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If you could bring back g4, what would you do?

Snoopy Fan

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I would bring back Equestria Girls for another movie that shows Born Human Sunset, the Pony Mane 6 + Starlight as humans, and the Humane 7 graduating high school. I would also make an EQG TV series that takes place during the Humane 5's Freshman year since we never got to see their childhood (apart from the yearbook picture in the first movie).

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The only thing I'd really want from Gen 4 being brought back is an ending to Equestria Girls where the girls graduate from CHS and

Sunset has to decide if she wants to go back to Equestria or stay in the human world. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

If today, I were put in charge of a revived MLP FIM I would do this...


First I would declare G5 non-cannon.

I don't know if you've seen my other posts on the subject but I wrote an essay on why I think Make your Mark is terrible, how it made a mess of cannon lore. I think the only way to fix it is to wipe it out. So sorry if this would upset you G5 fans but it's non-cannon.


Second I would start off the revived G4 from where it left off, not in the future where Twilight is a full grown alicorn, I mean just after she is crowned. I haven't read the season 10 comic yet so I don't know if it's covered these ideas already. I think it's sad that (as implied at least) Twilight and her friends only see each other once a month. But I know the last episode was a lesson about friends who move away and I don't want to tamper with cannon. So I'd have Twilight ruling in Canterlot and meeting her friends in council every month but also some contact with at least some of them in between. 


Third I would also bring back Equestria Girls as a full TV series to run parallel with the revived FIM.


Forth, above all else, I would establish an open relationship between the two worlds.

If like me, you've seen a lot of movies and tv, you'll have noticed that it's a if there's a universal law that magic must be kept secret. From isolated events like in the Pagemaster, Jumanji or most horror movies where the characters have a supernatural encounter and then never speak of it again. Or entire hidden magical societies like in Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Jake Long or Fairly Odd Parents. And I for one am sick of it. I think the human world learning that magic is real would be a story with a lot of potential. For better or worse it would be the greatest shift in human culture and understanding of reality. Bigger even then first contact with aliens, because at least aliens exist in the realm of science.

The new series would open with an arc where the Equestria Girls are given a box like the Mane 6 got. They also learn that their pendants were sent to them by the Tree of Harmony, chosen to protect their world from Equestrian threats leaking into it. (Which I though was where the series was heading be fore they just seemed to forget about it.) At the season finale, some event happens to reveal Equestria to the rest of the human world. The girls eventually open the box and it becomes a castle for Sunset Shimmer containing a portal to Equestria. Sunset becomes an alicorn and is crowned a princess, who's role is to protect each world from the other while maintaining peace. She appoints the rest of the girls as official guardians, the 7 of them work to defend both worlds from threats from the other and are even worked into the local law enforcement. The human world learns of the existance of magic and Equestria. Sunset's castle becomes a kind of consulate for each world as well as an official portal where people from each world can visit the other.


Fifth, I would bring back Luna and Celestia in some capacity.

Maybe living their lives as ordinary citizens (maybe Celestia becomes a professional stage director?) or possibly having them re-crowned to help lead Equestria again. And I know The Last Problem was about accepting change and this could be viewed as back-pedalling. But I wouldn't want them just living in that retirement home forever.


(Possibly) Sixth, I would make the rest of the Mane 6 alicorns. 

I know the last episode showed them as ordinary ponies in the cannon future but I have an idea to change that. Some villain travels back in time to do something evil during twilight's reign as leader. Followed close behind by the older Mane 6. A battle ensues and the rest of the Mane six become Alicorns. Everyone is baffled how this could happen until they work out that the villain's interference in the timeline caused this alteration to it. The current version of the future 6 disappear as their history is altered (much like Biff in Back to the Future part II) saying they can't wait to see how their history will be improved now that they will be alicorns.

The rest of the Mane 6 are crowned and Twilight reorganises Equestria's leadership again, forming a royal council of the princesses Pinky, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Cadence, Luna, Celestia and Sunset Shimmer to rule Equestria with Twilight as queen.

Also the Equestria Girls become alicorns too, although admittedly it's never been established just quite how the relationship between the human and Equestrian forms work.

Personally I think the whole mane 9 should have become alicorns in the Ending of the End part 2. 


As for general episode topics and season story arcs... I would cover lose ends left by the series like what happened to Scorpan? How did the statue outside Canterlot High become a portal? What about the portal they found on that island? Did pony kind have contact with humans before? Is that why so many creatures and places from their world feature in human mythology? Where has Sunset Shimmer been living in the human world this whole time?

I would also cover the origin of the princesses Luna and Celestia, feature more of the other species like the Kirin, add some more male recurring characters. And some new students at the School of Friendship, ones with disabilities that impede social interaction, like Autism. These episodes would not only teach neuro-typical viewers to acknowledge and get along with the neuro-diverse but also help the neuro-diverse to socialise. Something I think such people really need and FIM was lacking.

I also have several ideas for arcs and episodes but I'd rather save those, in case I decide to write fan-fiction.


Actually come to think of it, maybe I would start from the end of season 8 if possible as I don't like some of the directions taken in season 9.

Edited by Casey Pones
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Newbie Dash gets retconned into something less insulting. They can do whatever else they want after that.

EQG gets a proper conclusion.

Pony Life gets a 3rd season(yes I like Pony Life)

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It’s interesting and somewhat surprising that so many would emphasize the Equestria Girls as part of their plans. I like the EqG, but they’re a spin-off for expanding the toy line and making movies that rightfully should have been based on the ponies rather than their human counterparts. Still, there is some value there nonetheless and I do agree with @Casey Pones that it would be interesting to see the EqG world connected with Equestria, with more interaction between the two. Also, more adventures following Twilight’s coronation but before she’s fully grown. Let’s learn about some of the things seen in the finale; Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich’s relationship for example. I want to see some of the interim stories fleshed out, so I would mainly continue the series where it left off, but before the flash-forward to the adult Twilight. And I would get back the season 1&2 writers. Back-up writers who don’t know or care about the characters are the death of any good show, and the fifth-string writers who worked on a lot of later MLP eps are no exception.

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Personally, I'd rather bring back G1 or G3, because the toys were so darn good.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I don't know! Haven't seen all of it, but maybe add more LGBTQ content? Tackle more of the change in ideas of masculinity and femininity? Last part might be more of an obsession of mine. The differcne between one and the other, and how they can both exist in one person is an obsession of mine. Traits of being a gemini I suppose.

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On 2025-01-03 at 3:17 PM, Megas said:

Newbie Dash gets retconned into something less insulting. They can do whatever else they want after that.

EQG gets a proper conclusion.

Pony Life gets a 3rd season(yes I like Pony Life)

If you like Pony Life, then you keep liking it.

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On 2025-01-07 at 1:35 AM, Slumberlumber said:

I don't know! Haven't seen all of it, but maybe add more LGBTQ content? Tackle more of the change in ideas of masculinity and femininity? Last part might be more of an obsession of mine. The differcne between one and the other, and how they can both exist in one person is an obsession of mine. Traits of being a gemini I suppose.

There is a little bit of the masculine vs feminine where Spike thinks he's a bit of a sissy as he wears a pink apron and lives with ponies. Then he goes to visit the dragon lands for the first time and realizes he's fine how he is. Ponies vs dragons could be viewed as a metaphor for feminine vs masculine and feeling pressured to conform to traditional gender roles.

And there is a little LGBTQ content, in the last season...


It turns out Scootaloo has 2 aunts who are a married couple. But they never say it out loud, I thought they were each a sister to Scootaloo's mother and father.

Also, in the background, we can see Sweetie Drops getting engaged and married to Lyra Heartstrings.

Still it's pretty toothless stuff that's easy to miss. You'd think a show like this would take a definite stand on the issue.

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8 hours ago, Casey Pones said:

There is a little bit of the masculine vs feminine where Spike thinks he's a bit of a sissy as he wears a pink apron and lives with ponies. Then he goes to visit the dragon lands for the first time and realizes he's fine how he is. Ponies vs dragons could be viewed as a metaphor for feminine vs masculine and feeling pressured to conform to traditional gender roles.

And there is a little LGBTQ content, in the last season...

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It turns out Scootaloo has 2 aunts who are a married couple. But they never say it out loud, I thought they were each a sister to Scootaloo's mother and father.

Also, in the background, we can see Sweetie Drops getting engaged and married to Lyra Heartstrings.

Still it's pretty toothless stuff that's easy to miss. You'd think a show like this would take a definite stand on the issue.

True, there is that masculine v feminine pull the show plays around with throughout it's ruin time. Big Mac going drag to take Apple Bloom to the sisters run thing, even though it's not uncommon for other stallions, possibly in drag to, to have gone in the past? Could be a take on how the masculine members feel they have to go in cognito (drag) to be in the fandom. The episode  where Spike and Discord where having a guys night playing ogres and oubliettes (French for "forget". A lot of English castles have oubliettes, where they'd toss prisoners down deep dank dark wholes and forget about them. Adding a dark twist to the game), and at the end some ponies like Rainbow Dash excitedly shout Yeahhh! Boys night!" and join the game? The does go to great lengths to make their masculine audience feel welcome when society said they shouldn't. Also also, true they doubled down on their queer messaging on the last season, but the pride flag also slyly pops up in earlier seasons too. Big Mac going drag to the sister hooves thing. The Ogre and oubliettes thing too, both show that the ponies take a very, very liberal approach to gender. To the point that Mares and Stallions mix and match at every sport and event at every level, no pony bats an eye (can you imagine it happening in our world?). And that one scene where the spy mare caresses her "best friends" chin while they look longingly into each others eyes? I dont buy their "best friends" for a minute. Best friends of Mara maybe. True, at no point does any pony say "I'm gay" out and out, but do they have to? I their world, being gay is as natural as the seasons, so why throw a big excitement over it? They probably dont have the same dark history surrounding that topic that we do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it were up to me? introduce more villains, and emphasize the fact that some villains are beyond reform as they are too stubborn, are we really expected to believe characters like this don't exist in Equestria? the problem is sometimes the show sugarcoats the harsh reality of conflict, and so there wasn't enough adventure/action going on, I already know someone who I won't name publicly who was put off of My Little Pony FIM precisely because of this. Why have Tartarus if all villains were capable of reform? why have punishment as a deterrent at all? Hasbro were wishy-washy about this. Equestria is not a utopia, but it was often depicted as being such, which I find to be a problem, because it's an unrealistic way to tell a story, even in the context of magical or whimsical. At least the comics from what I learned about them, explored Queen Chrysalis cruelty in more depth, in the later seasons of the show, the only reason she was a significant threat at all is because of Discord's antics assisting her, a queen of Changelings shouldn't need the aid of a rogue to be a problem for Equestria, her leadership and her Changeling horde should be enough for this, the moment a villain needs the help from an outsider, is where it comes off as broken, Mean Six betraying her did not help this either, is she supposed to be a villain or comic relief? sometimes she comes off as ineffective as a threat as Team Rocket from Pokemon, where Jesse and James are too dependent on Giovanni to get anything done.


Does that mean I desire an apocalyptic scenario in Equestria where heroes lose? no, it's possible to tell a story in a way that doesn't give away how heroes win while still having them come out victorious in the end, in the same way Twilight Sparkle did this when she and her friends defeated Tirek in season 4, due to a stalemate, her quad alicorn power was not enough to stop him, so she needed a different kind of power. What I'm saying is, the show could have used more conflict where Twilight Sparkle's alicorn magic and creativity mattered more often. But no, according to some people we cannot have a mix of slice of life and action, which has kept the franchise stagnant for so long. And look, I totally get the friendship part of the story, however what good is all that unity if there are no hardships to overcome with that sense of comradery? it's boring, because there is nothing to move the plot along if all they do is live as though they're in a sitcom.

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On 2025-01-22 at 3:57 PM, Dawnshine Wonder said:

If it were up to me? introduce more villains, and emphasize the fact that some villains are beyond reform as they are too stubborn, are we really expected to believe characters like this don't exist in Equestria? the problem is sometimes the show sugarcoats the harsh reality of conflict, and so there wasn't enough adventure/action going on, I already know someone who I won't name publicly who was put off of My Little Pony FIM precisely because of this. Why have Tartarus if all villains were capable of reform? why have punishment as a deterrent at all? Hasbro were wishy-washy about this. Equestria is not a utopia, but it was often depicted as being such, which I find to be a problem, because it's an unrealistic way to tell a story, even in the context of magical or whimsical. At least the comics from what I learned about them, explored Queen Chrysalis cruelty in more depth, in the later seasons of the show, the only reason she was a significant threat at all is because of Discord's antics assisting her, a queen of Changelings shouldn't need the aid of a rogue to be a problem for Equestria, her leadership and her Changeling horde should be enough for this, the moment a villain needs the help from an outsider, is where it comes off as broken, Mean Six betraying her did not help this either, is she supposed to be a villain or comic relief? sometimes she comes off as ineffective as a threat as Team Rocket from Pokemon, where Jesse and James are too dependent on Giovanni to get anything done.

I get what you're saying but I think MLP already has a good balance of redeemable and irredeemable villains.

On one side you have Nightmare Moon, Discord and the Pony of Shadows. On the other you have Lord Tirek, Cosy Glow and Queen Chrysalis.

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1 minute ago, Casey Pones said:

I get what you're saying but I think MLP already has a good balance of redeemable and irredeemable villains.

On one side you have Nightmare Moon, Discord and the Pony of Shadows. On the other you have Lord Tirek, Cosy Glow and Queen Chrysalis.

Princess Luna's story of why she became Nightmare Moon is more sympathetic though, she was still in the wrong to try to kill her sister, but that doesn't diminish the pain she was in when she felt marginalized as a result of not being appreciated for her important role in maintaining balance in Equestria's ecosystem. Isolation and neglect can do terrible things to individuals and lead to depression.


The episode Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? from season 5 showed Princess Luna to be genuinely remorseful for her actions, and her creation of the Tantabus to torment herself to punish herself for what she did, while understandable, it was still self harm, in her own way it was a cry for help, she suffered in silence for a time until other Ponies discovered the supernatural disturbance being caused by a dream demon. I just wished the future episodes dealt with the issue of Luna's mental health more gracefully instead of trying to pass it off as a one and done thing. Princess Luna was still in pain and those unresolved issues led to an argument between her and Celestia again in Royal Problem, which Starlight Glimmer ended up having to clean up while putting herself at risk of being exiled from Equestria.

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