Comet Tail 808 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 (edited) Basically, if you're hating any of the ponies, or anything, then you're officially a hater, and a hater isn't a brony. By definition, that cannot be possible. So I suggest you take the lesson from "Party of One": always assume the best. Be optimistic, like the nature of the show, and take the characters for what they really are: Twilight Sparkle - She's the protagonist, original viewpoint character! She's the adorkable bookworm who's just learning what friendship is. She's preachy, yeah, but only because she wants to help everypony. She's extremely understanding, loving, kind, and by far the most sensible pony of them all. And the poor thing was even somewhat socially inept at the beginning of the series. To hate her would just be outright cruel. Also, she's the one who went to the aid of Luna to help socialize her back into Ponyville. Rainbow Dash - She can be cocky, sure, but only because in reality she's insecure. Think that's overspeculation? Rarity from "Sonic Rainboom" disagrees. It's canon that she had stage fright and hid it perfectly. She doesn't actually believe all that smack talk - she just uses it to make up for fearing her own inability. She's terrified she's gonna mess up, (that much is indisputable canon) and because of that, she compensates by trying to get praise. Why does she want praise so bad? It makes sense, because of that canon-verified insecurity. Think she's too tomboyish or whatnot? Just look at her in "Read and Weep". I, too, disliked her for a bit near the beginning of season 2, but she returned to her "mortal" self again in "read and weep", and stopped being such a glory hound. And even if she seems mean at times, she is loyal. When Applebloom was feeling down in "Cutie Mark Chronicles", it was Rainbow Dash who popped in to cheer her up and help her. And her coaching, like in "Hurricane Fluttershy" and "Cutie Mark Chronicles" - was all to make the most of the pony so that they could feel good about themselves. She was coaching them, pushing them, so they would be proud of themselves afterwards. She's the one that rushed to Fluttershy's side when Fluttershy faced bullies in Flight Camp, in "Cutie Mark Chronicles". Make no mistake, she may be brash at times, but she's there to fight for you when you need it. Fluttershy - what kind of cruel being could hate Fluttershy? The only reason you'd hate her is because you're angry at your own shyness and introversion. She's indisputably the kindest and gentlest pony there is, without a doubt. Honestly there's not much left to say - other than reminding you of your own weaknesses, you'd have to be a monster to hate Fluttershy. Rarity - maybe fashion isn't your thing, it's certainly not mine, but without a doubt, Rarity is generous. She's always making designs for her friends, for free, might I add, where it probably took her hundreds, or even thousands of dollars bits to make them, not to mention a tremendous amount of her time and energy. Do you have any idea how long it would take to hoof-make five dresses, or how hard it would be to design five new, original, great designs? Not to mention, in "Sweet and Elite", she came face-to-face with her lifelong dreams, literally, her greatest hopes and fantasies were coming to life, and she sacrificed it all when she stood up for her friends at that party, so although at times she can be "very expressive" (i.e, drama queen), make no mistake, she has a strong core. Pinkie Pie - Pinkie lives to make you "smile smile smile" - literally, the whole self-given purpose of her existence is to cheer you up, lift you up when you're down, and make you happy. Her biggest flaw is certainly her excessive playfulness, and seeming inability to take things seriously. But she handled that in S2E13: "Baby Cakes" when she learned about work and responsibility. And don't forget - first encounter ever was a bit odd - just a big gasp and a dart off. But it was only because Pinkie was going to throw a surprise party, so Twilight Sparkle wouldn't be without any friends! Applejack - "The loyalist of friends, and most dependable of ponies!" as well as "the getalong'nist pony you're ever gonna meet", she works long and hard, and is the most reliable pony you could hope for, she's always there for you, and will be the first one to help - no matter how hard it is to help - when you need it. True, about what happened in "The Last Roundup", but it was only because she was so horrified and felt terrible at herself - for not having been as dependable as she usually is, and couldn't bear it when she failed her friends - something she had never done before, and likely won't do again. And remember - in "Fall Weather Friends", before the barrel race, even in a competition after a lot of smack-talk, when she saw RD was wide-eyed, scared, had stage fright, she nudged her and said: "Hey, don't be nervous. Remember it's all in good fun!" at 3:27, simply more proof of her character. And the first encounter? Not only was Applejack friendly, but she welcomed Twilight with open arms for family brunch, in her own loving, southern-style apple-farmin' family. Why - it's these same family values that led her to reunite Rarity and Sweetie Belle in the Sisterhooves Social! Sweetie Belle was right - Applejack would make an awesome sister! And they're all great friends. MLP:FiM is all about shipping, Friendshipping. This means they're a tight-night group of friends who support eachother. Some of them go through dark times, but when they can't do it on their own, the others are there to help them out. They have weaknesses, and times when they fail to live up to their strengths, but when they do, the other ponies are there to lift them back up again. They're all so closely connected you can't just pick one separate from the group, part of who they are is eachother, for if they didn't have eachother, then in those times when they were down, they would not have gotten back up. If they didn't have eachother, none of them would have their cutie marks, which defines their purpose in life, which defines who they are. So you accept them all as one - or not at all. They are inseparable from eachother, they are all, Very Best Friends! If you still hate any of them, then Rarity and RD have some less-than-kind words for you, from haters they've faced in the show. Basically, this is you, if you like one pony (like RD), but hate any others (like Pinkie) 8:26 http-~~-// Essentially, if you hate any pony, and love others, you're a Gilda! And the one pony you like, being a good friend to the others, would not be cool with that. So if you don't like any of the ponies - then let me quote Rainbow Dash - not even using my own words: "maybe you should find some new 'cool' friends, someplace else." Liking one pony, but hating any of the others: http-~~-// (And that is entirely in-context) Now, see my "Why Do Haters Hate?" thread. But, if you're willing to be true to yourself, have the courage to not hide in fear from the love, but to drop the hate, which really is nothing but fear, then we welcome you to the herd, where the only thing we don't love and tolerate - is hate. Only when you drop the hate can you really embrace the love, and - If you can think of anything else that makes these ponies lovable and awesome, post it please! Some poor ponies here need to love more - hate never brings happiness, but love and friendship, do! Edited June 18, 2012 by EASA - Matt 14 I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa! A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) I have a fimfic: I have a science tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Derpy Deluxe 64 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 seriously bro this is incredible... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
letterone 1,204 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 /)_- So basically what you're saying is that people aren't aloud to have personal opinions? That is exactly what it sounds like. 8 It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nah 3,182 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 If there is a pony you hate You're gonna have a bad time. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grtxkkyz 388 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 The only chars i hate are Gilda,Angel and Iron Will My Dragon Cave scroll: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonshy 2,305 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 This was technically already made, but I don't know what the policy for this is. Also, I think you may be over-thinking the characters and the plot. Yeh Want to know how to get more page views? Click here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1Fluttershy 411 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 I agree with the general idea you're getting at (that each character has something about them to like), but there's some parts of your post that I disagree with... Basically, if you're hating any of the ponies, or anything, then you're officially a hater, and a hater isn't a brony. By definition, that cannot be possible. Just because you dislike a character doesn't mean you're not a brony. A brony is a fan of MLP:FiM outside the target demographic. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so it's not really a big deal if someone dislikes a character. 11 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colon Leftbracket 971 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 I don't really "hate" any character. But I will say things like Rainbow Dash or Applejack are my least favorite of the Mane 6 for all sorts of reasons. It's just my personal opinion that I like Pinkie Pie over Fluttershy or Twilight Sparkle over Rarity. I mean nothing against the other Ponies that get the short end of the stick, it's just what I prefer. "Hate" is not an emotion that comes up when I watch MLP:FIM. Certainly I dislike the personalities of Trixie, Gilda, or Diamond Tiara, but I don't "hate" any of them. Hate is too strong of an emotion for a show like this. I'm sure that emotional energy used up on "hating" a Pony can be better used else where. 1 [New siggy in progress!] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 I can understand disliking people for hating on characters without properly reading into their personalities, aka, being ignorant of them in any way and making judgements. However, most people on here and in the community in general don't, they dislike them simply because of their personal personality traits, which everybody does. So, be careful when you make things like this, because it can sound just as rude as someone bashing a character you like. I agree with your post, and it's very detailed and thorough, but again, it's not as black and white as 'hate/dislike=not a brony/any other thing'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Victoria and Co. 782 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 Just because you dislike a character doesn't mean you're not a brony. A brony is a fan of MLP:FiM outside the target demographic. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so it's not really a big deal if someone dislikes a character. Yeah, for example, I don't like AJ too much.Why? Episode 15, Season 2. I don't hate her though, she is simply my least favourite pony. Out of ALL ponies. I even like Spike, Diamond Tiara, Gilda, and the Diamond Dogs better. I don't think I'm any less of a brony than I was before Episode 15. Or any more of a hater for that fact. This is something I do? This is something I do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Viridian Daybreak 66 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 Wow, this is a fantastic post bringing in why you shouldn't hate on the ponies! And, just a correction, RD cheered Applebloom up in Call of the Cutie, not Cutie Mark Chronicles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 Me'h I have a pony I used to hate, I have my personal opinion and I respect others, and that's why I heard them, when they tried to change my mind, they didn't make her my favorite pony, I earned a few more respect for her though Fluttershy - what kind of cruel being could hate Fluttershy? The only reason you'd hate her is because you're angry at your own shyness and introversion. She's indisputably the kindest and gentlest pony there is, without a doubt. Honestly there's not much left to say - other than reminding you of your own weaknesses, you'd have to be a monster to hate Fluttershy. I'm not shy, anypony can say that, sure I do tend to be shy about talking with others online, but I'm also one of the most hyper people ever, I'm not a monster, I'm weak sometimes yes, but I am not cruel, I'm a bit careless about what I say and wheter I hurt other's feelings, but I regret every moment I made somepony else feel sad or gloomy, there's no reason why I hate Fluttershy's personality, the thing I hate is that besides her shyness, and adorableness, I really don't find a backstory for her that can fit her character to be who she is, Rainbow Dash was a pony who stood up for others, Rarity was a pony who almost gave up on her dreams but something changed that, Twilight set a goal for herself and not only reached it, but blossomed from it, Applejack reminded herself that her real home was where her family and those she loved where at, Pinkie Pie grew up on a Rock farm where there wasn't much happiness but teached herself to smile and look at the bright side of things... that was my first thought of things, before certain ponies changed my mind, Fluttershy teached me something, I just didn't see much from it at the time, those ponies opened my eyes so I could see that, but I'm a brony, I always was, hating something, or having a different opinion from others doesn't change the fact that I am a brony I'm sorry if I seemed rude in that huge spoiler xD :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Comet Tail 808 June 18, 2012 Author Share June 18, 2012 (edited) /)_- So basically what you're saying is that people aren't aloud to have personal opinions? That is exactly what it sounds like. Absolutely not what I meant. I was somewhat hoping we could all agree hate is a bad thing. It certainly hasn't really done much good, historically speaking. Me'h I have a pony I used to hate, I have my personal opinion and I respect others, and that's why I heard them, when they tried to change my mind, they didn't make her my favorite pony, I earned a few more respect for her though I'm not shy, anypony can say that, sure I do tend to be shy about talking with others online, but I'm also one of the most hyper people ever, I'm not a monster, I'm weak sometimes yes, but I am not cruel, I'm a bit careless about what I say and wheter I hurt other's feelings, but I regret every moment I made somepony else feel sad or gloomy, there's no reason why I hate Fluttershy's personality, the thing I hate is that besides her shyness, and adorableness, I really don't find a backstory for her that can fit her character to be who she is, Rainbow Dash was a pony who stood up for others, Rarity was a pony who almost gave up on her dreams but something changed that, Twilight set a goal for herself and not only reached it, but blossomed from it, Applejack reminded herself that her real home was where her family and those she loved where at, Pinkie Pie grew up on a Rock farm where there wasn't much happiness but teached herself to smile and look at the bright side of things... that was my first thought of things, before certain ponies changed my mind, Fluttershy teached me something, I just didn't see much from it at the time, those ponies opened my eyes so I could see that, but I'm a brony, I always was, hating something, or having a different opinion from others doesn't change the fact that I am a brony I'm sorry if I seemed rude in that huge spoiler xD I agree with the general idea you're getting at (that each character has something about them to like), but there's some parts of your post that I disagree with... Just because you dislike a character doesn't mean you're not a brony. A brony is a fan of MLP:FiM outside the target demographic. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so it's not really a big deal if someone dislikes a character. (to both quotes) Well, I didn't say dislike, I said hate. I know a guy that comments how he wants to kill Rarity, and can't stand Twilight Sparkle. That's what I'm talking about, more particularly the "wants to kill" part. Just that destructive, violent hate. It's totally against everything the show stands for. Edited June 18, 2012 by EASA - Matt I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa! A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) I have a fimfic: I have a science tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 Well, I didn't say dislike, I said hate. Well, I said I used to hate the pony.... :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1Fluttershy 411 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 (to both quotes) Well, I didn't say dislike, I said hate. I know a guy that comments how he wants to kill Rarity, and can't stand Twilight Sparkle. That's what I'm talking about, more particularly the "wants to kill" part. Just that destructive, violent hate. It's totally against everything the show stands for. Most people that say they "want to kill" a character don't actually mean it, and just use it because it's an easier way to express how much they dislike a certain character. While that might be a bit extreme to say, there still isn't really anything wrong with it since hating a character is still just an opinion. That being said, a person isn't any less of a brony if they don't adhere to what the show stands for. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Comet Tail 808 June 18, 2012 Author Share June 18, 2012 (edited) Well, I said I used to hate the pony.... Most people that say they "want to kill" a character don't actually mean it, and just use it because it's an easier way to express how much they dislike a certain character. While that might be a bit extreme to say, there still isn't really anything wrong with it since hating a character is still just an opinion. That being said, a person isn't any less of a brony if they don't adhere to what the show stands for. I didn't say they couldn't have an opinion, I'm just opposed to hate. And isn't it kind of a paradox to oppose someone, saying that they should respect others' opinions? 'Cause, I mean, that's kind of disrespecting the person's opinion. As for my big point: It's not really that complicated. We shouldn't hate. Shazam. And I said they're not a brony because it's a great disappointment; originally I loved the community as a refuge from hate, cynicism, and just meanness. But those things seem to be growing, and I'm not just gonna stand back and watch. I'm gonna stand up for the loving and kind attitude the show had that originally inspired the fanbase and everything. I don't like to see people with lots of hate call themselves part of the fanbase. I have a lot of debatable viewpoints, that should not be one of them. I was somewhat hoping that was something most people could agree on... Love=good Hate=bad therefore, Love don't hate. Edited June 18, 2012 by EASA - Matt I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa! A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) I have a fimfic: I have a science tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pickin Stone 28 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 Alright, I have to put in some input here. I can't say i hate any pony in this show but i can at least relate this to another show. Full Metal Alchemist is a wonderful example, I HATED how in the end he gets trapped on the other side away from his alchemy, BUT i am no less a fan of the series for this fact. It is possible to hate a certain aspect of something without taking away your overall love for it. Let them be entitled to their opinion without tearing them down for it. On the other hand, those that do possess this hate she find a better way of putting it, pointing out flaws and failings are alright but please don't just say "she is horrible", "She should die", etc. Express your distaste then let it go. I didn't say they couldn't have an opinion, I'm just opposed to hate. It's not really that complicated. We shouldn't hate. Shazam. the way in which you put this is in itself a form of hate. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moneyshredderofdeath 414 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 (edited) I think it's good to have a generally optimistic outlook but I don't think hate is a bad thing, per se. Nothing is immune to criticism, ponies included, and it's only fair to criticize flaws when one sees fit. Even if "dislike" is more appropriate a term in some of these cases, ultimately I don't think expressing your dislike or hate is a bad thing so long as it doesn't dominate you and hinders your enjoyment of ponies or anything else. Edited June 18, 2012 by Salty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Comet Tail 808 June 18, 2012 Author Share June 18, 2012 ADDED: And yeah, just think of how the characters would respond to hate. See how Rainbow Dash basically told Gilda to buzz off, after seeing her explode and act like a jerk to her friends? There's some point where you just don't tolerate stuff. Because at some point, tolerating is failing to stand up for things that need to be stood up for. Rainbow Dash stood up for her pony friends, she didn't tolerate Gilda's hate. I won't tolerate hate, that's just one of those things. I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa! A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) I have a fimfic: I have a science tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr.RedundantPh.D 60 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 The only chars i hate are Gilda,Angel and Iron Will I get the first 2, but come on, iron will is pretty cool. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Comet Tail 808 June 18, 2012 Author Share June 18, 2012 Alright, I have to put in some input here. I can't say i hate any pony in this show but i can at least relate this to another show. Full Metal Alchemist is a wonderful example, I HATED how in the end he gets trapped on the other side away from his alchemy, BUT i am no less a fan of the series for this fact. It is possible to hate a certain aspect of something without taking away your overall love for it. Let them be entitled to their opinion without tearing them down for it. On the other hand, those that do possess this hate she find a better way of putting it, pointing out flaws and failings are alright but please don't just say "she is horrible", "She should die", etc. Express your distaste then let it go. the way in which you put this is in itself a form of hate. That was a mistake on my part. I merely meant to emphasize a single, simple point. Hostile or mean intonation was not intended. I think it's good to have a generally optimistic outlook but I don't think hate is a bad thing, per se. Nothing is immune to criticism, ponies included, and it's only fair to criticize flaws when one sees fit. Even if "dislike" is more appropriate a term in some of these cases, ultimately I don't think expressing your dislike or hate is a bad thing so long as it doesn't dominate you and hinders your enjoyment of ponies or anything else. I just think hate is destructive. It should at least be dislike, but hate implies, at least to me, that it's backed up by a destructive tendency. I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa! A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) I have a fimfic: I have a science tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pickin Stone 28 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 I'm sorry to point this out but: I won't tolerate hate, that's just one of those things. It's understandable, but still. Just best to be careful how things are worded "hate brings only more hate" I'm sorry to point this out but: I won't tolerate hate, that's just one of those things. It's understandable, but still. Just best to be careful how things are worded "hate brings only more hate" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 (edited) Good post, I try my best to love and tolerate everypony on the show (although I must say I like Snips, Snails, and Trixie the least, but they do have some merits I guess ). Edited June 18, 2012 by SBB64 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Comet Tail 808 June 18, 2012 Author Share June 18, 2012 Good post, I try my best to love and tolerate everypony on the show (although I must say I like Snips, Snails, and Trixie the least, but they do have some merits I guess ). Kudos on managing that lol. 1 I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa! A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) I have a fimfic: I have a science tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SrFrog 927 June 18, 2012 Share June 18, 2012 To be fair, I don't think it's a genuine hate most of those supposed haters feel. Just a dislike for what the characters represent, though perhaps that might be optimistic of me. "Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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