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private Everfree Fugitive


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Lily sipped again. "lovely tea, rook, I'm sure your mare friend will admire you greatly. If I may interject before we decide to do any rash," lily said, acting posh. "you are not the most wanted. Some pony called "the doctor" is. You are secondly, I have met carrick, he will be the most troublesome of ponies to convert to the dark side. I suggest we go out the back and slip away, not attack" she concluded with another sip of tea.

Edited by lilymalady123
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"Shit, the police. And Carrick is with them. I could get us all out but that would put a target on all of us. Anyone got any idea's?" Blaze said contemplating what to do next.


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That look on his face. Why does it feel weird that he had said it?


Carrick's memory had that scene implanted on his mind since it happened. He took a small vacation down in Canterlot when it all happened. The explosion. Carrick was a pony to rush into a scene of action or in this case, a crime. When he got there, it was brutal. A dead little mare on the ground. Somepony blow her up. The look of despair and regret on his face when he said it was an accident than, he disappeared.


Carrick was than pulled out of vacation to investigate the crime scene. He didn't seem to mind, he enjoyed his work rather well. However, there wasn't much to investigate. Whoever pony did this had a record of explosives and this work was no different. The explosive itself was high class, not many ponies know how to create something like this. They had to do it precisely correct to create something like a rock slide to make it look like an accident. Plus, culprit was already seen. The name was "Blaze." It goes with everything, this all seems like a boring mystery. Yet, something felt off. His gut told him another story. Usually, he trusted his gut but, he felt that his head was right about it. Still, he wanted to ask questions to this Blaze, maybe there's something else. The only way to do that is to find him...


There were sights from various ponies that Blaze had been spotted in Ponyville. A rural area that Carrick had once called home. When those sighting had been told, Carrick was then pulled out of Canterlot and into Ponyville to find Blaze.


Carrick saw the various posters of Blaze all around Ponyville. Maybe those sighting were just posters Carrick thought to himself. The detective went to talk to a pony that lived near the Everfree Forest. If somepony was smart, they would lay low in the forest. The pony stated that there was a pony that had come in and out of the forest.


"Where would I find the pony?"


"Uhhh...I think...she went that way" She pointed at Rook's house.


"Thank you ma'am." Carrick tipped his hat to her and walked to Rook's house.


"Wait..." Carrick turned around. "I heard some thunder around there, you should be careful."


"I'll be fine" Carrick said.


Thunder? On a clear day like this? What would somepony do....wait... Carrick started to galloped hard as he went to Rook's house.


He look at the house, it seemed pretty normal. He gave loud knock on the door. "THIS IS THE POLICE!"


(OOC: nice timing)

Edited by NinjaCPU
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Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"Interesting...Carrick is alone...Lily this is our chance. I need you to stun him when he enters, I don't know when another time will come up to get him. Linus scare him a little so he doesn't do anything rash, and Rook.....can you, like, just stay out of sight please?" Blaze said as he thought of what to say to Carrick

Edited by Songbrony


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"Here's an Idea, let's NOT kill him, and you guys hid in a room, NOW!" The three ponies reluctantly nodded, and rushed off. When They were gone, Rook opened the door.


"Ah, Carrick. How's it going?"


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"Oh, Rook." Carrick was surprised to see Rook. He didn't except him to be in this house.


"Pleasure meeting you here. I'm sorry to ask this but, can I ask a couple of questions? It's about a case." Carrick replied to him.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Rook looked past Carrick and saw his date, Starbolt, waving for him. "Er.. can it wait, I have to meet with somepony... soon." Rook looked at his teapot, "Would you like some tea?"


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Carrick shook his head "It can't wait. Though, it shouldn't take too long." Carrick felt something off about him. Is he hiding something? "and yes, some tea would be nice."

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"Ok" Rook let Carrick in and poured him a cup. "I take it that your looking for Blaze, right?"


"How did-"


"Seems obvious. Explosion has Blaze's name written all over it, not to mention that you know Blaze and I are foalhood friends."


"Well then..."


"No, I don't know where he is. After the whole murder thing, I lost track of him."


The door knocked.


"I believe that is Starbolt now. Are we done here?"


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lily smiled at blaze. "im going out there." lily said. "fun stuff must never be missed. besides, me being here is no conspiracy, right?" lily came out of the room and shook her mane slowly. "why, hello there carrick!" she smiled at him warmly, "what brings you here?" she picked up her tea and continued to sip at it.

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Carrick looked at Lilly. It was the first time seeing her in person. He gave a brief smile to her as he took a sip of tea. "Hello there, Lilly."


Carrick looked at Rook. "I'm just a bit surprised that you were so quick to the gun. Even for you, that's good." Carrick took another sip.


"You aren't telling me something. Call it what you want but, I feel it." Carrick said.


"You know what happens when I found out that you were helping Blaze." Carrick tipped his hat up.


"So, I'm gonna ask. Do you know where Blaze is?"

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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lily yawned. "doesnt this bore you, mr carrick?" lily picked up a pad and pen with her magic and started to draw, "being a cop, so many rules... no adventure." she smirked and looked and carrick like she knew something

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"since rook invited me here, he has been so upset. blaze has gone missing and i cant find him anywhere. though, a brave cop like you will always come through, right? or... did you lose your policeman touch?" lily said in a somewhat worried yet still calm voice

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"Linus I need you to be my eyes and ears. I need to know what Carrick knows. So please go out and help. Nopony knows you so please do this." Blaze told Linus earnestly


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A plug just connected into the socket of his brain. Lily's words and his realization of who the hell she was. Lily = Blaze = Rook's a big fat liar. Carrick gave a big "heh." He turned to Lily and tipped his hat up again.


"Well, Rook." Carrick took a big sip, he decide to see why Rook just gave himself the death sentence. "Why did you do it?"

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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The Door knocked again. "Look, I need to take this" Rook got up and opened the door.


"Hey, Rook. Good to see you again. Are you ready?" Starbolt said with smile on her face.


"Er... I'm really sorry. Something has come up... Tommorow?"


"Wait, Why?"


"I can't explain right now..."


Starbolt narrowed her gaze. "Ok, Tommorrow then. Same time?"


"Sure!" Rook quickly closed the door. "I hope you're happy. That was my first date in over two years." Rook then picked a cup of tea and sipped it to calmed down. "Like I said, I don't know where Blaze is. Lily and I are good friends. She was just here for... companionship" That thought didn't go over well in his mind.


Carrick was very skeptical, but the whole situation seemed to make sense... but he knew Rook too well, as they worked together a lot. This did not seem typical of him. Yet, he didn't want to arrest his friend...and wanted to give Rook the benefit of the doubt. However, the evidence was compelling. Carrick got his hancuffs out.

Edited by AnonyPoni


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"I have to stop this!" Blaze thought as he silently worked his way out of the room. He went outside through a window and when around to the door. He yanked it opened and threw Carrick to the ground. "Oh no you don't!!" Blaze yelled as he tackled Carrick to the ground to prevent the arrest of his friend.


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"What the-" Carrick got tackled down the ground. He opened his eyes to see the suspect Blaze on him. "Oh no you don't!" Blaze yelled at him.


Carrick pulled his head back and went to his head with Blaze's. "Instead of getting yourself in trouble, you got Rook too? What is wrong with you?"

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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