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Come meet the Event Coordinators!!


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I’m happy to introduce our fellow event coordinators!! To start, what’s an event coordinator?  Event coordinators are the mastermind behind all of our forum events!! Keeping our forum fun and exciting! Our forum wouldn’t be the same or fun without them!! I would like to consider them the party animal of mlpf. :ButtercupLaugh:Without a further ado, I want to introduce our fellow event coordinators including myself here. 



@Aticus the Adequate

@Skylight Scintillate

@Dynamo Pad

They will be asked to answer these questions so members can get to know them more!


What does being event coordinator means to you?

As being an event coordinator what is your goal?

Tell us about yourself. It can be anything; hobbies, interests.

If you could be the best in the world at something, what would it be?

How would you describe yourself?


I will start 


Being event coordinator to me means that I can be creative and organize events for the members to enjoy themselves and around with other members. Such as their friends or maybe even with a stranger. It’s a way for the members to gather around together and get to interact while having fun. It’s what I always believe in since I joined.


My goal as part of the event coordinator and as a lead, is gathering my fellow staff altogether as a team to come up with the best events for the forum. I want to make sure that every staffs will have their own chance to shine and show their creativity through events. I consider each of one of them being their own lead. My other goal most importantly, would be having a successful event where the members actually enjoying themselves and having fun with other people. 


I think everyone by now should know that I’m a huge huge Harry Potter/Wizardary world fan. It’s basically my life. I’m into anime, Kpop, Rock, Jazz, mysteries story/show(mostly noir), criminology, History on wars, Chemistry and of course Art. Like drawing. 


Hm. I have so much list I want to be good at. I think at the moment which has been in my mind for awhile, would be best as being a writer. Mainly short story and movie scripts. I love writing and exploring my imagination into it. I would like one day just to sit down in my little office, shut the door, and write. It would be nice to have either my book published or better yet, have my script turned into a movie. I have difficult time expressing myself and my thoughts. I feel that movies or books allows me to express that.  One day,  I would like to restore the noir era. :oh_golly:


Hm hard to say. I will make it easier on myself. My personality type is INTJ. I’m sure that would self-explanatory. But If I have one word to describe myself, it would be ambitious. I like taking on a challenge that will allow me to grow and learn. At the same, taking action by all means to make sure goals are being met. Despite of my strict and serious demeanor, I’m actually pretty laid back, friendly (.yes I said that correctly, not fiendly), and yes I joke.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
Just updating Event Staff
  • Brohoof 1



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Nearly a decade here and this is the first time I've ever been asked for an interview. First time for everything. 


What does being event coordinator means to you?

A chance to contribute to my favorite web page, even though I'm not especially tech savy. I like keeping this place fun. It's my way of being social.

As being an event coordinator what is your goal?

Be more than the third stringer that gets called up when somepony else calls off. 

Oh wait you mean personally. Just keep this place engaging long after the shows have ended. MLP is more than a place. It is a people. 

Tell us about yourself. It can be anything; hobbies, interests.

Asking the hard questions I see.

I'm a metal head, a pro-wrestling fan and a furry. I like long walks, reading in cafes and going to conventions & concerts. My favorite animals are foxes and wolves. I collect cassettes and furry comics. One day I'd like to have my own fursuit. Some of my bucket list items are to travel to the metal festivals of Europe and attend the wrestling shows of Japan. 

If you could be the best in the world at something, what would it be?

Being social. It's a harder skill than most think. 

How would you describe yourself?

Not a typical party or nerdy kid. Really likes a few things. Not interested in most others. Keeps to themselves. A bit of an airhead. Tends to zone out, put their head down and keep busy. Takes a while to warm up to new people and talk openly. May take most conversations too seriously. Not overly ambitious. Get done what needs to for that day and just chill out. Doesn't sweat the small stuff. Is quirky and recognizable but doesn't know why. Frequently gets mistaken for being a stoner. 

If there's a rare moment where I am out with friends, then be assured that just being out and about among your company is making my day, even if I don't say it. 


Anything else you'd like to know? 

  • Brohoof 1

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What does being event coordinator means to you?

For me, being an event coordinator means creating events for the community to enjoy and to get to know each other with. I love coming up with ideas for events, and I love seeing members having fun participating in them. In addition, I think that these events are a great way to build community and get to know each other through. However, it is also about collaborating with other event coordinators to heighten the potential of these events and make sure they run smoothly. 

As being an event coordinator what is your goal?

My goal as event coordinator is to build a friendly, welcoming, and fun community through the events we do. I want members to enjoy these events and feel like they have gotten to know their friends and fellow members better. Finally, I want events to highlight what we love about My Little Pony, and to be able to develop a greater understanding and appreciation of ponies through these events. 

Tell us about yourself. It can be anything; hobbies, interests.

Oh gosh, where do I begin? Well let me let you in on a little secret: I love cute pastel ponies! XD

Jokes aside, I love roleplaying. You can see me in the roleplaying section often, so feel free to throw around ideas with me. I'm up for roleplaying if I like the plot idea. Or maybe you're just looking for help developing roleplay ideas, which I also like doing. Some other interests I have are traveling and discovering new cities. I'm fascinated by why cities and cultures are the way they are. Due to this, I have quite the bucket list of cities I want to visit. (Tokyo and Paris to name a few.) I also love cute things in general.

If you could be the best in the world at something, what would it be?

Hmm, to be the best in the world at something... I would probably say to understand and to be understood by others. I feel like occasionally, when I talk with others online, we misunderstand each other, and even though these misunderstandings are pretty rare, I want to prevent these misunderstandings from happening. An important quality of a friend is being able to understand each other, and that is the kind of friend I want to be.

How would you describe yourself?

Hmm, let's see, I am pretty all over the place. My personality type is INTP, but I consider myself more of an ambivert. I'm pretty laid back, chill, and friendly. Sometimes I can be shy at first, but once I get to know you, I can be pretty funny, friendly, and talkative. I enjoy being silly and random along with being the Princess of Cuteness and being cute.


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What does being event coordinator means to you?

Jeric chose me to be an EC for a reason, and I aim to ensure that said reason comes to pass. Sure, I might only do the one thing around here, but it's one that I am very passionate about and go to great lengths to ensure that it's successful.

As being an event coordinator what is your goal?

To remain in the position for as long as possible. On a more serious note, I just love challenging people to test their knowledge. I would love it if more people could take part in what I contribute around here, but I'm well aware that real life and interest do play their role in things. If I can see a major uptick in user participation, I know that my purpose wasn't wasted.

Tell us about yourself. It can be anything; hobbies, interests.

Consider me the last of the original three Event Coordinators who remains active. This also makes me the longest serving EC which is a strange feeling. I'm probably the one amongst us who is perhaps the least known due to mainly working behind the scenes in a limited capacity. Anyway, that's enough about that. What do you need to know about me? Well, I am a cosplayer of 15 years (Minus almost six due to retiring from it) and I currently cosplay as Sunset Shimmer and Princess Daisy. I'd go into more detail but it's a complicated matter. Aside from gaming, collecting cards (And selling them), I do dabble in fanfiction though it's been a couple of years since my last work. I can't say anymore here as it goes into private matters.

If you could be the best in the world at something, what would it be?

I've learned over time that striving to be the best is a futile endeavour though kudos to those who want to go for that sort of thing. I'm very content with my lot in life, but I won't deny that I could do with some more attention coming my way.

How would you describe yourself?

Neutral. When it comes to a lot of things, I prefer to remain neutral and not get too involved in something. Sure, it sounds boring and maybe even a little jaded considering how passionate people can really get about something, but my stance has proven most beneficial. I've avoided so many problems that I am seen as a sane person, one who others know can be relied upon to keep a conversation from going completely off the rails. Think of me as lawful neutral. Of course, no one knows what my true opinions are and I aim to keep it that way. Some things are best kept a secret you know.


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  • 2 weeks later...


For me, being an event coordinator means I get to relive the things I did years ago. I used to assist in organising many events at my church for the children that arrived for youth group. Seeing them smile, explore the best parts of their minds and capabilities, and having fun with what we did brought me so much joy, and I want to do that for more people, whether brief or lengthy.


Being an event coordinator will help me not only bring fun to others, but also build on my own desires and strengths when it comes to planning and working with wonderful people. I want to be able to expand my horizons and use my mind to create new things. Meeting people is a massive part of it and at the end of the day, if people are happy and having fun, I'm satisfied.


When it comes to me, the first thing you'd probably find is that I am a massive film lover. I really enjoy the art of it and the many, many stories that have come from it. I also really enjoy video games and play them on almost a daily basis! I don't have a particular preference when it comes to them. Anything that either has a great story, fun gameplay or is relaxing is something I'll enjoy! In addition to that, card and board games are always a great time for me. Currently, I'm into Magic: The Gathering and Risk. I love to study and am a huge history buff. The past, present and future, to me, are very important to understand, look into and think about. Writing is also a passion of mine and I've written several short and conceptual stories. I'm hoping to branch out with it. Other hobbies include playing piano, intense singing, practising martial arts (specifically Jiu Jitsu) and studying biology and the universe we reside in.


Okay, this one is quite difficult. If I could be the best in the world at something... I suppose I'd want to be the best at organisation. That's definitely a big goal I have on my mind at the moment, though this is liable to change. At this moment in time, I really want to be more organised and prepared for anything. I live my life by going with the flow and taking experiences as they come but it would be really great to be able to be prepared for these things.


I would rather let others describe me but if I had to, I would say that I'm a very kind and helpful person. I really enjoy my job as a disability carer purely because I get to interact with beautiful souls and assist them throughout their day, and I expand that to anyone I interact with. I have a very playful and cheeky sense of humour and love making people laugh. People have described me in person as being very animated. I can be a bit forgetful and of course, I have my problems to face as everyone does, the biggest being overthinking and stressing myself out. But I'm always determined to get through those problems as best I can and, as I mentioned above, try to live a laid back life.

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