped to look at the map making sure she is going the right way as she levitate it "Okay if I keep going I should make it to this apple orchard by night fall maybe I should fly or keep walking and leave a trail hopefully somepony will catch up I maybe small I am fast when I walk alone no trail to big and no task to small "she said as she fly up to a tree too see how far she gotten as she check the sun and the land

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@Silverspark184 Silverspark suddenly heard what seemed to be someone knocking on a wooden door but when she looked down she couldn't believe it. Shiny was knocking on the tree like it was an house. The unicorn was looking exhausted and was breathing heavily. "S-Silverspark... O-Open the door, I k-know you are in there... I-If only my vision wasn't so blurry... T-That tree won't stop moving..."

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Silverspark:heard a noise she looked down from the tree she was I'm seeing Shiny looking tired ears lowered "Shiny your here "she said as she  fly down and gave her some water from her cantina "Look if you are planning to take me back I am not ready to go back just yet  "said sitting  on rock below the roots

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14 minutes ago, Silverspark184 said:

Silverspark:heard a noise she looked down from the tree she was I'm seeing Shiny looking tired ears lowered "Shiny your here "she said as she  fly down and gave her some water from her cantina "Look if you are planning to take me back I am not ready to go back just yet  "said sitting  on rock below the roots

"B-Bring you back?! Why do you think I want to bring you back? I have no rights to force you to stay if you think that going there will help you somehow! But you can't go there alone, it might be very dangerous... Please, let's go back and talk about it." Shiny said with a worried look on her face.

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Silverspark:looking at the direction she was going "but told you in my letter why I am doing this if I don't  to this those nightmares will keep coming and I thought if I go see where my parents sacrifice  themselves this will help me move on I got tired of screaming in the middle of the night keeping Silky awake or Saphire for sure or annoying the neighbors you heard how stronge an alicorn can scream "she said shaking at the thought

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@Shiny Silvermoon @Silverspark184 Glory had been resting in a tree, she just simply needed a break from the chaos of her friend group, she looked down, seeing Silverspark shaking fearfully. "hnn? What's all this talk about?" she muttered groggily, down to Shiny whom she had recognized instantly. Her halo glowed and pulsed with golden light. 

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"A choir of hope, hope is what we need 'Lil 'Corn!" :eager:

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2 minutes ago, Silverspark184 said:

Silverspark:looking at the direction she was going "but told you in my letter why I am doing this if I don't  to this those nightmares will keep coming and I thought if I go see where my parents sacrifice  themselves this will help me move on I got tired of screaming in the middle of the night keeping Silky awake or Saphire for sure or annoying the neighbors you heard how stronge an alicorn can scream "she said shaking at the thought

"Very well, I come with you then! I refuse to let you go alone!" Shiny said before sitting on the ground with hooves crossed.

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Silverspark:looking at Shiny "well atlease I won't face those fiends alone and less heart aches for her new family " Alright the apple orchard is just ahead according to the map we can always find an abandond cabin if we find one probably be there before dark "she said then her ears perked to another  voice she looked around for the sourse

2 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"Very well, I come with you then! I refuse to let you go alone!" Shiny said before sitting on the ground with hooves crossed.


2 hours ago, Glory Feather said:

@Shiny Silvermoon @Silverspark184 Glory had been resting in a tree, she just simply needed a break from the chaos of her friend group, she looked down, seeing Silverspark shaking fearfully. "hnn? What's all this talk about?" she muttered groggily, down to Shiny whom she had recognized instantly. Her halo glowed and pulsed with golden light. 


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Mlp is awesome I don't  care if it's for little kids I am 34 and single but mlp help me through somethings and I thank them for that

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@Silverspark184 @Saturn Ring @Nitobit

"Great! Moonlight Wane should be at the apple orchard at this time! Since we pass by, I'll be able to tell him that I won't be able to spend time with him today like we planned to!" The unicorn said to the alicorn.

"Glory! It's a pleasure to see you here! There are a lot of ponies hanging in trees around those days! Me and Silverspark, we were about to start a journey to her hometown! Want to come? The more the merrier!" Shiny explained to the angel pony after she landed.

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1 minute ago, Glory Feather said:

@Shiny Silvermoon "Sure I do!" she chirped, flapping her wings excitedly. She walked over to Shiny, her halo glowed brightly, like her smile. It was kind of blinding wasn't it? 

"Whoops, sorry about that!' she said.

"Geez! You should be one named Shiny!" Shiny joked before taking out a pair of sunglasses of no where to protect her eyes. "Much better! You bring a sunshine in my day, Glory! Litterally!"

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